<?php /** * * @package phpBB3 * @version $Id$ * @copyright (c) 2005 phpBB Group * @license http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php GNU Public License * */ if (php_sapi_name() != 'cli') { die("This program must be run from the command line.\n"); } // // Security message: // // This script is potentially dangerous. // Remove or comment the next line (die(".... ) to enable this script. // Do NOT FORGET to either remove this script or disable it after you have used it. // die("Please read the first lines of this script for instructions on how to enable it"); set_time_limit(0); define('IN_PHPBB', true); $phpbb_root_path = '../'; $phpEx = substr(strrchr(__FILE__, '.'), 1); echo "Checking for required files\n"; download('http://unicode.org/reports/tr39/data/confusables.txt'); download('http://unicode.org/Public/UNIDATA/CaseFolding.txt'); echo "\n"; /** * Load the confusables table */ echo "Loading confusables\n"; $unidata = file_get_contents('confusables.txt'); /** * Load the CaseFolding table */ echo "Loading CaseFolding\n"; $casefolds = file_get_contents('CaseFolding.txt'); function utf8_chr($cp) { if ($cp > 0xFFFF) { return chr(0xF0 | ($cp >> 18)) . chr(0x80 | (($cp >> 12) & 0x3F)) . chr(0x80 | (($cp >> 6) & 0x3F)) . chr(0x80 | ($cp & 0x3F)); } else if ($cp > 0x7FF) { return chr(0xE0 | ($cp >> 12)) . chr(0x80 | (($cp >> 6) & 0x3F)) . chr(0x80 | ($cp & 0x3F)); } else if ($cp > 0x7F) { return chr(0xC0 | ($cp >> 6)) . chr(0x80 | ($cp & 0x3F)); } else { return chr($cp); } } preg_match_all('/^([0-9A-F]+) ;\s((?:[0-9A-F]+ )*);.*?$/im', $unidata, $array, PREG_SET_ORDER); preg_match_all('/^([0-9A-F]+); ([CFS]); ([0-9A-F]+(?: [0-9A-F]+)*);/im', $casefolds, $casefold_array); // some that we defined ourselves $uniarray = array( "\xC2\xA1" => "\x69", // EXCLAMATION MARK, INVERTED => LATIN SMALL LETTER I "\xC7\x83" => "\x21", // LATIN LETTER RETROFLEX CLICK => EXCLAMATION MARK "\xCE\xB1" => "\x61", // GREEK SMALL LETTER ALPHA => LATIN SMALL LETTER A "\xE1\x9A\x80" => "\x20", // OGHAM SPACE MARK "\xC2\xAD" => '', // HYPHEN, SOFT => empty string "\xDB\x9D" => '', // ARABIC END OF AYAH "\xDC\x8F" => '', // SYRIAC ABBREVIATION MARK "\xE1\xA0\x86" => '', // MONGOLIAN TODO SOFT HYPHEN "\xE1\xA0\x8E" => '', // MONGOLIAN VOWEL SEPARATOR "\xE2\x80\x8B" => '', // ZERO WIDTH SPACE "\xE2\x80\x8C" => '', // ZERO WIDTH NON-JOINER "\xE2\x80\x8D" => '', // ZERO WIDTH JOINER "\xE2\x80\xA8" => '', // LINE SEPARATOR "\xE2\x80\xA9" => '', // PARAGRAPH SEPARATOR "\xE2\x81\xA0" => '', // WORD JOINER "\xE2\x81\xA1" => '', // FUNCTION APPLICATION "\xE2\x81\xA2" => '', // INVISIBLE TIMES "\xE2\x81\xA3" => '', // INVISIBLE SEPARATOR "\xE2\x81\xAA" => '', // [CONTROL CHARACTERS] "\xE2\x81\xAB" => '', // [CONTROL CHARACTERS] "\xE2\x81\xAC" => '', // [CONTROL CHARACTERS] "\xE2\x81\xAD" => '', // [CONTROL CHARACTERS] "\xE2\x81\xAE" => '', // [CONTROL CHARACTERS] "\xE2\x81\xAF" => '', // [CONTROL CHARACTERS] "\xEF\xBB\xBF" => '', // ZERO WIDTH NO-BREAK SPACE "\xEF\xBF\xB9" => '', // [CONTROL CHARACTERS] "\xEF\xBF\xBA" => '', // [CONTROL CHARACTERS] "\xEF\xBF\xBB" => '', // [CONTROL CHARACTERS] "\xEF\xBF\xBC" => '', // [CONTROL CHARACTERS] "\xF0\x9D\x85\xB3" => '', // [MUSICAL CONTROL CHARACTERS] "\xF0\x9D\x85\xB4" => '', // [MUSICAL CONTROL CHARACTERS] "\xF0\x9D\x85\xB5" => '', // [MUSICAL CONTROL