session_begin(false); $auth->acl($user->data); function output_image() { // Output transparent gif header('Cache-Control: no-cache'); header('Content-type: image/gif'); header('Content-length: 43'); echo base64_decode('R0lGODlhAQABAIAAAP///wAAACH5BAEAAAAALAAAAAABAAEAAAICRAEAOw=='); // Flush here to prevent browser from showing the page as loading while // running cron. flush(); } function do_cron($cron_lock, $run_tasks) { global $config; foreach ($run_tasks as $task) { if (defined('DEBUG_EXTRA') && $config['use_system_cron']) { echo "[phpBB cron] Running task '{$task->get_name()}'\n"; } $task->run(); } // Unloading cache and closing db after having done the dirty work. $cron_lock->release(); garbage_collection(); } // Thanks to various fatal errors and lack of try/finally, it is quite easy to leave // the cron lock locked, especially when working on cron-related code. // // Attempt to alleviate the problem by doing setup outside of the lock as much as possible. // // If DEBUG_EXTRA is defined and cron lock cannot be obtained, a message will be printed. if ($config['use_system_cron']) { $cron = new phpbb_cron_manager(new phpbb_cron_task_provider($phpbb_extension_manager), $cache->get_driver()); } else { $cron_type = request_var('cron_type', ''); // Comment this line out for debugging so the page does not return an image. output_image(); } $cron_lock = new phpbb_lock_db('cron_lock', $config, $db); if ($cron_lock->acquire()) { if ($config['use_system_cron']) { $run_tasks = $cron->find_all_ready_tasks(); } else { // If invalid task is specified, empty $run_tasks is passed to do_cron which then does nothing $run_tasks = array(); $task = $cron->find_task($cron_type); if ($task) { if ($task->is_parametrized()) { $task->parse_parameters($request); } if ($task->is_ready()) { $run_tasks = array($task); } } } do_cron($cron_lock, $run_tasks); } else { if (defined('DEBUG_EXTRA')) { echo "Could not obtain cron lock.\n"; } }