path: root/phpBB/language/en/acp
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'phpBB/language/en/acp')
19 files changed, 0 insertions, 3802 deletions
diff --git a/phpBB/language/en/acp/attachments.php b/phpBB/language/en/acp/attachments.php
deleted file mode 100644
index f6369b6739..0000000000
--- a/phpBB/language/en/acp/attachments.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,164 +0,0 @@
-* acp_attachments [English]
-* @package language
-* @version $Id$
-* @copyright (c) 2005 phpBB Group
-* @license http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php GNU Public License
-if (!defined('IN_PHPBB'))
- exit;
-if (empty($lang) || !is_array($lang))
- $lang = array();
-// All language files should use UTF-8 as their encoding and the files must not contain a BOM.
-// Placeholders can now contain order information, e.g. instead of
-// 'Page %s of %s' you can (and should) write 'Page %1$s of %2$s', this allows
-// translators to re-order the output of data while ensuring it remains correct
-// You do not need this where single placeholders are used, e.g. 'Message %d' is fine
-// equally where a string contains only two placeholders which are used to wrap text
-// in a url you again do not need to specify an order e.g., 'Click %sHERE%s' is fine
-$lang = array_merge($lang, array(
- 'ACP_ATTACHMENT_SETTINGS_EXPLAIN' => 'Here you can configure the main settings for attachments and the associated special categories.',
- 'ACP_EXTENSION_GROUPS_EXPLAIN' => 'Here you can add, delete, modify or disable your extension groups. Further options include the assignment of a special category to them, changing the download mechanism and defining an upload icon which will be displayed in front of the attachment which belongs to the group.',
- 'ACP_MANAGE_EXTENSIONS_EXPLAIN' => 'Here you can manage your allowed extensions. To activate your extensions, please refer to the extension groups management panel. We strongly recommend not to allow scripting extensions (such as <code>php</code>, <code>php3</code>, <code>php4</code>, <code>phtml</code>, <code>pl</code>, <code>cgi</code>, <code>py</code>, <code>rb</code>, <code>asp</code>, <code>aspx</code>, and so forth…).',
- 'ACP_ORPHAN_ATTACHMENTS_EXPLAIN' => 'Here you are able to see orphaned files. This happens mostly if users are attaching files but not submitting the post. You are able to delete the files or attach them to existing posts. Attaching to posts requires a valid post ID, you have to determine this ID by yourself. This will assign the already uploaded attachment to the post you entered.',
- 'ADD_EXTENSION' => 'Add extension',
- 'ADD_EXTENSION_GROUP' => 'Add extension group',
- 'ADMIN_UPLOAD_ERROR' => 'Errors while trying to attach file: “%s”.',
- 'ALLOWED_FORUMS' => 'Allowed forums',
- 'ALLOWED_FORUMS_EXPLAIN' => 'Able to post the assigned extensions at the selected (or all if selected) forums.',
- 'ALLOWED_IN_PM_POST' => 'Allowed',
- 'ALLOW_ATTACHMENTS' => 'Allow attachments',
- 'ALLOW_ALL_FORUMS' => 'Allow all forums',
- 'ALLOW_IN_PM' => 'Allowed in private messaging',
- 'ALLOW_PM_ATTACHMENTS' => 'Allow attachments in private messages',
- 'ALLOW_SELECTED_FORUMS' => 'Only forums selected below',
- 'ASSIGNED_EXTENSIONS' => 'Assigned extensions',
- 'ASSIGNED_GROUP' => 'Assigned extension group',
- 'ATTACH_EXTENSIONS_URL' => 'Extensions',
- 'ATTACH_EXT_GROUPS_URL' => 'Extension groups',
- 'ATTACH_ID' => 'ID',
- 'ATTACH_MAX_FILESIZE' => 'Maximum file size',
- 'ATTACH_MAX_FILESIZE_EXPLAIN' => 'Maximum size of each file, with 0 being unlimited.',
- 'ATTACH_MAX_PM_FILESIZE' => 'Maximum file size messaging',
- 'ATTACH_MAX_PM_FILESIZE_EXPLAIN' => 'Maximum size of each file, with 0 being unlimited, attached to a private message.',
- 'ATTACH_ORPHAN_URL' => 'Orphan attachments',
- 'ATTACH_POST_ID' => 'Post ID',
- 'ATTACH_QUOTA' => 'Total attachment quota',
- 'ATTACH_QUOTA_EXPLAIN' => 'Maximum drive space available for attachments for the whole board, with 0 being unlimited.',
- 'ATTACH_TO_POST' => 'Attach file to post',
- 'CAT_FLASH_FILES' => 'Flash files',
- 'CAT_IMAGES' => 'Images',
- 'CAT_QUICKTIME_FILES' => 'Quicktime media files',
- 'CAT_RM_FILES' => 'RealMedia media files',
- 'CAT_WM_FILES' => 'Windows Media media files',
- 'CHECK_CONTENT' => 'Check attachment files',
- 'CHECK_CONTENT_EXPLAIN' => 'Some browsers can be tricked to assume an incorrect mimetype for uploaded files. This option ensures that such files likely to cause this are rejected.',
- 'CREATE_GROUP' => 'Create new group',
- 'CREATE_THUMBNAIL' => 'Create thumbnail',
- 'CREATE_THUMBNAIL_EXPLAIN' => 'Create a thumbnail in all possible situations.',
- 'DEFINE_ALLOWED_IPS' => 'Define allowed IPs/hostnames',
- 'DEFINE_DISALLOWED_IPS' => 'Define disallowed IPs/hostnames',
- 'DOWNLOAD_ADD_IPS_EXPLAIN' => 'To specify several different IPs or hostnames enter each on a new line. To specify a range of IP addresses separate the start and end with a hyphen (-), to specify a wildcard use “*”.',
- 'DOWNLOAD_REMOVE_IPS_EXPLAIN' => 'You can remove (or un-exclude) multiple IP addresses in one go using the appropriate combination of mouse and keyboard for your computer and browser. Excluded IPs have a blue background.',
- 'DISPLAY_INLINED' => 'Display images inline',
- 'DISPLAY_INLINED_EXPLAIN' => 'If set to No image attachments will show as a link.',
- 'DISPLAY_ORDER' => 'Attachment display order',
- 'DISPLAY_ORDER_EXPLAIN' => 'Display attachments ordered by time.',
- 'EDIT_EXTENSION_GROUP' => 'Edit extension group',
- 'EXCLUDE_ENTERED_IP' => 'Enable this to exclude the entered IP/hostname.',
- 'EXCLUDE_FROM_ALLOWED_IP' => 'Exclude IP from allowed IPs/hostnames',
- 'EXCLUDE_FROM_DISALLOWED_IP' => 'Exclude IP from disallowed IPs/hostnames',
- 'EXTENSIONS_UPDATED' => 'Extensions successfully updated.',
- 'EXTENSION_EXIST' => 'The extension %s already exists.',
- 'EXTENSION_GROUP' => 'Extension group',
- 'EXTENSION_GROUPS' => 'Extension groups',
- 'EXTENSION_GROUP_DELETED' => 'Extension group successfully deleted.',
- 'EXTENSION_GROUP_EXIST' => 'The extension group %s already exists.',
- 'GO_TO_EXTENSIONS' => 'Go to extension management screen',
- 'GROUP_NAME' => 'Group name',
- 'IMAGE_LINK_SIZE' => 'Image link dimensions',
- 'IMAGE_LINK_SIZE_EXPLAIN' => 'Display image attachment as an inline text link if image is larger than this. To disable this behaviour, set the values to 0px by 0px.',
- 'IMAGICK_PATH' => 'Imagemagick path',
- 'IMAGICK_PATH_EXPLAIN' => 'Full path to the imagemagick convert application, e.g. <samp>/usr/bin/</samp>.',
- 'MAX_ATTACHMENTS' => 'Maximum number of attachments per post',
- 'MAX_ATTACHMENTS_PM' => 'Maximum number of attachments per private message',
- 'MAX_EXTGROUP_FILESIZE' => 'Maximum file size',
- 'MAX_IMAGE_SIZE' => 'Maximum image dimensions',
- 'MAX_IMAGE_SIZE_EXPLAIN' => 'Maximum size of image attachments. Set both values to 0px by 0px to disable dimension checking.',
- 'MAX_THUMB_WIDTH' => 'Maximum thumbnail width in pixel',
- 'MAX_THUMB_WIDTH_EXPLAIN' => 'A generated thumbnail will not exceed the width set here.',
- 'MIN_THUMB_FILESIZE' => 'Minimum thumbnail file size',
- 'MIN_THUMB_FILESIZE_EXPLAIN' => 'Do not create a thumbnail for images smaller than this.',
- 'MODE_INLINE' => 'Inline',
- 'MODE_PHYSICAL' => 'Physical',
- 'NOT_ALLOWED_IN_PM' => 'Only allowed in posts',
- 'NOT_ALLOWED_IN_PM_POST' => 'Not allowed',
- 'NOT_ASSIGNED' => 'Not assigned',
- 'NO_EXT_GROUP' => 'None',
- 'NO_EXT_GROUP_NAME' => 'No group name entered',
- 'NO_EXT_GROUP_SPECIFIED' => 'No extension group specified.',
