acl_get('m_approve', $forum_id)) { $status_ary[] = ITEM_UNAPPROVED; } if ($auth->acl_get('m_restore', $forum_id)) { $status_ary[] = ITEM_DELETED; if (sizeof($status_ary) == 3) { // The user can see all types, so we simplify this to an empty string, // as we don't need to restrict anything on the query. return ''; } // If the user has m_restore, the rest of the function will not // make more content visible, so we can return the query here. return $db->sql_in_set($table_alias . $mode . '_visibility', $status_ary); } $clause = $db->sql_in_set($table_alias . $mode . '_visibility', $status_ary); // only allow the user to view deleted posts he himself made if ($auth->acl_get('f_restore', $forum_id) && !$auth->acl_get('m_restore', $forum_id)) { $poster_column = ($mode == 'topic') ? 'topic_poster' : 'poster_id'; $clause = '(' . $clause . " OR ($table_alias{$mode}_visibility = " . ITEM_DELETED . " AND $table_alias$poster_column = " . (int) $user->data['user_id'] . '))'; } return $clause; } /** * Fetch visibility SQL for a set of forums * @param $mode string - either "topic" or "post" * @param $forum_ids - int array - * @param $table_alias string - Table alias to prefix in SQL queries * @return string with the appropriate combination SQL logic for topic/post_visibility */ static public function get_visibility_sql_forums($mode, $forum_ids = array(), $table_alias = '') { global $auth, $db, $user; // users can always see approved posts $where_sql = "($table_alias{$mode}_visibility = " . ITEM_APPROVED; // in set notation: {approve_forums} = {m_approve} - {exclude_forums} $approve_forums = array_intersect($forum_ids, array_keys($auth->acl_getf('m_approve', true))); if (sizeof($approve_forums)) { // users can view unapproved topics in certain forums. specify them. $where_sql .= " OR ($table_alias{$mode}_visibility = " . ITEM_UNAPPROVED . ' AND ' . $db->sql_in_set($table_alias . 'forum_id', $approve_forums) . ')'; } // this is exactly the same logic as for approve forums, above $restore_forums = array_intersect($forum_ids, array_keys($auth->acl_getf('m_restore', true))); if (sizeof($restore_forums)) { $where_sql .= " OR ($table_alias{$mode}_visibility = " . ITEM_DELETED . ' AND ' . $db->sql_in_set($table_alias . 'forum_id', $restore_forums) . ')'; } // we also allow the user to view deleted posts he himself made $user_restore_forums = array_diff(array_intersect($forum_ids, array_keys($auth->acl_getf('f_restore', true))), $restore_forums); if (sizeof($user_restore_forums) && !sizeof($restore_forums)) { $poster_column = ($mode == 'topic') ? 'topic_poster' : 'poster_id'; // specify the poster ID, the visibility type, and the forums we're interested in $where_sql .= " OR ($table_alias$poster_column = " . $user->data['user_id'] . " AND $table_alias{$mode}_visibility = " . ITEM_DELETED . " AND " . $db->sql_in_set($table_alias . 'forum_id', $user_restore_forums) . ')'; } $where_sql .= ')'; return $where_sql; } /** * Fetch visibility SQL for all forums on the board. * @param $mode string - either "topic" or "post" * @param $exclude_forum_ids - int array - * @param $table_alias string - Table alias to prefix in SQL queries * @return string with the appropriate combination SQL logic for topic/post_visibility */ static public function get_visibility_sql_global($mode, $exclude_forum_ids = array(), $table_alias = '') { global $auth, $db, $user; // users can always see approved posts $where_sql = "($table_alias{$mode}_visibility = " . ITEM_APPROVED; // in set notation: {approve_forums} = {m_approve} - {exclude_forums} $approve_forums = array_diff(array_keys($auth->acl_getf('m_approve', true)), $exclude_forum_ids); if (sizeof($approve_forums)) { // users can view unapproved topics in certain forums. specify them. $where_sql .= " OR ($table_alias{$mode}_visibility = " . ITEM_UNAPPROVED . ' AND ' . $db->sql_in_set($table_alias . 