CHARACTERS] "\xF0\x9D\x85\xB6" => '', // [MUSICAL CONTROL CHARACTERS] "\xF0\x9D\x85\xB7" => '', // [MUSICAL CONTROL CHARACTERS] "\xF0\x9D\x85\xB8" => '', // [MUSICAL CONTROL CHARACTERS] "\xF0\x9D\x85\xB9" => '', // [MUSICAL CONTROL CHARACTERS] "\xF0\x9D\x85\xBA" => '', // [MUSICAL CONTROL CHARACTERS] ); $copy = $uniarray; /** * @todo we need to check that the $uniarray does not reverse any of the mappings defined in the unicode definition */ foreach ($array as $value) { $temp_hold = implode(array_map('utf8_chr', array_map('hexdec', explode(' ', trim($value[2]))))); if (isset($copy[utf8_chr(hexdec((string)$value[1]))])) { $num = ''; $string = utf8_chr(hexdec((string)$value[1])); for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($string); $i++) { $num .= '\x' . str_pad(base_convert(ord($string[$i]), 10, 16), 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT); } echo $num . "\n"; if ($uniarray[$string] != $temp_hold) { echo " --> $string\n"; echo " --> " . $temp_hold . "\n"; } } // do some tests for things that transform into something with the number one if (strpos($temp_hold, utf8_chr(0x0031)) !== false) { // any kind of letter L? if (strpos($value[0], 'LETTER L') !== false || strpos($value[0], 'IOTA') !== false || strpos($value[0], 'SMALL L ') !== false || preg_match('/SMALL LIGATURE [^L]*L /', $value[0])) { // replace all of the mappings that transform some sort of letter l to number one instead to some sort of letter l to latin small letter l $temp_hold = str_replace(utf8_chr(0x0031), utf8_chr(0x006C), $temp_hold); } } // uppercased chars that were folded do not exist in this universe, // no amount of normalization could ever "trick" this into not working if (in_array($value[1], $casefold_array[1])) { continue; } $uniarray[utf8_chr(hexdec((string)$value[1]))] = $temp_hold; } echo "Writing to confusables.$phpEx\n"; $fp = fopen($phpbb_root_path . 'includes/utf/data/confusables.' . $phpEx, 'wb'); fwrite($fp, '<?php return ' . my_var_export($uniarray) . ';'); fclose($fp); /** * Return a parsable string representation of a variable * * This is function is limited to array/strings/integers * * @param mixed $var Variable * @return string PHP code representing the variable */ function my_var_export($var) { if (is_array($var)) { $lines = array(); foreach ($var as $k => $v) { $lines[] = my_var_export($k) . '=>' . my_var_export($v); } return 'array(' . implode(',', $lines) . ')'; } else if (is_string($var)) { return "'" . str_replace(array('\\', "'"), array('\\\\', "\\'"), $var) . "'"; } else { return $var; } } /** * Download a file to the develop/ dir * * @param string $url URL of the file to download * @return void */ function download($url) { global $phpbb_root_path; if (file_exists($phpbb_root_path . 'develop/' . basename($url))) { return; } echo 'Downloading from ', $url, ' '; if (!$fpr = fopen($url, 'rb')) { die("Can't download from $url\nPlease download it yourself and put it in the develop/ dir, kthxbai"); } if (!$fpw = fopen($phpbb_root_path . 'develop/' . basename($url), 'wb')) { die("Can't open develop/" . basename($url) . " for output... please check your permissions or something"); } $i = 0; $chunk = 32768; $done = ''; while (!feof($fpr)) { $i += fwrite($fpw, fread($fpr, $chunk)); echo str_repeat("\x08", strlen($done)); $done = ($i >> 10) . ' KiB'; echo $done; } fclose($fpr); fclose($fpw); echo "\n"; } ?>