/** * phpBB3 ACP functions */ /** * Parse document block */ function parse_document(container) { var test = document.createElement('div'), oldBrowser = (typeof test.style.borderRadius == 'undefined'); delete test; /** * Navigation */ container.find('#menu').each(function() { var menu = $(this), blocks = menu.children('.menu-block'); if (!blocks.length) { return; } // Set onclick event blocks.children('a.header').click(function() { var parent = $(this).parent(); if (!parent.hasClass('active')) { parent.siblings().removeClass('active'); } parent.toggleClass('active'); }); // Set active menu menu.find('#activemenu').parents('.menu-block').addClass('active'); // Check if there is active menu if (!blocks.filter('.active').length) { blocks.filter(':first').addClass('active'); } }); /** * Responsive tables */ container.find('table').not('.not-responsive').each(function() { var $this = $(this), th = $this.find('thead > tr > th'), columns = th.length, headers = [], totalHeaders = 0, i, headersLength; // Find columns $this.find('colgroup:first').children().each(function(i) { var column = $(this); $this.find('td:nth-child(' + (i + 1) + ')').addClass(column.prop('className')); }); // Styles table if ($this.hasClass('styles')) { $this.find('td:first-child[style]').each(function() { var style = $(this).attr('style'); if (style.length) { $(this).parent('tr').attr('style', style.toLowerCase().replace('padding', 'margin')).addClass('responsive-style-row'); } }); } // Find each header if (!$this.data('no-responsive-header')) { th.each(function(column) { var cell = $(this), colspan = parseInt(cell.attr('colspan')), dfn = cell.attr('data-dfn'), text = dfn ? dfn : $.trim(cell.text()); if (text == ' ') text = ''; colspan = isNaN(colspan) || colspan < 1 ? 1 : colspan; for (i=0; i<colspan; i++) { headers.push(text); } totalHeaders ++; if (dfn && !column) { $this.addClass('show-header'); } }); } headersLength = headers.length; // Add header text to each cell as <dfn> $this.addClass('responsive'); if (totalHeaders < 2) { $this.addClass('show-header'); return; } $this.find('tbody > tr').each(function() { var row = $(this), cells = row.children('td'), column = 0; if (cells.length == 1) { row.addClass('big-column'); return; } cells.each(function() { var cell = $(this), colspan = parseInt(cell.attr('colspan')), text = $.trim(cell.text()); if (headersLength <= column) { return; } if ((text.length && text !== '-') || cell.children().length) { if (headers[column] != '') { cell.prepend('<dfn style="display: none;">' + headers[column] + '</dfn>'); } } else { cell.addClass('empty'); } colspan = isNaN(colspan) || colspan < 1 ? 1 : colspan; column += colspan; }); }); // Remove <dfn> in disabled extensions list $this.find('tr.ext_disabled > .empty:nth-child(2) + .empty').siblings(':first-child').children('dfn').remove(); }); /** * Hide empty responsive tables */ container.find('table.responsive > tbody').each(function() { var items = $(this).children('tr'); if (items.length == 0) { $(this).parent('table:first').addClass('responsive-hide'); } }); /** * Fieldsets with empty <span> */ container.find('fieldset dt > span:last-child').each(function() { var $this = $(this); if ($this.html() == ' ') { $this.addClass('responsive-hide'); } }); /** * Responsive tabs */ container.find('#tabs').not('[data-skip-responsive]').each(function() { var $this = $(this), $body = $('body'), ul = $this.children(), tabs = ul.children().not('[data-skip-responsive]'), links = tabs.children('a'), item = ul.append('<li class="tab responsive-tab" style="display:none;"><a href="javascript:void(0);" class="responsive-tab-link"> </a><div class="dropdown tab-dropdown" style="display: none;"><div class="pointer"><div class="pointer-inner" /></div><ul class="dropdown-contents" /></div></li>').find('li.responsive-tab'), menu = item.find('.dropdown-contents'), maxHeight = 0, lastWidth = false, responsive = false; links.each(function() { var link = $(this); maxHeight = Math.max(maxHeight, Math.max(link.outerHeight(true), link.parent().outerHeight(true))); }) function check() { var width = $body.width(), height = $this.height(); if (arguments.length == 0 && (!responsive || width <= lastWidth) && height <= maxHeight) { return; } tabs.show(); item.hide(); lastWidth = width; height = $this.height(); if (height <= maxHeight) { responsive = false; if (item.hasClass('dropdown-visible')) { phpbb.toggleDropdown.call(item.find('a.responsive-tab-link').get(0)); } return; } responsive = true; item.show(); menu.html(''); var availableTabs = tabs.filter(':not(.activetab, .responsive-tab)'), total = availableTabs.length, i, tab; for (i = total - 1; i >= 0; i --) { tab = availableTabs.eq(i); menu.prepend(tab.clone(true).removeClass('tab')); tab.hide(); if ($this.height() <= maxHeight) { menu.find('a').click(function() { check(true); }); return; } } menu.find('a').click(function() { check(true); }); } phpbb.registerDropdown(item.find('a.responsive-tab-link'), item.find('.dropdown'), {visibleClass: 'activetab', verticalDirection: 'down'}); check(true); $(window).resize(check); }); } /** * Run onload functions */ (function($) { $(document).ready(function() { // Swap .nojs and .hasjs $('body.nojs').toggleClass('nojs hasjs'); // Focus forms $('form[data-focus]:first').each(function() { $('#' + this.getAttribute('data-focus')).focus(); }); parse_document($('body')); // Hide configlist and success message in send statistics page phpbb.toggleDisplay('configlist', -1); phpbb.toggleDisplay('questionnaire-thanks', -1); }); })(jQuery);