From 2ff0cd690756abf9c81251611ff9d555310f438e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: "Paul S. Owen"
Date: Fri, 4 Oct 2002 23:42:20 +0000
Subject: Associative array change ...
git-svn-id: file:///svn/phpbb/trunk@2927 89ea8834-ac86-4346-8a33-228a782c2dd0
phpBB/language/en/lang_admin.php | 1517 +++++++++++++------------------
phpBB/language/en/lang_bbcode.php | 135 +--
phpBB/language/en/lang_faq.php | 278 ++++--
phpBB/language/en/lang_main.php | 1818 ++++++++++++++++---------------------
4 files changed, 1698 insertions(+), 2050 deletions(-)
(limited to 'phpBB')
diff --git a/phpBB/language/en/lang_admin.php b/phpBB/language/en/lang_admin.php
index c7a12e0f96..c9e5e34053 100644
--- a/phpBB/language/en/lang_admin.php
+++ b/phpBB/language/en/lang_admin.php
@@ -19,888 +19,637 @@
-// Format is same as lang_main
-$lang['Admin_title'] = 'Administration Panel';
-$lang['No_admin'] = 'You are not authorised to administer this board';
-$lang['No_frames'] = 'Sorry, your browser does not support frames';
-// Modules, this replaces the keys used
-// in the modules[][] arrays in each module file
-$lang['Return_to'] = 'Return to ...';
-$lang['General_cat'] = 'General Admin';
-$lang['DB_cat'] = 'Database Admin';
-$lang['Users_cat'] = 'User Admin';
-$lang['Groups_cat'] = 'Group Admin';
-$lang['Forums_cat'] = 'Forum Admin';
-$lang['Styles_cat'] = 'Styles Admin';
-$lang['Log_cat'] = 'Log Admin';
-$lang['Avatar_settings'] = 'Avatar Settings';
-$lang['Cookie_settings'] = 'Cookie Settings';
-$lang['Board_defaults'] = 'Board Defaults';
-$lang['Board_settings'] = 'Board Settings';
-$lang['Email_settings'] = 'Email Settings';
-$lang['Server_settings'] = 'Server Settings';
-$lang['Auth_settings'] = 'Authentication';
-$lang['Permissions'] = 'Permissions';
-$lang['Manage'] = 'Manage';
-$lang['Disallow'] = 'Disallow names';
-$lang['Prune'] = 'Pruning';
-$lang['Mass_Email'] = 'Mass Email';
-$lang['Ranks'] = 'Ranks';
-$lang['Smilies'] = 'Smilies';
-$lang['Ban_users'] = 'Ban Usernames';
-$lang['Ban_emails'] = 'Ban Emails';
-$lang['Ban_ips'] = 'Ban IPs';
-$lang['Word_Censor'] = 'Word Censors';
-$lang['Export'] = 'Export';
-$lang['Create_new'] = 'Create';
-$lang['Add_new'] = 'Add';
-$lang['DB_Backup'] = 'DB Backup';
-$lang['DB_Restore'] = 'DB Restore';
-$lang['Basic_Config'] = 'Basic Configuration';
-$lang['Administrators'] = 'Administrators';
-$lang['Admin_logs'] = 'Admin Log';
-$lang['Mod_logs'] = 'Moderator Log';
-$lang['Users'] = 'Users';
-$lang['Groups'] = 'Groups';
-$lang['Look_up_Forum'] = 'Select a Forum';
-// Logging
-$lang['log_index_activate'] = 'Activated inactive users => %s users';
-$lang['log_index_delete'] = 'Deleted inactive users => %s';
-$lang['log_index_remind'] = 'Sent reminder emails to inactive users => %s users';
-$lang['log_mass_email'] = 'Sent mass email => %s';
-$lang['log_delete_word'] = 'Deleted word censor';
-$lang['log_edit_word'] = 'Edited word censor => %s';
-$lang['log_add_word'] = 'Added word censor => %s';
-$lang['log_template_edit'] = 'Edited template => %s / %s';
-$lang['log_imageset_edit'] = 'Edited imageset => %s';
-$lang['log_style_edit'] = 'Edited style => %s';
-$lang['log_theme_edit'] = 'Edited theme => %s';
-$lang['log_db_backup'] = 'Database backup';
-$lang['log_db_restore'] = 'Database restore';
-$lang['log_search_index'] = 'Re-indexed search system => %s';
-$lang['log_disallow_add'] = 'Added disallowed username => %s';
-$lang['log_disallow_delete'] = 'Deleted disallowed username';
-$lang['log_prune'] = 'Pruned forum => %s';
-$lang['log_admin_clear'] = 'Cleared admin log';
-$lang['log_ban_user'] = 'Banned User [ %s ] => %s ';
-$lang['log_ban_ip'] = 'Banned ip [ %s ] => %s';
-$lang['log_ban_email'] = 'Banned email [ %s ] => %s';
-$lang['log_unban_user'] = 'Unbanned username => %s total';
-$lang['log_unban_ip'] = 'Unbanned ip => %s total';
-$lang['log_unban_email'] = 'Unbanned email => %s total';
-$lang['log_server_config'] = 'Altered server settings';
-$lang['log_default_config'] = 'Altered board defaults';
-$lang['log_setting_config'] = 'Altered board settings';
-$lang['log_cookie_config'] = 'Altered cookie settings';
-$lang['log_email_config'] = 'Altered email settings';
-$lang['log_avatar_config'] = 'Altered avatar settings';
-$lang['log_auth_config'] = 'Altered authentication settings';
-$lang['log_prune_user_deac'] = 'Users Deactivated => %s';
-$lang['log_prune_user_del_del'] = 'Users Pruned and Posts Deleted => %s';
-$lang['log_prune_user_del_anon'] = 'Users Pruned and Posts Retained => %s';
-// View log
-$lang['Admin_logs_explain'] = 'This lists all the actions carried out by board administrators. You can sort by username, date, IP or action. If you have appropriate permissions you can also clear individual operations or the log as a whole.';
-$lang['Mod_logs_explain'] = 'This lists the actions carried out by board moderators, select a forum from the drop down list. You can sort by username, date, IP or action. If you have appropriate permissions you can also clear individual operations or the log as a whole.';
-$lang['Display_log'] = 'Display entries from previous';
-$lang['All_Entries'] = 'All entries';
-$lang['Sort_ip'] = 'IP address';
-$lang['Sort_date'] = 'Date';
-$lang['Sort_action'] = 'Log action';
-$lang['No_entries'] = 'No log entries for this period';
-// Index
-$lang['Admin'] = 'Administration';
-$lang['Not_admin'] = 'You are not authorised to administer this board';
-$lang['Welcome_phpBB'] = 'Welcome to phpBB';
-$lang['Admin_intro'] = 'Thank you for choosing phpBB as your forum solution. This screen will give you a quick overview of all the various statistics of your board. The links on the left hand side of this screen allow you to control every aspect of your forum experience. Each page will have instructions on how to use the tools.';
-$lang['Main_index'] = 'Forum Index';
-$lang['Forum_stats'] = 'Forum Statistics';
-$lang['Admin_Index'] = 'Admin Index';
-$lang['Preview_forum'] = 'Preview Forum';
-$lang['Click_return_admin_index'] = 'Click %sHere%s to return to the Admin Index';
-$lang['Statistic'] = 'Statistic';
-$lang['Value'] = 'Value';
-$lang['Number_posts'] = 'Number of posts';
-$lang['Posts_per_day'] = 'Posts per day';
-$lang['Number_topics'] = 'Number of topics';
-$lang['Topics_per_day'] = 'Topics per day';
-$lang['Number_users'] = 'Number of users';
-$lang['Users_per_day'] = 'Users per day';
-$lang['Board_started'] = 'Board started';
-$lang['Avatar_dir_size'] = 'Avatar directory size';
-$lang['Database_size'] = 'Database size';
-$lang['Gzip_compression'] ='Gzip compression';
-$lang['Not_available'] = 'Not available';
-$lang['ON'] = 'ON'; // This is for GZip compression
-$lang['OFF'] = 'OFF';
-$lang['Inactive_users'] = 'Inactive Users';
-$lang['Inactive_users_explain'] = 'This is a list of users who have registered but whos accounts are inactive. You can activate, delete or remind (by sending an email) these users if you wish.';
-$lang['No_inactive_users'] = 'No inactive users';
-$lang['Admin_log'] = 'Logged administrator actions';
-$lang['Admin_log_index_explain'] = 'This gives an overview of the last few actions carried out by board administrators. The username, IP, time and action are all listed. A full copy of the log can be viewed from the appropriate menu item to the left';
-$lang['IP'] = 'User IP';
-$lang['Action'] = 'Logged action';
-// DB Utils
-$lang['Database_Utilities'] = 'Database Utilities';
-$lang['Restore'] = 'Restore';
-$lang['Backup'] = 'Backup';
-$lang['Restore_explain'] = 'This will perform a full restore of all phpBB tables from a saved file. You can either upload the backup file via this form or upload it manually to a location on the server. If your server supports it you may use a gzip compressed text file and it will automatically be decompressed. WARNING This will overwrite any existing data. The restore may take a long time to process please do not move from this page till it is complete.';
-$lang['Backup_explain'] = 'Here you can backup all your phpBB related data. If you have any additional custom tables in the same database with phpBB that you would like to back up as well please enter their names separated by commas in the Additional Tables textbox below. You may also store the resulting archive on the server rather than download it. Please note that this option requires the specified directory be writeable by the webserver. Finally, if your server supports it you may also compress the file in a number of formats.';
-$lang['Backup_options'] = 'Backup options';
-$lang['Backup_type'] = 'Backup type';
-$lang['Start_backup'] = 'Start Backup';
-$lang['Full_backup'] = 'Full';
-$lang['Structure_only'] = 'Structure Only';
-$lang['Data_only'] = 'Data only';
-$lang['Include_search_index'] = 'Include Search Index tables';
-$lang['Include_search_index_explain'] = 'Disabling this will exclude the search tables in full or data only backups, reducing the backup size but requiring a Search Index upon restore.';
-$lang['Additional_tables'] = 'Additional tables';
-$lang['Additional_tables_explain'] = 'Include any other tables you wish to backup here each seperated by a comma.';
-$lang['Compress_file'] = 'Compress file';
-$lang['Store_local'] = 'Store file locally';
-$lang['Store_local_explain'] = 'To store the file on the server rather than download it specify a path here relative to the phpBB2 root.';
-$lang['Upload_file'] = 'Upload backup file';
-$lang['Select_file'] = 'Select a file';
-$lang['Local_backup_file'] = 'Location of backup file';
-$lang['Local_backup_file_explain'] = 'Location on the server where backup file is stored relative to the phpBB root, e.g. ../tmp/backup.sql';
-$lang['Supported_extensions'] = 'Supported extensions';
-$lang['Start_Restore'] = 'Start Restore';
-$lang['Restore_success'] = 'The Database has been successfully restored.
Your board should be back to the state it was when the backup was made.';
-$lang['Backup_download'] = 'Your download will start shortly please wait till it begins';
-$lang['Backup_writing'] = 'The backup file is being generated please wait till it completes';
-$lang['Backup_success'] = 'The backup file has been created successfully in the location you specified';
-$lang['Backups_not_supported'] = 'Sorry but database backups are not currently supported for your database system';
-$lang['Restore_Error_filename'] = 'The file you uploaded had an unsupported extension.';
-$lang['Compress_unsupported'] = 'The version of PHP installed on this server does not support the type of compression used for your backup. Please use a compression method listed on the previous page.';
-$lang['Restore_Error_no_file'] = 'No file was uploaded';
-// Auth pages
-$lang['Permissions'] = 'Permissions';
-$lang['Permissions_explain'] = 'Here you can alter which users and groups can access which forums. Permissions can be set for individual operations such as; reading, posting, voting, etc via the Advanced form. This page only applies to forum permissions. To assign moderators or define administrators please use the appropriate page (see left hand side menu).';
-$lang['Permissions_extra_explain'] = 'Permissions are based on a; PERMIT, ALLOW, DENY, PREVENT system. By default users and groups are set to DENY access to all operations, to do anything users or groups have to be granted ALLOW access. When conflicts exist, e.g. a user having ALLOW permissions to a function belongs to a group that is set to DENY such a function the user setting takes precidence, i.e. in this case the user would be ALLOWed access to this function. Similarly a user denied access to a function will be denied even if they belong to a group that grants them access. If a user belongs to two groups one of which grants an ALLOW while another is set to DENY the user will be denied access.';
-$lang['Permissions_extra2_explain'] = 'There may be times when you want to deny (or allow) access to a group no matter what their individual user settings are, this is what PERMIT and PREVENT are for. By setting a user (or more likely a group) to one of these will PERMIT (ALLOW) or PREVENT (DENY) access to a function no matter what their user settings are. You may find this useful for things such as "banned" groups, etc. doing away with any need to check for individual user permissions.';
-$lang['Moderators'] = 'Moderators';
-$lang['Moderators_explain'] = 'Here you can assign users and groups as forum moderators. You can give users or groups individual access to certain moderator functions as you set fit via the Advanced form. Moderators have additional power in a given forum and by default can post and reply even when a forum or topic is locked.';
-$lang['Super_Moderators'] = 'Super Moderators';
-$lang['Super_Moderators_explain'] = 'Here you can assign users and groups as super moderators. Super Moderators are like ordinary moderators accept they have access to every forum on your board. You can give users or groups individual access to certain moderator functions as you set fit via the Advanced form. As with moderators, super moderators have additional power in a given forum and by default can post and reply even when a forum or topic is locked.';
-$lang['Administrators_explain'] = 'Here you can assign administrator rights to users or groups. All users with admin permissions can view the administration panel. However you can limit selected users or groups to only certain sections if you wish by clicking Advanced.';
-$lang['Manage_users'] = 'Manage Users';
-$lang['Add_users'] = 'Add Users';
-$lang['Manage_groups'] = 'Manage Groups';
-$lang['Add_groups'] = 'Add Groups';
-$lang['Admin_group'] = 'Administrators';
-$lang['Reg_group'] = 'All registered';
-$lang['Allowed_users'] = 'Allowed users';
-$lang['Disallowed_users'] = 'Disallowed users';
-$lang['Allowed_groups'] = 'Allowed groups';
-$lang['Disallowed_groups'] = 'Disallowed groups';
-$lang['Remove_selected'] = 'Remove selected';
-$lang['Advanced'] = 'Advanced';
-$lang['Applies_to_User'] = 'Applies to User ...';
-$lang['Applies_to_Group'] = 'Applies to Group ...';
-$lang['User_can'] = 'User can ... ';
-$lang['Group_can'] = 'Group can ... ';
-$lang['User_can_admin'] = 'User can admin ... ';
-$lang['Group_can_admin'] = 'Group can admin ... ';
-$lang['Allow'] = 'Allow';
-$lang['Permit'] = 'Permit';
-$lang['Deny'] = 'Deny';
-$lang['Prevent'] = 'Prevent';
-$lang['acl_admin_general'] = 'General Settings';
-$lang['acl_admin_user'] = 'Users';
-$lang['acl_admin_group'] = 'Groups';
-$lang['acl_admin_forum'] = 'Forums';
-$lang['acl_admin_post'] = 'Posts';
-$lang['acl_admin_ban'] = 'Banning';
-$lang['acl_admin_auth'] = 'Permissions';
-$lang['acl_admin_email'] = 'Email';
-$lang['acl_admin_styles'] = 'Styles';
-$lang['acl_admin_backup'] = 'Backups';
-$lang['acl_admin_clearlogs'] = 'Clear Admin Log';
-$lang['acl_mod_edit'] = 'Edit posts';
-$lang['acl_mod_delete'] = 'Delete posts';
-$lang['acl_mod_move'] = 'Move posts';
-$lang['acl_mod_lock'] = 'Lock topics';
-$lang['acl_mod_split'] = 'Split topics';
-$lang['acl_mod_merge'] = 'Merge topics';
-$lang['acl_mod_approve'] = 'Approve posts';
-$lang['acl_mod_unrate'] = 'Un-rate topics';
-$lang['acl_mod_auth'] = 'Set permissions';
-$lang['acl_forum_list'] = 'See forum';
-$lang['acl_forum_read'] = 'Read forum';
-$lang['acl_forum_post'] = 'Post in forum';
-$lang['acl_forum_reply'] = 'Reply to posts';
-$lang['acl_forum_edit'] = 'Edit own posts';
-$lang['acl_forum_delete'] = 'Delete own posts';
-$lang['acl_forum_poll'] = 'Create polls';
-$lang['acl_forum_vote'] = 'Vote in polls';
-$lang['acl_forum_announce'] = 'Post announcements';
-$lang['acl_forum_sticky'] = 'Post stickies';
-$lang['acl_forum_attach'] = 'Attach files';
-$lang['acl_forum_download'] = 'Download files';
-$lang['acl_forum_html'] = 'Post HTML';
-$lang['acl_forum_bbcode'] = 'Post BBCode';
-$lang['acl_forum_smilies'] = 'Post smilies';
-$lang['acl_forum_img'] = 'Post images';
-$lang['acl_forum_flash'] = 'Post Flash';
-$lang['acl_forum_sigs'] = 'Use signatures';
-$lang['acl_forum_search'] = 'Search the forum';
-$lang['acl_forum_email'] = 'Email topics';
-$lang['acl_forum_rate'] = 'Rate topics';
-$lang['acl_forum_print'] = 'Print topics';
-$lang['acl_forum_ignoreflood'] = 'Ignore flood limit';
-$lang['acl_forum_ignorequeue'] = 'Ignore mod queue';
-$lang['Auth_updated'] = 'Permissions have been updated';
-// Prune users
-$lang['Prune_users'] = 'Prune Users';
-$lang['Prune_users_explain'] = 'Here you can delete (or deactivate) users from you board. This can be done in a variety of ways; by post count, last activity, etc. Each of these criteria can be combined, i.e. you can prune users last active before 2002-01-01 with fewer than 10 posts. Alternatively you can enter a list of users directly into the text box, any criteria entered will be ignored. Take care with this facility! Once a user is deleted there is no way back.';
-$lang['Select_users_explain'] = 'If you want to prune specifc users rather than use the criteria above you can enter their usernames here, one per line. Use the find username facility if you wish.';
-$lang['Last_active_explain'] = 'Enter a date in yyyy-mm-dd format.';
-$lang['Joined_explain'] = 'Enter a date in yyyy-mm-dd format.';
-$lang['Deactivate'] = 'Deactivate';
-$lang['Delete_user_posts'] = 'Delete pruned user posts';
-$lang['Delete_user_posts_explain'] = 'Setting this to yes will remove all posts made by the pruned users.';
-$lang['Confirm_prune_users'] = 'Are you sure you wish to prune the selected users?';
-$lang['Success_user_prune'] = 'The selected users have been pruned successfully';
-// Banning
-$lang['Ban_explain'] = 'Here you can control the banning of users by name, IP or email address. These methods prevent a user reaching any part of the board. You can give a short (255 character) reason for the ban if you wish. This will be displayed in the admin log. The length of a ban can also be specified. If you want the ban to end on a specific date rather than after a set time period select Other for the ban length and enter a date in yyyy-mm-dd format.';
-$lang['Ban_length'] = 'Length of ban';
-$lang['Permanent'] = 'Permanent';
-$lang['30_Mins'] = '30 Minutes';
-$lang['1_Hour'] = '1 Hour';
-$lang['6_Hours'] = '6 Hours';
-$lang['Other'] = 'Other ->';
-$lang['Ban_reason'] = 'Reason for ban';
-$lang['Ban_username_explain'] = 'You can ban multiple users in one go by entering each name on a new line. Use the Find a Username facility to look up and add one or more users automatically.';
-$lang['Unban_username'] = 'Un-ban usernames';
-$lang['Unban_username_explain'] = 'You can unban multiple users in one go using the appropriate combination of mouse and keyboard for your computer and browser';
-$lang['IP_hostname'] = 'IP addresses or hostnames';
-$lang['Ban_IP_explain'] = 'To specify several different IP\'s or hostnames enter each on a new line. To specify a range of IP addresses separate the start and end with a hyphen (-), to specify a wildcard use *';
-$lang['Unban_IP'] = 'Un-ban IPs';
-$lang['Unban_IP_explain'] = 'You can unban multiple IP addresses in one go using the appropriate combination of mouse and keyboard for your computer and browser';
-$lang['Ban_email'] = 'Ban one or more email addresses';
-$lang['Ban_email_explain'] = 'To specify more than one email address enter each on a new line. To match partial addresses use * as the wildcard, e.g. *, *@*.domain.tld, etc.';
-$lang['Unban_email'] = 'Un-ban Emails';
-$lang['Unban_email_explain'] = 'You can unban multiple email addresses in one go using the appropriate combination of mouse and keyboard for your computer and browser';
-$lang['No_banned_users'] = 'No banned usernames';
-$lang['No_banned_ip'] = 'No banned IP addresses';
-$lang['No_banned_email'] = 'No banned email addresses';
-$lang['Ban_update_sucessful'] = 'The banlist has been updated successfully';
-// Cookies
-$lang['Cookie_settings_explain'] = 'These details define the data used to send cookies to your users browsers. In most cases the default values for the cookie settings should be sufficient. If you do need to change any do so with care, incorrect settings can prevent users logging in.';
-$lang['Cookie_domain'] = 'Cookie domain';
-$lang['Cookie_name'] = 'Cookie name';
-$lang['Cookie_path'] = 'Cookie path';
-$lang['Cookie_secure'] = 'Cookie secure';
-$lang['Cookie_secure_explain'] = 'If your server is running via SSL set this to enabled else leave as disabled';
-$lang['Session_length'] = 'Session length [ seconds ]';
-// Avatars
-$lang['Avatar_settings_explain'] = 'Avatars are generally small, unique images a user can associate with themselves. Depending on the style they are usually displayed below the username when viewing topics. Here you can determine how users can define their avatars. Please note that in order to upload avatars you need to have created the directory you name below and ensure it can be written to by the web server. Please also note that filesize limits are only imposed on uploaded avatars, they do not apply to remotely linked images.';
-$lang['Allow_local'] = 'Enable gallery avatars';
-$lang['Allow_remote'] = 'Enable remote avatars';
-$lang['Allow_remote_explain'] = 'Avatars linked to from another website';
-$lang['Allow_upload'] = 'Enable avatar uploading';
-$lang['Max_filesize'] = 'Maximum Avatar File Size';
-$lang['Max_filesize_explain'] = 'For uploaded avatar files';
-$lang['Max_avatar_size'] = 'Maximum Avatar Dimensions';
-$lang['Max_avatar_size_explain'] = '(Height x Width in pixels)';
-$lang['Avatar_storage_path'] = 'Avatar Storage Path';
-$lang['Avatar_storage_path_explain'] = 'Path under your phpBB root dir, e.g. images/avatars';
-$lang['Avatar_gallery_path'] = 'Avatar Gallery Path';
-$lang['Avatar_gallery_path_explain'] = 'Path under your phpBB root dir for pre-loaded images, e.g. images/avatars/gallery';
-// Server
-$lang['Server_settings_explain'] = 'Here you define server and domain dependant settings. Please ensure the data you enter is accurate, errors will result in emails containing incorrect information. When entering the domain name remember it does include http:// or other protocol term. Only alter the port number if you know your server uses a different value, port 80 is correct in most cases.';
-$lang['Server_name'] = 'Domain Name';
-$lang['Server_name_explain'] = 'The domain name this board runs from';
-$lang['Script_path'] = 'Script path';
-$lang['Script_path_explain'] = 'The path where phpBB2 is located relative to the domain name';
-$lang['Server_port'] = 'Server Port';
-$lang['Server_port_explain'] = 'The port your server is running on, usually 80, only change if different';
-// Email
-$lang['Email_settings_explain'] = 'This information is used when the board sends emails to your users. Please ensure the email address you specify is valid, any bounced or undeliverable messages will likely be sent to that address. If your host does not provide a native (PHP based) email service you can instead send messages directly using SMTP. This requires the address of an appropriate server (ask your provider if necessary), do not specify any old name here! If the server requires authentication (and only if it does) enter the necessary username and password. Please note only basic authentication is offered, different authentication implementations are not currently supported.';
-$lang['Enable_email'] = 'Enable board-wide emails';
-$lang['Enable_email_explain'] = 'If this is set to disabled no emails will be sent by the board at all.';
-$lang['Board_email_form'] = 'Users send email via board';
-$lang['Board_email_form_explain'] = 'This function keeps email addresses completely private.';
-$lang['Admin_email'] = 'Admin Email Address';
-$lang['Email_sig'] = 'Email Signature';
-$lang['Email_sig_explain'] = 'This text will be attached to all emails the board sends';
-$lang['Use_SMTP'] = 'Use SMTP Server for email';
-$lang['Use_SMTP_explain'] = 'Say yes if you want or have to send email via a named server instead of the local mail function';
-$lang['SMTP_server'] = 'SMTP Server Address';
-$lang['SMTP_username'] = 'SMTP Username';
-$lang['SMTP_username_explain'] = 'Only enter a username if your smtp server requires it';
-$lang['SMTP_password'] = 'SMTP Password';
-$lang['SMTP_password_explain'] = 'Only enter a password if your smtp server requires it';
-// Board settings
-$lang['Click_return_config'] = 'Click %sHere%s to return to General Configuration';
-$lang['Board_settings_explain'] = 'Here you can determine the basic operation of your board, from the site name through user registration to private messaging.';
-$lang['Site_name'] = 'Site name';
-$lang['Site_desc'] = 'Site description';
-$lang['Board_disable'] = 'Disable board';
-$lang['Board_disable_explain'] = 'This will make the board unavailable to users. You can also enter a short (255 character) message to display if you wish.';
-$lang['IP_valid'] = 'Session IP validation';
-$lang['IP_valid_explain'] = 'Determines how much of the users IP is used to validate a session; All compares the complete address, A.B.C the first x.x.x, A.B the first x.x, None disables checking.';
-$lang['All'] = 'All';
-$lang['Class_C'] = 'A.B.C';
-$lang['Class_B'] = 'A.B';
-$lang['Limit_load'] = 'Limit system load';
-$lang['Limit_load_explain'] = 'If the 1 minute system load exceeds this value the board will go offline, 1.0 equals ~100% utilisation of one processor. This only functions on UNIX based servers.';
-$lang['Limit_sessions'] = 'Limit sessions';
-$lang['Limit_sessions_explain'] = 'If the number of sessions exceeds this value within a one minute period the board will go offline. Set to 0 for unlimited sessions.';
-$lang['Acct_activation'] = 'Enable account activation';
-$lang['Acct_activation_explain'] = 'This determines whether users have immediate access to the board or if confirmation is required. You can also completely disable new registrations.';
-$lang['Acc_None'] = 'None'; // These three entries are the type of activation
-$lang['Acc_User'] = 'User';
-$lang['Acc_Admin'] = 'Admin';
-$lang['Acc_Disable'] = 'Disable';
-$lang['Enable_gzip'] = 'Enable GZip Compression';
-$lang['Enable_prune'] = 'Enable Forum Pruning';
-$lang['Enable_COPPA'] = 'Enable COPPA';
-$lang['Enable_COPPA_explain'] = 'This requires users to declare whether they are 13 or over for compliance with the U.S. COPPA act.';
-$lang['COPPA_fax'] = 'COPPA Fax Number';
-$lang['COPPA_mail'] = 'COPPA Mailing Address';
-$lang['COPPA_mail_explain'] = 'This is the mailing address where parents will send COPPA registration forms';
-$lang['Boxes_max'] = 'Max number of message boxes';
-$lang['Boxes_max_explain'] = 'Users can create this many private messaging boxes.';
-$lang['Boxes_limit'] = 'Max messages per box';
-$lang['Boxes_limit_explain'] = 'Users are limited to no more than this many messages in each of their private message boxes.';
-$lang['Flood_Interval'] = 'Flood Interval';
-$lang['Flood_Interval_explain'] = 'Number of seconds a user must wait between posting new messages. To enable users to ignore this alter their permissions.';
-$lang['Search_Interval'] = 'Search Flood Interval';
-$lang['Search_Interval_explain'] = 'Number of seconds users must wait between searches.';
-$lang['Min_search_chars'] = 'Min characters indexed by search';
-$lang['Min_search_chars_explain'] = 'Words with at least this many characters will be indexed for searching.';
-$lang['Max_search_chars'] = 'Max characters indexed by search';
-$lang['Max_search_chars_explain'] = 'Words with no more than this many characters will be indexed for searching.';
-// Authentication methods
-$lang['Auth_settings_explain'] = 'phpBB2 supports authentication plug-ins, or modules. These allow you determine how users are authenticated when they log into the board. By default three plug-ins are provided; DB, LDAP and Apache. Not all methods require additional information so only fill out fields if they are relevant to the selected method.';
-$lang['Auth_method'] = 'Select an authentication method';
-$lang['LDAP_server'] = 'LDAP server name';
-$lang['LDAP_server_explain'] = 'If using LDAP this is the name or IP address of the server.';
-$lang['LDAP_dn'] = 'LDAP base dn';
-$lang['LDAP_dn_explain'] = 'This is the distinguished name, locating the user information, e.g. o=My Company,c=US';
-$lang['LDAP_uid'] = 'LDAP uid';
-$lang['LDAP_uid_explain'] = 'This is the key under which to search for a given login identity, e.g. uid, sn, etc.';
-// Board defaults
-$lang['Board_defaults_explain'] = 'These settings allow you to define a number of default or global settings used by the board. For example, to disable the use of HTML across the entire board alter the relevant setting below. This data is also used for new user registrations and (where relevant) guest users.';
-$lang['Max_poll_options'] = 'Max number of poll options';
-$lang['Topics_per_page'] = 'Topics Per Page';
-$lang['Posts_per_page'] = 'Posts Per Page';
-$lang['Hot_threshold'] = 'Posts for Popular Threshold';
-$lang['Default_style'] = 'Default Style';
-$lang['Override_style'] = 'Override user style';
-$lang['Override_style_explain'] = 'Replaces users style with the default';
-$lang['Default_language'] = 'Default Language';
-$lang['Date_format'] = 'Date Format';
-$lang['System_timezone'] = 'System Timezone';
-$lang['Char_limit'] = 'Max characters per post';
-$lang['Char_limit_explain'] = 'Set to 0 for unlimited characters.';
-$lang['Allow_topic_notify'] = 'Allow Topic Watching';
-$lang['Allow_forum_notify'] = 'Allow Forum Watching';
-$lang['Allow_HTML'] = 'Allow HTML';
-$lang['Allow_BBCode'] = 'Allow BBCode';
-$lang['Allowed_tags'] = 'Allowed HTML tags';
-$lang['Allowed_tags_explain'] = 'Separate tags with commas';
-$lang['Allow_smilies'] = 'Allow Smilies';
-$lang['Smilies_path'] = 'Smilies storage path';
-$lang['Smilies_path_explain'] = 'Path under your phpBB root dir, e.g. images/smilies';
-$lang['Smilies_limit'] = 'Max smilies per post';
-$lang['Smilies_limit_explain'] = 'Set to 0 for unlimited smilies.';
-$lang['Icons_path'] = 'Post icons storage path';
-$lang['Icons_path_explain'] = 'Path under your phpBB root dir, e.g. images/icons';
-$lang['Allow_sig'] = 'Allow Signatures';
-$lang['Max_sig_length'] = 'Maximum signature length';
-$lang['Max_sig_length_explain'] = 'Maximum number of characters in user signatures';
-$lang['Allow_name_change'] = 'Allow Username changes';
-// Forum Management
-$lang['Forum_admin'] = 'Forum Administration';
-$lang['Forum_admin_explain'] = 'From this panel you can add, delete, edit, re-order and re-synchronise categories and forums';
-$lang['Edit_forum'] = 'Edit forum';
-$lang['Edit_category'] = 'Edit category';
-$lang['Create_forum'] = 'Create new forum';
-$lang['Remove'] = 'Remove';
-$lang['Action'] = 'Action';
-$lang['Config_updated'] = 'Forum configuration updated successfully';
-$lang['Edit'] = 'Edit';