- 'NO_FILE_CAT' => 'None',
- 'NO_IMAGE' => 'No image',
- 'NO_THUMBNAIL_SUPPORT' => 'Thumbnail support has been disabled. For proper functionality either the GD extension need to be available or imagemagick being installed. Both were not found.',
- 'NO_UPLOAD_DIR' => 'The upload directory you specified does not exist.',
- 'NO_WRITE_UPLOAD' => 'The upload directory you specified cannot be written to. Please alter the permissions to allow the webserver to write to it.',
- 'ONLY_ALLOWED_IN_PM' => 'Only allowed in private messages',
- 'ORDER_ALLOW_DENY' => 'Allow',
- 'ORDER_DENY_ALLOW' => 'Deny',
- 'REMOVE_ALLOWED_IPS' => 'Remove or un-exclude <em>allowed</em> IPs/hostnames',
- 'REMOVE_DISALLOWED_IPS' => 'Remove or un-exclude <em>disallowed</em> IPs/hostnames',
- 'SEARCH_IMAGICK' => 'Search for Imagemagick',
- 'SECURE_ALLOW_DENY' => 'Allow/Deny list',
- 'SECURE_ALLOW_DENY_EXPLAIN' => 'Change the default behaviour when secure downloads are enabled of the Allow/Deny list to that of a <strong>whitelist</strong> (Allow) or a <strong>blacklist</strong> (Deny).',
- 'SECURE_DOWNLOADS' => 'Enable secure downloads',
- 'SECURE_DOWNLOADS_EXPLAIN' => 'With this option enabled, downloads are limited to IP’s/hostnames you define.',
- 'SECURE_DOWNLOAD_NOTICE' => 'Secure Downloads are not enabled. The settings below will be applied after enabling secure downloads.',
- 'SECURE_DOWNLOAD_UPDATE_SUCCESS'=> 'The IP list has been updated successfully.',
- 'SECURE_EMPTY_REFERRER' => 'Allow empty referrer',
- 'SECURE_EMPTY_REFERRER_EXPLAIN' => 'Secure downloads are based on referrers. Do you want to allow downloads for those omitting the referrer?',
- 'SETTINGS_CAT_IMAGES' => 'Image category settings',
- 'SPECIAL_CATEGORY' => 'Special category',
- 'SPECIAL_CATEGORY_EXPLAIN' => 'Special categories differ between the way presented within posts.',
- 'SUCCESSFULLY_UPLOADED' => 'Successfully uploaded.',
- 'SUCCESS_EXTENSION_GROUP_ADD' => 'Extension group successfully added.',
- 'SUCCESS_EXTENSION_GROUP_EDIT' => 'Extension group successfully updated.',
- 'UPLOADING_FILES' => 'Uploading files',
- 'UPLOADING_FILE_TO' => 'Uploading file “%1$s” to post number %2$d…',
- 'UPLOAD_DENIED_FORUM' => 'You do not have the permission to upload files to forum “%s”.',
- 'UPLOAD_DIR' => 'Upload directory',
- 'UPLOAD_DIR_EXPLAIN' => 'Storage path for attachments. Please note that if you change this directory while already having uploaded attachments you need to manually copy the files to their new location.',
- 'UPLOAD_ICON' => 'Upload icon',
- 'UPLOAD_NOT_DIR' => 'The upload location you specified does not appear to be a directory.',
-?> \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/phpBB/language/en/acp/ban.php b/phpBB/language/en/acp/ban.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 5fcbb1fa69..0000000000
--- a/phpBB/language/en/acp/ban.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,82 +0,0 @@
-* acp_ban [English]
-* @package language
-* @version $Id$
-* @copyright (c) 2005 phpBB Group
-* @license http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php GNU Public License
-if (!defined('IN_PHPBB'))
- exit;
-if (empty($lang) || !is_array($lang))
- $lang = array();
-// All language files should use UTF-8 as their encoding and the files must not contain a BOM.
-// Placeholders can now contain order information, e.g. instead of
-// 'Page %s of %s' you can (and should) write 'Page %1$s of %2$s', this allows
-// translators to re-order the output of data while ensuring it remains correct
-// You do not need this where single placeholders are used, e.g. 'Message %d' is fine
-// equally where a string contains only two placeholders which are used to wrap text
-// in a url you again do not need to specify an order e.g., 'Click %sHERE%s' is fine
-// Banning
-$lang = array_merge($lang, array(
- '1_HOUR' => '1 hour',
- '30_MINS' => '30 minutes',
- '6_HOURS' => '6 hours',
- 'ACP_BAN_EXPLAIN' => 'Here you can control the banning of users by name, IP or e-mail address. These methods prevent a user reaching any part of the board. You can give a short (maximum 3000 characters) reason for the ban if you wish. This will be displayed in the admin log. The duration of a ban can also be specified. If you want the ban to end on a specific date rather than after a set time period select <span style="text-decoration: underline;">Until -&gt;</span> for the ban length and enter a date in <kbd>YYYY-MM-DD</kbd> format.',
- 'BAN_EXCLUDE' => 'Exclude from banning',
- 'BAN_LENGTH' => 'Length of ban',
- 'BAN_REASON' => 'Reason for ban',
- 'BAN_GIVE_REASON' => 'Reason shown to the banned',
- 'BAN_UPDATE_SUCCESSFUL' => 'The banlist has been updated successfully.',
- 'EMAIL_BAN' => 'Ban one or more e-mail addresses',
- 'EMAIL_BAN_EXCLUDE_EXPLAIN' => 'Enable this to exclude the entered e-mail address from all current bans.',
- 'EMAIL_BAN_EXPLAIN' => 'To specify more than one e-mail address enter each on a new line. To match partial addresses use * as the wildcard, e.g. <samp>*@hotmail.com</samp>, <samp>*@*.domain.tld</samp>, etc.',
- 'EMAIL_NO_BANNED' => 'No banned e-mail addresses',
- 'EMAIL_UNBAN' => 'Un-ban or un-exclude e-mails',
- 'EMAIL_UNBAN_EXPLAIN' => 'You can unban (or un-exclude) multiple e-mail addresses in one go using the appropriate combination of mouse and keyboard for your computer and browser. Excluded e-mail addresses are emphasised.',
- 'IP_BAN' => 'Ban one or more IPs',
- 'IP_BAN_EXCLUDE_EXPLAIN' => 'Enable this to exclude the entered IP from all current bans.',
- 'IP_BAN_EXPLAIN' => 'To specify several different IPs or hostnames enter each on a new line. To specify a range of IP addresses separate the start and end with a hyphen (-), to specify a wildcard use “*”.',
- 'IP_HOSTNAME' => 'IP addresses or hostnames',
- 'IP_NO_BANNED' => 'No banned IP addresses',
- 'IP_UNBAN' => 'Un-ban or un-exclude IPs',
- 'IP_UNBAN_EXPLAIN' => 'You can unban (or un-exclude) multiple IP addresses in one go using the appropriate combination of mouse and keyboard for your computer and browser. Excluded IPs are emphasised.',
- 'LENGTH_BAN_INVALID' => 'The date has to be formatted <kbd>YYYY-MM-DD</kbd>.',
- 'PERMANENT' => 'Permanent',
- 'UNTIL' => 'Until',
- 'USER_BAN' => 'Ban one or more usernames',
- 'USER_BAN_EXCLUDE_EXPLAIN' => 'Enable this to exclude the entered users from all current bans.',
- 'USER_BAN_EXPLAIN' => 'You can ban multiple users in one go by entering each name on a new line. Use the <span style="text-decoration: underline;">Find a member</span> facility to look up and add one or more users automatically.',
- 'USER_NO_BANNED' => 'No banned usernames',
- 'USER_UNBAN' => 'Un-ban or un-exclude usernames',
- 'USER_UNBAN_EXPLAIN' => 'You can unban (or un-exclude) multiple users in one go using the appropriate combination of mouse and keyboard for your computer and browser. Excluded users are emphasised.',
-?> \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/phpBB/language/en/acp/board.php b/phpBB/language/en/acp/board.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 3c96f239e8..0000000000
--- a/phpBB/language/en/acp/board.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,487 +0,0 @@
-* acp_board [English]
-* @package language
-* @version $Id$
-* @copyright (c) 2005 phpBB Group
-* @license http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php GNU Public License
-if (!defined('IN_PHPBB'))
- exit;
-if (empty($lang) || !is_array($lang))
- $lang = array();
-// All language files should use UTF-8 as their encoding and the files must not contain a BOM.
