# # Basic DB data for phpBB2 devel # # $Id$ # -- Config INSERT INTO phpbb_config (config_id, board_disable, sitename, cookie_name, cookie_path, cookie_domain, cookie_secure, session_length, allow_html, allow_bbcode, allow_smilies, allow_sig, allow_namechange, posts_per_page, hot_threshold, topics_per_page, flood_interval, allow_theme_create, override_themes, email_sig, email_from, default_theme, default_lang, default_dateformat, system_timezone, sys_template, avatar_filesize, avatar_path, allow_avatar_upload, avatar_max_width, avatar_max_height, allow_avatar_local, allow_avatar_remote) VALUES ( '1', '0', 'phpbb.com', 'phpbb2mysql', '/', '', '0', 600, '0', '1', '1', '1', '0', '10', '10', '25', '10', '0', '0', '', '', '1', 'english', 'd M Y H:i', '0', 'Default', '6144', 'images/avatars', '0', '70', '70', '0', '0'); # -- Categories INSERT INTO phpbb_categories (cat_id, cat_title, cat_order) VALUES (1, 'Test category 1', 1); # -- Forums INSERT INTO phpbb_forums (forum_id, forum_name, forum_desc, cat_id, forum_order, forum_posts, forum_topics, forum_last_post_id, auth_view, auth_read, auth_post, auth_reply, auth_edit, auth_delete, auth_announce, auth_sticky, auth_votecreate, auth_vote, auth_attachments) VALUES (1, 'Test Forum 1', 'This is just a test forum, nothing special here.', 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3); # -- Users INSERT INTO phpbb_users (user_id, username, user_level, user_regdate, user_password, user_autologin_key, user_email, user_icq, user_website, user_occ, user_from, user_interests, user_sig, user_viewemail, user_theme, user_aim, user_yim, user_msnm, user_posts, user_attachsig, user_allowsmile, user_allowhtml, user_allowbbcode, user_allow_pm, user_notify_pm, user_allow_viewonline, user_rank, user_avatar, user_lang, user_timezone, user_dateformat, user_actkey, user_newpasswd, user_notify, user_active, user_template) VALUES ( '-1', 'Anonymous', '0', '972086460', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '0', '0', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '0', '0', '1', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '0', '0', ''); # username: admin password: admin INSERT INTO phpbb_users (user_id, username, user_level, user_regdate, user_password, user_autologin_key, user_email, user_icq, user_website, user_occ, user_from, user_interests, user_sig, user_viewemail, user_theme, user_aim, user_yim, user_msnm, user_posts, user_attachsig, user_allowsmile, user_allowhtml, user_allowbbcode, user_allow_pm, user_notify_pm, user_allow_viewonline, user_rank, user_avatar, user_lang, user_timezone, user_dateformat, user_actkey, user_newpasswd, user_notify, user_active, user_template) VALUES ( '2', 'Admin', '1', NOW(), '21232f297a57a5a743894a0e4a801fc3', '', 'admin@yourdomain.com', '', '', '', '', '', 'A Signature', '1', '2', '', '', '', '0', '0', '1', '0', '1', '1', '1', '1', '1', '', 'english', '-8', 'd M Y h:i a', '', '', '0', '1', 'PSO'); # -- Ranks INSERT INTO phpbb_ranks (rank_id, rank_title, rank_min, rank_max, rank_special, rank_image) VALUES ( '1', 'Site Admin', '-1', '-1', '1', ''); INSERT INTO phpbb_ranks (rank_id, rank_title, rank_min, rank_max, rank_special, rank_image) VALUES ( '2', 'Newbie', '0', '9', '0', ''); INSERT INTO phpbb_ranks (rank_id, rank_title, rank_min, rank_max, rank_special, rank_image) VALUES ( '5', 'Here Often', '10', '49', '0', ''); INSERT INTO phpbb_ranks (rank_id, rank_title, rank_min, rank_max, rank_special, rank_image) VALUES ( '6', 'Should Get Out More', '50', '199', '0', ''); INSERT INTO phpbb_ranks (rank_id, rank_title, rank_min, rank_max, rank_special, rank_image) VALUES ( '7', 'Has No Life', '200', '99999', '0', ''); # -- Groups INSERT INTO phpbb_groups (group_id, group_name, group_description, group_single_user) VALUES (1, 'Anonymous', 'Personal User', 1); INSERT INTO phpbb_groups (group_id, group_name, group_description, group_single_user) VALUES (2, 'Admin', 'Personal User', 1); # -- User -> Group INSERT INTO phpbb_user_group (group_id, user_id) VALUES (1, -1); INSERT INTO phpbb_user_group (group_id, user_id) VALUES (2, 2); # -- User Access (admin is set as ... an admin) INSERT INTO phpbb_auth_access (group_id, forum_id, auth_view, auth_read, auth_post, auth_reply, auth_edit, auth_delete, auth_announce, auth_sticky, auth_votecreate, auth_vote, auth_mod) VALUES (2, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1); # -- Demo Topic INSERT INTO phpbb_topics (topic_id, topic_title, topic_poster, topic_time, topic_views, topic_replies, forum_id, topic_status, topic_type, topic_notify, topic_last_post_id) VALUES (1, 'Demo Topic', 2, NOW(), 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1); # -- Demo Post INSERT INTO phpbb_posts (post_id, topic_id, forum_id, poster_id, post_time, post_username, poster_ip) VALUES (1, 1, 1, 2, NOW(), '', '7F000001'); INSERT INTO phpbb_posts_text (post_id, post_subject, post_text) VALUES (1, 'This is the subject', 'This is a demo post in the demo topic, what do you think of it?'); # -- Themes INSERT INTO phpbb_themes (themes_id, themes_name, head_stylesheet, body_background, body_bgcolor, body_text, body_link, body_vlink, body_alink, body_hlink, tr_color1, tr_color2, tr_color3, th_color1, th_color2, th_color3, td_color1, td_color2, td_color3, fontface1, fontface2, fontface3, fontsize1, fontsize2, fontsize3, fontcolor1, fontcolor2, fontcolor3, img1, img2, img3, img4) VALUES ( '1', 'Default-Default', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', 'CCCCCC', 'DDDDDD', '', '', '', '', '0', '0', '0', '', '', '', '', '', '', ''); INSERT INTO phpbb_themes_name (themes_id, tr_color1_name, tr_color2_name, tr_color3_name, th_color1_name, th_color2_name, th_color3_name, td_color1_name, td_color2_name, td_color3_name, fontface1_name, fontface2_name, fontface3_name, fontsize1_name, fontsize2_name, fontsize3_name, fontcolor1_name, fontcolor2_name, fontcolor3_name, img1_name, img2_name, img3_name, img4_name) VALUES ( '1', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', 'Row Color 1', 'Row Color 2', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', ''); INSERT INTO phpbb_themes (themes_id, themes_name, head_stylesheet, body_background, body_bgcolor, body_text, body_link, body_vlink, body_alink, body_hlink, tr_color1, tr_color2, tr_color3, th_color1, th_color2, th_color3, td_color1, td_color2, td_color3, fontface1, fontface2, fontface3, fontsize1, fontsize2, fontsize3, fontcolor1, fontcolor2, fontcolor3, img1, img2, img3, img4) VALUES ( '2', 'PSO-Default', 'site_style_default.css', '', 'FFFFFF', '000000', '002266', '004411', '', '', '', '', '', '000000', 'D2D2D2', 'BCBCBC', 'EDEDED', 'DEDEDE', '', 'verdana,serif', 'arial,helvetica', 'courier', '1', '2', '3', '', '', '', '', '', '', ''); INSERT INTO phpbb_themes_name (themes_id, tr_color1_name, tr_color2_name, tr_color3_name, th_color1_name, th_color2_name, th_color3_name, td_color1_name, td_color2_name, td_color3_name, fontface1_name, fontface2_name, fontface3_name, fontsize1_name, fontsize2_name, fontsize3_name, fontcolor1_name, fontcolor2_name, fontcolor3_name, img1_name, img2_name, img3_name, img4_name) VALUES ( '2', '', '', '', 'Table Background', 'Title Header', 'Category Header', 'Table background', 'Row Color 1', 'Row Color 2', 'Verdana,Serif', 'Arial,Sans-serif', 'Verdana,serif', 'Smallest', 'Typical', 'Largest', 'All text', '', '', '', '', '', ''); INSERT INTO phpbb_themes (themes_id, themes_name, head_stylesheet, body_background, body_bgcolor, body_text, body_link, body_vlink, body_alink, body_hlink, tr_color1, tr_color2, tr_color3, th_color1, th_color2, th_color3, td_color1, td_color2, td_color3, fontface1, fontface2, fontface3, fontsize1, fontsize2, fontsize3, fontcolor1, fontcolor2, fontcolor3, img1, img2, img3, img4) VALUES ( '3', 'PSO-Wheat', '', '', 'FFFFFF', '000000', '002266', '004411', '', '', '', '', '', '001100', 'E5CCA5', 'D4A294', 'EBE4D9', 'DAD1C4', '', 'verdana,serif', 'arial,helvetica', 'courier', '1', '2', '3', '000000', '', '', '', '', '', ''); INSERT INTO phpbb_themes_name (themes_id, tr_color1_name, tr_color2_name, tr_color3_name, th_color1_name, th_color2_name, th_color3_name, td_color1_name, td_color2_name, td_color3_name, fontface1_name, fontface2_name, fontface3_name, fontsize1_name, fontsize2_name, fontsize3_name, fontcolor1_name, fontcolor2_name, fontcolor3_name, img1_name, img2_name, img3_name, img4_name) VALUES ( '3', '', '', '', 'Table Background', 'Title Header', 'Category Header', 'Table background', 'Row Color 1', 'Row Color 2', 'Verdana,Serif', 'Arial,Sans-serif', 'Verdana,serif', 'Smallest', 'Typical', 'Largest', 'All text', '', '', '', '', '', ''); INSERT INTO phpbb_themes (themes_id, themes_name, head_stylesheet, body_background, body_bgcolor, body_text, body_link, body_vlink, body_alink, body_hlink, tr_color1, tr_color2, tr_color3, th_color1, th_color2, th_color3, td_color1, td_color2, td_color3, fontface1, fontface2, fontface3, fontsize1, fontsize2, fontsize3, fontcolor1, fontcolor2, fontcolor3, img1, img2, img3, img4) VALUES ( '4', 'PSO-Ocean', '', '', 'DFF5FF', '000000', '011001', '2100cc', '', '', '', '', '', '000000', 'A7C1CB', '7897A8', '83D7CC', 'A0CCE0', '', 'verdana,serif', 'arial,helvetica', 'courier', '1', '2', '3', '', '', '', '', '', '', ''); INSERT INTO phpbb_themes_name (themes_id, tr_color1_name, tr_color2_name, tr_color3_name, th_color1_name, th_color2_name, th_color3_name, td_color1_name, td_color2_name, td_color3_name, fontface1_name, fontface2_name, fontface3_name, fontsize1_name, fontsize2_name, fontsize3_name, fontcolor1_name, fontcolor2_name, fontcolor3_name, img1_name, img2_name, img3_name, img4_name) VALUES ( '4', '', '', '', 'Table Background', 'Title Header', 'Category Header', 'Table background', 'Row Color 1', 'Row Color 2', 'Verdana,Serif', 'Arial,Sans-serif', 'Verdana,serif', 'Smallest', 'Typical', 'Largest', 'All text', '', '', '', '', '', ''); INSERT INTO phpbb_themes (themes_id, themes_name, head_stylesheet, body_background, body_bgcolor, body_text, body_link, body_vlink, body_alink, body_hlink, tr_color1, tr_color2, tr_color3, th_color1, th_color2, th_color3, td_color1, td_color2, td_color3, fontface1, fontface2, fontface3, fontsize1, fontsize2, fontsize3, fontcolor1, fontcolor2, fontcolor3, img1, img2, img3, img4) VALUES ( '6', 'PSO-Blue', '', '', 'FFFFFF', '000000', '417FB9', '4E6172', '0000AA', '', '', '', '', '000000', '90BAE2', '518EC7', 'cde3f2', 'daedFd', '', 'verdana,serif', 'arial,helvetica', 'courier', '1', '2', '3', '000000', '', '', '', '', '', ''); INSERT INTO phpbb_themes_name (themes_id, tr_color1_name, tr_color2_name, tr_color3_name, th_color1_name, th_color2_name, th_color3_name, td_color1_name, td_color2_name, td_color3_name, fontface1_name, fontface2_name, fontface3_name, fontsize1_name, fontsize2_name, fontsize3_name, fontcolor1_name, fontcolor2_name, fontcolor3_name, img1_name, img2_name, img3_name, img4_name) VALUES ( '5', '', '', '', 'Table Background', 'Title Header', 'Category Header', 'Table background', 'Row Color 1', 'Row Color 2', 'Verdana,Serif', 'Arial,Sans-serif', 'Verdana,serif', 'Smallest', 'Typical', 'Largest', 'All text', '', '', '', '', '', ''); INSERT INTO phpbb_themes (themes_id, themes_name, head_stylesheet, body_background, body_bgcolor, body_text, body_link, body_vlink, body_alink, body_hlink, tr_color1, tr_color2, tr_color3, th_color1, th_color2, th_color3, td_color1, td_color2, td_color3, fontface1, fontface2, fontface3, fontsize1, fontsize2, fontsize3, fontcolor1, fontcolor2, fontcolor3, img1, img2, img3, img4) VALUES ( '7', 'PSO-Cool Midnight', '', '', '444444', 'ECECEC', 'EDF2F2', 'DDEDED', 'FFFFFF', 'EDF2F2', '', '', '', '000000', '80707F', '66555F', '60707D', '667A80', '', 'Verdana,serif', 'Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif', 'courier', '0', '0', '0', 'ECECEC', 'ECECEC', 'ECECEC', '', '', '', ''); INSERT INTO phpbb_themes_name (themes_id, tr_color1_name, tr_color2_name, tr_color3_name, th_color1_name, th_color2_name, th_color3_name, td_color1_name, td_color2_name, td_color3_name, fontface1_name, fontface2_name, fontface3_name, fontsize1_name, fontsize2_name, fontsize3_name, fontcolor1_name, fontcolor2_name, fontcolor3_name, img1_name, img2_name, img3_name, img4_name) VALUES ( '6', '', '', '', 'Table Background', 'Title Header', 'Category Header', 'Table background', 'Row Color 1', 'Row Color 2', 'Verdana,Serif', 'Arial,Sans-serif', 'Verdana,serif', 'Smallest', 'Typical', 'Largest', 'All text', '', '', '', '', '', '');