<?php /*************************************************************************** * revar_lang_files.php * ------------------- * begin : Saturday, Feb 13, 2001 * copyright : (C) 2001 The phpBB Group * email : support@phpbb.com * * $Id$ * * ***************************************************************************/ /*************************************************************************** * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * ***************************************************************************/ // // Security message: // // This script is potentially dangerous. // Remove or comment the next line (die(".... ) to enable this script. // Do NOT FORGET to either remove this script or disable it after you have used it. // //die("Please read the first lines of this script for instructions on how to enable it"); $vars = array('lang_main' => 'lang', 'lang_admin' => 'lang', 'lang_faq' => 'faq', 'lang_bbcode' => 'faq'); $dirname = "./../language"; $dir = opendir($dirname); while ( $file = readdir($dir) ) { if ( $file != 'CVS' && !is_file($dirname . "/" . $file) && !is_link($dirname . "/" . $file) ) { foreach($vars as $lang_file => $lang_var) { $$lang_var = array(); include($dirname . "/" . $file . "/" . $lang_file . '.php'); $store = ""; while( list($key, $value) = each($$lang_var) ) { if ( !is_array($value) ) { $key = ( is_string($key) ) ? "'$key'" : $key; $store .= ( ( $store != "" ) ? ", \n\t" : "" ) . "$key => '" . addslashes($value) . "'"; } else { $key = ( is_string($key) ) ? "'$key'" : $key; $store .= ( ( $store != "" ) ? ", \n\t" : "" ) . "$key => array(\n\t\t"; $store2 = ""; while( list($key2, $value2) = each($value) ) { $key2 = ( is_string($key) ) ? "'$key2'" : $key2; $store2 .= ( ( $store2 != "" ) ? ", \n\t\t" : "" ) . "$key2 => '" . addslashes($value2) . "'"; } $store .= $store2 . "\n\t)"; } } $store = "<?php\n\$$lang_var = array(\n\t$store\n);\n?".">"; $fp = fopen($dirname . "/" . $file . "/" . $lang_file . '.php', 'w'); fwrite($fp, $store); fclose($fp); } } } ?>