-// Placeholders can now contain order information, e.g. instead of
-// 'Page %s of %s' you can (and should) write 'Page %1$s of %2$s', this allows
-// translators to re-order the output of data while ensuring it remains correct
-// You do not need this where single placeholders are used, e.g. 'Message %d' is fine
-// equally where a string contains only two placeholders which are used to wrap text
-// in a url you again do not need to specify an order e.g., 'Click %sHERE%s' is fine
-// Board Settings
-$lang = array_merge($lang, array(
- 'ACP_BOARD_SETTINGS_EXPLAIN' => 'Here you can determine the basic operation of your board, give it a fitting name and description, and among other settings adjust the default values for timezone and language.',
- 'CUSTOM_DATEFORMAT' => 'Custom…',
- 'DEFAULT_DATE_FORMAT' => 'Date format',
- 'DEFAULT_DATE_FORMAT_EXPLAIN' => 'The date format is the same as the PHP <code>date</code> function.',
- 'DEFAULT_LANGUAGE' => 'Default language',
- 'DEFAULT_STYLE' => 'Default style',
- 'DISABLE_BOARD' => 'Disable board',
- 'DISABLE_BOARD_EXPLAIN' => 'This will make the board unavailable to users. You can also enter a short (255 character) message to display if you wish.',
- 'OVERRIDE_STYLE' => 'Override user style',
- 'OVERRIDE_STYLE_EXPLAIN' => 'Replaces user’s style with the default.',
- 'SITE_DESC' => 'Site description',
- 'SITE_NAME' => 'Site name',
- 'SYSTEM_DST' => 'Enable Summer Time/<abbr title="Daylight Saving Time">DST</abbr>',
- 'SYSTEM_TIMEZONE' => 'System timezone',
- 'WARNINGS_EXPIRE' => 'Warning duration',
- 'WARNINGS_EXPIRE_EXPLAIN' => 'Number of days that will elapse before the warning will automatically expire from a user’s record.',
-// Board Features
-$lang = array_merge($lang, array(
- 'ACP_BOARD_FEATURES_EXPLAIN' => 'Here you can enable/disable several board features.',
- 'ALLOW_ATTACHMENTS' => 'Allow attachments',
- 'ALLOW_BIRTHDAYS' => 'Allow birthdays',
- 'ALLOW_BIRTHDAYS_EXPLAIN' => 'Allow birthdays to be entered and age being displayed in profiles. Please note the birthday list within the board index is controlled by a separate load setting.',
- 'ALLOW_BOOKMARKS' => 'Allow bookmarking topics',
- 'ALLOW_BOOKMARKS_EXPLAIN' => 'User is able to store personal bookmarks.',
- 'ALLOW_BBCODE' => 'Allow BBCode',
- 'ALLOW_FORUM_NOTIFY' => 'Allow subscribing to forums',
- 'ALLOW_NAME_CHANGE' => 'Allow username changes',
- 'ALLOW_NO_CENSORS' => 'Allow disabling of word censoring',
- 'ALLOW_NO_CENSORS_EXPLAIN' => 'Users can choose to disable the automatic word censoring of posts and private messages.',
- 'ALLOW_PM_ATTACHMENTS' => 'Allow attachments in private messages',
- 'ALLOW_SIG' => 'Allow signatures',
- 'ALLOW_SIG_BBCODE' => 'Allow BBCode in user signatures',
- 'ALLOW_SIG_FLASH' => 'Allow use of <code>[FLASH]</code> BBCode tag in user signatures',
- 'ALLOW_SIG_IMG' => 'Allow use of <code>[IMG]</code> BBCode tag in user signatures',
- 'ALLOW_SIG_LINKS' => 'Allow use of links in user signatures',
- 'ALLOW_SIG_LINKS_EXPLAIN' => 'If disallowed the <code>[URL]</code> BBCode tag and automatic/magic URLs are disabled.',
- 'ALLOW_SIG_SMILIES' => 'Allow use of smilies in user signatures',
- 'ALLOW_SMILIES' => 'Allow smilies',
- 'ALLOW_TOPIC_NOTIFY' => 'Allow subscribing to topics',
- 'BOARD_PM' => 'Private messaging',
- 'BOARD_PM_EXPLAIN' => 'Enable or disable private messaging for all users.',
-// Avatar Settings
-$lang = array_merge($lang, array(
- 'ACP_AVATAR_SETTINGS_EXPLAIN' => 'Avatars are generally small, unique images a user can associate with themselves. Depending on the style they are usually displayed below the username when viewing topics. Here you can determine how users can define their avatars. Please note that in order to upload avatars you need to have created the directory you name below and ensure it can be written to by the web server. Please also note that file size limits are only imposed on uploaded avatars, they do not apply to remotely linked images.',
- 'ALLOW_LOCAL' => 'Enable gallery avatars',
- 'ALLOW_REMOTE' => 'Enable remote avatars',
- 'ALLOW_REMOTE_EXPLAIN' => 'Avatars linked to from another website.',
- 'ALLOW_UPLOAD' => 'Enable avatar uploading',
- 'AVATAR_GALLERY_PATH' => 'Avatar gallery path',
- 'AVATAR_GALLERY_PATH_EXPLAIN' => 'Path under your phpBB root directory for pre-loaded images, e.g. <samp>images/avatars/gallery</samp>.',
- 'AVATAR_STORAGE_PATH' => 'Avatar storage path',
- 'AVATAR_STORAGE_PATH_EXPLAIN' => 'Path under your phpBB root directory, e.g. <samp>images/avatars/upload</samp>.',
- 'MAX_AVATAR_SIZE' => 'Maximum avatar dimensions',
- 'MAX_AVATAR_SIZE_EXPLAIN' => 'Width x Height in pixels.',
- 'MAX_FILESIZE' => 'Maximum avatar file size',
- 'MAX_FILESIZE_EXPLAIN' => 'For uploaded avatar files.',
- 'MIN_AVATAR_SIZE' => 'Minimum avatar dimensions',
- 'MIN_AVATAR_SIZE_EXPLAIN' => 'Width x Height in pixels.',
-// Message Settings
-$lang = array_merge($lang, array(
- 'ACP_MESSAGE_SETTINGS_EXPLAIN' => 'Here you can set all default settings for private messaging.',
- 'ALLOW_BBCODE_PM' => 'Allow BBCode in private messages',
- 'ALLOW_FLASH_PM' => 'Allow use of <code>[FLASH]</code> BBCode tag',
- 'ALLOW_FLASH_PM_EXPLAIN' => 'Note that the ability to use flash in private messages, if enabled here, also depends on the permissions.',
- 'ALLOW_FORWARD_PM' => 'Allow forwarding of private messages',
- 'ALLOW_IMG_PM' => 'Allow use of <code>[IMG]</code> BBCode tag',
- 'ALLOW_MASS_PM' => 'Allow sending of private messages to multiple users and groups',
- 'ALLOW_MASS_PM_EXPLAIN' => 'Sending to groups can be adjusted per group within the group settings page.',
- 'ALLOW_PRINT_PM' => 'Allow print view in private messaging',
- 'ALLOW_QUOTE_PM' => 'Allow quotes in private messages',
- 'ALLOW_SIG_PM' => 'Allow signature in private messages',
- 'ALLOW_SMILIES_PM' => 'Allow smilies in private messages',
- 'BOXES_LIMIT' => 'Maximum private messages per box',
- 'BOXES_LIMIT_EXPLAIN' => 'Users may receive no more than this many messages in each of their private message boxes. Set this value to 0 to allow unlimited messages.',
- 'BOXES_MAX' => 'Maximum private message folders',
- 'BOXES_MAX_EXPLAIN' => 'By default users may create this many personal folders for private messages.',
- 'ENABLE_PM_ICONS' => 'Enable use of topic icons in private messages',
- 'FULL_FOLDER_ACTION' => 'Full folder default action',
- 'FULL_FOLDER_ACTION_EXPLAIN'=> 'Default action to take if a user’s folder is full assuming the user’s folder action, if set at all, is not applicable. The only exception is for the “Sent messages” folder where the default action is always to delete old messages.',
- 'HOLD_NEW_MESSAGES' => 'Hold new messages',
- 'PM_EDIT_TIME' => 'Limit editing time',
- 'PM_EDIT_TIME_EXPLAIN' => 'Limits the time available to edit a private message not already delivered. Setting the value to 0 disables this behaviour.',
- 'PM_MAX_RECIPIENTS' => 'Maximum number of allowed recipients',
- 'PM_MAX_RECIPIENTS_EXPLAIN' => 'The maximum number of allowed recipients in a private message. If 0 is entered, an unlimited number is allowed. This setting can be adjusted for every group within the group settings page.',
-// Post Settings
-$lang = array_merge($lang, array(
- 'ACP_POST_SETTINGS_EXPLAIN' => 'Here you can set all default settings for posting.',
- 'ALLOW_POST_LINKS' => 'Allow links in posts/private messages',
- 'ALLOW_POST_LINKS_EXPLAIN' => 'If disallowed the <code>[URL]</code> BBCode tag and automatic/magic URLs are disabled.',
- 'ALLOW_POST_FLASH' => 'Allow use of <code>[FLASH]</code> BBCode tag in posts',
- 'ALLOW_POST_FLASH_EXPLAIN' => 'If disallowed the <code>[FLASH]</code> BBCode tag is disabled in posts. Otherwise the permission system controls which users can use the <code>[FLASH]</code> BBCode tag.',
- 'ENABLE_QUEUE_TRIGGER' => 'Enable queued posts',
