#!/usr/bin/env php <?php /** * * @package build * @copyright (c) 2010 phpBB Group * @license http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.php GNU General Public License v2 * */ if ($_SERVER['argc'] != 3) { die("Please specify the previous and current version as arguments (e.g. build_diff.php '1.0.2' '1.0.3')."); } $old_version = trim($_SERVER['argv'][1]); $new_version = trim($_SERVER['argv'][2]); $substitute_old = $old_version; $substitute_new = $new_version; $simple_name_old = 'release-' . $old_version; $simple_name_new = 'release-' . $new_version; $echo_changes = false; // DO NOT EVER USE THE FOLLOWING! Fix the script to generate proper changes, // do NOT manually create them. // Set this to true to just compress the changes and do not build them again // This should be used for building custom modified txt file. ;) $package_changed_files = false; //$debug_file = 'includes/functions_user.php'; //'styles/prosilver/style.cfg'; $debug_file = false; if ($debug_file !== false) { $echo_changes = false; } $s_name = 'save_' . $substitute_old . '_to_' . $substitute_new; $location = dirname(__FILE__); if (!$package_changed_files) { if (!$echo_changes) { // Create directory... run_command("mkdir $location/save/{$s_name}"); run_command("mkdir $location/save/{$s_name}/language"); run_command("mkdir $location/save/{$s_name}/prosilver"); run_command("mkdir $location/save/{$s_name}/subsilver2"); } } // Build code changes and place them into 'save' if (!$package_changed_files) { build_code_changes('language'); build_code_changes('prosilver'); build_code_changes('subsilver2'); } // Package code changes $code_changes_filename = 'phpBB-' . $substitute_old . '_to_' . $substitute_new . '-codechanges'; if (!$echo_changes) { // Now compress the files... // Build Main phpBB Release $compress_programs = array( // 'tar.gz' => 'tar -czf', 'tar.bz2' => 'tar -cjf', 'zip' => 'zip -r' ); chdir($location . '/save/' . $s_name); foreach ($compress_programs as $extension => $compress_command) { echo "Packaging code changes for $extension\n"; run_command("rm ./../../new_version/release_files/{$code_changes_filename}.{$extension}"); flush(); // Build Package run_command("$compress_command ./../../new_version/release_files/{$code_changes_filename}.{$extension} *"); // Build MD5 Sum run_command("md5sum ./../../new_version/release_files/{$code_changes_filename}.{$extension} > ./../../new_version/release_files/{$code_changes_filename}.{$extension}.md5"); flush(); } } /** * $output_format can be: language, prosilver and subsilver2 */ function build_code_changes($output_format) { global $substitute_new, $substitute_old, $simple_name_old, $simple_name_new, $echo_changes, $package_changed_files, $location, $debug_file, $s_name; // Global array holding the data entries $data = array( 'header' => array(), 'diff' => array(), ); // Read diff file and prepare the output filedata... //$patch_filename = '../new_version/patches/phpBB-' . $substitute_old . '_to_' . $substitute_new . '.patch'; $release_filename = 'phpbb-' . $substitute_old . '_to_' . $substitute_new . '_' . $output_format . '.txt'; if (!$package_changed_files) { if (!$echo_changes) { $fp = fopen('save/' . $s_name . '/' . $output_format . '/' . $release_filename, 'wb'); if (!$fp) { die('Unable to create ' . $release_filename); } } } include_once($location . '/build_helper.php'); $package = new build_package(array($substitute_old, $substitute_new), false); $titles = array( 'language' => 'phpBB ' . $substitute_old . ' to phpBB ' . $substitute_new . ' Language Pack Changes', 'prosilver' => 'phpBB ' . $substitute_old . ' to phpBB ' . $substitute_new . ' prosilver Changes', 'subsilver2' => 'phpBB ' . $substitute_old . ' to phpBB ' . $substitute_new . ' subsilver2 Changes', ); $data['header'] = array( 'title' => $titles[$output_format], 'intro' => ' These are the ' . $titles[$output_format] . ' summed up into a little Mod. These changes are only partial and do not include any code changes, therefore not meant for updating phpBB. ', 'included_files' => array(), ); // We collect the files we want to diff first (ironically we grab this from a diff file) if (!$echo_changes) { echo "\n\nCollecting Filenames:"; } // We re-create the patch file foreach ($package->old_packages as $_package_name => $dest_package_filename) { chdir($package->locations['old_versions']); if (!$echo_changes) { echo "\n\n" . 'Creating patch/diff files for phpBB-' . $dest_package_filename . $package->get('new_version_number'); } $dest_package_filename = $location . '/save/' . $s_name . '/phpBB-' . $dest_package_filename . $package->get('new_version_number') . '.patch'; $package->run_command('diff ' . $package->diff_options . ' ' . $_package_name . ' ' . $package->get('simple_name') . ' > ' . $dest_package_filename); // Parse this diff to determine file changes from the checked versions and save them $result = $package->collect_diff_files($dest_package_filename, $_package_name); $package->run_command('rm ' . $dest_package_filename); } chdir($location); $filenames = array(); foreach ($result['files'] as $filename) { if ($debug_file !