path: root/phpBB/phpbb/db/migration
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'phpBB/phpbb/db/migration')
67 files changed, 6251 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/phpBB/phpbb/db/migration/data/v30x/local_url_bbcode.php b/phpBB/phpbb/db/migration/data/v30x/local_url_bbcode.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5e6ba90336
--- /dev/null
+++ b/phpBB/phpbb/db/migration/data/v30x/local_url_bbcode.php
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+* @package migration
+* @copyright (c) 2013 phpBB Group
+* @license http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.php GNU General Public License v2
+namespace phpbb\db\migration\data\v30x;
+class local_url_bbcode extends \phpbb\db\migration\migration
+ static public function depends_on()
+ {
+ return array('\phpbb\db\migration\data\v30x\release_3_0_12_rc1');
+ }
+ public function update_data()
+ {
+ return array(
+ array('custom', array(array($this, 'update_local_url_bbcode'))),
+ );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Update BBCodes that currently use the LOCAL_URL tag
+ *
+ * To fix http://tracker.phpbb.com/browse/PHPBB3-8319 we changed
+ * the second_pass_replace value, so that needs updating for existing ones
+ */
+ public function update_local_url_bbcode()
+ {
+ $sql = 'SELECT *
+ WHERE bbcode_match ' . $this->db->sql_like_expression($this->db->any_char . 'LOCAL_URL' . $this->db->any_char);
+ $result = $this->db->sql_query($sql);
+ while ($row = $this->db->sql_fetchrow($result))
+ {
+ if (!class_exists('acp_bbcodes'))
+ {
+ global $phpEx;
+ phpbb_require_updated('includes/acp/acp_bbcodes.' . $phpEx);
+ }
+ $bbcode_match = $row['bbcode_match'];
+ $bbcode_tpl = $row['bbcode_tpl'];
+ $acp_bbcodes = new \acp_bbcodes();
+ $sql_ary = $acp_bbcodes->build_regexp($bbcode_match, $bbcode_tpl);
+ $sql = 'UPDATE ' . BBCODES_TABLE . '
+ SET ' . $this->db->sql_build_array('UPDATE', $sql_ary) . '
+ WHERE bbcode_id = ' . (int) $row['bbcode_id'];
+ $this->sql_query($sql);
+ }
+ $this->db->sql_freeresult($result);
+ }
diff --git a/phpBB/phpbb/db/migration/data/v30x/release_3_0_1.php b/phpBB/phpbb/db/migration/data/v30x/release_3_0_1.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..aed0f2784b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/phpBB/phpbb/db/migration/data/v30x/release_3_0_1.php
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+* @package migration
+* @copyright (c) 2012 phpBB Group
+* @license http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php GNU Public License v2
+namespace phpbb\db\migration\data\v30x;
+class release_3_0_1 extends \phpbb\db\migration\migration
+ public function effectively_installed()
+ {
+ return phpbb_version_compare($this->config['version'], '3.0.1', '>=');
+ }
+ static public function depends_on()
+ {
+ return array('\phpbb\db\migration\data\v30x\release_3_0_1_rc1');
+ }
+ public function update_data()
+ {
+ return array(
+ array('config.update', array('version', '3.0.1')),
+ );
+ }
diff --git a/phpBB/phpbb/db/migration/data/v30x/release_3_0_10.php b/phpBB/phpbb/db/migration/data/v30x/release_3_0_10.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..305309c3bd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/phpBB/phpbb/db/migration/data/v30x/release_3_0_10.php
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+* @package migration
+* @copyright (c) 2012 phpBB Group
+* @license http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php GNU Public License v2
+namespace phpbb\db\migration\data\v30x;
+class release_3_0_10 extends \phpbb\db\migration\migration
+ public function effectively_installed()
+ {
+ return phpbb_version_compare($this->config['version'], '3.0.10', '>=');
+ }
+ static public function depends_on()
+ {
+ return array('\phpbb\db\migration\data\v30x\release_3_0_10_rc3');
+ }
+ public function update_data()
+ {
+ return array(
+ array('config.update', array('version', '3.0.10')),
+ );
+ }
diff --git a/phpBB/phpbb/db/migration/data/v30x/release_3_0_10_rc1.php b/phpBB/phpbb/db/migration/data/v30x/release_3_0_10_rc1.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..fb50d67fb5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/phpBB/phpbb/db/migration/data/v30x/release_3_0_10_rc1.php
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+* @package migration
+* @copyright (c) 2012 phpBB Group
+* @license http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php GNU Public License v2
+namespace phpbb\db\migration\data\v30x;
+class release_3_0_10_rc1 extends \phpbb\db\migration\migration
+ public function effectively_installed()
+ {
+ return phpbb_version_compare($this->config['version'], '3.0.10-RC1', '>=');
+ }
+ static public function depends_on()
+ {
+ return array('\phpbb\db\migration\data\v30x\release_3_0_9');
+ }
+ public function update_data()
+ {
+ return array(
+ array('config.add', array('email_max_chunk_size', 50)),
+ array('config.update', array('version', '3.0.10-RC1')),
+ );
+ }
diff --git a/phpBB/phpbb/db/migration/data/v30x/release_3_0_10_rc2.php b/phpBB/phpbb/db/migration/data/v30x/release_3_0_10_rc2.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..63ba1e8fc2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/phpBB/phpbb/db/migration/data/v30x/release_3_0_10_rc2.php
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+* @package migration
+* @copyright (c) 2012 phpBB Group
+* @license http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php GNU Public License v2
+namespace phpbb\db\migration\data\v30x;
+class release_3_0_10_rc2 extends \phpbb\db\migration\migration
+ public function effectively_installed()
+ {
+ return phpbb_version_compare($this->config['version'], '3.0.10-RC2', '>=');
+ }
+ static public function depends_on()
+ {
+ return array('\phpbb\db\migration\data\v30x\release_3_0_10_rc1');
+ }
+ public function update_data()
+ {
+ return array(
+ array('config.update', array('version', '3.0.10-RC2')),
+ );
+ }
diff --git a/phpBB/phpbb/db/migration/data/v30x/release_3_0_10_rc3.php b/phpBB/phpbb/db/migration/data/v30x/release_3_0_10_rc3.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7055063032
--- /dev/null
+++ b/phpBB/phpbb/db/migration/data/v30x/release_3_0_10_rc3.php
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+* @package migration
+* @copyright (c) 2012 phpBB Group
+* @license http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php GNU Public License v2
+namespace phpbb\db\migration\data\v30x;
+class release_3_0_10_rc3 extends \phpbb\db\migration\migration
+ public function effectively_installed()
+ {
+ return phpbb_version_compare($this->config['version'], '3.0.10-RC3', '>=');
+ }
+ static public function depends_on()
+ {
+ return array('\phpbb\db\migration\data\v30x\release_3_0_10_rc2');
+ }
+ public function update_data()
+ {
+ return array(
+ array('config.update', array('version', '3.0.10-RC3')),
+ );
+ }
diff --git a/phpBB/phpbb/db/migration/data/v30x/release_3_0_11.php b/phpBB/phpbb/db/migration/data/v30x/release_3_0_11.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1246597efb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/phpBB/phpbb/db/migration/data/v30x/release_3_0_11.php
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+* @package migration
+* @copyright (c) 2012 phpBB Group
+* @license http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php GNU Public License v2
+namespace phpbb\db\migration\data\v30x;
+class release_3_0_11 extends \phpbb\db\migration\migration
+ public function effectively_installed()
+ {
+ return phpbb_version_compare($this->config['version'], '3.0.11', '>=');
+ }
+ static public function depends_on()
+ {
+ return array('\phpbb\db\migration\data\v30x\release_3_0_11_rc2');
+ }
+ public function update_data()
+ {
+ return array(
+ array('config.update', array('version', '3.0.11')),
+ );
+ }
diff --git a/phpBB/phpbb/db/migration/data/v30x/release_3_0_11_rc1.php b/phpBB/phpbb/db/migration/data/v30x/release_3_0_11_rc1.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7e284235e1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/phpBB/phpbb/db/migration/data/v30x/release_3_0_11_rc1.php
@@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
+* @package migration
+* @copyright (c) 2012 phpBB Group
+* @license http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php GNU Public License v2
+namespace phpbb\db\migration\data\v30x;
+class release_3_0_11_rc1 extends \phpbb\db\migration\migration
+ public function effectively_installed()
+ {
+ return phpbb_version_compare($this->config['version'], '3.0.11-RC1', '>=');
+ }
+ static public function depends_on()
+ {
+ return array('\phpbb\db\migration\data\v30x\release_3_0_10');
+ }
+ public function update_data()
+ {
+ return array(
+ array('custom', array(array(&$this, 'cleanup_deactivated_styles'))),
+ array('custom', array(array(&$this, 'delete_orphan_private_messages'))),
+ array('config.update', array('version', '3.0.11-RC1')),
+ );
+ }
+ public function cleanup_deactivated_styles()
+ {
+ // Updates users having current style a deactivated one
+ $sql = 'SELECT style_id
+ WHERE style_active = 0';
+ $result = $this->sql_query($sql);
+ $deactivated_style_ids = array();
+ while ($style_id = $this->db->sql_fetchfield('style_id', false, $result))
+ {
+ $deactivated_style_ids[] = (int) $style_id;
+ }
+ $this->db->sql_freeresult($result);
+ if (!empty($deactivated_style_ids))
+ {
+ $sql = 'UPDATE ' . USERS_TABLE . '
+ SET user_style = ' . (int) $this->config['default_style'] .'
+ WHERE ' . $this->db->sql_in_set('user_style', $deactivated_style_ids);
+ $this->sql_query($sql);
+ }
+ }
+ public function delete_orphan_private_messages()
+ {
+ // Delete orphan private messages
+ $batch_size = 500;
+ $sql_array = array(
+ 'SELECT' => 'p.msg_id',
+ 'FROM' => array(
+ ),
+ 'LEFT_JOIN' => array(
+ array(
+ 'FROM' => array(PRIVMSGS_TO_TABLE => 't'),
+ 'ON' => 'p.msg_id = t.msg_id',
+ ),
+ ),
+ 'WHERE' => 't.user_id IS NULL',
+ );
+ $sql = $this->db->sql_build_query('SELECT', $sql_array);
+ $result = $this->db->sql_query_limit($sql, $batch_size);
+ $delete_pms = array();
+ while ($row = $this->db->sql_fetchrow($result))
+ {
+ $delete_pms[] = (int) $row['msg_id'];
+ }
+ $this->db->sql_freeresult($result);
+ if (!empty($delete_pms))
+ {
+ WHERE ' . $this->db->sql_in_set('msg_id', $delete_pms);
+ $this->sql_query($sql);
+ // Return false to have the Migrator call this function again
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/phpBB/phpbb/db/migration/data/v30x/release_3_0_11_rc2.php b/phpBB/phpbb/db/migration/data/v30x/release_3_0_11_rc2.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..017038855d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/phpBB/phpbb/db/migration/data/v30x/release_3_0_11_rc2.php
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+* @package migration
+* @copyright (c) 2012 phpBB Group
+* @license http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php GNU Public License v2
+namespace phpbb\db\migration\data\v30x;
+class release_3_0_11_rc2 extends \phpbb\db\migration\migration
+ public function effectively_installed()
+ {
+ return phpbb_version_compare($this->config['version'], '3.0.11-RC2', '>=');
+ }
+ static public function depends_on()
+ {
+ return array('\phpbb\db\migration\data\v30x\release_3_0_11_rc1');
+ }
+ public function update_schema()
+ {
+ return array(
+ 'add_columns' => array(
+ $this->table_prefix . 'profile_fields' => array(
+ 'field_show_novalue' => array('BOOL', 0),
+ ),
+ ),
+ );
+ }
+ public function revert_schema()
+ {
+ return array(
+ 'drop_columns' => array(
+ $this->table_prefix . 'profile_fields' => array(
+ 'field_show_novalue',
+ ),
+ ),
+ );
+ }
+ public function update_data()
+ {
+ return array(
+ array('config.update', array('version', '3.0.11-RC2')),
+ );
+ }
diff --git a/phpBB/phpbb/db/migration/data/v30x/release_3_0_12_rc1.php b/phpBB/phpbb/db/migration/data/v30x/release_3_0_12_rc1.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..35a3015959
--- /dev/null
+++ b/phpBB/phpbb/db/migration/data/v30x/release_3_0_12_rc1.php
@@ -0,0 +1,125 @@
+* @package migration
+* @copyright (c) 2012 phpBB Group
+* @license http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php GNU Public License v2
+namespace phpbb\db\migration\data\v30x;
+/** @todo DROP LOGIN_ATTEMPT_TABLE.attempt_id in 3.0.12-RC1 **/
+class release_3_0_12_rc1 extends \phpbb\db\migration\migration
+ public function effectively_installed()
+ {
+ return phpbb_version_compare($this->config['version'], '3.0.12-RC1', '>=');
+ }
+ static public function depends_on()
+ {
+ return array('\phpbb\db\migration\data\v30x\release_3_0_11');
+ }
+ public function update_data()
+ {
+ return array(
+ array('custom', array(array(&$this, 'update_module_auth'))),
+ array('custom', array(array(&$this, 'update_bots'))),
+ array('custom', array(array(&$this, 'disable_bots_from_receiving_pms'))),
+ array('config.update', array('version', '3.0.12-RC1')),
+ );
+ }
+ public function disable_bots_from_receiving_pms()
+ {
+ // Disable receiving pms for bots
+ $sql = 'SELECT user_id
+ $result = $this->db->sql_query($sql);
+ $bot_user_ids = array();
+ while ($row = $this->db->sql_fetchrow($result))
+ {
+ $bot_user_ids[] = (int) $row['user_id'];
+ }
+ $this->db->sql_freeresult($result);
+ if (!empty($bot_user_ids))
+ {
+ $sql = 'UPDATE ' . USERS_TABLE . '
+ SET user_allow_pm = 0
+ WHERE ' . $this->db->sql_in_set('user_id', $bot_user_ids);
+ $this->sql_query($sql);
+ }
+ }
+ public function update_module_auth()
+ {
+ $sql = 'UPDATE ' . MODULES_TABLE . '
+ SET module_auth = \'acl_u_sig\'
+ WHERE module_class = \'ucp\'
+ AND module_basename = \'profile\'
+ AND module_mode = \'signature\'';
+ $this->sql_query($sql);
+ }
+ public function update_bots()
+ {
+ // Update bots
+ if (!function_exists('user_delete'))
+ {
+ include($this->phpbb_root_path . 'includes/functions_user.' . $this->php_ext);
+ }
+ $bots_updates = array(
+ // Bot Deletions
+ 'NG-Search [Bot]' => false,
+ 'Nutch/CVS [Bot]' => false,
+ 'OmniExplorer [Bot]' => false,
+ 'Seekport [Bot]' => false,
+ 'Synoo [Bot]' => false,
+ 'WiseNut [Bot]' => false,
+ // Bot Updates
+ // Bot name to bot user agent map
+ 'Baidu [Spider]' => 'Baiduspider',
+ 'Exabot [Bot]' => 'Exabot',
+ 'Voyager [Bot]' => 'voyager/',
+ 'W3C [Validator]' => 'W3C_Validator',
+ );
+ foreach ($bots_updates as $bot_name => $bot_agent)
+ {
+ $sql = 'SELECT user_id
+ WHERE user_type = ' . USER_IGNORE . "
+ AND username_clean = '" . $this->db->sql_escape(utf8_clean_string($bot_name)) . "'";
+ $result = $this->db->sql_query($sql);
+ $bot_user_id = (int) $this->db->sql_fetchfield('user_id');
+ $this->db->sql_freeresult($result);
+ if ($bot_user_id)
+ {
+ if ($bot_agent === false)
+ {
+ $sql = 'DELETE FROM ' . BOTS_TABLE . "
+ WHERE user_id = $bot_user_id";
+ $this->sql_query($sql);
+ user_delete('retain', $bot_user_id);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $sql = 'UPDATE ' . BOTS_TABLE . "
+ SET bot_agent = '" . $this->db->sql_escape($bot_agent) . "'
+ WHERE user_id = $bot_user_id";
+ $this->sql_query($sql);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/phpBB/phpbb/db/migration/data/v30x/release_3_0_1_rc1.php b/phpBB/phpbb/db/migration/data/v30x/release_3_0_1_rc1.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..862276528d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/phpBB/phpbb/db/migration/data/v30x/release_3_0_1_rc1.php
@@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
+* @package migration
+* @copyright (c) 2012 phpBB Group
+* @license http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php GNU Public License v2
+namespace phpbb\db\migration\data\v30x;
+class release_3_0_1_rc1 extends \phpbb\db\migration\migration
+ public function effectively_installed()
+ {
+ return phpbb_version_compare($this->config['version'], '3.0.1-RC1', '>=');
+ }
+ public function update_schema()
+ {
+ return array(
+ 'add_columns' => array(
+ $this->table_prefix . 'forums' => array(
+ 'display_subforum_list' => array('BOOL', 1),
+ ),
+ $this->table_prefix . 'sessions' => array(
+ 'session_forum_id' => array('UINT', 0),
+ ),
+ ),
+ 'drop_keys' => array(
+ $this->table_prefix . 'groups' => array(
+ 'group_legend',
+ ),
+ ),
+ 'add_index' => array(
+ $this->table_prefix . 'sessions' => array(
+ 'session_forum_id' => array('session_forum_id'),
+ ),
+ $this->table_prefix . 'groups' => array(
+ 'group_legend_name' => array('group_legend', 'group_name'),
+ ),
+ ),
+ );
+ }
+ public function revert_schema()
+ {
+ return array(
+ 'drop_columns' => array(
+ $this->table_prefix . 'forums' => array(
+ 'display_subforum_list',
+ ),
+ $this->table_prefix . 'sessions' => array(
+ 'session_forum_id',
+ ),
+ ),
+ 'add_index' => array(
+ $this->table_prefix . 'groups' => array(
+ 'group_legend' => array('group_legend'),
+ ),
+ ),
+ 'drop_keys' => array(
+ $this->table_prefix . 'sessions' => array(
+ 'session_forum_id',
+ ),
+ $this->table_prefix . 'groups' => array(
+ 'group_legend_name',
+ ),
+ ),
+ );
+ }
+ public function update_data()
+ {
+ return array(
+ array('custom', array(array(&$this, 'fix_unset_last_view_time'))),
+ array('custom', array(array(&$this, 'reset_smiley_size'))),
+ array('config.update', array('version', '3.0.1-RC1')),
+ );
+ }
+ public function fix_unset_last_view_time()
+ {
+ $sql = 'UPDATE ' . $this->table_prefix . "topics
+ SET topic_last_view_time = topic_last_post_time
+ WHERE topic_last_view_time = 0";
+ $this->sql_query($sql);
+ }
+ public function reset_smiley_size()
+ {
+ // Update smiley sizes
+ $smileys = array('icon_e_surprised.gif', 'icon_eek.gif', 'icon_cool.gif', 'icon_lol.gif', 'icon_mad.gif', 'icon_razz.gif', 'icon_redface.gif', 'icon_cry.gif', 'icon_evil.gif', 'icon_twisted.gif', 'icon_rolleyes.gif', 'icon_exclaim.gif', 'icon_question.gif', 'icon_idea.gif', 'icon_arrow.gif', 'icon_neutral.gif', 'icon_mrgreen.gif', 'icon_e_ugeek.gif');
+ foreach ($smileys as $smiley)
+ {
+ if (file_exists($this->phpbb_root_path . 'images/smilies/' . $smiley))
+ {
+ list($width, $height) = getimagesize($this->phpbb_root_path . 'images/smilies/' . $smiley);
+ $sql = 'UPDATE ' . SMILIES_TABLE . '
+ SET smiley_width = ' . $width . ', smiley_height = ' . $height . "
+ WHERE smiley_url = '" . $this->db->sql_escape($smiley) . "'";
+ $this->sql_query($sql);
+ }
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/phpBB/phpbb/db/migration/data/v30x/release_3_0_2.php b/phpBB/phpbb/db/migration/data/v30x/release_3_0_2.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7e2a08590e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/phpBB/phpbb/db/migration/data/v30x/release_3_0_2.php
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+* @package migration
+* @copyright (c) 2012 phpBB Group
+* @license http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php GNU Public License v2
+namespace phpbb\db\migration\data\v30x;
+class release_3_0_2 extends \phpbb\db\migration\migration
+ public function effectively_installed()
+ {
+ return phpbb_version_compare($this->config['version'], '3.0.2', '>=');
+ }
+ static public function depends_on()
+ {
+ return array('\phpbb\db\migration\data\v30x\release_3_0_2_rc2');
+ }
+ public function update_data()
+ {
+ return array(
+ array('config.update', array('version', '3.0.2')),
+ );
+ }
diff --git a/phpBB/phpbb/db/migration/data/v30x/release_3_0_2_rc1.php b/phpBB/phpbb/db/migration/data/v30x/release_3_0_2_rc1.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7a856383e2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/phpBB/phpbb/db/migration/data/v30x/release_3_0_2_rc1.php
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+* @package migration
+* @copyright (c) 2012 phpBB Group
+* @license http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php GNU Public License v2
+namespace phpbb\db\migration\data\v30x;
+class release_3_0_2_rc1 extends \phpbb\db\migration\migration
+ public function effectively_installed()
+ {
+ return phpbb_version_compare($this->config['version'], '3.0.2-RC1', '>=');
+ }
+ static public function depends_on()
+ {
+ return array('\phpbb\db\migration\data\v30x\release_3_0_1');
+ }
+ public function update_data()
+ {
+ return array(
+ array('config.add', array('referer_validation', '1')),
+ array('config.add', array('check_attachment_content', '1')),
+ array('config.add', array('mime_triggers', 'body|head|html|img|plaintext|a href|pre|script|table|title')),
+ array('config.update', array('version', '3.0.2-RC1')),
+ );
+ }
diff --git a/phpBB/phpbb/db/migration/data/v30x/release_3_0_2_rc2.php b/phpBB/phpbb/db/migration/data/v30x/release_3_0_2_rc2.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..61562575eb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/phpBB/phpbb/db/migration/data/v30x/release_3_0_2_rc2.php
@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
+* @package migration
+* @copyright (c) 2012 phpBB Group
+* @license http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php GNU Public License v2
+namespace phpbb\db\migration\data\v30x;
+class release_3_0_2_rc2 extends \phpbb\db\migration\migration
+ public function effectively_installed()
+ {
+ return phpbb_version_compare($this->config['version'], '3.0.2-RC2', '>=');
+ }
+ static public function depends_on()
+ {
+ return array('\phpbb\db\migration\data\v30x\release_3_0_2_rc1');
+ }
+ public function update_schema()
+ {
+ return array(
+ 'change_columns' => array(
+ $this->table_prefix . 'drafts' => array(
+ 'draft_subject' => array('STEXT_UNI', ''),
+ ),
+ $this->table_prefix . 'forums' => array(
+ 'forum_last_post_subject' => array('STEXT_UNI', ''),
+ ),
+ $this->table_prefix . 'posts' => array(
+ 'post_subject' => array('STEXT_UNI', '', 'true_sort'),
+ ),
+ $this->table_prefix . 'privmsgs' => array(
+ 'message_subject' => array('STEXT_UNI', ''),
+ ),
+ $this->table_prefix . 'topics' => array(
+ 'topic_title' => array('STEXT_UNI', '', 'true_sort'),
+ 'topic_last_post_subject' => array('STEXT_UNI', ''),
+ ),
+ ),
+ 'drop_keys' => array(
+ $this->table_prefix . 'sessions' => array(
+ 'session_forum_id',
+ ),
+ ),
+ 'add_index' => array(
+ $this->table_prefix . 'sessions' => array(
+ 'session_fid' => array('session_forum_id'),
+ ),
+ ),
+ );
+ }
+ public function revert_schema()
+ {
+ return array(
+ 'add_index' => array(
+ $this->table_prefix . 'sessions' => array(
+ 'session_forum_id' => array(
+ 'session_forum_id',
+ ),
+ ),
+ ),
+ 'drop_keys' => array(
+ $this->table_prefix . 'sessions' => array(
+ 'session_fid',
+ ),
+ ),
+ );
+ }
+ public function update_data()
+ {
+ return array(
+ array('config.update', array('version', '3.0.2-RC2')),
+ );
+ }
diff --git a/phpBB/phpbb/db/migration/data/v30x/release_3_0_3.php b/phpBB/phpbb/db/migration/data/v30x/release_3_0_3.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b2adbeaa43
--- /dev/null
