get_acl_admin('general') ) { return; } $filename = basename(__FILE__); $module['DB']['DB_Backup'] = $filename . "$SID&perform=backup"; $file_uploads = @ini_get('file_uploads'); if( ( $file_uploads != 0 || empty($file_uploads) ) && strtolower($file_uploads) != 'off' && @phpversion() != '4.0.4pl1' ) { $module['DB']['DB_Restore'] = $filename . "$SID&perform=restore"; } return; } // // Load default header // $no_page_header = TRUE; $phpbb_root_path = "../"; require($phpbb_root_path . ''); require('pagestart.' . $phpEx); include($phpbb_root_path . 'includes/functions_admin.'.$phpEx); if ( !$acl->get_acl_admin('general') ) { message_die(MESSAGE, $lang['No_admin']); } // // Increase maximum execution time, but don't complain about it if it isn't // allowed. // @set_time_limit(1200); // // Begin program proper // if ( isset($HTTP_GET_VARS['perform']) || isset($HTTP_POST_VARS['perform']) ) { $perform = ( isset($HTTP_POST_VARS['perform']) ) ? $HTTP_POST_VARS['perform'] : $HTTP_GET_VARS['perform']; switch($perform) { case 'backup': if ( SQL_LAYER == 'oracle' || SQL_LAYER == 'odbc' || SQL_LAYER == 'mssql' ) { switch ( SQL_LAYER ) { case 'oracle': $db_type = 'Oracle'; break; case 'odbc': $db_type = 'ODBC'; break; case 'mssql': $db_type = 'MSSQL'; break; } include('page_header_admin.'.$phpEx); $template->assign_vars(array( "MESSAGE_TITLE" => $lang['Information'], "MESSAGE_TEXT" => $lang['Backups_not_supported']) ); break; } $tables = array('auth_access', 'banlist', 'categories', 'config', 'disallow', 'forums', 'forum_prune', 'groups', 'posts', 'posts_text', 'privmsgs', 'privmsgs_text', 'ranks', 'search_results', 'search_results', 'search_wordlist', 'search_wordmatch', 'sessions', 'smilies', 'themes', 'themes_name', 'topics', 'topics_watch', 'user_group', 'users', 'vote_desc', 'vote_results', 'vote_voters', 'words'); $additional_tables = (isset($HTTP_POST_VARS['additional_tables'])) ? $HTTP_POST_VARS['additional_tables'] : ( ( isset($HTTP_GET_VARS['additional_tables']) ) ? $HTTP_GET_VARS['additional_tables'] : "" ); $backup_type = (isset($HTTP_POST_VARS['backup_type'])) ? $HTTP_POST_VARS['backup_type'] : ( ( isset($HTTP_GET_VARS['backup_type']) ) ? $HTTP_GET_VARS['backup_type'] : "" ); $gzipcompress = (!empty($HTTP_POST_VARS['gzipcompress'])) ? $HTTP_POST_VARS['gzipcompress'] : ( ( !empty($HTTP_GET_VARS['gzipcompress']) ) ? $HTTP_GET_VARS['gzipcompress'] : 0 ); if ( !empty($additional_tables) ) { if ( ereg(",", $additional_tables)) { $additional_tables = split(",", $additional_tables); for($i = 0; $i < count($additional_tables); $i++) { $tables[] = trim($additional_tables[$i]); } } else { $tables[] = trim($additional_tables); } } if ( !isset($HTTP_POST_VARS['backupstart']) && !isset($HTTP_GET_VARS['backupstart'])) { $s_hidden_fields = ''; page_header($lang['DB']); ?>

assign_vars(array( "META" => "", "MESSAGE_TITLE" => $lang['Database_Utilities'] . " : " . $lang['Backup'], "MESSAGE_TEXT" => $lang['Backup_download']) ); include('page_header_admin.php'); include('page_footer_admin.'.$phpEx); } header("Pragma: no-cache"); $do_gzip_compress = FALSE; if( $gzipcompress ) { $phpver = phpversion(); if($phpver >= "4.0") { if(extension_loaded("zlib")) { $do_gzip_compress = TRUE; } } } if($do_gzip_compress) { @ob_start(); @ob_implicit_flush(0); header("Content-Type: text/x-delimtext; name=\"phpbb_db_backup.sql.gz\""); header("Content-disposition: attachment; filename=phpbb_db_backup.sql.gz"); } else { header("Content-Type: text/x-delimtext; name=\"phpbb_db_backup.sql\""); header("Content-disposition: attachment; filename=phpbb_db_backup.sql"); } // // Build the sql script file... // echo "#\n"; echo "# phpBB Backup Script\n"; echo "# Dump of tables for $dbname\n"; echo "#\n# DATE : " . gmdate("d-m-Y