<?php // // Security message: // // This script is potentially dangerous. // Remove or comment the next line (die(".... ) to enable this script. // Do NOT FORGET to either remove this script or disable it after you have used it. // die("Please read the first lines of this script for instructions on how to enable it"); // IP regular expressions $dec_octet = '(?:\d{1,2}|1\d\d|2[0-4]\d|25[0-5])'; $h16 = '[\dA-F]{1,4}'; $ipv4 = "(?:$dec_octet\.){3}$dec_octet"; $ls32 = "(?:$h16:$h16|$ipv4)"; $ipv6_construct = array( array(false, '', '{6}', $ls32), array(false, '::', '{0,5}', "(?:$h16(?::$h16)?|$ipv4)"), array('', ':', '{4}', $ls32), array('{1,2}', ':', '{3}', $ls32), array('{1,3}', ':', '{2}', $ls32), array('{1,4}', ':', '', $ls32), array('{1,5}', ':', false, $ls32), array('{1,6}', ':', false, $h16), array('{1,7}', ':', false, ''), array(false, '::', false, '') ); $ipv6 = '(?:'; foreach ($ipv6_construct as $ip_type) { $ipv6 .= '(?:'; if ($ip_type[0] !== false) { $ipv6 .= "(?:$h16:)" . $ip_type[0]; } $ipv6 .= $ip_type[1]; if ($ip_type[2] !== false) { $ipv6 .= "(?:$h16:)" . $ip_type[2]; } $ipv6 .= $ip_type[3] . ')|'; } $ipv6 = substr($ipv6, 0, -1) . ')'; echo 'IPv4: ' . $ipv4 . "<br /><br />\n\nIPv6: " . $ipv6 . "<br /><br />\n\n"; // URL regular expressions /* IDN2008 characters derivation ** http://unicode.org/faq/idn.html#33 - IDN FAQ: derivation of valid characters in terms of Unicode properties ** http://unicode.org/reports/tr46/ - Unicode Technical Standard #46. Unicode IDNA Compatibility Processing ** http://www.unicode.org/Public/UNIDATA/DerivedNormalizationProps.txt - Unicode Character Database */ /* ** Remove Control Characters and Whitespace (as in IDNA2003) */ $no_cc = '\p{C}\p{Z}'; /* ** Remove Symbols, Punctuation, non-decimal Numbers, and Enclosing Marks */ $no_symbol = '\p{S}\p{P}\p{Nl}\p{No}\p{Me}'; /* ** Remove characters used for archaic Hangul (Korean) - \p{HST=L} and \p{HST=V} ** as per http://unicode.org/Public/UNIDATA/HangulSyllableType.txt */ $no_hangul = '\x{1100}-\x{115F}\x{A960}-\x{A97C}\x{1160}-\x{11A7}\x{D7B0}-\x{D7C6}'; /* ** Remove three blocks of technical or archaic symbols. */ $no_cdm = '\x{20D0}-\x{20FF}'; // \p{block=Combining_Diacritical_Marks_For_Symbols} $no_musical = '\x{1D100}-\x{1D1FF}'; // \p{block=Musical_Symbols} $no_ancient_greek_musical = '\x{1D200}-\x{1D24F}'; // \p{block=Ancient_Greek_Musical_Notation} /* Remove certain exceptions: ** U+0640 ARABIC TATWEEL ** U+07FA NKO LAJANYALAN ** U+302E HANGUL SINGLE DOT TONE MARK ** U+302F HANGUL DOUBLE DOT TONE MARK ** U+3031 VERTICAL KANA REPEAT MARK ** U+3032 VERTICAL KANA REPEAT WITH VOICED SOUND MARK ** .. ** U+3035 VERTICAL KANA REPEAT MARK LOWER HALF ** U+303B VERTICAL IDEOGRAPHIC