- 'ENABLE_QUEUE_TRIGGER_EXPLAIN' => 'Ability to put registered users posts to post approval if their post count is lower than the specified value below. This setting has no effect on the permission setting for post/topic approval.',
- 'QUEUE_TRIGGER_POSTS' => 'Maximum post count for queued posts',
- 'QUEUE_TRIGGER_POSTS_EXPLAIN' => 'If queued posts is enabled, this is the post count the user need to reach in order to post without post approval. If the users post count is below this number, the post is stored in the queue automatically.',
- 'BUMP_INTERVAL' => 'Bump interval',
- 'BUMP_INTERVAL_EXPLAIN' => 'Number of minutes, hours or days between the last post to a topic and the ability to bump this topic.',
- 'CHAR_LIMIT' => 'Maximum characters per post',
- 'CHAR_LIMIT_EXPLAIN' => 'The number of characters allowed within a post. Set to 0 for unlimited characters.',
- 'DISPLAY_LAST_EDITED' => 'Display last edited time information',
- 'DISPLAY_LAST_EDITED_EXPLAIN' => 'Choose if the last edited by information to be displayed on posts.',
- 'EDIT_TIME' => 'Limit editing time',
- 'EDIT_TIME_EXPLAIN' => 'Limits the time available to edit a new post. Setting the value to 0 disables this behaviour.',
- 'FLOOD_INTERVAL' => 'Flood interval',
- 'FLOOD_INTERVAL_EXPLAIN' => 'Number of seconds a user must wait between posting new messages. To enable users to ignore this alter their permissions.',
- 'HOT_THRESHOLD' => 'Popular topic threshold',
- 'HOT_THRESHOLD_EXPLAIN' => 'Posts per topic threshold required for the popular topic annotation. Set to 0 to disable popular topics.',
- 'MAX_POLL_OPTIONS' => 'Maximum number of poll options',
- 'MAX_POST_FONT_SIZE' => 'Maximum font size per post',
- 'MAX_POST_FONT_SIZE_EXPLAIN' => 'Maximum font size allowed in a post. Set to 0 for unlimited font size.',
- 'MAX_POST_IMG_HEIGHT' => 'Maximum image height per post',
- 'MAX_POST_IMG_HEIGHT_EXPLAIN' => 'Maximum height of an image/flash file in postings. Set to 0 for unlimited size.',
- 'MAX_POST_IMG_WIDTH' => 'Maximum image width per post',
- 'MAX_POST_IMG_WIDTH_EXPLAIN' => 'Maximum width of an image/flash file in postings. Set to 0 for unlimited size.',
- 'MAX_POST_URLS' => 'Maximum links per post',
- 'MAX_POST_URLS_EXPLAIN' => 'Maximum number of URLs in a post. Set to 0 for unlimited links.',
- 'POSTING' => 'Posting',
- 'POSTS_PER_PAGE' => 'Posts per page',
- 'QUOTE_DEPTH_LIMIT' => 'Maximum nested quotes per post',
- 'QUOTE_DEPTH_LIMIT_EXPLAIN' => 'Maximum number of nested quotes in a post. Set to 0 for unlimited depth.',
- 'SMILIES_LIMIT' => 'Maximum smilies per post',
- 'SMILIES_LIMIT_EXPLAIN' => 'Maximum number of smilies in a post. Set to 0 for unlimited smilies.',
- 'TOPICS_PER_PAGE' => 'Topics per page',
-// Signature Settings
-$lang = array_merge($lang, array(
- 'ACP_SIGNATURE_SETTINGS_EXPLAIN' => 'Here you can set all default settings for signatures.',
- 'MAX_SIG_FONT_SIZE' => 'Maximum signature font size',
- 'MAX_SIG_FONT_SIZE_EXPLAIN' => 'Maximum font size allowed in user signatures. Set to 0 for unlimited size.',
- 'MAX_SIG_IMG_HEIGHT' => 'Maximum signature image height',
- 'MAX_SIG_IMG_HEIGHT_EXPLAIN' => 'Maximum height of an image/flash file in user signatures. Set to 0 for unlimited height.',
- 'MAX_SIG_IMG_WIDTH' => 'Maximum signature image width',
- 'MAX_SIG_IMG_WIDTH_EXPLAIN' => 'Maximum width of an image/flash file in user signatures. Set to 0 for unlimited width.',
- 'MAX_SIG_LENGTH' => 'Maximum signature length',
- 'MAX_SIG_LENGTH_EXPLAIN' => 'Maximum number of characters in user signatures.',
- 'MAX_SIG_SMILIES' => 'Maximum smilies per signature',
- 'MAX_SIG_SMILIES_EXPLAIN' => 'Maximum smilies allowed in user signatures. Set to 0 for unlimited smilies.',
- 'MAX_SIG_URLS' => 'Maximum signature links',
- 'MAX_SIG_URLS_EXPLAIN' => 'Maximum number of links in user signatures. Set to 0 for unlimited links.',
-// Registration Settings
-$lang = array_merge($lang, array(
- 'ACP_REGISTER_SETTINGS_EXPLAIN' => 'Here you are able to define registration and profile related settings.',
- 'ACC_ACTIVATION' => 'Account activation',
- 'ACC_ACTIVATION_EXPLAIN' => 'This determines whether users have immediate access to the board or if confirmation is required. You can also completely disable new registrations.',
- 'ACC_ADMIN' => 'By Admin',
- 'ACC_DISABLE' => 'Disable',
- 'ACC_NONE' => 'None',
- 'ACC_USER' => 'By User',
-// 'ACC_USER_ADMIN' => 'User + Admin',
- 'ALLOW_EMAIL_REUSE' => 'Allow e-mail address re-use',
- 'ALLOW_EMAIL_REUSE_EXPLAIN' => 'Different users can register with the same e-mail address.',
- 'COPPA' => 'COPPA',
- 'COPPA_FAX' => 'COPPA fax number',
- 'COPPA_MAIL' => 'COPPA mailing address',
- 'COPPA_MAIL_EXPLAIN' => 'This is the mailing address where parents will send COPPA registration forms.',
- 'ENABLE_COPPA' => 'Enable COPPA',
- 'ENABLE_COPPA_EXPLAIN' => 'This requires users to declare whether they are 13 or over for compliance with the U.S. COPPA. If this is disabled the COPPA specific groups will no longer be displayed.',
- 'MAX_CHARS' => 'Max',
- 'MIN_CHARS' => 'Min',
- 'NO_AUTH_PLUGIN' => 'No suitable auth plugin found.',
- 'PASSWORD_LENGTH' => 'Password length',
- 'PASSWORD_LENGTH_EXPLAIN' => 'Minimum and maximum number of characters in passwords.',
- 'REG_LIMIT' => 'Registration attempts',
- 'REG_LIMIT_EXPLAIN' => 'Number of attempts users can make at the confirmation code before being locked out that session.',
- 'USERNAME_ALPHA_ONLY' => 'Alphanumeric only',
- 'USERNAME_ALPHA_SPACERS' => 'Alphanumeric and spacers',
- 'USERNAME_ASCII' => 'ASCII (no international unicode)',
- 'USERNAME_LETTER_NUM' => 'Any letter and number',
- 'USERNAME_LETTER_NUM_SPACERS' => 'Any letter, number, and spacer',
- 'USERNAME_CHARS' => 'Limit username chars',
- 'USERNAME_CHARS_ANY' => 'Any character',
- 'USERNAME_CHARS_EXPLAIN' => 'Restrict type of characters that may be used in usernames, spacers are: space, -, +, _, [ and ].',
- 'USERNAME_LENGTH' => 'Username length',
- 'USERNAME_LENGTH_EXPLAIN' => 'Minimum and maximum number of characters in usernames.',
-// Visual Confirmation Settings
-$lang = array_merge($lang, array(
- 'ACP_VC_SETTINGS_EXPLAIN' => 'Here you are able to define visual confirmation defaults and CAPTCHA settings.',
- 'AVAILABLE_CAPTCHAS' => 'Available plugins',
- 'CAPTCHA_UNAVAILABLE' => 'The CAPTCHA cannot be selected as its requirements are not met.',
- 'CAPTCHA_GD_WAVE' => 'GD Wave Captcha',
- 'CAPTCHA_GD_EXPLAIN' => 'Use GD to make a more advanced CAPTCHA.',
- 'CAPTCHA_GD_FOREGROUND_NOISE_EXPLAIN' => 'Use foreground noise to make the GD based CAPTCHA harder.',
- 'CAPTCHA_GD_X_GRID' => 'GD CAPTCHA background noise x-axis',
- 'CAPTCHA_GD_X_GRID_EXPLAIN' => 'Use lower settings of this to make the GD based CAPTCHA harder. 0 will disable x-axis background noise.',
- 'CAPTCHA_GD_Y_GRID' => 'GD CAPTCHA background noise y-axis',
- 'CAPTCHA_GD_Y_GRID_EXPLAIN' => 'Use lower settings of this to make the GD based CAPTCHA harder. 0 will disable y-axis background noise.',
- 'CAPTCHA_GD_WAVE' => 'GD CAPTCHA wave distortion',
- 'CAPTCHA_GD_WAVE_EXPLAIN' => 'This applies a wave distortion to the CAPTCHA.',
- 'CAPTCHA_GD_3D_NOISE' => 'Add 3D-noise objects',
- 'CAPTCHA_GD_3D_NOISE_EXPLAIN' => 'This adds additional objects to the CAPTCHA, over the letters.',
- 'CAPTCHA_GD_FONTS' => 'Use different fonts',
- 'CAPTCHA_GD_FONTS_EXPLAIN' => 'This setting controls how many different letter shapes are used. You can just use the default shapes or introduce altered letters. Adding lowercase letters is also possible.',
- 'CAPTCHA_FONT_DEFAULT' => 'Default',
- 'CAPTCHA_FONT_NEW' => 'New Shapes',
- 'CAPTCHA_FONT_LOWER' => 'Also use lowercase',
- 'CAPTCHA_PREVIEW_MSG' => 'Your changes to the visual confirmation setting were not saved. This is just a preview.',
- 'CAPTCHA_PREVIEW_EXPLAIN' => 'The CAPTCHA as it would look like using the current selection.',
- 'CAPTCHA_SELECT' => 'Installed CAPTCHA plugins',