-$lang['Delete'] = 'Delete';
-$lang['Move_up'] = 'Move up';
-$lang['Move_down'] = 'Move down';
-$lang['Resync'] = 'Resync';
-$lang['Category_name'] = 'Category name';
-$lang['Forum_type'] = 'Forum type';
-$lang['Parent'] = 'Parent';
-$lang['No_parent'] = 'No parent';
-$lang['Locked'] = 'Locked';
-$lang['Unlocked'] = 'Unlocked';
-$lang['General_settings'] = 'General settings';
-$lang['Forum_settings'] = 'Forum settings';
-$lang['Disable_post_count'] = 'Disable post count';
-$lang['Display_on_index'] = 'Display a link to this forum on index';
-$lang['Forum_edit_delete_explain'] = 'The form below will allow you to customize all the general board options. For User and Forum configurations use the related links on the left hand side';
-$lang['Forum_general'] = 'General Forum Settings';
-$lang['Forum_name'] = 'Forum name';
-$lang['Forum_desc'] = 'Description';
-$lang['Forum_status'] = 'Forum status';
-$lang['Forum_pruning'] = 'Auto-pruning';
-$lang['prune_freq'] = 'Check for topic age every';
-$lang['prune_days'] = 'Remove topics that have not been posted to in';
-$lang['Set_as_category'] = 'Set this forum as a category and'; // followed by a list of actions
-$lang['Forum_delete'] = 'Delete Forum';
-$lang['Forum_delete_explain'] = 'The form below will allow you to delete a forum (or category) and decide where you want to put all topics (or forums) it contained.';
-$lang['Move_and_Delete'] = 'Move and Delete';
-$lang['Move_posts_to'] = 'Move posts to';
-$lang['Move_subforums_to'] = 'Move subforums to';
-$lang['Delete_all_posts'] = 'Delete all posts';
-$lang['Delete_subforums'] = 'Delete subforums and associated posts';
-$lang['No_destination_forum'] = 'You have not specified a forum to move content to';
-$lang['Forums_updated'] = 'Forum and Category information updated successfully';
-$lang['Forum_deleted'] = 'Forum successfully deleted';
-$lang['Click_return_forumadmin'] = 'Click %sHere%s to return to Forum Administration';
-// Smiley Management
-$lang['Emoticons_explain'] = 'From this page you can add, remove and edit the emoticons or emoticons users can use in their posts and private messages.';
-$lang['Import_smilies'] = 'Import emoticons pak';
-$lang['Import_smilies_explain'] = 'Unzip the emoticons package to your emoticons directory then select the correct information in this form to import it.';
-$lang['Smilies_import'] = 'Emoticons pack import';
-$lang['No_smilies_pak'] = 'No emoticons pack found';
-$lang['Select_package'] = 'Select a package file';
-$lang['Delete_existing_smilies'] = 'Delete existing emoticons before import';
-$lang['Smilies_conflicts'] = 'What should be done in case of conflicts?';
-$lang['Keep_existing_smilies'] = 'Keep existing emoticons';
-$lang['Replace_existing_smilies'] = 'Replace existing emoticons';
-$lang['Smilies_import_success'] = 'The emoticons pack was imported successfully';
-$lang['Export_smilies'] = 'Create emoticons pak';
-$lang['Export_smilies_explain'] = 'To create a package of your currently installed emoticons, %sclick here%s to download the emoticons.pak file. Name this file appropriately, making sure to keep the .pak file extension then create a zip file containing all of your emoticons images plus this .pak configuration file.';
-$lang['Add_smile'] = 'Add a new emoticon';
-$lang['Edit_smile'] = 'Edit emoticon';
-$lang['Smilies_not_displayed'] = 'The following emoticons are not displayed on posting page';
-$lang['Reorder'] = 'Reorder';
-$lang['Up'] = 'Up';
-$lang['Down'] = 'Down';
-$lang['First'] = 'First';
-$lang['After_smile'] = 'After %s';
-$lang['Display_on_posting'] = 'Display on posting';
-$lang['Smile_config'] = 'Emoticon configuration';
-$lang['Smile_code'] = 'Emoticon code';
-$lang['Smile_url'] = 'Emoticon image file';
-$lang['Smile_height'] = 'Emoticon height';
-$lang['Smile_width'] = 'Emoticon width';
-$lang['Smile_order'] = 'Emoticon order';
-$lang['Smile_emotion'] = 'Emotion';
-$lang['Smile_add'] = 'Add a new emoticon';
-$lang['Smile_edit'] = 'Edit emoticon';
-$lang['Smile'] = 'Smile';
-$lang['Emotion'] = 'Emotion';
-$lang['Smile_deleted'] = 'This emoticon has been successfully removed';
-$lang['Smile_edited'] = 'This emoticon has been successfully updated';
-$lang['Smile_added'] = 'This emoticon has been successfully added';
-$lang['Smilies_imported'] = 'The emoticons pack has been successfully imported';
-$lang['Click_return_smileadmin'] = 'Click %sHere%s to return to Emoticons Administration';
-// User Management
-$lang['User_admin'] = 'User Administration';
-$lang['User_admin_explain'] = 'Here you can change your user\'s information and certain specific options. To modify the users permissions please use the user and group permissions system.';
-$lang['Look_up_user'] = 'Look up user';
-$lang['Admin_user_updated'] = 'The users profile was successfully updated.';
-$lang['Click_return_useradmin'] = 'Click %sHere%s to return to User Administration';
-$lang['User_delete'] = 'Delete this user';
-$lang['User_delete_explain'] = 'Click here to delete this user, this cannot be undone.';
-$lang['User_deleted'] = 'User was successfully deleted.';
-$lang['User_status'] = 'User is active';
-$lang['User_allowpm'] = 'Can send Private Messages';
-$lang['User_allowavatar'] = 'Can display avatar';
-$lang['Admin_avatar_explain'] = 'Here you can see and delete the users current avatar.';
-$lang['User_special'] = 'Special admin-only fields';
-$lang['User_special_explain'] = 'These fields are not able to be modified by the users. Here you can set their status and other options that are not given to users.';
-// Group Management
-$lang['Group_administration'] = 'Group Administration';
-$lang['Group_admin_explain'] = 'From this panel you can administer all your usergroups, you can; delete, create and edit existing groups. You may choose moderators, toggle open/closed group status and set the group name and description';
-$lang['Error_updating_groups'] = 'There was an error while updating the groups';
-$lang['Updated_group'] = 'The group was successfully updated';
-$lang['Added_new_group'] = 'The new group was successfully created';
-$lang['Deleted_group'] = 'The group was successfully deleted';
-$lang['New_group'] = 'Create new group';
-$lang['Edit_group'] = 'Edit group';
-$lang['group_name'] = 'Group name';
-$lang['group_description'] = 'Group description';
-$lang['group_moderator'] = 'Group moderator';
-$lang['group_status'] = 'Group status';
-$lang['group_open'] = 'Open group';
-$lang['group_closed'] = 'Closed group';
-$lang['group_hidden'] = 'Hidden group';
-$lang['group_delete'] = 'Delete group';
-$lang['group_delete_check'] = 'Delete this group';
-$lang['submit_group_changes'] = 'Submit Changes';
-$lang['reset_group_changes'] = 'Reset Changes';
-$lang['No_group_name'] = 'You must specify a name for this group';
-$lang['No_group_moderator'] = 'You must specify a moderator for this group';
-$lang['No_group_mode'] = 'You must specify a mode for this group, open or closed';
-$lang['delete_group_moderator'] = 'Delete the old group moderator?';
-$lang['delete_moderator_explain'] = 'If you are changing the group moderator, check this box to remove the old moderator from the group. Otherwise, do not check it, and the user will become a regular member of the group.';
-$lang['Click_return_groupsadmin'] = 'Click %sHere%s to return to Group Administration.';
-$lang['Select_group'] = 'Select a group';
-$lang['Look_up_group'] = 'Look up group';
-// Prune Administration
-$lang['Forum_Prune'] = 'Forum Prune';
-$lang['Forum_Prune_explain'] = 'This will delete any topic which has not been posted to within the number of days you select. If you do not enter a number then all topics will be deleted. It will not remove topics in which polls are still running nor will it remove announcements. You will need to remove these topics manually.';
-$lang['Do_Prune'] = 'Do Prune';
-$lang['All_Forums'] = 'All Forums';
-$lang['Prune_topics_not_posted'] = 'Prune topics with no replies in this many days';
-$lang['Topics_pruned'] = 'Topics pruned';
-$lang['Posts_pruned'] = 'Posts pruned';
-$lang['Prune_success'] = 'Pruning of forums was successful';
-// Word censor
-$lang['Words_title'] = 'Word Censoring';
-$lang['Words_explain'] = 'From this control panel you can add, edit, and remove words that will be automatically censored on your forums. In addition people will not be allowed to register with usernames containing these words. Wildcards (*) are accepted in the word field, eg. *test* will match detestable, test* would match testing, *test would match detest.';
-$lang['Word'] = 'Word';
-$lang['Edit_word_censor'] = 'Edit word censor';
-$lang['Replacement'] = 'Replacement';
-$lang['Add_new_word'] = 'Add new word';
-$lang['Update_word'] = 'Update word censor';
-$lang['Must_enter_word'] = 'You must enter a word and its replacement';
-$lang['No_word_selected'] = 'No word selected for editing';
-$lang['Word_updated'] = 'The selected word censor has been successfully updated';
-$lang['Word_added'] = 'The word censor has been successfully added';
-$lang['Word_removed'] = 'The selected word censor has been successfully removed';
-// Mass Email
-$lang['Mass_email_explain'] = 'Here you can email a message to either all of your users, or all users of a specific group. To do this, an email will be sent out to the administrative email address supplied, with a blind carbon copy sent to all recipients. If you are emailing a large group of people please be patient after submitting and do not stop the page halfway through. It is normal for a mass emailing to take a long time, you will be notified when the script has completed';
-$lang['Compose'] = 'Compose';
-$lang['Recipients'] = 'Recipients';
-$lang['All_users'] = 'All Users';
-$lang['Email_successfull'] = 'Your message has been sent';
-// Ranks admin
-$lang['Ranks_explain'] = 'Using this form you can add, edit, view and delete ranks. You can also create custom ranks which can be applied to a user via the user management facility';
-$lang['Add_new_rank'] = 'Add new rank';
-$lang['Rank_title'] = 'Rank Title';
-$lang['Rank_special'] = 'Set as Special Rank';
-$lang['Rank_minimum'] = 'Minimum Posts';
-$lang['Rank_image'] = 'Rank Image';
-$lang['Rank_image_explain'] = 'Use this to define a small image associated with the rank. The path is relative to the main phpBB2 directory.';
-$lang['Must_select_rank'] = 'You must select a rank';
-$lang['No_assigned_rank'] = 'No special rank assigned';
-$lang['Rank_updated'] = 'The rank was successfully updated';
-$lang['Rank_added'] = 'The rank was successfully added';
-$lang['Rank_removed'] = 'The rank was successfully deleted';
-$lang['No_update_ranks'] = 'The rank was successfully deleted, however, user accounts using this rank were not updated. You will need to manually reset the rank on these accounts';
-// Disallow Username Admin
-$lang['Disallow_control'] = 'Username Disallow Control';
-$lang['Disallow_explain'] = 'Here you can control usernames which will not be allowed to be used. Disallowed usernames are allowed to contain a wildcard character of *. Please note that you will not be allowed to specify any username that has already been registered, you must first delete that name then disallow it';
-$lang['Delete_disallow'] = 'Delete';
-$lang['Delete_disallow_title'] = 'Remove a Disallowed Username';
-$lang['Delete_disallow_explain'] = 'You can remove a disallowed username by selecting the username from this list and clicking submit';
-$lang['Add_disallow'] = 'Add';
-$lang['Add_disallow_title'] = 'Add a disallowed username';
-$lang['Add_disallow_explain'] = 'You can disallow a username using the wildcard character * to match any character';
-$lang['No_disallowed'] = 'No Disallowed Usernames';
-$lang['Disallowed_deleted'] = 'The disallowed username has been successfully removed';
-$lang['Disallow_successful'] = 'The disallowed username has been successfully added';
-$lang['Disallowed_already'] = 'The name you entered could not be disallowed. It either already exists in the list, exists in the word censor list, or a matching username is present';
-// Styles Admin
-$lang['Edit_style'] = 'Edit Styles';
-$lang['Style'] = 'Style';
-$lang['Styles_admin'] = 'Styles Administration';
-$lang['Styles_explain'] = 'Using this facility you can add, remove and manage styles. Styles are a combination of a template, theme (CSS) and imageset.';
-$lang['Edit_template'] = 'Edit Template';
-$lang['Edit_template_explain'] = 'Use this panel to edit an existing compiled template set. When you have made the required changes you can recompile the template and (or) download it. Please remember that the existing HTML templates are not altered, only the compiled versions are affected. Therefore you should download any altered files if you wish to keep them for future use and for archival purposes.';
-$lang['Select_template'] = 'Select template';
-$lang['Template'] = 'Select template';
-$lang['Download'] = 'Download';
-$lang['Edit_theme'] = 'Edit Theme';
-$lang['Edit_theme_explain'] = 'Use this panel to edit an existing theme. You can modify (or add) both CSS to be included within each page output by the forum (subject to the template including it) and an externally linked stylesheet. Remember, the location of the stylesheet is relative to the phpBB root directory.';
-$lang['Select_theme'] = 'Select theme';
-$lang['CSS_data'] = 'CSS Data';
-$lang['CSS_data_explain'] = 'This CSS is output to the template and may be included within the header of each page.';
-$lang['CSS_sheet'] = 'CSS Stylesheet';
-$lang['Success_theme_update'] = 'The theme has been successfully updated.';
-$lang['Edit_imageset'] = 'Edit Imageset';
-$lang['Edit_imageset_explain'] = '';
-$lang['Create_theme'] = 'Create Theme';
-$lang['Create_theme_explain'] = 'Use the form below to create a new theme for a selected template. When entering colours (for which you should use hexadecimal notation) you must not include the initial #, i.e.. CCCCCC is valid, #CCCCCC is not';
-$lang['Export_themes'] = 'Export Themes';
-$lang['Export_explain'] = 'In this panel you will be able to export the theme data for a selected template. Select the template from the list below and the script will create the theme configuration file and attempt to save it to the selected template directory. If it cannot save the file itself it will give you the option to download it. In order for the script to save the file you must give write access to the webserver for the selected template dir. For more information on this see the phpBB 2 users guide.';
-$lang['Theme_installed'] = 'The selected theme has been installed successfully';
-$lang['Style_removed'] = 'The selected style has been removed from the database. To fully remove this style from your system you must delete the appropriate style from your templates directory.';
-$lang['Theme_info_saved'] = 'The theme information for the selected template has been saved. You should now return the permissions on the theme_info.cfg (and if applicable the selected template directory) to read-only';
-$lang['Theme_updated'] = 'The selected theme has been updated. You should now export the new theme settings';
-$lang['Theme_created'] = 'Theme created. You should now export the theme to the theme configuration file for safe keeping or use elsewhere';
-$lang['Confirm_delete_style'] = 'Are you sure you want to delete this style';
-$lang['Download_theme_cfg'] = 'The exporter could not write the theme information file. Click the button below to download this file with your browser. Once you have downloaded it you can transfer it to the directory containing the template files. You can then package the files for distribution or use elsewhere if you desire';
-$lang['No_themes'] = 'The template you selected has no themes attached to it. To create a new theme click the Create New link on the left hand panel';
-$lang['No_template_dir'] = 'Could not open the template directory. It may be unreadable by the webserver or may not exist';
-$lang['Cannot_remove_style'] = 'You cannot remove the style selected since it is currently the forum default. Please change the default style and try again.';
-$lang['Style_exists'] = 'The style name to selected already exists, please go back and choose a different name.';
-$lang['Click_return_styleadmin'] = 'Click %sHere%s to return to Style Administration';
-$lang['Value'] = 'Value';
-$lang['Save_Settings'] = 'Save Settings';
-// Install Process
-$lang['Welcome_install'] = 'Welcome to phpBB 2 Installation';
-$lang['Initial_config'] = 'Basic Configuration';
-$lang['DB_config'] = 'Database Configuration';
-$lang['Admin_config'] = 'Admin Configuration';
-$lang['continue_upgrade'] = 'Once you have downloaded your config file to your local machine you may\'Continue Upgrade\' button below to move forward with the upgrade process. Please wait to upload the config file until the upgrade process is complete.';
-$lang['upgrade_submit'] = 'Continue Upgrade';
-$lang['Installer_Error'] = 'An error has occurred during installation';
-$lang['Previous_Install'] = 'A previous installation has been detected';
-$lang['Install_db_error'] = 'An error occurred trying to update the database';
-$lang['Re_install'] = 'Your previous installation is still active.
If you would like to re-install phpBB 2 you should click the Yes button below. Please be aware that doing so will destroy all existing data, no backups will be made! The administrator username and password you have used to login in to the board will be re-created after the re-installation, no other settings will be retained.
Think carefully before pressing Yes!';
-$lang['Inst_Step_0'] = 'Thank you for choosing phpBB 2. In order to complete this install please fill out the details requested below. Please note that the database you install into should already exist. If you are installing to a database that uses ODBC, e.g. MS Access you should first create a DSN for it before proceeding.';
-$lang['Start_Install'] = 'Start Install';
-$lang['Finish_Install'] = 'Finish Installation';
-$lang['Default_lang'] = 'Default board language';
-$lang['DB_Host'] = 'Database Server Hostname / DSN';
-$lang['DB_Name'] = 'Your Database Name';
-$lang['DB_Username'] = 'Database Username';
-$lang['DB_Password'] = 'Database Password';
-$lang['Database'] = 'Your Database';
-$lang['Install_lang'] = 'Choose Language for Installation';
-$lang['dbms'] = 'Database Type';
-$lang['Table_Prefix'] = 'Prefix for tables in database';
-$lang['Admin_Username'] = 'Administrator Username';
-$lang['Admin_Password'] = 'Administrator Password';
-$lang['Admin_Password_confirm'] = 'Administrator Password [ Confirm ]';
-$lang['Inst_Step_2'] = 'Your admin username has been created. At this point your basic installation is complete. You will now be taken to a screen which will allow you to administer your new installation. Please be sure to check the General Configuration details and make any required changes. Thank you for choosing phpBB 2.';
-$lang['Unwriteable_config'] = 'Your config file is un-writeable at present. A copy of the config file will be downloaded to your when you click the button below. You should upload this file to the same directory as phpBB 2. Once this is done you should log in using the administrator name and password you provided on the previous form and visit the admin control centre (a link will appear at the bottom of each screen once logged in) to check the general configuration. Thank you for choosing phpBB 2.';
-$lang['Download_config'] = 'Download Config';
-$lang['ftp_choose'] = 'Choose Download Method';
-$lang['ftp_option'] = '
Since FTP extensions are enabled in this version of PHP you may also be given the option of first trying to automatically ftp the config file into place.';
-$lang['ftp_instructs'] = 'You have chosen to ftp the file to the account containing phpBB 2 automatically. Please enter the information below to facilitate this process. Note that the FTP path should be the exact path via ftp to your phpBB2 installation as if you were ftping to it using any normal client.';
-$lang['ftp_info'] = 'Enter Your FTP Information';
-$lang['Attempt_ftp'] = 'Attempt to ftp config file into place';
-$lang['Send_file'] = 'Just send the file to me and I will ftp it manually';
-$lang['ftp_path'] = 'FTP path to phpBB 2';
-$lang['ftp_username'] = 'Your FTP Username';
-$lang['ftp_password'] = 'Your FTP Password';
-$lang['Transfer_config'] = 'Start Transfer';
-$lang['NoFTP_config'] = 'The attempt to ftp the config file into place failed. Please download the config file and ftp it into place manually.';
-$lang['Install'] = 'Install';
-$lang['Upgrade'] = 'Upgrade';
-$lang['Install_Method'] = 'Choose your installation method';
-$lang['Install_No_PHP4'] = 'phpBB2 requires you have at least PHP 4.0.4 installed
Contact your hosting provider or see for more information';
-$lang['Install_No_Ext'] = 'The PHP configuration on your server does not support the database type that you choose
Contact your hosting provider or see for more information';
-$lang['Install_No_PCRE'] = 'phpBB2 requires the Perl-Compatible Regular Expressions module for PHP to be available
Contact your hosting provider or see for more information';
-// Search re-indexing
-$lang['Search_indexing'] = 'Search Indexing';
-$lang['Search_indexing_explain'] = 'phpBB2 uses a fulltext search system. This breaks down each post into seperate words and then, if the word does not already exist it stores those words in a table. In turn the post is linked to each word it contains in this table. This allows quick searching of large databases and helps reduce load on the server compared to most other methods.
However, if the tables get out of sync for some reason or you change the minimum, maximum or disallowed list of words the tables need updating. This facility allows you to do just that.
Please be aware this procedure can take a long time, particularly on large databases. During this period your forum will be automatically shut down to prevent people posting. You can cancel the procedure at any time. Please remember this is an intensive operation and should only be carried out when absolutely necessarily. Do not run this script too often!
-$lang['Search_indexing_cancel'] = 'Re-indexing of search system has been cancelled. Please note this will result in searches returning incomplete results. You can re-index the posts again at any stage.';
-$lang['Search_indexing_complete'] = 'Re-indexing of search system has been completed. You can re-index the posts again at any stage.';
-$lang['Start'] = 'Start';
-$lang['Stop'] = 'Stop';
-// That's all Folks!
-// -------------------------------------------------
+$lang = array_merge($lang, array(
+ 'Admin_title' => 'Administration Panel',
+ 'No_admin' => 'You are not authorised to administer this board',
+ 'No_frames' => 'Sorry, your browser does not support frames',
+ 'Return_to' => 'Return to ...',
+ 'General_cat' => 'General Admin',
+ 'DB_cat' => 'Database Admin',
+ 'Users_cat' => 'User Admin',
+ 'Groups_cat' => 'Group Admin',
+ 'Forums_cat' => 'Forum Admin',
+ 'Styles_cat' => 'Styles Admin',
+ 'Log_cat' => 'Log Admin',
+ 'Avatar_settings' => 'Avatar Settings',
+ 'Cookie_settings' => 'Cookie Settings',
+ 'Board_defaults' => 'Board Defaults',
+ 'Board_settings' => 'Board Settings',
+ 'Email_settings' => 'Email Settings',
+ 'Server_settings' => 'Server Settings',
+ 'Auth_settings' => 'Authentication',
+ 'Permissions' => 'Permissions',
+ 'Manage' => 'Manage',
+ 'Disallow' => 'Disallow names',
+ 'Prune' => 'Pruning',
+ 'Mass_Email' => 'Mass Email',
+ 'Ranks' => 'Ranks',
+ 'Smilies' => 'Smilies',
+ 'Ban_users' => 'Ban Usernames',
+ 'Ban_emails' => 'Ban Emails',
+ 'Ban_ips' => 'Ban IPs',
+ 'Word_Censor' => 'Word Censors',
+ 'Export' => 'Export',
+ 'Create_new' => 'Create',
+ 'Add_new' => 'Add',
+ 'DB_Backup' => 'DB Backup',
+ 'DB_Restore' => 'DB Restore',
+ 'Basic_Config' => 'Basic Configuration',
+ 'Administrators' => 'Administrators',
+ 'Admin_logs' => 'Admin Log',
+ 'Mod_logs' => 'Moderator Log',
+ 'Users' => 'Users',
+ 'Groups' => 'Groups',
+ 'Look_up_Forum' => 'Select a Forum',
+ 'log_index_activate' => 'Activated inactive users => %s users',
+ 'log_index_delete' => 'Deleted inactive users => %s',
+ 'log_index_remind' => 'Sent reminder emails to inactive users => %s users',
+ 'log_mass_email' => 'Sent mass email => %s',
+ 'log_delete_word' => 'Deleted word censor',
+ 'log_edit_word' => 'Edited word censor => %s',
+ 'log_add_word' => 'Added word censor => %s',
+ 'log_template_edit' => 'Edited template => %s / %s',
+ 'log_imageset_edit' => 'Edited imageset => %s',
+ 'log_style_edit' => 'Edited style => %s',
+ 'log_theme_edit' => 'Edited theme => %s',
+ 'log_db_backup' => 'Database backup',
+ 'log_db_restore' => 'Database restore',
+ 'log_search_index' => 'Re-indexed search system => %s',
+ 'log_disallow_add' => 'Added disallowed username => %s',
+ 'log_disallow_delete' => 'Deleted disallowed username',
+ 'log_prune' => 'Pruned forum => %s',
+ 'log_admin_clear' => 'Cleared admin log',
+ 'log_ban_user' => 'Banned User [ %s ] => %s ',
+ 'log_ban_ip' => 'Banned ip [ %s ] => %s',
+ 'log_ban_email' => 'Banned email [ %s ] => %s',
+ 'log_unban_user' => 'Unbanned username => %s total',
+ 'log_unban_ip' => 'Unbanned ip => %s total',
+ 'log_unban_email' => 'Unbanned email => %s total',
+ 'log_server_config' => 'Altered server settings',
+ 'log_default_config' => 'Altered board defaults',
+ 'log_setting_config' => 'Altered board settings',
+ 'log_cookie_config' => 'Altered cookie settings',
+ 'log_email_config' => 'Altered email settings',
+ 'log_avatar_config' => 'Altered avatar settings',
+ 'log_auth_config' => 'Altered authentication settings',
+ 'log_prune_user_deac' => 'Users Deactivated => %s',
+ 'log_prune_user_del_del' => 'Users Pruned and Posts Deleted => %s',
+ 'log_prune_user_del_anon' => 'Users Pruned and Posts Retained => %s',
+ 'Admin_logs_explain' => 'This lists all the actions carried out by board administrators. You can sort by username, date, IP or action. If you have appropriate permissions you can also clear individual operations or the log as a whole.',
+ 'Mod_logs_explain' => 'This lists the actions carried out by board moderators, select a forum from the drop down list. You can sort by username, date, IP or action. If you have appropriate permissions you can also clear individual operations or the log as a whole.',
+ 'Display_log' => 'Display entries from previous',
+ 'All_Entries' => 'All entries',
+ 'Sort_ip' => 'IP address',
+ 'Sort_date' => 'Date',
+ 'Sort_action' => 'Log action',
+ 'No_entries' => 'No log entries for this period',
+ 'Admin' => 'Administration',
+ 'Not_admin' => 'You are not authorised to administer this board',
+ 'Welcome_phpBB' => 'Welcome to phpBB',
+ 'Admin_intro' => 'Thank you for choosing phpBB as your forum solution. This screen will give you a quick overview of all the various statistics of your board. The links on the left hand side of this screen allow you to control every aspect of your forum experience. Each page will have instructions on how to use the tools.',
+ 'Main_index' => 'Forum Index',
+ 'Forum_stats' => 'Forum Statistics',
+ 'Admin_Index' => 'Admin Index',
+ 'Preview_forum' => 'Preview Forum',
+ 'Click_return_admin_index' => 'Click %sHere%s to return to the Admin Index',
+ 'Statistic' => 'Statistic',
+ 'Value' => 'Value',
+ 'Number_posts' => 'Number of posts',
+ 'Posts_per_day' => 'Posts per day',
+ 'Number_topics' => 'Number of topics',
+ 'Topics_per_day' => 'Topics per day',
+ 'Number_users' => 'Number of users',
+ 'Users_per_day' => 'Users per day',
+ 'Board_started' => 'Board started',
+ 'Avatar_dir_size' => 'Avatar directory size',
+ 'Database_size' => 'Database size',
+ 'Gzip_compression' => 'Gzip compression',
+ 'Not_available' => 'Not available',
+ 'ON' => 'ON',
+ 'OFF' => 'OFF',
+ 'Inactive_users' => 'Inactive Users',
+ 'Inactive_users_explain' => 'This is a list of users who have registered but whos accounts are inactive. You can activate, delete or remind (by sending an email) these users if you wish.',
+ 'No_inactive_users' => 'No inactive users',
+ 'Admin_log' => 'Logged administrator actions',
+ 'Admin_log_index_explain' => 'This gives an overview of the last few actions carried out by board administrators. The username, IP, time and action are all listed. A full copy of the log can be viewed from the appropriate menu item to the left',
+ 'IP' => 'User IP',
+ 'Action' => 'Action',
+ 'Database_Utilities' => 'Database Utilities',
+ 'Restore' => 'Restore',
+ 'Backup' => 'Backup',
+ 'Restore_explain' => 'This will perform a full restore of all phpBB tables from a saved file. You can either upload the backup file via this form or upload it manually to a location on the server. If your server supports it you may use a gzip compressed text file and it will automatically be decompressed. WARNING This will overwrite any existing data. The restore may take a long time to process please do not move from this page till it is complete.',
+ 'Backup_explain' => 'Here you can backup all your phpBB related data. If you have any additional custom tables in the same database with phpBB that you would like to back up as well please enter their names separated by commas in the Additional Tables textbox below. You may also store the resulting archive on the server rather than download it. Please note that this option requires the specified directory be writeable by the webserver. Finally, if your server supports it you may also compress the file in a number of formats.',
+ 'Backup_options' => 'Backup options',
+ 'Backup_type' => 'Backup type',
+ 'Start_backup' => 'Start Backup',
+ 'Full_backup' => 'Full',
+ 'Structure_only' => 'Structure Only',
+ 'Data_only' => 'Data only',
+ 'Include_search_index' => 'Include Search Index tables',
+ 'Include_search_index_explain' => 'Disabling this will exclude the search tables in full or data only backups, reducing the backup size but requiring a Search Index upon restore.',
+ 'Additional_tables' => 'Additional tables',
+ 'Additional_tables_explain' => 'Include any other tables you wish to backup here each seperated by a comma.',
+ 'Compress_file' => 'Compress file',
+ 'Store_local' => 'Store file locally',
+ 'Store_local_explain' => 'To store the file on the server rather than download it specify a path here relative to the phpBB2 root.',
+ 'Upload_file' => 'Upload backup file',
+ 'Select_file' => 'Select a file',
+ 'Local_backup_file' => 'Location of backup file',
+ 'Local_backup_file_explain' => 'Location on the server where backup file is stored relative to the phpBB root, e.g. ../tmp/backup.sql',
+ 'Supported_extensions' => 'Supported extensions',
+ 'Start_Restore' => 'Start Restore',
+ 'Restore_success' => 'The Database has been successfully restored.