H:i:s", time()) . " GMT\n"; echo "#\n"; if(SQL_LAYER == 'postgresql') { echo "\n" . pg_get_sequences("\n", $backup_type); } for($i = 0; $i < count($tables); $i++) { $table_name = $tables[$i]; if(SQL_LAYER != 'mysql4') { $table_def_function = "get_table_def_" . SQL_LAYER; $table_content_function = "get_table_content_" . SQL_LAYER; } else { $table_def_function = "get_table_def_mysql"; $table_content_function = "get_table_content_mysql"; } if($backup_type != 'data') { echo "#\n# TABLE: " . $table_prefix . $table_name . "\n#\n"; echo $table_def_function($table_prefix . $table_name, "\n") . "\n"; } if($backup_type != 'structure') { $table_content_function($table_prefix . $table_name, "output_table_content"); } } if($do_gzip_compress) { $Size = ob_get_length(); $Crc = crc32(ob_get_contents()); $contents = gzcompress(ob_get_contents()); ob_end_clean(); echo "\x1f\x8b\x08\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00".substr($contents, 0, strlen($contents) - 4).gzip_PrintFourChars($Crc).gzip_PrintFourChars($Size); } exit; break; case 'restore': if ( !isset($restore_start) ) { $s_hidden_fields = ''; page_header($lang['DB']); ?>

= "4.0") { if(extension_loaded("zlib")) { $do_gzip_compress = TRUE; } } if($do_gzip_compress) { $gz_ptr = gzopen($backup_file_tmpname, 'rb'); $sql_query = ""; while( !gzeof($gz_ptr) ) { $sql_query .= gzgets($gz_ptr, 100000); } } else { include('page_header_admin.'.$phpEx); message_die(ERROR, $lang['Restore_Error_decompress']); } } else { $sql_query = fread(fopen($backup_file_tmpname, 'r'), filesize($backup_file_tmpname)); } // // Comment this line out to see if this fixes the stuff... // //$sql_query = stripslashes($sql_query); } else { include('page_header_admin.'.$phpEx); message_die(ERROR, $lang['Restore_Error_filename'] ." $backup_file_type $backup_file_name"); } } else { include('page_header_admin.'.$phpEx); message_die(ERROR, $lang['Restore_Error_uploading']); } if($sql_query != "") { // Strip out sql comments... $sql_query = remove_remarks($sql_query); $pieces = split_sql_file($sql_query, ";"); $sql_count = count($pieces); for($i = 0; $i < $sql_count; $i++) { $sql = trim($pieces[$i]); if(!empty($sql) and $sql[0] != "#") { if(DEBUG == 1) { echo "Executing: $sql\n
"; flush(); } $result = $db->sql_query($sql); if(!$result && ( !(SQL_LAYER == 'postgresql' && eregi("drop table", $sql) ) ) ) { //include('page_header_admin.'.$phpEx); // echo "~~$sql~~"; message_die(ERROR, "Error importing backup file", "", __LINE__, __FILE__, $sql); } } } } include('page_header_admin.'.$phpEx); $message = $lang['Restore_success']; $template->assign_vars(array( "MESSAGE_TITLE" => $lang['Database_Utilities'] . " : " . $lang['Restore'], "MESSAGE_TEXT" => $message) ); break; } break; } } ?> sql_query($get_seq_sql); if( !$num_seq = $db->sql_numrows($seq) ) { $return_val = "# No Sequences Found $crlf"; } else { $return_val = "# Sequences $crlf"; $i_seq = 0; while($i_seq < $num_seq) { $row = $db->sql_fetchrow($seq); $sequence = $row['relname']; $get_props_sql = "SELECT * FROM $sequence"; $seq_props = $db->sql_query($get_props_sql); if($db->sql_numrows($seq_props) > 0) { $row1 = $db->sql_fetchrow($seq_props); if($backup_type == 'structure') { $row['last_value'] = 1; } $return_val .= "CREATE SEQUENCE $sequence start " . $row['last_value'] . ' increment ' . $row['increment_by'] . ' maxvalue ' . $row['max_value'] . ' minvalue ' . $row['min_value'] . ' cache ' . $row['cache_value'] . "; $crlf"; } // End if numrows > 0 if(($row['last_value'] > 1) && ($backup_type != 'structure')) { $return_val .