make_filename('bbcode.tpl'); $tpl = fread(fopen($tpl_filename, 'r'), filesize($tpl_filename)); // replace \ with \\ and then ' with \'. $tpl = str_replace('\\', '\\\\', $tpl); $tpl = str_replace('\'', '\\\'', $tpl); // strip newlines. $tpl = str_replace("\n", '', $tpl); // Turn template blocks into PHP assignment statements for the values of $bbcode_tpls.. $tpl = preg_replace('#(.*?)#', "\n" . '$bbcode_tpls[\'\\1\'] = \'\\2\';', $tpl); $bbcode_tpls = array(); eval($tpl); return $bbcode_tpls; } /** * Prepares the loaded bbcode templates for insertion into preg_replace() * or str_replace() calls in the bbencode_second_pass functions. This * means replacing template placeholders with the appropriate preg backrefs * or with language vars. NOTE: If you change how the regexps work in * bbencode_second_pass(), you MUST change this function. * * Nathan Codding, Sept 26 2001 * */ function prepare_bbcode_template($bbcode_tpl) { global $lang; $bbcode_tpl['olist_open'] = str_replace('{LIST_TYPE}', '\\1', $bbcode_tpl['olist_open']); $bbcode_tpl['color_open'] = str_replace('{COLOR}', '\\1', $bbcode_tpl['color_open']); $bbcode_tpl['size_open'] = str_replace('{SIZE}', '\\1', $bbcode_tpl['size_open']); $bbcode_tpl['quote_open'] = str_replace('{L_QUOTE}', $lang['Quote'], $bbcode_tpl['quote_open']); $bbcode_tpl['quote_username_open'] = str_replace('{L_QUOTE}', $lang['Quote'], $bbcode_tpl['quote_username_open']); $bbcode_tpl['quote_username_open'] = str_replace('{L_WROTE}', $lang['wrote'], $bbcode_tpl['quote_username_open']); $bbcode_tpl['quote_username_open'] = str_replace('{USERNAME}', '\\1', $bbcode_tpl['quote_username_open']); $bbcode_tpl['code_open'] = str_replace('{L_CODE}', $lang['Code'], $bbcode_tpl['code_open']); $bbcode_tpl['img'] = str_replace('{URL}', '\\1', $bbcode_tpl['img']); // We do URLs in several different ways.. $bbcode_tpl['url1'] = str_replace('{URL}', '\\1\\2', $bbcode_tpl['url']); $bbcode_tpl['url1'] = str_replace('{DESCRIPTION}', '\\1\\2', $bbcode_tpl['url1']); $bbcode_tpl['url2'] = str_replace('{URL}', 'http://\\1', $bbcode_tpl['url']); $bbcode_tpl['url2'] = str_replace('{DESCRIPTION}', '\\1', $bbcode_tpl['url2']); $bbcode_tpl['url3'] = str_replace('{URL}', '\\1\\2', $bbcode_tpl['url']); $bbcode_tpl['url3'] = str_replace('{DESCRIPTION}', '\\3', $bbcode_tpl['url3']); $bbcode_tpl['url4'] = str_replace('{URL}', 'http://\\1', $bbcode_tpl['url']); $bbcode_tpl['url4'] = str_replace('{DESCRIPTION}', '\\2', $bbcode_tpl['url4']); $bbcode_tpl['email'] = str_replace('{EMAIL}', '\\1', $bbcode_tpl['email']); define("BBCODE_TPL_READY", true); return $bbcode_tpl; } /** * Does second-pass bbencoding. This should be used before displaying the message in * a thread. Assumes the message is already first-pass encoded, and we are given the * correct UID as used in first-pass encoding. */ function bbencode_second_pass($text, $uid) { global $lang, $bbcode_tpl; // pad it with a space so we can distinguish between FALSE and matching the 1st char (index 0). // This is important; bbencode_quote(), bbencode_list(), and bbencode_code() all depend on it. $text = " " . $text; // First: If there isn't a "[" and a "]" in the message, don't bother. if (! (strpos($text, "[") && strpos($text, "]")) ) { // Remove padding, return. $text = substr($text, 1); return $text; } // Only load the templates ONCE.. if (!defined("BBCODE_TPL_READY")) { // load templates from file into array. $bbcode_tpl = load_bbcode_template(); // prepare array for use in regexps. $bbcode_tpl = prepare_bbcode_template($bbcode_tpl); } // [CODE] and [/CODE] for posting code (HTML, PHP, C etc etc) in your posts. $text = bbencode_second_pass_code($text, $uid, $bbcode_tpl); // [list] and [list=x] for (un)ordered lists. // unordered lists $text = str_replace("[list:$uid]", $bbcode_tpl['ulist_open'], $text); // li tags $text = str_replace("[*:$uid]", $bbcode_tpl['listitem'], $text); // ending tags $text = str_replace("[/list:u:$uid]", $bbcode_tpl['ulist_close'], $text); $text = str_replace("[/list:o:$uid]", $bbcode_tpl['olist_close'], $text); // Ordered lists $text = preg_replace("/\[list=([a1]):$uid\]/si", $bbcode_tpl['olist_open'], $text); // colours $text = preg_replace("/\[color=(\#[0-9A-F]{6}|[a-z]+):$uid\]/si", $bbcode_tpl['color_open'], $text); $text = str_replace("[/color:$uid]", $bbcode_tpl['color_close'], $text); // size $text = preg_replace("/\[size=([\-\+]?[1-2]?[0-9]):$uid\]/si", $bbcode_tpl['size_open'], $text); $text = str_replace("[/size:$uid]", $bbcode_tpl['size_close'], $text); // [QUOTE] and [/QUOTE] for posting replies with quote, or just for quoting stuff. $text = str_replace("[quote:$uid]", $bbcode_tpl['quote_open'], $text); $text = str_replace("[/quote:$uid]", $bbcode_tpl['quote_close'], $text); // New one liner to deal with opening quotes with usernames... // replaces the two line version that I had here before.. $text = preg_replace("/\[quote:$uid=(?:\"?([^\"]*)\"?)\]/si", $bbcode_tpl['quote_username_open'], $text); // [b] and [/b] for bolding text. $text = str_replace("[b:$uid]", $bbcode_tpl['b_open'], $text); $text = str_replace("[/b:$uid]", $bbcode_tpl['b_close'], $text); // [u] and [/u] for underlining text. $text = str_replace("[u:$uid]", $bbcode_tpl['u_open'], $text); $text = str_replace("[/u:$uid]", $bbcode_tpl['u_close'], $text); // [i] and [/i] for italicizing text. $text = str_replace("[i:$uid]", $bbcode_tpl['i_open'], $text); $text = str_replace("[/i:$uid]", $bbcode_tpl['i_close'], $text); // Patterns and replacements for URL and email tags.. $patterns = array(); $replacements = array(); // [img]image_url_here[/img] code.. // This one gets first-passed.. $patterns[0] = "#\[img:$uid\](.*?)\[/img:$uid\]#si"; $replacements[0] = $bbcode_tpl['img']; // [url]xxxx://[/url] code.. $patterns[1] = "#\[url\]([a-z]+?://){1}([a-z0-9\.,\?!%\*_\#:~\\&$@\/=\+]+)\[/url\]#si"; $replacements[1] = $bbcode_tpl['url1']; // [url][/url] code.. (no xxxx:// prefix). $patterns[2] = "#\[url\]([a-z0-9\.,\?!%\*_\#:~\\&$@\/=\+]+)\[/url\]#si"; $replacements[2] = $bbcode_tpl['url2']; // [url=xxxx://]phpBB[/url] code.. $patterns[3] = "#\[url=([a-z]+?://){1}([a-z0-9\.,\?!%\*_\#:~\\&$@\/=\+]+)\](.*?)\[/url\]#si"; $replacements[3] = $bbcode_tpl['url3']; // []phpBB[/url] code.. (no xxxx:// prefix). $patterns[4] = "#\[url=([a-z0-9\.,\?!%\*_\#:~\\&$@\/=\+]+)\]([a-z\.,\?!%\*_\#:~\\&$@\/=\+]+)\[/url\]#si"; $replacements[4] = $bbcode_tpl['url4']; // [email]user@domain.tld[/email] code.. $patterns[5] = "#\[email\]([a-z0-9\.,\?!%\*_\#:~\\&$@\/=\+]+)\[/email\]#si"; $replacements[5] = $bbcode_tpl['email']; $text = preg_replace($patterns, $replacements, $text); // Remove our padding from the string.. $text = substr($text, 1); return $text; } // bbencode_second_pass() // Need to initialize the random numbers only ONCE mt_srand( (double) microtime() * 1000000); function make_bbcode_uid() { // Unique ID for this message.. $uid = md5(mt_rand()); $uid = substr($uid, 0, BBCODE_UID_LEN); return $uid; } function bbencode_first_pass($text, $uid) { // pad it with a space so we can distinguish between FALSE and matching the 1st char (index 0). // This is important; bbencode_quote(), bbencode_list(), and bbencode_code() all depend on it. $text = " " . $text; // [CODE] and [/CODE] for posting code (HTML, PHP, C etc etc) in your posts. $text = bbencode_first_pass_pda($text, $uid, '[code]', '[/code]', '', true, ''); // [QUOTE] and [/QUOTE] for posting replies with quote, or just for quoting stuff. $text = bbencode_first_pass_pda($text, $uid, '[quote]', '[/quote]', '', false, ''); $text = bbencode_first_pass_pda($text, $uid, '/\[quote=(\\\\".