+++ b/phpBB/phpbb/db/migration/data/v30x/release_3_0_3.php
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+* @package migration
+* @copyright (c) 2012 phpBB Group
+* @license http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php GNU Public License v2
+namespace phpbb\db\migration\data\v30x;
+class release_3_0_3 extends \phpbb\db\migration\migration
+ public function effectively_installed()
+ {
+ return phpbb_version_compare($this->config['version'], '3.0.3', '>=');
+ }
+ static public function depends_on()
+ {
+ return array('\phpbb\db\migration\data\v30x\release_3_0_3_rc1');
+ }
+ public function update_data()
+ {
+ return array(
+ array('config.update', array('version', '3.0.3')),
+ );
+ }
diff --git a/phpBB/phpbb/db/migration/data/v30x/release_3_0_3_rc1.php b/phpBB/phpbb/db/migration/data/v30x/release_3_0_3_rc1.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..57bd59bba3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/phpBB/phpbb/db/migration/data/v30x/release_3_0_3_rc1.php
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+* @package migration
+* @copyright (c) 2012 phpBB Group
+* @license http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php GNU Public License v2
+namespace phpbb\db\migration\data\v30x;
+class release_3_0_3_rc1 extends \phpbb\db\migration\migration
+ public function effectively_installed()
+ {
+ return phpbb_version_compare($this->config['version'], '3.0.3-RC1', '>=');
+ }
+ static public function depends_on()
+ {
+ return array('\phpbb\db\migration\data\v30x\release_3_0_2');
+ }
+ public function update_schema()
+ {
+ return array(
+ 'add_columns' => array(
+ $this->table_prefix . 'styles_template' => array(
+ 'template_inherits_id' => array('UINT:4', 0),
+ 'template_inherit_path' => array('VCHAR', ''),
+ ),
+ $this->table_prefix . 'groups' => array(
+ 'group_max_recipients' => array('UINT', 0),
+ ),
+ ),
+ );
+ }
+ public function revert_schema()
+ {
+ return array(
+ 'drop_columns' => array(
+ $this->table_prefix . 'styles_template' => array(
+ 'template_inherits_id',
+ 'template_inherit_path',
+ ),
+ $this->table_prefix . 'groups' => array(
+ 'group_max_recipients',
+ ),
+ ),
+ );
+ }
+ public function update_data()
+ {
+ return array(
+ array('config.add', array('enable_queue_trigger', '0')),
+ array('config.add', array('queue_trigger_posts', '3')),
+ array('config.add', array('pm_max_recipients', '0')),
+ array('custom', array(array(&$this, 'set_group_default_max_recipients'))),
+ array('config.add', array('dbms_version', $this->db->sql_server_info(true))),
+ array('permission.add', array('u_masspm_group', true, 'u_masspm')),
+ array('custom', array(array(&$this, 'correct_acp_email_permissions'))),
+ array('config.update', array('version', '3.0.3-RC1')),
+ );
+ }
+ public function correct_acp_email_permissions()
+ {
+ $sql = 'UPDATE ' . $this->table_prefix . 'modules
+ SET module_auth = \'acl_a_email && cfg_email_enable\'
+ WHERE module_class = \'acp\'
+ AND module_basename = \'email\'';
+ $this->sql_query($sql);
+ }
+ public function set_group_default_max_recipients()
+ {
+ // Set maximum number of recipients for the registered users, bots, guests group
+ $sql = 'UPDATE ' . GROUPS_TABLE . ' SET group_max_recipients = 5
+ WHERE ' . $this->db->sql_in_set('group_name', array('GUESTS', 'REGISTERED', 'REGISTERED_COPPA', 'BOTS'));
+ $this->sql_query($sql);
+ }
diff --git a/phpBB/phpbb/db/migration/data/v30x/release_3_0_4.php b/phpBB/phpbb/db/migration/data/v30x/release_3_0_4.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5d6140393b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/phpBB/phpbb/db/migration/data/v30x/release_3_0_4.php
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+* @package migration
+* @copyright (c) 2012 phpBB Group
+* @license http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php GNU Public License v2
+namespace phpbb\db\migration\data\v30x;
+class release_3_0_4 extends \phpbb\db\migration\migration
+ public function effectively_installed()
+ {
+ return phpbb_version_compare($this->config['version'], '3.0.4', '>=');
+ }
+ static public function depends_on()
+ {
+ return array('\phpbb\db\migration\data\v30x\release_3_0_4_rc1');
+ }
+ public function update_data()
+ {
+ return array(
+ array('custom', array(array(&$this, 'rename_log_delete_topic'))),
+ array('config.update', array('version', '3.0.4')),
+ );
+ }
+ public function rename_log_delete_topic()
+ {
+ if ($this->db->sql_layer == 'oracle')
+ {
+ // log_operation is CLOB - but we can change this later
+ $sql = 'UPDATE ' . $this->table_prefix . "log
+ SET log_operation = 'LOG_DELETE_TOPIC'
+ WHERE log_operation LIKE 'LOG_TOPIC_DELETED'";
+ $this->sql_query($sql);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $sql = 'UPDATE ' . $this->table_prefix . "log
+ SET log_operation = 'LOG_DELETE_TOPIC'
+ WHERE log_operation = 'LOG_TOPIC_DELETED'";
+ $this->sql_query($sql);
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/phpBB/phpbb/db/migration/data/v30x/release_3_0_4_rc1.php b/phpBB/phpbb/db/migration/data/v30x/release_3_0_4_rc1.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a8af4dd76c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/phpBB/phpbb/db/migration/data/v30x/release_3_0_4_rc1.php
@@ -0,0 +1,125 @@
+* @package migration
+* @copyright (c) 2012 phpBB Group
+* @license http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php GNU Public License v2
+namespace phpbb\db\migration\data\v30x;
+class release_3_0_4_rc1 extends \phpbb\db\migration\migration
+ public function effectively_installed()
+ {
+ return phpbb_version_compare($this->config['version'], '3.0.4-RC1', '>=');
+ }
+ static public function depends_on()
+ {
+ return array('\phpbb\db\migration\data\v30x\release_3_0_3');
+ }
+ public function update_schema()
+ {
+ return array(
+ 'add_columns' => array(
+ $this->table_prefix . 'profile_fields' => array(
+ 'field_show_profile' => array('BOOL', 0),
+ ),
+ ),
+ 'change_columns' => array(
+ $this->table_prefix . 'styles' => array(
+ 'style_id' => array('UINT', NULL, 'auto_increment'),
+ 'template_id' => array('UINT', 0),
+ 'theme_id' => array('UINT', 0),
+ 'imageset_id' => array('UINT', 0),
+ ),
+ $this->table_prefix . 'styles_imageset' => array(
+ 'imageset_id' => array('UINT', NULL, 'auto_increment'),
+ ),
+ $this->table_prefix . 'styles_imageset_data' => array(
+ 'image_id' => array('UINT', NULL, 'auto_increment'),
+ 'imageset_id' => array('UINT', 0),
+ ),
+ $this->table_prefix . 'styles_theme' => array(
+ 'theme_id' => array('UINT', NULL, 'auto_increment'),
+ ),
+ $this->table_prefix . 'styles_template' => array(
+ 'template_id' => array('UINT', NULL, 'auto_increment'),
+ ),
+ $this->table_prefix . 'styles_template_data' => array(
+ 'template_id' => array('UINT', 0),
+ ),
+ $this->table_prefix . 'forums' => array(
+ 'forum_style' => array('UINT', 0),
+ ),
+ $this->table_prefix . 'users' => array(
+ 'user_style' => array('UINT', 0),
+ ),
+ ),
+ );
+ }
+ public function revert_schema()
+ {
+ return array(
+ 'drop_columns' => array(
+ $this->table_prefix . 'profile_fields' => array(
+ 'field_show_profile',
+ ),
+ ),
+ );
+ }
+ public function update_data()
+ {
+ return array(
+ array('custom', array(array(&$this, 'update_custom_profile_fields'))),
+ array('config.update', array('version', '3.0.4-RC1')),
+ );
+ }
+ public function update_custom_profile_fields()
+ {
+ // Update the Custom Profile Fields based on previous settings to the new \format
+ $sql = 'SELECT field_id, field_required, field_show_on_reg, field_hide
+ $result = $this->db->sql_query($sql);
+ while ($row = $this->db->sql_fetchrow($result))
+ {
+ $sql_ary = array(
+ 'field_required' => 0,
+ 'field_show_on_reg' => 0,
+ 'field_hide' => 0,
+ 'field_show_profile'=> 0,
+ );
+ if ($row['field_required'])
+ {
+ $sql_ary['field_required'] = $sql_ary['field_show_on_reg'] = $sql_ary['field_show_profile'] = 1;
+ }
+ else if ($row['field_show_on_reg'])
+ {
+ $sql_ary['field_show_on_reg'] = $sql_ary['field_show_profile'] = 1;
+ }
+ else if ($row['field_hide'])
+ {
+ // Only administrators and moderators can see this CPF, if the view is enabled, they can see it, otherwise just admins in the acp_users module
+ $sql_ary['field_hide'] = 1;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // equivelant to "none", which is the "Display in user control panel" option
+ $sql_ary['field_show_profile'] = 1;
+ }
+ $this->sql_query('UPDATE ' . $this->table_prefix . 'profile_fields SET ' . $this->db->sql_build_array('UPDATE', $sql_ary) . ' WHERE field_id = ' . $row['field_id'], $errored, $error_ary);
+ }
+ $this->db->sql_freeresult($result);
+ }
diff --git a/phpBB/phpbb/db/migration/data/v30x/release_3_0_5.php b/phpBB/phpbb/db/migration/data/v30x/release_3_0_5.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7bbe7ffed9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/phpBB/phpbb/db/migration/data/v30x/release_3_0_5.php
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+* @package migration
+* @copyright (c) 2012 phpBB Group
+* @license http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php GNU Public License v2
+namespace phpbb\db\migration\data\v30x;
+class release_3_0_5 extends \phpbb\db\migration\migration
+ public function effectively_installed()
+ {
+ return phpbb_version_compare($this->config['version'], '3.0.5', '>=');
+ }
+ static public function depends_on()
+ {
+ return array('\phpbb\db\migration\data\v30x\release_3_0_5_rc1part2');
+ }
+ public function update_data()
+ {
+ return array(
+ array('config.update', array('version', '3.0.5')),
+ );
+ }
diff --git a/phpBB/phpbb/db/migration/data/v30x/release_3_0_5_rc1.php b/phpBB/phpbb/db/migration/data/v30x/release_3_0_5_rc1.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ffe2c6a44d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/phpBB/phpbb/db/migration/data/v30x/release_3_0_5_rc1.php
@@ -0,0 +1,126 @@
+* @package migration
+* @copyright (c) 2012 phpBB Group
+* @license http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php GNU Public License v2
+namespace phpbb\db\migration\data\v30x;
+class release_3_0_5_rc1 extends \phpbb\db\migration\migration
+ public function effectively_installed()
+ {
+ return phpbb_version_compare($this->config['version'], '3.0.5-RC1', '>=');
+ }
+ static public function depends_on()
+ {
+ return array('\phpbb\db\migration\data\v30x\release_3_0_4');
+ }
+ public function update_schema()
+ {
+ return array(
+ 'change_columns' => array(
+ $this->table_prefix . 'forums' => array(
+ 'forum_style' => array('UINT', 0),
+ ),
+ ),
+ );
+ }
+ public function update_data()
+ {
+ $search_indexing_state = $this->config['search_indexing_state'];
+ return array(
+ array('config.add', array('captcha_gd_wave', 0)),
+ array('config.add', array('captcha_gd_3d_noise', 1)),
+ array('config.add', array('captcha_gd_fonts', 1)),
+ array('config.add', array('confirm_refresh', 1)),
+ array('config.add', array('max_num_search_keywords', 10)),
+ array('config.remove', array('search_indexing_state')),
+ array('config.add', array('search_indexing_state', $search_indexing_state, true)),
+ array('custom', array(array(&$this, 'hash_old_passwords'))),
+ array('custom', array(array(&$this, 'update_ichiro_bot'))),
+ );
+ }
+ public function hash_old_passwords()
+ {
+ $sql = 'SELECT user_id, user_password
+ FROM ' . $this->table_prefix . 'users
+ WHERE user_pass_convert = 1';
+ $result = $this->db->sql_query($sql);
+ while ($row = $this->db->sql_fetchrow($result))
+ {
+ if (strlen($row['user_password']) == 32)
+ {
+ $sql_ary = array(
+ 'user_password' => phpbb_hash($row['user_password']),
+ );
+ $this->sql_query('UPDATE ' . $this->table_prefix . 'users SET ' . $this->db->sql_build_array('UPDATE', $sql_ary) . ' WHERE user_id = ' . $row['user_id']);
+ }
+ }
+ $this->db->sql_freeresult($result);
+ }
+ public function update_ichiro_bot()
+ {
+ // Adjust bot entry
+ $sql = 'UPDATE ' . $this->table_prefix . "bots
+ SET bot_agent = 'ichiro/'
+ WHERE bot_agent = 'ichiro/2'";
+ $this->sql_query($sql);
+ }
+ public function remove_duplicate_auth_options()
+ {
+ // Before we are able to add a unique key to auth_option, we need to remove duplicate entries
+ $sql = 'SELECT auth_option
+ FROM ' . $this->table_prefix . 'acl_options
+ GROUP BY auth_option
+ HAVING COUNT(*) >= 2';
+ $result = $this->db->sql_query($sql);
+ $auth_options = array();
+ while ($row = $this->db->sql_fetchrow($result))
+ {
+ $auth_options[] = $row['auth_option'];
+ }
+ $this->db->sql_freeresult($result);
+ // Remove specific auth options
+ if (!empty($auth_options))
+ {
+ foreach ($auth_options as $option)
+ {
+ // Select auth_option_ids... the largest id will be preserved
+ $sql = 'SELECT auth_option_id
+ WHERE auth_option = '" . $db->sql_escape($option) . "'
+ ORDER BY auth_option_id DESC";
+ // sql_query_limit not possible here, due to bug in postgresql layer
+ $result = $this->db->sql_query($sql);
+ // Skip first row, this is our original auth option we want to preserve
+ $row = $this->db->sql_fetchrow($result);
+ while ($row = $this->db->sql_fetchrow($result))
+ {
+ // Ok, remove this auth option...
+ $this->sql_query('DELETE FROM ' . ACL_OPTIONS_TABLE . ' WHERE auth_option_id = ' . $row['auth_option_id']);
+ $this->sql_query('DELETE FROM ' . ACL_ROLES_DATA_TABLE . ' WHERE auth_option_id = ' . $row['auth_option_id']);
+ $this->sql_query('DELETE FROM ' . ACL_GROUPS_TABLE . ' WHERE auth_option_id = ' . $row['auth_option_id']);
+ $this->sql_query('DELETE FROM ' . ACL_USERS_TABLE . ' WHERE auth_option_id = ' . $row['auth_option_id']);
+ }
+ $this->db->sql_freeresult($result);
+ }
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/phpBB/phpbb/db/migration/data/v30x/release_3_0_5_rc1part2.php b/phpBB/phpbb/db/migration/data/v30x/release_3_0_5_rc1part2.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..04b14b5189
--- /dev/null
+++ b/phpBB/phpbb/db/migration/data/v30x/release_3_0_5_rc1part2.php
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+* @package migration
+* @copyright (c) 2012 phpBB Group
+* @license http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php GNU Public License v2
+namespace phpbb\db\migration\data\v30x;
+class release_3_0_5_rc1part2 extends \phpbb\db\migration\migration
+ public function effectively_installed()
+ {
+ return phpbb_version_compare($this->config['version'], '3.0.5-RC1', '>=');
+ }
+ static public function depends_on()
+ {
+ return array('\phpbb\db\migration\data\v30x\release_3_0_5_rc1');
+ }
+ public function update_schema()
+ {
+ return array(
+ 'drop_keys' => array(
+ $this->table_prefix . 'acl_options' => array('auth_option'),
+ ),
+ 'add_unique_index' => array(
+ $this->table_prefix . 'acl_options' => array(
+ 'auth_option' => array('auth_option'),
+ ),
+ ),
+ );
+ }
+ public function update_data()
+ {
+ return array(
+ array('config.update', array('version', '3.0.5-RC1')),
+ );
+ }
diff --git a/phpBB/phpbb/db/migration/data/v30x/release_3_0_6.php b/phpBB/phpbb/db/migration/data/v30x/release_3_0_6.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..85ea2e9d20
--- /dev/null
+++ b/phpBB/phpbb/db/migration/data/v30x/release_3_0_6.php
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+* @package migration
+* @copyright (c) 2012 phpBB Group
+* @license http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php GNU Public License v2
+namespace phpbb\db\migration\data\v30x;
+class release_3_0_6 extends \phpbb\db\migration\migration
+ public function effectively_installed()
+ {
+ return phpbb_version_compare($this->config['version'], '3.0.6', '>=');
+ }
+ static public function depends_on()
+ {
+ return array('\phpbb\db\migration\data\v30x\release_3_0_6_rc4');
+ }
+ public function update_data()
+ {
+ return array(
+ array('config.update', array('version', '3.0.6')),
+ );
+ }
diff --git a/phpBB/phpbb/db/migration/data/v30x/release_3_0_6_rc1.php b/phpBB/phpbb/db/migration/data/v30x/release_3_0_6_rc1.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..87d5e490f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/phpBB/phpbb/db/migration/data/v30x/release_3_0_6_rc1.php
@@ -0,0 +1,326 @@
+* @package migration
+* @copyright (c) 2012 phpBB Group
+* @license http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php GNU Public License v2
+namespace phpbb\db\migration\data\v30x;
+class release_3_0_6_rc1 extends \phpbb\db\migration\migration
+ public function effectively_installed()
+ {
+ return phpbb_version_compare($this->config['version'], '3.0.6-RC1', '>=');
+ }
+ static public function depends_on()
+ {
+ return array('\phpbb\db\migration\data\v30x\release_3_0_5');
+ }
+ public function update_schema()
+ {
+ return array(
+ 'add_columns' => array(
+ $this->table_prefix . 'confirm' => array(
+ 'attempts' => array('UINT', 0),
+ ),
+ $this->table_prefix . 'users' => array(
+ 'user_new' => array('BOOL', 1),
+ 'user_reminded' => array('TINT:4', 0),
+ 'user_reminded_time' => array('TIMESTAMP', 0),
+ ),
+ $this->table_prefix . 'groups' => array(
+ 'group_skip_auth' => array('BOOL', 0, 'after' => 'group_founder_manage'),
+ ),
+ $this->table_prefix . 'privmsgs' => array(
+ 'message_reported' => array('BOOL', 0),
+ ),
+ $this->table_prefix . 'reports' => array(
+ 'pm_id' => array('UINT', 0),
+ ),
+ $this->table_prefix . 'profile_fields' => array(
+ 'field_show_on_vt' => array('BOOL', 0),
+ ),
+ $this->table_prefix . 'forums' => array(
+ 'forum_options' => array('UINT:20', 0),
+ ),
+ ),
+ 'change_columns' => array(
+ $this->table_prefix . 'users' => array(
+ 'user_options' => array('UINT:11', 230271),
+ ),
+ ),
+ 'add_index' => array(
+ $this->table_prefix . 'reports' => array(
+ 'post_id' => array('post_id'),
+ 'pm_id' => array('pm_id'),
+ ),
+ $this->table_prefix . 'posts' => array(
+ 'post_username' => array('post_username:255'),
+ ),
+ ),
+ );
+ }
+ public function revert_schema()
+ {
+ return array(
+ 'drop_columns' => array(
+ $this->table_prefix . 'confirm' => array(
+ 'attempts',
+ ),
+ $this->table_prefix . 'users' => array(
+ 'user_new',
+ 'user_reminded',
+ 'user_reminded_time',
+ ),
+ $this->table_prefix . 'groups' => array(
+ 'group_skip_auth',
+ ),
+ $this->table_prefix . 'privmsgs' => array(
+ 'message_reported',
+ ),
+ $this->table_prefix . 'reports' => array(
+ 'pm_id',
+ ),
+ $this->table_prefix . 'profile_fields' => array(
+ 'field_show_on_vt',
+ ),
+ $this->table_prefix . 'forums' => array(
+ 'forum_options',
+ ),
+ ),
+ 'drop_keys' => array(
+ $this->table_prefix . 'reports' => array(
+ 'post_id',
+ 'pm_id',
+ ),
+ $this->table_prefix . 'posts' => array(
+ 'post_username',
+ ),
+ ),
+ );
+ }
+ public function update_data()
+ {
+ return array(
+ array('config.add', array('captcha_plugin', 'phpbb_captcha_nogd')),
+ array('if', array(
+ ($this->config['captcha_gd']),
+ array('config.update', array('captcha_plugin', 'phpbb_captcha_gd')),
+ )),
+ array('config.add', array('feed_enable', 0)),
+ array('config.add', array('feed_limit', 10)),
+ array('config.add', array('feed_overall_forums', 1)),
+ array('config.add', array('feed_overall_forums_limit', 15)),
+ array('config.add', array('feed_overall_topics', 0)),
+ array('config.add', array('feed_overall_topics_limit', 15)),
+ array('config.add', array('feed_forum', 1)),
+ array('config.add', array('feed_topic', 1)),
+ array('config.add', array('feed_item_statistics', 1)),
+ array('config.add', array('smilies_per_page', 50)),
+ array('config.add', array('allow_pm_report', 1)),
+ array('config.add', array('min_post_chars', 1)),
+ array('config.add', array('allow_quick_reply', 1)),
+ array('config.add', array('new_member_post_limit', 0)),
+ array('config.add', array('new_member_group_default', 0)),
+ array('config.add', array('delete_time', $this->config['edit_time'])),
+ array('config.add', array('allow_avatar', 0)),
+ array('if', array(
+ ($this->config['allow_avatar_upload'] || $this->config['allow_avatar_local'] || $this->config['allow_avatar_remote']),
+ array('config.update', array('allow_avatar', 1)),
+ )),
+ array('config.add', array('allow_avatar_remote_upload', 0)),
+ array('if', array(
+ ($this->config['allow_avatar_remote'] && $this->config['allow_avatar_upload']),
+ array('config.update', array('allow_avatar_remote_upload', 1)),
+ )),
+ array('module.add', array(
+ 'acp',
+ array(
+ 'module_basename' => 'acp_board',
+ 'modes' => array('feed'),
+ ),
+ )),
+ array('module.add', array(
+ 'acp',
+ array(
+ 'module_basename' => 'acp_users',
+ 'modes' => array('warnings'),
+ ),
+ )),
+ array('module.add', array(
+ 'acp',
+ array(
+ 'module_basename' => 'acp_send_statistics',
+ 'modes' => array('send_statistics'),
+ ),
+ )),
+ array('module.add', array(
+ 'acp',
+ array(
+ 'module_basename' => 'acp_permissions',
+ 'modes' => array('setting_forum_copy'),
+ ),
+ )),
+ array('module.add', array(
+ 'mcp',
+ array(
+ 'module_basename' => 'mcp_pm_reports',
+ 'modes' => array('pm_reports','pm_reports_closed','pm_report_details'),
+ ),
+ )),
+ array('custom', array(array(&$this, 'add_newly_registered_group'))),
+ array('custom', array(array(&$this, 'set_user_options_default'))),
+ array('config.update', array('version', '3.0.6-RC1')),
+ );
+ }
+ public function set_user_options_default()
+ {
+ // 229376 is the added value to enable all three signature options
+ $sql = 'UPDATE ' . USERS_TABLE . ' SET user_options = user_options + 229376';
+ $this->sql_query($sql);
+ }
+ public function add_newly_registered_group()
+ {
+ // Add newly_registered group... but check if it already exists (we always supported running the updater on any schema)
+ $sql = 'SELECT group_id
+ WHERE group_name = 'NEWLY_REGISTERED'";
+ $result = $this->db->sql_query($sql);
+ $group_id = (int) $this->db->sql_fetchfield('group_id');
+ $this->db->sql_freeresult($result);
+ if (!$group_id)
+ {
+ $sql = 'INSERT INTO ' . GROUPS_TABLE . " (group_name, group_type, group_founder_manage, group_colour, group_legend, group_avatar, group_desc, group_desc_uid, group_max_recipients) VALUES ('NEWLY_REGISTERED', 3, 0, '', 0, '', '', '', 5)";
+ $this->sql_query($sql);
+ $group_id = $this->db->sql_nextid();
+ }
+ // Insert new user role... at the end of the chain
+ $sql = 'SELECT role_id
+ AND role_type = 'u_'";
+ $result = $this->db->sql_query($sql);
+ $u_role = (int) $this->db->sql_fetchfield('role_id');
+ $this->db->sql_freeresult($result);
+ if (!$u_role)
+ {
+ $sql = 'SELECT MAX(role_order) as max_order_id
+ WHERE role_type = 'u_'";
+ $result = $this->db->sql_query($sql);
+ $next_order_id = (int) $this->db->sql_fetchfield('max_order_id');
+ $this->db->sql_freeresult($result);
+ $next_order_id++;
+ $sql = 'INSERT INTO ' . ACL_ROLES_TABLE . " (role_name, role_description, role_type, role_order) VALUES ('ROLE_USER_NEW_MEMBER', 'ROLE_DESCRIPTION_USER_NEW_MEMBER', 'u_', $next_order_id)";
+ $this->sql_query($sql);
+ $u_role = $this->db->sql_nextid();
+ // Now add the correct data to the roles...