Your board should be back to the state it was when the backup was made.',
+ 'Backup_download' => 'Your download will start shortly please wait till it begins',
+ 'Backup_writing' => 'The backup file is being generated please wait till it completes',
+ 'Backup_success' => 'The backup file has been created successfully in the location you specified',
+ 'Backups_not_supported' => 'Sorry but database backups are not currently supported for your database system',
+ 'Restore_Error_filename' => 'The file you uploaded had an unsupported extension.',
+ 'Compress_unsupported' => 'The version of PHP installed on this server does not support the type of compression used for your backup. Please use a compression method listed on the previous page.',
+ 'Restore_Error_no_file' => 'No file was uploaded',
+ 'Permissions_explain' => 'Here you can alter which users and groups can access which forums. Permissions can be set for individual operations such as; reading, posting, voting, etc via the Advanced form. This page only applies to forum permissions. To assign moderators or define administrators please use the appropriate page (see left hand side menu).',
+ 'Permissions_extra_explain' => 'Permissions are based on a; PERMIT, ALLOW, DENY, PREVENT system. By default users and groups are set to DENY access to all operations, to do anything users or groups have to be granted ALLOW access. When conflicts exist, e.g. a user having ALLOW permissions to a function belongs to a group that is set to DENY such a function the user setting takes precidence, i.e. in this case the user would be ALLOWed access to this function. Similarly a user denied access to a function will be denied even if they belong to a group that grants them access. If a user belongs to two groups one of which grants an ALLOW while another is set to DENY the user will be denied access.',
+ 'Permissions_extra2_explain' => 'There may be times when you want to deny (or allow) access to a group no matter what their individual user settings are, this is what PERMIT and PREVENT are for. By setting a user (or more likely a group) to one of these will PERMIT (ALLOW) or PREVENT (DENY) access to a function no matter what their user settings are. You may find this useful for things such as \"banned\" groups, etc. doing away with any need to check for individual user permissions.',
+ 'Moderators' => 'Moderators',
+ 'Moderators_explain' => 'Here you can assign users and groups as forum moderators. You can give users or groups individual access to certain moderator functions as you set fit via the Advanced form. Moderators have additional power in a given forum and by default can post and reply even when a forum or topic is locked.',
+ 'Super_Moderators' => 'Super Moderators',
+ 'Super_Moderators_explain' => 'Here you can assign users and groups as super moderators. Super Moderators are like ordinary moderators accept they have access to every forum on your board. You can give users or groups individual access to certain moderator functions as you set fit via the Advanced form. As with moderators, super moderators have additional power in a given forum and by default can post and reply even when a forum or topic is locked.',
+ 'Administrators_explain' => 'Here you can assign administrator rights to users or groups. All users with admin permissions can view the administration panel. However you can limit selected users or groups to only certain sections if you wish by clicking Advanced.',
+ 'Manage_users' => 'Manage Users',
+ 'Add_users' => 'Add Users',
+ 'Manage_groups' => 'Manage Groups',
+ 'Add_groups' => 'Add Groups',
+ 'Admin_group' => 'Administrators',
+ 'Reg_group' => 'All registered',
+ 'Allowed_users' => 'Allowed users',
+ 'Disallowed_users' => 'Disallowed users',
+ 'Allowed_groups' => 'Allowed groups',
+ 'Disallowed_groups' => 'Disallowed groups',
+ 'Remove_selected' => 'Remove selected',
+ 'Advanced' => 'Advanced',
+ 'Applies_to_User' => 'Applies to User ...',
+ 'Applies_to_Group' => 'Applies to Group ...',
+ 'User_can' => 'User can ... ',
+ 'Group_can' => 'Group can ... ',
+ 'User_can_admin' => 'User can admin ... ',
+ 'Group_can_admin' => 'Group can admin ... ',
+ 'Allow' => 'Allow',
+ 'Permit' => 'Permit',
+ 'Deny' => 'Deny',
+ 'Prevent' => 'Prevent',
+ 'acl_admin_general' => 'General Settings',
+ 'acl_admin_user' => 'Users',
+ 'acl_admin_group' => 'Groups',
+ 'acl_admin_forum' => 'Forums',
+ 'acl_admin_post' => 'Posts',
+ 'acl_admin_ban' => 'Banning',
+ 'acl_admin_auth' => 'Permissions',
+ 'acl_admin_email' => 'Email',
+ 'acl_admin_styles' => 'Styles',
+ 'acl_admin_backup' => 'Backups',
+ 'acl_admin_clearlogs' => 'Clear Admin Log',
+ 'acl_mod_edit' => 'Edit posts',
+ 'acl_mod_delete' => 'Delete posts',
+ 'acl_mod_move' => 'Move posts',
+ 'acl_mod_lock' => 'Lock topics',
+ 'acl_mod_split' => 'Split topics',
+ 'acl_mod_merge' => 'Merge topics',
+ 'acl_mod_approve' => 'Approve posts',
+ 'acl_mod_unrate' => 'Un-rate topics',
+ 'acl_mod_auth' => 'Set permissions',
+ 'acl_forum_list' => 'See forum',
+ 'acl_forum_read' => 'Read forum',
+ 'acl_forum_post' => 'Post in forum',
+ 'acl_forum_reply' => 'Reply to posts',
+ 'acl_forum_edit' => 'Edit own posts',
+ 'acl_forum_delete' => 'Delete own posts',
+ 'acl_forum_poll' => 'Create polls',
+ 'acl_forum_vote' => 'Vote in polls',
+ 'acl_forum_announce' => 'Post announcements',
+ 'acl_forum_sticky' => 'Post stickies',
+ 'acl_forum_attach' => 'Attach files',
+ 'acl_forum_download' => 'Download files',
+ 'acl_forum_html' => 'Post HTML',
+ 'acl_forum_bbcode' => 'Post BBCode',
+ 'acl_forum_smilies' => 'Post smilies',
+ 'acl_forum_img' => 'Post images',
+ 'acl_forum_flash' => 'Post Flash',
+ 'acl_forum_sigs' => 'Use signatures',
+ 'acl_forum_search' => 'Search the forum',
+ 'acl_forum_email' => 'Email topics',
+ 'acl_forum_rate' => 'Rate topics',
+ 'acl_forum_print' => 'Print topics',
+ 'acl_forum_ignoreflood' => 'Ignore flood limit',
+ 'acl_forum_ignorequeue' => 'Ignore mod queue',
+ 'Auth_updated' => 'Permissions have been updated',
+ 'Prune_users' => 'Prune Users',
+ 'Prune_users_explain' => 'Here you can delete (or deactivate) users from you board. This can be done in a variety of ways; by post count, last activity, etc. Each of these criteria can be combined, i.e. you can prune users last active before 2002-01-01 with fewer than 10 posts. Alternatively you can enter a list of users directly into the text box, any criteria entered will be ignored. Take care with this facility! Once a user is deleted there is no way back.',
+ 'Select_users_explain' => 'If you want to prune specifc users rather than use the criteria above you can enter their usernames here, one per line. Use the find username facility if you wish.',
+ 'Last_active_explain' => 'Enter a date in yyyy-mm-dd format.',
+ 'Joined_explain' => 'Enter a date in yyyy-mm-dd format.',
+ 'Deactivate' => 'Deactivate',
+ 'Delete_user_posts' => 'Delete pruned user posts',
+ 'Delete_user_posts_explain' => 'Setting this to yes will remove all posts made by the pruned users.',
+ 'Confirm_prune_users' => 'Are you sure you wish to prune the selected users?',
+ 'Success_user_prune' => 'The selected users have been pruned successfully',
+ 'Ban_explain' => 'Here you can control the banning of users by name, IP or email address. These methods prevent a user reaching any part of the board. You can give a short (255 character) reason for the ban if you wish. This will be displayed in the admin log. The length of a ban can also be specified. If you want the ban to end on a specific date rather than after a set time period select Other for the ban length and enter a date in yyyy-mm-dd format.',
+ 'Ban_length' => 'Length of ban',
+ 'Permanent' => 'Permanent',
+ '30_Mins' => '30 Minutes',
+ '1_Hour' => '1 Hour',
+ '6_Hours' => '6 Hours',
+ 'Other' => 'Other ->',
+ 'Ban_reason' => 'Reason for ban',
+ 'Ban_username_explain' => 'You can ban multiple users in one go by entering each name on a new line. Use the Find a Username facility to look up and add one or more users automatically.',
+ 'Unban_username' => 'Un-ban usernames',
+ 'Unban_username_explain' => 'You can unban multiple users in one go using the appropriate combination of mouse and keyboard for your computer and browser',
+ 'IP_hostname' => 'IP addresses or hostnames',
+ 'Ban_IP_explain' => 'To specify several different IP\'s or hostnames enter each on a new line. To specify a range of IP addresses separate the start and end with a hyphen (-), to specify a wildcard use *',
+ 'Unban_IP' => 'Un-ban IPs',
+ 'Unban_IP_explain' => 'You can unban multiple IP addresses in one go using the appropriate combination of mouse and keyboard for your computer and browser',
+ 'Ban_email' => 'Ban one or more email addresses',
+ 'Ban_email_explain' => 'To specify more than one email address enter each on a new line. To match partial addresses use * as the wildcard, e.g. *, *@*.domain.tld, etc.',
+ 'Unban_email' => 'Un-ban Emails',
+ 'Unban_email_explain' => 'You can unban multiple email addresses in one go using the appropriate combination of mouse and keyboard for your computer and browser',
+ 'No_banned_users' => 'No banned usernames',
+ 'No_banned_ip' => 'No banned IP addresses',
+ 'No_banned_email' => 'No banned email addresses',
+ 'Ban_update_sucessful' => 'The banlist has been updated successfully',
+ 'Cookie_settings_explain' => 'These details define the data used to send cookies to your users browsers. In most cases the default values for the cookie settings should be sufficient. If you do need to change any do so with care, incorrect settings can prevent users logging in.',
+ 'Cookie_domain' => 'Cookie domain',
+ 'Cookie_name' => 'Cookie name',
+ 'Cookie_path' => 'Cookie path',
+ 'Cookie_secure' => 'Cookie secure',
+ 'Cookie_secure_explain' => 'If your server is running via SSL set this to enabled else leave as disabled',
+ 'Session_length' => 'Session length [ seconds ]',
+ 'Avatar_settings_explain' => 'Avatars are generally small, unique images a user can associate with themselves. Depending on the style they are usually displayed below the username when viewing topics. Here you can determine how users can define their avatars. Please note that in order to upload avatars you need to have created the directory you name below and ensure it can be written to by the web server. Please also note that filesize limits are only imposed on uploaded avatars, they do not apply to remotely linked images.',
+ 'Allow_local' => 'Enable gallery avatars',
+ 'Allow_remote' => 'Enable remote avatars',
+ 'Allow_remote_explain' => 'Avatars linked to from another website',
+ 'Allow_upload' => 'Enable avatar uploading',
+ 'Max_filesize' => 'Maximum Avatar File Size',
+ 'Max_filesize_explain' => 'For uploaded avatar files',
+ 'Max_avatar_size' => 'Maximum Avatar Dimensions',
+ 'Max_avatar_size_explain' => '(Height x Width in pixels)',
+ 'Avatar_storage_path' => 'Avatar Storage Path',
+ 'Avatar_storage_path_explain' => 'Path under your phpBB root dir, e.g. images/avatars',
+ 'Avatar_gallery_path' => 'Avatar Gallery Path',
+ 'Avatar_gallery_path_explain' => 'Path under your phpBB root dir for pre-loaded images, e.g. images/avatars/gallery',
+ 'Server_settings_explain' => 'Here you define server and domain dependant settings. Please ensure the data you enter is accurate, errors will result in emails containing incorrect information. When entering the domain name remember it does include http:// or other protocol term. Only alter the port number if you know your server uses a different value, port 80 is correct in most cases.',
+ 'Server_name' => 'Domain Name',
+ 'Server_name_explain' => 'The domain name this board runs from',
+ 'Script_path' => 'Script path',
+ 'Script_path_explain' => 'The path where phpBB2 is located relative to the domain name',
+ 'Server_port' => 'Server Port',
+ 'Server_port_explain' => 'The port your server is running on, usually 80, only change if different',
+ 'Email_settings_explain' => 'This information is used when the board sends emails to your users. Please ensure the email address you specify is valid, any bounced or undeliverable messages will likely be sent to that address. If your host does not provide a native (PHP based) email service you can instead send messages directly using SMTP. This requires the address of an appropriate server (ask your provider if necessary), do not specify any old name here! If the server requires authentication (and only if it does) enter the necessary username and password. Please note only basic authentication is offered, different authentication implementations are not currently supported.',
+ 'Enable_email' => 'Enable board-wide emails',
+ 'Enable_email_explain' => 'If this is set to disabled no emails will be sent by the board at all.',
+ 'Board_email_form' => 'Users send email via board',
+ 'Board_email_form_explain' => 'This function keeps email addresses completely private.',
+ 'Admin_email' => 'Admin Email Address',
+ 'Email_sig' => 'Email Signature',
+ 'Email_sig_explain' => 'This text will be attached to all emails the board sends',
+ 'Use_SMTP' => 'Use SMTP Server for email',
+ 'Use_SMTP_explain' => 'Say yes if you want or have to send email via a named server instead of the local mail function',
+ 'SMTP_server' => 'SMTP Server Address',
+ 'SMTP_username' => 'SMTP Username',
+ 'SMTP_username_explain' => 'Only enter a username if your smtp server requires it',
+ 'SMTP_password' => 'SMTP Password',
+ 'SMTP_password_explain' => 'Only enter a password if your smtp server requires it',
+ 'Click_return_config' => 'Click %sHere%s to return to General Configuration',
+ 'Board_settings_explain' => 'Here you can determine the basic operation of your board, from the site name through user registration to private messaging.',
+ 'Site_name' => 'Site name',
+ 'Site_desc' => 'Site description',
+ 'Board_disable' => 'Disable board',
+ 'Board_disable_explain' => 'This will make the board unavailable to users. You can also enter a short (255 character) message to display if you wish.',
+ 'IP_valid' => 'Session IP validation',
+ 'IP_valid_explain' => 'Determines how much of the users IP is used to validate a session; All compares the complete address, A.B.C the first x.x.x, A.B the first x.x, None disables checking.',
+ 'All' => 'All',
+ 'Class_C' => 'A.B.C',
+ 'Class_B' => 'A.B',
+ 'Limit_load' => 'Limit system load',
+ 'Limit_load_explain' => 'If the 1 minute system load exceeds this value the board will go offline, 1.0 equals ~100% utilisation of one processor. This only functions on UNIX based servers.',
+ 'Limit_sessions' => 'Limit sessions',
+ 'Limit_sessions_explain' => 'If the number of sessions exceeds this value within a one minute period the board will go offline. Set to 0 for unlimited sessions.',
+ 'Acct_activation' => 'Enable account activation',
+ 'Acct_activation_explain' => 'This determines whether users have immediate access to the board or if confirmation is required. You can also completely disable new registrations.',
+ 'Acc_None' => 'None',
+ 'Acc_User' => 'User',
+ 'Acc_Admin' => 'Admin',
+ 'Acc_Disable' => 'Disable',
+ 'Enable_gzip' => 'Enable GZip Compression',
+ 'Enable_prune' => 'Enable Forum Pruning',
+ 'Enable_COPPA' => 'Enable COPPA',
+ 'Enable_COPPA_explain' => 'This requires users to declare whether they are 13 or over for compliance with the U.S. COPPA act.',
+ 'COPPA_fax' => 'COPPA Fax Number',
+ 'COPPA_mail' => 'COPPA Mailing Address',
+ 'COPPA_mail_explain' => 'This is the mailing address where parents will send COPPA registration forms',
+ 'Boxes_max' => 'Max number of message boxes',
+ 'Boxes_max_explain' => 'Users can create this many private messaging boxes.',
+ 'Boxes_limit' => 'Max messages per box',
+ 'Boxes_limit_explain' => 'Users are limited to no more than this many messages in each of their private message boxes.',
+ 'Flood_Interval' => 'Flood Interval',
+ 'Flood_Interval_explain' => 'Number of seconds a user must wait between posting new messages. To enable users to ignore this alter their permissions.',
+ 'Search_Interval' => 'Search Flood Interval',
+ 'Search_Interval_explain' => 'Number of seconds users must wait between searches.',
+ 'Min_search_chars' => 'Min characters indexed by search',
+ 'Min_search_chars_explain' => 'Words with at least this many characters will be indexed for searching.',
+ 'Max_search_chars' => 'Max characters indexed by search',
+ 'Max_search_chars_explain' => 'Words with no more than this many characters will be indexed for searching.',
+ 'Auth_settings_explain' => 'phpBB2 supports authentication plug-ins, or modules. These allow you determine how users are authenticated when they log into the board. By default three plug-ins are provided; DB, LDAP and Apache. Not all methods require additional information so only fill out fields if they are relevant to the selected method.',
+ 'Auth_method' => 'Select an authentication method',
+ 'LDAP_server' => 'LDAP server name',
+ 'LDAP_server_explain' => 'If using LDAP this is the name or IP address of the server.',
+ 'LDAP_dn' => 'LDAP base dn',
+ 'LDAP_dn_explain' => 'This is the distinguished name, locating the user information, e.g. o=My Company,c=US',
+ 'LDAP_uid' => 'LDAP uid',
+ 'LDAP_uid_explain' => 'This is the key under which to search for a given login identity, e.g. uid, sn, etc.',
+ 'Board_defaults_explain' => 'These settings allow you to define a number of default or global settings used by the board. For example, to disable the use of HTML across the entire board alter the relevant setting below. This data is also used for new user registrations and (where relevant) guest users.',
+ 'Max_poll_options' => 'Max number of poll options',
+ 'Topics_per_page' => 'Topics Per Page',
+ 'Posts_per_page' => 'Posts Per Page',
+ 'Hot_threshold' => 'Posts for Popular Threshold',
+ 'Default_style' => 'Default Style',
+ 'Override_style' => 'Override user style',
+ 'Override_style_explain' => 'Replaces users style with the default',
+ 'Default_language' => 'Default Language',
+ 'Date_format' => 'Date Format',
+ 'System_timezone' => 'System Timezone',
+ 'Char_limit' => 'Max characters per post',
+ 'Char_limit_explain' => 'Set to 0 for unlimited characters.',
+ 'Allow_topic_notify' => 'Allow Topic Watching',
+ 'Allow_forum_notify' => 'Allow Forum Watching',
+ 'Allow_HTML' => 'Allow HTML',
+ 'Allow_BBCode' => 'Allow BBCode',
+ 'Allowed_tags' => 'Allowed HTML tags',
+ 'Allowed_tags_explain' => 'Separate tags with commas',
+ 'Allow_smilies' => 'Allow Smilies',
+ 'Smilies_path' => 'Smilies storage path',
+ 'Smilies_path_explain' => 'Path under your phpBB root dir, e.g. images/smilies',
+ 'Smilies_limit' => 'Max smilies per post',
+ 'Smilies_limit_explain' => 'Set to 0 for unlimited smilies.',
+ 'Icons_path' => 'Post icons storage path',
+ 'Icons_path_explain' => 'Path under your phpBB root dir, e.g. images/icons',
+ 'Allow_sig' => 'Allow Signatures',
+ 'Max_sig_length' => 'Maximum signature length',
+ 'Max_sig_length_explain' => 'Maximum number of characters in user signatures',
+ 'Allow_name_change' => 'Allow Username changes',
+ 'Forum_admin' => 'Forum Administration',
+ 'Forum_admin_explain' => 'From this panel you can add, delete, edit, re-order and re-synchronise categories and forums',
+ 'Edit_forum' => 'Edit forum',
+ 'Edit_category' => 'Edit category',
+ 'Create_forum' => 'Create new forum',
+ 'Remove' => 'Remove',
+ 'Config_updated' => 'Forum configuration updated successfully',
+ 'Edit' => 'Edit',
+ 'Delete' => 'Delete',
+ 'Move_up' => 'Move up',
+ 'Move_down' => 'Move down',
+ 'Resync' => 'Resync',
+ 'Category_name' => 'Category name',
+ 'Forum_type' => 'Forum type',
+ 'Parent' => 'Parent',
+ 'No_parent' => 'No parent',
+ 'Locked' => 'Locked',
+ 'Unlocked' => 'Unlocked',
+ 'General_settings' => 'General settings',
+ 'Forum_settings' => 'Forum settings',
+ 'Disable_post_count' => 'Disable post count',
+ 'Display_on_index' => 'Display a link to this forum on index',
+ 'Forum_edit_delete_explain' => 'The form below will allow you to customize all the general board options. For User and Forum configurations use the related links on the left hand side',
+ 'Forum_general' => 'General Forum Settings',
+ 'Forum_name' => 'Forum name',
+ 'Forum_desc' => 'Description',
+ 'Forum_status' => 'Forum status',
+ 'Forum_pruning' => 'Auto-pruning',
+ 'prune_freq' => 'Check for topic age every',
+ 'prune_days' => 'Remove topics that have not been posted to in',
+ 'Set_as_category' => 'Set this forum as a category and',
+ 'Forum_delete' => 'Delete Forum',
+ 'Forum_delete_explain' => 'The form below will allow you to delete a forum (or category) and decide where you want to put all topics (or forums) it contained.',
+ 'Move_and_Delete' => 'Move and Delete',
+ 'Move_posts_to' => 'Move posts to',
+ 'Move_subforums_to' => 'Move subforums to',
+ 'Delete_all_posts' => 'Delete all posts',
+ 'Delete_subforums' => 'Delete subforums and associated posts',
+ 'No_destination_forum' => 'You have not specified a forum to move content to',
+ 'Forums_updated' => 'Forum and Category information updated successfully',
+ 'Forum_deleted' => 'Forum successfully deleted',
+ 'Click_return_forumadmin' => 'Click %sHere%s to return to Forum Administration',
+ 'Emoticons_explain' => 'From this page you can add, remove and edit the emoticons or emoticons users can use in their posts and private messages.',
+ 'Import_smilies' => 'Import emoticons pak',
+ 'Import_smilies_explain' => 'Unzip the emoticons package to your emoticons directory then select the correct information in this form to import it.',
+ 'Smilies_import' => 'Emoticons pack import',
+ 'No_smilies_pak' => 'No emoticons pack found',
+ 'Select_package' => 'Select a package file',
+ 'Delete_existing_smilies' => 'Delete existing emoticons before import',
+ 'Smilies_conflicts' => 'What should be done in case of conflicts?',
+ 'Keep_existing_smilies' => 'Keep existing emoticons',
+ 'Replace_existing_smilies' => 'Replace existing emoticons',
+ 'Smilies_import_success' => 'The emoticons pack was imported successfully',
+ 'Export_smilies' => 'Create emoticons pak',
+ 'Export_smilies_explain' => 'To create a package of your currently installed emoticons, %sclick here%s to download the emoticons.pak file. Name this file appropriately, making sure to keep the .pak file extension then create a zip file containing all of your emoticons images plus this .pak configuration file.',
+ 'Add_smile' => 'Add a new emoticon',
+ 'Edit_smile' => 'Edit emoticon',
+ 'Smilies_not_displayed' => 'The following emoticons are not displayed on posting page',
+ 'Reorder' => 'Reorder',
+ 'Up' => 'Up',
+ 'Down' => 'Down',
+ 'First' => 'First',
+ 'After_smile' => 'After %s',
+ 'Display_on_posting' => 'Display on posting',
+ 'Smile_config' => 'Emoticon configuration',
+ 'Smile_code' => 'Emoticon code',
+ 'Smile_url' => 'Emoticon image file',
+ 'Smile_height' => 'Emoticon height',
+ 'Smile_width' => 'Emoticon width',
+ 'Smile_order' => 'Emoticon order',
+ 'Smile_emotion' => 'Emotion',
+ 'Smile_add' => 'Add a new emoticon',
+ 'Smile_edit' => 'Edit emoticon',
+ 'Smile' => 'Smile',
+ 'Emotion' => 'Emotion',
+ 'Smile_deleted' => 'This emoticon has been successfully removed',
+ 'Smile_edited' => 'This emoticon has been successfully updated',
+ 'Smile_added' => 'This emoticon has been successfully added',
+ 'Smilies_imported' => 'The emoticons pack has been successfully imported',
+ 'Click_return_smileadmin' => 'Click %sHere%s to return to Emoticons Administration',
+ 'User_admin' => 'User Administration',
+ 'User_admin_explain' => 'Here you can change your user\'s information and certain specific options. To modify the users permissions please use the user and group permissions system.',
+ 'Look_up_user' => 'Look up user',
+ 'Admin_user_updated' => 'The users profile was successfully updated.',
+ 'Click_return_useradmin' => 'Click %sHere%s to return to User Administration',
+ 'User_delete' => 'Delete this user',
+ 'User_delete_explain' => 'Click here to delete this user, this cannot be undone.',
+ 'User_deleted' => 'User was successfully deleted.',
+ 'User_status' => 'User is active',
+ 'User_allowpm' => 'Can send Private Messages',
+ 'User_allowavatar' => 'Can display avatar',
+ 'Admin_avatar_explain' => 'Here you can see and delete the users current avatar.',
+ 'User_special' => 'Special admin-only fields',
+ 'User_special_explain' => 'These fields are not able to be modified by the users. Here you can set their status and other options that are not given to users.',
+ 'Group_administration' => 'Group Administration',
+ 'Group_admin_explain' => 'From this panel you can administer all your usergroups, you can; delete, create and edit existing groups. You may choose moderators, toggle open/closed group status and set the group name and description',
+ 'Error_updating_groups' => 'There was an error while updating the groups',
+ 'Updated_group' => 'The group was successfully updated',
+ 'Added_new_group' => 'The new group was successfully created',
+ 'Deleted_group' => 'The group was successfully deleted',
+ 'New_group' => 'Create new group',
+ 'Edit_group' => 'Edit group',
+ 'group_name' => 'Group name',
+ 'group_description' => 'Group description',
+ 'group_moderator' => 'Group moderator',
+ 'group_status' => 'Group status',
+ 'group_open' => 'Open group',
+ 'group_closed' => 'Closed group',
+ 'group_hidden' => 'Hidden group',
+ 'group_delete' => 'Delete group',
+ 'group_delete_check' => 'Delete this group',
+ 'submit_group_changes' => 'Submit Changes',
+ 'reset_group_changes' => 'Reset Changes',
+ 'No_group_name' => 'You must specify a name for this group',
+ 'No_group_moderator' => 'You must specify a moderator for this group',
+ 'No_group_mode' => 'You must specify a mode for this group, open or closed',
+ 'delete_group_moderator' => 'Delete the old group moderator?',
+ 'delete_moderator_explain' => 'If you are changing the group moderator, check this box to remove the old moderator from the group. Otherwise, do not check it, and the user will become a regular member of the group.',
+ 'Click_return_groupsadmin' => 'Click %sHere%s to return to Group Administration.',
+ 'Select_group' => 'Select a group',
+ 'Look_up_group' => 'Look up group',
+ 'Forum_Prune' => 'Forum Prune',
+ 'Forum_Prune_explain' => 'This will delete any topic which has not been posted to within the number of days you select. If you do not enter a number then all topics will be deleted. It will not remove topics in which polls are still running nor will it remove announcements. You will need to remove these topics manually.',
+ 'Do_Prune' => 'Do Prune',
+ 'All_Forums' => 'All Forums',
+ 'Prune_topics_not_posted' => 'Prune topics with no replies in this many days',
+ 'Topics_pruned' => 'Topics pruned',
+ 'Posts_pruned' => 'Posts pruned',
+ 'Prune_success' => 'Pruning of forums was successful',
+ 'Words_title' => 'Word Censoring',
+ 'Words_explain' => 'From this control panel you can add, edit, and remove words that will be automatically censored on your forums. In addition people will not be allowed to register with usernames containing these words. Wildcards (*) are accepted in the word field, eg. *test* will match detestable, test* would match testing, *test would match detest.',
+ 'Word' => 'Word',
+ 'Edit_word_censor' => 'Edit word censor',
+ 'Replacement' => 'Replacement',
+ 'Add_new_word' => 'Add new word',
+ 'Update_word' => 'Update word censor',
+ 'Must_enter_word' => 'You must enter a word and its replacement',
+ 'No_word_selected' => 'No word selected for editing',
+ 'Word_updated' => 'The selected word censor has been successfully updated',
+ 'Word_added' => 'The word censor has been successfully added',
+ 'Word_removed' => 'The selected word censor has been successfully removed',
+ 'Mass_email_explain' => 'Here you can email a message to either all of your users, or all users of a specific group. To do this, an email will be sent out to the administrative email address supplied, with a blind carbon copy sent to all recipients. If you are emailing a large group of people please be patient after submitting and do not stop the page halfway through. It is normal for a mass emailing to take a long time, you will be notified when the script has completed',
+ 'Compose' => 'Compose',
+ 'Recipients' => 'Recipients',
+ 'All_users' => 'All Users',
+ 'Email_successfull' => 'Your message has been sent',
+ 'Ranks_explain' => 'Using this form you can add, edit, view and delete ranks. You can also create custom ranks which can be applied to a user via the user management facility',
+ 'Add_new_rank' => 'Add new rank',
+ 'Rank_title' => 'Rank Title',
+ 'Rank_special' => 'Set as Special Rank',
+ 'Rank_minimum' => 'Minimum Posts',
+ 'Rank_image' => 'Rank Image',
+ 'Rank_image_explain' => 'Use this to define a small image associated with the rank. The path is relative to the main phpBB2 directory.',
+ 'Must_select_rank' => 'You must select a rank',
+ 'No_assigned_rank' => 'No special rank assigned',
+ 'Rank_updated' => 'The rank was successfully updated',
+ 'Rank_added' => 'The rank was successfully added',
+ 'Rank_removed' => 'The rank was successfully deleted',
+ 'No_update_ranks' => 'The rank was successfully deleted, however, user accounts using this rank were not updated. You will need to manually reset the rank on these accounts',
+ 'Disallow_control' => 'Username Disallow Control',
+ 'Disallow_explain' => 'Here you can control usernames which will not be allowed to be used. Disallowed usernames are allowed to contain a wildcard character of *. Please note that you will not be allowed to specify any username that has already been registered, you must first delete that name then disallow it',
+ 'Delete_disallow' => 'Delete',
+ 'Delete_disallow_title' => 'Remove a Disallowed Username',
+ 'Delete_disallow_explain' => 'You can remove a disallowed username by selecting the username from this list and clicking submit',
+ 'Add_disallow' => 'Add',
+ 'Add_disallow_title' => 'Add a disallowed username',
+ 'Add_disallow_explain' => 'You can disallow a username using the wildcard character * to match any character',
+ 'No_disallowed' => 'No Disallowed Usernames',
+ 'Disallowed_deleted' => 'The disallowed username has been successfully removed',
+ 'Disallow_successful' => 'The disallowed username has been successfully added',
+ 'Disallowed_already' => 'The name you entered could not be disallowed. It either already exists in the list, exists in the word censor list, or a matching username is present',
+ 'Edit_style' => 'Edit Styles',
+ 'Style' => 'Style',
+ 'Styles_admin' => 'Styles Administration',
+ 'Styles_explain' => 'Using this facility you can add, remove and manage styles. Styles are a combination of a template, theme (CSS) and imageset.',
+ 'Edit_template' => 'Edit Template',
+ 'Edit_template_explain' => 'Use this panel to edit an existing compiled template set. When you have made the required changes you can recompile the template and (or) download it. Please remember that the existing HTML templates are not altered, only the compiled versions are affected. Therefore you should download any altered files if you wish to keep them for future use and for archival purposes.',
+ 'Select_template' => 'Select template',
+ 'Template' => 'Select template',
+ 'Download' => 'Download',
+ 'Edit_theme' => 'Edit Theme',
+ 'Edit_theme_explain' => 'Use this panel to edit an existing theme. You can modify (or add) both CSS to be included within each page output by the forum (subject to the template including it) and an externally linked stylesheet. Remember, the location of the stylesheet is relative to the phpBB root directory.',
+ 'Select_theme' => 'Select theme',
+ 'CSS_data' => 'CSS Data',
+ 'CSS_data_explain' => 'This CSS is output to the template and may be included within the header of each page.',
+ 'CSS_sheet' => 'CSS Stylesheet',
+ 'Success_theme_update' => 'The theme has been successfully updated.',
+ 'Edit_imageset' => 'Edit Imageset',
+ 'Edit_imageset_explain' => '',
+ 'Create_theme' => 'Create Theme',
+ 'Create_theme_explain' => 'Use the form below to create a new theme for a selected template. When entering colours (for which you should use hexadecimal notation) you must not include the initial #, i.e.. CCCCCC is valid, #CCCCCC is not',
+ 'Export_themes' => 'Export Themes',
+ 'Export_explain' => 'In this panel you will be able to export the theme data for a selected template. Select the template from the list below and the script will create the theme configuration file and attempt to save it to the selected template directory. If it cannot save the file itself it will give you the option to download it. In order for the script to save the file you must give write access to the webserver for the selected template dir. For more information on this see the phpBB 2 users guide.',
+ 'Theme_installed' => 'The selected theme has been installed successfully',
+ 'Style_removed' => 'The selected style has been removed from the database. To fully remove this style from your system you must delete the appropriate style from your templates directory.',
+ 'Theme_info_saved' => 'The theme information for the selected template has been saved. You should now return the permissions on the theme_info.cfg (and if applicable the selected template directory) to read-only',
+ 'Theme_updated' => 'The selected theme has been updated. You should now export the new theme settings',
+ 'Theme_created' => 'Theme created. You should now export the theme to the theme configuration file for safe keeping or use elsewhere',
+ 'Confirm_delete_style' => 'Are you sure you want to delete this style',
+ 'Download_theme_cfg' => 'The exporter could not write the theme information file. Click the button below to download this file with your browser. Once you have downloaded it you can transfer it to the directory containing the template files. You can then package the files for distribution or use elsewhere if you desire',
+ 'No_themes' => 'The template you selected has no themes attached to it. To create a new theme click the Create New link on the left hand panel',
+ 'No_template_dir' => 'Could not open the template directory. It may be unreadable by the webserver or may not exist',
+ 'Cannot_remove_style' => 'You cannot remove the style selected since it is currently the forum default. Please change the default style and try again.',
+ 'Style_exists' => 'The style name to selected already exists, please go back and choose a different name.',
+ 'Click_return_styleadmin' => 'Click %sHere%s to return to Style Administration',
+ 'Save_Settings' => 'Save Settings',
+ 'Welcome_install' => 'Welcome to phpBB 2 Installation',
+ 'Initial_config' => 'Basic Configuration',
+ 'DB_config' => 'Database Configuration',
+ 'Admin_config' => 'Admin Configuration',
+ 'continue_upgrade' => 'Once you have downloaded your config file to your local machine you may\'Continue Upgrade\' button below to move forward with the upgrade process. Please wait to upload the config file until the upgrade process is complete.',
+ 'upgrade_submit' => 'Continue Upgrade',
+ 'Installer_Error' => 'An error has occurred during installation',
+ 'Previous_Install' => 'A previous installation has been detected',
+ 'Install_db_error' => 'An error occurred trying to update the database',
+ 'Re_install' => 'Your previous installation is still active.
