services: notification_manager: class: phpbb\notification\manager arguments: - '@notification.type_collection' - '@notification.method_collection' - '@service_container' - '@user_loader' - '@dispatcher' - '@dbal.conn' - '@cache' - '@language' - '@user' - '%tables.notification_types%' - '%tables.user_notifications%' # ----- Notification's types ----- # Service MUST NOT be shared for all the plugins to work. notification.type_collection: class: phpbb\di\service_collection arguments: - '@service_container' tags: - { name: service_collection, tag: notification.type } notification.type.base: abstract: true arguments: - '@dbal.conn' - '@language' - '@user' - '@auth' - '%core.root_path%' - '%core.php_ext%' - '%tables.user_notifications%' notification.type.admin_activate_user: class: phpbb\notification\type\admin_activate_user shared: false parent: notification.type.base calls: - [set_user_loader, ['@user_loader']] - [set_config, ['@config']] tags: - { name: notification.type } notification.type.approve_post: class: phpbb\notification\type\approve_post shared: false parent: tags: - { name: notification.type } notification.type.approve_topic: class: phpbb\notification\type\approve_topic shared: false parent: notification.type.topic tags: - { name: notification.type } notification.type.bookmark: class: phpbb\notification\type\bookmark shared: false parent: tags: - { name: notification.type } notification.type.disapprove_post: class: phpbb\notification\type\disapprove_post shared: false parent: tags: - { name: notification.type } notification.type.disapprove_topic: class: phpbb\notification\type\disapprove_topic shared: false parent: notification.type.topic tags: - { name: notification.type } notification.type.group_request: class: phpbb\notification\type\group_request shared: false parent: notification.type.base calls: - [set_user_loader, ['@user_loader']] tags: - { name: notification.type } notification.type.group_request_approved: class: phpbb\notification\type\group_request_approved shared: false parent: notification.type.base tags: - { name: notification.type } class: phpbb\notification\type\pm shared: false parent: notification.type.base calls: - [set_user_loader, ['@user_loader']] - [set_config, ['@config']] tags: - { name: notification.type } class: phpbb\notification\type\post shared: false parent: notification.type.base calls: - [set_user_loader, ['@user_loader']] - [set_config, ['@config']] tags: - { name: notification.type } notification.type.post_in_queue: class: phpbb\notification\type\post_in_queue shared: false parent: tags: - { name: notification.type } notification.type.quote: class: phpbb\notification\type\quote shared: false parent: calls: - [set_utils, ['@text_formatter.utils']] tags: - { name: notification.type } notification.type.report_pm: class: phpbb\notification\type\report_pm shared: false parent: tags: - { name: notification.type } notification.type.report_pm_closed: class: phpbb\notification\type\report_pm_closed shared: false parent: tags: - { name: notification.type } notification.type.report_post: class: phpbb\notification\type\report_post shared: false parent: tags: - { name: notification.type } notification.type.report_post_closed: class: phpbb\notification\type\report_post_closed shared: false parent: tags: - { name: notification.type } notification.type.topic: class: phpbb\notification\type\topic shared: false parent: notification.type.base calls: - [set_user_loader, ['@user_loader']] - [set_config, ['@config']] tags: - { name: notification.type } notification.type.topic_in_queue: class: phpbb\notification\type\topic_in_queue shared: false parent: notification.type.topic tags: - { name: notification.type } # ----- Notification's methods ----- # Service MUST NOT be shared for all the plugins to work. notification.method_collection: class: phpbb\di\service_collection arguments: - '@service_container' tags: - { name: service_collection, tag: notification.method } notification.method.board: class: phpbb\notification\method\board shared: false arguments: - '@user_loader' - '@dbal.conn' - '@cache.driver' - '@user' - '@config' - '%tables.notification_types%' - '%tables.notifications%' tags: - { name: notification.method } class: phpbb\notification\method\email shared: false arguments: - '@user_loader' - '@user' - '@config' - '%core.root_path%' - '%core.php_ext%' tags: - { name: notification.method } notification.method.jabber: class: phpbb\notification\method\jabber shared: false arguments: - '@user_loader' - '@user' - '@config' - '%core.root_path%' - '%core.php_ext%' tags: - { name: notification.method }