services: captcha.factory: class: phpbb\captcha\factory arguments: - @service_container - @captcha.plugins.service_collection # ----- Captcha plugins ----- # Scope MUST be prototype for all the plugins to work. captcha.plugins.service_collection: class: phpbb\di\service_collection arguments: - @service_container tags: - { name: service_collection, tag: captcha.plugins } class: phpbb\captcha\plugins\gd scope: prototype calls: - [set_name, []] tags: - { name: captcha.plugins } core.captcha.plugins.gd_wave: class: phpbb\captcha\plugins\gd_wave scope: prototype calls: - [set_name, [core.captcha.plugins.gd_wave]] tags: - { name: captcha.plugins } core.captcha.plugins.nogd: class: phpbb\captcha\plugins\nogd scope: prototype calls: - [set_name, [core.captcha.plugins.nogd]] tags: - { name: captcha.plugins } class: phpbb\captcha\plugins\qa scope: prototype arguments: - %tables.captcha_qa_questions% - %tables.captcha_qa_answers% - %tables.captcha_qa_confirm% calls: - [set_name, []] tags: - { name: captcha.plugins } core.captcha.plugins.recaptcha: class: phpbb\captcha\plugins\recaptcha scope: prototype calls: - [set_name, [core.captcha.plugins.recaptcha]] tags: - { name: captcha.plugins }