If you would like to re-install phpBB 2 you should click the Yes button below. Please be aware that doing so will destroy all existing data, no backups will be made! The administrator username and password you have used to login in to the board will be re-created after the re-installation, no other settings will be retained.
Think carefully before pressing Yes!',
+ 'Inst_Step_0' => 'Thank you for choosing phpBB 2. In order to complete this install please fill out the details requested below. Please note that the database you install into should already exist. If you are installing to a database that uses ODBC, e.g. MS Access you should first create a DSN for it before proceeding.',
+ 'Start_Install' => 'Start Install',
+ 'Finish_Install' => 'Finish Installation',
+ 'Default_lang' => 'Default board language',
+ 'DB_Host' => 'Database Server Hostname / DSN',
+ 'DB_Name' => 'Your Database Name',
+ 'DB_Username' => 'Database Username',
+ 'DB_Password' => 'Database Password',
+ 'Database' => 'Your Database',
+ 'Install_lang' => 'Choose Language for Installation',
+ 'dbms' => 'Database Type',
+ 'Table_Prefix' => 'Prefix for tables in database',
+ 'Admin_Username' => 'Administrator Username',
+ 'Admin_Password' => 'Administrator Password',
+ 'Admin_Password_confirm' => 'Administrator Password [ Confirm ]',
+ 'Inst_Step_2' => 'Your admin username has been created. At this point your basic installation is complete. You will now be taken to a screen which will allow you to administer your new installation. Please be sure to check the General Configuration details and make any required changes. Thank you for choosing phpBB 2.',
+ 'Unwriteable_config' => 'Your config file is un-writeable at present. A copy of the config file will be downloaded to your when you click the button below. You should upload this file to the same directory as phpBB 2. Once this is done you should log in using the administrator name and password you provided on the previous form and visit the admin control centre (a link will appear at the bottom of each screen once logged in) to check the general configuration. Thank you for choosing phpBB 2.',
+ 'Download_config' => 'Download Config',
+ 'ftp_choose' => 'Choose Download Method',
+ 'ftp_option' => '
Since FTP extensions are enabled in this version of PHP you may also be given the option of first trying to automatically ftp the config file into place.',
+ 'ftp_instructs' => 'You have chosen to ftp the file to the account containing phpBB 2 automatically. Please enter the information below to facilitate this process. Note that the FTP path should be the exact path via ftp to your phpBB2 installation as if you were ftping to it using any normal client.',
+ 'ftp_info' => 'Enter Your FTP Information',
+ 'Attempt_ftp' => 'Attempt to ftp config file into place',
+ 'Send_file' => 'Just send the file to me and I will ftp it manually',
+ 'ftp_path' => 'FTP path to phpBB 2',
+ 'ftp_username' => 'Your FTP Username',
+ 'ftp_password' => 'Your FTP Password',
+ 'Transfer_config' => 'Start Transfer',
+ 'NoFTP_config' => 'The attempt to ftp the config file into place failed. Please download the config file and ftp it into place manually.',
+ 'Install' => 'Install',
+ 'Upgrade' => 'Upgrade',
+ 'Install_Method' => 'Choose your installation method',
+ 'Install_No_PHP4' => 'phpBB2 requires you have at least PHP 4.0.4 installed
Contact your hosting provider or see for more information',
+ 'Install_No_Ext' => 'The PHP configuration on your server does not support the database type that you choose
Contact your hosting provider or see for more information',
+ 'Install_No_PCRE' => 'phpBB2 requires the Perl-Compatible Regular Expressions module for PHP to be available
Contact your hosting provider or see for more information',
+ 'Search_indexing' => 'Search Indexing',
+ 'Search_indexing_explain' => 'phpBB2 uses a fulltext search system. This breaks down each post into seperate words and then, if the word does not already exist it stores those words in a table. In turn the post is linked to each word it contains in this table. This allows quick searching of large databases and helps reduce load on the server compared to most other methods.However, if the tables get out of sync for some reason or you change the minimum, maximum or disallowed list of words the tables need updating. This facility allows you to do just that.
Please be aware this procedure can take a long time, particularly on large databases. During this period your forum will be automatically shut down to prevent people posting. You can cancel the procedure at any time. Please remember this is an intensive operation and should only be carried out when absolutely necessarily. Do not run this script too often!
+ 'Search_indexing_cancel' => 'Re-indexing of search system has been cancelled. Please note this will result in searches returning incomplete results. You can re-index the posts again at any stage.',
+ 'Search_indexing_complete' => 'Re-indexing of search system has been completed. You can re-index the posts again at any stage.',
+ 'Start' => 'Start',
+ 'Stop' => 'Stop'
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/phpBB/language/en/lang_bbcode.php b/phpBB/language/en/lang_bbcode.php
index a22ae22d9e..bb6cbb4fc4 100644
--- a/phpBB/language/en/lang_bbcode.php
+++ b/phpBB/language/en/lang_bbcode.php
@@ -1,14 +1,14 @@
To make a piece of text bold enclose it in [b][/b], eg.
will become HelloFor underlining use [u][/u], for example:
[u]Good Morning[/u]
becomes Good MorningTo italicise text use [i][/i], eg.
This is [i]Great![/i]
would give This is Great!");
-$faq[] = array("How to change the text colour or size", "To alter the color or size of your text the following tags can be used. Keep in mind that how the output appears will depend on the viewers browser and system: - Changing the colour of text is achieved by wrapping it in [color=][/color]. You can specify either a recognised colour name (eg. red, blue, yellow, etc.) or the hexadecimal triplet alternative, eg. #FFFFFF, #000000. For example, to create red text you could use:
will both output Hello! - Changing the text size is achieved in a similar way using [size=][/size]. This tag is dependent on the template you are using but the recommended format is a numerical value representing the text size in pixels, starting at 1 (so tiny you will not see it) through to 29 (very large). For example:
will generally be SMALL
will be HUGE!
-$faq[] = array("Can I combine formatting tags?", "Yes, of course you can, for example to get someones attention you may write:
[size=18][color=red][b]LOOK AT ME![/b][/color][/size]
this would output LOOK AT ME!
We don't recommend you output lots of text that looks like this though! Remember it is up to you, the poster to ensure tags are closed correctly. For example the following is incorrect:
[b][u]This is wrong[/b][/u]");
-$faq[] = array("--","Quoting and outputting fixed-width text");
-$faq[] = array("Quoting text in replies", "There are two ways you can quote text, with a reference or without.- When you utilise the Quote function to reply to a post on the board you should notice that the post text is added to the message window enclosed in a [quote=\"\"][/quote] block. This method allows you to quote with a reference to a person or whatever else you choose to put! For example to quote a piece of text Mr. Blobby wrote you would enter:
[quote=\"Mr. Blobby\"]The text Mr. Blobby wrote would go here[/quote]
The resulting output will automatically add, Mr. Blobby wrote: before the actual text. Remember you must include the parenthesis \"\" around the name you are quoting, they are not optional. - The second method allows you to blindly quote something. To utilise this enclose the text in [quote][/quote] tags. When you view the message it will simply show, Quote: before the text itself.
-$faq[] = array("Outputting code or fixed width data", "If you want to output a piece of code or in fact anything that requires a fixed width, eg. Courier type font you should enclose the text in [code][/code] tags, eg.
[code]echo \"This is some code\";[/code]
All formatting used within [code][/code] tags is retained when you later view it.");
-$faq[] = array("--","Generating lists");
-$faq[] = array("Creating an Un-ordered list", "BBCode supports two types of lists, unordered and ordered. They are essentially the same as their HTML equivalents. An unordered list ouputs each item in your list sequentially one after the other indenting each with a bullet character. To create an unordered list you use [list][/list] and define each item within the list using [*]. For example to list your favorite colours you could use:
This would generate the following list:");
-$faq[] = array("Creating an Ordered list", "The second type of list, an ordered list gives you control over what is output before each item. To create an ordered list you use [list=1][/list] to create a numbered list or alternatively [list=a][/list] for an alphabetical list. As with the unordered list items are specified using [*]. For example:
[*]Go to the shops
[*]Buy a new computer
[*]Swear at computer when it crashes
will generate the following:- Go to the shops
- Buy a new computer
- Swear at computer when it crashes
Whereas for an alphabetical list you would use:
[*]The first possible answer
[*]The second possible answer
[*]The third possible answer
giving- The first possible answer
- The second possible answer
- The third possible answer
-$faq[] = array("--", "Creating Links");
-$faq[] = array("Linking to another site", "phpBB BBCode supports a number of ways of creating URIs, Uniform Resource Indicators better known as URLs.- The first of these uses the [url=][/url] tag, whatever you type after the = sign will cause the contents of that tag to act as a URL. For example to link to you could use:
[url=]Visit phpBB![/url]
This would generate the following link, Visit phpBB! You will notice the link opens in a new window so the user can continue browsing the forums if they wish. - If you want the URL itself displayed as the link you can do this by simply using:
This would generate the following link, - Additionally phpBB features something called Magic Links, this will turn any syntatically correct URL into a link without you needing to specify any tags or even the leading http://. For example typing into your message will automatically lead to being output when you view the message.
- The same thing applies equally to email addresses, you can either specify an address explicitly for example:
which will output or you can just type into your message and it will be automatically converted when you view.
As with all the BBCode tags you can wrap URLs around any of the other tags such as [img][/img] (see next entry), [b][/b], etc. As with the formatting tags it is up to you to ensure the correct open and close order is following, for example:
is not correct which may lead to your post being deleted so take care.");
-$faq[] = array("--", "Showing images in posts");
-$faq[] = array("Adding an image to a post", "phpBB BBCode incorporates a tag for including images in your posts. Two very important things to remember when using this tag are; many users do not appreciate lots of images being shown in posts and secondly the image you display must already be available on the internet (it cannot exist only on your computer for example, unless you run a webserver!). There is currently no way of storing images locally with phpBB (all these issues are expected to be addressed in the next release of phpBB). To display an image you must surround the URL pointing to the image with [img][/img] tags. For example:
As noted in the URL section above you can wrap an image in a [url][/url] tag if you wish, eg.
would generate:

-$faq[] = array("--", "Other matters");
-$faq[] = array("Can I add my own tags?", "No, I am afraid not directly in phpBB 2.0. We are looking at offering customisable BBCode tags for the next major version");
-// This ends the BBCode guide entries
+$faq = array(
+ 0 => array(
+ 0 => '--',
+ 1 => 'Introduction'
+ ),
+ 1 => array(
+ 0 => 'What is BBCode?',
+ 1 => 'BBCode is a special implementation of HTML. Whether you can actually use BBCode in your posts on the forum is determined by the administrator. In addition you can disable BBCode on a per post basis via the posting form. BBCode itself is similar in style to HTML, tags are enclosed in square braces [ and ] rather than < and > and it offers greater control over what and how something is displayed. Depending on the template you are using you may find adding BBCode to your posts is made much easier through a clickable interface above the message area on the posting form. Even with this you may find the following guide useful.'
+ ),
+ 2 => array(
+ 0 => '--',
+ 1 => 'Text Formatting'
+ ),
+ 3 => array(
+ 0 => 'How to create bold, italic and underlined text',
+ 1 => 'BBCode includes tags to allow you to quickly change the basic style of your text. This is achieved in the following ways: - To make a piece of text bold enclose it in [b][/b], eg.
will become Hello - For underlining use [u][/u], for example:
[u]Good Morning[/u]
becomes Good Morning - To italicise text use [i][/i], eg.
This is [i]Great![/i]
would give This is Great!
+ ),
+ 4 => array(
+ 0 => 'How to change the text colour or size',
+ 1 => 'To alter the color or size of your text the following tags can be used. Keep in mind that how the output appears will depend on the viewers browser and system: - Changing the colour of text is achieved by wrapping it in [color=][/color]. You can specify either a recognised colour name (eg. red, blue, yellow, etc.) or the hexadecimal triplet alternative, eg. #FFFFFF, #000000. For example, to create red text you could use:
will both output Hello! - Changing the text size is achieved in a similar way using [size=][/size]. This tag is dependent on the template you are using but the recommended format is a numerical value representing the text size in pixels, starting at 1 (so tiny you will not see it) through to 29 (very large). For example:
will generally be SMALL
will be HUGE!
+ ),
+ 5 => array(
+ 0 => 'Can I combine formatting tags?',
+ 1 => 'Yes, of course you can, for example to get someones attention you may write:
[size=18][color=red][b]LOOK AT ME![/b][/color][/size]
this would output LOOK AT ME!
We don\'t recommend you output lots of text that looks like this though! Remember it is up to you, the poster to ensure tags are closed correctly. For example the following is incorrect:
[b][u]This is wrong[/b][/u]'
+ ),
+ 6 => array(
+ 0 => '--',
+ 1 => 'Quoting and outputting fixed-width text'
+ ),
+ 7 => array(
+ 0 => 'Quoting text in replies',
+ 1 => 'There are two ways you can quote text, with a reference or without.- When you utilise the Quote function to reply to a post on the board you should notice that the post text is added to the message window enclosed in a [quote=\"\"][/quote] block. This method allows you to quote with a reference to a person or whatever else you choose to put! For example to quote a piece of text Mr. Blobby wrote you would enter:
[quote=\"Mr. Blobby\"]The text Mr. Blobby wrote would go here[/quote]
The resulting output will automatically add, Mr. Blobby wrote: before the actual text. Remember you must include the parenthesis \"\" around the name you are quoting, they are not optional. - The second method allows you to blindly quote something. To utilise this enclose the text in [quote][/quote] tags. When you view the message it will simply show, Quote: before the text itself.
+ ),
+ 8 => array(
+ 0 => 'Outputting code or fixed width data',
+ 1 => 'If you want to output a piece of code or in fact anything that requires a fixed width, eg. Courier type font you should enclose the text in [code][/code] tags, eg.
[code]echo \"This is some code\";[/code]
All formatting used within [code][/code] tags is retained when you later view it.'
+ ),
+ 9 => array(
+ 0 => '--',
+ 1 => 'Generating lists'
+ ),
+ 10 => array(
+ 0 => 'Creating an Un-ordered list',
+ 1 => 'BBCode supports two types of lists, unordered and ordered. They are essentially the same as their HTML equivalents. An unordered list ouputs each item in your list sequentially one after the other indenting each with a bullet character. To create an unordered list you use [list][/list] and define each item within the list using [*]. For example to list your favorite colours you could use:
This would generate the following list:'
+ ),
+ 11 => array(
+ 0 => 'Creating an Ordered list',
+ 1 => 'The second type of list, an ordered list gives you control over what is output before each item. To create an ordered list you use [list=1][/list] to create a numbered list or alternatively [list=a][/list] for an alphabetical list. As with the unordered list items are specified using [*]. For example:
[*]Go to the shops
[*]Buy a new computer
[*]Swear at computer when it crashes
will generate the following:- Go to the shops
- Buy a new computer
- Swear at computer when it crashes
Whereas for an alphabetical list you would use:
[*]The first possible answer
[*]The second possible answer
[*]The third possible answer
giving- The first possible answer
- The second possible answer
- The third possible answer
+ ),
+ 12 => array(
+ 0 => '--',
+ 1 => 'Creating Links'
+ ),
+ 13 => array(
+ 0 => 'Linking to another site',
+ 1 => 'phpBB BBCode supports a number of ways of creating URIs, Uniform Resource Indicators better known as URLs.- The first of these uses the [url=][/url] tag, whatever you type after the = sign will cause the contents of that tag to act as a URL. For example to link to you could use:
[url=]Visit phpBB![/url]
This would generate the following link, Visit phpBB! You will notice the link opens in a new window so the user can continue browsing the forums if they wish. - If you want the URL itself displayed as the link you can do this by simply using:
This would generate the following link, - Additionally phpBB features something called Magic Links, this will turn any syntatically correct URL into a link without you needing to specify any tags or even the leading http://. For example typing into your message will automatically lead to being output when you view the message.
- The same thing applies equally to email addresses, you can either specify an address explicitly for example:
which will output or you can just type into your message and it will be automatically converted when you view.
As with all the BBCode tags you can wrap URLs around any of the other tags such as [img][/img] (see next entry), [b][/b], etc. As with the formatting tags it is up to you to ensure the correct open and close order is following, for example:
is not correct which may lead to your post being deleted so take care.'
+ ),
+ 14 => array(
+ 0 => '--',
+ 1 => 'Showing images in posts'
+ ),
+ 15 => array(
+ 0 => 'Adding an image to a post',
+ 1 => 'phpBB BBCode incorporates a tag for including images in your posts. Two very important things to remember when using this tag are; many users do not appreciate lots of images being shown in posts and secondly the image you display must already be available on the internet (it cannot exist only on your computer for example, unless you run a webserver!). There is currently no way of storing images locally with phpBB (all these issues are expected to be addressed in the next release of phpBB). To display an image you must surround the URL pointing to the image with [img][/img] tags. For example:
As noted in the URL section above you can wrap an image in a [url][/url] tag if you wish, eg.
would generate:

+ ),
+ 16 => array(
+ 0 => '--',
+ 1 => 'Other matters'
+ ),
+ 17 => array(
+ 0 => 'Can I add my own tags?',
+ 1 => 'No, I am afraid not directly in phpBB 2.0. We are looking at offering customisable BBCode tags for the next major version'
+ )
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/phpBB/language/en/lang_faq.php b/phpBB/language/en/lang_faq.php
index 7674517846..e85f030cfb 100644
--- a/phpBB/language/en/lang_faq.php
+++ b/phpBB/language/en/lang_faq.php
@@ -1,14 +1,14 @@
Log me in automatically box when you login the board will only keep you logged in for a preset time. This prevents misuse of your account by anyone else. To stay logged in check the box during login, this is not recommended if you access the board from a shared computer, e.g. library, internet cafe, university cluster, etc.");
-$faq[] = array("How do I prevent my username appearing in the online user listings?", "In your profile you will find an option Hide your online status, if you switch this on you'll only appear to board administrators or to yourself. You will be counted as a hidden user.");
-$faq[] = array("I've lost my password!", "Don't panic! While your password cannot be retrieved it can be reset. To do this go to the login page and click I've forgotten my password, follow the instructions and you should be back online in no time");
-$faq[] = array("I registered but cannot login!", "Firstly check your are entering the correct username and password. If they are okay then one of two things may have happened. If COPPA support is enabled and you clicked the I am under 13 years old link while registering then you will have to follow the instructions you received. If this is not the case then does your account need activating? Some boards will require all new registrations be activated, either by yourself or by the administrator before you can logon. When you registered it would have told you whether activation was required. If you were sent an email then follow the instructions, if you did not receive the email then are you sure your email address is valid? One reason activation is used is to reduce the possibility of rouge users abusing the board anonymously. If you are sure the email address you used is valid then try contacting the board administrator.");
-$faq[] = array("I registered in the past but cannot login any more?!", "The most likely reasons for this are; you entered an incorrect username or password (check the email you were sent when you first registered) or the administrator has deleted your account for some reason. If it is the later case then perhaps you did not post anything? It is usual for boards to periodically remove users who have not posted anything so as to reduce the size of the database. Try registering again and get involved in discussions.");
-$faq[] = array("--","User Preferences and settings");
-$faq[] = array("How do I change my settings?", "All your settings (if you are registered) are stored in the database. To alter them click the Profile link (generally shown at the top of pages but this may not be the case). This will allow you to change all your settings");
-$faq[] = array("The times are not correct!", "The times are almost certainly correct, however what you may be seeing are times displayed in a timezone different from the one you are in. If this is the case you should change your profile setting for the timezone to match your particular area, e.g. London, Paris, New York, Sydney, etc. Please note that changing the timezone, like most settings can only be done by registered users. So if you are not registered this is a good time to do so, if you pardon the pun!");
-$faq[] = array("I changed the timezone and the time is still wrong!", "If you are sure you have set the timezone correctly and the time is still different the most likely answer is daylight savings time (or summer time as it is known in the UK and other places). The board is not designed to handle the changeovers between standard and daylight time so during summer months the time may be an hour different from the real local time.");
-$faq[] = array("My language is not in the list!", "The most likely reasons for this are either the administrator did not install your language or someone has not translated this board into your language. Try asking the board administrator if they can install the language pack you need, if it does not exist then please feel free to create a new translation. More information can be found at the phpBB Group website (see link at bottom of pages)");
-$faq[] = array("How do I show an image below my username?", "There may be two images below a username when viewing posts. The first is an image associated with your rank, generally these take the form of stars or blocks indicating how many posts you have made or your status on the forums. Below this may be a larger image known as an avatar, this is generally unique or personal to each user. It is up to the board administrator to enable avatars and they have a choice over the way in which avatars can be made available. If you are unable to use avatars then this is the decision of the board admin, you should ask them their reasons (we're sure they'll be good!)");
-$faq[] = array("How do I change my rank?", "In general you cannot directly change the wording of any rank (ranks appear below your username in topics and on your profile depending on the style used). Most boards use ranks to indicate the number of posts you have made and to identify certain users, e.g. moderators and administrators may have a special rank. Please do not abuse the board by posting unnecessarily just to increase your rank, you will probably find the moderator or administrator will simply lower your post count.");
-$faq[] = array("When I click the email link for a user it asks me to login?", "Sorry but only registered users can send email to people via the built-in email form (if the admin has enabled this feature). This is to prevent malicious use of the email system by anonymous users.");
-$faq[] = array("--","Posting Issues");
-$faq[] = array("How do I post a topic in a forum?", "Easy, click the relevant button on either the forum or topic screens. You may need to register before you can post a message, the facilities available to you are listed at the bottom of the forum and topic screens (the You can post new topics, You can vote in polls, etc. list)");
-$faq[] = array("How do I edit or delete a post?", "Unless you are the board admin or forum moderator you can only edit or delete your own posts. You can edit a post (sometimes for only a limited time after it was made) by clicking the edit button for the relevant post. If someone has already replied to the post you will find a small piece of text output below the post when you return to the topic, this lists the number of times you edited it. This will only appear if no one has replied, it also will not appear if moderators or administrators edit the post (they should leave a message saying what they altered and why). Please note that normal users cannot delete a post once someone has replied.");
-$faq[] = array("How do I add a signature to my post?", "To add a signature to a post you must first create one, this is done via your profile. Once created you can check the Add Signature box on the posting form to add your signature. You can also add a signature by default to all your posts by checking the appropriate radio box in your profile (you can still prevent a signature being added to individual posts by un-checking the add signature box on the posting form)");
-$faq[] = array("How do I create a poll?", "Creating a poll is easy, when you post a new topic (or edit the first post of a topic, if you have permission) you should see a Add Poll form below the main posting box (if you cannot see this then you probably do not have rights to create polls). You should enter a title for the poll and then at least two options (to set an option type in the poll question and click the Add option button. You can also set a time limit for the poll, 0 is an infinite poll. There will be a limit to the number of options you can list, this is set by the board administrator");
-$faq[] = array("How do I edit or delete a poll?", "As with posts, polls can only be edited by the original poster, a moderator or board admin. To edit a poll click the first post in the topic (this always has the poll associated with it). If no one has cast a vote then users can delete the poll or edit any poll option, however if people have already placed votes only moderators or administrators can edit or delete it. This is to prevent people rigging polls by changing options mid-way through a poll");
-$faq[] = array("Why can't I access a forum?", "Some forums may be limited to certain users or groups. To view, read, post, etc. you may need special authorisation, only the forum moderator and board admin can grant this access, you should contact them.");
-$faq[] = array("Why can't I vote in polls?", "Only registered users can vote in polls (so as to prevent spoofing of results). If you have registered and still cannot vote then you probably do not have appropriate access rights.");
-$faq[] = array("--","Formatting and Topic Types");
-$faq[] = array("What is BBCode?", "BBCode is a special implementation of HTML, whether you can use BBCode is determined by the administrator (you can also disable it on a per post basis from the posting form). BBCode itself is similar in style to HTML, tags are enclosed in square braces [ and ] rather than < and > and it offers greater control over what and how something is displayed. For more information on BBCode see the guide which can be accessed from the posting page.");
-$faq[] = array("Can I use HTML?", "That depends on whether the administrator allows you too, they have complete control over it. If you are allowed to use it you will probably find only certain tags work. This is a safety feature to prevent people abusing the board by using tags which may destroy the layout or cause other problems. If HTML is enabled you can disable it on a per post basis from the posting form.");
-$faq[] = array("What are Smileys?", "Smileys, or Emoticons are small graphical images which can be used to express some feeling using a short code, e.g. :) means happy, :( means sad. The full list of emoticons can be seen via the posting form. Try not to overuse smileys though, they can quickly render a post unreadable and a moderator may decide to edit them out or remove the post altogether");
-$faq[] = array("Can I post Images?", "Images can indeed be shown in your posts. However, there is no facility at present for uploading images directly to this board. Therefore you must link to an image stored on a publicly accessible web server, e.g. You cannot link to pictures stored on your own PC (unless it is a publicly accessible server) nor images stored behind authentication mechanisms, e.g. hotmail or yahoo mailboxes, password protected sites, etc. To display the image use either the BBCode [img] tag or appropriate HTML (if allowed).");
-$faq[] = array("What are Announcements?", "Announcements often contain important information and you should read them as soon as possible. Announcements appear at the top of every page in the forum to which they are posted. Whether or not you can post an announcement depends on the permissions required, these are set by the administrator.");
-$faq[] = array("What are Sticky topics?", "Sticky topics appear below any announcements in viewforum and only on the first page. They are often quite important so you should read them where possible. As with announcements the board administrator determines what permissions are required to post sticky topics in each forum.");
-$faq[] = array("What are Locked topics?", "Locked topics are set this way by either the forum moderator or board administrator. You cannot reply to locked topics and any poll it contained is automatically ended. Topics may be locked for many reasons.");
-$faq[] = array("--","User Levels and Groups");
-$faq[] = array("What are Administrators?", "Administrators are people assigned the highest level of control over the entire board. These people can control all facets of board operation which includes setting permissions, banning users, creating usergroups or moderators, etc. They also have full moderator capabilities in all the forums.");
-$faq[] = array("What are Moderators?", "Moderators are individuals (or groups of individuals) whose job it is to look after the running of the forums from day to day. They have the power to edit or delete posts and lock, unlock, move, delete and split topics in the forum they moderate. Generally moderators are there to prevent people going off-topic or posting abusive or offensive material.");
-$faq[] = array("What are Usergroups?", "Usergroups are a way in which board administrators can group users. Each user can belong to several groups (this differs from most other boards) and each group can be assigned individual access rights. This makes it easy for administrators to set up several users as moderators of a forum, or to give them access to a private forum, etc.");
-$faq[] = array("How do I join a Usergroup?", "To join a usergroup click the usergroup link on the page header (dependent on template design), you can then view all usergroups. Not all groups are open access, some are closed and some may even have hidden memberships. If the board is open then you can request to join it by clicking the appropriate button. The user group moderator will need to approve your request, they may ask why you want to join the group. Please do not pester a group moderator if they turn your request down, they will have their reasons.");
-$faq[] = array("How do I become a Usergroup Moderator?", "Usergroups are initially created by the board admin, they also assign a board moderator. If you are interested in creating a usergroup then your first point of contact should be the admin, try dropping them a private message.");
-$faq[] = array("--","Private Messaging");
-$faq[] = array("I cannot send private messages!", "There are three reasons for this; you are not registered and/or not logged on, the board administrator has disabled private messaging for the entire board or the board administrator has prevented you from sending messages. If it is the later case you should try asking the administrator why.");
-$faq[] = array("I keep getting unwanted private messages!", "In the future we will be adding an ignore list to the private messaging system. For now though if you keep receiving unwanted private messages from someone inform the board admin, they have the power to prevent a user from sending private messages at all.");
-$faq[] = array("I have received a spamming or abusive email from someone on this board!", "We are sorry to hear that. The email form feature of this board includes safeguards to try and track users who send such posts. You should email the board administrator with a full copy of the email you received, it is very important this include the headers (these list details of the user that sent the email). They can then take action.");
-// These entries should remain in all languages and for all modifications
-$faq[] = array("--","phpBB 2 Issues");
-$faq[] = array("Who wrote this bulletin board?", "This software (in its unmodified form) is produced, released and is copyright phpBB Group. It is made available under the GNU General Public Licence and may be freely distributed, see link for more details");
-$faq[] = array("Why isn't X feature available?", "This software was written by and licensed through phpBB Group. If you believe a feature needs to be added then please visit the website and see what phpBB Group have to say. Please do not post feature requests to the board at, the Group uses sourceforge to handle tasking of new features. Please read through the forums and see what, if any, our position may already be for a feature and then follow the procedure given there.");
-$faq[] = array("Who do I contact about abusive and/or legal matters related to this board?", "You should contact the administrator of this board. If you cannot find who this you should first contact one of the forum moderators and ask them who you should in turn contact. If still get no response you should contact the owner of the domain (do a whois lookup) or, if this is running on a free service (e.g. yahoo,,, etc.), the management or abuse department of that service. Please note that phpBB Group has absolutely no control and cannot in any way be held liable over how, where or by whom this board is used. It is absolutely pointless contacting phpBB Group in relation to any legal (cease and desist, liable, defamatory comment, etc.) matter not directly related to the website or the discrete software of phpBB itself. If you do email phpBB Group about any third party use of this software then you should expect a terse response or no response at all.");
-// This ends the FAQ entries
+$faq = array(
+ 0 => array(
+ 0 => '--',
+ 1 => 'Login and Registration Issues'
+ ),
+ 1 => array(
+ 0 => 'Why can\'t I login?',
+ 1 => 'Have you registered? Seriously, you must register in order to login. Have you been banned from the board (a message will be displayed if you have)? If so then you should contact the webmaster or board administrator to find out why. If you have registered and are not banned and you still cannot login then check and double check your username and password. Usually this is the problem, if not then contact the board administrator they may have incorrect configuration settings for the board.'
