/* global phpbb */ (function($) { // Avoid conflicts with other libraries 'use strict'; /** * The following callbacks are for reording items. row_down * is triggered when an item is moved down, and row_up is triggered when * an item is moved up. It moves the row up or down, and deactivates / * activates any up / down icons that require it (the ones at the top or bottom). */ phpbb.addAjaxCallback('row_down', function(res) { if (typeof res.success === 'undefined' || !res.success) { return; } var $firstTr = $(this).parents('tr'), $secondTr = $firstTr.next(); $firstTr.insertAfter($secondTr); }); phpbb.addAjaxCallback('row_up', function(res) { if (typeof res.success === 'undefined' || !res.success) { return; } var $secondTr = $(this).parents('tr'), $firstTr = $secondTr.prev(); $secondTr.insertBefore($firstTr); }); /** * This callback replaces activate links with deactivate links and vice versa. * It does this by replacing the text, and replacing all instances of "activate" * in the href with "deactivate", and vice versa. */ phpbb.addAjaxCallback('activate_deactivate', function(res) { var $this = $(this), newHref = $this.attr('href'); $this.text(res.text); if (newHref.indexOf('deactivate') !== -1) { newHref = newHref.replace('deactivate', 'activate'); } else { newHref = newHref.replace('activate', 'deactivate'); } $this.attr('href', newHref); }); /** * The removes the parent row of the link or form that triggered the callback, * and is good for stuff like the removal of forums. */ phpbb.addAjaxCallback('row_delete', function(res) { if (res.SUCCESS !== false) { $(this).parents('tr').remove(); } }); $('[data-ajax]').each(function() { var $this = $(this), ajax = $this.attr('data-ajax'); if (ajax !== 'false') { var fn = (ajax !== 'true') ? ajax : null; phpbb.ajaxify({ selector: this, refresh: $this.attr('data-refresh') !== undefined, callback: fn }); } }); /** * Automatically resize textarea */ $(function() { phpbb.resizeTextArea($('textarea:not(.no-auto-resize)'), {minHeight: 75}); }); })(jQuery); // Avoid conflicts with other libraries