path: root/tests/functional/extension_acp_test.php
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'tests/functional/extension_acp_test.php')
1 files changed, 187 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tests/functional/extension_acp_test.php b/tests/functional/extension_acp_test.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8614c0c963
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/functional/extension_acp_test.php
@@ -0,0 +1,187 @@
+* @package testing
+* @copyright (c) 2011 phpBB Group
+* @license http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.php GNU General Public License v2
+* @group functional
+class phpbb_functional_extension_acp_test extends phpbb_functional_test_case
+ static private $helper;
+ static protected $fixtures = array(
+ './',
+ );
+ static public function setUpBeforeClass()
+ {
+ parent::setUpBeforeClass();
+ self::$helper = new phpbb_test_case_helpers(self);
+ self::$helper->copy_ext_fixtures(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../extension/ext/', self::$fixtures);
+ }
+ static public function tearDownAfterClass()
+ {
+ parent::tearDownAfterClass();
+ self::$helper->restore_original_ext_dir();
+ }
+ public function setUp()
+ {
+ parent::setUp();
+ $this->get_db();
+ // Clear the phpbb_ext table
+ $this->db->sql_query('DELETE FROM phpbb_ext');
+ // Insert our base data
+ $insert_rows = array(
+ array(
+ 'ext_name' => 'foo',
+ 'ext_active' => true,
+ 'ext_state' => 'b:0;',
+ ),
+ array(
+ 'ext_name' => 'vendor/moo',
+ 'ext_active' => false,
+ 'ext_state' => 'b:0;',
+ ),
+ // do not exist
+ array(
+ 'ext_name' => 'test2',
+ 'ext_active' => true,
+ 'ext_state' => 'b:0;',
+ ),
+ array(
+ 'ext_name' => 'test3',
+ 'ext_active' => false,
+ 'ext_state' => 'b:0;',
+ ),
+ );
+ $this->db->sql_multi_insert('phpbb_ext', $insert_rows);
+ $this->login();
+ $this->admin_login();
+ $this->add_lang('acp/extensions');
+ }
+ public function test_list()
+ {
+ $crawler = self::request('GET', 'adm/index.php?i=acp_extensions&mode=main&sid=' . $this->sid);
+ $this->assertCount(1, $crawler->filter('.ext_enabled'));
+ $this->assertCount(5, $crawler->filter('.ext_disabled'));
+ $this->assertContains('phpBB Foo Extension', $crawler->filter('.ext_enabled')->eq(0)->text());
+ $this->assertContainsLang('PURGE', $crawler->filter('.ext_enabled')->eq(0)->text());
+ $this->assertContains('The "test2" extension is not valid.', $crawler->filter('.ext_disabled')->eq(0)->text());
+ $this->assertContains('The "test3" extension is not valid.', $crawler->filter('.ext_disabled')->eq(1)->text());
+ $this->assertContains('phpBB Moo Extension', $crawler->filter('.ext_disabled')->eq(2)->text());
+ $this->assertContainsLang('DETAILS', $crawler->filter('.ext_disabled')->eq(2)->text());
+ $this->assertContainsLang('ENABLE', $crawler->filter('.ext_disabled')->eq(2)->text());
+ $this->assertContainsLang('PURGE', $crawler->filter('.ext_disabled')->eq(2)->text());
+ $this->assertContains('The "bar" extension is not valid.', $crawler->filter('.ext_disabled')->eq(3)->text());
+ }
+ public function test_details()
+ {
+ $crawler = self::request('GET', 'adm/index.php?i=acp_extensions&mode=main&action=details&ext_name=foo&sid=' . $this->sid);
+ $validation = array(
+ 'DISPLAY_NAME' => 'phpBB Foo Extension',
+ 'CLEAN_NAME' => 'foo/example',
+ 'DESCRIPTION' => 'An example/sample extension to be used for testing purposes in phpBB Development.',