+ ),
+ 2 => array(
+ 0 => 'Why do I need to register at all?',
+ 1 => 'You may not have too, it is up to the administrator of the board as to whether you need to register in order to post messages. However registration will give you access to additional features not available to guest users such as definable avatar images, private messaging, emailing of fellow users, usergroup subscription, etc. It only takes a few moments to register so it is recommended you do so.'
+ ),
+ 3 => array(
+ 0 => 'Why do I get logged off automatically?',
+ 1 => 'If you do not check the Log me in automatically box when you login the board will only keep you logged in for a preset time. This prevents misuse of your account by anyone else. To stay logged in check the box during login, this is not recommended if you access the board from a shared computer, e.g. library, internet cafe, university cluster, etc.'
+ ),
+ 4 => array(
+ 0 => 'How do I prevent my username appearing in the online user listings?',
+ 1 => 'In your profile you will find an option Hide your online status, if you switch this on you\'ll only appear to board administrators or to yourself. You will be counted as a hidden user.'
+ ),
+ 5 => array(
+ 0 => 'I\'ve lost my password!',
+ 1 => 'Don\'t panic! While your password cannot be retrieved it can be reset. To do this go to the login page and click I\'ve forgotten my password, follow the instructions and you should be back online in no time'
+ ),
+ 6 => array(
+ 0 => 'I registered but cannot login!',
+ 1 => 'Firstly check your are entering the correct username and password. If they are okay then one of two things may have happened. If COPPA support is enabled and you clicked the I am under 13 years old link while registering then you will have to follow the instructions you received. If this is not the case then does your account need activating? Some boards will require all new registrations be activated, either by yourself or by the administrator before you can logon. When you registered it would have told you whether activation was required. If you were sent an email then follow the instructions, if you did not receive the email then are you sure your email address is valid? One reason activation is used is to reduce the possibility of rouge users abusing the board anonymously. If you are sure the email address you used is valid then try contacting the board administrator.'
+ ),
+ 7 => array(
+ 0 => 'I registered in the past but cannot login any more?!',
+ 1 => 'The most likely reasons for this are; you entered an incorrect username or password (check the email you were sent when you first registered) or the administrator has deleted your account for some reason. If it is the later case then perhaps you did not post anything? It is usual for boards to periodically remove users who have not posted anything so as to reduce the size of the database. Try registering again and get involved in discussions.'
+ ),
+ 8 => array(
+ 0 => '--',
+ 1 => 'User Preferences and settings'
+ ),
+ 9 => array(
+ 0 => 'How do I change my settings?',
+ 1 => 'All your settings (if you are registered) are stored in the database. To alter them click the Profile link (generally shown at the top of pages but this may not be the case). This will allow you to change all your settings'
+ ),
+ 10 => array(
+ 0 => 'The times are not correct!',
+ 1 => 'The times are almost certainly correct, however what you may be seeing are times displayed in a timezone different from the one you are in. If this is the case you should change your profile setting for the timezone to match your particular area, e.g. London, Paris, New York, Sydney, etc. Please note that changing the timezone, like most settings can only be done by registered users. So if you are not registered this is a good time to do so, if you pardon the pun!'
+ ),
+ 11 => array(
+ 0 => 'I changed the timezone and the time is still wrong!',
+ 1 => 'If you are sure you have set the timezone correctly and the time is still different the most likely answer is daylight savings time (or summer time as it is known in the UK and other places). The board is not designed to handle the changeovers between standard and daylight time so during summer months the time may be an hour different from the real local time.'
+ ),
+ 12 => array(
+ 0 => 'My language is not in the list!',
+ 1 => 'The most likely reasons for this are either the administrator did not install your language or someone has not translated this board into your language. Try asking the board administrator if they can install the language pack you need, if it does not exist then please feel free to create a new translation. More information can be found at the phpBB Group website (see link at bottom of pages)'
+ ),
+ 13 => array(
+ 0 => 'How do I show an image below my username?',
+ 1 => 'There may be two images below a username when viewing posts. The first is an image associated with your rank, generally these take the form of stars or blocks indicating how many posts you have made or your status on the forums. Below this may be a larger image known as an avatar, this is generally unique or personal to each user. It is up to the board administrator to enable avatars and they have a choice over the way in which avatars can be made available. If you are unable to use avatars then this is the decision of the board admin, you should ask them their reasons (we\'re sure they\'ll be good!)'
+ ),
+ 14 => array(
+ 0 => 'How do I change my rank?',
+ 1 => 'In general you cannot directly change the wording of any rank (ranks appear below your username in topics and on your profile depending on the style used). Most boards use ranks to indicate the number of posts you have made and to identify certain users, e.g. moderators and administrators may have a special rank. Please do not abuse the board by posting unnecessarily just to increase your rank, you will probably find the moderator or administrator will simply lower your post count.'
+ ),
+ 15 => array(
+ 0 => 'When I click the email link for a user it asks me to login?',
+ 1 => 'Sorry but only registered users can send email to people via the built-in email form (if the admin has enabled this feature). This is to prevent malicious use of the email system by anonymous users.'
+ ),
+ 16 => array(
+ 0 => '--',
+ 1 => 'Posting Issues'
+ ),
+ 17 => array(
+ 0 => 'How do I post a topic in a forum?',
+ 1 => 'Easy, click the relevant button on either the forum or topic screens. You may need to register before you can post a message, the facilities available to you are listed at the bottom of the forum and topic screens (the You can post new topics, You can vote in polls, etc. list)'
+ ),
+ 18 => array(
+ 0 => 'How do I edit or delete a post?',
+ 1 => 'Unless you are the board admin or forum moderator you can only edit or delete your own posts. You can edit a post (sometimes for only a limited time after it was made) by clicking the edit button for the relevant post. If someone has already replied to the post you will find a small piece of text output below the post when you return to the topic, this lists the number of times you edited it. This will only appear if no one has replied, it also will not appear if moderators or administrators edit the post (they should leave a message saying what they altered and why). Please note that normal users cannot delete a post once someone has replied.'
+ ),
+ 19 => array(
+ 0 => 'How do I add a signature to my post?',
+ 1 => 'To add a signature to a post you must first create one, this is done via your profile. Once created you can check the Add Signature box on the posting form to add your signature. You can also add a signature by default to all your posts by checking the appropriate radio box in your profile (you can still prevent a signature being added to individual posts by un-checking the add signature box on the posting form)'
+ ),
+ 20 => array(
+ 0 => 'How do I create a poll?',
+ 1 => 'Creating a poll is easy, when you post a new topic (or edit the first post of a topic, if you have permission) you should see a Add Poll form below the main posting box (if you cannot see this then you probably do not have rights to create polls). You should enter a title for the poll and then at least two options (to set an option type in the poll question and click the Add option button. You can also set a time limit for the poll, 0 is an infinite poll. There will be a limit to the number of options you can list, this is set by the board administrator'
+ ),
+ 21 => array(
+ 0 => 'How do I edit or delete a poll?',
+ 1 => 'As with posts, polls can only be edited by the original poster, a moderator or board admin. To edit a poll click the first post in the topic (this always has the poll associated with it). If no one has cast a vote then users can delete the poll or edit any poll option, however if people have already placed votes only moderators or administrators can edit or delete it. This is to prevent people rigging polls by changing options mid-way through a poll'
+ ),
+ 22 => array(
+ 0 => 'Why can\'t I access a forum?',
+ 1 => 'Some forums may be limited to certain users or groups. To view, read, post, etc. you may need special authorisation, only the forum moderator and board admin can grant this access, you should contact them.'
+ ),
+ 23 => array(
+ 0 => 'Why can\'t I vote in polls?',
+ 1 => 'Only registered users can vote in polls (so as to prevent spoofing of results). If you have registered and still cannot vote then you probably do not have appropriate access rights.'
+ ),
+ 24 => array(
+ 0 => '--',
+ 1 => 'Formatting and Topic Types'
+ ),
+ 25 => array(
+ 0 => 'What is BBCode?',
+ 1 => 'BBCode is a special implementation of HTML, whether you can use BBCode is determined by the administrator (you can also disable it on a per post basis from the posting form). BBCode itself is similar in style to HTML, tags are enclosed in square braces [ and ] rather than < and > and it offers greater control over what and how something is displayed. For more information on BBCode see the guide which can be accessed from the posting page.'
+ ),
+ 26 => array(
+ 0 => 'Can I use HTML?',
+ 1 => 'That depends on whether the administrator allows you too, they have complete control over it. If you are allowed to use it you will probably find only certain tags work. This is a safety feature to prevent people abusing the board by using tags which may destroy the layout or cause other problems. If HTML is enabled you can disable it on a per post basis from the posting form.'
+ ),
+ 27 => array(
+ 0 => 'What are Smileys?',
+ 1 => 'Smileys, or Emoticons are small graphical images which can be used to express some feeling using a short code, e.g. :) means happy, :( means sad. The full list of emoticons can be seen via the posting form. Try not to overuse smileys though, they can quickly render a post unreadable and a moderator may decide to edit them out or remove the post altogether'
+ ),
+ 28 => array(
+ 0 => 'Can I post Images?',
+ 1 => 'Images can indeed be shown in your posts. However, there is no facility at present for uploading images directly to this board. Therefore you must link to an image stored on a publicly accessible web server, e.g. You cannot link to pictures stored on your own PC (unless it is a publicly accessible server) nor images stored behind authentication mechanisms, e.g. hotmail or yahoo mailboxes, password protected sites, etc. To display the image use either the BBCode [img] tag or appropriate HTML (if allowed).'
+ ),
+ 29 => array(
+ 0 => 'What are Announcements?',
+ 1 => 'Announcements often contain important information and you should read them as soon as possible. Announcements appear at the top of every page in the forum to which they are posted. Whether or not you can post an announcement depends on the permissions required, these are set by the administrator.'
+ ),
+ 30 => array(
+ 0 => 'What are Sticky topics?',
+ 1 => 'Sticky topics appear below any announcements in viewforum and only on the first page. They are often quite important so you should read them where possible. As with announcements the board administrator determines what permissions are required to post sticky topics in each forum.'
+ ),
+ 31 => array(
+ 0 => 'What are Locked topics?',
+ 1 => 'Locked topics are set this way by either the forum moderator or board administrator. You cannot reply to locked topics and any poll it contained is automatically ended. Topics may be locked for many reasons.'
+ ),
+ 32 => array(
+ 0 => '--',
+ 1 => 'User Levels and Groups'
+ ),
+ 33 => array(
+ 0 => 'What are Administrators?',
+ 1 => 'Administrators are people assigned the highest level of control over the entire board. These people can control all facets of board operation which includes setting permissions, banning users, creating usergroups or moderators, etc. They also have full moderator capabilities in all the forums.'
+ ),
+ 34 => array(
+ 0 => 'What are Moderators?',
+ 1 => 'Moderators are individuals (or groups of individuals) whose job it is to look after the running of the forums from day to day. They have the power to edit or delete posts and lock, unlock, move, delete and split topics in the forum they moderate. Generally moderators are there to prevent people going off-topic or posting abusive or offensive material.'
+ ),
+ 35 => array(
+ 0 => 'What are Usergroups?',
+ 1 => 'Usergroups are a way in which board administrators can group users. Each user can belong to several groups (this differs from most other boards) and each group can be assigned individual access rights. This makes it easy for administrators to set up several users as moderators of a forum, or to give them access to a private forum, etc.'
+ ),
+ 36 => array(
+ 0 => 'How do I join a Usergroup?',
+ 1 => 'To join a usergroup click the usergroup link on the page header (dependent on template design), you can then view all usergroups. Not all groups are open access, some are closed and some may even have hidden memberships. If the board is open then you can request to join it by clicking the appropriate button. The user group moderator will need to approve your request, they may ask why you want to join the group. Please do not pester a group moderator if they turn your request down, they will have their reasons.'
+ ),
+ 37 => array(
+ 0 => 'How do I become a Usergroup Moderator?',
+ 1 => 'Usergroups are initially created by the board admin, they also assign a board moderator. If you are interested in creating a usergroup then your first point of contact should be the admin, try dropping them a private message.'
+ ),
+ 38 => array(
+ 0 => '--',
+ 1 => 'Private Messaging'
+ ),
+ 39 => array(
+ 0 => 'I cannot send private messages!',
+ 1 => 'There are three reasons for this; you are not registered and/or not logged on, the board administrator has disabled private messaging for the entire board or the board administrator has prevented you from sending messages. If it is the later case you should try asking the administrator why.'
+ ),
+ 40 => array(
+ 0 => 'I keep getting unwanted private messages!',
+ 1 => 'In the future we will be adding an ignore list to the private messaging system. For now though if you keep receiving unwanted private messages from someone inform the board admin, they have the power to prevent a user from sending private messages at all.'
+ ),
+ 41 => array(
+ 0 => 'I have received a spamming or abusive email from someone on this board!',
+ 1 => 'We are sorry to hear that. The email form feature of this board includes safeguards to try and track users who send such posts. You should email the board administrator with a full copy of the email you received, it is very important this include the headers (these list details of the user that sent the email). They can then take action.'
+ ),
+ 42 => array(
+ 0 => '--',
+ 1 => 'phpBB 2 Issues'
+ ),
+ 43 => array(
+ 0 => 'Who wrote this bulletin board?',
+ 1 => 'This software (in its unmodified form) is produced, released and is copyright phpBB Group. It is made available under the GNU General Public Licence and may be freely distributed, see link for more details'
+ ),
+ 44 => array(
+ 0 => 'Why isn\'t X feature available?',
+ 1 => 'This software was written by and licensed through phpBB Group. If you believe a feature needs to be added then please visit the website and see what phpBB Group have to say. Please do not post feature requests to the board at, the Group uses sourceforge to handle tasking of new features. Please read through the forums and see what, if any, our position may already be for a feature and then follow the procedure given there.'
+ ),
+ 45 => array(
+ 0 => 'Who do I contact about abusive and/or legal matters related to this board?',
+ 1 => 'You should contact the administrator of this board. If you cannot find who this you should first contact one of the forum moderators and ask them who you should in turn contact. If still get no response you should contact the owner of the domain (do a whois lookup) or, if this is running on a free service (e.g. yahoo,,, etc.), the management or abuse department of that service. Please note that phpBB Group has absolutely no control and cannot in any way be held liable over how, where or by whom this board is used. It is absolutely pointless contacting phpBB Group in relation to any legal (cease and desist, liable, defamatory comment, etc.) matter not directly related to the website or the discrete software of phpBB itself. If you do email phpBB Group about any third party use of this software then you should expect a terse response or no response at all.'
+ )
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/phpBB/language/en/lang_main.php b/phpBB/language/en/lang_main.php
index feed7bd68f..7f9378594e 100644
--- a/phpBB/language/en/lang_main.php
+++ b/phpBB/language/en/lang_main.php
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
$lang['message'] = 'text';
-// Note that DIRECTION, LEFT and RIGHT should _NOT_ be
-// translated! They indicate the direction of text and
-// are sent to the template
-$lang['ENCODING'] = 'iso-8859-15';
-$lang['DIRECTION'] = 'ltr'; // rtl for Arabic, Hebrew, etc.
-$lang['LEFT'] = 'left'; // right for Arabic, Hebrew, etc.
-$lang['RIGHT'] = 'right'; // left for Arabic, Hebrew, etc.
-$lang['DATE_FORMAT'] = 'd M Y'; // This should be changed to the default date format for your language, php date() format
-// Common, these terms are used extensively on several pages
-$lang['Forum'] = 'Forum';
-$lang['Subforum'] = 'Subforum';
-$lang['Subforums'] = 'Subforums';
-$lang['Category'] = 'Category';
-$lang['Topic'] = 'Topic';
-$lang['Topics'] = 'Topics';
-$lang['Replies'] = 'Replies';
-$lang['Views'] = 'Views';
-$lang['Post'] = 'Post';
-$lang['Posts'] = 'Posts';
-$lang['Posted'] = 'Posted';
-$lang['Rating'] = 'Rating';
-$lang['Username'] = 'Username';
-$lang['Password'] = 'Password';
-$lang['Email'] = 'Email';
-$lang['Poster'] = 'Poster';
-$lang['Author'] = 'Author';
-$lang['Time'] = 'Time';
-$lang['Hours'] = 'Hours';
-$lang['Message'] = 'Message';
-$lang['1_Day'] = '1 Day';
-$lang['7_Days'] = '7 Days';
-$lang['2_Weeks'] = '2 Weeks';
-$lang['1_Month'] = '1 Month';
-$lang['3_Months'] = '3 Months';
-$lang['6_Months'] = '6 Months';
-$lang['1_Year'] = '1 Year';
-$lang['Ascending'] = 'Ascending';
-$lang['Descending'] = 'Descending';
-$lang['Post_time'] = 'Post time';
-$lang['Go'] = 'Go';
-$lang['Jump_to'] = 'Jump to';
-$lang['Submit'] = 'Submit';
-$lang['Reset'] = 'Reset';
-$lang['Cancel'] = 'Cancel';
-$lang['Preview'] = 'Preview';
-$lang['Confirm'] = 'Confirm';
-$lang['Spellcheck'] = 'Spellcheck';
-$lang['Yes'] = 'Yes';
-$lang['No'] = 'No';
-$lang['Enabled'] = 'Enabled';
-$lang['Disabled'] = 'Disabled';
-$lang['Error'] = 'Error';
-$lang['Next'] = 'Next';
-$lang['Previous'] = 'Previous';
-$lang['Goto_page'] = 'Goto page';
-$lang['Joined'] = 'Joined';
-$lang['IP_Address'] = 'IP Address';
-$lang['Select_forum'] = 'Select a forum';
-$lang['View_latest_post'] = 'View latest post';
-$lang['View_newest_post'] = 'View newest post';
-$lang['Page_of'] = 'Page %d of %d'; // Replaces with: Page 1 of 2 for example
-$lang['ICQ'] = 'ICQ Number';
-$lang['AIM'] = 'AIM Address';
-$lang['MSNM'] = 'MSN Messenger';
-$lang['YIM'] = 'Yahoo Messenger';
-$lang['Forum_Index'] = '%s Forum Index'; // eg. sitename Forum Index, %s can be removed if you prefer
-$lang['Post_new_topic'] = 'Post new topic';
-$lang['Reply_to_topic'] = 'Reply to topic';
-$lang['Reply_with_quote'] = 'Reply with quote';
-$lang['Click_return_topic'] = 'Click %sHere%s to return to the topic'; // %s's here are for uris, do not remove!
-$lang['Click_return_login'] = 'Click %sHere%s to try again';
-$lang['Click_return_forum'] = 'Click %sHere%s to return to the forum';
-$lang['Click_view_message'] = 'Click %sHere%s to view your message';
-$lang['Click_return_modcp'] = 'Click %sHere%s to return to the Moderator Control Panel';
-$lang['Click_return_group'] = 'Click %sHere%s to return to group information';
-$lang['Admin_panel'] = 'Go to Administration Panel';
-$lang['Board_disable'] = 'Sorry but this board is currently unavailable';
-$lang['Board_unavailable'] = 'Sorry but the board is temporarily unavailable, please try again in a few minutes';
-$lang['GUESTS'] = 'GUESTS';
-// Global Header strings
-$lang['Registered_users'] = 'Registered Users:';
-$lang['Browsing_forum_guest'] = 'Users browsing this forum: %s and %d guest';
-$lang['Browsing_forum_guests'] = 'Users browsing this forum: %s and %d guests';
-$lang['Online_users_zero_total'] = 'In total there are 0 users online :: ';
-$lang['Online_users_total'] = 'In total there are %d users online :: ';
-$lang['Online_user_total'] = 'In total there is %d user online :: ';
-$lang['Reg_users_zero_total'] = '0 Registered, ';
-$lang['Reg_users_total'] = '%d Registered, ';
-$lang['Reg_user_total'] = '%d Registered, ';
-$lang['Hidden_users_zero_total'] = '0 Hidden and ';
-$lang['Hidden_user_total'] = '%d Hidden and ';
-$lang['Hidden_users_total'] = '%d Hidden and ';
-$lang['Guest_users_zero_total'] = '0 Guests';
-$lang['Guest_users_total'] = '%d Guests';
-$lang['Guest_user_total'] = '%d Guest';
-$lang['Record_online_users'] = 'Most users ever online was %s on %s'; // first %s = number of users, second %s is the date.
-$lang['Legend'] = 'Legend';
-$lang['Admin_online_color'] = '%sAdministrator%s';
-$lang['Mod_online_color'] = '%sModerator%s';
-$lang['User_online_color'] = '%sUser%s';
-$lang['You_last_visit'] = 'You last visited on %s'; // %s replaced by date/time
-$lang['Current_time'] = 'The time now is %s'; // %s replaced by time
-$lang['Search_new'] = 'View posts since last visit';
-$lang['Search_your_posts'] = 'View your posts';
-$lang['Search_unanswered'] = 'View unanswered posts';
-$lang['Register'] = 'Register';
-$lang['Profile'] = 'Control Panel';
-$lang['Edit_profile'] = 'Edit your profile';
-$lang['Search'] = 'Search';
-$lang['Memberlist'] = 'Members';
-$lang['FAQ'] = 'FAQ';
-$lang['BBCode_guide'] = 'BBCode Guide';
-$lang['Usergroups'] = 'Groups';
-$lang['Last_Post'] = 'Last Post';
-$lang['Moderator'] = 'Moderator';
-$lang['Moderators'] = 'Moderators';
-$lang['View_moderators'] = 'List forum moderators';
-$lang['Login_check_pm'] = 'Login to check your private messages';
-$lang['New_pms'] = '%d new messages'; // You have 2 new messages
-$lang['New_pm'] = '%d new message'; // You have 1 new message
-$lang['No_new_pm'] = 'No new messages';
-$lang['Unread_pms'] = 'You have %d unread messages';
-$lang['Unread_pm'] = 'You have %d unread message';
-$lang['No_unread_pm'] = 'You have no unread messages';
-$lang['You_new_pm'] = 'A new private message is waiting for you in your Inbox';
-$lang['You_new_pms'] = 'New private messages are waiting for you in your Inbox';
-$lang['You_no_new_pm'] = 'No new private messages are waiting for you';
-// Stats block text
-$lang['Posted_articles_zero_total'] = 'Our users have posted a total of 0 article'; // Number of posts
-$lang['Posted_articles_total'] = 'Our users have posted a total of %d articles'; // Number of posts
-$lang['Posted_article_total'] = 'Our users have posted a total of %d article'; // Number of posts
-$lang['Registered_users_zero_total'] = 'We have 0 registered users'; // # registered users
-$lang['Registered_users_total'] = 'We have %d registered users'; // # registered users
-$lang['Registered_user_total'] = 'We have %d registered user'; // # registered users
-$lang['Newest_user'] = 'The newest registered user is %s%s%s'; // a href, username, /a
-$lang['No_new_posts_last_visit'] = 'No new posts since your last visit';
-$lang['No_new_posts'] = 'No new posts';
-$lang['New_posts'] = 'New posts';
-$lang['New_post'] = 'New post';
-$lang['No_new_posts_hot'] = 'No new posts [ Popular ]';
-$lang['New_posts_hot'] = 'New posts [ Popular ]';
-$lang['No_new_posts_locked'] = 'No new posts [ Locked ]';
-$lang['New_posts_locked'] = 'New posts [ Locked ]';
-$lang['Forum_is_locked'] = 'Forum is locked';
-// Login
-$lang['Enter_password'] = 'Please enter your username and password to login';
-$lang['Login'] = 'Login';
-$lang['Logout'] = 'Logout';
-$lang['Forgotten_password'] = 'I forgot my password';
-$lang['Log_me_in'] = 'Log me on automatically each visit';
-$lang['Error_login'] = 'You have specified an incorrect or inactive username or an invalid password';
-// Index page
-$lang['Index'] = 'Index';
-$lang['No_Posts'] = 'No Posts';
-$lang['No_forums'] = 'This board has no forums';
-$lang['Category_not_exist'] = 'The category you selected does not exist';
-$lang['Private_Message'] = 'Private Message';
-$lang['Private_Messages'] = 'Private Messages';
-$lang['Who_is_Online'] = 'Who is Online';
-$lang['Mark_all_forums'] = 'Mark all forums read';
-$lang['Forums_marked_read'] = 'All forums have been marked read';
-// Viewforum
-$lang['View_forum'] = 'View Forum';
-$lang['Forum_not_exist'] = 'The forum you selected does not exist';
-$lang['Reached_on_error'] = 'You have reached this page in error';
-$lang['Display_topics'] = 'Display topics from previous';
-$lang['All_Topics'] = 'All Topics';
-$lang['Topic_Announcement'] = 'Announcement:';
-$lang['Topic_Sticky'] = 'Sticky:';
-$lang['Topic_Moved'] = 'Moved:';
-$lang['Topic_Poll'] = '[ Poll ]';
-$lang['Mark_all_topics'] = 'Mark all topics read';
-$lang['Topics_marked_read'] = 'The topics for this forum have now been marked read';
-$lang['Rules_post_can'] = 'You can post new topics in this forum';
-$lang['Rules_post_cannot'] = 'You cannot post new topics in this forum';
-$lang['Rules_reply_can'] = 'You can reply to topics in this forum';
-$lang['Rules_reply_cannot'] = 'You cannot reply to topics in this forum';
-$lang['Rules_attach_can'] = 'You can post attachments in this forum';
-$lang['Rules_attach_cannot'] = 'You cannot post attachments in this forum';
-$lang['Rules_download_can'] = 'You can download attachments in this forum';
-$lang['Rules_download_cannot'] = 'You cannot download attachments in this forum';
-$lang['Rules_edit_can'] = 'You can edit your posts in this forum';
-$lang['Rules_edit_cannot'] = 'You cannot edit your posts in this forum';
-$lang['Rules_delete_can'] = 'You can delete your posts in this forum';
-$lang['Rules_delete_cannot'] = 'You cannot delete your posts in this forum';
-$lang['Rules_vote_can'] = 'You can vote in polls in this forum';
-$lang['Rules_vote_cannot'] = 'You cannot vote in polls in this forum';
-$lang['Rules_moderate'] = 'You can %smoderate this forum%s'; // %s replaced by a href links, do not remove!