- 'CAPTCHA_SELECT_EXPLAIN' => 'The dropdown holds the CAPTCHA plugins recognized by the board. Gray entries are not available right now and might need configuration prior to use.',
- 'CAPTCHA_CONFIGURE_EXPLAIN' => 'Change the settings for the selected CAPTCHA.',
- 'CONFIGURE' => 'Configure',
- 'CAPTCHA_NO_OPTIONS' => 'This CAPTCHA has no configuration options.',
- 'VISUAL_CONFIRM_POST' => 'Enable visual confirmation for guest postings',
- 'VISUAL_CONFIRM_POST_EXPLAIN' => 'Requires anonymous users to enter a random code matching an image to help prevent mass postings.',
- 'VISUAL_CONFIRM_REG' => 'Enable visual confirmation for registrations',
- 'VISUAL_CONFIRM_REG_EXPLAIN' => 'Requires new users to enter a random code matching an image to help prevent mass registrations.',
- 'VISUAL_CONFIRM_REFRESH' => 'Enable users to refresh the confirmation image',
- 'VISUAL_CONFIRM_REFRESH_EXPLAIN' => 'Allows users to request new confirmation codes, if they are unable to solve the VC during registration.',
-// Cookie Settings
-$lang = array_merge($lang, array(
- 'ACP_COOKIE_SETTINGS_EXPLAIN' => 'These details define the data used to send cookies to your users browsers. In most cases the default values for the cookie settings should be sufficient. If you do need to change any do so with care, incorrect settings can prevent users logging in.',
- 'COOKIE_DOMAIN' => 'Cookie domain',
- 'COOKIE_NAME' => 'Cookie name',
- 'COOKIE_PATH' => 'Cookie path',
- 'COOKIE_SECURE' => 'Cookie secure',
- 'COOKIE_SECURE_EXPLAIN' => 'If your server is running via SSL set this to enabled else leave as disabled. Having this enabled and not running via SSL will result in server errors during redirects.',
- 'ONLINE_LENGTH' => 'View online time span',
- 'ONLINE_LENGTH_EXPLAIN' => 'Number of minutes after which inactive users will not appear in “Who is online” listings. The higher this value the greater is the processing required to generate the listing.',
- 'SESSION_LENGTH' => 'Session length',
- 'SESSION_LENGTH_EXPLAIN' => 'Sessions will expire after this time, in seconds.',
-// Load Settings
-$lang = array_merge($lang, array(
- 'ACP_LOAD_SETTINGS_EXPLAIN' => 'Here you can enable and disable certain board functions to reduce the amount of processing required. On most servers there is no need to disable any functions. However on certain systems or in shared hosting environments it may be beneficial to disable capabilities you do not really need. You can also specify limits for system load and active sessions beyond which the board will go offline.',
- 'CUSTOM_PROFILE_FIELDS' => 'Custom profile fields',
- 'LIMIT_LOAD' => 'Limit system load',
- 'LIMIT_LOAD_EXPLAIN' => 'If the system’s 1-minute load average exceeds this value the board will automatically go offline. A value of 1.0 equals ~100% utilisation of one processor. This only functions on UNIX based servers and where this information is accessible. The value here resets itself to 0 if phpBB was unable to get the load limit.',
- 'LIMIT_SESSIONS' => 'Limit sessions',
- 'LIMIT_SESSIONS_EXPLAIN' => 'If the number of sessions exceeds this value within a one minute period the board will go offline. Set to 0 for unlimited sessions.',
- 'LOAD_CPF_MEMBERLIST' => 'Allow styles to display custom profile fields in memberlist',
- 'LOAD_CPF_VIEWPROFILE' => 'Display custom profile fields in user profiles',
- 'LOAD_CPF_VIEWTOPIC' => 'Display custom profile fields on topic pages',
- 'LOAD_USER_ACTIVITY' => 'Show user’s activity',
- 'LOAD_USER_ACTIVITY_EXPLAIN' => 'Displays active topic/forum in user profiles and user control panel. It is recommended to disable this on boards with more than one million posts.',
- 'RECOMPILE_STYLES' => 'Recompile stale style components',
- 'RECOMPILE_STYLES_EXPLAIN' => 'Check for updated style components on filesystem and recompile.',
- 'YES_ANON_READ_MARKING' => 'Enable topic marking for guests',
- 'YES_ANON_READ_MARKING_EXPLAIN' => 'Stores read/unread status information for guests. If disabled posts are always read for guests.',
- 'YES_BIRTHDAYS' => 'Enable birthday listing',
- 'YES_BIRTHDAYS_EXPLAIN' => 'If disabled the birthday listing is no longer displayed. To let this setting take effect the birthday feature needs to be enabled too.',
- 'YES_JUMPBOX' => 'Enable display of jumpbox',
- 'YES_MODERATORS' => 'Enable display of moderators',
- 'YES_ONLINE' => 'Enable online user listings',
- 'YES_ONLINE_EXPLAIN' => 'Display online user information on index, forum and topic pages.',
- 'YES_ONLINE_GUESTS' => 'Enable online guest listings in viewonline',
- 'YES_ONLINE_GUESTS_EXPLAIN' => 'Allow display of guest user information in viewonline.',
- 'YES_ONLINE_TRACK' => 'Enable display of user online/offline information',
- 'YES_ONLINE_TRACK_EXPLAIN' => 'Display online information for user in profiles and topic pages.',
- 'YES_POST_MARKING' => 'Enable dotted topics',
- 'YES_POST_MARKING_EXPLAIN' => 'Indicates whether user has posted to a topic.',
- 'YES_READ_MARKING' => 'Enable server-side topic marking',
- 'YES_READ_MARKING_EXPLAIN' => 'Stores read/unread status information in the database rather than a cookie.',
-// Auth settings
-$lang = array_merge($lang, array(
- 'ACP_AUTH_SETTINGS_EXPLAIN' => 'phpBB supports authentication plug-ins, or modules. These allow you determine how users are authenticated when they log into the board. By default three plug-ins are provided; DB, LDAP and Apache. Not all methods require additional information so only fill out fields if they are relevant to the selected method.',
- 'AUTH_METHOD' => 'Select an authentication method',
- 'APACHE_SETUP_BEFORE_USE' => 'You have to setup apache authentication before you switch phpBB to this authentication method. Keep in mind that the username you use for apache authentication has to be the same as your phpBB username. Apache authentication can only be used with mod_php (not with a CGI version) and safe_mode disabled.',
- 'LDAP_DN' => 'LDAP base <var>dn</var>',
- 'LDAP_DN_EXPLAIN' => 'This is the Distinguished Name, locating the user information, e.g. <samp>o=My Company,c=US</samp>.',
- 'LDAP_EMAIL' => 'LDAP e-mail attribute',
- 'LDAP_EMAIL_EXPLAIN' => 'Set this to the name of your user entry e-mail attribute (if one exists) in order to automatically set the e-mail address for new users. Leaving this empty results in empty e-mail address for users who log in for the first time.',
- 'LDAP_INCORRECT_USER_PASSWORD' => 'Binding to LDAP server failed with specified user/password.',
- 'LDAP_NO_EMAIL' => 'The specified e-mail attribute does not exist.',
- 'LDAP_NO_IDENTITY' => 'Could not find a login identity for %s.',
- 'LDAP_PASSWORD' => 'LDAP password',
- 'LDAP_PASSWORD_EXPLAIN' => 'Leave blank to use anonymous binding. Else fill in the password for the above user. Required for Active Directory Servers. <strong>WARNING:</strong> This password will be stored as plain text in the database visible to everybody who can access your database or who can view this configuration page.',
- 'LDAP_PORT' => 'LDAP server port',
- 'LDAP_PORT_EXPLAIN' => 'Optionally you can specify a port which should be used to connect to the LDAP server instead of the default port 389.',
- 'LDAP_SERVER' => 'LDAP server name',
- 'LDAP_SERVER_EXPLAIN' => 'If using LDAP this is the hostname or IP address of the LDAP server. Alternatively you can specify an URL like ldap://hostname:port/',
- 'LDAP_UID' => 'LDAP <var>uid</var>',
- 'LDAP_UID_EXPLAIN' => 'This is the key under which to search for a given login identity, e.g. <var>uid</var>, <var>sn</var>, etc.',
- 'LDAP_USER' => 'LDAP user <var>dn</var>',
- 'LDAP_USER_EXPLAIN' => 'Leave blank to use anonymous binding. If filled in phpBB uses the specified distinguished name on login attempts to find the correct user, e.g. <samp>uid=Username,ou=MyUnit,o=MyCompany,c=US</samp>. Required for Active Directory Servers.',