'forum_id', $approve_forums) . ')'; } // this is exactly the same logic as for approve forums, above $restore_forums = array_diff(array_keys($auth->acl_getf('m_restore', true)), $exclude_forum_ids); if (sizeof($restore_forums)) { $where_sql .= " OR ($table_alias{$mode}_visibility = " . ITEM_DELETED . ' AND ' . $db->sql_in_set($table_alias . 'forum_id', $restore_forums) . ')'; } // we also allow the user to view deleted posts he himself made $user_restore_forums = array_diff(array_keys($auth->acl_getf('f_restore', true)), $exclude_forum_ids); if (sizeof($user_restore_forums) && !sizeof($restore_forums)) { $poster_column = ($mode == 'topic') ? 'topic_poster' : 'poster_id'; // specify the poster ID, the visibility type, and the forums we're interested in $where_sql .= " OR ($table_alias$poster_column = " . $user->data['user_id'] . " AND $table_alias{$mode}_visibility = " . ITEM_DELETED . " AND " . $db->sql_in_set($table_alias . 'forum_id', $user_restore_forums) . ')'; } $where_sql .= ')'; return $where_sql; } /** * Description: Allows approving (which is akin to undeleting), unapproving (!) or soft deleting an entire topic. * Calls set_post_visibility as needed. * @param $visibility - int - element of {ITEM_UNAPPROVED, ITEM_APPROVED, ITEM_DELETED} * @param $topic_id - int - topic ID to act on * @param $forum_id - int - forum ID where $topic_id resides * @return bool true = success, false = fail */ static public function set_topic_visibility($visibility, $topic_id, $forum_id) { global $db; $sql = 'UPDATE ' . TOPICS_TABLE . ' SET topic_visibility = ' . (int) $visibility . ' WHERE topic_id = ' . (int) $topic_id; $db->sql_query($sql); // if we're approving, disapproving, or deleteing a topic, assume that // we are adjusting _all_ posts in that topic. $status = self::set_post_visibility($visibility, false, $topic_id, $forum_id, true, true); return $status; } /** * @param $visibility - int - element of {ITEM_UNAPPROVED, ITEM_APPROVED, ITEM_DELETED} * @param $post_id - int - the post ID to act on * @param $topic_id - int - forum where $post_id is found * @param $forum_id - int - forum ID where $topic_id resides * @param $is_starter - bool - is this the first post of the topic * @param $is_latest - bool - is this the last post of the topic */ static public function set_post_visibility($visibility, $post_id, $topic_id, $forum_id, $is_starter, $is_latest) { global $db; // if we're changing the starter, we need to change the rest of the topic if ($is_starter && !$is_latest) { return self::set_topic_visibility($visibility, $topic_id, $forum_id); } if ($post_id) { $where_sql = 'post_id = ' . (int) $post_id; } else if ($topic_id) { $where_sql = 'topic_id = ' . (int) $topic_id; } else { // throw new MissingArgumentsException(); <-- a nice idea return false; } $sql = 'UPDATE ' . POSTS_TABLE . ' SET post_visibility = ' . (int) $visibility . ' WHERE ' . $where_sql; $db->sql_query($sql); // Sync the first/last topic information if needed if ($is_starter || $is_latest) { update_post_information('topic', $topic_id, false); update_post_information('forum', $forum_id, false); } } /** * Can the current logged-in user soft-delete posts? * @param $forum_id - int - the forum ID whose permissions to check * @param $poster_id - int - the poster ID of the post in question * @param $post_locked - bool - is the post locked? * @return bool */ static function can_soft_delete($forum_id, $poster_id, $post_locked) { global $auth, $user; if ($auth->acl_get('m_softdelete', $forum_id)) { return true; } else if ($auth->acl_get('f_softdelete', $forum_id) && $poster_id == $user->data['user_id'] && !