-$lang['No_topics_post_one'] = 'There are no posts in this forum
Click on the Post New Topic link on this page to post one';
-$lang['Stop_watching_forum'] = 'Stop watching this forum';
-$lang['Start_watching_forum'] = 'Watch this forum for new posts';
-$lang['No_longer_watching_forum'] = 'You are no longer watching this forum';
-$lang['You_are_watching_forum'] = 'You are now watching this forum';
-// Viewtopic
-$lang['View_topic'] = 'View topic';
-$lang['Guest'] = 'Guest';
-$lang['Post_subject'] = 'Post subject';
-$lang['View_next_topic'] = 'View next topic';
-$lang['View_previous_topic'] = 'View previous topic';
-$lang['Submit_vote'] = 'Submit Vote';
-$lang['View_results'] = 'View Results';
-$lang['No_newer_topics'] = 'There are no newer topics in this forum';
-$lang['No_older_topics'] = 'There are no older topics in this forum';
-$lang['Topic_post_not_exist'] = 'The topic or post you requested does not exist';
-$lang['No_posts_topic'] = 'No posts exist for this topic';
-$lang['Display_posts'] = 'Display posts from previous';
-$lang['All_Posts'] = 'All Posts';
-$lang['Back_to_top'] = 'Back to top';
-$lang['Read_profile'] = 'View users profile';
-$lang['Send_email'] = 'Send email to user';
-$lang['Visit_website'] = 'Visit posters website';
-$lang['ICQ_status'] = 'ICQ Status';
-$lang['Edit_delete_post'] = 'Edit/Delete this post';
-$lang['View_IP'] = 'View IP of poster';
-$lang['Delete_post'] = 'Delete this post';
-$lang['wrote'] = 'wrote'; // proceeds the username and is followed by the quoted text
-$lang['Quote'] = 'Quote'; // comes before bbcode quote output.
-$lang['Code'] = 'Code'; // comes before bbcode code output.
-$lang['Edited_time_total'] = 'Last edited by %s on %s, edited %d time in total'; // Last edited by me on 12 Oct 2001, edited 1 time in total
-$lang['Edited_times_total'] = 'Last edited by %s on %s, edited %d times in total'; // Last edited by me on 12 Oct 2001, edited 2 times in total
-$lang['Quick_mod'] = "Quick-mod tools";
-$lang['Lock_topic'] = 'Lock topic';
-$lang['Unlock_topic'] = 'Unlock topic';
-$lang['Move_topic'] = 'Move topic';
-$lang['Delete_topic'] = 'Delete topic';
-$lang['Split_topic'] = 'Split topic';
-$lang['Merge_topic'] = 'Merge topic';
-$lang['Stop_watching_topic'] = 'Stop watching this topic';
-$lang['Start_watching_topic'] = 'Watch this topic for replies';
-$lang['No_longer_watching_topic'] = 'You are no longer watching this topic';
-$lang['You_are_watching_topic'] = 'You are now watching this topic';
-$lang['Rate_topic'] = 'Rate this topic';
-$lang['Very_poor'] = 'Very Poor';
-$lang['Quite_poor'] = 'Quite Poor';
-$lang['Unrated'] = 'Unrated';
-$lang['Quite_good'] = 'Quite Good';
-$lang['Very_good'] = 'Very Good';
-$lang['Total_votes'] = 'Total Votes';
-// Posting/Replying (Not private messaging!)
-$lang['Message_body'] = 'Message body';
-$lang['Topic_review'] = 'Topic review';
-$lang['Topic_icon'] = 'Topic icon';
-$lang['No_post_mode'] = 'No post mode specified';
-$lang['Post_a_new_topic'] = 'Post a new topic';
-$lang['Post_a_reply'] = 'Post a reply';
-$lang['Post_topic_as'] = 'Post topic as';
-$lang['Edit_Post'] = 'Edit post';
-$lang['Options'] = 'Options';
-$lang['Post_Announcement'] = 'Announcement';
-$lang['Post_Sticky'] = 'Sticky';
-$lang['Post_Normal'] = 'Normal';
-$lang['Confirm_delete'] = 'Are you sure you want to delete this post?';
-$lang['Confirm_delete_poll'] = 'Are you sure you want to delete this poll?';
-$lang['Flood_Error'] = 'You cannot make another post so soon after your last, please try again in a short while';
-$lang['Empty_subject'] = 'You must specify a subject when posting a new topic';
-$lang['Empty_message'] = 'You must enter a message when posting';
-$lang['Too_many_chars'] = 'Your message contains too many characters';
-$lang['Too_many_smilies'] = 'Your message contains too many emoticons';
-$lang['Forum_locked'] = 'This forum is locked you cannot post, reply to or edit topics';
-$lang['Topic_locked'] = 'This topic is locked you cannot edit posts or make replies';
-$lang['No_post_id'] = 'You must select a post to edit';
-$lang['No_topic_id'] = 'You must select a topic to reply to';
-$lang['No_valid_mode'] = 'You can only post, reply edit or quote messages, please return and try again';
-$lang['No_such_post'] = 'There is no such post, please return and try again';
-$lang['Edit_own_posts'] = 'Sorry but you can only edit your own posts';
-$lang['Delete_own_posts'] = 'Sorry but you can only delete your own posts';
-$lang['Cannot_delete_replied'] = 'Sorry but you may not delete posts that have been replied to';
-$lang['Cannot_delete_poll'] = 'Sorry but you cannot delete an active poll';
-$lang['Empty_poll_title'] = 'You must enter a title for your poll';
-$lang['To_few_poll_options'] = 'You must enter at least two poll options';
-$lang['To_many_poll_options'] = 'You have tried to enter too many poll options';
-$lang['Post_has_no_poll'] = 'This post has no poll';
-$lang['Already_voted'] = 'You have already voted in this poll';
-$lang['No_vote_option'] = 'You must specify an option when voting';
-$lang['Add_poll'] = 'Add a Poll';
-$lang['Add_poll_explain'] = 'If you do not want to add a poll to your topic leave the fields blank';
-$lang['Poll_question'] = 'Poll question';
-$lang['Poll_option'] = 'Poll option';
-$lang['Add_option'] = 'Add option';
-$lang['Update'] = 'Update';
-$lang['Delete'] = 'Delete';
-$lang['Poll_for'] = 'Run poll for';
-$lang['Days'] = 'Days'; // This is used for the Run poll for ... Days + in admin_forums for pruning
-$lang['Poll_for_explain'] = '[ Enter 0 or leave blank for a never ending poll ]';
-$lang['Delete_poll'] = 'Delete Poll';
-$lang['Add_attach'] = 'Add an Attachment';
-$lang['Add_attach_explain'] = 'If you wish to attach ...';
-$lang['Add_file'] = 'Add File';
-$lang['Filename'] = 'Filename';
-$lang['File_comment'] = 'File comment';
-$lang['Disable_HTML_post'] = 'Disable HTML in this post';
-$lang['Disable_BBCode_post'] = 'Disable BBCode in this post';
-$lang['Disable_Smilies_post'] = 'Disable Smilies in this post';
-$lang['Disable_magic_url'] = 'Disable Magic urls';
-$lang['HTML_is_ON'] = 'HTML is ON';
-$lang['HTML_is_OFF'] = 'HTML is OFF';
-$lang['BBCode_is_ON'] = '%sBBCode%s is ON'; // %s are replaced with URI pointing to FAQ
-$lang['BBCode_is_OFF'] = '%sBBCode%s is OFF';
-$lang['Smilies_are_ON'] = 'Smilies are ON';
-$lang['Smilies_are_OFF'] = 'Smilies are OFF';
-$lang['Images_are_ON'] = '[img] is ON';
-$lang['Images_are_OFF'] = '[img] is OFF';
-$lang['Flash_is_ON'] = '[flash] is ON';
-$lang['Flash_is_OFF'] = '[flash] is ON';
-$lang['Attach_signature'] = 'Attach signature (signatures can be changed in profile)';
-$lang['Notify'] = 'Notify me when a reply is posted';
-$lang['Delete_post'] = 'Delete this post';
-$lang['Save'] = 'Save';
-$lang['Stored'] = 'Your message has been entered successfully';
-$lang['Deleted'] = 'Your message has been deleted successfully';
-$lang['Poll_delete'] = 'Your poll has been deleted successfully';
-$lang['Vote_cast'] = 'Your vote has been cast';
-$lang['Topic_reply_notification'] = 'Topic Reply Notification';
-$lang['bbcode_b_help'] = 'Bold text: [b]text[/b] (alt+b)';
-$lang['bbcode_i_help'] = 'Italic text: [i]text[/i] (alt+i)';
-$lang['bbcode_u_help'] = 'Underline text: [u]text[/u] (alt+u)';
-$lang['bbcode_q_help'] = 'Quote text: [quote]text[/quote] (alt+q)';
-$lang['bbcode_c_help'] = 'Code display: [code]code[/code] (alt+c)';
-$lang['bbcode_l_help'] = 'List: [list]text[/list] (alt+l)';
-$lang['bbcode_o_help'] = 'Ordered list: [list=]text[/list] (alt+o)';
-$lang['bbcode_p_help'] = 'Insert image: [img]http://image_url[/img] (alt+p)';
-$lang['bbcode_w_help'] = 'Insert URL: [url]http://url[/url] or [url=http://url]URL text[/url] (alt+w)';
-$lang['bbcode_a_help'] = 'Close all open bbCode tags';
-$lang['bbcode_s_help'] = 'Font color: [color=red]text[/color] Tip: you can also use color=#FF0000';
-$lang['bbcode_f_help'] = 'Font size: [size=x-small]small text[/size]';
-$lang['Emoticons'] = 'Emoticons';
-$lang['More_emoticons'] = 'View more Emoticons';
-$lang['Font_size'] = 'Font size';
-$lang['font_tiny'] = 'Tiny';
-$lang['font_small'] = 'Small';
-$lang['font_normal'] = 'Normal';
-$lang['font_large'] = 'Large';
-$lang['font_huge'] = 'Huge';
-$lang['Close_Tags'] = 'Close Tags';
-$lang['Styles_tip'] = 'Tip: Styles can be applied quickly to selected text';
-// Private Messaging
-$lang['Private_Messaging'] = 'Private Messaging';
-$lang['Unread_message'] = 'Unread message';
-$lang['Read_message'] = 'Read message';
-$lang['Read_pm'] = 'Read message';
-$lang['Post_new_pm'] = 'Post message';
-$lang['Post_reply_pm'] = 'Reply to message';
-$lang['Post_quote_pm'] = 'Quote message';
-$lang['Edit_pm'] = 'Edit message';
-$lang['Inbox'] = 'Inbox';
-$lang['Outbox'] = 'Outbox';
-$lang['Savebox'] = 'Savebox';
-$lang['Sentbox'] = 'Sentbox';
-$lang['Flag'] = 'Flag';
-$lang['Subject'] = 'Subject';
-$lang['From'] = 'From';
-$lang['To'] = 'To';
-$lang['Date'] = 'Date';
-$lang['Mark'] = 'Mark';
-$lang['Sent'] = 'Sent';
-$lang['Saved'] = 'Saved';
-$lang['Delete_marked'] = 'Delete Marked';
-$lang['Delete_all'] = 'Delete All';
-$lang['Save_marked'] = 'Save Marked';
-$lang['Save_message'] = 'Save Message';
-$lang['Delete_message'] = 'Delete Message';
-$lang['Display_messages'] = 'Display messages from previous'; // Followed by number of days/weeks/months
-$lang['All_Messages'] = 'All Messages';
-$lang['No_messages_folder'] = 'You have no messages in this folder';
-$lang['PM_disabled'] = 'Private messaging has been disabled on this board';
-$lang['Cannot_send_privmsg'] = 'Sorry but the administrator has prevented you from sending private messages';
-$lang['No_to_user'] = 'You must specify a username to send this message';
-$lang['No_such_user'] = 'Sorry but no such user exists';
-$lang['Disable_HTML_pm'] = 'Disable HTML in this message';
-$lang['Disable_BBCode_pm'] = 'Disable BBCode in this message';
-$lang['Disable_Smilies_pm'] = 'Disable Smilies in this message';
-$lang['Message_sent'] = 'Your message has been sent';
-$lang['Click_return_inbox'] = 'Click %sHere%s to return to your Inbox';
-$lang['Click_return_index'] = 'Click %sHere%s to return to the Index';
-$lang['Send_a_new_message'] = 'Send a new private message';
-$lang['Send_a_reply'] = 'Reply to a private message';
-$lang['Edit_message'] = 'Edit private message';
-$lang['Notification_subject'] = 'New Private Message has arrived';
-$lang['Find_username'] = 'Find a username';
-$lang['Find'] = 'Find';
-$lang['No_match'] = 'No matches found';
-$lang['No_post_id'] = 'No post ID was specified';
-$lang['No_such_folder'] = 'No such folder exists';
-$lang['No_folder'] = 'No folder specified';
-$lang['Mark_all'] = 'Mark all';
-$lang['Unmark_all'] = 'Unmark all';
-$lang['Confirm_delete_pm'] = 'Are you sure you want to delete this message?';
-$lang['Confirm_delete_pms'] = 'Are you sure you want to delete these messages?';
-$lang['Inbox_size'] = 'Your Inbox is %d%% full'; // eg. Your Inbox is 50% full
-$lang['Sentbox_size'] = 'Your Sentbox is %d%% full';
-$lang['Savebox_size'] = 'Your Savebox is %d%% full';
-$lang['Click_view_privmsg'] = 'Click %sHere%s to visit your Inbox';
-// Profiles/Registration
-$lang['Viewing_user_profile'] = 'Viewing profile :: %s'; // %s is username
-$lang['About_user'] = 'All about %s'; // %s is username
-$lang['Preferences'] = 'Preferences';
-$lang['Items_required'] = 'Items marked with a * are required unless stated otherwise';
-$lang['Registration_info'] = 'Registration Information';
-$lang['Profile_info'] = 'Profile Information';
-$lang['Profile_info_warn'] = 'This information will be publicly viewable';
-$lang['Avatar_panel'] = 'Avatar control panel';
-$lang['Avatar_gallery'] = 'Avatar gallery';
-$lang['Website'] = 'Website';
-$lang['Location'] = 'Location';
-$lang['Contact'] = 'Contact';
-$lang['Email_address'] = 'Email address';
-$lang['Email'] = 'Email';
-$lang['Send_private_message'] = 'Send private message';
-$lang['Hidden_email'] = '[ Hidden ]';
-$lang['Search_user_posts'] = 'Search for posts by this user';
-$lang['Interests'] = 'Interests';
-$lang['Occupation'] = 'Occupation';
-$lang['Poster_rank'] = 'Poster rank';
-$lang['Total_posts'] = 'Total posts';
-$lang['User_post_pct_stats'] = '%.2f%% of total'; // 1.25% of total
-$lang['User_post_day_stats'] = '%.2f posts per day'; // 1.5 posts per day
-$lang['Search_user_posts'] = 'Find all posts by %s'; // Find all posts by username
-$lang['No_user_id_specified'] = 'Sorry but that user does not exist';
-$lang['Wrong_Profile'] = 'You cannot modify a profile that is not your own.';
-$lang['Only_one_avatar'] = 'Only one type of avatar can be specified';
-$lang['File_no_data'] = 'The file at the URL you gave contains no data';
-$lang['No_connection_URL'] = 'A connection could not be made to the URL you gave';
-$lang['Incomplete_URL'] = 'The URL you entered is incomplete';
-$lang['Wrong_remote_avatar_format'] = 'The URL of the remote avatar is not valid';
-$lang['No_send_account_inactive'] = 'Sorry, but your password cannot be retrieved because your account is currently inactive. Please contact the forum administrator for more information';
-$lang['Always_smile'] = 'Always enable Smilies';
-$lang['Always_html'] = 'Always allow HTML';
-$lang['Always_bbcode'] = 'Always allow BBCode';
-$lang['Always_add_sig'] = 'Always attach my signature';
-$lang['Always_notify'] = 'Always notify me of replies';
-$lang['Always_notify_explain'] = 'Sends an email when someone replies to a topic you have posted in. This can be changed whenever you post';
-$lang['Board_style'] = 'Board Style';
-$lang['Default_style'] = 'Default style';
-$lang['No_themes'] = 'No Themes In database';
-$lang['Board_lang'] = 'Board Language';
-$lang['Timezone'] = 'Timezone';
-$lang['Date_format'] = 'Date format';
-$lang['Date_format_explain'] = 'The syntax used is identical to the PHP date() function';
-$lang['Signature'] = 'Signature';
-$lang['Signature_explain'] = 'This is a block of text that can be added to posts you make. There is a %d character limit';
-$lang['Public_view_email'] = 'Always show my Email Address';
-$lang['Current_password'] = 'Current password';
-$lang['New_password'] = 'New password';
-$lang['Confirm_password'] = 'Confirm password';
-$lang['Confirm_password_explain'] = 'You must confirm your current password if you wish to change it or alter your email address';
-$lang['password_if_changed'] = 'You only need to supply a password if you want to change it';
-$lang['password_confirm_if_changed'] = 'You only need to confirm your password if you changed it above';
-$lang['Avatar'] = 'Avatar';
-$lang['Avatar_explain'] = 'Displays a small graphic image below your details in posts. Only one image can be displayed at a time, its width can be no greater than %d pixels, a height no greater than %d pixels and a file size no more than %dkB.'; $lang['Upload_Avatar_file'] = 'Upload Avatar from your machine';
-$lang['Upload_Avatar_URL'] = 'Upload Avatar from a URL';
-$lang['Upload_Avatar_URL_explain'] = 'Enter the URL of the location containing the Avatar image, it will be copied to this site.';
-$lang['Pick_local_Avatar'] = 'Select Avatar from the gallery';
-$lang['Link_remote_Avatar'] = 'Link to off-site Avatar';
-$lang['Link_remote_Avatar_explain'] = 'Enter the URL of the location containing the Avatar image you wish to link to.';
-$lang['Avatar_URL'] = 'URL of Avatar Image';
-$lang['Select_from_gallery'] = 'Select Avatar from gallery';
-$lang['View_avatar_gallery'] = 'Show gallery';
-$lang['Select_avatar'] = 'Select avatar';
-$lang['Return_profile'] = 'Cancel avatar';
-$lang['Select_category'] = 'Select category';
-$lang['Delete_Image'] = 'Delete Image';
-$lang['Current_Image'] = 'Current Image';
-$lang['Notify_on_privmsg'] = 'Notify on new Private Message';
-$lang['Popup_on_privmsg'] = 'Pop up window on new Private Message';
-$lang['Popup_on_privmsg_explain'] = 'Some templates may open a new window to inform you when new private messages arrive';
-$lang['Hide_user'] = 'Hide your online status';
-$lang['Profile_updated'] = 'Your profile has been updated';
-$lang['Profile_updated_inactive'] = 'Your profile has been updated, however you have changed vital details thus your account is now inactive. Check your email to find out how to reactivate your account, or if admin activation is require wait for the administrator to reactivate your account';
-$lang['Password_mismatch'] = 'The passwords you entered did not match';
-$lang['Current_password_mismatch'] = 'The current password you supplied does not match that stored in the database';
-$lang['Password_long'] = 'Your password must be no more than 32 characters';
-$lang['Username_taken'] = 'Sorry but this username has already been taken';
-$lang['Username_invalid'] = 'Sorry but this username contains an invalid character such as \'';
-$lang['Username_disallowed'] = 'Sorry but this username has been disallowed';
-$lang['Email_taken'] = 'Sorry but that email address is already registered to a user';
-$lang['Email_banned'] = 'Sorry but this email address has been banned';
-$lang['Email_invalid'] = 'Sorry but this email address is invalid';
-$lang['Signature_too_long'] = 'Your signature is too long';
-$lang['Fields_empty'] = 'You must fill in the required fields';
-$lang['Avatar_filetype'] = 'The avatar filetype must be .jpg, .gif or .png';
-$lang['Avatar_filesize'] = 'The avatar image file size must be less than %d kB'; // The avatar image file size must be less than 6 kB
-$lang['Avatar_imagesize'] = 'The avatar must be less than %d pixels wide and %d pixels high';
-$lang['Welcome_subject'] = 'Welcome to %s Forums'; // Welcome to forums
-$lang['New_account_subject'] = 'New user account';
-$lang['Account_activated_subject'] = 'Account Activated';
-$lang['Account_added'] = 'Thank you for registering, your account has been created. You may now login with your username and password';
-$lang['Account_inactive'] = 'Your account has been created. However, this forum requires account activation, an activation key has been sent to the email address you provided. Please check your email for further information';
-$lang['Account_inactive_admin'] = 'Your account has been created. However, this forum requires account activation by the administrator. An email has been sent to them and you will be informed when your account has been activated';
-$lang['Account_active'] = 'Your account has now been activated. Thank you for registering';
-$lang['Account_active_admin'] = 'The account has now been activated';
-$lang['Reactivate'] = 'Reactivate your account!';
-$lang['Already_activated'] = 'You have already activated your account';
-$lang['COPPA'] = 'Your account has been created but has to be approved, please check your email for details.';
-$lang['Registration'] = 'Registration Agreement Terms';
-$lang['Reg_agreement'] = 'While the administrators and moderators of this forum will attempt to remove or edit any generally objectionable material as quickly as possible, it is impossible to review every message. Therefore you acknowledge that all posts made to these forums express the views and opinions of the author and not the administrators, moderators or webmaster (except for posts by these people) and hence will not be held liable.
You agree not to post any abusive, obscene, vulgar, slanderous, hateful, threatening, sexually-orientated or any other material that may violate any applicable laws. Doing so may lead to you being immediately and permanently banned (and your service provider being informed). The IP address of all posts is recorded to aid in enforcing these conditions. You agree that the webmaster, administrator and moderators of this forum have the right to remove, edit, move or close any topic at any time should they see fit. As a user you agree to any information you have entered above being stored in a database. While this information will not be disclosed to any third party without your consent the webmaster, administrator and moderators cannot be held responsible for any hacking attempt that may lead to the data being compromised.
This forum system uses cookies to store information on your local computer. These cookies do not contain any of the information you have entered above, they serve only to improve your viewing pleasure. The email address is used only for confirming your registration details and password (and for sending new passwords should you forget your current one).