- 'LDAP_USER_FILTER' => 'LDAP user filter',
- 'LDAP_USER_FILTER_EXPLAIN' => 'Optionally you can further limit the searched objects with additional filters. For example <samp>objectClass=posixGroup</samp> would result in the use of <samp>(&amp;(uid=$username)(objectClass=posixGroup))</samp>',
-// Server Settings
-$lang = array_merge($lang, array(
- 'ACP_SERVER_SETTINGS_EXPLAIN' => 'Here you define server and domain dependant settings. Please ensure the data you enter is accurate, errors will result in e-mails containing incorrect information. When entering the domain name remember it does include http:// or other protocol term. Only alter the port number if you know your server uses a different value, port 80 is correct in most cases.',
- 'ENABLE_GZIP' => 'Enable GZip compression',
- 'ENABLE_GZIP_EXPLAIN' => 'Generated content will be compressed prior to sending it to the user. This can reduce network traffic but will also increase CPU usage on both server and client side.',
- 'FORCE_SERVER_VARS' => 'Force server URL settings',
- 'FORCE_SERVER_VARS_EXPLAIN' => 'If set to yes the server settings defined here will be used in favour of the automatically determined values.',
- 'ICONS_PATH' => 'Post icons storage path',
- 'ICONS_PATH_EXPLAIN' => 'Path under your phpBB root directory, e.g. <samp>images/icons</samp>.',
- 'PATH_SETTINGS' => 'Path settings',
- 'RANKS_PATH' => 'Rank image storage path',
- 'RANKS_PATH_EXPLAIN' => 'Path under your phpBB root directory, e.g. <samp>images/ranks</samp>.',
- 'SCRIPT_PATH' => 'Script path',
- 'SCRIPT_PATH_EXPLAIN' => 'The path where phpBB is located relative to the domain name, e.g. <samp>/phpBB3</samp>.',
- 'SERVER_NAME' => 'Domain name',
- 'SERVER_NAME_EXPLAIN' => 'The domain name this board runs from (for example: <samp>www.example.com</samp>).',
- 'SERVER_PORT' => 'Server port',
- 'SERVER_PORT_EXPLAIN' => 'The port your server is running on, usually 80, only change if different.',
- 'SERVER_PROTOCOL' => 'Server protocol',
- 'SERVER_PROTOCOL_EXPLAIN' => 'This is used as the server protocol if these settings are forced. If empty or not forced the protocol is determined by the cookie secure settings (<samp>http://</samp> or <samp>https://</samp>).',
- 'SERVER_URL_SETTINGS' => 'Server URL settings',
- 'SMILIES_PATH' => 'Smilies storage path',
- 'SMILIES_PATH_EXPLAIN' => 'Path under your phpBB root directory, e.g. <samp>images/smilies</samp>.',
- 'UPLOAD_ICONS_PATH' => 'Extension group icons storage path',
- 'UPLOAD_ICONS_PATH_EXPLAIN' => 'Path under your phpBB root directory, e.g. <samp>images/upload_icons</samp>.',
-// Security Settings
-$lang = array_merge($lang, array(
- 'ACP_SECURITY_SETTINGS_EXPLAIN' => 'Here you are able to define session and login related settings.',
- 'ALL' => 'All',
- 'ALLOW_AUTOLOGIN' => 'Allow persistent logins',
- 'ALLOW_AUTOLOGIN_EXPLAIN' => 'Determines whether users can autologin when they visit the board.',
- 'AUTOLOGIN_LENGTH' => 'Persistent login key expiration length (in days)',
- 'AUTOLOGIN_LENGTH_EXPLAIN' => 'Number of days after which persistent login keys are removed or zero to disable.',
- 'BROWSER_VALID' => 'Validate browser',
- 'BROWSER_VALID_EXPLAIN' => 'Enables browser validation for each session improving security.',
- 'CHECK_DNSBL' => 'Check IP against DNS Blackhole List',
- 'CHECK_DNSBL_EXPLAIN' => 'If enabled the user’s IP address is checked against the following DNSBL services on registration and posting: <a href="http://spamcop.net">spamcop.net</a> and <a href="http://www.spamhaus.org">www.spamhaus.org</a>. This lookup may take a while, depending on the server’s configuration. If slowdowns are experienced or too many false positives reported it is recommended to disable this check.',
- 'CLASS_B' => 'A.B',
- 'CLASS_C' => 'A.B.C',
- 'EMAIL_CHECK_MX' => 'Check e-mail domain for valid MX record',
- 'EMAIL_CHECK_MX_EXPLAIN' => 'If enabled, the e-mail domain provided on registration and profile changes is checked for a valid MX record.',
- 'FORCE_PASS_CHANGE' => 'Force password change',
- 'FORCE_PASS_CHANGE_EXPLAIN' => 'Require user to change their password after a set number of days. Setting this value to 0 disables this behaviour.',
- 'FORM_TIME_MAX' => 'Maximum time to submit forms',
- 'FORM_TIME_MAX_EXPLAIN' => 'The time a user has to submit a form. Use -1 to disable. Note that a form might become invalid if the session expires, regardless of this setting.',
- 'FORM_SID_GUESTS' => 'Tie forms to guest sessions',
- 'FORM_SID_GUESTS_EXPLAIN' => 'If enabled, the form token issued to guests will be session-exclusive. This can cause problems with some ISPs.',
- 'FORWARDED_FOR_VALID' => 'Validated <var>X_FORWARDED_FOR</var> header',
- 'FORWARDED_FOR_VALID_EXPLAIN' => 'Sessions will only be continued if the sent <var>X_FORWARDED_FOR</var> header equals the one sent with the previous request. Bans will be checked against IPs in <var>X_FORWARDED_FOR</var> too.',
- 'IP_VALID' => 'Session IP validation',
- 'IP_VALID_EXPLAIN' => 'Determines how much of the users IP is used to validate a session; <samp>All</samp> compares the complete address, <samp>A.B.C</samp> the first x.x.x, <samp>A.B</samp> the first x.x, <samp>None</samp> disables checking. On IPv6 addresses <samp>A.B.C</samp> compares the first 4 blocks and <samp>A.B</samp> the first 3 blocks.',
- 'MAX_LOGIN_ATTEMPTS' => 'Maximum number of login attempts',
- 'MAX_LOGIN_ATTEMPTS_EXPLAIN' => 'After this number of failed logins the user needs to additionally confirm his login visually (visual confirmation).',
- 'NO_IP_VALIDATION' => 'None',
- 'NO_REF_VALIDATION' => 'None',
- 'PASSWORD_TYPE' => 'Password complexity',
- 'PASSWORD_TYPE_EXPLAIN' => 'Determines how complex a password needs to be when set or altered, subsequent options include the previous ones.',
- 'PASS_TYPE_ALPHA' => 'Must contain letters and numbers',
- 'PASS_TYPE_ANY' => 'No requirements',
- 'PASS_TYPE_CASE' => 'Must be mixed case',
- 'PASS_TYPE_SYMBOL' => 'Must contain symbols',
- 'REF_HOST' => 'Only validate host',
- 'REF_PATH' => 'Also validate path',
- 'REFERER_VALID' => 'Validate Referer',
- 'REFERER_VALID_EXPLAIN' => 'If enabled, the referer of POST requests will be checked against the host/script path settings. This may cause issues with boards using several domains and or external logins.',
- 'TPL_ALLOW_PHP' => 'Allow php in templates',
- 'TPL_ALLOW_PHP_EXPLAIN' => 'If this option is enabled, <code>PHP</code> and <code>INCLUDEPHP</code> statements will be recognised and parsed in templates.',
-// Email Settings
-$lang = array_merge($lang, array(
- 'ACP_EMAIL_SETTINGS_EXPLAIN' => 'This information is used when the board sends e-mails to your users. Please ensure the e-mail address you specify is valid, any bounced or undeliverable messages will likely be sent to that address. If your host does not provide a native (PHP based) e-mail service you can instead send messages directly using SMTP. This requires the address of an appropriate server (ask your provider if necessary). If the server requires authentication (and only if it does) enter the necessary username, password and authentication method.',
- 'ADMIN_EMAIL' => 'Return e-mail address',
- 'ADMIN_EMAIL_EXPLAIN' => 'This will be used as the return address on all e-mails, the technical contact e-mail address. It will always be used as the <samp>Return-Path</samp> and <samp>Sender</samp> address in e-mails.',
- 'BOARD_EMAIL_FORM' => 'Users send e-mail via board',
- 'BOARD_EMAIL_FORM_EXPLAIN' => 'Instead of showing the users e-mail address users are able to send e-mails via the board.',
- 'BOARD_HIDE_EMAILS' => 'Hide e-mail addresses',
- 'BOARD_HIDE_EMAILS_EXPLAIN' => 'This function keeps e-mail addresses completely private.',
- 'CONTACT_EMAIL' => 'Contact e-mail address',
- 'CONTACT_EMAIL_EXPLAIN' => 'This address will be used whenever a specific contact point is needed, e.g. spam, error output, etc. It will always be used as the <samp>From</samp> and <samp>Reply-To</samp> address in e-mails.',