+ 'VERSION' => '1.0.0',
+ 'TIME' => '2012-02-15 01:01:01',
+ 'LICENCE' => 'GPL-2.0',
+ 'PHPBB_VERSION' => '3.1.0-dev',
+ 'PHP_VERSION' => '>=5.3',
+ 'AUTHOR_NAME' => 'Nathan Guse',
+ 'AUTHOR_EMAIL' => 'email@phpbb.com',
+ 'AUTHOR_HOMEPAGE' => 'http://lithiumstudios.org',
+ 'AUTHOR_ROLE' => 'N/A',
+ );
+ for ($i = 0; $i < $crawler->filter('dl')->count(); $i++)
+ {
+ $text = $crawler->filter('dl')->eq($i)->text();
+ $match = false;
+ foreach ($validation as $language_key => $expected)
+ {
+ if (strpos($text, $this->lang($language_key)) === 0)
+ {
+ $match = true;
+ $this->assertContains($expected, $text);
+ }
+ }
+ if (!$match)
+ {
+ $this->fail('Unexpected field: "' . $text . '"');
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ public function test_enable_pre()
+ {
+ // Foo is already enabled (redirect to list)
+ $crawler = self::request('GET', 'adm/index.php?i=acp_extensions&mode=main&action=enable_pre&ext_name=foo&sid=' . $this->sid);
+ $this->assertContainsLang('EXTENSION_NAME', $crawler->filter('html')->text());
+ $this->assertContainsLang('EXTENSION_OPTIONS', $crawler->filter('html')->text());
+ $this->assertContainsLang('EXTENSION_ACTIONS', $crawler->filter('html')->text());
+ $crawler = self::request('GET', 'adm/index.php?i=acp_extensions&mode=main&action=enable_pre&ext_name=vendor%2Fmoo&sid=' . $this->sid);
+ $this->assertContainsLang('ENABLE_CONFIRM', $crawler->filter('html')->text());
+ }
+ public function test_disable_pre()
+ {
+ // Moo is not enabled (redirect to list)
+ $crawler = self::request('GET', 'adm/index.php?i=acp_extensions&mode=main&action=disable_pre&ext_name=vendor%2Fmoo&sid=' . $this->sid);
+ $this->assertContainsLang('EXTENSION_NAME', $crawler->filter('html')->text());
+ $this->assertContainsLang('EXTENSION_OPTIONS', $crawler->filter('html')->text());
+ $this->assertContainsLang('EXTENSION_ACTIONS', $crawler->filter('html')->text());
+ $crawler = self::request('GET', 'adm/index.php?i=acp_extensions&mode=main&action=disable_pre&ext_name=foo&sid=' . $this->sid);
+ $this->assertContainsLang('DISABLE_CONFIRM', $crawler->filter('html')->text());
+ }
+ public function test_purge_pre()
+ {
+ // test2 is not available (error)
+ $crawler = self::request('GET', 'adm/index.php?i=acp_extensions&mode=main&action=purge_pre&ext_name=test2&sid=' . $this->sid);
+ $this->assertContains('The required file does not exist', $crawler->filter('html')->text());
+ $crawler = self::request('GET', 'adm/index.php?i=acp_extensions&mode=main&action=purge_pre&ext_name=foo&sid=' . $this->sid);
+ $this->assertContainsLang('PURGE_CONFIRM', $crawler->filter('html')->text());
+ }
+ public function test_actions()
+ {
+ $crawler = self::request('GET', 'adm/index.php?i=acp_extensions&mode=main&action=enable&ext_name=vendor%2Fmoo&sid=' . $this->sid);
+ $this->assertContainsLang('ENABLE_SUCCESS', $crawler->filter('html')->text());
+ $crawler = self::request('GET', 'adm/index.php?i=acp_extensions&mode=main&action=disable&ext_name=vendor%2Fmoo&sid=' . $this->sid);
+ $this->assertContainsLang('DISABLE_SUCCESS', $crawler->filter('html')->text());
+ $crawler = self::request('GET', 'adm/index.php?i=acp_extensions&mode=main&action=purge&ext_name=vendor%2Fmoo&sid=' . $this->sid);
+ $this->assertContainsLang('PURGE_SUCCESS', $crawler->filter('html')->text());
+ }
+} \ No newline at end of file