#!/bin/bash # # This file is part of the phpBB Forum Software package. # # @copyright (c) phpBB Limited <https://www.phpbb.com> # @license GNU General Public License, version 2 (GPL-2.0) # # For full copyright and license information, please see # the docs/CREDITS.txt file. # # Calls the git commit-msg hook on all non-merge commits in a given commit range. # if [ "$#" -ne 1 ]; then echo "Expected one argument (commit range, e.g. phpbb/develop..ticket/12345)." exit fi DIR=$(dirname "$0") COMMIT_RANGE="$1" COMMIT_MSG_HOOK_PATH="$DIR/hooks/commit-msg" COMMIT_MSG_HOOK_FATAL=$(git config --bool phpbb.hooks.commit-msg.fatal 2> /dev/null) git config phpbb.hooks.commit-msg.fatal true EXIT_STATUS=0 for COMMIT_HASH in $(git rev-list --no-merges "$COMMIT_RANGE") do echo "Inspecting commit message of commit $COMMIT_HASH" # The git commit-msg hook takes a path to a file containing a commit # message. So we have to extract the commit message into a file first, # which then also needs to be deleted after our work is done. COMMIT_MESSAGE_PATH="$DIR/commit_msg.$COMMIT_HASH" git log -n 1 --pretty=format:%B "$COMMIT_HASH" > "$COMMIT_MESSAGE_PATH" # Invoke hook on commit message file. "$COMMIT_MSG_HOOK_PATH" "$COMMIT_MESSAGE_PATH" # If any commit message hook complains with a non-zero exit status, we # will send a non-zero exit status upstream. if [ $? -ne 0 ] then EXIT_STATUS=1 fi rm "$COMMIT_MESSAGE_PATH" done # Restore phpbb.hooks.commit-msg.fatal config if [ -n "$COMMIT_MSG_HOOK_FATAL" ] then git config phpbb.hooks.commit-msg.fatal "$COMMIT_MSG_HOOK_FATAL" fi exit $EXIT_STATUS