+ // The standard role says that new users are not able to send a PM, Mass PM, are not able to PM groups
+ $sql = 'INSERT INTO ' . ACL_ROLES_DATA_TABLE . " (role_id, auth_option_id, auth_setting) SELECT $u_role, auth_option_id, 0 FROM " . ACL_OPTIONS_TABLE . " WHERE auth_option LIKE 'u_%' AND auth_option IN ('u_sendpm', 'u_masspm', 'u_masspm_group')";
+ $this->sql_query($sql);
+ // Add user role to group
+ $sql = 'INSERT INTO ' . ACL_GROUPS_TABLE . " (group_id, forum_id, auth_option_id, auth_role_id, auth_setting) VALUES ($group_id, 0, 0, $u_role, 0)";
+ $this->sql_query($sql);
+ }
+ // Insert new forum role
+ $sql = 'SELECT role_id
+ AND role_type = 'f_'";
+ $result = $this->db->sql_query($sql);
+ $f_role = (int) $this->db->sql_fetchfield('role_id');
+ $this->db->sql_freeresult($result);
+ if (!$f_role)
+ {
+ $sql = 'SELECT MAX(role_order) as max_order_id
+ WHERE role_type = 'f_'";
+ $result = $this->db->sql_query($sql);
+ $next_order_id = (int) $this->db->sql_fetchfield('max_order_id');
+ $this->db->sql_freeresult($result);
+ $next_order_id++;
+ $sql = 'INSERT INTO ' . ACL_ROLES_TABLE . " (role_name, role_description, role_type, role_order) VALUES ('ROLE_FORUM_NEW_MEMBER', 'ROLE_DESCRIPTION_FORUM_NEW_MEMBER', 'f_', $next_order_id)";
+ $this->sql_query($sql);
+ $f_role = $this->db->sql_nextid();
+ $sql = 'INSERT INTO ' . ACL_ROLES_DATA_TABLE . " (role_id, auth_option_id, auth_setting) SELECT $f_role, auth_option_id, 0 FROM " . ACL_OPTIONS_TABLE . " WHERE auth_option LIKE 'f_%' AND auth_option IN ('f_noapprove')";
+ $this->sql_query($sql);
+ }
+ // Set every members user_new column to 0 (old users) only if there is no one yet (this makes sure we do not execute this more than once)
+ $sql = 'SELECT 1
+ WHERE user_new = 0';
+ $result = $this->db->sql_query_limit($sql, 1);
+ $row = $this->db->sql_fetchrow($result);
+ $this->db->sql_freeresult($result);
+ if (!$row)
+ {
+ $sql = 'UPDATE ' . USERS_TABLE . ' SET user_new = 0';
+ $this->sql_query($sql);
+ }
+ // To mimick the old "feature" we will assign the forum role to every forum, regardless of the setting (this makes sure there are no "this does not work!!!! YUO!!!" posts...
+ // Check if the role is already assigned...
+ $sql = 'SELECT forum_id
+ WHERE group_id = ' . $group_id . '
+ AND auth_role_id = ' . $f_role;
+ $result = $this->db->sql_query($sql);
+ $is_options = (int) $this->db->sql_fetchfield('forum_id');
+ $this->db->sql_freeresult($result);
+ // Not assigned at all... :/
+ if (!$is_options)
+ {
+ // Get postable forums
+ $sql = 'SELECT forum_id
+ WHERE forum_type != ' . FORUM_LINK;
+ $result = $this->db->sql_query($sql);
+ while ($row = $this->db->sql_fetchrow($result))
+ {
+ $this->sql_query('INSERT INTO ' . ACL_GROUPS_TABLE . ' (group_id, forum_id, auth_option_id, auth_role_id, auth_setting) VALUES (' . $group_id . ', ' . (int) $row['forum_id'] . ', 0, ' . $f_role . ', 0)');
+ }
+ $this->db->sql_freeresult($result);
+ }
+ // Clear permissions...
+ include_once($this->phpbb_root_path . 'includes/acp/auth.' . $this->php_ext);
+ $auth_admin = new \auth_admin();
+ $auth_admin->acl_clear_prefetch();
+ }
diff --git a/phpBB/phpbb/db/migration/data/v30x/release_3_0_6_rc2.php b/phpBB/phpbb/db/migration/data/v30x/release_3_0_6_rc2.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7a0ef28601
--- /dev/null
+++ b/phpBB/phpbb/db/migration/data/v30x/release_3_0_6_rc2.php
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+* @package migration
+* @copyright (c) 2012 phpBB Group
+* @license http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php GNU Public License v2
+namespace phpbb\db\migration\data\v30x;
+class release_3_0_6_rc2 extends \phpbb\db\migration\migration
+ public function effectively_installed()
+ {
+ return phpbb_version_compare($this->config['version'], '3.0.6-RC2', '>=');
+ }
+ static public function depends_on()
+ {
+ return array('\phpbb\db\migration\data\v30x\release_3_0_6_rc1');
+ }
+ public function update_data()
+ {
+ return array(
+ array('config.update', array('version', '3.0.6-RC2')),
+ );
+ }
diff --git a/phpBB/phpbb/db/migration/data/v30x/release_3_0_6_rc3.php b/phpBB/phpbb/db/migration/data/v30x/release_3_0_6_rc3.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..73a1fe9e6a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/phpBB/phpbb/db/migration/data/v30x/release_3_0_6_rc3.php
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+* @package migration
+* @copyright (c) 2012 phpBB Group
+* @license http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php GNU Public License v2
+namespace phpbb\db\migration\data\v30x;
+class release_3_0_6_rc3 extends \phpbb\db\migration\migration
+ public function effectively_installed()
+ {
+ return phpbb_version_compare($this->config['version'], '3.0.6-RC3', '>=');
+ }
+ static public function depends_on()
+ {
+ return array('\phpbb\db\migration\data\v30x\release_3_0_6_rc2');
+ }
+ public function update_data()
+ {
+ return array(
+ array('custom', array(array(&$this, 'update_cp_fields'))),
+ array('config.update', array('version', '3.0.6-RC3')),
+ );
+ }
+ public function update_cp_fields()
+ {
+ // Update the Custom Profile Fields based on previous settings to the new \format
+ SET field_show_on_vt = 1
+ WHERE field_hide = 0
+ AND (field_required = 1 OR field_show_on_reg = 1 OR field_show_profile = 1)';
+ $this->sql_query($sql);
+ }
diff --git a/phpBB/phpbb/db/migration/data/v30x/release_3_0_6_rc4.php b/phpBB/phpbb/db/migration/data/v30x/release_3_0_6_rc4.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b6e5be2c2f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/phpBB/phpbb/db/migration/data/v30x/release_3_0_6_rc4.php
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+* @package migration
+* @copyright (c) 2012 phpBB Group
+* @license http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php GNU Public License v2
+namespace phpbb\db\migration\data\v30x;
+class release_3_0_6_rc4 extends \phpbb\db\migration\migration
+ public function effectively_installed()
+ {
+ return phpbb_version_compare($this->config['version'], '3.0.6-RC4', '>=');
+ }
+ static public function depends_on()
+ {
+ return array('\phpbb\db\migration\data\v30x\release_3_0_6_rc3');
+ }
+ public function update_data()
+ {
+ return array(
+ array('config.update', array('version', '3.0.6-RC4')),
+ );
+ }
diff --git a/phpBB/phpbb/db/migration/data/v30x/release_3_0_7.php b/phpBB/phpbb/db/migration/data/v30x/release_3_0_7.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2b0da30bc6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/phpBB/phpbb/db/migration/data/v30x/release_3_0_7.php
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+* @package migration
+* @copyright (c) 2012 phpBB Group
+* @license http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php GNU Public License v2
+namespace phpbb\db\migration\data\v30x;
+class release_3_0_7 extends \phpbb\db\migration\migration
+ public function effectively_installed()
+ {
+ return phpbb_version_compare($this->config['version'], '3.0.7', '>=');
+ }
+ static public function depends_on()
+ {
+ return array('\phpbb\db\migration\data\v30x\release_3_0_7_rc2');
+ }
+ public function update_data()
+ {
+ return array(
+ array('config.update', array('version', '3.0.7')),
+ );
+ }
diff --git a/phpBB/phpbb/db/migration/data/v30x/release_3_0_7_pl1.php b/phpBB/phpbb/db/migration/data/v30x/release_3_0_7_pl1.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3547ee77e1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/phpBB/phpbb/db/migration/data/v30x/release_3_0_7_pl1.php
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+* @package migration
+* @copyright (c) 2012 phpBB Group
+* @license http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php GNU Public License v2
+namespace phpbb\db\migration\data\v30x;
+class release_3_0_7_pl1 extends \phpbb\db\migration\migration
+ public function effectively_installed()
+ {
+ return phpbb_version_compare($this->config['version'], '3.0.7-pl1', '>=');
+ }
+ static public function depends_on()
+ {
+ return array('\phpbb\db\migration\data\v30x\release_3_0_7');
+ }
+ public function update_data()
+ {
+ return array(
+ array('config.update', array('version', '3.0.7-pl1')),
+ );
+ }
diff --git a/phpBB/phpbb/db/migration/data/v30x/release_3_0_7_rc1.php b/phpBB/phpbb/db/migration/data/v30x/release_3_0_7_rc1.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..de4d772808
--- /dev/null
+++ b/phpBB/phpbb/db/migration/data/v30x/release_3_0_7_rc1.php
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+* @package migration
+* @copyright (c) 2012 phpBB Group
+* @license http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php GNU Public License v2
+namespace phpbb\db\migration\data\v30x;
+class release_3_0_7_rc1 extends \phpbb\db\migration\migration
+ public function effectively_installed()
+ {
+ return phpbb_version_compare($this->config['version'], '3.0.7-RC1', '>=');
+ }
+ static public function depends_on()
+ {
+ return array('\phpbb\db\migration\data\v30x\release_3_0_6');
+ }
+ public function update_schema()
+ {
+ return array(
+ 'drop_keys' => array(
+ $this->table_prefix . 'log' => array(
+ 'log_time',
+ ),
+ ),
+ 'add_index' => array(
+ $this->table_prefix . 'topics_track' => array(
+ 'topic_id' => array('topic_id'),
+ ),
+ ),
+ );
+ }
+ public function revert_schema()
+ {
+ return array(
+ 'add_index' => array(
+ $this->table_prefix . 'log' => array(
+ 'log_time' => array('log_time'),
+ ),
+ ),
+ 'drop_keys' => array(
+ $this->table_prefix . 'topics_track' => array(
+ 'topic_id',
+ ),
+ ),
+ );
+ }
+ public function update_data()
+ {
+ return array(
+ array('config.add', array('feed_overall', 1)),
+ array('config.add', array('feed_http_auth', 0)),
+ array('config.add', array('feed_limit_post', $this->config['feed_limit'])),
+ array('config.add', array('feed_limit_topic', $this->config['feed_overall_topics_limit'])),
+ array('config.add', array('feed_topics_new', $this->config['feed_overall_topics'])),
+ array('config.add', array('feed_topics_active', $this->config['feed_overall_topics'])),
+ array('custom', array(array(&$this, 'delete_text_templates'))),
+ array('config.update', array('version', '3.0.7-RC1')),
+ );
+ }
+ public function delete_text_templates()
+ {
+ // Delete all text-templates from the template_data
+ WHERE template_filename ' . $this->db->sql_like_expression($this->db->any_char . '.txt');
+ $this->sql_query($sql);
+ }
diff --git a/phpBB/phpbb/db/migration/data/v30x/release_3_0_7_rc2.php b/phpBB/phpbb/db/migration/data/v30x/release_3_0_7_rc2.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..800803a753
--- /dev/null
+++ b/phpBB/phpbb/db/migration/data/v30x/release_3_0_7_rc2.php
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+* @package migration
+* @copyright (c) 2012 phpBB Group
+* @license http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php GNU Public License v2
+namespace phpbb\db\migration\data\v30x;
+class release_3_0_7_rc2 extends \phpbb\db\migration\migration
+ public function effectively_installed()
+ {
+ return phpbb_version_compare($this->config['version'], '3.0.7-RC2', '>=');
+ }
+ static public function depends_on()
+ {
+ return array('\phpbb\db\migration\data\v30x\release_3_0_7_rc1');
+ }
+ public function update_data()
+ {
+ return array(
+ array('custom', array(array(&$this, 'update_email_hash'))),
+ array('config.update', array('version', '3.0.7-RC2')),
+ );
+ }
+ public function update_email_hash($start = 0)
+ {
+ $limit = 1000;
+ $sql = 'SELECT user_id, user_email, user_email_hash
+ WHERE user_type <> ' . USER_IGNORE . "
+ AND user_email <> ''";
+ $result = $this->db->sql_query_limit($sql, $limit, $start);
+ $i = 0;
+ while ($row = $this->db->sql_fetchrow($result))
+ {
+ $i++;
+ // Snapshot of the phpbb_email_hash() function
+ // We cannot call it directly because the auto updater updates the DB first. :/
+ $user_email_hash = sprintf('%u', crc32(strtolower($row['user_email']))) . strlen($row['user_email']);
+ if ($user_email_hash != $row['user_email_hash'])
+ {
+ $sql_ary = array(
+ 'user_email_hash' => $user_email_hash,
+ );
+ $sql = 'UPDATE ' . USERS_TABLE . '
+ SET ' . $this->db->sql_build_array('UPDATE', $sql_ary) . '
+ WHERE user_id = ' . (int) $row['user_id'];
+ $this->sql_query($sql);
+ }
+ }
+ $this->db->sql_freeresult($result);
+ if ($i < $limit)
+ {
+ // Completed
+ return;
+ }
+ // Return the next start, will be sent to $start when this function is called again
+ return $start + $limit;
+ }
diff --git a/phpBB/phpbb/db/migration/data/v30x/release_3_0_8.php b/phpBB/phpbb/db/migration/data/v30x/release_3_0_8.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6c8b1df6fc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/phpBB/phpbb/db/migration/data/v30x/release_3_0_8.php
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+* @package migration
+* @copyright (c) 2012 phpBB Group
+* @license http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php GNU Public License v2
+namespace phpbb\db\migration\data\v30x;
+class release_3_0_8 extends \phpbb\db\migration\migration
+ public function effectively_installed()
+ {
+ return phpbb_version_compare($this->config['version'], '3.0.8', '>=');
+ }
+ static public function depends_on()
+ {
+ return array('\phpbb\db\migration\data\v30x\release_3_0_8_rc1');
+ }
+ public function update_data()
+ {
+ return array(
+ array('config.update', array('version', '3.0.8')),
+ );
+ }
diff --git a/phpBB/phpbb/db/migration/data/v30x/release_3_0_8_rc1.php b/phpBB/phpbb/db/migration/data/v30x/release_3_0_8_rc1.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1a14e5c961
--- /dev/null
+++ b/phpBB/phpbb/db/migration/data/v30x/release_3_0_8_rc1.php
@@ -0,0 +1,223 @@
+* @package migration
+* @copyright (c) 2012 phpBB Group
+* @license http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php GNU Public License v2
+namespace phpbb\db\migration\data\v30x;
+class release_3_0_8_rc1 extends \phpbb\db\migration\migration
+ public function effectively_installed()
+ {
+ return phpbb_version_compare($this->config['version'], '3.0.8-RC1', '>=');
+ }
+ static public function depends_on()
+ {
+ return array('\phpbb\db\migration\data\v30x\release_3_0_7_pl1');
+ }
+ public function update_data()
+ {
+ return array(
+ array('custom', array(array(&$this, 'update_file_extension_group_names'))),
+ array('custom', array(array(&$this, 'update_module_auth'))),
+ array('custom', array(array(&$this, 'update_bots'))),
+ array('custom', array(array(&$this, 'delete_orphan_shadow_topics'))),
+ array('module.add', array(
+ 'acp',
+ array(
+ 'module_basename' => 'acp_board',
+ 'modes' => array('post'),
+ ),
+ )),
+ array('config.add', array('load_unreads_search', 1)),
+ array('config.update_if_equals', array(600, 'queue_interval', 60)),
+ array('config.update_if_equals', array(50, 'email_package_size', 20)),
+ array('config.update', array('version', '3.0.8-RC1')),
+ );
+ }
+ public function update_file_extension_group_names()
+ {
+ // Update file extension group names to use language strings.
+ $sql = 'SELECT lang_dir
+ $result = $this->db->sql_query($sql);
+ $extension_groups_updated = array();
+ while ($lang_dir = $this->db->sql_fetchfield('lang_dir'))
+ {
+ $lang_dir = basename($lang_dir);
+ // The language strings we need are either in language/.../acp/attachments.php
+ // in the update package if we're updating to 3.0.8-RC1 or later,
+ // or they are in language/.../install.php when we're updating from 3.0.7-PL1 or earlier.
+ // On an already updated board, they can also already be in language/.../acp/attachments.php
+ // in the board root.
+ $lang_files = array(
+ "{$this->phpbb_root_path}install/update/new/language/$lang_dir/acp/attachments.{$this->php_ext}",
+ "{$this->phpbb_root_path}language/$lang_dir/install.{$this->php_ext}",
+ "{$this->phpbb_root_path}language/$lang_dir/acp/attachments.{$this->php_ext}",
+ );
+ foreach ($lang_files as $lang_file)
+ {
+ if (!file_exists($lang_file))
+ {
+ continue;
+ }
+ $lang = array();
+ include($lang_file);
+ foreach($lang as $lang_key => $lang_val)
+ {
+ if (isset($extension_groups_updated[$lang_key]) || strpos($lang_key, 'EXT_GROUP_') !== 0)
+ {
+ continue;
+ }
+ $sql_ary = array(
+ 'group_name' => substr($lang_key, 10), // Strip off 'EXT_GROUP_'
+ );
+ SET ' . $this->db->sql_build_array('UPDATE', $sql_ary) . "
+ WHERE group_name = '" . $this->db->sql_escape($lang_val) . "'";
+ $this->sql_query($sql);
+ $extension_groups_updated[$lang_key] = true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ $this->db->sql_freeresult($result);
+ }
+ public function update_module_auth()
+ {
+ $sql = 'UPDATE ' . MODULES_TABLE . '
+ SET module_auth = \'cfg_allow_avatar && (cfg_allow_avatar_local || cfg_allow_avatar_remote || cfg_allow_avatar_upload || cfg_allow_avatar_remote_upload)\'
+ WHERE module_class = \'ucp\'
+ AND module_basename = \'profile\'
+ AND module_mode = \'avatar\'';
+ $this->sql_query($sql);
+ }
+ public function update_bots()
+ {
+ $bot_name = 'Bing [Bot]';
+ $bot_name_clean = utf8_clean_string($bot_name);
+ $sql = 'SELECT user_id
+ WHERE username_clean = '" . $this->db->sql_escape($bot_name_clean) . "'";
+ $result = $this->db->sql_query($sql);
+ $bing_already_added = (bool) $this->db->sql_fetchfield('user_id');
+ $this->db->sql_freeresult($result);
+ if (!$bing_already_added)
+ {
+ $bot_agent = 'bingbot/';
+ $bot_ip = '';
+ $sql = 'SELECT group_id, group_colour
+ WHERE group_name = 'BOTS'";
+ $result = $this->db->sql_query($sql);
+ $group_row = $this->db->sql_fetchrow($result);
+ $this->db->sql_freeresult($result);
+ if (!$group_row)
+ {
+ // default fallback, should never get here
+ $group_row['group_id'] = 6;
+ $group_row['group_colour'] = '9E8DA7';
+ }
+ if (!function_exists('user_add'))
+ {
+ include($this->phpbb_root_path . 'includes/functions_user.' . $this->php_ext);
+ }
+ $user_row = array(
+ 'user_type' => USER_IGNORE,
+ 'group_id' => $group_row['group_id'],
+ 'username' => $bot_name,
+ 'user_regdate' => time(),
+ 'user_password' => '',
+ 'user_colour' => $group_row['group_colour'],
+ 'user_email' => '',
+ 'user_lang' => $this->config['default_lang'],
+ 'user_style' => $this->config['default_style'],
+ 'user_timezone' => 0,
+ 'user_dateformat' => $this->config['default_dateformat'],
+ 'user_allow_massemail' => 0,
+ );
+ $user_id = user_add($user_row);
+ $sql = 'INSERT INTO ' . BOTS_TABLE . ' ' . $this->db->sql_build_array('INSERT', array(
+ 'bot_active' => 1,
+ 'bot_name' => (string) $bot_name,
+ 'user_id' => (int) $user_id,
+ 'bot_agent' => (string) $bot_agent,
+ 'bot_ip' => (string) $bot_ip,
+ ));
+ $this->sql_query($sql);
+ }
+ }
+ public function delete_orphan_shadow_topics()
+ {
+ // Delete shadow topics pointing to not existing topics
+ $batch_size = 500;
+ // Set of affected forums we have to resync
+ $sync_forum_ids = array();
+ $sql_array = array(
+ 'SELECT' => 't1.topic_id, t1.forum_id',
+ 'FROM' => array(
+ TOPICS_TABLE => 't1',
+ ),
+ 'LEFT_JOIN' => array(
+ array(
+ 'FROM' => array(TOPICS_TABLE => 't2'),
+ 'ON' => 't1.topic_moved_id = t2.topic_id',
+ ),
+ ),
+ 'WHERE' => 't1.topic_moved_id <> 0
+ AND t2.topic_id IS NULL',
+ );
+ $sql = $this->db->sql_build_query('SELECT', $sql_array);
+ $result = $this->db->sql_query_limit($sql, $batch_size);
+ $topic_ids = array();
+ while ($row = $this->db->sql_fetchrow($result))
+ {
+ $topic_ids[] = (int) $row['topic_id'];
+ $sync_forum_ids[(int) $row['forum_id']] = (int) $row['forum_id'];
+ }
+ $this->db->sql_freeresult($result);
+ if (!empty($topic_ids))
+ {
+ $sql = 'DELETE FROM ' . TOPICS_TABLE . '
+ WHERE ' . $this->db->sql_in_set('topic_id', $topic_ids);
+ $this->db->sql_query($sql);
+ // Sync the forums we have deleted shadow topics from.
+ sync('forum', 'forum_id', $sync_forum_ids, true, true);
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/phpBB/phpbb/db/migration/data/v30x/release_3_0_9.php b/phpBB/phpbb/db/migration/data/v30x/release_3_0_9.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9af2fce971
--- /dev/null
+++ b/phpBB/phpbb/db/migration/data/v30x/release_3_0_9.php
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+* @package migration
+* @copyright (c) 2012 phpBB Group
+* @license http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php GNU Public License v2
+namespace phpbb\db\migration\data\v30x;
+class release_3_0_9 extends \phpbb\db\migration\migration
+ public function effectively_installed()
+ {
+ return phpbb_version_compare($this->config['version'], '3.0.9', '>=');
+ }
+ static public function depends_on()
+ {
+ return array('\phpbb\db\migration\data\v30x\release_3_0_9_rc4');
+ }
+ public function update_data()
+ {
+ return array(
+ array('config.update', array('version', '3.0.9')),
+ );
+ }
diff --git a/phpBB/phpbb/db/migration/data/v30x/release_3_0_9_rc1.php b/phpBB/phpbb/db/migration/data/v30x/release_3_0_9_rc1.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3fb790bc0d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/phpBB/phpbb/db/migration/data/v30x/release_3_0_9_rc1.php
@@ -0,0 +1,126 @@
+* @package migration
+* @copyright (c) 2012 phpBB Group
+* @license http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php GNU Public License v2
+namespace phpbb\db\migration\data\v30x;
+class release_3_0_9_rc1 extends \phpbb\db\migration\migration
+ public function effectively_installed()
+ {
+ return phpbb_version_compare($this->config['version'], '3.0.9-RC1', '>=');
+ }
+ static public function depends_on()
+ {
+ return array('\phpbb\db\migration\data\v30x\release_3_0_8');
+ }
+ public function update_schema()
+ {
+ return array(
+ 'add_tables' => array(
+ $this->table_prefix . 'login_attempts' => array(
+ 'COLUMNS' => array(
+ // this column was removed from the database updater
+ // after 3.0.9-RC3 was released. It might still exist
+ // in 3.0.9-RCX installations and has to be dropped as
+ // soon as the db_tools class is capable of properly
+ // removing a primary key.