- 'EMAIL_FUNCTION_NAME' => 'E-mail function name',
- 'EMAIL_FUNCTION_NAME_EXPLAIN' => 'The e-mail function used to send mails through PHP.',
- 'EMAIL_PACKAGE_SIZE' => 'E-mail package size',
- 'EMAIL_PACKAGE_SIZE_EXPLAIN' => 'This is the number of maximum e-mails sent out in one package. This setting is applied to the internal message queue; set this value to 0 if you have problems with non-delivered notification e-mails.',
- 'EMAIL_SIG' => 'E-mail signature',
- 'EMAIL_SIG_EXPLAIN' => 'This text will be attached to all e-mails the board sends.',
- 'ENABLE_EMAIL' => 'Enable board-wide e-mails',
- 'ENABLE_EMAIL_EXPLAIN' => 'If this is set to disabled no e-mails will be sent by the board at all.',
- 'SMTP_AUTH_METHOD' => 'Authentication method for SMTP',
- 'SMTP_AUTH_METHOD_EXPLAIN' => 'Only used if a username/password is set, ask your provider if you are unsure which method to use.',
- 'SMTP_CRAM_MD5' => 'CRAM-MD5',
- 'SMTP_PASSWORD' => 'SMTP password',
- 'SMTP_PASSWORD_EXPLAIN' => 'Only enter a password if your SMTP server requires it.',
- 'SMTP_PORT' => 'SMTP server port',
- 'SMTP_PORT_EXPLAIN' => 'Only change this if you know your SMTP server is on a different port.',
- 'SMTP_SERVER' => 'SMTP server address',
- 'SMTP_SETTINGS' => 'SMTP settings',
- 'SMTP_USERNAME' => 'SMTP username',
- 'SMTP_USERNAME_EXPLAIN' => 'Only enter a username if your SMTP server requires it.',
- 'USE_SMTP' => 'Use SMTP server for e-mail',
- 'USE_SMTP_EXPLAIN' => 'Select “Yes” if you want or have to send e-mail via a named server instead of the local mail function.',
-// Jabber settings
-$lang = array_merge($lang, array(
- 'ACP_JABBER_SETTINGS_EXPLAIN' => 'Here you can enable and control the use of Jabber for instant messaging and board notifications. Jabber is an open source protocol and therefore available for use by anyone. Some Jabber servers include gateways or transports which allow you to contact users on other networks. Not all servers offer all transports and changes in protocols can prevent transports from operating. Please be sure to enter already registered account details - phpBB will use the details you enter here as is.',
- 'JAB_ENABLE' => 'Enable Jabber',
- 'JAB_ENABLE_EXPLAIN' => 'Enables use of Jabber messaging and notifications.',
- 'JAB_GTALK_NOTE' => 'Please note that GTalk will not work because the <samp>dns_get_record</samp> function could not be found. This function is not available in PHP4, and is not implemented on Windows platforms. It currently does not work on BSD-based systems, including Mac OS.',
- 'JAB_PACKAGE_SIZE' => 'Jabber package size',
- 'JAB_PACKAGE_SIZE_EXPLAIN' => 'This is the number of messages sent in one package. If set to 0 the message is sent immediately and will not be queued for later sending.',
- 'JAB_PASSWORD' => 'Jabber password',
- 'JAB_PORT' => 'Jabber port',
- 'JAB_PORT_EXPLAIN' => 'Leave blank unless you know it is not port 5222.',
- 'JAB_SERVER' => 'Jabber server',
- 'JAB_SERVER_EXPLAIN' => 'See %sjabber.org%s for a list of servers.',
- 'JAB_SETTINGS_CHANGED' => 'Jabber settings changed successfully.',
- 'JAB_USE_SSL' => 'Use SSL to connect',
- 'JAB_USE_SSL_EXPLAIN' => 'If enabled a secure connection is tried to be established. The Jabber port will be modified to 5223 if port 5222 is specified.',
- 'JAB_USERNAME' => 'Jabber username or JID',
- 'JAB_USERNAME_EXPLAIN' => 'Specify a registered username or a valid JID. The username will not be checked for validity. If you only specify a username, then your JID will be the username and the server you specified above. Else, specify a valid JID, for example user@jabber.org.',
-?> \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/phpBB/language/en/acp/bots.php b/phpBB/language/en/acp/bots.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 3b63f2ea2e..0000000000
--- a/phpBB/language/en/acp/bots.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,73 +0,0 @@
-* acp_bots [English]
-* @package language
-* @version $Id$
-* @copyright (c) 2005 phpBB Group
-* @license http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php GNU Public License
-if (!defined('IN_PHPBB'))
- exit;
-if (empty($lang) || !is_array($lang))
- $lang = array();
-// All language files should use UTF-8 as their encoding and the files must not contain a BOM.
-// Placeholders can now contain order information, e.g. instead of
-// 'Page %s of %s' you can (and should) write 'Page %1$s of %2$s', this allows
-// translators to re-order the output of data while ensuring it remains correct
-// You do not need this where single placeholders are used, e.g. 'Message %d' is fine
-// equally where a string contains only two placeholders which are used to wrap text
-// in a url you again do not need to specify an order e.g., 'Click %sHERE%s' is fine
-// Bot settings
-$lang = array_merge($lang, array(
- 'BOTS' => 'Manage bots',
- 'BOTS_EXPLAIN' => '“Bots”, “spiders” or “crawlers” are automated agents most commonly used by search engines to update their databases. Since they rarely make proper use of sessions they can distort visitor counts, increase load and sometimes fail to index sites correctly. Here you can define a special type of user to overcome these problems.',
- 'BOT_ACTIVATE' => 'Activate',
- 'BOT_ACTIVE' => 'Bot active',
- 'BOT_ADD' => 'Add bot',
- 'BOT_ADDED' => 'New bot successfully added.',
- 'BOT_AGENT' => 'Agent match',
- 'BOT_AGENT_EXPLAIN' => 'A string matching the bots browser agent, partial matches are allowed.',
- 'BOT_DEACTIVATE' => 'Deactivate',
- 'BOT_DELETED' => 'Bot deleted successfully.',
- 'BOT_EDIT' => 'Edit bots',
- 'BOT_EDIT_EXPLAIN' => 'Here you can add or edit an existing bot entry. You may define an agent string and/or one or more IP addresses (or range of addresses) to match. Be careful when defining matching agent strings or addresses. You may also specify a style and language that the bot will view the board using. This may allow you to reduce bandwidth use by setting a simple style for bots. Remember to set appropriate permissions for the special Bot usergroup.',
- 'BOT_LANG' => 'Bot language',
- 'BOT_LANG_EXPLAIN' => 'The language presented to the bot as it browses.',
- 'BOT_LAST_VISIT' => 'Last visit',
- 'BOT_IP' => 'Bot IP address',
- 'BOT_IP_EXPLAIN' => 'Partial matches are allowed, separate addresses with a comma.',
- 'BOT_NAME' => 'Bot name',
- 'BOT_NAME_EXPLAIN' => 'Used only for your own information.',
- 'BOT_NAME_TAKEN' => 'The name is already in use on your board and can’t be used for the Bot.',
- 'BOT_NEVER' => 'Never',
- 'BOT_STYLE' => 'Bot style',
- 'BOT_STYLE_EXPLAIN' => 'The style used for the board by the bot.',
- 'BOT_UPDATED' => 'Existing bot updated successfully.',
- 'ERR_BOT_AGENT_MATCHES_UA' => 'The bot agent you supplied is similar to the one you are currently using. Please adjust the agent for this bot.',
- 'ERR_BOT_NO_IP' => 'The IP addresses you supplied were invalid or the hostname could not be resolved.',
- 'ERR_BOT_NO_MATCHES' => 'You must supply at least one of an agent or IP for this bot match.',
- 'NO_BOT' => 'Found no bot with the specified ID.',
- 'NO_BOT_GROUP' => 'Unable to find special bot group.',
-?> \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/phpBB/language/en/acp/common.php b/phpBB/language/en/acp/common.php
deleted file mode 100644
index d1157b4dc4..0000000000
--- a/phpBB/language/en/acp/common.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,692 +0,0 @@
-* acp_common [English]
-* @package language
-* @version $Id$
-* @copyright (c) 2005 phpBB Group
-* @license http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php GNU Public License
-if (!defined('IN_PHPBB'))
- exit;
-if (empty($lang) || !is_array($lang))
- $lang = array();
-// All language files should use UTF-8 as their encoding and the files must not contain a BOM.