*?\\\\")\]/is', '[/quote]', '', false, '', "[quote:$uid=\\1]"); // [list] and [list=x] for (un)ordered lists. $open_tag = array(); $open_tag[0] = "[list]"; // unordered.. $text = bbencode_first_pass_pda($text, $uid, $open_tag, "[/list]", "[/list:u]", false, 'replace_listitems'); $open_tag[0] = "[list=1]"; $open_tag[1] = "[list=a]"; // ordered. $text = bbencode_first_pass_pda($text, $uid, $open_tag, "[/list]", "[/list:o]", false, 'replace_listitems'); // [color] and [/color] for setting text color $text = preg_replace("#\[color=(\#[0-9A-F]{6}|[a-z\-]+)\](.*?)\[/color\]#si", "[color=\\1:$uid]\\2[/color:$uid]", $text); // [size] and [/size] for setting text size $text = preg_replace("#\[size=([\-\+]?[1-2]?[0-9])\](.*?)\[/size\]#si", "[size=\\1:$uid]\\2[/size:$uid]", $text); // [b] and [/b] for bolding text. $text = preg_replace("#\[b\](.*?)\[/b\]#si", "[b:$uid]\\1[/b:$uid]", $text); // [u] and [/u] for underlining text. $text = preg_replace("#\[u\](.*?)\[/u\]#si", "[u:$uid]\\1[/u:$uid]", $text); // [i] and [/i] for italicizing text. $text = preg_replace("#\[i\](.*?)\[/i\]#si", "[i:$uid]\\1[/i:$uid]", $text); // [img]image_url_here[/img] code.. $text = preg_replace("#\[img\](([a-z]+?)://([^, \n\r]+))\[/img\]#si", "[img:$uid]\\1[/img:$uid]", $text); // Remove our padding from the string.. $text = substr($text, 1); return $text; } // bbencode_first_pass() /** * $text - The text to operate on. * $uid - The UID to add to matching tags. * $open_tag - The opening tag to match. Can be an array of opening tags. * $close_tag - The closing tag to match. * $close_tag_new - The closing tag to replace with. * $mark_lowest_level - boolean - should we specially mark the tags that occur * at the lowest level of nesting? (useful for [code], because * we need to match these tags first and transform HTML tags * in their contents.. * $func - This variable should contain a string that is the name of a function. * That function will be called when a match is found, and passed 2 * parameters: ($text, $uid). The function should return a string. * This is used when some transformation needs to be applied to the * text INSIDE a pair of matching tags. If this variable is FALSE or the * empty string, it will not be executed. * If open_tag is an array, then the pda will try to match pairs consisting of * any element of open_tag followed by close_tag. This allows us to match things * like [list=A]...[/list] and [list=1]...[/list] in one pass of the PDA. * * NOTES: - this function assumes the first character of $text is a space. * - every opening tag and closing tag must be of the [...] format. */ function bbencode_first_pass_pda($text, $uid, $open_tag, $close_tag, $close_tag_new, $mark_lowest_level, $func, $open_regexp_replace = false) { $open_tag_count = 0; if (!