+ // 'attempt_id' => array('UINT', NULL, 'auto_increment'),
+ 'attempt_ip' => array('VCHAR:40', ''),
+ 'attempt_browser' => array('VCHAR:150', ''),
+ 'attempt_forwarded_for' => array('VCHAR:255', ''),
+ 'attempt_time' => array('TIMESTAMP', 0),
+ 'user_id' => array('UINT', 0),
+ 'username' => array('VCHAR_UNI:255', 0),
+ 'username_clean' => array('VCHAR_CI', 0),
+ ),
+ //'PRIMARY_KEY' => 'attempt_id',
+ 'KEYS' => array(
+ 'att_ip' => array('INDEX', array('attempt_ip', 'attempt_time')),
+ 'att_for' => array('INDEX', array('attempt_forwarded_for', 'attempt_time')),
+ 'att_time' => array('INDEX', array('attempt_time')),
+ 'user_id' => array('INDEX', 'user_id'),
+ ),
+ ),
+ ),
+ 'change_columns' => array(
+ $this->table_prefix . 'bbcodes' => array(
+ 'bbcode_id' => array('USINT', 0),
+ ),
+ ),
+ );
+ }
+ public function revert_schema()
+ {
+ return array(
+ 'drop_tables' => array(
+ $this->table_prefix . 'login_attempts',
+ ),
+ );
+ }
+ public function update_data()
+ {
+ return array(
+ array('config.add', array('ip_login_limit_max', 50)),
+ array('config.add', array('ip_login_limit_time', 21600)),
+ array('config.add', array('ip_login_limit_use_forwarded', 0)),
+ array('custom', array(array(&$this, 'update_file_extension_group_names'))),
+ array('custom', array(array(&$this, 'fix_firebird_qa_captcha'))),
+ array('config.update', array('version', '3.0.9-RC1')),
+ );
+ }
+ public function update_file_extension_group_names()
+ {
+ // Update file extension group names to use language strings, again.
+ $sql = 'SELECT group_id, group_name
+ WHERE group_name ' . $this->db->sql_like_expression('EXT_GROUP_' . $this->db->any_char);
+ $result = $this->db->sql_query($sql);
+ while ($row = $this->db->sql_fetchrow($result))
+ {
+ $sql_ary = array(
+ 'group_name' => substr($row['group_name'], 10), // Strip off 'EXT_GROUP_'
+ );
+ SET ' . $this->db->sql_build_array('UPDATE', $sql_ary) . '
+ WHERE group_id = ' . $row['group_id'];
+ $this->sql_query($sql);
+ }
+ $this->db->sql_freeresult($result);
+ }
+ public function fix_firebird_qa_captcha()
+ {
+ // Recover from potentially broken Q&A CAPTCHA table on firebird
+ // Q&A CAPTCHA was uninstallable, so it's safe to remove these
+ // without data loss
+ if ($this->db_tools->sql_layer == 'firebird')
+ {
+ $tables = array(
+ $this->table_prefix . 'captcha_questions',
+ $this->table_prefix . 'captcha_answers',
+ $this->table_prefix . 'qa_confirm',
+ );
+ foreach ($tables as $table)
+ {
+ if ($this->db_tools->sql_table_exists($table))
+ {
+ $this->db_tools->sql_table_drop($table);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/phpBB/phpbb/db/migration/data/v30x/release_3_0_9_rc2.php b/phpBB/phpbb/db/migration/data/v30x/release_3_0_9_rc2.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..cd79d24ade
--- /dev/null
+++ b/phpBB/phpbb/db/migration/data/v30x/release_3_0_9_rc2.php
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+* @package migration
+* @copyright (c) 2012 phpBB Group
+* @license http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php GNU Public License v2
+namespace phpbb\db\migration\data\v30x;
+class release_3_0_9_rc2 extends \phpbb\db\migration\migration
+ public function effectively_installed()
+ {
+ return phpbb_version_compare($this->config['version'], '3.0.9-RC2', '>=');
+ }
+ static public function depends_on()
+ {
+ return array('\phpbb\db\migration\data\v30x\release_3_0_9_rc1');
+ }
+ public function update_data()
+ {
+ return array(
+ array('config.update', array('version', '3.0.9-RC2')),
+ );
+ }
diff --git a/phpBB/phpbb/db/migration/data/v30x/release_3_0_9_rc3.php b/phpBB/phpbb/db/migration/data/v30x/release_3_0_9_rc3.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7e59b8f9e8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/phpBB/phpbb/db/migration/data/v30x/release_3_0_9_rc3.php
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+* @package migration
+* @copyright (c) 2012 phpBB Group
+* @license http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php GNU Public License v2
+namespace phpbb\db\migration\data\v30x;
+class release_3_0_9_rc3 extends \phpbb\db\migration\migration
+ public function effectively_installed()
+ {
+ return phpbb_version_compare($this->config['version'], '3.0.9-RC3', '>=');
+ }
+ static public function depends_on()
+ {
+ return array('\phpbb\db\migration\data\v30x\release_3_0_9_rc2');
+ }
+ public function update_data()
+ {
+ return array(
+ array('config.update', array('version', '3.0.9-RC3')),
+ );
+ }
diff --git a/phpBB/phpbb/db/migration/data/v30x/release_3_0_9_rc4.php b/phpBB/phpbb/db/migration/data/v30x/release_3_0_9_rc4.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e71d9defa6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/phpBB/phpbb/db/migration/data/v30x/release_3_0_9_rc4.php
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+* @package migration
+* @copyright (c) 2012 phpBB Group
+* @license http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php GNU Public License v2
+namespace phpbb\db\migration\data\v30x;
+class release_3_0_9_rc4 extends \phpbb\db\migration\migration
+ public function effectively_installed()
+ {
+ return phpbb_version_compare($this->config['version'], '3.0.9-RC4', '>=');
+ }
+ static public function depends_on()
+ {
+ return array('\phpbb\db\migration\data\v30x\release_3_0_9_rc3');
+ }
+ public function update_data()
+ {
+ return array(
+ array('config.update', array('version', '3.0.9-RC4')),
+ );
+ }
diff --git a/phpBB/phpbb/db/migration/data/v310/auth_provider_oauth.php b/phpBB/phpbb/db/migration/data/v310/auth_provider_oauth.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..971a7e8504
--- /dev/null
+++ b/phpBB/phpbb/db/migration/data/v310/auth_provider_oauth.php
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+* @package migration
+* @copyright (c) 2013 phpBB Group
+* @license http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php GNU Public License v2
+namespace phpbb\db\migration\data\v310;
+class auth_provider_oauth extends \phpbb\db\migration\migration
+ public function effectively_installed()
+ {
+ return $this->db_tools->sql_table_exists($this->table_prefix . 'auth_provider_oauth');
+ }
+ public function update_schema()
+ {
+ return array(
+ 'add_tables' => array(
+ $this->table_prefix . 'oauth_tokens' => array(
+ 'COLUMNS' => array(
+ 'user_id' => array('UINT', 0), // phpbb_users.user_id
+ 'session_id' => array('CHAR:32', ''), // phpbb_sessions.session_id used only when user_id not set
+ 'provider' => array('VCHAR', ''), // Name of the OAuth provider
+ 'oauth_token' => array('MTEXT', ''), // Serialized token
+ ),
+ 'KEYS' => array(
+ 'user_id' => array('INDEX', 'user_id'),
+ 'provider' => array('INDEX', 'provider'),
+ ),
+ ),
+ $this->table_prefix . 'oauth_accounts' => array(
+ 'COLUMNS' => array(
+ 'user_id' => array('UINT', 0),
+ 'provider' => array('VCHAR', ''),
+ 'oauth_provider_id' => array('TEXT_UNI', ''),
+ ),
+ 'PRIMARY_KEY' => array(
+ 'user_id',
+ 'provider',
+ ),
+ ),
+ ),
+ );
+ }
+ public function revert_schema()
+ {
+ return array(
+ 'drop_tables' => array(
+ $this->table_prefix . 'oauth_tokens',
+ $this->table_prefix . 'oauth_accounts',
+ ),
+ );
+ }
+ public function update_data()
+ {
+ return array(
+ array('module.add', array(
+ 'ucp',
+ array(
+ 'module_basename' => 'ucp_auth_link',
+ 'modes' => array('auth_link'),
+ ),
+ )),
+ );
+ }
diff --git a/phpBB/phpbb/db/migration/data/v310/avatars.php b/phpBB/phpbb/db/migration/data/v310/avatars.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..80ce606f29
--- /dev/null
+++ b/phpBB/phpbb/db/migration/data/v310/avatars.php
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+* @package migration
+* @copyright (c) 2013 phpBB Group
+* @license http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php GNU Public License v2
+namespace phpbb\db\migration\data\v310;
+class avatars extends \phpbb\db\migration\migration
+ public function effectively_installed()
+ {
+ return isset($this->config['allow_avatar_gravatar']);
+ }
+ static public function depends_on()
+ {
+ return array('\phpbb\db\migration\data\v30x\release_3_0_11');
+ }
+ public function update_schema()
+ {
+ return array(
+ 'change_columns' => array(
+ $this->table_prefix . 'users' => array(
+ 'user_avatar_type' => array('VCHAR:255', ''),
+ ),
+ $this->table_prefix . 'groups' => array(
+ 'group_avatar_type' => array('VCHAR:255', ''),
+ ),
+ ),
+ );
+ }
+ public function revert_schema()
+ {
+ return array(
+ 'change_columns' => array(
+ $this->table_prefix . 'users' => array(
+ 'user_avatar_type' => array('TINT:2', ''),
+ ),
+ $this->table_prefix . 'groups' => array(
+ 'group_avatar_type' => array('TINT:2', ''),
+ ),
+ ),
+ );
+ }
+ public function update_data()
+ {
+ return array(
+ array('config.add', array('allow_avatar_gravatar', 0)),
+ array('custom', array(array($this, 'update_module_auth'))),
+ );
+ }
+ public function update_module_auth()
+ {
+ $sql = 'UPDATE ' . $this->table_prefix . "modules
+ SET module_auth = 'cfg_allow_avatar'
+ WHERE module_class = 'ucp'
+ AND module_basename = 'ucp_profile'
+ AND module_mode = 'avatar'";
+ $this->db->sql_query($sql);
+ }
diff --git a/phpBB/phpbb/db/migration/data/v310/boardindex.php b/phpBB/phpbb/db/migration/data/v310/boardindex.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..27492f2d0d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/phpBB/phpbb/db/migration/data/v310/boardindex.php
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+* @package migration
+* @copyright (c) 2013 phpBB Group
+* @license http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php GNU Public License v2
+namespace phpbb\db\migration\data\v310;
+class boardindex extends \phpbb\db\migration\migration
+ public function effectively_installed()
+ {
+ return isset($this->config['board_index_text']);
+ }
+ public function update_data()
+ {
+ return array(
+ array('config.add', array('board_index_text', '')),
+ );
+ }
diff --git a/phpBB/phpbb/db/migration/data/v310/config_db_text.php b/phpBB/phpbb/db/migration/data/v310/config_db_text.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1a7ee7a9a6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/phpBB/phpbb/db/migration/data/v310/config_db_text.php
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+* @package migration
+* @copyright (c) 2013 phpBB Group
+* @license http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php GNU Public License v2
+namespace phpbb\db\migration\data\v310;
+class config_db_text extends \phpbb\db\migration\migration
+ public function effectively_installed()
+ {
+ return $this->db_tools->sql_table_exists($this->table_prefix . 'config_text');
+ }
+ static public function depends_on()
+ {
+ return array('\phpbb\db\migration\data\v30x\release_3_0_11');
+ }
+ public function update_schema()
+ {
+ return array(
+ 'add_tables' => array(
+ $this->table_prefix . 'config_text' => array(
+ 'COLUMNS' => array(
+ 'config_name' => array('VCHAR', ''),
+ 'config_value' => array('MTEXT', ''),
+ ),
+ 'PRIMARY_KEY' => 'config_name',
+ ),
+ ),
+ );
+ }
+ public function revert_schema()
+ {
+ return array(
+ 'drop_tables' => array(
+ $this->table_prefix . 'config_text',
+ ),
+ );
+ }
diff --git a/phpBB/phpbb/db/migration/data/v310/dev.php b/phpBB/phpbb/db/migration/data/v310/dev.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c1db883616
--- /dev/null
+++ b/phpBB/phpbb/db/migration/data/v310/dev.php
@@ -0,0 +1,410 @@
+* @package migration
+* @copyright (c) 2012 phpBB Group
+* @license http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php GNU Public License v2
+namespace phpbb\db\migration\data\v310;
+class dev extends \phpbb\db\migration\migration
+ public function effectively_installed()
+ {
+ return version_compare($this->config['version'], '3.1.0-dev', '>=');
+ }
+ static public function depends_on()
+ {
+ return array(
+ '\phpbb\db\migration\data\v310\extensions',
+ '\phpbb\db\migration\data\v310\style_update_p2',
+ '\phpbb\db\migration\data\v310\timezone_p2',
+ '\phpbb\db\migration\data\v310\reported_posts_display',
+ );
+ }
+ public function update_schema()
+ {
+ return array(
+ 'add_columns' => array(
+ $this->table_prefix . 'groups' => array(
+ 'group_teampage' => array('UINT', 0, 'after' => 'group_legend'),
+ ),
+ $this->table_prefix . 'profile_fields' => array(
+ 'field_show_on_pm' => array('BOOL', 0),
+ ),
+ $this->table_prefix . 'styles' => array(
+ 'style_path' => array('VCHAR:100', ''),
+ 'bbcode_bitfield' => array('VCHAR:255', 'kNg='),
+ 'style_parent_id' => array('UINT:4', 0),
+ 'style_parent_tree' => array('TEXT', ''),
+ ),
+ $this->table_prefix . 'reports' => array(
+ 'reported_post_text' => array('MTEXT_UNI', ''),
+ 'reported_post_uid' => array('VCHAR:8', ''),
+ 'reported_post_bitfield' => array('VCHAR:255', ''),
+ ),
+ ),
+ 'change_columns' => array(
+ $this->table_prefix . 'groups' => array(
+ 'group_legend' => array('UINT', 0),
+ ),
+ ),
+ );
+ }
+ public function revert_schema()
+ {
+ return array(
+ 'drop_columns' => array(
+ $this->table_prefix . 'groups' => array(
+ 'group_teampage',
+ ),
+ $this->table_prefix . 'profile_fields' => array(
+ 'field_show_on_pm',
+ ),
+ $this->table_prefix . 'styles' => array(
+ 'style_path',
+ 'bbcode_bitfield',
+ 'style_parent_id',
+ 'style_parent_tree',
+ ),
+ $this->table_prefix . 'reports' => array(
+ 'reported_post_text',
+ 'reported_post_uid',
+ 'reported_post_bitfield',
+ ),
+ ),
+ );
+ }
+ public function update_data()
+ {
+ return array(
+ array('if', array(
+ (strpos('phpbb_search_', $this->config['search_type']) !== 0),
+ array('config.update', array('search_type', 'phpbb_search_' . $this->config['search_type'])),
+ )),
+ array('config.add', array('fulltext_postgres_ts_name', 'simple')),
+ array('config.add', array('fulltext_postgres_min_word_len', 4)),
+ array('config.add', array('fulltext_postgres_max_word_len', 254)),
+ array('config.add', array('fulltext_sphinx_stopwords', 0)),
+ array('config.add', array('fulltext_sphinx_indexer_mem_limit', 512)),
+ array('config.add', array('load_jquery_cdn', 0)),
+ array('config.add', array('load_jquery_url', '//ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.6.2/jquery.min.js')),
+ array('config.add', array('use_system_cron', 0)),
+ array('config.add', array('legend_sort_groupname', 0)),
+ array('config.add', array('teampage_forums', 1)),
+ array('config.add', array('teampage_memberships', 1)),
+ array('config.add', array('load_cpf_pm', 0)),
+ array('config.add', array('display_last_subject', 1)),
+ array('config.add', array('assets_version', 1)),
+ array('config.add', array('site_home_url', '')),
+ array('config.add', array('site_home_text', '')),
+ array('permission.add', array('u_chgprofileinfo', true, 'u_sig')),
+ array('module.add', array(
+ 'acp',
+ array(
+ 'module_basename' => 'acp_groups',
+ 'modes' => array('position'),
+ ),
+ )),
+ array('module.add', array(
+ 'acp',
+ array(
+ 'module_basename' => 'acp_attachments',
+ 'modes' => array('manage'),
+ ),
+ )),
+ array('module.add', array(
+ 'acp',
+ array(
+ 'module_basename' => 'acp_styles',
+ 'modes' => array('install', 'cache'),
+ ),
+ )),
+ array('module.add', array(
+ 'ucp',
+ array(
+ 'module_basename' => 'ucp_profile',
+ 'modes' => array('autologin_keys'),
+ ),
+ )),
+ // Module will be renamed later
+ array('module.add', array(
+ 'acp',
+ )),
+ array('module.remove', array(
+ 'acp',
+ false,
+ )),
+ array('module.remove', array(
+ 'acp',
+ false,
+ )),
+ array('module.remove', array(
+ 'acp',
+ false,
+ )),
+ array('custom', array(array($this, 'rename_module_basenames'))),
+ array('custom', array(array($this, 'rename_styles_module'))),
+ array('custom', array(array($this, 'add_group_teampage'))),
+ array('custom', array(array($this, 'update_group_legend'))),
+ array('custom', array(array($this, 'localise_global_announcements'))),
+ array('custom', array(array($this, 'update_ucp_pm_basename'))),
+ array('custom', array(array($this, 'update_ucp_profile_auth'))),
+ array('custom', array(array($this, 'move_customise_modules'))),
+ array('config.update', array('version', '3.1.0-dev')),
+ );
+ }
+ public function move_customise_modules()
+ {
+ // Move language management to new location in the Customise tab
+ // First get language module id
+ $sql = 'SELECT module_id FROM ' . MODULES_TABLE . "
+ WHERE module_basename = 'acp_language'";
+ $result = $this->db->sql_query($sql);
+ $language_module_id = $this->db->sql_fetchfield('module_id');
+ $this->db->sql_freeresult($result);
+ // Next get language management module id of the one just created
+ $sql = 'SELECT module_id FROM ' . MODULES_TABLE . "
+ WHERE module_langname = 'ACP_LANGUAGE'";
+ $result = $this->db->sql_query($sql);
+ $language_management_module_id = $this->db->sql_fetchfield('module_id');
+ $this->db->sql_freeresult($result);
+ if (!class_exists('acp_modules'))
+ {
+ include($this->phpbb_root_path . 'includes/acp/acp_modules.' . $this->php_ext);
+ }
+ // acp_modules calls adm_back_link, which is undefined at this point
+ if (!function_exists('adm_back_link'))
+ {
+ include($this->phpbb_root_path . 'includes/functions_acp.' . $this->php_ext);
+ }
+ $module_manager = new \acp_modules();
+ $module_manager->module_class = 'acp';
+ $module_manager->move_module($language_module_id, $language_management_module_id);
+ }
+ public function update_ucp_pm_basename()
+ {
+ $sql = 'SELECT module_id, module_basename
+ WHERE module_basename <> 'ucp_pm' AND
+ module_langname='UCP_PM'";
+ $result = $this->db->sql_query_limit($sql, 1);
+ if ($row = $this->db->sql_fetchrow($result))
+ {
+ // This update is still not applied. Applying it
+ $sql = 'UPDATE ' . MODULES_TABLE . "
+ SET module_basename = 'ucp_pm'
+ WHERE module_id = " . (int) $row['module_id'];
+ $this->sql_query($sql);
+ }
+ $this->db->sql_freeresult($result);
+ }
+ public function update_ucp_profile_auth()
+ {
+ // Update the auth setting for the module
+ $sql = 'UPDATE ' . MODULES_TABLE . "
+ SET module_auth = 'acl_u_chgprofileinfo'
+ WHERE module_class = 'ucp'
+ AND module_basename = 'ucp_profile'
+ AND module_mode = 'profile_info'";
+ $this->sql_query($sql);
+ }
+ public function rename_styles_module()
+ {
+ // Rename styles module to Customise
+ $sql = 'UPDATE ' . MODULES_TABLE . "
+ SET module_langname = 'ACP_CAT_CUSTOMISE'
+ WHERE module_langname = 'ACP_CAT_STYLES'";
+ $this->sql_query($sql);
+ }
+ public function rename_module_basenames()
+ {
+ // rename all module basenames to full classname
+ $sql = 'SELECT module_id, module_basename, module_class
+ $result = $this->db->sql_query($sql);
+ while ($row = $this->db->sql_fetchrow($result))
+ {
+ $module_id = (int) $row['module_id'];
+ unset($row['module_id']);
+ if (!empty($row['module_basename']) && !empty($row['module_class']))
+ {
+ // all the class names start with class name or with phpbb_ for auto loading
+ if (strpos($row['module_basename'], $row['module_class'] . '_') !== 0 &&
+ strpos($row['module_basename'], 'phpbb_') !== 0)
+ {
+ $row['module_basename'] = $row['module_class'] . '_' . $row['module_basename'];
+ $sql_update = $this->db->sql_build_array('UPDATE', $row);
+ $sql = 'UPDATE ' . MODULES_TABLE . '
+ SET ' . $sql_update . '
+ WHERE module_id = ' . $module_id;
+ $this->sql_query($sql);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ $this->db->sql_freeresult($result);
+ }
+ public function add_group_teampage()
+ {
+ $sql = 'UPDATE ' . GROUPS_TABLE . '
+ SET group_teampage = 1
+ WHERE group_type = ' . GROUP_SPECIAL . "
+ AND group_name = 'ADMINISTRATORS'";
+ $this->sql_query($sql);
+ $sql = 'UPDATE ' . GROUPS_TABLE . '
+ SET group_teampage = 2
+ WHERE group_type = ' . GROUP_SPECIAL . "
+ AND group_name = 'GLOBAL_MODERATORS'";
+ $this->sql_query($sql);
+ }
+ public function update_group_legend()
+ {
+ $sql = 'SELECT group_id
+ WHERE group_legend = 1
+ ORDER BY group_name ASC';
+ $result = $this->db->sql_query($sql);
+ $next_legend = 1;
+ while ($row = $this->db->sql_fetchrow($result))
+ {
+ $sql = 'UPDATE ' . GROUPS_TABLE . '
+ SET group_legend = ' . $next_legend . '
+ WHERE group_id = ' . (int) $row['group_id'];
+ $this->sql_query($sql);
+ $next_legend++;
+ }
+ $this->db->sql_freeresult($result);
+ }
+ public function localise_global_announcements()
+ {
+ // Localise Global Announcements
+ $sql = 'SELECT topic_id, topic_approved, (topic_replies + 1) AS topic_posts, topic_last_post_id, topic_last_post_subject, topic_last_post_time, topic_last_poster_id, topic_last_poster_name, topic_last_poster_colour
+ WHERE forum_id = 0
+ AND topic_type = ' . POST_GLOBAL;
+ $result = $this->db->sql_query($sql);
+ $global_announcements = $update_lastpost_data = array();
+ $update_lastpost_data['forum_last_post_time'] = 0;
+ $update_forum_data = array(
+ 'forum_posts' => 0,
+ 'forum_topics' => 0,
+ 'forum_topics_real' => 0,
+ );
+ while ($row = $this->db->sql_fetchrow($result))
+ {
+ $global_announcements[] = (int) $row['topic_id'];
+ $update_forum_data['forum_posts'] += (int) $row['topic_posts'];
+ $update_forum_data['forum_topics_real']++;
+ if ($row['topic_approved'])
+ {
+ $update_forum_data['forum_topics']++;
+ }
+ if ($update_lastpost_data['forum_last_post_time'] < $row['topic_last_post_time'])
+ {
+ $update_lastpost_data = array(
+ 'forum_last_post_id' => (int) $row['topic_last_post_id'],
+ 'forum_last_post_subject' => $row['topic_last_post_subject'],
+ 'forum_last_post_time' => (int) $row['topic_last_post_time'],
+ 'forum_last_poster_id' => (int) $row['topic_last_poster_id'],
+ 'forum_last_poster_name' => $row['topic_last_poster_name'],
+ 'forum_last_poster_colour' => $row['topic_last_poster_colour'],
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ $this->db->sql_freeresult($result);
+ if (!empty($global_announcements))
+ {
+ // Update the post/topic-count for the forum and the last-post if needed
+ $sql = 'SELECT forum_id
+ WHERE forum_type = ' . FORUM_POST;
+ $result = $this->db->sql_query_limit($sql, 1);
+ $ga_forum_id = $this->db->sql_fetchfield('forum_id');
+ $this->db->sql_freeresult($result);
+ $sql = 'SELECT forum_last_post_time
+ WHERE forum_id = ' . $ga_forum_id;
+ $result = $this->db->sql_query($sql);
+ $lastpost = (int) $this->db->sql_fetchfield('forum_last_post_time');
+ $this->db->sql_freeresult($result);
+ $sql_update = 'forum_posts = forum_posts + ' . $update_forum_data['forum_posts'] . ', ';
+ $sql_update .= 'forum_topics_real = forum_topics_real + ' . $update_forum_data['forum_topics_real'] . ', ';
+ $sql_update .= 'forum_topics = forum_topics + ' . $update_forum_data['forum_topics'];
+ if ($lastpost < $update_lastpost_data['forum_last_post_time'])
+ {
+ $sql_update .= ', ' . $this->db->sql_build_array('UPDATE', $update_lastpost_data);
+ }
+ $sql = 'UPDATE ' . FORUMS_TABLE . '
+ SET ' . $sql_update . '
+ WHERE forum_id = ' . $ga_forum_id;
+ $this->sql_query($sql);
+ // Update some forum_ids
+ foreach ($table_ary as $table)
+ {
+ $sql = "UPDATE $table
+ SET forum_id = $ga_forum_id
+ WHERE " . $this->db->sql_in_set('topic_id', $global_announcements);
+ $this->sql_query($sql);
+ }
+ unset($table_ary);
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/phpBB/phpbb/db/migration/data/v310/extensions.php b/phpBB/phpbb/db/migration/data/v310/extensions.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d8b38dbc9e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/phpBB/phpbb/db/migration/data/v310/extensions.php
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+* @package migration
+* @copyright (c) 2012 phpBB Group
+* @license http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php GNU Public License v2