== false && $filename != $debug_file) { continue; } // Decide which files to compare... switch ($output_format) { case 'language': if (strpos($filename, 'language/en/') !== 0) { continue 2; } break; case 'prosilver': if (strpos($filename, 'styles/prosilver/') !== 0) { continue 2; } break; case 'subsilver2': if (strpos($filename, 'styles/subsilver2/') !== 0) { continue 2; } break; } if (!file_exists($location . '/old_versions/' . $simple_name_old . '/' . $filename)) { // New file... include it $data['header']['included_files'][] = array( 'old' => $location . '/old_versions/' . $simple_name_old . '/' . $filename, 'new' => $location . '/old_versions/' . $simple_name_new . '/' . $filename, 'phpbb_filename' => $filename, ); continue; } $filenames[] = array( 'old' => $location . '/old_versions/' . $simple_name_old . '/' . $filename, 'new' => $location . '/old_versions/' . $simple_name_new . '/' . $filename, 'phpbb_filename' => $filename, ); } // Now let us go through the filenames list and create a more comprehensive diff if (!$echo_changes) { fwrite($fp, build_header($output_format, $filenames, $data['header'])); } else { //echo build_header('text', $filenames, $data['header']); } // Copy files... $files_to_copy = array(); foreach ($data['header']['included_files'] as $filename) { $files_to_copy[] = $filename['phpbb_filename']; } // First step is to copy the new version over (clean structure) if (!$echo_changes && sizeof($files_to_copy)) { foreach ($files_to_copy as $file) { // Create directory? $dirname = dirname($file); if ($dirname) { $dirname = explode('/', $dirname); $__dir = array(); foreach ($dirname as $i => $dir) { $__dir[] = $dir; run_command("mkdir -p $location/save/" . $s_name . '/' . $output_format . '/' . implode('/', $__dir)); } } $source_file = $location . '/new_version/phpBB3/' . $file; $dest_file = $location . '/save/' . $s_name . '/' . $output_format . '/'; $dest_file .= $file; $command = "cp -p $source_file $dest_file"; $result = trim(`$command`); echo "- Copied File: " . $source_file . " -> " . $dest_file . "\n"; } } include_once('diff_class.php'); if (!$echo_changes) { echo "\n\nDiffing Codebases:"; } foreach ($filenames as $file_ary) { if (!file_exists($file_ary['old'])) { $lines1 = array(); } else { $lines1 = file($file_ary['old']); } $lines2 = file($file_ary['new']); if (!sizeof($lines1)) { // New File } else { $diff = new Diff($lines1, $lines2); $fmt = new BBCodeDiffFormatter(false, 5, $debug_file); if (!$echo_changes) { fwrite($fp, $fmt->format_open($file_ary['phpbb_filename'])); fwrite($fp, $fmt->format($diff, $lines1)); fwrite($fp, $fmt->format_close($file_ary['phpbb_filename'])); } else { echo $fmt->format_open($file_ary['phpbb_filename']); echo $fmt->format($diff, $lines1); echo $fmt->format_close($file_ary['phpbb_filename']); } if ($debug_file !== false) { echo $fmt->format_open($file_ary['phpbb_filename']); echo $fmt->format($diff, $lines1); echo $fmt->format_close($file_ary['phpbb_filename']); exit; } } } if (!$echo_changes) { fwrite($fp, build_footer($output_format)); // Close file fclose($fp); chmod('save/' . $s_name . '/' . $output_format . '/' . $release_filename, 0666); } else { echo build_footer($output_format); } } /** * Build Footer */ function build_footer($mode) { $html = ''; $html .= "# \n"; $html .= "#-----[ SAVE/CLOSE ALL FILES ]------------------------------------------ \n"; $html .= "# \n"; $html .= "# EoM"; return $html; } /** * Build Header */ function build_header($mode, $filenames, $header) { global $substitute_old; $html = ''; $html .= "############################################################## \n"; $html .= "## Title: " . $header['title'] . "\n"; $html .= "## Author: naderman < naderman@phpbb.com > (Nils Adermann) http://www.phpbb.com \n"; $html .= "## Description: \n"; $intr = explode("\n", $header['intro']); $introduction = ''; foreach ($intr as $_line) { $introduction .= wordwrap($_line, 80) . "\n"; } $intr = explode("\n", $introduction); foreach ($intr as $_line) { $html .= "## " . $_line . "\n"; } $html .= "## \n"; $html .= "## Files To Edit: \n"; foreach ($filenames as $file_ary) { $html .= "## " . $file_ary['phpbb_filename'] . "\n"; } $html .= "##\n"; if (sizeof($header['included_files'])) { $html .= "## Included Files: \n"; foreach ($header['included_files'] as $filename) { $html .= "## {$filename['phpbb_filename']}\n"; } } $html .= "## License: http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.php GNU General Public License v2 \n"; $html .= "############################################################## \n"; $html .= "\n"; // COPY Statement? if (sizeof($header['included_files'])) { $html .= "#\n#-----[ COPY ]------------------------------------------\n#\n"; foreach ($header['included_files'] as $filename) { $html .= "copy {$filename['phpbb_filename']} to {$filename['phpbb_filename']}\n"; } $html .= "\n"; } return $html; } function run_command($command) { $result = trim(`$command`); echo "\n- Command Run: " . $command . "\n"; }