$close_tag_new || ($close_tag_new == '')) { $close_tag_new = $close_tag; } $close_tag_length = strlen($close_tag); $close_tag_new_length = strlen($close_tag_new); $uid_length = strlen($uid); $use_function_pointer = ($func && ($func != '')); $stack = array(); if (is_array($open_tag)) { if (0 == count($open_tag)) { // No opening tags to match, so return. return $text; } $open_tag_count = count($open_tag); } else { // only one opening tag. make it into a 1-element array. $open_tag_temp = $open_tag; $open_tag = array(); $open_tag[0] = $open_tag_temp; $open_tag_count = 1; } $open_is_regexp = false; if ($open_regexp_replace) { $open_is_regexp = true; if (!is_array($open_regexp_replace)) { $open_regexp_temp = $open_regexp_replace; $open_regexp_replace = array(); $open_regexp_replace[0] = $open_regexp_temp; } } if ($mark_lowest_level && $open_is_regexp) { message_die(GENERAL_ERROR, "Unsupported operation for bbcode_first_pass_pda()."); } // Start at the 2nd char of the string, looking for opening tags. $curr_pos = 1; while ($curr_pos && ($curr_pos < strlen($text))) { $curr_pos = strpos($text, "[", $curr_pos); // If not found, $curr_pos will be 0, and the loop will end. if ($curr_pos) { // We found a [. It starts at $curr_pos. // check if it's a starting or ending tag. $found_start = false; $which_start_tag = ""; $start_tag_index = -1; for ($i = 0; $i < $open_tag_count; $i++) { // Grab everything until the first "]"... $possible_start = substr($text, $curr_pos, strpos($text, "]", $curr_pos + 1) - $curr_pos + 1); // // We're going to try and catch usernames with "[' characters. // if( preg_match('/\[quote\=\\\\"/si', $possible_start) && !preg_match('/\[quote=\\\\"[^"]*\\\\"\]/si', $possible_start) ) { // // OK we are in a quote tag that probably contains a ] bracket. // Grab a bit more of the string to hopefully get all of it.. // $possible_start = substr($text, $curr_pos, strpos($text, "\"]", $curr_pos + 1) - $curr_pos + 2); } // // Now compare, either using regexp or not. if ($open_is_regexp) { $match_result = array(); // PREG regexp comparison. if (preg_match($open_tag[$i], $possible_start, $match_result)) { $found_start = true; $which_start_tag = $match_result[0]; $start_tag_index = $i; break; } } else { // straightforward string comparison. if (0 == strcasecmp($open_tag[$i], $possible_start)) { $found_start = true; $which_start_tag = $open_tag[$i]; $start_tag_index = $i; break; } } } if ($found_start) { // We have an opening tag. // Push its position, the text we matched, and its index in the open_tag array on to the stack, and then keep going to the right. $match = array("pos" => $curr_pos, "tag" => $which_start_tag, "index" => $start_tag_index); bbcode_array_push($stack, $match); ++$curr_pos; } else { // check for a closing tag.. $possible_end = substr($text, $curr_pos, $close_tag_length); if (0 == strcasecmp($close_tag, $possible_end)) { // We have an ending tag. // Check if we've already found a matching starting tag. if (sizeof($stack) > 0) { // There exists a starting tag. $curr_nesting_depth = sizeof($stack); // We need to do 2 replacements now. $match = bbcode_array_pop($stack); $start_index = $match['pos']; $start_tag = $match['tag']; $start_length = strlen($start_tag); $start_tag_index = $match['index']; if ($open_is_regexp) { $start_tag = preg_replace($open_tag[$start_tag_index], $open_regexp_replace[$start_tag_index], $start_tag); } // everything before the opening tag. $before_start_tag = substr($text, 0, $start_index); // everything after the opening tag, but before the closing tag. $between_tags = substr($text, $start_index + $start_length, $curr_pos - $start_index - $start_length); // Run the given function on the text between the tags.. if ($use_function_pointer) { $between_tags = $func($between_tags, $uid); } // everything after the closing tag. $after_end_tag = substr($text, $curr_pos + $close_tag_length); // Mark the lowest nesting level if needed. if ($mark_lowest_level && ($curr_nesting_depth == 1)) { $text = $before_start_tag . substr($start_tag, 0, $start_length - 1) . ":$curr_nesting_depth:$uid]"; $text .