+namespace phpbb\db\migration\data\v310;
+class extensions extends \phpbb\db\migration\migration
+ public function effectively_installed()
+ {
+ return $this->db_tools->sql_table_exists($this->table_prefix . 'ext');
+ }
+ static public function depends_on()
+ {
+ return array('\phpbb\db\migration\data\v30x\release_3_0_11');
+ }
+ public function update_schema()
+ {
+ return array(
+ 'add_tables' => array(
+ $this->table_prefix . 'ext' => array(
+ 'COLUMNS' => array(
+ 'ext_name' => array('VCHAR', ''),
+ 'ext_active' => array('BOOL', 0),
+ 'ext_state' => array('TEXT', ''),
+ ),
+ 'KEYS' => array(
+ 'ext_name' => array('UNIQUE', 'ext_name'),
+ ),
+ ),
+ ),
+ );
+ }
+ public function revert_schema()
+ {
+ return array(
+ 'drop_tables' => array(
+ $this->table_prefix . 'ext',
+ ),
+ );
+ }
+ public function update_data()
+ {
+ return array(
+ // Module will be renamed later
+ array('module.add', array(
+ 'acp',
+ )),
+ array('module.add', array(
+ 'acp',
+ array(
+ 'module_basename' => 'acp_extensions',
+ 'modes' => array('main'),
+ ),
+ )),
+ array('permission.add', array('a_extensions', true, 'a_styles')),
+ );
+ }
diff --git a/phpBB/phpbb/db/migration/data/v310/forgot_password.php b/phpBB/phpbb/db/migration/data/v310/forgot_password.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..814093caa9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/phpBB/phpbb/db/migration/data/v310/forgot_password.php
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+* @package migration
+* @copyright (c) 2012 phpBB Group
+* @license http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php GNU Public License v2
+namespace phpbb\db\migration\data\v310;
+class forgot_password extends \phpbb\db\migration\migration
+ public function effectively_installed()
+ {
+ return isset($this->config['allow_password_reset']);
+ }
+ static public function depends_on()
+ {
+ return array('\phpbb\db\migration\data\v30x\release_3_0_11');
+ }
+ public function update_data()
+ {
+ return array(
+ array('config.add', array('allow_password_reset', 1)),
+ );
+ }
diff --git a/phpBB/phpbb/db/migration/data/v310/jquery_update.php b/phpBB/phpbb/db/migration/data/v310/jquery_update.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..bd2de2b4d4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/phpBB/phpbb/db/migration/data/v310/jquery_update.php
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+* @package migration
+* @copyright (c) 2013 phpBB Group
+* @license http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php GNU Public License v2
+namespace phpbb\db\migration\data\v310;
+class jquery_update extends \phpbb\db\migration\migration
+ public function effectively_installed()
+ {
+ return $this->config['load_jquery_url'] !== '//ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.6.2/jquery.min.js';
+ }
+ static public function depends_on()
+ {
+ return array(
+ '\phpbb\db\migration\data\v310\dev',
+ );
+ }
+ public function update_data()
+ {
+ return array(
+ array('config.update', array('load_jquery_url', '//ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.8.3/jquery.min.js')),
+ );
+ }
diff --git a/phpBB/phpbb/db/migration/data/v310/mod_rewrite.php b/phpBB/phpbb/db/migration/data/v310/mod_rewrite.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ffb790b135
--- /dev/null
+++ b/phpBB/phpbb/db/migration/data/v310/mod_rewrite.php
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+* @package migration
+* @copyright (c) 2013 phpBB Group
+* @license http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php GNU Public License v2
+namespace phpbb\db\migration\data\v310;
+class mod_rewrite extends \phpbb\db\migration\migration
+ static public function depends_on()
+ {
+ return array(
+ '\phpbb\db\migration\data\v310\dev',
+ );
+ }
+ public function update_data()
+ {
+ return array(
+ array('config.add', array('enable_mod_rewrite', '0')),
+ );
+ }
diff --git a/phpBB/phpbb/db/migration/data/v310/namespaces.php b/phpBB/phpbb/db/migration/data/v310/namespaces.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9b182f88b8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/phpBB/phpbb/db/migration/data/v310/namespaces.php
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+* @package migration
+* @copyright (c) 2012 phpBB Group
+* @license http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php GNU Public License v2
+namespace phpbb\db\migration\data\v310;
+class namespaces extends \phpbb\db\migration\migration
+ static public function depends_on()
+ {
+ return array(
+ '\phpbb\db\migration\data\v310\dev',
+ );
+ }
+ public function update_data()
+ {
+ return array(
+ array('if', array(
+ (preg_match('#^phpbb_search_#', $this->config['search_type'])),
+ array('config.update', array('search_type', str_replace('phpbb_search_', 'phpbb\\search\\', $this->config['search_type']))),
+ )),
+ );
+ }
diff --git a/phpBB/phpbb/db/migration/data/v310/notification_options_reconvert.php b/phpBB/phpbb/db/migration/data/v310/notification_options_reconvert.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4195623618
--- /dev/null
+++ b/phpBB/phpbb/db/migration/data/v310/notification_options_reconvert.php
@@ -0,0 +1,137 @@
+* @package migration
+* @copyright (c) 2013 phpBB Group
+* @license http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.php GNU General Public License v2
+namespace phpbb\db\migration\data\v310;
+class notification_options_reconvert extends \phpbb\db\migration\migration
+ static public function depends_on()
+ {
+ return array('\phpbb\db\migration\data\v310\notifications_schema_fix');
+ }
+ public function update_data()
+ {
+ return array(
+ array('custom', array(array($this, 'purge_notifications'))),
+ array('custom', array(array($this, 'convert_notifications'))),
+ );
+ }
+ public function purge_notifications()
+ {
+ $sql = 'DELETE FROM ' . $this->table_prefix . 'user_notifications';
+ $this->sql_query($sql);
+ }
+ public function convert_notifications($start)
+ {
+ $insert_buffer = new \phpbb\db\sql_insert_buffer($this->db, $this->table_prefix . 'user_notifications');
+ return $this->perform_conversion($insert_buffer, $start);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Perform the conversion (separate for testability)
+ *
+ * @param \phpbb\db\sql_insert_buffer $insert_buffer
+ * @param int $start Start of staggering step
+ * @return mixed int start of the next step, null if the end was reached
+ */
+ public function perform_conversion(\phpbb\db\sql_insert_buffer $insert_buffer, $start)
+ {
+ $limit = 250;
+ $converted_users = 0;
+ $sql = 'SELECT user_id, user_notify_type, user_notify_pm
+ FROM ' . $this->table_prefix . 'users
+ ORDER BY user_id';
+ $result = $this->db->sql_query_limit($sql, $limit, $start);
+ while ($row = $this->db->sql_fetchrow($result))
+ {
+ $converted_users++;
+ $notification_methods = array();
+ // In-board notification
+ $notification_methods[] = '';
+ if ($row['user_notify_type'] == NOTIFY_EMAIL || $row['user_notify_type'] == NOTIFY_BOTH)
+ {
+ $notification_methods[] = 'email';
+ }
+ if ($row['user_notify_type'] == NOTIFY_IM || $row['user_notify_type'] == NOTIFY_BOTH)
+ {
+ $notification_methods[] = 'jabber';
+ }
+ // Notifications for posts
+ foreach (array('post', 'topic') as $item_type)
+ {
+ $this->add_method_rows(
+ $insert_buffer,
+ $item_type,
+ 0,
+ $row['user_id'],
+ $notification_methods
+ );
+ }
+ if ($row['user_notify_pm'])
+ {
+ // Notifications for private messages
+ // User either gets all methods or no method
+ $this->add_method_rows(
+ $insert_buffer,
+ 'pm',
+ 0,
+ $row['user_id'],
+ $notification_methods
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ $this->db->sql_freeresult($result);
+ $insert_buffer->flush();
+ if ($converted_users < $limit)
+ {
+ // No more users left, we are done...
+ return;
+ }
+ return $start + $limit;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Insert method rows to DB
+ *
+ * @param \phpbb\db\sql_insert_buffer $insert_buffer
+ * @param string $item_type
+ * @param int $item_id
+ * @param int $user_id
+ * @param string $methods
+ */
+ protected function add_method_rows(\phpbb\db\sql_insert_buffer $insert_buffer, $item_type, $item_id, $user_id, array $methods)
+ {
+ $row_base = array(
+ 'item_type' => $item_type,
+ 'item_id' => (int) $item_id,
+ 'user_id' => (int) $user_id,
+ 'notify' => 1
+ );
+ foreach ($methods as $method)
+ {
+ $row_base['method'] = $method;
+ $insert_buffer->insert($row_base);
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/phpBB/phpbb/db/migration/data/v310/notifications.php b/phpBB/phpbb/db/migration/data/v310/notifications.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..10f1392094
--- /dev/null
+++ b/phpBB/phpbb/db/migration/data/v310/notifications.php
@@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
+* @package migration
+* @copyright (c) 2012 phpBB Group
+* @license http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php GNU Public License v2
+namespace phpbb\db\migration\data\v310;
+class notifications extends \phpbb\db\migration\migration
+ public function effectively_installed()
+ {
+ return $this->db_tools->sql_table_exists($this->table_prefix . 'notifications');
+ }
+ static public function depends_on()
+ {
+ return array('\phpbb\db\migration\data\v310\dev');
+ }
+ public function update_schema()
+ {
+ return array(
+ 'add_tables' => array(
+ $this->table_prefix . 'notification_types' => array(
+ 'COLUMNS' => array(
+ 'notification_type' => array('VCHAR:255', ''),
+ 'notification_type_enabled' => array('BOOL', 1),
+ ),
+ 'PRIMARY_KEY' => array('notification_type', 'notification_type_enabled'),
+ ),
+ $this->table_prefix . 'notifications' => array(
+ 'COLUMNS' => array(
+ 'notification_id' => array('UINT', NULL, 'auto_increment'),
+ 'item_type' => array('VCHAR:255', ''),
+ 'item_id' => array('UINT', 0),
+ 'item_parent_id' => array('UINT', 0),
+ 'user_id' => array('UINT', 0),
+ 'notification_read' => array('BOOL', 0),
+ 'notification_time' => array('TIMESTAMP', 1),
+ 'notification_data' => array('TEXT_UNI', ''),
+ ),
+ 'PRIMARY_KEY' => 'notification_id',
+ 'KEYS' => array(
+ 'item_ident' => array('INDEX', array('item_type', 'item_id')),
+ 'user' => array('INDEX', array('user_id', 'notification_read')),
+ ),
+ ),
+ $this->table_prefix . 'user_notifications' => array(
+ 'COLUMNS' => array(
+ 'item_type' => array('VCHAR:255', ''),
+ 'item_id' => array('UINT', 0),
+ 'user_id' => array('UINT', 0),
+ 'method' => array('VCHAR:255', ''),
+ 'notify' => array('BOOL', 1),
+ ),
+ ),
+ ),
+ );
+ }
+ public function revert_schema()
+ {
+ return array(
+ 'drop_tables' => array(
+ $this->table_prefix . 'notification_types',
+ $this->table_prefix . 'notifications',
+ $this->table_prefix . 'user_notifications',
+ ),
+ );
+ }
+ public function update_data()
+ {
+ return array(
+ array('module.add', array(
+ 'ucp',
+ array(
+ 'module_basename' => 'ucp_notifications',
+ 'modes' => array('notification_list'),
+ ),
+ )),
+ array('module.add', array(
+ 'ucp',
+ array(
+ 'module_basename' => 'ucp_notifications',
+ 'modes' => array('notification_options'),
+ ),
+ )),
+ array('config.add', array('load_notifications', 1)),
+ );
+ }
diff --git a/phpBB/phpbb/db/migration/data/v310/notifications_cron.php b/phpBB/phpbb/db/migration/data/v310/notifications_cron.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d5fa9c58a5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/phpBB/phpbb/db/migration/data/v310/notifications_cron.php
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+* @package migration
+* @copyright (c) 2013 phpBB Group
+* @license http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.php GNU General Public License v2
+namespace phpbb\db\migration\data\v310;
+class notifications_cron extends \phpbb\db\migration\migration
+ static public function depends_on()
+ {
+ return array('\phpbb\db\migration\data\v310\notifications');
+ }
+ public function update_data()
+ {
+ return array(
+ array('config.add', array('read_notification_expire_days', 30)),
+ array('config.add', array('read_notification_last_gc', 0)), // last run
+ array('config.add', array('read_notification_gc', (60 * 60 * 24))), // seconds between run; 1 day
+ );
+ }
diff --git a/phpBB/phpbb/db/migration/data/v310/notifications_schema_fix.php b/phpBB/phpbb/db/migration/data/v310/notifications_schema_fix.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8ed626d8a6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/phpBB/phpbb/db/migration/data/v310/notifications_schema_fix.php
@@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
+* @package migration
+* @copyright (c) 2013 phpBB Group
+* @license http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php GNU Public License v2
+namespace phpbb\db\migration\data\v310;
+class notifications_schema_fix extends \phpbb\db\migration\migration
+ static public function depends_on()
+ {
+ return array('\phpbb\db\migration\data\v310\notifications');
+ }
+ public function update_schema()
+ {
+ return array(
+ 'drop_tables' => array(
+ $this->table_prefix . 'notification_types',
+ $this->table_prefix . 'notifications',
+ ),
+ 'add_tables' => array(
+ $this->table_prefix . 'notification_types' => array(
+ 'COLUMNS' => array(
+ 'notification_type_id' => array('USINT', NULL, 'auto_increment'),
+ 'notification_type_name' => array('VCHAR:255', ''),
+ 'notification_type_enabled' => array('BOOL', 1),
+ ),
+ 'PRIMARY_KEY' => array('notification_type_id'),
+ 'KEYS' => array(
+ 'type' => array('UNIQUE', array('notification_type_name')),
+ ),
+ ),
+ $this->table_prefix . 'notifications' => array(
+ 'COLUMNS' => array(
+ 'notification_id' => array('UINT:10', NULL, 'auto_increment'),
+ 'notification_type_id' => array('USINT', 0),
+ 'item_id' => array('UINT', 0),
+ 'item_parent_id' => array('UINT', 0),
+ 'user_id' => array('UINT', 0),
+ 'notification_read' => array('BOOL', 0),
+ 'notification_time' => array('TIMESTAMP', 1),
+ 'notification_data' => array('TEXT_UNI', ''),
+ ),
+ 'PRIMARY_KEY' => 'notification_id',
+ 'KEYS' => array(
+ 'item_ident' => array('INDEX', array('notification_type_id', 'item_id')),
+ 'user' => array('INDEX', array('user_id', 'notification_read')),
+ ),
+ ),
+ ),
+ );
+ }
+ public function revert_schema()
+ {
+ return array(
+ 'drop_tables' => array(
+ $this->table_prefix . 'notification_types',
+ $this->table_prefix . 'notifications',
+ ),
+ 'add_tables' => array(
+ $this->table_prefix . 'notification_types' => array(
+ 'COLUMNS' => array(
+ 'notification_type' => array('VCHAR:255', ''),
+ 'notification_type_enabled' => array('BOOL', 1),
+ ),
+ 'PRIMARY_KEY' => array('notification_type', 'notification_type_enabled'),
+ ),
+ $this->table_prefix . 'notifications' => array(
+ 'COLUMNS' => array(
+ 'notification_id' => array('UINT', NULL, 'auto_increment'),
+ 'item_type' => array('VCHAR:255', ''),
+ 'item_id' => array('UINT', 0),
+ 'item_parent_id' => array('UINT', 0),
+ 'user_id' => array('UINT', 0),
+ 'notification_read' => array('BOOL', 0),
+ 'notification_time' => array('TIMESTAMP', 1),
+ 'notification_data' => array('TEXT_UNI', ''),
+ ),
+ 'PRIMARY_KEY' => 'notification_id',
+ 'KEYS' => array(
+ 'item_ident' => array('INDEX', array('item_type', 'item_id')),
+ 'user' => array('INDEX', array('user_id', 'notification_read')),
+ ),
+ ),
+ ),
+ );
+ }
diff --git a/phpBB/phpbb/db/migration/data/v310/reported_posts_display.php b/phpBB/phpbb/db/migration/data/v310/reported_posts_display.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..56b7a0916c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/phpBB/phpbb/db/migration/data/v310/reported_posts_display.php
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+* @package migration
+* @copyright (c) 2012 phpBB Group
+* @license http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php GNU Public License v2
+namespace phpbb\db\migration\data\v310;
+class reported_posts_display extends \phpbb\db\migration\migration
+ public function effectively_installed()
+ {
+ return $this->db_tools->sql_column_exists($this->table_prefix . 'reports', 'reported_post_enable_bbcode');
+ }
+ static public function depends_on()
+ {
+ return array('\phpbb\db\migration\data\v30x\release_3_0_11');
+ }
+ public function update_schema()
+ {
+ return array(
+ 'add_columns' => array(
+ $this->table_prefix . 'reports' => array(
+ 'reported_post_enable_bbcode' => array('BOOL', 1),
+ 'reported_post_enable_smilies' => array('BOOL', 1),
+ 'reported_post_enable_magic_url' => array('BOOL', 1),
+ ),
+ ),
+ );
+ }
+ public function revert_schema()
+ {
+ return array(
+ 'drop_columns' => array(
+ $this->table_prefix . 'reports' => array(
+ 'reported_post_enable_bbcode',
+ 'reported_post_enable_smilies',
+ 'reported_post_enable_magic_url',
+ ),
+ ),
+ );
+ }
diff --git a/phpBB/phpbb/db/migration/data/v310/signature_module_auth.php b/phpBB/phpbb/db/migration/data/v310/signature_module_auth.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6da1cb8009
--- /dev/null
+++ b/phpBB/phpbb/db/migration/data/v310/signature_module_auth.php
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+* @package migration
+* @copyright (c) 2013 phpBB Group
+* @license http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.php GNU Public License v2
+namespace phpbb\db\migration\data\v310;
+class signature_module_auth extends \phpbb\db\migration\migration
+ public function effectively_installed()
+ {
+ $sql = 'SELECT module_auth
+ WHERE module_class = 'ucp'
+ AND module_basename = 'ucp_profile'
+ AND module_mode = 'signature'";
+ $result = $this->db->sql_query($sql);
+ $module_auth = $this->db->sql_fetchfield('module_auth');
+ $this->db->sql_freeresult($result);
+ return $module_auth === 'acl_u_sig' || $module_auth === false;
+ }
+ static public function depends_on()
+ {
+ return array('\phpbb\db\migration\data\v310\dev');
+ }
+ public function update_data()
+ {
+ return array(
+ array('custom', array(
+ array($this, 'update_signature_module_auth'),
+ ),
+ ),
+ );
+ }
+ public function update_signature_module_auth()
+ {
+ $sql = 'UPDATE ' . MODULES_TABLE . "
+ SET module_auth = 'acl_u_sig'
+ WHERE module_class = 'ucp'
+ AND module_basename = 'ucp_profile'
+ AND module_mode = 'signature'
+ AND module_auth = ''";
+ $this->db->sql_query($sql);
+ }
diff --git a/phpBB/phpbb/db/migration/data/v310/softdelete_mcp_modules.php b/phpBB/phpbb/db/migration/data/v310/softdelete_mcp_modules.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d1a31815b2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/phpBB/phpbb/db/migration/data/v310/softdelete_mcp_modules.php
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+* @package migration
+* @copyright (c) 2013 phpBB Group
+* @license http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php GNU Public License v2
+namespace phpbb\db\migration\data\v310;
+class softdelete_mcp_modules extends \phpbb\db\migration\migration
+ public function effectively_installed()
+ {
+ $sql = 'SELECT module_id
+ WHERE module_class = 'mcp'
+ AND module_basename = 'mcp_queue'
+ AND module_mode = 'deleted_topics'";
+ $result = $this->db->sql_query($sql);
+ $module_id = $this->db->sql_fetchfield('module_id');
+ $this->db->sql_freeresult($result);
+ return $module_id !== false;
+ }
+ static public function depends_on()
+ {
+ return array(
+ '\phpbb\db\migration\data\v310\dev',
+ '\phpbb\db\migration\data\v310\softdelete_p2',
+ );
+ }
+ public function update_data()
+ {
+ return array(
+ array('module.add', array(
+ 'mcp',
+ array(
+ 'module_basename' => 'mcp_queue',
+ 'modes' => array('deleted_topics'),
+ ),
+ )),
+ array('module.add', array(
+ 'mcp',
+ array(
+ 'module_basename' => 'mcp_queue',
+ 'modes' => array('deleted_posts'),
+ ),
+ )),
+ );
+ }
diff --git a/phpBB/phpbb/db/migration/data/v310/softdelete_p1.php b/phpBB/phpbb/db/migration/data/v310/softdelete_p1.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f080c78c50
--- /dev/null
+++ b/phpBB/phpbb/db/migration/data/v310/softdelete_p1.php
@@ -0,0 +1,198 @@
+* @package migration
+* @copyright (c) 2012 phpBB Group
+* @license http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php GNU Public License v2
+namespace phpbb\db\migration\data\v310;
+class softdelete_p1 extends \phpbb\db\migration\migration
+ public function effectively_installed()
+ {
+ return $this->db_tools->sql_column_exists($this->table_prefix . 'posts', 'post_visibility');
+ }
+ static public function depends_on()
+ {
+ return array('\phpbb\db\migration\data\v310\dev');
+ }
+ public function update_schema()
+ {
+ return array(
+ 'add_columns' => array(
+ $this->table_prefix . 'forums' => array(
+ 'forum_posts_approved' => array('UINT', 0),
+ 'forum_posts_unapproved' => array('UINT', 0),
+ 'forum_posts_softdeleted' => array('UINT', 0),
+ 'forum_topics_approved' => array('UINT', 0),
+ 'forum_topics_unapproved' => array('UINT', 0),
+ 'forum_topics_softdeleted' => array('UINT', 0),
+ ),
+ $this->table_prefix . 'posts' => array(
+ 'post_visibility' => array('TINT:3', 0),
+ 'post_delete_time' => array('TIMESTAMP', 0),
+ 'post_delete_reason' => array('STEXT_UNI', ''),
+ 'post_delete_user' => array('UINT', 0),
+ ),
+ $this->table_prefix . 'topics' => array(
+ 'topic_visibility' => array('TINT:3', 0),
+ 'topic_delete_time' => array('TIMESTAMP', 0),
+ 'topic_delete_reason' => array('STEXT_UNI', ''),
+ 'topic_delete_user' => array('UINT', 0),
+ 'topic_posts_approved' => array('UINT', 0),
+ 'topic_posts_unapproved' => array('UINT', 0),
+ 'topic_posts_softdeleted' => array('UINT', 0),
+ ),
+ ),
+ 'add_index' => array(
+ $this->table_prefix . 'posts' => array(
+ 'post_visibility' => array('post_visibility'),
+ ),
+ $this->table_prefix . 'topics' => array(
+ 'topic_visibility' => array('topic_visibility'),
+ 'forum_vis_last' => array('forum_id', 'topic_visibility', 'topic_last_post_id'),
+ ),
+ ),
+ );
+ }
+ public function revert_schema()
+ {
+ return array(
+ 'drop_columns' => array(
+ $this->table_prefix . 'forums' => array(
+ 'forum_posts_approved',
+ 'forum_posts_unapproved',
+ 'forum_posts_softdeleted',
+ 'forum_topics_approved',
+ 'forum_topics_unapproved',
+ 'forum_topics_softdeleted',
+ ),
+ $this->table_prefix . 'posts' => array(
+ 'post_visibility',
+ 'post_delete_time',
+ 'post_delete_reason',
+ 'post_delete_user',
+ ),
+ $this->table_prefix . 'topics' => array(
+ 'topic_visibility',
+ 'topic_delete_time',
+ 'topic_delete_reason',
+ 'topic_delete_user',
+ 'topic_posts_approved',
+ 'topic_posts_unapproved',
+ 'topic_posts_softdeleted',
+ ),
+ ),
+ 'drop_keys' => array(
+ $this->table_prefix . 'posts' => array('post_visibility'),
+ $this->table_prefix . 'topics' => array('topic_visibility', 'forum_vis_last'),
+ ),
+ );
+ }
+ public function update_data()
+ {
+ return array(
+ array('custom', array(array($this, 'update_post_visibility'))),
+ array('custom', array(array($this, 'update_topic_visibility'))),
+ array('custom', array(array($this, 'update_topics_post_counts'))),
+ array('custom', array(array($this, 'update_forums_topic_and_post_counts'))),
+ array('permission.add', array('f_softdelete', false)),
+ array('permission.add', array('m_softdelete', false)),
+ );
+ }
+ public function update_post_visibility()
+ {
+ $sql = 'UPDATE ' . $this->table_prefix . 'posts
+ SET post_visibility = post_approved';
+ $this->sql_query($sql);
+ }
+ public function update_topic_visibility()
+ {
+ $sql = 'UPDATE ' . $this->table_prefix . 'topics
+ SET topic_visibility = topic_approved';
+ $this->sql_query($sql);
+ }
+ public function update_topics_post_counts()
+ {
+ /*
+ * Using sql_case here to avoid "BIGINT UNSIGNED value is out of range" errors.