By clicking Register below you agree to be bound by these conditions.';
-$lang['Agree_under_13'] = 'I Agree to these terms and am under 13 years of age';
-$lang['Agree_over_13'] = 'I Agree to these terms and am over 13 years of age';
-$lang['Agree_not'] = 'I do not agree to these terms';
-$lang['Wrong_activation'] = 'The activation key you supplied does not match any in the database';
-$lang['Send_password'] = 'Send me a new password';
-$lang['Password_updated'] = 'A new password has been created, please check your email for details on how to activate it';
-$lang['No_email_match'] = 'The email address you supplied does not match the one listed for that username';
-$lang['New_password_activation'] = 'New password activation';
-$lang['Password_activated'] = 'Your account has been re-activated. To logon please use the password supplied in the email you received';
-$lang['Send_email_msg'] = 'Send an email message';
-$lang['No_user_specified'] = 'No user was specified';
-$lang['User_prevent_email'] = 'This user does not wish to receive email. Try sending them a private message';
-$lang['User_not_exist'] = 'That user does not exist';
-$lang['CC_email'] = 'Send a copy of this email to yourself';
-$lang['Email_message_desc'] = 'This message will be sent as plain text, do not include any HTML or BBCode. The return address for this message will be set to your email address.';
-$lang['Flood_email_limit'] = 'You cannot send another email at this time, try again later';
-$lang['Recipient'] = 'Recipient';
-$lang['Email_sent'] = 'The email has been sent';
-$lang['Send_email'] = 'Send email';
-$lang['Empty_subject_email'] = 'You must specify a subject for the email';
-$lang['Empty_message_email'] = 'You must enter a message to be emailed';
-// Memberslist
-$lang['Select_sort_method'] = 'Select sort method';
-$lang['Sort'] = 'Sort';
-$lang['Sort_Top_Ten'] = 'Top Ten Posters';
-$lang['Sort_Joined'] = 'Joined Date';
-$lang['Sort_Username'] = 'Username';
-$lang['Sort_Location'] = 'Location';
-$lang['Sort_Posts'] = 'Total posts';
-$lang['Sort_Email'] = 'Email';
-$lang['Sort_Website'] = 'Website';
-$lang['Sort_Ascending'] = 'Ascending';
-$lang['Sort_Descending'] = 'Descending';
-$lang['Order'] = 'Order';
-// Group control panel
-$lang['Group_Control_Panel'] = 'Group Control Panel';
-$lang['Group_member_details'] = 'Group Membership Details';
-$lang['Group_member_join'] = 'Join a Group';
-$lang['Group_Information'] = 'Group Information';
-$lang['Group_name'] = 'Group name';
-$lang['Group_description'] = 'Group description';
-$lang['Group_membership'] = 'Group membership';
-$lang['Group_Members'] = 'Group Members';
-$lang['Group_Moderator'] = 'Group Moderator';
-$lang['Pending_members'] = 'Pending Members';
-$lang['Group_type'] = 'Group type';
-$lang['Group_open'] = 'Open group';
-$lang['Group_closed'] = 'Closed group';
-$lang['Group_hidden'] = 'Hidden group';
-$lang['Current_memberships'] = 'Current memberships';
-$lang['Non_member_groups'] = 'Non-member groups';
-$lang['Memberships_pending'] = 'Memberships pending';
-$lang['No_groups_exist'] = 'No Groups Exist';
-$lang['Group_not_exist'] = 'That user group does not exist';
-$lang['Join_group'] = 'Join Group';
-$lang['No_group_members'] = 'This group has no members';
-$lang['Group_hidden_members'] = 'This group is hidden, you cannot view its membership';
-$lang['No_pending_group_members'] = 'This group has no pending members';
-$lang['Group_joined'] = 'You have successfully subscribed to this group
You will be notified when your subscription is approved by the group moderator';
-$lang['Group_request'] = 'A request to join your group has been made';
-$lang['Group_approved'] = 'Your request has been approved';
-$lang['Group_added'] = 'You have been added to this usergroup';
-$lang['Already_member_group'] = 'You are already a member of this group';
-$lang['User_is_member_group'] = 'User is already a member of this group';
-$lang['Group_type_updated'] = 'Successfully updated group type';
-$lang['Could_not_add_user'] = 'The user you selected does not exist';
-$lang['Could_not_anon_user'] = 'You cannot make Anonymous a group member';
-$lang['Confirm_unsub'] = 'Are you sure you want to unsubscribe from this group?';
-$lang['Confirm_unsub_pending'] = 'Your subscription to this group has not yet been approved, are you sure you want to unsubscribe?';
-$lang['Unsub_success'] = 'You have been un-subscribed from this group.';
-$lang['Approve_selected'] = 'Approve Selected';
-$lang['Deny_selected'] = 'Deny Selected';
-$lang['Not_logged_in'] = 'You must be logged in to join a group.';
-$lang['Remove_selected'] = 'Remove Selected';
-$lang['Add_member'] = 'Add Member';
-$lang['Not_group_moderator'] = 'You are not this groups moderator therefor you cannot preform that action.';
-$lang['Login_to_join'] = 'Login to join or manage group memberships';
-$lang['This_open_group'] = 'This is an open group, click to request membership';
-$lang['This_closed_group'] = 'This is a closed group, no more users accepted';
-$lang['This_hidden_group'] = 'This is a hidden group, automatic user addition is not allowed';
-$lang['Member_this_group'] = 'You are a member of this group';
-$lang['Pending_this_group'] = 'Your membership of this group is pending';
-$lang['Are_group_moderator'] = 'You are the group moderator';
-$lang['None'] = 'None';
-$lang['Subscribe'] = 'Subscribe';
-$lang['Unsubscribe'] = 'Unsubscribe';
-$lang['View_Information'] = 'View Information';
-// Search
-$lang['Search_query'] = 'Search Query';
-$lang['Search_options'] = 'Search Options';
-$lang['Search_keywords'] = 'Search for Keywords';
-$lang['Search_keywords_explain'] = 'You can use AND to define words which must be in the results, OR to define words which may be in the result and NOT to define words which should not be in the result. Use * as a wildcard for partial matches';
-$lang['Search_author'] = 'Search for Author';
-$lang['Search_author_explain'] = 'Use * as a wildcard for partial matches';
-$lang['Find_username_explain'] = 'Use this form to search for specific usernames. You do not need to fill out all fields, to partialy match data use * as a wildcard. When entering dates use the format yyyy-mm-dd, e.g. 2002-01-01. Click the username to automatically enter it into the form you are viewing (several usernames may be accepted depending on the form itself). Alternatively you can mark the users required and click the Insert Marked button.';
-$lang['Last_active'] = 'Last active';
-$lang['Select_marked'] = 'Select Marked';
-$lang['Search_for_any'] = 'Search for any terms or use query as entered';
-$lang['Search_for_all'] = 'Search for all terms';
-$lang['Search_title_msg'] = 'Search topic title and message text';
-$lang['Search_msg_only'] = 'Search message text only';
-$lang['Return_first'] = 'Return first'; // followed by xxx characters in a select box
-$lang['characters_posts'] = 'characters of posts';
-$lang['Search_previous'] = 'Search previous'; // followed by days, weeks, months, year, all in a select box
-$lang['Sort_by'] = 'Sort by';
-$lang['Sort_Time'] = 'Post Time';
-$lang['Sort_Post_Subject'] = 'Post Subject';
-$lang['Sort_Topic_Title'] = 'Topic Title';
-$lang['Sort_Author'] = 'Author';
-$lang['Sort_Forum'] = 'Forum';
-$lang['Sort_Post_count'] = 'Post count';
-$lang['Sort_Last_active'] = 'Last active';
-$lang['Less_than'] = 'Less than';
-$lang['Equal_to'] = 'Equal to';
-$lang['More_than'] = 'More than';
-$lang['Before'] = 'Before';
-$lang['After'] = 'After';
-$lang['Never'] = 'Never';
-$lang['Display_results'] = 'Display results as';
-$lang['All_available'] = 'All available';
-$lang['No_searchable_forums'] = 'You do not have permissions to search any forum on this site';
-$lang['No_search_match'] = 'No topics or posts met your search criteria';
-$lang['Found_search_match'] = 'Search found %d match'; // eg. Search found 1 match
-$lang['Found_search_matches'] = 'Search found %d matches'; // eg. Search found 24 matches
-$lang['Close_window'] = 'Close Window';
-// Auth related entries
-// Note the %s will be replaced with one of the following 'user' arrays
-$lang['Sorry_auth_announce'] = 'Sorry but only %s can post announcements in this forum';
-$lang['Sorry_auth_sticky'] = 'Sorry but only %s can post sticky messages in this forum';
-$lang['Sorry_auth_read'] = 'Sorry but only %s can read topics in this forum';
-$lang['Sorry_auth_post'] = 'Sorry but only %s can post topics in this forum';
-$lang['Sorry_auth_reply'] = 'Sorry but only %s can reply to posts in this forum';
-$lang['Sorry_auth_edit'] = 'Sorry but only %s can edit posts in this forum';
-$lang['Sorry_auth_delete'] = 'Sorry but only %s can delete posts in this forum';
-$lang['Sorry_auth_vote'] = 'Sorry but only %s can vote in polls in this forum';
-// These replace the %s in the above strings
-$lang['Auth_Anonymous_Users'] = 'anonymous users';
-$lang['Auth_Registered_Users'] = 'registered users';
-$lang['Auth_Users_granted_access'] = 'users granted special access';
-$lang['Auth_Moderators'] = 'moderators';
-$lang['Auth_Administrators'] = 'administrators';
-$lang['Not_Moderator'] = 'You are not a moderator of this forum';
-$lang['Not_Authorised'] = 'Not Authorised';
-$lang['You_been_banned'] = 'You have been banned from this forum
Please contact the webmaster or board administrator for more information';
-// Viewonline
-$lang['Reg_users_zero_online'] = 'There are 0 Registered users and '; // There ae 5 Registered and
-$lang['Reg_users_online'] = 'There are %d Registered users and '; // There ae 5 Registered and
-$lang['Reg_user_online'] = 'There is %d Registered user and '; // There ae 5 Registered and
-$lang['Hidden_users_zero_online'] = '0 Hidden users online'; // 6 Hidden users online
-$lang['Hidden_users_online'] = '%d Hidden users online'; // 6 Hidden users online
-$lang['Hidden_user_online'] = '%d Hidden user online'; // 6 Hidden users online
-$lang['Guest_users_online'] = 'There are %d Guest users online'; // There are 10 Guest users online
-$lang['Guest_users_zero_online'] = 'There are 0 Guest users online'; // There are 10 Guest users online
-$lang['Guest_user_online'] = 'There is %d Guest user online'; // There is 1 Guest user online
-$lang['No_users_browsing'] = 'There are no users currently browsing this forum';
-$lang['Online_explain'] = 'This data is based on users active over the past five minutes';
-$lang['Forum_Location'] = 'Forum Location';
-$lang['Last_updated'] = 'Last Updated';
-$lang['Forum_index'] = 'Forum index';
-$lang['Reading_topic'] = 'Reading topic in %s';
-$lang['Logging_on'] = 'Logging on';
-$lang['Posting_message'] = 'Posting message in %s';
-$lang['Searching_forums'] = 'Searching forums';
-$lang['Viewing_profile'] = 'Viewing profile';
-$lang['Viewing_online'] = 'Viewing who is online';
-$lang['Viewing_member_list'] = 'Viewing member list';
-$lang['Viewing_priv_msgs'] = 'Viewing Private Messages';
-$lang['Viewing_FAQ'] = 'Viewing FAQ';
-// Moderator Control Panel
-$lang['Mod_CP'] = 'Moderator Control Panel';
-$lang['Mod_CP_explain'] = 'Using the form below you can perform mass moderation operations on this forum. You can lock, unlock, move or delete any number of topics.';
-$lang['Select'] = 'Select';
-$lang['Delete'] = 'Delete';
-$lang['Move'] = 'Move';
-$lang['Lock'] = 'Lock';
-$lang['Unlock'] = 'Unlock';
-$lang['Topics_Removed'] = 'The selected topics have been successfully removed from the database.';
-$lang['Topics_Locked'] = 'The selected topics have been locked';
-$lang['Topics_Moved'] = 'The selected topics have been moved';
-$lang['Topics_Unlocked'] = 'The selected topics have been unlocked';
-$lang['No_Topics_Moved'] = 'No topics were moved';
-$lang['Confirm_delete_topic'] = 'Are you sure you want to remove the selected topic/s?';
-$lang['Confirm_lock_topic'] = 'Are you sure you want to lock the selected topic/s?';
-$lang['Confirm_unlock_topic'] = 'Are you sure you want to unlock the selected topic/s?';
-$lang['Confirm_move_topic'] = 'Are you sure you want to move the selected topic/s?';
-$lang['Move_to_forum'] = 'Move to forum';
-$lang['Leave_shadow_topic'] = 'Leave shadow topic in old forum.';
-$lang['Split_Topic'] = 'Split Topic Control Panel';
-$lang['Split_Topic_explain'] = 'Using the form below you can split a topic in two, either by selecting the posts individually or by splitting at a selected post';
-$lang['Split_title'] = 'New topic title';
-$lang['Split_forum'] = 'Forum for new topic';
-$lang['Split_posts'] = 'Split selected posts';
-$lang['Split_after'] = 'Split from selected post';
-$lang['Topic_split'] = 'The selected topic has been split successfully';
-$lang['Too_many_error'] = 'You have selected too many posts. You can only select one post to split a topic after!';
-$lang['None_selected'] = 'You have no selected any topics to preform this operation on. Please go back and select at least one.';
-$lang['New_forum'] = 'New forum';
-$lang['This_posts_IP'] = 'IP for this post';
-$lang['Other_IP_this_user'] = 'Other IP\'s this user has posted from';
-$lang['Users_this_IP'] = 'Users posting from this IP';
-$lang['IP_info'] = 'IP Information';
-$lang['Lookup_IP'] = 'Look up IP';
-// Timezones ... for display on each page
-$lang['All_times'] = 'All times are %s %s'; // eg. All times are GMT - 12 Hours (times from next block)
-$lang['-12'] = 'GMT - 12 Hours';
-$lang['-11'] = 'GMT - 11 Hours';
-$lang['-10'] = 'GMT - 10 Hours';
-$lang['-9'] = 'GMT - 9 Hours';
-$lang['-8'] = 'GMT - 8 Hours';
-$lang['-7'] = 'GMT - 7 Hours';
-$lang['-6'] = 'GMT - 6 Hours';
-$lang['-5'] = 'GMT - 5 Hours';
-$lang['-4'] = 'GMT - 4 Hours';
-$lang['-3.5'] = 'GMT - 3.5 Hours';
-$lang['-3'] = 'GMT - 3 Hours';
-$lang['-2'] = 'GMT - 2 Hours';
-$lang['-1'] = 'GMT - 1 Hours';
-$lang['0'] = 'GMT';
-$lang['1'] = 'GMT + 1 Hour';
-$lang['2'] = 'GMT + 2 Hours';
-$lang['3'] = 'GMT + 3 Hours';
-$lang['3.5'] = 'GMT + 3.5 Hours';
-$lang['4'] = 'GMT + 4 Hours';
-$lang['4.5'] = 'GMT + 4.5 Hours';
-$lang['5'] = 'GMT + 5 Hours';
-$lang['5.5'] = 'GMT + 5.5 Hours';
-$lang['6'] = 'GMT + 6 Hours';
-$lang['6.5'] = 'GMT + 6.5 Hours';
-$lang['7'] = 'GMT + 7 Hours';
-$lang['8'] = 'GMT + 8 Hours';
-$lang['9'] = 'GMT + 9 Hours';
-$lang['9.5'] = 'GMT + 9.5 Hours';
-$lang['10'] = 'GMT + 10 Hours';
-$lang['11'] = 'GMT + 11 Hours';
-$lang['12'] = 'GMT + 12 Hours';
-// These are displayed in the timezone select box
-$lang['tz']['-12'] = 'GMT - 12 Hours';
-$lang['tz']['-11'] = 'GMT - 11 Hours';
-$lang['tz']['-10'] = 'GMT - 10 Hours';
-$lang['tz']['-9'] = 'GMT - 9 Hours';
-$lang['tz']['-8'] = 'GMT - 8 Hours';
-$lang['tz']['-7'] = 'GMT - 7 Hours';
-$lang['tz']['-6'] = 'GMT - 6 Hours';
-$lang['tz']['-5'] = 'GMT - 5 Hours';
-$lang['tz']['-4'] = 'GMT - 4 Hours';
-$lang['tz']['-3.5'] = 'GMT - 3.5 Hours';
-$lang['tz']['-3'] = 'GMT - 3 Hours';
-$lang['tz']['-2'] = 'GMT - 2 Hours';
-$lang['tz']['-1'] = 'GMT - 1 Hours';
-$lang['tz']['0'] = 'GMT';
-$lang['tz']['1'] = 'GMT + 1 Hour';
-$lang['tz']['2'] = 'GMT + 2 Hours';
-$lang['tz']['3'] = 'GMT + 3 Hours';
-$lang['tz']['3.5'] = 'GMT + 3.5 Hours';
-$lang['tz']['4'] = 'GMT + 4 Hours';
-$lang['tz']['4.5'] = 'GMT + 4.5 Hours';
-$lang['tz']['5'] = 'GMT + 5 Hours';
-$lang['tz']['5.5'] = 'GMT + 5.5 Hours';
-$lang['tz']['6'] = 'GMT + 6 Hours';
-$lang['tz']['6.5'] = 'GMT + 6.5 Hours';
-$lang['tz']['7'] = 'GMT + 7 Hours';
-$lang['tz']['8'] = 'GMT + 8 Hours';
-$lang['tz']['9'] = 'GMT + 9 Hours';
-$lang['tz']['9.5'] = 'GMT + 9.5 Hours';
-$lang['tz']['10'] = 'GMT + 10 Hours';
-$lang['tz']['11'] = 'GMT + 11 Hours';
-$lang['tz']['12'] = 'GMT + 12 Hours';
-$lang['tz']['dst'] = '[ DST ]'; // Daylight Savings Time
-$lang['datetime']['Sunday'] = 'Sunday';
-$lang['datetime']['Monday'] = 'Monday';
-$lang['datetime']['Tuesday'] = 'Tuesday';
-$lang['datetime']['Wednesday'] = 'Wednesday';
-$lang['datetime']['Thursday'] = 'Thursday';
-$lang['datetime']['Friday'] = 'Friday';
-$lang['datetime']['Saturday'] = 'Saturday';
-$lang['datetime']['Sun'] = 'Sun';
-$lang['datetime']['Mon'] = 'Mon';
-$lang['datetime']['Tue'] = 'Tue';
-$lang['datetime']['Wed'] = 'Wed';
-$lang['datetime']['Thu'] = 'Thu';
-$lang['datetime']['Fri'] = 'Fri';
-$lang['datetime']['Sat'] = 'Sat';
-$lang['datetime']['January'] = 'January';
-$lang['datetime']['February'] = 'February';
-$lang['datetime']['March'] = 'March';
-$lang['datetime']['April'] = 'April';
-$lang['datetime']['May'] = 'May';
-$lang['datetime']['June'] = 'June';
-$lang['datetime']['July'] = 'July';
-$lang['datetime']['August'] = 'August';
-$lang['datetime']['September'] = 'September';
-$lang['datetime']['October'] = 'October';
-$lang['datetime']['November'] = 'November';
-$lang['datetime']['December'] = 'December';
-$lang['datetime']['Jan'] = 'Jan';
-$lang['datetime']['Feb'] = 'Feb';
-$lang['datetime']['Mar'] = 'Mar';
-$lang['datetime']['Apr'] = 'Apr';
-$lang['datetime']['May'] = 'May';
-$lang['datetime']['Jun'] = 'Jun';
-$lang['datetime']['Jul'] = 'Jul';
-$lang['datetime']['Aug'] = 'Aug';
-$lang['datetime']['Sep'] = 'Sep';
-$lang['datetime']['Oct'] = 'Oct';
-$lang['datetime']['Nov'] = 'Nov';
-$lang['datetime']['Dec'] = 'Dec';
-// Errors (not related to a
-// specific failure on a page)
-$lang['Information'] = 'Information';
-$lang['Critical_Information'] = 'Critical Information';
-$lang['General_Error'] = 'General Error';
-$lang['Critical_Error'] = 'Critical Error';
-$lang['An_error_occured'] = 'An Error Occurred';
-$lang['A_critical_error'] = 'A Critical Error Occurred';
-// That's all Folks!
-// -------------------------------------------------
+ $lang = array_merge($lang, array(
+ 'ENCODING' => 'iso-8859-15',
+ 'DIRECTION' => 'ltr',
+ 'LEFT' => 'left',
+ 'RIGHT' => 'right',
+ 'DATE_FORMAT' => 'd M Y',
+ 'Forum' => 'Forum',
+ 'Subforum' => 'Subforum',
+ 'Subforums' => 'Subforums',
+ 'Category' => 'Category',
+ 'Topic' => 'Topic',
+ 'Topics' => 'Topics',
+ 'Replies' => 'Replies',
+ 'Views' => 'Views',
+ 'Post' => 'Post',
+ 'Posts' => 'Posts',
+ 'Posted' => 'Posted',
+ 'Rating' => 'Rating',
+ 'Username' => 'Username',
+ 'Password' => 'Password',
+ 'Email' => 'Email',
+ 'Poster' => 'Poster',
+ 'Author' => 'Author',
+ 'Time' => 'Time',
+ 'Hours' => 'Hours',
+ 'Message' => 'Message',
+ '1_Day' => '1 Day',
+ '7_Days' => '7 Days',
+ '2_Weeks' => '2 Weeks',
+ '1_Month' => '1 Month',
+ '3_Months' => '3 Months',
+ '6_Months' => '6 Months',
+ '1_Year' => '1 Year',
+ 'Ascending' => 'Ascending',
+ 'Descending' => 'Descending',
+ 'Post_time' => 'Post time',
+ 'Go' => 'Go',
+ 'Jump_to' => 'Jump to',
+ 'Submit' => 'Submit',
+ 'Reset' => 'Reset',
+ 'Cancel' => 'Cancel',
+ 'Preview' => 'Preview',
+ 'Confirm' => 'Confirm',
+ 'Spellcheck' => 'Spellcheck',
+ 'Yes' => 'Yes',
+ 'No' => 'No',
+ 'Enabled' => 'Enabled',
+ 'Disabled' => 'Disabled',
+ 'Error' => 'Error',
+ 'Next' => 'Next',
+ 'Previous' => 'Previous',
+ 'Goto_page' => 'Goto page',
+ 'Joined' => 'Joined',
+ 'IP_Address' => 'IP Address',
+ 'Select_forum' => 'Select a forum',
+ 'View_latest_post' => 'View latest post',
+ 'View_newest_post' => 'View newest post',
+ 'Page_of' => 'Page %d of %d',
+ 'ICQ' => 'ICQ Number',
+ 'AIM' => 'AIM Address',
+ 'MSNM' => 'MSN Messenger',
+ 'YIM' => 'Yahoo Messenger',
+ 'Forum_Index' => '%s Forum Index',
+ 'Post_new_topic' => 'Post new topic',
+ 'Reply_to_topic' => 'Reply to topic',
+ 'Reply_with_quote' => 'Reply with quote',
+ 'Click_return_topic' => 'Click %sHere%s to return to the topic',
+ 'Click_return_login' => 'Click %sHere%s to try again',
+ 'Click_return_forum' => 'Click %sHere%s to return to the forum',
+ 'Click_view_message' => 'Click %sHere%s to view your message',
+ 'Click_return_modcp' => 'Click %sHere%s to return to the Moderator Control Panel',
+ 'Click_return_group' => 'Click %sHere%s to return to group information',
+ 'Admin_panel' => 'Go to Administration Panel',
+ 'Board_disable' => 'Sorry but this board is currently unavailable',
+ 'Board_unavailable' => 'Sorry but the board is temporarily unavailable, please try again in a few minutes',
+ 'Registered_users' => 'Registered Users:',
+ 'Browsing_forum_guest' => 'Users browsing this forum: %s and %d guest',
+ 'Browsing_forum_guests' => 'Users browsing this forum: %s and %d guests',
+ 'Online_users_zero_total' => 'In total there are 0 users online :: ',
+ 'Online_users_total' => 'In total there are %d users online :: ',
+ 'Online_user_total' => 'In total there is %d user online :: ',
+ 'Reg_users_zero_total' => '0 Registered, ',
+ 'Reg_users_total' => '%d Registered, ',
+ 'Reg_user_total' => '%d Registered, ',
+ 'Hidden_users_zero_total' => '0 Hidden and ',
+ 'Hidden_user_total' => '%d Hidden and ',
+ 'Hidden_users_total' => '%d Hidden and ',
+ 'Guest_users_zero_total' => '0 Guests',
+ 'Guest_users_total' => '%d Guests',
+ 'Guest_user_total' => '%d Guest',
+ 'Record_online_users' => 'Most users ever online was %s on %s',
+ 'Legend' => 'Legend',
+ 'Admin_online_color' => '%sAdministrator%s',
+ 'Mod_online_color' => '%sModerator%s',
+ 'User_online_color' => '%sUser%s',
+ 'You_last_visit' => 'You last visited on %s',
+ 'Current_time' => 'The time now is %s',
+ 'Search_new' => 'View posts since last visit',
+ 'Search_your_posts' => 'View your posts',
+ 'Search_unanswered' => 'View unanswered posts',
+ 'Register' => 'Register',
+ 'Profile' => 'Control Panel',
+ 'Edit_profile' => 'Edit your profile',
+ 'Search' => 'Search',
+ 'Memberlist' => 'Members',
+ 'FAQ' => 'FAQ',
+ 'BBCode_guide' => 'BBCode Guide',
+ 'Usergroups' => 'Groups',
+ 'Last_Post' => 'Last Post',
+ 'Moderator' => 'Moderator',
+ 'Moderators' => 'Moderators',
+ 'View_moderators' => 'List forum moderators',
+ 'Login_check_pm' => 'Login to check your private messages',
+ 'New_pms' => '%d new messages',
+ 'New_pm' => '%d new message',
+ 'No_new_pm' => 'No new messages',
+ 'Unread_pms' => 'You have %d unread messages',
+ 'Unread_pm' => 'You have %d unread message',
+ 'No_unread_pm' => 'You have no unread messages',
+ 'You_new_pm' => 'A new private message is waiting for you in your Inbox',
+ 'You_new_pms' => 'New private messages are waiting for you in your Inbox',
+ 'You_no_new_pm' => 'No new private messages are waiting for you',
+ 'Posted_articles_zero_total' => 'Our users have posted a total of 0 article',
+ 'Posted_articles_total' => 'Our users have posted a total of %d articles',
+ 'Posted_article_total' => 'Our users have posted a total of %d article',
+ 'Registered_users_zero_total' => 'We have 0 registered users',
+ 'Registered_users_total' => 'We have %d registered users',
+ 'Registered_user_total' => 'We have %d registered user',
+ 'Newest_user' => 'The newest registered user is %s%s%s',
+ 'No_new_posts_last_visit' => 'No new posts since your last visit',
+ 'No_new_posts' => 'No new posts',
+ 'New_posts' => 'New posts',
+ 'New_post' => 'New post',
+ 'No_new_posts_hot' => 'No new posts [ Popular ]',
+ 'New_posts_hot' => 'New posts [ Popular ]',
+ 'No_new_posts_locked' => 'No new posts [ Locked ]',
+ 'New_posts_locked' => 'New posts [ Locked ]',
+ 'Forum_is_locked' => 'Forum is locked',
+ 'Enter_password' => 'Please enter your username and password to login',
+ 'Login' => 'Login',
+ 'Logout' => 'Logout',
+ 'Forgotten_password' => 'I forgot my password',
+ 'Log_me_in' => 'Log me on automatically each visit',
+ 'Error_login' => 'You have specified an incorrect or inactive username or an invalid password',
+ 'Index' => 'Index',
+ 'No_Posts' => 'No Posts',
+ 'No_forums' => 'This board has no forums',
+ 'Category_not_exist' => 'The category you selected does not exist',
+ 'Private_Message' => 'Private Message',
+ 'Private_Messages' => 'Private Messages',
+ 'Who_is_Online' => 'Who is Online',
+ 'Mark_all_forums' => 'Mark all forums read',
+ 'Forums_marked_read' => 'All forums have been marked read',
+ 'View_forum' => 'View Forum',
+ 'Forum_not_exist' => 'The forum you selected does not exist',
+ 'Reached_on_error' => 'You have reached this page in error',
+ 'Display_topics' => 'Display topics from previous',
+ 'All_Topics' => 'All Topics',
+ 'Topic_Announcement' => 'Announcement:',
+ 'Topic_Sticky' => 'Sticky:',
+ 'Topic_Moved' => 'Moved:',
+ 'Topic_Poll' => '[ Poll ]',
+ 'Mark_all_topics' => 'Mark all topics read',
+ 'Topics_marked_read' => 'The topics for this forum have now been marked read',
+ 'Rules_post_can' => 'You can post new topics in this forum',
+ 'Rules_post_cannot' => 'You cannot post new topics in this forum',
+ 'Rules_reply_can' => 'You can reply to topics in this forum',
+ 'Rules_reply_cannot' => 'You cannot reply to topics in this forum',
+ 'Rules_attach_can' => 'You can post attachments in this forum',
+ 'Rules_attach_cannot' => 'You cannot post attachments in this forum',
+ 'Rules_download_can' => 'You can download attachments in this forum',
+ 'Rules_download_cannot' => 'You cannot download attachments in this forum',
+ 'Rules_edit_can' => 'You can edit your posts in this forum',
+ 'Rules_edit_cannot' => 'You cannot edit your posts in this forum',
+ 'Rules_delete_can' => 'You can delete your posts in this forum',
+ 'Rules_delete_cannot' => 'You cannot delete your posts in this forum',
+ 'Rules_vote_can' => 'You can vote in polls in this forum',
+ 'Rules_vote_cannot' => 'You cannot vote in polls in this forum',
+ 'Rules_moderate' => 'You can %smoderate this forum%s',
+ 'No_topics_post_one' => 'There are no posts in this forum
Click on the Post New Topic link on this page to post one',
+ 'Stop_watching_forum' => 'Stop watching this forum',
+ 'Start_watching_forum' => 'Watch this forum for new posts',
+ 'No_longer_watching_forum' => 'You are no longer watching this forum',
+ 'You_are_watching_forum' => 'You are now watching this forum',
+ 'View_topic' => 'View topic',
+ 'Guest' => 'Guest',
+ 'Post_subject' => 'Post subject',
+ 'View_next_topic' => 'View next topic',
+ 'View_previous_topic' => 'View previous topic',
+ 'Submit_vote' => 'Submit Vote',
+ 'View_results' => 'View Results',
+ 'No_newer_topics' => 'There are no newer topics in this forum',
+ 'No_older_topics' => 'There are no older topics in this forum',
+ 'Topic_post_not_exist' => 'The topic or post you requested does not exist',
+ 'No_posts_topic' => 'No posts exist for this topic',
+ 'Display_posts' => 'Display posts from previous',
+ 'All_Posts' => 'All Posts',
+ 'Back_to_top' => 'Back to top',
+ 'Read_profile' => 'View users profile',
+ 'Send_email' => 'Send email',
+ 'Visit_website' => 'Visit posters website',
+ 'ICQ_status' => 'ICQ Status',
+ 'Edit_delete_post' => 'Edit/Delete this post',
+ 'View_IP' => 'View IP of poster',
+ 'Delete_post' => 'Delete this post',
+ 'wrote' => 'wrote',
+ 'Quote' => 'Quote',
+ 'Code' => 'Code',
+ 'Edited_time_total' => 'Last edited by %s on %s, edited %d time in total',
+ 'Edited_times_total' => 'Last edited by %s on %s, edited %d times in total',
+ 'Quick_mod' => 'Quick-mod tools',
+ 'Lock_topic' => 'Lock topic',
+ 'Unlock_topic' => 'Unlock topic',
+ 'Move_topic' => 'Move topic',
+ 'Delete_topic' => 'Delete topic',
+ 'Split_topic' => 'Split topic',
+ 'Merge_topic' => 'Merge topic',
+ 'Stop_watching_topic' => 'Stop watching this topic',
+ 'Start_watching_topic' => 'Watch this topic for replies',
+ 'No_longer_watching_topic' => 'You are no longer watching this topic',
+ 'You_are_watching_topic' => 'You are now watching this topic',
+ 'Rate_topic' => 'Rate this topic',
+ 'Very_poor' => 'Very Poor',
+ 'Quite_poor' => 'Quite Poor',
+ 'Unrated' => 'Unrated',
+ 'Quite_good' => 'Quite Good',
+ 'Very_good' => 'Very Good',
+ 'Total_votes' => 'Total Votes',
+ 'Message_body' => 'Message body',
+ 'Topic_review' => 'Topic review',
+ 'Topic_icon' => 'Topic icon',
+ 'No_post_mode' => 'No post mode specified',
+ 'Post_a_new_topic' => 'Post a new topic',
+ 'Post_a_reply' => 'Post a reply',
+ 'Post_topic_as' => 'Post topic as',
+ 'Edit_Post' => 'Edit post',
+ 'Options' => 'Options',
+ 'Post_Announcement' => 'Announcement',
+ 'Post_Sticky' => 'Sticky',
+ 'Post_Normal' => 'Normal',
+ 'Confirm_delete' => 'Are you sure you want to delete this post?',
+ 'Confirm_delete_poll' => 'Are you sure you want to delete this poll?',
+ 'Flood_Error' => 'You cannot make another post so soon after your last, please try again in a short while',
+ 'Empty_subject' => 'You must specify a subject when posting a new topic',
+ 'Empty_message' => 'You must enter a message when posting',
+ 'Too_many_chars' => 'Your message contains too many characters',
+ 'Too_many_smilies' => 'Your message contains too many emoticons',
+ 'Forum_locked' => 'This forum is locked you cannot post, reply to or edit topics',
+ 'Topic_locked' => 'This topic is locked you cannot edit posts or make replies',
+ 'No_post_id' => 'No post ID was specified',
+ 'No_topic_id' => 'You must select a topic to reply to',
+ 'No_valid_mode' => 'You can only post, reply edit or quote messages, please return and try again',
