<?php /*************************************************************************** * admin_email.php * ------------------- * begin : Thu May 31, 2001 * copyright : (C) 2001 The phpBB Group * email : support@phpbb.com * * $Id$ * ****************************************************************************/ /*************************************************************************** * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * ***************************************************************************/ /*************************************************************************** Mass Mailings can be used by admin to mail either the entire board or all members of a specific group. ***************************************************************************/ if($setmodules == 1) { $filename = basename(__FILE__); $module['General']['Mass_Email'] = $filename; return; } // // Load default header // $phpbb_root_dir = "./../"; $no_page_header = TRUE; require('pagestart.inc'); // // Set VERBOSE to 1 for debugging info.. // if(DEBUG) { define("VERBOSE", 1); } else { define("VERBOSE", 0); } // // Increase maximum execution time in case of a lot of users, but don't complain about it if it isn't // allowed. // @set_time_limit(600); // // Set form names // $f_title = 'e_title'; $f_msg = 'e_msg'; if(isset($HTTP_POST_VARS['submit'])) { $group_id = $HTTP_POST_VARS[POST_GROUPS_URL]; if($group_id != -1) { $sql = 'SELECT u.user_email FROM '.USERS_TABLE.' u, '.USER_GROUP_TABLE.' g WHERE u.user_id = g.user_id AND g.group_id = '.$group_id; } else { $sql = 'SELECT user_email FROM '.USERS_TABLE; } if(!$g_result = $db->sql_query($sql)) { message_die(GENERAL_ERROR, "Coult not select group members!", __LINE__, __FILE__, $sql); } $g_list = $db->sql_fetchrowset($g_result); $email_headers = "From: " . $board_config['board_email'] . "\r\n"; $msg = stripslashes($HTTP_POST_VARS["$f_msg"]); $email_headers .= 'bcc: '; for($i = 0;$i < count($g_list); $i++) { if($i != 0) { $email_headers.= ' ,'; } $email_headers .= $g_list[$i]['user_email']; } mail($board_config['board_email'],$HTTP_POST_VARS["$f_title"],$HTTP_POST_VARS["$f_msg"],$email_headers); $notice = $lang['Messages'].' '.$lang['Sent'].'!'; } //Else, or if they already sent a message $sql = "SELECT group_id, group_name FROM ".GROUPS_TABLE.' WHERE group_single_user <> 1'; $g_result = $db->sql_query($sql); $group_list = $db->sql_fetchrowset($g_result); $select_list = '<SELECT name = "'.POST_GROUPS_URL.'">'; $select_list .= '<OPTION value = "-1">'.$lang['All'].'</OPTION>'; for($i = 0;$i < count($group_list); $i++) { $select_list .= "<OPTION value = \"".$group_list[$i]['group_id']; $select_list .= "\">".$group_list[$i]['group_name']."</OPTION>"; } $select_list .= "</SELECT>"; include('page_header_admin.'.$phpEx); $template->set_filenames(array( "body" => "admin/user_email.tpl") ); $template->assign_vars(array( "L_EMAIL_TITLE" => $lang['Email'], "L_EMAIL_EXPLAIN" => $lang['Mass_email_explain'], "L_COMPOSE" => $lang['Compose'], "L_GROUP_SELECT" => $lang['Group'], "L_EMAIL_SUBJECT" => $lang['Subject'], "L_EMAIL_MSG" => $lang['Message'], "L_EMAIL" => $lang['Email'], "L_NOTICE" => $notice, "S_USER_ACTION" => append_sid('admin_mass_email.'.$phpEx), "S_GROUP_SELECT" => $select_list, "S_EMAIL_SUBJECT" => $f_title, "S_EMAIL_MSG" => $f_msg) ); $template->pparse('body'); include('page_footer_admin.'.$phpEx); ?>