= "SELECT NEXTVALE('$sequence'); $crlf"; unset($row['last_value']); } $i_seq++; } // End while.. } // End else... return $returnval; } // End function... // // The following functions will return the "CREATE TABLE syntax for the // varying DBMS's // // This function returns, will return the table def's for postgres... // function get_table_def_postgresql($table, $crlf) { global $drop, $db; $schema_create = ""; // // Get a listing of the fields, with their associated types, etc. // $field_query = "SELECT a.attnum, a.attname AS field, t.typname as type, a.attlen AS length, a.atttypmod as lengthvar, a.attnotnull as notnull FROM pg_class c, pg_attribute a, pg_type t WHERE c.relname = '$table' AND a.attnum > 0 AND a.attrelid = c.oid AND a.atttypid = t.oid ORDER BY a.attnum"; $result = $db->sql_query($field_query); if(!$result) { message_die(GENERAL_ERROR, "Failed in get_table_def (show fields)", "", __LINE__, __FILE__, $field_query); } // end if.. if ($drop == 1) { $schema_create .= "DROP TABLE $table;$crlf"; } // end if // // Ok now we actually start building the SQL statements to restore the tables // $schema_create .= "CREATE TABLE $table($crlf"; while ($row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result)) { // // Get the data from the table // $sql_get_default = "SELECT d.adsrc AS rowdefault FROM pg_attrdef d, pg_class c WHERE (c.relname = '$table') AND (c.oid = d.adrelid) AND d.adnum = " . $row['attnum']; $def_res = $db->sql_query($sql_get_default); if (!$def_res) { unset($row['rowdefault']); } else { $row['rowdefault'] = @pg_result($def_res, 0, 'rowdefault'); } if ($row['type'] == 'bpchar') { // Internally stored as bpchar, but isn't accepted in a CREATE TABLE statement. $row['type'] = 'char'; } $schema_create .= ' ' . $row['field'] . ' ' . $row['type']; if (eregi('char', $row['type'])) { if ($row['lengthvar'] > 0) { $schema_create .= '(' . ($row['lengthvar'] -4) . ')'; } } if (eregi('numeric', $row['type'])) { $schema_create .= '('; $schema_create .= sprintf("%s,%s", (($row['lengthvar'] >> 16) & 0xffff), (($row['lengthvar'] - 4) & 0xffff)); $schema_create .= ')'; } if (!empty($row['rowdefault'])) { $schema_create .= ' DEFAULT ' . $row['rowdefault']; } if ($row['notnull'] == 't') { $schema_create .= ' NOT NULL'; } $schema_create .= ",$crlf"; } // // Get the listing of primary keys. // $sql_pri_keys = "SELECT ic.relname AS index_name, bc.relname AS tab_name, ta.attname AS column_name, i.indisunique AS unique_key, i.indisprimary AS primary_key FROM pg_class bc, pg_class ic, pg_index i, pg_attribute ta, pg_attribute ia WHERE (bc.oid = i.indrelid) AND (ic.oid = i.indexrelid) AND (ia.attrelid = i.indexrelid) AND (ta.attrelid = bc.oid) AND (bc.relname = '$table') AND (ta.attrelid = i.indrelid) AND (ta.attnum = i.indkey[ia.attnum-1]) ORDER BY index_name, tab_name, column_name "; $result = $db->sql_query($sql_pri_keys); if(!$result) { message_die(GENERAL_ERROR, "Failed in get_table_def (show fields)", "", __LINE__, __FILE__, $sql_pri_keys); } while ( $row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result)) { if ($row['primary_key'] == 't') { if (!empty($primary_key)) { $primary_key .= ', '; } $primary_key .= $row['column_name']; $primary_key_name = $row['index_name']; } else { // // We have to store this all this info because it is possible to have a multi-column key... // we can loop through it again and build the statement // $index_rows[$row['index_name']]['table'] = $table; $index_rows[$row['index_name']]['unique'] = ($row['unique_key'] == 't') ? ' UNIQUE ' : ''; $index_rows[$row['index_name']]['column_names'] .= $row['column_name'] . ', '; } } if (!empty($index_rows)) { while(list($idx_name, $props) = each($index_rows)) { $props['column_names'] = ereg_replace(", $", "" , $props['column_names']); $index_create .= 'CREATE ' . $props['unique'] . " INDEX $idx_name ON $table (" . $props['column_names'] . ");$crlf"; } } if (!empty($primary_key)) { $schema_create .