+ * As we update all topics in 2 queries, one broken topic would stop the conversion
+ * for all topics and the surpressed error will cause the admin to not even notice it.
+ */
+ $sql = 'UPDATE ' . $this->table_prefix . 'topics
+ SET topic_posts_approved = topic_replies + 1,
+ topic_posts_unapproved = ' . $this->db->sql_case('topic_replies_real > topic_replies', 'topic_replies_real - topic_replies', '0') . '
+ WHERE topic_visibility = ' . ITEM_APPROVED;
+ $this->sql_query($sql);
+ $sql = 'UPDATE ' . $this->table_prefix . 'topics
+ SET topic_posts_approved = 0,
+ topic_posts_unapproved = (' . $this->db->sql_case('topic_replies_real > topic_replies', 'topic_replies_real - topic_replies', '0') . ') + 1
+ WHERE topic_visibility = ' . ITEM_UNAPPROVED;
+ $this->sql_query($sql);
+ }
+ public function update_forums_topic_and_post_counts($start)
+ {
+ $start = (int) $start;
+ $limit = 10;
+ $converted_forums = 0;
+ $sql = 'SELECT forum_id, topic_visibility, COUNT(topic_id) AS sum_topics, SUM(topic_posts_approved) AS sum_posts_approved, SUM(topic_posts_unapproved) AS sum_posts_unapproved
+ FROM ' . $this->table_prefix . 'topics
+ GROUP BY forum_id, topic_visibility
+ ORDER BY forum_id, topic_visibility';
+ $result = $this->db->sql_query_limit($sql, $limit, $start);
+ $update_forums = array();
+ while ($row = $this->db->sql_fetchrow($result))
+ {
+ $converted_forums++;
+ $forum_id = (int) $row['forum_id'];
+ if (!isset($update_forums[$forum_id]))
+ {
+ $update_forums[$forum_id] = array(
+ 'forum_posts_approved' => 0,
+ 'forum_posts_unapproved' => 0,
+ 'forum_topics_approved' => 0,
+ 'forum_topics_unapproved' => 0,
+ );
+ }
+ $update_forums[$forum_id]['forum_posts_approved'] += (int) $row['sum_posts_approved'];
+ $update_forums[$forum_id]['forum_posts_unapproved'] += (int) $row['sum_posts_unapproved'];
+ $update_forums[$forum_id][(($row['topic_visibility'] == ITEM_APPROVED) ? 'forum_topics_approved' : 'forum_topics_unapproved')] += (int) $row['sum_topics'];
+ }
+ $this->db->sql_freeresult($result);
+ foreach ($update_forums as $forum_id => $forum_data)
+ {
+ $sql = 'UPDATE ' . FORUMS_TABLE . '
+ SET ' . $this->db->sql_build_array('UPDATE', $forum_data) . '
+ WHERE forum_id = ' . $forum_id;
+ $this->sql_query($sql);
+ }
+ if ($converted_forums < $limit)
+ {
+ // There are no more topics, we are done
+ return;
+ }
+ // There are still more topics to query, return the next start value
+ return $start + $limit;
+ }
diff --git a/phpBB/phpbb/db/migration/data/v310/softdelete_p2.php b/phpBB/phpbb/db/migration/data/v310/softdelete_p2.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0c32e474f4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/phpBB/phpbb/db/migration/data/v310/softdelete_p2.php
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+* @package migration
+* @copyright (c) 2012 phpBB Group
+* @license http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php GNU Public License v2
+namespace phpbb\db\migration\data\v310;
+class softdelete_p2 extends \phpbb\db\migration\migration
+ public function effectively_installed()
+ {
+ return !$this->db_tools->sql_column_exists($this->table_prefix . 'posts', 'post_approved');
+ }
+ static public function depends_on()
+ {
+ return array(
+ '\phpbb\db\migration\data\v310\dev',
+ '\phpbb\db\migration\data\v310\softdelete_p1',
+ );
+ }
+ public function update_schema()
+ {
+ return array(
+ 'drop_columns' => array(
+ $this->table_prefix . 'forums' => array('forum_posts', 'forum_topics', 'forum_topics_real'),
+ $this->table_prefix . 'posts' => array('post_approved'),
+ $this->table_prefix . 'topics' => array('topic_approved', 'topic_replies', 'topic_replies_real'),
+ ),
+ 'drop_keys' => array(
+ $this->table_prefix . 'posts' => array('post_approved'),
+ $this->table_prefix . 'topics' => array('forum_appr_last'),
+ ),
+ );
+ }
+ public function revert_schema()
+ {
+ return array(
+ 'add_columns' => array(
+ $this->table_prefix . 'forums' => array(
+ 'forum_posts' => array('UINT', 0),
+ 'forum_topics' => array('UINT', 0),
+ 'forum_topics_real' => array('UINT', 0),
+ ),
+ $this->table_prefix . 'posts' => array(
+ 'post_approved' => array('BOOL', 1),
+ ),
+ $this->table_prefix . 'topics' => array(
+ 'topic_approved' => array('BOOL', 1),
+ 'topic_replies' => array('UINT', 0),
+ 'topic_replies_real' => array('UINT', 0),
+ ),
+ ),
+ 'add_index' => array(
+ $this->table_prefix . 'posts' => array(
+ 'post_approved' => array('post_approved'),
+ ),
+ $this->table_prefix . 'topics' => array(
+ 'forum_appr_last' => array('forum_id', 'topic_approved', 'topic_last_post_id'),
+ ),
+ ),
+ );
+ }
diff --git a/phpBB/phpbb/db/migration/data/v310/style_update_p1.php b/phpBB/phpbb/db/migration/data/v310/style_update_p1.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..26f1046287
--- /dev/null
+++ b/phpBB/phpbb/db/migration/data/v310/style_update_p1.php
@@ -0,0 +1,187 @@
+* @package migration
+* @copyright (c) 2012 phpBB Group
+* @license http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php GNU Public License v2
+namespace phpbb\db\migration\data\v310;
+class style_update_p1 extends \phpbb\db\migration\migration
+ public function effectively_installed()
+ {
+ return !$this->db_tools->sql_table_exists($this->table_prefix . 'styles_imageset');
+ }
+ static public function depends_on()
+ {
+ return array('\phpbb\db\migration\data\v30x\release_3_0_11');
+ }
+ public function update_schema()
+ {
+ return array(
+ 'add_columns' => array(
+ $this->table_prefix . 'styles' => array(
+ 'style_path' => array('VCHAR:100', ''),
+ 'bbcode_bitfield' => array('VCHAR:255', 'kNg='),
+ 'style_parent_id' => array('UINT', 0),
+ 'style_parent_tree' => array('TEXT', ''),
+ ),
+ ),
+ );
+ }
+ public function revert_schema()
+ {
+ return array(
+ 'drop_columns' => array(
+ $this->table_prefix . 'styles' => array(
+ 'style_path',
+ 'bbcode_bitfield',
+ 'style_parent_id',
+ 'style_parent_tree',
+ ),
+ ),
+ );
+ }
+ public function update_data()
+ {
+ return array(
+ array('custom', array(array($this, 'styles_update'))),
+ );
+ }
+ public function styles_update()
+ {
+ // Get list of valid 3.1 styles
+ $available_styles = array('prosilver');
+ $iterator = new \DirectoryIterator($this->phpbb_root_path . 'styles');
+ $skip_dirs = array('.', '..', 'prosilver');
+ foreach ($iterator as $fileinfo)
+ {
+ if ($fileinfo->isDir() && !in_array($fileinfo->getFilename(), $skip_dirs) && file_exists($fileinfo->getPathname() . '/style.cfg'))
+ {
+ $style_cfg = parse_cfg_file($fileinfo->getPathname() . '/style.cfg');
+ if (isset($style_cfg['phpbb_version']) && version_compare($style_cfg['phpbb_version'], '3.1.0-dev', '>='))
+ {
+ // 3.1 style
+ $available_styles[] = $fileinfo->getFilename();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Get all installed styles
+ if ($this->db_tools->sql_table_exists($this->table_prefix . 'styles_imageset'))
+ {
+ $sql = 'SELECT s.style_id, t.template_path, t.template_id, t.bbcode_bitfield, t.template_inherits_id, t.template_inherit_path, c.theme_path, c.theme_id, i.imageset_path
+ FROM ' . STYLES_TABLE . ' s, ' . $this->table_prefix . 'styles_template t, ' . $this->table_prefix . 'styles_theme c, ' . $this->table_prefix . "styles_imageset i
+ WHERE t.template_id = s.template_id
+ AND c.theme_id = s.theme_id
+ AND i.imageset_id = s.imageset_id";
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $sql = 'SELECT s.style_id, t.template_path, t.template_id, t.bbcode_bitfield, t.template_inherits_id, t.template_inherit_path, c.theme_path, c.theme_id
+ FROM ' . STYLES_TABLE . ' s, ' . $this->table_prefix . 'styles_template t, ' . $this->table_prefix . "stles_theme c
+ WHERE t.template_id = s.template_id
+ AND c.theme_id = s.theme_id";
+ }
+ $result = $this->db->sql_query($sql);
+ $styles = array();
+ while ($row = $this->db->sql_fetchrow($result))
+ {
+ $styles[] = $row;
+ }
+ $this->db->sql_freeresult($result);
+ // Decide which styles to keep, all others will be deleted
+ $valid_styles = array();
+ foreach ($styles as $style_row)
+ {
+ if (
+ // Delete styles with parent style (not supported yet)
+ $style_row['template_inherits_id'] == 0 &&
+ // Check if components match
+ $style_row['template_path'] == $style_row['theme_path'] && (!isset($style_row['imageset_path']) || $style_row['template_path'] == $style_row['imageset_path']) &&
+ // Check if components are valid
+ in_array($style_row['template_path'], $available_styles)
+ )
+ {
+ // Valid style. Keep it
+ $sql_ary = array(
+ 'style_path' => $style_row['template_path'],
+ 'bbcode_bitfield' => $style_row['bbcode_bitfield'],
+ 'style_parent_id' => 0,
+ 'style_parent_tree' => '',
+ );
+ $this->sql_query('UPDATE ' . STYLES_TABLE . '
+ SET ' . $this->db->sql_build_array('UPDATE', $sql_ary) . '
+ WHERE style_id = ' . $style_row['style_id']);
+ $valid_styles[] = (int) $style_row['style_id'];
+ }
+ }
+ // Remove old entries from styles table
+ if (!sizeof($valid_styles))
+ {
+ // No valid styles: remove everything and add prosilver
+ $this->sql_query('DELETE FROM ' . STYLES_TABLE, $errored, $error_ary);
+ $sql_ary = array(
+ 'style_name' => 'prosilver',
+ 'style_copyright' => '&copy; phpBB Group',
+ 'style_active' => 1,
+ 'style_path' => 'prosilver',
+ 'bbcode_bitfield' => 'lNg=',
+ 'style_parent_id' => 0,
+ 'style_parent_tree' => '',
+ // Will be removed in the next step
+ 'imageset_id' => 0,
+ 'template_id' => 0,
+ 'theme_id' => 0,
+ );
+ $sql = 'INSERT INTO ' . STYLES_TABLE . ' ' . $this->db->sql_build_array('INSERT', $sql_ary);
+ $this->sql_query($sql);
+ $sql = 'SELECT style_id
+ FROM ' . $table . "
+ WHERE style_name = 'prosilver'";
+ $result = $this->sql_query($sql);
+ $default_style = $this->db->sql_fetchfield($result);
+ $this->db->sql_freeresult($result);
+ set_config('default_style', $default_style);
+ $sql = 'UPDATE ' . USERS_TABLE . ' SET user_style = 0';
+ $this->sql_query($sql);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // There are valid styles in styles table. Remove styles that are outdated
+ $this->sql_query('DELETE FROM ' . STYLES_TABLE . '
+ WHERE ' . $this->db->sql_in_set('style_id', $valid_styles, true));
+ // Change default style
+ if (!in_array($this->config['default_style'], $valid_styles))
+ {
+ $this->sql_query('UPDATE ' . CONFIG_TABLE . "
+ SET config_value = '" . $valid_styles[0] . "'
+ WHERE config_name = 'default_style'");
+ }
+ // Reset styles for users
+ $this->sql_query('UPDATE ' . USERS_TABLE . '
+ SET user_style = 0
+ WHERE ' . $this->db->sql_in_set('user_style', $valid_styles, true));
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/phpBB/phpbb/db/migration/data/v310/style_update_p2.php b/phpBB/phpbb/db/migration/data/v310/style_update_p2.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..202a8409fb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/phpBB/phpbb/db/migration/data/v310/style_update_p2.php
@@ -0,0 +1,131 @@
+* @package migration
+* @copyright (c) 2012 phpBB Group
+* @license http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php GNU Public License v2
+namespace phpbb\db\migration\data\v310;
+class style_update_p2 extends \phpbb\db\migration\migration
+ public function effectively_installed()
+ {
+ return !$this->db_tools->sql_table_exists($this->table_prefix . 'styles_imageset');
+ }
+ static public function depends_on()
+ {
+ return array('\phpbb\db\migration\data\v310\style_update_p1');
+ }
+ public function update_schema()
+ {
+ return array(
+ 'drop_columns' => array(
+ $this->table_prefix . 'styles' => array(
+ 'imageset_id',
+ 'template_id',
+ 'theme_id',
+ ),
+ ),
+ 'drop_tables' => array(
+ $this->table_prefix . 'styles_imageset',
+ $this->table_prefix . 'styles_imageset_data',
+ $this->table_prefix . 'styles_template',
+ $this->table_prefix . 'styles_template_data',
+ $this->table_prefix . 'styles_theme',
+ ),
+ );
+ }
+ public function revert_schema()
+ {
+ return array(
+ 'add_columns' => array(
+ $this->table_prefix . 'styles' => array(
+ 'imageset_id' => array('UINT', 0),
+ 'template_id' => array('UINT', 0),
+ 'theme_id' => array('UINT', 0),
+ ),
+ ),
+ 'add_tables' => array(
+ $this->table_prefix . 'styles_imageset' => array(
+ 'COLUMNS' => array(
+ 'imageset_id' => array('UINT', NULL, 'auto_increment'),
+ 'imageset_name' => array('VCHAR_UNI:255', ''),
+ 'imageset_copyright' => array('VCHAR_UNI', ''),
+ 'imageset_path' => array('VCHAR:100', ''),
+ ),
+ 'PRIMARY_KEY' => 'imageset_id',
+ 'KEYS' => array(
+ 'imgset_nm' => array('UNIQUE', 'imageset_name'),
+ ),
+ ),
+ $this->table_prefix . 'styles_imageset_data' => array(
+ 'COLUMNS' => array(
+ 'image_id' => array('UINT', NULL, 'auto_increment'),
+ 'image_name' => array('VCHAR:200', ''),
+ 'image_filename' => array('VCHAR:200', ''),
+ 'image_lang' => array('VCHAR:30', ''),
+ 'image_height' => array('USINT', 0),
+ 'image_width' => array('USINT', 0),
+ 'imageset_id' => array('UINT', 0),
+ ),
+ 'PRIMARY_KEY' => 'image_id',
+ 'KEYS' => array(
+ 'i_d' => array('INDEX', 'imageset_id'),
+ ),
+ ),
+ $this->table_prefix . 'styles_template' => array(
+ 'COLUMNS' => array(
+ 'template_id' => array('UINT', NULL, 'auto_increment'),
+ 'template_name' => array('VCHAR_UNI:255', ''),
+ 'template_copyright' => array('VCHAR_UNI', ''),
+ 'template_path' => array('VCHAR:100', ''),
+ 'bbcode_bitfield' => array('VCHAR:255', 'kNg='),
+ 'template_storedb' => array('BOOL', 0),
+ 'template_inherits_id' => array('UINT:4', 0),
+ 'template_inherit_path' => array('VCHAR', ''),
+ ),
+ 'PRIMARY_KEY' => 'template_id',
+ 'KEYS' => array(
+ 'tmplte_nm' => array('UNIQUE', 'template_name'),
+ ),
+ ),
+ $this->table_prefix . 'styles_template_data' => array(
+ 'COLUMNS' => array(
+ 'template_id' => array('UINT', 0),
+ 'template_filename' => array('VCHAR:100', ''),
+ 'template_included' => array('TEXT', ''),
+ 'template_mtime' => array('TIMESTAMP', 0),
+ 'template_data' => array('MTEXT_UNI', ''),
+ ),
+ 'KEYS' => array(
+ 'tid' => array('INDEX', 'template_id'),
+ 'tfn' => array('INDEX', 'template_filename'),
+ ),
+ ),
+ $this->table_prefix . 'styles_theme' => array(
+ 'COLUMNS' => array(
+ 'theme_id' => array('UINT', NULL, 'auto_increment'),
+ 'theme_name' => array('VCHAR_UNI:255', ''),
+ 'theme_copyright' => array('VCHAR_UNI', ''),
+ 'theme_path' => array('VCHAR:100', ''),
+ 'theme_storedb' => array('BOOL', 0),
+ 'theme_mtime' => array('TIMESTAMP', 0),
+ 'theme_data' => array('MTEXT_UNI', ''),
+ ),
+ 'PRIMARY_KEY' => 'theme_id',
+ 'KEYS' => array(
+ 'theme_name' => array('UNIQUE', 'theme_name'),
+ ),
+ ),
+ ),
+ );
+ }
diff --git a/phpBB/phpbb/db/migration/data/v310/teampage.php b/phpBB/phpbb/db/migration/data/v310/teampage.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..80cc4be1c0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/phpBB/phpbb/db/migration/data/v310/teampage.php
@@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
+* @package migration
+* @copyright (c) 2012 phpBB Group
+* @license http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php GNU Public License v2
+namespace phpbb\db\migration\data\v310;
+class teampage extends \phpbb\db\migration\migration
+ public function effectively_installed()
+ {
+ return $this->db_tools->sql_table_exists($this->table_prefix . 'teampage');
+ }
+ static public function depends_on()
+ {
+ return array('\phpbb\db\migration\data\v310\dev');
+ }
+ public function update_schema()
+ {
+ return array(
+ 'add_tables' => array(
+ $this->table_prefix . 'teampage' => array(
+ 'COLUMNS' => array(
+ 'teampage_id' => array('UINT', NULL, 'auto_increment'),
+ 'group_id' => array('UINT', 0),
+ 'teampage_name' => array('VCHAR_UNI:255', ''),
+ 'teampage_position' => array('UINT', 0),
+ 'teampage_parent' => array('UINT', 0),
+ ),
+ 'PRIMARY_KEY' => 'teampage_id',
+ ),
+ ),
+ 'drop_columns' => array(
+ $this->table_prefix . 'groups' => array(
+ 'group_teampage',
+ ),
+ ),
+ );
+ }
+ public function revert_schema()
+ {
+ return array(
+ 'drop_tables' => array(
+ $this->table_prefix . 'teampage',
+ ),
+ 'add_columns' => array(
+ $this->table_prefix . 'groups' => array(
+ 'group_teampage' => array('UINT', 0, 'after' => 'group_legend'),
+ ),
+ ),
+ );
+ }
+ public function update_data()
+ {
+ return array(
+ array('custom', array(array($this, 'add_groups_teampage'))),
+ );
+ }
+ public function add_groups_teampage()
+ {
+ $sql = 'SELECT teampage_id
+ $result = $this->db->sql_query_limit($sql, 1);
+ $added_groups_teampage = (bool) $this->db->sql_fetchfield('teampage_id');
+ $this->db->sql_freeresult($result);
+ if (!$added_groups_teampage)
+ {
+ $sql = 'SELECT *
+ WHERE group_type = ' . GROUP_SPECIAL . "
+ AND (group_name = 'ADMINISTRATORS'
+ OR group_name = 'GLOBAL_MODERATORS')
+ ORDER BY group_name ASC";
+ $result = $this->db->sql_query($sql);
+ $teampage_entries = array();
+ while ($row = $this->db->sql_fetchrow($result))
+ {
+ $teampage_entries[] = array(
+ 'group_id' => (int) $row['group_id'],
+ 'teampage_name' => '',
+ 'teampage_position' => sizeof($teampage_entries) + 1,
+ 'teampage_parent' => 0,
+ );
+ }
+ $this->db->sql_freeresult($result);
+ if (sizeof($teampage_entries))
+ {
+ $this->db->sql_multi_insert(TEAMPAGE_TABLE, $teampage_entries);
+ }
+ unset($teampage_entries);
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/phpBB/phpbb/db/migration/data/v310/timezone.php b/phpBB/phpbb/db/migration/data/v310/timezone.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..dd0c6a2093
--- /dev/null
+++ b/phpBB/phpbb/db/migration/data/v310/timezone.php
@@ -0,0 +1,165 @@
+* @package migration
+* @copyright (c) 2012 phpBB Group
+* @license http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php GNU Public License v2
+namespace phpbb\db\migration\data\v310;
+class timezone extends \phpbb\db\migration\migration
+ public function effectively_installed()
+ {
+ return !$this->db_tools->sql_column_exists($this->table_prefix . 'users', 'user_dst');
+ }
+ static public function depends_on()
+ {
+ return array('\phpbb\db\migration\data\v30x\release_3_0_11');
+ }
+ public function update_schema()
+ {
+ return array(
+ 'change_columns' => array(
+ $this->table_prefix . 'users' => array(
+ 'user_timezone' => array('VCHAR:100', ''),
+ ),
+ ),
+ );
+ }
+ public function update_data()
+ {
+ return array(
+ array('custom', array(array($this, 'update_timezones'))),
+ );
+ }
+ public function update_timezones()
+ {
+ // Update user timezones
+ $sql = 'SELECT user_dst, user_timezone
+ FROM ' . $this->table_prefix . 'users
+ GROUP BY user_timezone, user_dst';
+ $result = $this->db->sql_query($sql);
+ while ($row = $this->db->sql_fetchrow($result))
+ {
+ $sql = 'UPDATE ' . $this->table_prefix . "users
+ SET user_timezone = '" . $this->db->sql_escape($this->convert_phpbb30_timezone($row['user_timezone'], $row['user_dst'])) . "'
+ WHERE user_timezone = '" . $this->db->sql_escape($row['user_timezone']) . "'
+ AND user_dst = " . (int) $row['user_dst'];
+ $this->sql_query($sql);
+ }
+ $this->db->sql_freeresult($result);
+ // Update board default timezone
+ $sql = 'UPDATE ' . $this->table_prefix . "config
+ SET config_value = '" . $this->convert_phpbb30_timezone($this->config['board_timezone'], $this->config['board_dst']) . "'
+ WHERE config_name = 'board_timezone'";
+ $this->sql_query($sql);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Determine the new timezone for a given phpBB 3.0 timezone and
+ * "Daylight Saving Time" option
+ *
+ * @param $timezone float Users timezone in 3.0
+ * @param $dst int Users daylight saving time
+ * @return string Users new php Timezone which is used since 3.1
+ */
+ public function convert_phpbb30_timezone($timezone, $dst)
+ {
+ $offset = $timezone + $dst;
+ switch ($timezone)
+ {
+ case '-12':
+ return 'Etc/GMT+' . abs($offset); //'[UTC - 12] Baker Island Time'
+ case '-11':
+ return 'Etc/GMT+' . abs($offset); //'[UTC - 11] Niue Time, Samoa Standard Time'
+ case '-10':
+ return 'Etc/GMT+' . abs($offset); //'[UTC - 10] Hawaii-Aleutian Standard Time, Cook Island Time'
+ case '-9.5':
+ return 'Pacific/Marquesas'; //'[UTC - 9:30] Marquesas Islands Time'
+ case '-9':
+ return 'Etc/GMT+' . abs($offset); //'[UTC - 9] Alaska Standard Time, Gambier Island Time'
+ case '-8':
+ return 'Etc/GMT+' . abs($offset); //'[UTC - 8] Pacific Standard Time'
+ case '-7':
+ return 'Etc/GMT+' . abs($offset); //'[UTC - 7] Mountain Standard Time'
+ case '-6':
+ return 'Etc/GMT+' . abs($offset); //'[UTC - 6] Central Standard Time'
+ case '-5':
+ return 'Etc/GMT+' . abs($offset); //'[UTC - 5] Eastern Standard Time'
+ case '-4.5':
+ return 'America/Caracas'; //'[UTC - 4:30] Venezuelan Standard Time'
+ case '-4':
+ return 'Etc/GMT+' . abs($offset); //'[UTC - 4] Atlantic Standard Time'
+ case '-3.5':
+ return 'America/St_Johns'; //'[UTC - 3:30] Newfoundland Standard Time'
+ case '-3':
+ return 'Etc/GMT+' . abs($offset); //'[UTC - 3] Amazon Standard Time, Central Greenland Time'
+ case '-2':
+ return 'Etc/GMT+' . abs($offset); //'[UTC - 2] Fernando de Noronha Time, South Georgia &amp; the South Sandwich Islands Time'
+ case '-1':
+ return 'Etc/GMT+' . abs($offset); //'[UTC - 1] Azores Standard Time, Cape Verde Time, Eastern Greenland Time'
+ case '0':
+ return (!$dst) ? 'UTC' : 'Etc/GMT-1'; //'[UTC] Western European Time, Greenwich Mean Time'
+ case '1':
+ return 'Etc/GMT-' . $offset; //'[UTC + 1] Central European Time, West African Time'
+ case '2':
+ return 'Etc/GMT-' . $offset; //'[UTC + 2] Eastern European Time, Central African Time'
+ case '3':
+ return 'Etc/GMT-' . $offset; //'[UTC + 3] Moscow Standard Time, Eastern African Time'
+ case '3.5':
+ return 'Asia/Tehran'; //'[UTC + 3:30] Iran Standard Time'
+ case '4':
+ return 'Etc/GMT-' . $offset; //'[UTC + 4] Gulf Standard Time, Samara Standard Time'
+ case '4.5':
+ return 'Asia/Kabul'; //'[UTC + 4:30] Afghanistan Time'
+ case '5':
+ return 'Etc/GMT-' . $offset; //'[UTC + 5] Pakistan Standard Time, Yekaterinburg Standard Time'
+ case '5.5':
+ return 'Asia/Kolkata'; //'[UTC + 5:30] Indian Standard Time, Sri Lanka Time'
+ case '5.75':
+ return 'Asia/Kathmandu'; //'[UTC + 5:45] Nepal Time'
+ case '6':
+ return 'Etc/GMT-' . $offset; //'[UTC + 6] Bangladesh Time, Bhutan Time, Novosibirsk Standard Time'
+ case '6.5':
+ return 'Indian/Cocos'; //'[UTC + 6:30] Cocos Islands Time, Myanmar Time'
+ case '7':
+ return 'Etc/GMT-' . $offset; //'[UTC + 7] Indochina Time, Krasnoyarsk Standard Time'
+ case '8':
+ return 'Etc/GMT-' . $offset; //'[UTC + 8] Chinese Standard Time, Australian Western Standard Time, Irkutsk Standard Time'
+ case '8.75':
+ return 'Australia/Eucla'; //'[UTC + 8:45] Southeastern Western Australia Standard Time'
+ case '9':
+ return 'Etc/GMT-' . $offset; //'[UTC + 9] Japan Standard Time, Korea Standard Time, Chita Standard Time'
+ case '9.5':
+ return 'Australia/ACT'; //'[UTC + 9:30] Australian Central Standard Time'
+ case '10':
+ return 'Etc/GMT-' . $offset; //'[UTC + 10] Australian Eastern Standard Time, Vladivostok Standard Time'
+ case '10.5':
+ return 'Australia/Lord_Howe'; //'[UTC + 10:30] Lord Howe Standard Time'
+ case '11':
+ return 'Etc/GMT-' . $offset; //'[UTC + 11] Solomon Island Time, Magadan Standard Time'
+ case '11.5':
+ return 'Pacific/Norfolk'; //'[UTC + 11:30] Norfolk Island Time'
+ case '12':
+ return 'Etc/GMT-12'; //'[UTC + 12] New Zealand Time, Fiji Time, Kamchatka Standard Time'
+ case '12.75':
+ return 'Pacific/Chatham'; //'[UTC + 12:45] Chatham Islands Time'
+ case '13':
+ return 'Pacific/Tongatapu'; //'[UTC + 13] Tonga Time, Phoenix Islands Time'
+ case '14':
+ return 'Pacific/Kiritimati'; //'[UTC + 14] Line Island Time'
+ default:
+ return 'UTC';
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/phpBB/phpbb/db/migration/data/v310/timezone_p2.php b/phpBB/phpbb/db/migration/data/v310/timezone_p2.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1066ab8571
--- /dev/null
+++ b/phpBB/phpbb/db/migration/data/v310/timezone_p2.php
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+* @package migration
+* @copyright (c) 2012 phpBB Group
+* @license http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php GNU Public License v2
+namespace phpbb\db\migration\data\v310;
+class timezone_p2 extends \phpbb\db\migration\migration
+ public function effectively_installed()
+ {
+ return !$this->db_tools->sql_column_exists($this->table_prefix . 'users', 'user_dst');
+ }
+ static public function depends_on()
+ {
+ return array('\phpbb\db\migration\data\v310\timezone');
+ }
+ public function update_schema()
+ {
+ return array(
+ 'drop_columns' => array(
+ $this->table_prefix . 'users' => array(
+ 'user_dst',
+ ),
+ ),
+ );
+ }
+ public function revert_schema()
+ {
+ return array(
+ 'add_columns' => array(
+ $this->table_prefix . 'users' => array(
+ 'user_dst' => array('BOOL', 0),
+ ),
+ ),
+ );
+ }
diff --git a/phpBB/phpbb/db/migration/exception.php b/phpBB/phpbb/db/migration/exception.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..58e29b5218
--- /dev/null
+++ b/phpBB/phpbb/db/migration/exception.php
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+* @package db
+* @copyright (c) 2012 phpBB Group
+* @license http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php GNU Public License v2
+namespace phpbb\db\migration;
+* @ignore
+if (!defined('IN_PHPBB'))
+ exit;
+* The migrator is responsible for applying new migrations in the correct order.
