get("overall_header")) { if(!empty($default_lang)) { include('language/lang_'.$default_lang.'.'.$phpEx); } else { include('language/lang_english.'.$phpEx); } include('includes/page_header.'.$phpEx); } if(!$error_msg) { switch($error_code) { case GENERAL_ERROR: if(!$error_msg) { $error_msg = "An Error Occured"; } break; case SQL_CONNECT: $db_error = $db->sql_error(); $error_msg = "Error: phpBB could not connect to the database. Reason: " . $db_error["message"]; break; case BANNED: $error_msg = "You have been banned from this forum."; break; case QUERY_ERROR: $db_error = $db->sql_error(); $error_msg = "Error: phpBB could not query the database. Reason: " . $db_error["message"]; break; case SESSION_CREATE: $error_msg = "Error creating session. Could not log you in. Please go back and try again."; break; case NO_POSTS: $error_msg = "There are no posts in this forum. Click on the 'Post New Topic' link on this page to post one."; break; case LOGIN_FAILED: $error_msg = "Login Failed. You have specified an incorrect username or password, please go back and try again."; break; } } if(DEBUG) { //$error_msg .= "
Line number: ".__LINE__."
In File: ".__FILE__; } $template->set_file(array("error_body" => "error_body.tpl")); $template->set_var(array("ERROR_MESSAGE" => $error_msg)); $template->pparse("output", "error_body"); include('includes/page_tail.'.$phpEx); exit(); } ?>