// @license GNU General Public License, version 2 (GPL-2.0) // // For full copyright and license information, please see // the docs/CREDITS.txt file. // // ------------------------------------------------------------- // Thanks to arod-1 define('IN_PHPBB', 1); $phpEx = substr(strrchr(__FILE__, '.'), 1); $phpbb_root_path='./../'; include($phpbb_root_path . 'common.'.$phpEx); $mode = request_var('mode', ''); $modules = find_modules($phpbb_root_path . 'language/en'); $kkeys = $keys = array(); $langdir = dirname(__FILE__); if (isset($lang)) { unset($lang); } foreach($modules as $module) { require_once("$langdir$module"); if (isset($lang)) { $kkeys[$module] = $lang; $keys[] = $module; unset($lang); } } $equal = $case = $diff = 0; $output = array(); while ($module = array_shift($keys)) { $keys_1 = array_keys($kkeys[$module]); foreach ($keys as $other_module) { $keys_2 = array_keys($kkeys[$other_module]); foreach(array_intersect($keys_1, $keys_2) as $dup) { if ($kkeys[$module][$dup] == $kkeys[$other_module][$dup]) { $compare = "Equal"; $equal++; } else if (strcasecmp($kkeys[$module][$dup], $kkeys[$other_module][$dup]) == 0) { $compare = "Differ in case"; $case++; } else { $compare = "'{$kkeys[$module][$dup]}' - '{$kkeys[$other_module][$dup]}'"; $diff++; } $color = ''; if ((basename($module) == "common.$phpEx") || (basename($other_module) == "common.$phpEx")) { $color = ' style="color:#B00000;"'; } switch ($mode) { case 'module': $output[$module][] = "" . ((isset($output[$module])) ? ' ' : "$module" ) . "$dup$other_module$compare"; break; default: $output[$dup][] = "$dup$module$other_module$compare"; break; } } } }//var_dump($output); echo "

By Key By Module

Equal: $equal, Differ in case only: $case, differ in content: $diff

"; switch ($mode) { case 'module': echo ""; foreach ($output as $module => $html) { echo implode('', $html); } break; default: ksort($output); echo "
KeyFirst FileSecond FileDifference
"; foreach ($output as $dup) { echo implode('', $dup); } break; } echo "
FileKeyConflicting FileDifference
"; function find_modules($dirname) { $list = glob("$dirname/*.php"); foreach(glob("$dirname/*", GLOB_ONLYDIR) as $name) { $list = array_merge($list, find_modules($name)); } return $list; } ?>