+* @package db
+class exception extends \Exception
+ /**
+ * Extra parameters sent to exception to aid in debugging
+ * @var array
+ */
+ protected $parameters;
+ /**
+ * Throw an exception.
+ *
+ * First argument is the error message.
+ * Additional arguments will be output with the error message.
+ */
+ public function __construct()
+ {
+ $parameters = func_get_args();
+ $message = array_shift($parameters);
+ parent::__construct($message);
+ $this->parameters = $parameters;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Output the error as a string
+ *
+ * @return string
+ */
+ public function __toString()
+ {
+ return $this->message . ': ' . var_export($this->parameters, true);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Get the parameters
+ *
+ * @return array
+ */
+ public function getParameters()
+ {
+ return $this->parameters;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Get localised message (with $user->lang())
+ *
+ * @param \phpbb\user $user
+ * @return string
+ */
+ public function getLocalisedMessage(\phpbb\user $user)
+ {
+ $parameters = $this->getParameters();
+ array_unshift($parameters, $this->getMessage());
+ return call_user_func_array(array($user, 'lang'), $parameters);
+ }
diff --git a/phpBB/phpbb/db/migration/migration.php b/phpBB/phpbb/db/migration/migration.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..aff3837279
--- /dev/null
+++ b/phpBB/phpbb/db/migration/migration.php
@@ -0,0 +1,192 @@
+* @package db
+* @copyright (c) 2011 phpBB Group
+* @license http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php GNU Public License v2
+namespace phpbb\db\migration;
+* @ignore
+if (!defined('IN_PHPBB'))
+ exit;
+* Abstract base class for database migrations
+* Each migration consists of a set of schema and data changes to be implemented
+* in a subclass. This class provides various utility methods to simplify editing
+* a phpBB.
+* @package db
+abstract class migration
+ /** @var \phpbb\config\config */
+ protected $config;
+ /** @var \phpbb\db\driver\driver */
+ protected $db;
+ /** @var \phpbb\db\tools */
+ protected $db_tools;
+ /** @var string */
+ protected $table_prefix;
+ /** @var string */
+ protected $phpbb_root_path;
+ /** @var string */
+ protected $php_ext;
+ /** @var array Errors, if any occurred */
+ protected $errors;
+ /** @var array List of queries executed through $this->sql_query() */
+ protected $queries = array();
+ /**
+ * Constructor
+ *
+ * @param \phpbb\config\config $config
+ * @param \phpbb\db\driver\driver $db
+ * @param \phpbb\db\tools $db_tools
+ * @param string $phpbb_root_path
+ * @param string $php_ext
+ * @param string $table_prefix
+ */
+ public function __construct(\phpbb\config\config $config, \phpbb\db\driver\driver $db, \phpbb\db\tools $db_tools, $phpbb_root_path, $php_ext, $table_prefix)
+ {
+ $this->config = $config;
+ $this->db = $db;
+ $this->db_tools = $db_tools;
+ $this->table_prefix = $table_prefix;
+ $this->phpbb_root_path = $phpbb_root_path;
+ $this->php_ext = $php_ext;
+ $this->errors = array();
+ }
+ /**
+ * Defines other migrations to be applied first
+ *
+ * @return array An array of migration class names
+ */
+ static public function depends_on()
+ {
+ return array();
+ }
+ /**
+ * Allows you to check if the migration is effectively installed (entirely optional)
+ *
+ * This is checked when a migration is installed. If true is returned, the migration will be set as
+ * installed without performing the database changes.
+ * This function is intended to help moving to migrations from a previous database updater, where some
+ * migrations may have been installed already even though they are not yet listed in the migrations table.
+ *
+ * @return bool True if this migration is installed, False if this migration is not installed (checked on install)
+ */
+ public function effectively_installed()
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Updates the database schema by providing a set of change instructions
+ *
+ * @return array Array of schema changes (compatible with db_tools->perform_schema_changes())
+ */
+ public function update_schema()
+ {
+ return array();
+ }
+ /**
+ * Reverts the database schema by providing a set of change instructions
+ *
+ * @return array Array of schema changes (compatible with db_tools->perform_schema_changes())
+ */
+ public function revert_schema()
+ {
+ return array();
+ }
+ /**
+ * Updates data by returning a list of instructions to be executed
+ *
+ * @return array Array of data update instructions
+ */
+ public function update_data()
+ {
+ return array();
+ }
+ /**
+ * Reverts data by returning a list of instructions to be executed
+ *
+ * @return array Array of data instructions that will be performed on revert
+ * NOTE: calls to tools (such as config.add) are automatically reverted when
+ * possible, so you should not attempt to revert those, this is mostly for
+ * otherwise unrevertable calls (custom functions for example)
+ */
+ public function revert_data()
+ {
+ return array();
+ }
+ /**
+ * Wrapper for running queries to generate user feedback on updates
+ *
+ * @param string $sql SQL query to run on the database
+ * @return mixed Query result from db->sql_query()
+ */
+ protected function sql_query($sql)
+ {
+ $this->queries[] = $sql;
+ $this->db->sql_return_on_error(true);
+ if ($sql === 'begin')
+ {
+ $result = $this->db->sql_transaction('begin');
+ }
+ else if ($sql === 'commit')
+ {
+ $result = $this->db->sql_transaction('commit');
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $result = $this->db->sql_query($sql);
+ if ($this->db->sql_error_triggered)
+ {
+ $this->errors[] = array(
+ 'sql' => $this->db->sql_error_sql,
+ 'code' => $this->db->sql_error_returned,
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ $this->db->sql_return_on_error(false);
+ return $result;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Get the list of queries run
+ *
+ * @return array
+ */
+ public function get_queries()
+ {
+ return $this->queries;
+ }
diff --git a/phpBB/phpbb/db/migration/tool/config.php b/phpBB/phpbb/db/migration/tool/config.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f2149dc59a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/phpBB/phpbb/db/migration/tool/config.php
@@ -0,0 +1,152 @@
+* @package migration
+* @copyright (c) 2012 phpBB Group
+* @license http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php GNU Public License v2
+namespace phpbb\db\migration\tool;
+* Migration config tool
+* @package db
+class config implements \phpbb\db\migration\tool\tool_interface
+ /** @var \phpbb\config\config */
+ protected $config;
+ /**
+ * Constructor
+ *
+ * @param \phpbb\config\config $config
+ */
+ public function __construct(\phpbb\config\config $config)
+ {
+ $this->config = $config;
+ }
+ /**
+ * {@inheritdoc}
+ */
+ public function get_name()
+ {
+ return 'config';
+ }
+ /**
+ * Add a config setting.
+ *
+ * @param string $config_name The name of the config setting
+ * you would like to add
+ * @param mixed $config_value The value of the config setting
+ * @param bool $is_dynamic True if it is dynamic (changes very often)
+ * and should not be stored in the cache, false if not.
+ * @return null
+ */
+ public function add($config_name, $config_value, $is_dynamic = false)
+ {
+ if (isset($this->config[$config_name]))
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ $this->config->set($config_name, $config_value, !$is_dynamic);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Update an existing config setting.
+ *
+ * @param string $config_name The name of the config setting you would
+ * like to update
+ * @param mixed $config_value The value of the config setting
+ * @return null
+ */
+ public function update($config_name, $config_value)
+ {
+ if (!isset($this->config[$config_name]))
+ {
+ throw new \phpbb\db\migration\exception('CONFIG_NOT_EXIST', $config_name);
+ }
+ $this->config->set($config_name, $config_value);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Update a config setting if the first argument equal to the
+ * current config value
+ *
+ * @param string $compare If equal to the current config value, will be
+ * updated to the new config value, otherwise not
+ * @param string $config_name The name of the config setting you would
+ * like to update
+ * @param mixed $config_value The value of the config setting
+ * @return null
+ */
+ public function update_if_equals($compare, $config_name, $config_value)
+ {
+ if (!isset($this->config[$config_name]))
+ {
+ throw new \phpbb\db\migration\exception('CONFIG_NOT_EXIST', $config_name);
+ }
+ $this->config->set_atomic($config_name, $compare, $config_value);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Remove an existing config setting.
+ *
+ * @param string $config_name The name of the config setting you would
+ * like to remove
+ * @return null
+ */
+ public function remove($config_name)
+ {
+ if (!isset($this->config[$config_name]))
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ $this->config->delete($config_name);
+ }
+ /**
+ * {@inheritdoc}
+ */
+ public function reverse()
+ {
+ $arguments = func_get_args();
+ $original_call = array_shift($arguments);
+ $call = false;
+ switch ($original_call)
+ {
+ case 'add':
+ $call = 'remove';
+ break;
+ case 'remove':
+ $call = 'add';
+ break;
+ case 'update_if_equals':
+ $call = 'update_if_equals';
+ // Set to the original value if the current value is what we compared to originally
+ $arguments = array(
+ $arguments[2],
+ $arguments[1],
+ $arguments[0],
+ );
+ break;
+ }
+ if ($call)
+ {
+ return call_user_func_array(array(&$this, $call), $arguments);
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/phpBB/phpbb/db/migration/tool/module.php b/phpBB/phpbb/db/migration/tool/module.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9869dd4230
--- /dev/null
+++ b/phpBB/phpbb/db/migration/tool/module.php
@@ -0,0 +1,503 @@
+* @package migration
+* @copyright (c) 2012 phpBB Group
+* @license http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php GNU Public License v2
+namespace phpbb\db\migration\tool;
+* Migration module management tool
+* @package db
+class module implements \phpbb\db\migration\tool\tool_interface
+ /** @var \phpbb\cache\service */
+ protected $cache;
+ /** @var dbal */
+ protected $db;
+ /** @var \phpbb\user */
+ protected $user;
+ /** @var string */
+ protected $phpbb_root_path;
+ /** @var string */
+ protected $php_ext;
+ /** @var string */
+ protected $modules_table;
+ /**
+ * Constructor
+ *
+ * @param \phpbb\db\driver\driver $db
+ * @param mixed $cache
+ * @param \phpbb\user $user
+ * @param string $phpbb_root_path
+ * @param string $php_ext
+ * @param string $modules_table
+ */
+ public function __construct(\phpbb\db\driver\driver $db, \phpbb\cache\service $cache, \phpbb\user $user, $phpbb_root_path, $php_ext, $modules_table)
+ {
+ $this->db = $db;
+ $this->cache = $cache;
+ $this->user = $user;
+ $this->phpbb_root_path = $phpbb_root_path;
+ $this->php_ext = $php_ext;
+ $this->modules_table = $modules_table;
+ }
+ /**
+ * {@inheritdoc}
+ */
+ public function get_name()
+ {
+ return 'module';
+ }
+ /**
+ * Module Exists
+ *
+ * Check if a module exists
+ *
+ * @param string $class The module class(acp|mcp|ucp)
+ * @param int|string|bool $parent The parent module_id|module_langname (0 for no parent).
+ * Use false to ignore the parent check and check class wide.
+ * @param int|string $module The module_id|module_langname you would like to
+ * check for to see if it exists
+ * @return bool true/false if module exists
+ */
+ public function exists($class, $parent, $module)
+ {
+ // the main root directory should return true
+ if (!$module)
+ {
+ return true;
+ }
+ $parent_sql = '';
+ if ($parent !== false)
+ {
+ // Allows '' to be sent as 0
+ $parent = $parent ?: 0;
+ if (!is_numeric($parent))
+ {
+ $sql = 'SELECT module_id
+ FROM ' . $this->modules_table . "
+ WHERE module_langname = '" . $this->db->sql_escape($parent) . "'
+ AND module_class = '" . $this->db->sql_escape($class) . "'";
+ $result = $this->db->sql_query($sql);
+ $module_id = $this->db->sql_fetchfield('module_id');
+ $this->db->sql_freeresult($result);
+ if (!$module_id)
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ $parent_sql = 'AND parent_id = ' . (int) $module_id;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $parent_sql = 'AND parent_id = ' . (int) $parent;
+ }
+ }
+ $sql = 'SELECT module_id
+ FROM ' . $this->modules_table . "
+ WHERE module_class = '" . $this->db->sql_escape($class) . "'
+ $parent_sql
+ AND " . ((is_numeric($module)) ? 'module_id = ' . (int) $module : "module_langname = '" . $this->db->sql_escape($module) . "'");
+ $result = $this->db->sql_query($sql);
+ $module_id = $this->db->sql_fetchfield('module_id');
+ $this->db->sql_freeresult($result);
+ if ($module_id)
+ {
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Module Add
+ *
+ * Add a new module
+ *
+ * @param string $class The module class(acp|mcp|ucp)
+ * @param int|string $parent The parent module_id|module_langname (0 for no parent)
+ * @param array $data an array of the data on the new \module.
+ * This can be setup in two different ways.
+ * 1. The "manual" way. For inserting a category or one at a time.
+ * It will be merged with the base array shown a bit below,
+ * but at the least requires 'module_langname' to be sent, and,
+ * if you want to create a module (instead of just a category) you must
+ * send module_basename and module_mode.
+ * array(
+ * 'module_enabled' => 1,
+ * 'module_display' => 1,
+ * 'module_basename' => '',
+ * 'module_class' => $class,
+ * 'parent_id' => (int) $parent,
+ * 'module_langname' => '',
+ * 'module_mode' => '',
+ * 'module_auth' => '',
+ * )
+ * 2. The "automatic" way. For inserting multiple at a time based on the
+ * specs in the info file for the module(s). For this to work the
+ * modules must be correctly setup in the info file.
+ * An example follows (this would insert the settings, log, and flag
+ * modes from the includes/acp/info/acp_asacp.php file):
+ * array(
+ * 'module_basename' => 'asacp',
+ * 'modes' => array('settings', 'log', 'flag'),
+ * )
+ * Optionally you may not send 'modes' and it will insert all of the
+ * modules in that info file.
+ * @param string|bool $include_path If you would like to use a custom include
+ * path, specify that here
+ * @return null
+ */
+ public function add($class, $parent = 0, $data = array(), $include_path = false)
+ {
+ // Allows '' to be sent as 0
+ $parent = $parent ?: 0;
+ // allow sending the name as a string in $data to create a category
+ if (!is_array($data))
+ {
+ $data = array('module_langname' => $data);
+ }
+ if (!isset($data['module_langname']))
+ {
+ // The "automatic" way
+ $basename = (isset($data['module_basename'])) ? $data['module_basename'] : '';
+ $basename = str_replace(array('/', '\\'), '', $basename);
+ $class = str_replace(array('/', '\\'), '', $class);
+ $module = $this->get_module_info($class, $basename);
+ $result = '';
+ foreach ($module['modes'] as $mode => $module_info)
+ {
+ if (!isset($data['modes']) || in_array($mode, $data['modes']))
+ {
+ $new_module = array(
+ 'module_basename' => $basename,
+ 'module_langname' => $module_info['title'],
+ 'module_mode' => $mode,
+ 'module_auth' => $module_info['auth'],
+ 'module_display' => (isset($module_info['display'])) ? $module_info['display'] : true,
+ 'before' => (isset($module_info['before'])) ? $module_info['before'] : false,
+ 'after' => (isset($module_info['after'])) ? $module_info['after'] : false,
+ );
+ // Run the "manual" way with the data we've collected.
+ $this->add($class, $parent, $new_module);
+ }
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ // The "manual" way
+ if (!is_numeric($parent))
+ {
+ $sql = 'SELECT module_id
+ FROM ' . $this->modules_table . "
+ WHERE module_langname = '" . $this->db->sql_escape($parent) . "'
+ AND module_class = '" . $this->db->sql_escape($class) . "'";
+ $result = $this->db->sql_query($sql);
+ $module_id = $this->db->sql_fetchfield('module_id');
+ $this->db->sql_freeresult($result);
+ if (!$module_id)
+ {
+ throw new \phpbb\db\migration\exception('MODULE_NOT_EXIST', $parent);
+ }
+ $parent = $data['parent_id'] = $module_id;
+ }
+ else if (!$this->exists($class, false, $parent))
+ {
+ throw new \phpbb\db\migration\exception('MODULE_NOT_EXIST', $parent);
+ }
+ if ($this->exists($class, $parent, $data['module_langname']))
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (!class_exists('acp_modules'))
+ {
+ include($this->phpbb_root_path . 'includes/acp/acp_modules.' . $this->php_ext);
+ $this->user->add_lang('acp/modules');
+ }
+ $acp_modules = new \acp_modules();
+ $module_data = array(
+ 'module_enabled' => (isset($data['module_enabled'])) ? $data['module_enabled'] : 1,
+ 'module_display' => (isset($data['module_display'])) ? $data['module_display'] : 1,
+ 'module_basename' => (isset($data['module_basename'])) ? $data['module_basename'] : '',
+ 'module_class' => $class,
+ 'parent_id' => (int) $parent,
+ 'module_langname' => (isset($data['module_langname'])) ? $data['module_langname'] : '',
+ 'module_mode' => (isset($data['module_mode'])) ? $data['module_mode'] : '',
+ 'module_auth' => (isset($data['module_auth'])) ? $data['module_auth'] : '',
+ );
+ $result = $acp_modules->update_module_data($module_data, true);
+ // update_module_data can either return a string or an empty array...