$post_locked) { return true; } return false; } /** * Can the current logged-in user restore soft-deleted posts? * @param $forum_id - int - the forum ID whose permissions to check * @param $poster_id - int - the poster ID of the post in question * @param $post_locked - bool - is the post locked? * @return bool */ public function can_restore($forum_id, $poster_id, $post_locked) { global $auth, $user; if ($auth->acl_get('m_restore', $forum_id)) { return true; } else if ($auth->acl_get('f_restore', $forum_id) && $poster_id == $user->data['user_id'] && !$post_locked) { return true; } return false; } /** * Do the required math to hide a complete topic (going from approved to * unapproved or from approved to deleted) * @param $topic_id - int - the topic to act on * @param $forum_id - int - the forum where the topic resides * @param $topic_row - array - data about the topic, may be empty at call time * @param $sql_data - array - populated with the SQL changes, may be empty at call time * @return void */ static public function hide_topic($topic_id, $forum_id, &$topic_row, &$sql_data) { global $auth, $config, $db; // Do we need to grab some topic informations? if (!sizeof($topic_row)) { $sql = 'SELECT topic_type, topic_replies, topic_replies_real, topic_visibility FROM ' . TOPICS_TABLE . ' WHERE topic_id = ' . $topic_id; $result = $db->sql_query($sql); $topic_row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result); $db->sql_freeresult($result); } // If this is the only post remaining we do not need to decrement topic_replies. // Also do not decrement if first post - then the topic_replies will not be adjusted if approving the topic again. // If this is an edited topic or the first post the topic gets completely disapproved later on... $sql_data[FORUMS_TABLE] = 'forum_topics = forum_topics - 1'; $sql_data[FORUMS_TABLE] .= ', forum_posts = forum_posts - ' . ($topic_row['topic_replies'] + 1); set_config_count('num_topics', -1, true); set_config_count('num_posts', ($topic_row['topic_replies'] + 1) * (-1), true); // Only decrement this post, since this is the one non-approved now if ($auth->acl_get('f_postcount', $forum_id)) { $sql_data[USERS_TABLE] = 'user_posts = user_posts - 1'; } } /** * Do the required math to hide a single post (going from approved to * unapproved or from approved to deleted) * Notably, we do _not_ need the post ID to do this operation. We're only changing statistic caches * @param $forum_id - int - the forum where the topic resides * @param $current_time - int - passed for consistency instead of calling time() internally * @param $topic_row - array - contains information from the topics table about given topic * @param $sql_data - array - populated with the SQL changes, may be empty at call time * @return void */ static public function hide_post($forum_id, $current_time, $topic_row, &$sql_data) { global $auth, $config, $db; // initialize the array if needed (php throws E_NOTICE when .= is used // on a non-existing array element) if (empty($sql_data[TOPICS_TABLE])) { $sql_data[TOPICS_TABLE] = ''; } if ($topic_row['topic_replies'] > 0) { $sql_data[TOPICS_TABLE] = 'topic_replies = topic_replies - 1,'; } $sql_data[TOPICS_TABLE] .= ' topic_last_view_time = ' . $current_time; $sql_data[FORUMS_TABLE] = 'forum_posts = forum_posts - 1'; set_config_count('num_posts', -1, true); if ($auth->acl_get('f_postcount', $forum_id)) { $sql_data[USERS_TABLE] = 'user_posts = user_posts - 1'; } } /** * One function to rule them all ... and unhide posts and topics. This could * reasonably be broken up, I straight copied this code from the mcp_queue.php * file here for global access. * @param $mode - string - member of the set {'approve', 'restore'} * @param $post_info - array - Contains info from post U topics table about * the posts/topics in question * @param $post_id_list - array of ints - the set of posts being worked on */ static public function unhide_posts_topics($mode, $post_info, $post_id_list) { global $db, $config; // If Topic -> total_topics = total_topics+1, total_posts = total_posts+1, forum_topics = forum_topics+1, forum_posts = forum_posts+1 // If Post -> total_posts = total_posts+1, forum_posts = forum_posts+1, topic_replies = topic_replies+1 $total_topics = $total_posts = 0; $topic_approve_sql = $post_approve_sql = $topic_id_list = $forum_id_list = $approve_log = array(); $user_posts_sql = $post_approved_list = array(); foreach ($post_info as $post_id => $post_data) { if ($post_data['post_visibility'] == ITEM_APPROVED) { $post_approved_list[] = $post_id; continue; } $topic_id_list[$post_data['topic_id']] = 1; if ($post_data['forum_id']) { $forum_id_list[$post_data['forum_id']] = 1; } // User post update (we do not care about topic or post, since user posts are strictly connected to posts) // But we care about forums where post counts get not increased. ;) if ($post_data['post_postcount']) { $user_posts_sql[$post_data['poster_id']] = (empty($user_posts_sql[$post_data['poster_id']])) ? 1 : $user_posts_sql[$post_data['poster_id']] + 1; } // Topic or Post. ;) if ($post_data['topic_first_post_id'] == $post_id) { if ($post_data['forum_id']) { $total_topics++; } $topic_approve_sql[] = $post_data['topic_id']; $approve_log[] = array( 'type' => 'topic', 'post_subject' => $post_data['post_subject'], 'forum_id' => $post_data['forum_id'], 'topic_id' => $post_data['topic_id'], ); } else { $approve_log[] = array( 'type' => 'post', 'post_subject' => $post_data['post_subject'], 'forum_id' => $post_data['forum_id'], 'topic_id' => $post_data['topic_id'], ); } if ($post_data['forum_id']) { $total_posts++; // Increment by topic_replies if we approve a topic... // This works because we do not adjust the topic_replies when re-approving a topic after an edit. if ($post_data['topic_first_post_id'] == $post_id && $post_data['topic_replies']) { $total_posts += $post_data['topic_replies']; } } $post_approve_sql[] = $post_id; } $post_id_list = array_values(array_diff($post_id_list, $post_approved_list)); for ($i = 0, $size = sizeof($post_approved_list); $i < $size; $i++) { unset($post_info[$post_approved_list[$i]]); } if (sizeof($topic_approve_sql)) { $sql = 'UPDATE ' . TOPICS_TABLE . ' SET topic_visibility = ' . ITEM_APPROVED . ' WHERE ' . $db->sql_in_set('topic_id', $topic_approve_sql); $db->sql_query($sql); } if (sizeof($post_approve_sql)) { $sql = 'UPDATE ' . POSTS_TABLE . ' SET post_visibility = ' . ITEM_APPROVED . ' WHERE ' . $db->sql_in_set('post_id', $post_approve_sql); $db->sql_query($sql); } unset($topic_approve_sql, $post_approve_sql); foreach ($approve_log as $log_data) { add_log('mod', $log_data['forum_id'], $log_data['topic_id'], ($log_data['type'] == 'topic') ? 'LOG_TOPIC_' . strtoupper($mode) . 'D' : 'LOG_POST_' . strtoupper($mode) . 'D', $log_data['post_subject']); } if (sizeof($user_posts_sql)) { // Try to minimize the query count by merging users with the same post count additions $user_posts_update = array(); foreach ($user_posts_sql as $user_id => $user_posts) { $user_posts_update[$user_posts][] = $user_id; } foreach ($user_posts_update as $user_posts => $user_id_ary) { $sql = 'UPDATE ' . USERS_TABLE . ' SET user_posts = user_posts + ' . $user_posts . ' WHERE ' . $db->sql_in_set('user_id', $user_id_ary); $db->sql_query($sql); } } if ($total_topics) { set_config_count('num_topics', $total_topics, true); } if ($total_posts) { set_config_count('num_posts', $total_posts, true); } if (!function_exists('sync')) { global $phpbb_root_path, $phpEx; include ($phpbb_root_path . 'includes/functions_admin.'.$phpEx); } sync('topic', 'topic_id', array_keys($topic_id_list), true); sync('forum', 'forum_id', array_keys($forum_id_list), true, true); unset($topic_id_list, $forum_id_list); if ($total_topics) { $success_msg = ($total_topics == 1) ? 'TOPIC_APPROVED_SUCCESS' : 'TOPICS_APPROVED_SUCCESS'; } else { $success_msg = (sizeof($post_id_list) + sizeof($post_approved_list) == 1) ? 'POST_APPROVED_SUCCESS' : 'POSTS_APPROVED_SUCCESS'; } return $success_msg; } }