ITERATION MARK */ $no_certain_exceptions = '\x{0640}\x{07FA}\x{302E}\x{302F}\x{3031}-\x{3035}\x{303B}'; /* Add certain exceptions: ** U+00B7 MIDDLE DOT ** U+0375 GREEK LOWER NUMERAL SIGN ** U+05F3 HEBREW PUNCTUATION GERESH ** U+05F4 HEBREW PUNCTUATION GERSHAYIM ** U+30FB KATAKANA MIDDLE DOT ** U+002D HYPHEN-MINUS ** U+06FD ARABIC SIGN SINDHI AMPERSAND ** U+06FE ARABIC SIGN SINDHI POSTPOSITION MEN ** U+0F0B TIBETAN MARK INTERSYLLABIC TSHEG ** U+3007 IDEOGRAPHIC NUMBER ZERO */ $add_certain_exceptions = '\x{00B7}\x{0375}\x{05F3}\x{05F4}\x{30FB}\x{002D}\x{06FD}\x{06FE}\x{0F0B}\x{3007}'; /* Add special exceptions (Deviations): ** U+00DF LATIN SMALL LETTER SHARP S ** U+03C2 GREEK SMALL LETTER FINAL SIGMA ** U+200C ZERO WIDTH NON-JOINER ** U+200D ZERO WIDTH JOINER */ $add_deviations = '\x{00DF}\x{03C2}\x{200C}\x{200D}'; // Concatenate remove/add regexes respectively $remove_chars = "$no_cc$no_symbol$no_hangul$no_cdm$no_musical$no_ancient_greek_musical$no_certain_exceptions"; $add_chars = "$add_certain_exceptions$add_deviations"; // Initialize inline mode $inline = false; do { $inline = !$inline; $pct_encoded = "%[\dA-F]{2}"; $unreserved = "$add_chars\pL0-9\-._~"; $sub_delims = ($inline) ? '!$&\'(*+,;=' : '!$&\'()*+,;='; $scheme = ($inline) ? '[a-z][a-z\d+]*': '[a-z][a-z\d+\-.]*' ; // avoid automatic parsing of "word" in "last word.http://..." $pchar = "(?:[^$remove_chars]*[$unreserved$sub_delims:@|]+|$pct_encoded)"; // rfc: no "|" $reg_name = "(?:[^$remove_chars]*[$unreserved$sub_delims:@|]+|$pct_encoded)+"; // rfc: * instead of + and no "|" and no "@" and no ":" (included instead of userinfo) //$userinfo = "(?:(?:[$unreserved$sub_delims:]+|$pct_encoded))*"; $ipv4_simple = '[0-9.]+'; $ipv6_simple = '\[[a-z0-9.]+:[a-z0-9.]+:[a-z0-9.:]+\]'; $host = "(?:$reg_name|$ipv4_simple|$ipv6_simple)"; $port = '\d*'; //$authority = "(?:$userinfo@)?$host(?::$port)?"; $authority = "$host(?::$port)?"; $segment = "$pchar*"; $path_abempty = "(?:/$segment)*"; $hier_part = "/{2}$authority$path_abempty"; $query = "(?:[^$remove_chars]*[$unreserved$sub_delims:@/?|]+|$pct_encoded)*"; // pchar | "/" | "?", rfc: no "|" $fragment = $query; $url = "$scheme:$hier_part(?:\?$query)?(?:\#$fragment)?"; echo (($inline) ? 'URL inline: ' : 'URL: ') . $url . "<br /><br />\n\n"; // no scheme, shortened authority, but host has to start with www. $www_url = "www\.$reg_name(?::$port)?$path_abempty(?:\?$query)?(?:\#$fragment)?"; echo (($inline) ? 'www.URL_inline: ' : 'www.URL: ') . $www_url . "<br /><br />\n\n"; // no schema and no authority $relative_url = "$segment$path_abempty(?:\?$query)?(?:\#$fragment)?"; echo (($inline) ? 'relative URL inline: ' : 'relative URL: ') . $relative_url . "<br /><br />\n\n"; } while ($inline);