+ if (is_string($result))
+ {
+ // Error
+ throw new \phpbb\db\migration\exception('MODULE_ERROR', $result);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Success
+ $module_log_name = ((isset($this->user->lang[$data['module_langname']])) ? $this->user->lang[$data['module_langname']] : $data['module_langname']);
+ add_log('admin', 'LOG_MODULE_ADD', $module_log_name);
+ // Move the module if requested above/below an existing one
+ if (isset($data['before']) && $data['before'])
+ {
+ $sql = 'SELECT left_id
+ FROM ' . $this->modules_table . "
+ WHERE module_class = '" . $this->db->sql_escape($class) . "'
+ AND parent_id = " . (int) $parent . "
+ AND module_langname = '" . $this->db->sql_escape($data['before']) . "'";
+ $this->db->sql_query($sql);
+ $to_left = (int) $this->db->sql_fetchfield('left_id');
+ $sql = 'UPDATE ' . $this->modules_table . "
+ SET left_id = left_id + 2, right_id = right_id + 2
+ WHERE module_class = '" . $this->db->sql_escape($class) . "'
+ AND left_id >= $to_left
+ AND left_id < {$module_data['left_id']}";
+ $this->db->sql_query($sql);
+ $sql = 'UPDATE ' . $this->modules_table . "
+ SET left_id = $to_left, right_id = " . ($to_left + 1) . "
+ WHERE module_class = '" . $this->db->sql_escape($class) . "'
+ AND module_id = {$module_data['module_id']}";
+ $this->db->sql_query($sql);
+ }
+ else if (isset($data['after']) && $data['after'])
+ {
+ $sql = 'SELECT right_id
+ FROM ' . $this->modules_table . "
+ WHERE module_class = '" . $this->db->sql_escape($class) . "'
+ AND parent_id = " . (int) $parent . "
+ AND module_langname = '" . $this->db->sql_escape($data['after']) . "'";
+ $this->db->sql_query($sql);
+ $to_right = (int) $this->db->sql_fetchfield('right_id');
+ $sql = 'UPDATE ' . $this->modules_table . "
+ SET left_id = left_id + 2, right_id = right_id + 2
+ WHERE module_class = '" . $this->db->sql_escape($class) . "'
+ AND left_id >= $to_right
+ AND left_id < {$module_data['left_id']}";
+ $this->db->sql_query($sql);
+ $sql = 'UPDATE ' . $this->modules_table . '
+ SET left_id = ' . ($to_right + 1) . ', right_id = ' . ($to_right + 2) . "
+ WHERE module_class = '" . $this->db->sql_escape($class) . "'
+ AND module_id = {$module_data['module_id']}";
+ $this->db->sql_query($sql);
+ }
+ }
+ // Clear the Modules Cache
+ $this->cache->destroy("_modules_$class");
+ }
+ /**
+ * Module Remove
+ *
+ * Remove a module
+ *
+ * @param string $class The module class(acp|mcp|ucp)
+ * @param int|string|bool $parent The parent module_id|module_langname(0 for no parent).
+ * Use false to ignore the parent check and check class wide.
+ * @param int|string $module The module id|module_langname
+ * @param string|bool $include_path If you would like to use a custom include path,
+ * specify that here
+ * @return null
+ */
+ public function remove($class, $parent = 0, $module = '', $include_path = false)
+ {
+ // Imitation of module_add's "automatic" and "manual" method so the uninstaller works from the same set of instructions for umil_auto
+ if (is_array($module))
+ {
+ if (isset($module['module_langname']))
+ {
+ // Manual Method
+ return $this->remove($class, $parent, $module['module_langname'], $include_path);
+ }
+ // Failed.
+ if (!isset($module['module_basename']))
+ {
+ throw new \phpbb\db\migration\exception('MODULE_NOT_EXIST');
+ }
+ // Automatic method
+ $basename = str_replace(array('/', '\\'), '', $module['module_basename']);
+ $class = str_replace(array('/', '\\'), '', $class);
+ $module_info = $this->get_module_info($class, $basename);
+ foreach ($module_info['modes'] as $mode => $info)
+ {
+ if (!isset($module['modes']) || in_array($mode, $module['modes']))
+ {
+ $this->remove($class, $parent, $info['title']);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (!$this->exists($class, $parent, $module))
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ $parent_sql = '';
+ if ($parent !== false)
+ {
+ // Allows '' to be sent as 0
+ $parent = ($parent) ?: 0;
+ if (!is_numeric($parent))
+ {
+ $sql = 'SELECT module_id
+ FROM ' . $this->modules_table . "
+ WHERE module_langname = '" . $this->db->sql_escape($parent) . "'
+ AND module_class = '" . $this->db->sql_escape($class) . "'";
+ $result = $this->db->sql_query($sql);
+ $module_id = $this->db->sql_fetchfield('module_id');
+ $this->db->sql_freeresult($result);
+ // we know it exists from the module_exists check
+ $parent_sql = 'AND parent_id = ' . (int) $module_id;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $parent_sql = 'AND parent_id = ' . (int) $parent;
+ }
+ }
+ $module_ids = array();
+ if (!is_numeric($module))
+ {
+ $sql = 'SELECT module_id
+ FROM ' . $this->modules_table . "
+ WHERE module_langname = '" . $this->db->sql_escape($module) . "'
+ AND module_class = '" . $this->db->sql_escape($class) . "'
+ $parent_sql";
+ $result = $this->db->sql_query($sql);
+ while ($module_id = $this->db->sql_fetchfield('module_id'))
+ {
+ $module_ids[] = (int) $module_id;
+ }
+ $this->db->sql_freeresult($result);
+ $module_name = $module;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $module = (int) $module;
+ $sql = 'SELECT module_langname
+ FROM ' . $this->modules_table . "
+ WHERE module_id = $module
+ AND module_class = '" . $this->db->sql_escape($class) . "'
+ $parent_sql";
+ $result = $this->db->sql_query($sql);
+ $module_name = $this->db->sql_fetchfield('module_id');
+ $this->db->sql_freeresult($result);
+ $module_ids[] = $module;
+ }
+ if (!class_exists('acp_modules'))
+ {
+ include($this->phpbb_root_path . 'includes/acp/acp_modules.' . $this->php_ext);
+ $this->user->add_lang('acp/modules');
+ }
+ $acp_modules = new \acp_modules();
+ $acp_modules->module_class = $class;
+ foreach ($module_ids as $module_id)
+ {
+ $result = $acp_modules->delete_module($module_id);
+ if (!empty($result))
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ $this->cache->destroy("_modules_$class");
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * {@inheritdoc}
+ */
+ public function reverse()
+ {
+ $arguments = func_get_args();
+ $original_call = array_shift($arguments);
+ $call = false;
+ switch ($original_call)
+ {
+ case 'add':
+ $call = 'remove';
+ break;
+ case 'remove':
+ $call = 'add';
+ break;
+ }
+ if ($call)
+ {
+ return call_user_func_array(array(&$this, $call), $arguments);
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Wrapper for \acp_modules::get_module_infos()
+ *
+ * @param string $class Module Class
+ * @param string $basename Module Basename
+ * @return array Module Information
+ */
+ protected function get_module_info($class, $basename)
+ {
+ if (!class_exists('acp_modules'))
+ {
+ include($this->phpbb_root_path . 'includes/acp/acp_modules.' . $this->php_ext);
+ }
+ $acp_modules = new \acp_modules();
+ $module = $acp_modules->get_module_infos($basename, $class, true);
+ if (empty($module))
+ {
+ throw new \phpbb\db\migration\exception('MODULE_INFO_FILE_NOT_EXIST', $class, $basename);
+ }
+ return array_pop($module);
+ }
diff --git a/phpBB/phpbb/db/migration/tool/permission.php b/phpBB/phpbb/db/migration/tool/permission.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..fd2de9c8fb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/phpBB/phpbb/db/migration/tool/permission.php
@@ -0,0 +1,624 @@
+* @package migration
+* @copyright (c) 2012 phpBB Group
+* @license http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php GNU Public License v2
+namespace phpbb\db\migration\tool;
+* Migration permission management tool
+* @package db
+class permission implements \phpbb\db\migration\tool\tool_interface
+ /** @var \phpbb\auth\auth */
+ protected $auth;
+ /** @var \phpbb\cache\service */
+ protected $cache;
+ /** @var dbal */
+ protected $db;
+ /** @var string */
+ protected $phpbb_root_path;
+ /** @var string */
+ protected $php_ext;
+ /**
+ * Constructor
+ *
+ * @param \phpbb\db\driver\driver $db
+ * @param mixed $cache
+ * @param \phpbb\auth\auth $auth
+ * @param string $phpbb_root_path
+ * @param string $php_ext
+ */
+ public function __construct(\phpbb\db\driver\driver $db, \phpbb\cache\service $cache, \phpbb\auth\auth $auth, $phpbb_root_path, $php_ext)
+ {
+ $this->db = $db;
+ $this->cache = $cache;
+ $this->auth = $auth;
+ $this->phpbb_root_path = $phpbb_root_path;
+ $this->php_ext = $php_ext;
+ }
+ /**
+ * {@inheritdoc}
+ */
+ public function get_name()
+ {
+ return 'permission';
+ }
+ /**
+ * Permission Exists
+ *
+ * Check if a permission (auth) setting exists
+ *
+ * @param string $auth_option The name of the permission (auth) option
+ * @param bool $global True for checking a global permission setting,
+ * False for a local permission setting
+ * @return bool true if it exists, false if not
+ */
+ public function exists($auth_option, $global = true)
+ {
+ if ($global)
+ {
+ $type_sql = ' AND is_global = 1';
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $type_sql = ' AND is_local = 1';
+ }
+ $sql = 'SELECT auth_option_id
+ WHERE auth_option = '" . $this->db->sql_escape($auth_option) . "'"
+ . $type_sql;
+ $result = $this->db->sql_query($sql);
+ $row = $this->db->sql_fetchrow($result);
+ $this->db->sql_freeresult($result);
+ if ($row)
+ {
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Permission Add
+ *
+ * Add a permission (auth) option
+ *
+ * @param string $auth_option The name of the permission (auth) option
+ * @param bool $global True for checking a global permission setting,
+ * False for a local permission setting
+ * @return null
+ */
+ public function add($auth_option, $global = true, $copy_from = false)
+ {
+ if ($this->exists($auth_option, $global))
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ // We've added permissions, so set to true to notify the user.
+ $this->permissions_added = true;
+ if (!class_exists('auth_admin'))
+ {
+ include($this->phpbb_root_path . 'includes/acp/auth.' . $this->php_ext);
+ }
+ $auth_admin = new \auth_admin();
+ // We have to add a check to see if the !$global (if global, local, and if local, global) permission already exists. If it does, acl_add_option currently has a bug which would break the ACL system, so we are having a work-around here.
+ if ($this->exists($auth_option, !$global))
+ {
+ $sql_ary = array(
+ 'is_global' => 1,
+ 'is_local' => 1,
+ );
+ $sql = 'UPDATE ' . ACL_OPTIONS_TABLE . '
+ SET ' . $this->db->sql_build_array('UPDATE', $sql_ary) . "
+ WHERE auth_option = '" . $this->db->sql_escape($auth_option) . "'";
+ $this->db->sql_query($sql);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if ($global)
+ {
+ $auth_admin->acl_add_option(array('global' => array($auth_option)));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $auth_admin->acl_add_option(array('local' => array($auth_option)));
+ }
+ }
+ // The permission has been added, now we can copy it if needed
+ if ($copy_from && isset($auth_admin->acl_options['id'][$copy_from]))
+ {
+ $old_id = $auth_admin->acl_options['id'][$copy_from];
+ $new_id = $auth_admin->acl_options['id'][$auth_option];
+ foreach ($tables as $table)
+ {
+ $sql = 'SELECT *
+ FROM ' . $table . '
+ WHERE auth_option_id = ' . $old_id;
+ $result = $this->db->sql_query($sql);
+ $sql_ary = array();
+ while ($row = $this->db->sql_fetchrow($result))
+ {
+ $row['auth_option_id'] = $new_id;
+ $sql_ary[] = $row;
+ }
+ $this->db->sql_freeresult($result);
+ if (!empty($sql_ary))
+ {
+ $this->db->sql_multi_insert($table, $sql_ary);
+ }
+ }
+ $auth_admin->acl_clear_prefetch();
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Permission Remove
+ *
+ * Remove a permission (auth) option
+ *
+ * @param string $auth_option The name of the permission (auth) option
+ * @param bool $global True for checking a global permission setting,
+ * False for a local permission setting
+ * @return null
+ */
+ public function remove($auth_option, $global = true)
+ {
+ if (!$this->exists($auth_option, $global))
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ if ($global)
+ {
+ $type_sql = ' AND is_global = 1';
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $type_sql = ' AND is_local = 1';
+ }
+ $sql = 'SELECT auth_option_id, is_global, is_local
+ WHERE auth_option = '" . $this->db->sql_escape($auth_option) . "'" .
+ $type_sql;
+ $result = $this->db->sql_query($sql);
+ $row = $this->db->sql_fetchrow($result);
+ $this->db->sql_freeresult($result);
+ $id = (int) $row['auth_option_id'];
+ // If it is a local and global permission, do not remove the row! :P
+ if ($row['is_global'] && $row['is_local'])
+ {
+ $sql = 'UPDATE ' . ACL_OPTIONS_TABLE . '
+ SET ' . (($global) ? 'is_global = 0' : 'is_local = 0') . '
+ WHERE auth_option_id = ' . $id;
+ $this->db->sql_query($sql);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Delete time
+ foreach ($tables as $table)
+ {
+ $this->db->sql_query('DELETE FROM ' . $table . '
+ WHERE auth_option_id = ' . $id);
+ }
+ }
+ // Purge the auth cache
+ $this->cache->destroy('_acl_options');
+ $this->auth->acl_clear_prefetch();
+ }
+ /**
+ * Add a new permission role
+ *
+ * @param string $role_name The new role name
+ * @param sting $role_type The type (u_, m_, a_)
+ * @return null
+ */
+ public function role_add($role_name, $role_type, $role_description = '')
+ {
+ $sql = 'SELECT role_id
+ WHERE role_name = '" . $this->db->sql_escape($role_name) . "'";
+ $this->db->sql_query($sql);
+ $role_id = (int) $this->db->sql_fetchfield('role_id');
+ if ($role_id)
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ $sql = 'SELECT MAX(role_order) AS max_role_order
+ WHERE role_type = '" . $this->db->sql_escape($role_type) . "'";
+ $this->db->sql_query($sql);
+ $role_order = (int) $this->db->sql_fetchfield('max_role_order');
+ $role_order = (!$role_order) ? 1 : $role_order + 1;
+ $sql_ary = array(
+ 'role_name' => $role_name,
+ 'role_description' => $role_description,
+ 'role_type' => $role_type,
+ 'role_order' => $role_order,
+ );
+ $sql = 'INSERT INTO ' . ACL_ROLES_TABLE . ' ' . $this->db->sql_build_array('INSERT', $sql_ary);
+ $this->db->sql_query($sql);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Update the name on a permission role
+ *
+ * @param string $old_role_name The old role name
+ * @param string $new_role_name The new role name
+ * @return null
+ */
+ public function role_update($old_role_name, $new_role_name)
+ {
+ $sql = 'SELECT role_id
+ WHERE role_name = '" . $this->db->sql_escape($old_role_name) . "'";
+ $this->db->sql_query($sql);
+ $role_id = (int) $this->db->sql_fetchfield('role_id');
+ if (!$role_id)
+ {
+ throw new \phpbb\db\migration\exception('ROLE_NOT_EXIST', $old_role_name);
+ }
+ $sql = 'UPDATE ' . ACL_ROLES_TABLE . "
+ SET role_name = '" . $this->db->sql_escape($new_role_name) . "'
+ WHERE role_name = '" . $this->db->sql_escape($old_role_name) . "'";
+ $this->db->sql_query($sql);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Remove a permission role
+ *
+ * @param string $role_name The role name to remove
+ * @return null
+ */
+ public function role_remove($role_name)
+ {
+ $sql = 'SELECT role_id
+ WHERE role_name = '" . $this->db->sql_escape($role_name) . "'";
+ $this->db->sql_query($sql);
+ $role_id = (int) $this->db->sql_fetchfield('role_id');
+ if (!$role_id)
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ WHERE role_id = ' . $role_id;
+ $this->db->sql_query($sql);
+ WHERE role_id = ' . $role_id;
+ $this->db->sql_query($sql);
+ $this->auth->acl_clear_prefetch();
+ }
+ /**
+ * Permission Set
+ *
+ * Allows you to set permissions for a certain group/role
+ *
+ * @param string $name The name of the role/group
+ * @param string|array $auth_option The auth_option or array of
+ * auth_options you would like to set
+ * @param string $type The type (role|group)
+ * @param bool $has_permission True if you want to give them permission,
+ * false if you want to deny them permission
+ * @return null
+ */
+ public function permission_set($name, $auth_option, $type = 'role', $has_permission = true)
+ {
+ if (!is_array($auth_option))
+ {
+ $auth_option = array($auth_option);
+ }
+ $new_auth = array();
+ $sql = 'SELECT auth_option_id
+ WHERE ' . $this->db->sql_in_set('auth_option', $auth_option);
+ $result = $this->db->sql_query($sql);
+ while ($row = $this->db->sql_fetchrow($result))
+ {
+ $new_auth[] = (int) $row['auth_option_id'];
+ }
+ $this->db->sql_freeresult($result);
+ if (empty($new_auth))
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ $current_auth = array();
+ $type = (string) $type; // Prevent PHP bug.
+ switch ($type)
+ {
+ case 'role':
+ $sql = 'SELECT role_id
+ WHERE role_name = '" . $this->db->sql_escape($name) . "'";
+ $this->db->sql_query($sql);
+ $role_id = (int) $this->db->sql_fetchfield('role_id');
+ if (!$role_id)
+ {
+ throw new \phpbb\db\migration\exception('ROLE_NOT_EXIST', $name);
+ }
+ $sql = 'SELECT auth_option_id, auth_setting
+ WHERE role_id = ' . $role_id;
+ $result = $this->db->sql_query($sql);
+ while ($row = $this->db->sql_fetchrow($result))
+ {
+ $current_auth[$row['auth_option_id']] = $row['auth_setting'];
+ }
+ $this->db->sql_freeresult($result);
+ break;
+ case 'group':
+ $sql = 'SELECT group_id
+ WHERE group_name = '" . $this->db->sql_escape($name) . "'";
+ $this->db->sql_query($sql);
+ $group_id = (int) $this->db->sql_fetchfield('group_id');
+ if (!$group_id)
+ {
+ throw new \phpbb\db\migration\exception('GROUP_NOT_EXIST', $name);
+ }
+ // If the group has a role set for them we will add the requested permissions to that role.
+ $sql = 'SELECT auth_role_id
+ WHERE group_id = ' . $group_id . '
+ AND auth_role_id <> 0
+ AND forum_id = 0';
+ $this->db->sql_query($sql);
+ $role_id = (int) $this->db->sql_fetchfield('auth_role_id');
+ if ($role_id)
+ {
+ $sql = 'SELECT role_name
+ WHERE role_id = ' . $role_id;
+ $this->db->sql_query($sql);
+ $role_name = $this->db->sql_fetchfield('role_name');
+ return $this->permission_set($role_name, $auth_option, 'role', $has_permission);
+ }
+ $sql = 'SELECT auth_option_id, auth_setting
+ WHERE group_id = ' . $group_id;
+ $result = $this->db->sql_query($sql);
+ while ($row = $this->db->sql_fetchrow($result))
+ {
+ $current_auth[$row['auth_option_id']] = $row['auth_setting'];
+ }
+ $this->db->sql_freeresult($result);
+ break;
+ }
+ $sql_ary = array();
+ switch ($type)
+ {
+ case 'role':
+ foreach ($new_auth as $auth_option_id)
+ {
+ if (!isset($current_auth[$auth_option_id]))
+ {
+ $sql_ary[] = array(
+ 'role_id' => $role_id,
+ 'auth_option_id' => $auth_option_id,
+ 'auth_setting' => $has_permission,
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ $this->db->sql_multi_insert(ACL_ROLES_DATA_TABLE, $sql_ary);
+ break;
+ case 'group':
+ foreach ($new_auth as $auth_option_id)
+ {
+ if (!isset($current_auth[$auth_option_id]))
+ {
+ $sql_ary[] = array(
+ 'group_id' => $group_id,
+ 'auth_option_id' => $auth_option_id,
+ 'auth_setting' => $has_permission,
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ $this->db->sql_multi_insert(ACL_GROUPS_TABLE, $sql_ary);
+ break;
+ }
+ $this->auth->acl_clear_prefetch();
+ }
+ /**
+ * Permission Unset
+ *
+ * Allows you to unset (remove) permissions for a certain group/role
+ *
+ * @param string $name The name of the role/group
+ * @param string|array $auth_option The auth_option or array of
+ * auth_options you would like to set
+ * @param string $type The type (role|group)
+ * @return null
+ */
+ public function permission_unset($name, $auth_option, $type = 'role')
+ {
+ if (!is_array($auth_option))
+ {
+ $auth_option = array($auth_option);
+ }
+ $to_remove = array();
+ $sql = 'SELECT auth_option_id
+ WHERE ' . $this->db->sql_in_set('auth_option', $auth_option);
+ $result = $this->db->sql_query($sql);
+ while ($row = $this->db->sql_fetchrow($result))
+ {
+ $to_remove[] = (int) $row['auth_option_id'];
+ }
+ $this->db->sql_freeresult($result);
+ if (empty($to_remove))
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ $type = (string) $type; // Prevent PHP bug.
+ switch ($type)
+ {
+ case 'role':
+ $sql = 'SELECT role_id
+ WHERE role_name = '" . $this->db->sql_escape($name) . "'";
+ $this->db->sql_query($sql);
+ $role_id = (int) $this->db->sql_fetchfield('role_id');
+ if (!$role_id)
+ {
+ throw new \phpbb\db\migration\exception('ROLE_NOT_EXIST', $name);
+ }
+ WHERE ' . $this->db->sql_in_set('auth_option_id', $to_remove);
+ $this->db->sql_query($sql);
+ break;
+ case 'group':
+ $sql = 'SELECT group_id
+ WHERE group_name = '" . $this->db->sql_escape($name) . "'";
+ $this->db->sql_query($sql);
+ $group_id = (int) $this->db->sql_fetchfield('group_id');
+ if (!$group_id)
+ {
+ throw new \phpbb\db\migration\exception('GROUP_NOT_EXIST', $name);
+ }
+ // If the group has a role set for them we will remove the requested permissions from that role.
+ $sql = 'SELECT auth_role_id
+ WHERE group_id = ' . $group_id . '
+ AND auth_role_id <> 0';
+ $this->db->sql_query($sql);
+ $role_id = (int) $this->db->sql_fetchfield('auth_role_id');
+ if ($role_id)
+ {
+ $sql = 'SELECT role_name
+ WHERE role_id = ' . $role_id;
+ $this->db->sql_query($sql);
+ $role_name = $this->db->sql_fetchfield('role_name');
+ return $this->permission_unset($role_name, $auth_option, 'role');
+ }
+ WHERE ' . $this->db->sql_in_set('auth_option_id', $to_remove);
+ $this->db->sql_query($sql);
+ break;
+ }
+ $this->auth->acl_clear_prefetch();
+ }
+ /**
+ * {@inheritdoc}
+ */
+ public function reverse()
+ {
+ $arguments = func_get_args();
+ $original_call = array_shift($arguments);
+ $call = false;
+ switch ($original_call)
+ {
+ case 'add':
+ $call = 'remove';
+ break;
+ case 'remove':
+ $call = 'add';
+ break;
+ case 'permission_set':
+ $call = 'permission_unset';
+ break;
+ case 'permission_unset':
+ $call = 'permission_set';
+ break;
+ case 'role_add':
+ $call = 'role_remove';
+ break;
+ case 'role_remove':
+ $call = 'role_add';
+ break;
+ case 'role_update':
+ // Set to the original value if the current value is what we compared to originally
+ $arguments = array(
+ $arguments[1],
+ $arguments[0],
+ );
+ break;
+ }
+ if ($call)
+ {
+ return call_user_func_array(array(&$this, $call), $arguments);
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/phpBB/phpbb/db/migration/tool/tool_interface.php b/phpBB/phpbb/db/migration/tool/tool_interface.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e7b89d8858
--- /dev/null
+++ b/phpBB/phpbb/db/migration/tool/tool_interface.php
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+* @package migration
+* @copyright (c) 2012 phpBB Group
+* @license http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php GNU Public License v2
+namespace phpbb\db\migration\tool;
+* Migration tool interface
+* @package db
+interface tool_interface
+ /**
+ * Retrieve a short name used for commands in migrations.
+ *
+ * @return string short name
+ */
+ public function get_name();
+ /**
+ * Reverse an original install action
+ *
+ * First argument is the original call to the class (e.g. add, remove)
+ * After the first argument, send the original arguments to the function in the original call
+ *
+ * @return null
+ */
+ public function reverse();