= " CONSTRAINT $primary_key_name PRIMARY KEY ($primary_key),$crlf"; } // // Generate constraint clauses for CHECK constraints // $sql_checks = "SELECT rcname as index_name, rcsrc FROM pg_relcheck, pg_class bc WHERE rcrelid = bc.oid AND bc.relname = '$table' AND NOT EXISTS ( SELECT * FROM pg_relcheck as c, pg_inherits as i WHERE i.inhrelid = pg_relcheck.rcrelid AND c.rcname = pg_relcheck.rcname AND c.rcsrc = pg_relcheck.rcsrc AND c.rcrelid = i.inhparent )"; $result = $db->sql_query($sql_checks); if (!$result) { message_die(GENERAL_ERROR, "Failed in get_table_def (show fields)", "", __LINE__, __FILE__, $sql_checks); } // // Add the constraints to the sql file. // while ($row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result)) { $schema_create .= ' CONSTRAINT ' . $row['index_name'] . ' CHECK ' . $row['rcsrc'] . ",$crlf"; } $schema_create = ereg_replace(',' . $crlf . '$', '', $schema_create); $index_create = ereg_replace(',' . $crlf . '$', '', $index_create); $schema_create .= "$crlf);$crlf"; if (!empty($index_create)) { $schema_create .= $index_create; } // // Ok now we've built all the sql return it to the calling function. // return (stripslashes($schema_create)); } // // This function returns the "CREATE TABLE" syntax for mysql dbms... // function get_table_def_mysql($table, $crlf) { global $drop, $db; $schema_create = ""; $field_query = "SHOW FIELDS FROM $table"; $key_query = "SHOW KEYS FROM $table"; // // If the user has selected to drop existing tables when doing a restore. // Then we add the statement to drop the tables.... // if ($drop == 1) { $schema_create .= "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS $table;$crlf"; } $schema_create .= "CREATE TABLE $table($crlf"; // // Ok lets grab the fields... // $result = $db->sql_query($field_query); if(!result) { message_die(GENERAL_ERROR, "Failed in get_table_def (show fields)", "", __LINE__, __FILE__, $field_query); } while ($row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result)) { $schema_create .= ' ' . $row['Field'] . ' ' . $row['Type']; if(!empty($row['Default'])) { $schema_create .= ' DEFAULT \'' . $row['Default'] . '\''; } if($row['Null'] != "YES") { $schema_create .= ' NOT NULL'; } if($row['Extra'] != "") { $schema_create .= ' ' . $row['Extra']; } $schema_create .= ",$crlf"; } // // Drop the last ',$crlf' off ;) // $schema_create = ereg_replace(',' . $crlf . '$', "", $schema_create); // // Get any Indexed fields from the database... // $result = $db->sql_query($key_query); while($row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result)) { $kname = $row['Key_name']; if(($kname != 'PRIMARY') && ($row['Non_unique'] == 0)) { $kname = "UNIQUE|$kname"; } if(!is_array($index[$kname])) { $index[$kname] = array(); } $index[$kname][] = $row['Column_name']; } while(list($x, $columns) = @each($index)) { $schema_create .= ", $crlf"; if($x == 'PRIMARY') { $schema_create .= ' PRIMARY KEY (' . implode($columns, ', ') . ')'; } elseif (substr($x,0,6) == 'UNIQUE') { $schema_create .= ' UNIQUE ' . substr($x,7) . ' (' . implode($columns, ', ') . ')'; } else { $schema_create .= " KEY $x (" . implode($columns, ', ') . ')'; } } $schema_create .= "$crlf);"; if(get_magic_quotes_runtime()) { return(stripslashes($schema_create)); } else { return($schema_create); } } // End get_table_def_mysql // // This fuction will return a tables create definition to be used as an sql // statement. // // // The following functions Get the data from the tables and format it as a // series of INSERT statements, for each different DBMS... // After every row a custom callback function $handler gets called. // $handler must accept one parameter ($sql_insert); // // // Here is the function for postgres... // function get_table_content_postgresql($table, $handler) { global $db; // // Grab all of the data from current table. // $result = $db->sql_query("SELECT * FROM $table"); if (!