+ 'No_such_post' => 'There is no such post, please return and try again',
+ 'Edit_own_posts' => 'Sorry but you can only edit your own posts',
+ 'Delete_own_posts' => 'Sorry but you can only delete your own posts',
+ 'Cannot_delete_replied' => 'Sorry but you may not delete posts that have been replied to',
+ 'Cannot_delete_poll' => 'Sorry but you cannot delete an active poll',
+ 'Empty_poll_title' => 'You must enter a title for your poll',
+ 'To_few_poll_options' => 'You must enter at least two poll options',
+ 'To_many_poll_options' => 'You have tried to enter too many poll options',
+ 'Post_has_no_poll' => 'This post has no poll',
+ 'Already_voted' => 'You have already voted in this poll',
+ 'No_vote_option' => 'You must specify an option when voting',
+ 'Add_poll' => 'Add a Poll',
+ 'Add_poll_explain' => 'If you do not want to add a poll to your topic leave the fields blank',
+ 'Poll_question' => 'Poll question',
+ 'Poll_option' => 'Poll option',
+ 'Add_option' => 'Add option',
+ 'Update' => 'Update',
+ 'Delete' => 'Delete',
+ 'Poll_for' => 'Run poll for',
+ 'Days' => 'Days',
+ 'Poll_for_explain' => '[ Enter 0 or leave blank for a never ending poll ]',
+ 'Delete_poll' => 'Delete Poll',
+ 'Add_attach' => 'Add an Attachment',
+ 'Add_attach_explain' => 'If you wish to attach ...',
+ 'Add_file' => 'Add File',
+ 'Filename' => 'Filename',
+ 'File_comment' => 'File comment',
+ 'Disable_HTML_post' => 'Disable HTML in this post',
+ 'Disable_BBCode_post' => 'Disable BBCode in this post',
+ 'Disable_Smilies_post' => 'Disable Smilies in this post',
+ 'Disable_magic_url' => 'Disable Magic urls',
+ 'HTML_is_ON' => 'HTML is ON',
+ 'HTML_is_OFF' => 'HTML is OFF',
+ 'BBCode_is_ON' => '%sBBCode%s is ON',
+ 'BBCode_is_OFF' => '%sBBCode%s is OFF',
+ 'Smilies_are_ON' => 'Smilies are ON',
+ 'Smilies_are_OFF' => 'Smilies are OFF',
+ 'Images_are_ON' => '[img] is ON',
+ 'Images_are_OFF' => '[img] is OFF',
+ 'Flash_is_ON' => '[flash] is ON',
+ 'Flash_is_OFF' => '[flash] is ON',
+ 'Attach_signature' => 'Attach signature (signatures can be changed in profile)',
+ 'Notify' => 'Notify me when a reply is posted',
+ 'Save' => 'Save',
+ 'Stored' => 'Your message has been entered successfully',
+ 'Deleted' => 'Your message has been deleted successfully',
+ 'Poll_delete' => 'Your poll has been deleted successfully',
+ 'Vote_cast' => 'Your vote has been cast',
+ 'Topic_reply_notification' => 'Topic Reply Notification',
+ 'bbcode_b_help' => 'Bold text: [b]text[/b] (alt+b)',
+ 'bbcode_i_help' => 'Italic text: [i]text[/i] (alt+i)',
+ 'bbcode_u_help' => 'Underline text: [u]text[/u] (alt+u)',
+ 'bbcode_q_help' => 'Quote text: [quote]text[/quote] (alt+q)',
+ 'bbcode_c_help' => 'Code display: [code]code[/code] (alt+c)',
+ 'bbcode_l_help' => 'List: [list]text[/list] (alt+l)',
+ 'bbcode_o_help' => 'Ordered list: [list=]text[/list] (alt+o)',
+ 'bbcode_p_help' => 'Insert image: [img]http://image_url[/img] (alt+p)',
+ 'bbcode_w_help' => 'Insert URL: [url]http://url[/url] or [url=http://url]URL text[/url] (alt+w)',
+ 'bbcode_a_help' => 'Close all open bbCode tags',
+ 'bbcode_s_help' => 'Font color: [color=red]text[/color] Tip: you can also use color=#FF0000',
+ 'bbcode_f_help' => 'Font size: [size=x-small]small text[/size]',
+ 'Emoticons' => 'Emoticons',
+ 'More_emoticons' => 'View more Emoticons',
+ 'Font_size' => 'Font size',
+ 'font_tiny' => 'Tiny',
+ 'font_small' => 'Small',
+ 'font_normal' => 'Normal',
+ 'font_large' => 'Large',
+ 'font_huge' => 'Huge',
+ 'Close_Tags' => 'Close Tags',
+ 'Styles_tip' => 'Tip: Styles can be applied quickly to selected text',
+ 'Private_Messaging' => 'Private Messaging',
+ 'Unread_message' => 'Unread message',
+ 'Read_message' => 'Read message',
+ 'Read_pm' => 'Read message',
+ 'Post_new_pm' => 'Post message',
+ 'Post_reply_pm' => 'Reply to message',
+ 'Post_quote_pm' => 'Quote message',
+ 'Edit_pm' => 'Edit message',
+ 'Inbox' => 'Inbox',
+ 'Outbox' => 'Outbox',
+ 'Savebox' => 'Savebox',
+ 'Sentbox' => 'Sentbox',
+ 'Flag' => 'Flag',
+ 'Subject' => 'Subject',
+ 'From' => 'From',
+ 'To' => 'To',
+ 'Date' => 'Date',
+ 'Mark' => 'Mark',
+ 'Sent' => 'Sent',
+ 'Saved' => 'Saved',
+ 'Delete_marked' => 'Delete Marked',
+ 'Delete_all' => 'Delete All',
+ 'Save_marked' => 'Save Marked',
+ 'Save_message' => 'Save Message',
+ 'Delete_message' => 'Delete Message',
+ 'Display_messages' => 'Display messages from previous',
+ 'All_Messages' => 'All Messages',
+ 'No_messages_folder' => 'You have no messages in this folder',
+ 'PM_disabled' => 'Private messaging has been disabled on this board',
+ 'Cannot_send_privmsg' => 'Sorry but the administrator has prevented you from sending private messages',
+ 'No_to_user' => 'You must specify a username to send this message',
+ 'No_such_user' => 'Sorry but no such user exists',
+ 'Disable_HTML_pm' => 'Disable HTML in this message',
+ 'Disable_BBCode_pm' => 'Disable BBCode in this message',
+ 'Disable_Smilies_pm' => 'Disable Smilies in this message',
+ 'Message_sent' => 'Your message has been sent',
+ 'Click_return_inbox' => 'Click %sHere%s to return to your Inbox',
+ 'Click_return_index' => 'Click %sHere%s to return to the Index',
+ 'Send_a_new_message' => 'Send a new private message',
+ 'Send_a_reply' => 'Reply to a private message',
+ 'Edit_message' => 'Edit private message',
+ 'Notification_subject' => 'New Private Message has arrived',
+ 'Find_username' => 'Find a username',
+ 'Find' => 'Find',
+ 'No_match' => 'No matches found',
+ 'No_such_folder' => 'No such folder exists',
+ 'No_folder' => 'No folder specified',
+ 'Mark_all' => 'Mark all',
+ 'Unmark_all' => 'Unmark all',
+ 'Confirm_delete_pm' => 'Are you sure you want to delete this message?',
+ 'Confirm_delete_pms' => 'Are you sure you want to delete these messages?',
+ 'Inbox_size' => 'Your Inbox is %d%% full',
+ 'Sentbox_size' => 'Your Sentbox is %d%% full',
+ 'Savebox_size' => 'Your Savebox is %d%% full',
+ 'Click_view_privmsg' => 'Click %sHere%s to visit your Inbox',
+ 'Viewing_user_profile' => 'Viewing profile :: %s',
+ 'About_user' => 'All about %s',
+ 'Preferences' => 'Preferences',
+ 'Items_required' => 'Items marked with a * are required unless stated otherwise',
+ 'Registration_info' => 'Registration Information',
+ 'Profile_info' => 'Profile Information',
+ 'Profile_info_warn' => 'This information will be publicly viewable',
+ 'Avatar_panel' => 'Avatar control panel',
+ 'Avatar_gallery' => 'Avatar gallery',
+ 'Website' => 'Website',
+ 'Location' => 'Location',
+ 'Contact' => 'Contact',
+ 'Email_address' => 'Email address',
+ 'Send_private_message' => 'Send private message',
+ 'Hidden_email' => '[ Hidden ]',
+ 'Search_user_posts' => 'Find all posts by %s',
+ 'Interests' => 'Interests',
+ 'Occupation' => 'Occupation',
+ 'Poster_rank' => 'Poster rank',
+ 'Total_posts' => 'Total posts',
+ 'User_post_pct_stats' => '%.2f%% of total',
+ 'User_post_day_stats' => '%.2f posts per day',
+ 'No_user_id_specified' => 'Sorry but that user does not exist',
+ 'Wrong_Profile' => 'You cannot modify a profile that is not your own.',
+ 'Only_one_avatar' => 'Only one type of avatar can be specified',
+ 'File_no_data' => 'The file at the URL you gave contains no data',
+ 'No_connection_URL' => 'A connection could not be made to the URL you gave',
+ 'Incomplete_URL' => 'The URL you entered is incomplete',
+ 'Wrong_remote_avatar_format' => 'The URL of the remote avatar is not valid',
+ 'No_send_account_inactive' => 'Sorry, but your password cannot be retrieved because your account is currently inactive. Please contact the forum administrator for more information',
+ 'Always_smile' => 'Always enable Smilies',
+ 'Always_html' => 'Always allow HTML',
+ 'Always_bbcode' => 'Always allow BBCode',
+ 'Always_add_sig' => 'Always attach my signature',
+ 'Always_notify' => 'Always notify me of replies',
+ 'Always_notify_explain' => 'Sends an email when someone replies to a topic you have posted in. This can be changed whenever you post',
+ 'Board_style' => 'Board Style',
+ 'Default_style' => 'Default style',
+ 'No_themes' => 'No Themes In database',
+ 'Board_lang' => 'Board Language',
+ 'Timezone' => 'Timezone',
+ 'Date_format' => 'Date format',
+ 'Date_format_explain' => 'The syntax used is identical to the PHP date() function',
+ 'Signature' => 'Signature',
+ 'Signature_explain' => 'This is a block of text that can be added to posts you make. There is a %d character limit',
+ 'Public_view_email' => 'Always show my Email Address',
+ 'Current_password' => 'Current password',
+ 'New_password' => 'New password',
+ 'Confirm_password' => 'Confirm password',
+ 'Confirm_password_explain' => 'You must confirm your current password if you wish to change it or alter your email address',
+ 'password_if_changed' => 'You only need to supply a password if you want to change it',
+ 'password_confirm_if_changed' => 'You only need to confirm your password if you changed it above',
+ 'Avatar' => 'Avatar',
+ 'Avatar_explain' => 'Displays a small graphic image below your details in posts. Only one image can be displayed at a time, its width can be no greater than %d pixels, a height no greater than %d pixels and a file size no more than %dkB.',
+ 'Upload_Avatar_file' => 'Upload Avatar from your machine',
+ 'Upload_Avatar_URL' => 'Upload Avatar from a URL',
+ 'Upload_Avatar_URL_explain' => 'Enter the URL of the location containing the Avatar image, it will be copied to this site.',
+ 'Pick_local_Avatar' => 'Select Avatar from the gallery',
+ 'Link_remote_Avatar' => 'Link to off-site Avatar',
+ 'Link_remote_Avatar_explain' => 'Enter the URL of the location containing the Avatar image you wish to link to.',
+ 'Avatar_URL' => 'URL of Avatar Image',
+ 'Select_from_gallery' => 'Select Avatar from gallery',
+ 'View_avatar_gallery' => 'Show gallery',
+ 'Select_avatar' => 'Select avatar',
+ 'Return_profile' => 'Cancel avatar',
+ 'Select_category' => 'Select category',
+ 'Delete_Image' => 'Delete Image',
+ 'Current_Image' => 'Current Image',
+ 'Notify_on_privmsg' => 'Notify on new Private Message',
+ 'Popup_on_privmsg' => 'Pop up window on new Private Message',
+ 'Popup_on_privmsg_explain' => 'Some templates may open a new window to inform you when new private messages arrive',
+ 'Hide_user' => 'Hide your online status',
+ 'Profile_updated' => 'Your profile has been updated',
+ 'Profile_updated_inactive' => 'Your profile has been updated, however you have changed vital details thus your account is now inactive. Check your email to find out how to reactivate your account, or if admin activation is require wait for the administrator to reactivate your account',
+ 'Password_mismatch' => 'The passwords you entered did not match',
+ 'Current_password_mismatch' => 'The current password you supplied does not match that stored in the database',
+ 'Password_long' => 'Your password must be no more than 32 characters',
+ 'Username_taken' => 'Sorry but this username has already been taken',
+ 'Username_invalid' => 'Sorry but this username contains an invalid character such as \'',
+ 'Username_disallowed' => 'Sorry but this username has been disallowed',
+ 'Email_taken' => 'Sorry but that email address is already registered to a user',
+ 'Email_banned' => 'Sorry but this email address has been banned',
+ 'Email_invalid' => 'Sorry but this email address is invalid',
+ 'Signature_too_long' => 'Your signature is too long',
+ 'Fields_empty' => 'You must fill in the required fields',
+ 'Avatar_filetype' => 'The avatar filetype must be .jpg, .gif or .png',
+ 'Avatar_filesize' => 'The avatar image file size must be less than %d kB',
+ 'Avatar_imagesize' => 'The avatar must be less than %d pixels wide and %d pixels high',
+ 'Welcome_subject' => 'Welcome to %s Forums',
+ 'New_account_subject' => 'New user account',
+ 'Account_activated_subject' => 'Account Activated',
+ 'Account_added' => 'Thank you for registering, your account has been created. You may now login with your username and password',
+ 'Account_inactive' => 'Your account has been created. However, this forum requires account activation, an activation key has been sent to the email address you provided. Please check your email for further information',
+ 'Account_inactive_admin' => 'Your account has been created. However, this forum requires account activation by the administrator. An email has been sent to them and you will be informed when your account has been activated',
+ 'Account_active' => 'Your account has now been activated. Thank you for registering',
+ 'Account_active_admin' => 'The account has now been activated',
+ 'Reactivate' => 'Reactivate your account!',
+ 'Already_activated' => 'You have already activated your account',
+ 'COPPA' => 'Your account has been created but has to be approved, please check your email for details.',
+ 'Registration' => 'Registration Agreement Terms',
+ 'Reg_agreement' => 'While the administrators and moderators of this forum will attempt to remove or edit any generally objectionable material as quickly as possible, it is impossible to review every message. Therefore you acknowledge that all posts made to these forums express the views and opinions of the author and not the administrators, moderators or webmaster (except for posts by these people) and hence will not be held liable.
You agree not to post any abusive, obscene, vulgar, slanderous, hateful, threatening, sexually-orientated or any other material that may violate any applicable laws. Doing so may lead to you being immediately and permanently banned (and your service provider being informed). The IP address of all posts is recorded to aid in enforcing these conditions. You agree that the webmaster, administrator and moderators of this forum have the right to remove, edit, move or close any topic at any time should they see fit. As a user you agree to any information you have entered above being stored in a database. While this information will not be disclosed to any third party without your consent the webmaster, administrator and moderators cannot be held responsible for any hacking attempt that may lead to the data being compromised.
This forum system uses cookies to store information on your local computer. These cookies do not contain any of the information you have entered above, they serve only to improve your viewing pleasure. The email address is used only for confirming your registration details and password (and for sending new passwords should you forget your current one).
By clicking Register below you agree to be bound by these conditions.',
+ 'Agree_under_13' => 'I Agree to these terms and am under 13 years of age',
+ 'Agree_over_13' => 'I Agree to these terms and am over 13 years of age',
+ 'Agree_not' => 'I do not agree to these terms',
+ 'Wrong_activation' => 'The activation key you supplied does not match any in the database',
+ 'Send_password' => 'Send me a new password',
+ 'Password_updated' => 'A new password has been created, please check your email for details on how to activate it',
+ 'No_email_match' => 'The email address you supplied does not match the one listed for that username',
+ 'New_password_activation' => 'New password activation',
+ 'Password_activated' => 'Your account has been re-activated. To logon please use the password supplied in the email you received',
+ 'Send_email_msg' => 'Send an email message',
+ 'No_user_specified' => 'No user was specified',
+ 'User_prevent_email' => 'This user does not wish to receive email. Try sending them a private message',
+ 'User_not_exist' => 'That user does not exist',
+ 'CC_email' => 'Send a copy of this email to yourself',
+ 'Email_message_desc' => 'This message will be sent as plain text, do not include any HTML or BBCode. The return address for this message will be set to your email address.',
+ 'Flood_email_limit' => 'You cannot send another email at this time, try again later',
+ 'Recipient' => 'Recipient',
+ 'Email_sent' => 'The email has been sent',
+ 'Empty_subject_email' => 'You must specify a subject for the email',
+ 'Empty_message_email' => 'You must enter a message to be emailed',
+ 'Select_sort_method' => 'Select sort method',
+ 'Sort' => 'Sort',
+ 'Sort_Top_Ten' => 'Top Ten Posters',
+ 'Sort_Joined' => 'Joined Date',
+ 'Sort_Username' => 'Username',
+ 'Sort_Location' => 'Location',
+ 'Sort_Posts' => 'Total posts',
+ 'Sort_Email' => 'Email',
+ 'Sort_Website' => 'Website',
+ 'Sort_Ascending' => 'Ascending',
+ 'Sort_Descending' => 'Descending',
+ 'Order' => 'Order',
+ 'Group_Control_Panel' => 'Group Control Panel',
+ 'Group_member_details' => 'Group Membership Details',
+ 'Group_member_join' => 'Join a Group',
+ 'Group_Information' => 'Group Information',
+ 'Group_name' => 'Group name',
+ 'Group_description' => 'Group description',
+ 'Group_membership' => 'Group membership',
+ 'Group_Members' => 'Group Members',
+ 'Group_Moderator' => 'Group Moderator',
+ 'Pending_members' => 'Pending Members',
+ 'Group_type' => 'Group type',
+ 'Group_open' => 'Open group',
+ 'Group_closed' => 'Closed group',
+ 'Group_hidden' => 'Hidden group',
+ 'Current_memberships' => 'Current memberships',
+ 'Non_member_groups' => 'Non-member groups',
+ 'Memberships_pending' => 'Memberships pending',
+ 'No_groups_exist' => 'No Groups Exist',
+ 'Group_not_exist' => 'That user group does not exist',
+ 'Join_group' => 'Join Group',
+ 'No_group_members' => 'This group has no members',
+ 'Group_hidden_members' => 'This group is hidden, you cannot view its membership',
+ 'No_pending_group_members' => 'This group has no pending members',
+ 'Group_joined' => 'You have successfully subscribed to this group
You will be notified when your subscription is approved by the group moderator',
+ 'Group_request' => 'A request to join your group has been made',
+ 'Group_approved' => 'Your request has been approved',
+ 'Group_added' => 'You have been added to this usergroup',
+ 'Already_member_group' => 'You are already a member of this group',
+ 'User_is_member_group' => 'User is already a member of this group',
+ 'Group_type_updated' => 'Successfully updated group type',
+ 'Could_not_add_user' => 'The user you selected does not exist',
+ 'Could_not_anon_user' => 'You cannot make Anonymous a group member',
+ 'Confirm_unsub' => 'Are you sure you want to unsubscribe from this group?',
+ 'Confirm_unsub_pending' => 'Your subscription to this group has not yet been approved, are you sure you want to unsubscribe?',
+ 'Unsub_success' => 'You have been un-subscribed from this group.',
+ 'Approve_selected' => 'Approve Selected',
+ 'Deny_selected' => 'Deny Selected',
+ 'Not_logged_in' => 'You must be logged in to join a group.',
+ 'Remove_selected' => 'Remove Selected',
+ 'Add_member' => 'Add Member',
+ 'Not_group_moderator' => 'You are not this groups moderator therefor you cannot preform that action.',
+ 'Login_to_join' => 'Login to join or manage group memberships',
+ 'This_open_group' => 'This is an open group, click to request membership',
+ 'This_closed_group' => 'This is a closed group, no more users accepted',
+ 'This_hidden_group' => 'This is a hidden group, automatic user addition is not allowed',
+ 'Member_this_group' => 'You are a member of this group',
+ 'Pending_this_group' => 'Your membership of this group is pending',
+ 'Are_group_moderator' => 'You are the group moderator',
+ 'None' => 'None',
+ 'Subscribe' => 'Subscribe',
+ 'Unsubscribe' => 'Unsubscribe',
+ 'View_Information' => 'View Information',
+ 'Search_query' => 'Search Query',
+ 'Search_options' => 'Search Options',
+ 'Search_keywords' => 'Search for Keywords',
+ 'Search_keywords_explain' => 'You can use AND to define words which must be in the results, OR to define words which may be in the result and NOT to define words which should not be in the result. Use * as a wildcard for partial matches',
+ 'Search_author' => 'Search for Author',
+ 'Search_author_explain' => 'Use * as a wildcard for partial matches',
+ 'Find_username_explain' => 'Use this form to search for specific usernames. You do not need to fill out all fields, to partialy match data use * as a wildcard. When entering dates use the format yyyy-mm-dd, e.g. 2002-01-01. Click the username to automatically enter it into the form you are viewing (several usernames may be accepted depending on the form itself). Alternatively you can mark the users required and click the Insert Marked button.',
+ 'Last_active' => 'Last active',
+ 'Select_marked' => 'Select Marked',
+ 'Search_for_any' => 'Search for any terms or use query as entered',
+ 'Search_for_all' => 'Search for all terms',
+ 'Search_title_msg' => 'Search topic title and message text',
+ 'Search_msg_only' => 'Search message text only',
+ 'Return_first' => 'Return first',
+ 'characters_posts' => 'characters of posts',
+ 'Search_previous' => 'Search previous',
+ 'Sort_by' => 'Sort by',
+ 'Sort_Time' => 'Post Time',
+ 'Sort_Post_Subject' => 'Post Subject',
+ 'Sort_Topic_Title' => 'Topic Title',
+ 'Sort_Author' => 'Author',
+ 'Sort_Forum' => 'Forum',
+ 'Sort_Post_count' => 'Post count',
+ 'Sort_Last_active' => 'Last active',
+ 'Less_than' => 'Less than',
+ 'Equal_to' => 'Equal to',
+ 'More_than' => 'More than',
+ 'Before' => 'Before',
+ 'After' => 'After',
+ 'Never' => 'Never',
+ 'Display_results' => 'Display results as',
+ 'All_available' => 'All available',
+ 'No_searchable_forums' => 'You do not have permissions to search any forum on this site',
+ 'No_search_match' => 'No topics or posts met your search criteria',
+ 'Found_search_match' => 'Search found %d match',
+ 'Found_search_matches' => 'Search found %d matches',
+ 'Close_window' => 'Close Window',
+ 'Sorry_auth_announce' => 'Sorry but only %s can post announcements in this forum',
+ 'Sorry_auth_sticky' => 'Sorry but only %s can post sticky messages in this forum',
+ 'Sorry_auth_read' => 'Sorry but only %s can read topics in this forum',
+ 'Sorry_auth_post' => 'Sorry but only %s can post topics in this forum',
+ 'Sorry_auth_reply' => 'Sorry but only %s can reply to posts in this forum',
+ 'Sorry_auth_edit' => 'Sorry but only %s can edit posts in this forum',
+ 'Sorry_auth_delete' => 'Sorry but only %s can delete posts in this forum',
+ 'Sorry_auth_vote' => 'Sorry but only %s can vote in polls in this forum',
+ 'Auth_Anonymous_Users' => 'anonymous users',
+ 'Auth_Registered_Users' => 'registered users',
+ 'Auth_Users_granted_access' => 'users granted special access',
+ 'Auth_Moderators' => 'moderators',
+ 'Auth_Administrators' => 'administrators',
+ 'Not_Moderator' => 'You are not a moderator of this forum',
+ 'Not_Authorised' => 'Not Authorised',
+ 'You_been_banned' => 'You have been banned from this forum
Please contact the webmaster or board administrator for more information',
+ 'Reg_users_zero_online' => 'There are 0 Registered users and ',
+ 'Reg_users_online' => 'There are %d Registered users and ',
+ 'Reg_user_online' => 'There is %d Registered user and ',
+ 'Hidden_users_zero_online' => '0 Hidden users online',
+ 'Hidden_users_online' => '%d Hidden users online',
+ 'Hidden_user_online' => '%d Hidden user online',
+ 'Guest_users_online' => 'There are %d Guest users online',
+ 'Guest_users_zero_online' => 'There are 0 Guest users online',
+ 'Guest_user_online' => 'There is %d Guest user online',
+ 'No_users_browsing' => 'There are no users currently browsing this forum',
+ 'Online_explain' => 'This data is based on users active over the past five minutes',
+ 'Forum_Location' => 'Forum Location',
+ 'Last_updated' => 'Last Updated',
+ 'Forum_index' => 'Forum index',
+ 'Reading_topic' => 'Reading topic in %s',
+ 'Logging_on' => 'Logging on',
+ 'Posting_message' => 'Posting message in %s',
+ 'Searching_forums' => 'Searching forums',
+ 'Viewing_profile' => 'Viewing profile',
+ 'Viewing_online' => 'Viewing who is online',
+ 'Viewing_member_list' => 'Viewing member list',
+ 'Viewing_priv_msgs' => 'Viewing Private Messages',
+ 'Viewing_FAQ' => 'Viewing FAQ',
+ 'Mod_CP' => 'Moderator Control Panel',
+ 'Mod_CP_explain' => 'Using the form below you can perform mass moderation operations on this forum. You can lock, unlock, move or delete any number of topics.',
+ 'Select' => 'Select',
+ 'Move' => 'Move',
+ 'Lock' => 'Lock',
+ 'Unlock' => 'Unlock',
+ 'Topics_Removed' => 'The selected topics have been successfully removed from the database.',
+ 'Topics_Locked' => 'The selected topics have been locked',
+ 'Topics_Moved' => 'The selected topics have been moved',
+ 'Topics_Unlocked' => 'The selected topics have been unlocked',
+ 'No_Topics_Moved' => 'No topics were moved',
+ 'Confirm_delete_topic' => 'Are you sure you want to remove the selected topic/s?',
+ 'Confirm_lock_topic' => 'Are you sure you want to lock the selected topic/s?',
+ 'Confirm_unlock_topic' => 'Are you sure you want to unlock the selected topic/s?',
+ 'Confirm_move_topic' => 'Are you sure you want to move the selected topic/s?',
+ 'Move_to_forum' => 'Move to forum',
+ 'Leave_shadow_topic' => 'Leave shadow topic in old forum.',
+ 'Split_Topic' => 'Split Topic Control Panel',
+ 'Split_Topic_explain' => 'Using the form below you can split a topic in two, either by selecting the posts individually or by splitting at a selected post',
+ 'Split_title' => 'New topic title',
+ 'Split_forum' => 'Forum for new topic',
+ 'Split_posts' => 'Split selected posts',
+ 'Split_after' => 'Split from selected post',
+ 'Topic_split' => 'The selected topic has been split successfully',
+ 'Too_many_error' => 'You have selected too many posts. You can only select one post to split a topic after!',
+ 'None_selected' => 'You have no selected any topics to preform this operation on. Please go back and select at least one.',
+ 'New_forum' => 'New forum',
+ 'This_posts_IP' => 'IP for this post',
+ 'Other_IP_this_user' => 'Other IP\'s this user has posted from',
+ 'Users_this_IP' => 'Users posting from this IP',
+ 'IP_info' => 'IP Information',
+ 'Lookup_IP' => 'Look up IP',
+ 'All_times' => 'All times are %s %s',
+ '-12' => 'GMT - 12 Hours',
+ '-11' => 'GMT - 11 Hours',
+ '-10' => 'GMT - 10 Hours',
+ '-9' => 'GMT - 9 Hours',
+ '-8' => 'GMT - 8 Hours',
+ '-7' => 'GMT - 7 Hours',
+ '-6' => 'GMT - 6 Hours',
+ '-5' => 'GMT - 5 Hours',
+ '-4' => 'GMT - 4 Hours',
+ '-3.5' => 'GMT - 3.5 Hours',
+ '-3' => 'GMT - 3 Hours',
+ '-2' => 'GMT - 2 Hours',
+ '-1' => 'GMT - 1 Hours',
+ 0 => 'GMT',
+ 1 => 'GMT + 1 Hour',
+ 2 => 'GMT + 2 Hours',
+ 3 => 'GMT + 3 Hours',
+ '3.5' => 'GMT + 3.5 Hours',
+ 4 => 'GMT + 4 Hours',
+ '4.5' => 'GMT + 4.5 Hours',
+ 5 => 'GMT + 5 Hours',
+ '5.5' => 'GMT + 5.5 Hours',
+ 6 => 'GMT + 6 Hours',
+ '6.5' => 'GMT + 6.5 Hours',
+ 7 => 'GMT + 7 Hours',
+ 8 => 'GMT + 8 Hours',
+ 9 => 'GMT + 9 Hours',
+ '9.5' => 'GMT + 9.5 Hours',
+ 10 => 'GMT + 10 Hours',
+ 11 => 'GMT + 11 Hours',
+ 12 => 'GMT + 12 Hours',
+ 'tz' => array(
+ '-12' => 'GMT - 12 Hours',
+ '-11' => 'GMT - 11 Hours',
+ '-10' => 'GMT - 10 Hours',
+ '-9' => 'GMT - 9 Hours',
+ '-8' => 'GMT - 8 Hours',
+ '-7' => 'GMT - 7 Hours',
+ '-6' => 'GMT - 6 Hours',
+ '-5' => 'GMT - 5 Hours',
+ '-4' => 'GMT - 4 Hours',
+ '-3.5' => 'GMT - 3.5 Hours',
+ '-3' => 'GMT - 3 Hours',
+ '-2' => 'GMT - 2 Hours',
+ '-1' => 'GMT - 1 Hours',
+ '0' => 'GMT',
+ '1' => 'GMT + 1 Hour',
+ '2' => 'GMT + 2 Hours',
+ '3' => 'GMT + 3 Hours',
+ '3.5' => 'GMT + 3.5 Hours',
+ '4' => 'GMT + 4 Hours',
+ '4.5' => 'GMT + 4.5 Hours',
+ '5' => 'GMT + 5 Hours',
+ '5.5' => 'GMT + 5.5 Hours',
+ '6' => 'GMT + 6 Hours',
+ '6.5' => 'GMT + 6.5 Hours',
+ '7' => 'GMT + 7 Hours',
+ '8' => 'GMT + 8 Hours',
+ '9' => 'GMT + 9 Hours',
+ '9.5' => 'GMT + 9.5 Hours',
+ '10' => 'GMT + 10 Hours',
+ '11' => 'GMT + 11 Hours',
+ '12' => 'GMT + 12 Hours',
+ 'dst' => '[ DST ]'
+ ),
+ 'datetime' => array(
+ 'Sunday' => 'Sunday',
+ 'Monday' => 'Monday',
+ 'Tuesday' => 'Tuesday',
+ 'Wednesday' => 'Wednesday',
+ 'Thursday' => 'Thursday',
+ 'Friday' => 'Friday',
+ 'Saturday' => 'Saturday',
+ 'Sun' => 'Sun',
+ 'Mon' => 'Mon',
+ 'Tue' => 'Tue',
+ 'Wed' => 'Wed',
+ 'Thu' => 'Thu',
+ 'Fri' => 'Fri',
+ 'Sat' => 'Sat',
+ 'January' => 'January',
+ 'February' => 'February',
+ 'March' => 'March',
+ 'April' => 'April',
+ 'May' => 'May',
+ 'June' => 'June',
+ 'July' => 'July',
+ 'August' => 'August',
+ 'September' => 'September',
+ 'October' => 'October',
+ 'November' => 'November',
+ 'December' => 'December',
+ 'Jan' => 'Jan',
+ 'Feb' => 'Feb',
+ 'Mar' => 'Mar',
+ 'Apr' => 'Apr',
+ 'Jun' => 'Jun',
+ 'Jul' => 'Jul',
+ 'Aug' => 'Aug',
+ 'Sep' => 'Sep',
+ 'Oct' => 'Oct',
+ 'Nov' => 'Nov',
+ 'Dec' => 'Dec'
+ ),
+ 'Information' => 'Information',
+ 'Critical_Information' => 'Critical Information',
+ 'General_Error' => 'General Error',
+ 'Critical_Error' => 'Critical Error',
+ 'An_error_occured' => 'An Error Occurred',
+ 'A_critical_error' => 'A Critical Error Occurred'
\ No newline at end of file
cgit v1.2.1