= $between_tags . substr($close_tag_new, 0, $close_tag_new_length - 1) . ":$curr_nesting_depth:$uid]"; } else { if ($open_is_regexp) { $text = $before_start_tag . $start_tag; } else { $text = $before_start_tag . substr($start_tag, 0, $start_length - 1) . ":$uid]"; } $text .= $between_tags . substr($close_tag_new, 0, $close_tag_new_length - 1) . ":$uid]"; } $text .= $after_end_tag; // Now.. we've screwed up the indices by changing the length of the string. // So, if there's anything in the stack, we want to resume searching just after it. // otherwise, we go back to the start. if (sizeof($stack) > 0) { $match = bbcode_array_pop($stack); $curr_pos = $match['pos']; bbcode_array_push($stack, $match); ++$curr_pos; } else { $curr_pos = 1; } } else { // No matching start tag found. Increment pos, keep going. ++$curr_pos; } } else { // No starting tag or ending tag.. Increment pos, keep looping., ++$curr_pos; } } } } // while return $text; } // bbencode_first_pass_pda() /** * Does second-pass bbencoding of the [code] tags. This includes * running htmlspecialchars() over the text contained between * any pair of [code] tags that are at the first level of * nesting. Tags at the first level of nesting are indicated * by this format: [code:1:$uid] ... [/code:1:$uid] * Other tags are in this format: [code:$uid] ... [/code:$uid] */ function bbencode_second_pass_code($text, $uid, $bbcode_tpl) { global $lang; $html_entities_match = array("#<#", "#>#"); $html_entities_replace = array("<", ">"); $code_start_html = $bbcode_tpl['code_open']; $code_end_html = $bbcode_tpl['code_close']; // First, do all the 1st-level matches. These need an htmlspecialchars() run, // so they have to be handled differently. $match_count = preg_match_all("#\[code:1:$uid\](.*?)\[/code:1:$uid\]#si", $text, $matches); for ($i = 0; $i < $match_count; $i++) { $before_replace = $matches[1][$i]; $after_replace = $matches[1][$i]; $after_replace = preg_replace($html_entities_match, $html_entities_replace, $after_replace); // Replace 2 spaces with "  " so non-tabbed code indents without making huge long lines. $after_replace = str_replace(" ", "  ", $after_replace); // now Replace 2 spaces with "  " to catch odd #s of spaces. $after_replace = str_replace(" ", "  ", $after_replace); // Replace tabs with "   " so tabbed code indents sorta right without making huge long lines. $after_replace = str_replace("\t", "   ", $after_replace); $str_to_match = "[code:1:$uid]" . $before_replace . "[/code:1:$uid]"; $replacement = $code_start_html; $replacement .= $after_replace; $replacement .= $code_end_html; $text = str_replace($str_to_match, $replacement, $text); } // Now, do all the non-first-level matches. These are simple. $text = str_replace("[code:$uid]", $code_start_html, $text); $text = str_replace("[/code:$uid]", $code_end_html, $text); return $text; } // bbencode_second_pass_code() /** * Rewritten by Nathan Codding - Feb 6, 2001. * - Goes through the given string, and replaces xxxx://yyyy with an HTML tag linking * to that URL * - Goes through the given string, and replaces www.xxxx.yyyy[zzzz] with an HTML tag linking * to http://www.xxxx.yyyy[/zzzz] * - Goes through the given string, and replaces xxxx@yyyy with an HTML mailto: tag linking * to that email address * - Only matches