$result) { message_die(GENERAL_ERROR, "Failed in get_table_content (select *)", "", __LINE__, __FILE__, "SELECT * FROM $table"); } $i_num_fields = $db->sql_numfields($result); for ($i = 0; $i < $i_num_fields; $i++) { $aryType[] = $db->sql_fieldtype($i, $result); $aryName[] = $db->sql_fieldname($i, $result); } $iRec = 0; while($row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result)) { unset($schema_vals); unset($schema_fields); unset($schema_insert); // // Build the SQL statement to recreate the data. // for($i = 0; $i < $i_num_fields; $i++) { $strVal = $row[$aryName[$i]]; if (eregi("char|text|bool", $aryType[$i])) { $strQuote = "'"; $strEmpty = ""; $strVal = addslashes($strVal); } elseif (eregi("date|timestamp", $aryType[$i])) { if ($empty($strVal)) { $strQuote = ""; } else { $strQuote = "'"; } } else { $strQuote = ""; $strEmpty = "NULL"; } if (empty($strVal) && $strVal != "0") { $strVal = $strEmpty; } $schema_vals .= " $strQuote$strVal$strQuote,"; $schema_fields .= " $aryName[$i],"; } $schema_vals = ereg_replace(",$", "", $schema_vals); $schema_vals = ereg_replace("^ ", "", $schema_vals); $schema_fields = ereg_replace(",$", "", $schema_fields); $schema_fields = ereg_replace("^ ", "", $schema_fields); // // Take the ordered fields and their associated data and build it // into a valid sql statement to recreate that field in the data. // $schema_insert = "INSERT INTO $table ($schema_fields) VALUES($schema_vals);"; $handler(trim($schema_insert)); } return(true); }// end function get_table_content_postgres... // // This function is for getting the data from a mysql table. // function get_table_content_mysql($table, $handler) { global $db; // // Grab the data from the table. // $result = $db->sql_query("SELECT * FROM $table"); if (!$result) { message_die(GENERAL_ERROR, "Failed in get_table_content (select *)", "", __LINE__, __FILE__, "SELECT * FROM $table"); } if($db->sql_numrows($result) > 0) { $schema_insert = "\n#\n# Table Data for $table\n#\n"; } else { $schema_insert = ""; } $handler($schema_insert); // // Loop through the resulting rows and build the sql statement. // while ($row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result)) { $table_list = '('; $num_fields = $db->sql_numfields($result); // // Grab the list of field names. // for ($j = 0; $j < $num_fields; $j++) { $table_list .= $db->sql_fieldname($j, $result) . ', '; } // // Get rid of the last comma // $table_list = ereg_replace(', $', '', $table_list); $table_list .= ')'; // // Start building the SQL statement. // $schema_insert = "INSERT INTO $table $table_list VALUES("; // // Loop through the rows and fill in data for each column // for ($j = 0; $j < $num_fields; $j++) { if(!isset($row[$j])) { // // If there is no data for the column set it to null. // There was a problem here with an extra space causing the // sql file not to reimport if the last column was null in // any table. Should be fixed now :) JLH // $schema_insert .= ' NULL,'; } elseif ($row[$j] != '') { $schema_insert .= ' \'' . addslashes($row[$j]) . '\','; } else { $schema_insert .= '\'\','; } } // // Get rid of the the last comma. // $schema_insert = ereg_replace(',$', '', $schema_insert); $schema_insert .= ');'; // // Go ahead and send the insert statement to the handler function. // $handler(trim($schema_insert)); } return(true); } function output_table_content($content) { global $tempfile; //fwrite($tempfile, $content . "\n"); //$backup_sql .= $content . "\n"; echo $content ."\n"; return; } // // End Functions // ------------- ?>