these 2 patterns either after a space, or at the beginning of a line * * Notes: the email one might get annoying - it's easy to make it more restrictive, though.. maybe * have it require something like xxxx@yyyy.zzzz or such. We'll see. */ function make_clickable($text) { // pad it with a space so we can match things at the start of the 1st line. $ret = " " . $text; // matches an "xxxx://yyyy" URL at the start of a line, or after a space. // xxxx can only be alpha characters. // yyyy is anything up to the first space, newline, or comma. $ret = preg_replace("#([\n ])([a-z]+?)://([^, \n\r]+)#i", "\\1\\2://\\3", $ret); // matches a "www.xxxx.yyyy[/zzzz]" kinda lazy URL thing // Must contain at least 2 dots. xxxx contains either alphanum, or "-" // yyyy contains either alphanum, "-", or "." // zzzz is optional.. will contain everything up to the first space, newline, or comma. // This is slightly restrictive - it's not going to match stuff like "" // This is to keep it from getting annoying and matching stuff that's not meant to be a link. $ret = preg_replace("#([\n ])www\.([a-z0-9\-]+)\.([a-z0-9\-.\~]+)((?:/[^, \n\r]*)?)#i", "\\1www.\\2.\\3\\4", $ret); // matches an email@domain type address at the start of a line, or after a space. // Note: before the @ sign, the only valid characters are the alphanums and "-", "_", or ".". // After the @ sign, we accept anything up to the first space, linebreak, or comma. $ret = preg_replace("#([\n ])([a-z0-9\-_.]+?)@([^, \n\r]+)#i", "\\1\\2@\\3", $ret); // Remove our padding.. $ret = substr($ret, 1); return($ret); } /** * Nathan Codding - Feb 6, 2001 * Reverses the effects of make_clickable(), for use in editpost. * - Does not distinguish between "www.xxxx.yyyy" and "http://aaaa.bbbb" type URLs. * */ function undo_make_clickable($text) { $text = preg_replace("#.*?#i", "\\1", $text); $text = preg_replace("#.*?#i", "\\1", $text); return $text; } /** * Nathan Codding - August 24, 2000. * Takes a string, and does the reverse of the PHP standard function * htmlspecialchars(). */ function undo_htmlspecialchars($input) { $input = preg_replace("/>/i", ">", $input); $input = preg_replace("/</i", "<", $input); $input = preg_replace("/"/i", "\"", $input); $input = preg_replace("/&/i", "&", $input); return $input; } /** * This is used to change a [*] tag into a [*:$uid] tag as part * of the first-pass bbencoding of [list] tags. It fits the * standard required in order to be passed as a variable * function into bbencode_first_pass_pda(). */ function replace_listitems($text, $uid) { $text = str_replace("[*]", "[*:$uid]", $text); return $text; } /** * Escapes the "/" character with "\/". This is useful when you need * to stick a runtime string into a PREG regexp that is being delimited * with slashes. */ function escape_slashes($input) { $output = str_replace('/', '\/', $input); return $output; } /** * This function does exactly what the PHP4 function array_push() does * however, to keep phpBB compatable with PHP 3 we had to come up with our own * method of doing it. */ function bbcode_array_push(&$stack, $value) { $stack[] = $value; return(sizeof($stack)); } /** * This function does exactly what the PHP4 function array_pop() does * however, to keep phpBB compatable with PHP 3 we had to come up with our own * method of doing it. */ function bbcode_array_pop(&$stack) { $arrSize = count($stack); $x = 1; while(list($key, $val) = each($stack)) { if($x < count($stack)) { $tmpArr[] = $val; } else { $return_val = $val; } $x++; } $stack = $tmpArr; return($return_val); } ?>