-// Placeholders can now contain order information, e.g. instead of
-// 'Page %s of %s' you can (and should) write 'Page %1$s of %2$s', this allows
-// translators to re-order the output of data while ensuring it remains correct
-// You do not need this where single placeholders are used, e.g. 'Message %d' is fine
-// equally where a string contains only two placeholders which are used to wrap text
-// in a url you again do not need to specify an order e.g., 'Click %sHERE%s' is fine
-// Common
-$lang = array_merge($lang, array(
- 'ACP_ADMINISTRATORS' => 'Administrators',
- 'ACP_ADMIN_LOGS' => 'Admin log',
- 'ACP_ADMIN_ROLES' => 'Admin roles',
- 'ACP_ATTACHMENTS' => 'Attachments',
- 'ACP_ATTACHMENT_SETTINGS' => 'Attachment settings',
- 'ACP_AUTH_SETTINGS' => 'Authentication',
- 'ACP_AUTOMATION' => 'Automation',
- 'ACP_AVATAR_SETTINGS' => 'Avatar settings',
- 'ACP_BACKUP' => 'Backup',
- 'ACP_BAN' => 'Banning',
- 'ACP_BAN_EMAILS' => 'Ban e-mails',
- 'ACP_BAN_IPS' => 'Ban IPs',
- 'ACP_BAN_USERNAMES' => 'Ban usernames',
- 'ACP_BBCODES' => 'BBCodes',
- 'ACP_BOARD_CONFIGURATION' => 'Board configuration',
- 'ACP_BOARD_FEATURES' => 'Board features',
- 'ACP_BOARD_MANAGEMENT' => 'Board management',
- 'ACP_BOARD_SETTINGS' => 'Board settings',
- 'ACP_BOTS' => 'Spiders/Robots',
- 'ACP_CAT_DATABASE' => 'Database',
- 'ACP_CAT_DOT_MODS' => '.MODs',
- 'ACP_CAT_FORUMS' => 'Forums',
- 'ACP_CAT_GENERAL' => 'General',
- 'ACP_CAT_MAINTENANCE' => 'Maintenance',
- 'ACP_CAT_PERMISSIONS' => 'Permissions',
- 'ACP_CAT_POSTING' => 'Posting',
- 'ACP_CAT_STYLES' => 'Styles',
- 'ACP_CAT_SYSTEM' => 'System',
- 'ACP_CAT_USERGROUP' => 'Users and Groups',
- 'ACP_CAT_USERS' => 'Users',
- 'ACP_CLIENT_COMMUNICATION' => 'Client communication',
- 'ACP_COOKIE_SETTINGS' => 'Cookie settings',
- 'ACP_CRITICAL_LOGS' => 'Error log',
- 'ACP_CUSTOM_PROFILE_FIELDS' => 'Custom profile fields',
- 'ACP_DATABASE' => 'Database management',
- 'ACP_DISALLOW' => 'Disallow',
- 'ACP_DISALLOW_USERNAMES' => 'Disallow usernames',
- 'ACP_EMAIL_SETTINGS' => 'E-mail settings',
- 'ACP_EXTENSION_GROUPS' => 'Manage extension groups',
- 'ACP_FORUM_BASED_PERMISSIONS' => 'Forum based permissions',
- 'ACP_FORUM_LOGS' => 'Forum logs',
- 'ACP_FORUM_MANAGEMENT' => 'Forum management',
- 'ACP_FORUM_MODERATORS' => 'Forum moderators',
- 'ACP_FORUM_PERMISSIONS' => 'Forum permissions',
- 'ACP_FORUM_ROLES' => 'Forum roles',
- 'ACP_GENERAL_CONFIGURATION' => 'General configuration',
- 'ACP_GENERAL_TASKS' => 'General tasks',
- 'ACP_GLOBAL_MODERATORS' => 'Global moderators',
- 'ACP_GLOBAL_PERMISSIONS' => 'Global permissions',
- 'ACP_GROUPS' => 'Groups',
- 'ACP_GROUPS_FORUM_PERMISSIONS' => 'Groups’ forum permissions',
- 'ACP_GROUPS_MANAGE' => 'Manage groups',
- 'ACP_GROUPS_MANAGEMENT' => 'Group management',
- 'ACP_GROUPS_PERMISSIONS' => 'Groups’ permissions',
- 'ACP_ICONS' => 'Topic icons',
- 'ACP_ICONS_SMILIES' => 'Topic icons/smilies',
- 'ACP_IMAGESETS' => 'Imagesets',
- 'ACP_INACTIVE_USERS' => 'Inactive users',
- 'ACP_INDEX' => 'ACP index',
- 'ACP_JABBER_SETTINGS' => 'Jabber settings',
- 'ACP_LANGUAGE' => 'Language management',
- 'ACP_LANGUAGE_PACKS' => 'Language packs',
- 'ACP_LOAD_SETTINGS' => 'Load settings',
- 'ACP_LOGGING' => 'Logging',
- 'ACP_MAIN' => 'ACP index',
- 'ACP_MANAGE_EXTENSIONS' => 'Manage extensions',
- 'ACP_MANAGE_FORUMS' => 'Manage forums',
- 'ACP_MANAGE_RANKS' => 'Manage ranks',
- 'ACP_MANAGE_REASONS' => 'Manage report/denial reasons',
- 'ACP_MANAGE_USERS' => 'Manage users',
- 'ACP_MASS_EMAIL' => 'Mass e-mail',
- 'ACP_MESSAGES' => 'Messages',
- 'ACP_MESSAGE_SETTINGS' => 'Private message settings',
- 'ACP_MODULE_MANAGEMENT' => 'Module management',
- 'ACP_MOD_LOGS' => 'Moderator log',
- 'ACP_MOD_ROLES' => 'Moderator roles',
- 'ACP_NO_ITEMS' => 'There are no items yet.',
- 'ACP_ORPHAN_ATTACHMENTS' => 'Orphaned attachments',
- 'ACP_PERMISSIONS' => 'Permissions',
- 'ACP_PERMISSION_MASKS' => 'Permission masks',
- 'ACP_PERMISSION_ROLES' => 'Permission roles',
- 'ACP_PERMISSION_TRACE' => 'Permission trace',
- 'ACP_PHP_INFO' => 'PHP information',
- 'ACP_POST_SETTINGS' => 'Post settings',
- 'ACP_PRUNE_FORUMS' => 'Prune forums',
- 'ACP_PRUNE_USERS' => 'Prune users',
- 'ACP_PRUNING' => 'Pruning',
- 'ACP_QUICK_ACCESS' => 'Quick access',
- 'ACP_RANKS' => 'Ranks',
- 'ACP_REASONS' => 'Report/denial reasons',
- 'ACP_REGISTER_SETTINGS' => 'User registration settings',
- 'ACP_RESTORE' => 'Restore',
- 'ACP_SEARCH' => 'Search configuration',
- 'ACP_SEARCH_INDEX' => 'Search index',
- 'ACP_SEARCH_SETTINGS' => 'Search settings',
- 'ACP_SECURITY_SETTINGS' => 'Security settings',
- 'ACP_SERVER_CONFIGURATION' => 'Server configuration',
- 'ACP_SERVER_SETTINGS' => 'Server settings',
- 'ACP_SIGNATURE_SETTINGS' => 'Signature settings',
- 'ACP_SMILIES' => 'Smilies',
- 'ACP_STYLE_COMPONENTS' => 'Style components',
- 'ACP_STYLE_MANAGEMENT' => 'Style management',
- 'ACP_STYLES' => 'Styles',
- 'ACP_TEMPLATES' => 'Templates',
- 'ACP_THEMES' => 'Themes',
- 'ACP_UPDATE' => 'Updating',
- 'ACP_USERS_FORUM_PERMISSIONS' => 'Users’ forum permissions',
- 'ACP_USERS_LOGS' => 'User logs',
- 'ACP_USERS_PERMISSIONS' => 'Users’ permissions',
- 'ACP_USER_ATTACH' => 'Attachments',
- 'ACP_USER_AVATAR' => 'Avatar',
- 'ACP_USER_FEEDBACK' => 'Feedback',
- 'ACP_USER_GROUPS' => 'Groups',
- 'ACP_USER_MANAGEMENT' => 'User management',
- 'ACP_USER_OVERVIEW' => 'Overview',
- 'ACP_USER_PERM' => 'Permissions',
- 'ACP_USER_PREFS' => 'Preferences',
- 'ACP_USER_PROFILE' => 'Profile',
- 'ACP_USER_RANK' => 'Rank',
- 'ACP_USER_ROLES' => 'User roles',
- 'ACP_USER_SECURITY' => 'User security',
- 'ACP_USER_SIG' => 'Signature',
- 'ACP_VC_SETTINGS' => 'Visual confirmation settings',
- 'ACP_VC_CAPTCHA_DISPLAY' => 'CAPTCHA image preview',
- 'ACP_VERSION_CHECK' => 'Check for updates',
- 'ACP_VIEW_ADMIN_PERMISSIONS' => 'View administrative permissions',
- 'ACP_VIEW_FORUM_MOD_PERMISSIONS' => 'View forum moderation permissions',
- 'ACP_VIEW_FORUM_PERMISSIONS' => 'View forum-based permissions',
- 'ACP_VIEW_GLOBAL_MOD_PERMISSIONS' => 'View global moderation permissions',
- 'ACP_VIEW_USER_PERMISSIONS' => 'View user-based permissions',
- 'ACP_WORDS' => 'Word censoring',
- 'ACTION' => 'Action',
- 'ACTIONS' => 'Actions',
- 'ACTIVATE' => 'Activate',
- 'ADD' => 'Add',
- 'ADMIN' => 'Administration',
- 'ADMIN_INDEX' => 'Admin index',
- 'ADMIN_PANEL' => 'Administration Control Panel',
- 'ADM_LOGOUT' => 'ACP&nbsp;Logout',
- 'ADM_LOGGED_OUT' => 'Successfully logged out from Administration Control Panel',
- 'BACK' => 'Back',
- 'COLOUR_SWATCH' => 'Web-safe colour swatch',
- 'CONFIG_UPDATED' => 'Configuration updated successfully.',
- 'DEACTIVATE' => 'Deactivate',
- 'DIRECTORY_DOES_NOT_EXIST' => 'The entered path “%s” does not exist.',
- 'DIRECTORY_NOT_DIR' => 'The entered path “%s” is not a directory.',
- 'DIRECTORY_NOT_WRITABLE' => 'The entered path “%s” is not writable.',
- 'DISABLE' => 'Disable',
- 'DOWNLOAD' => 'Download',
- 'DOWNLOAD_AS' => 'Download as',
- 'DOWNLOAD_STORE' => 'Download or store file',
- 'DOWNLOAD_STORE_EXPLAIN' => 'You may directly download the file or save it in your <samp>store/</samp> folder.',
- 'EDIT' => 'Edit',
- 'ENABLE' => 'Enable',
- 'EXPORT_DOWNLOAD' => 'Download',
- 'EXPORT_STORE' => 'Store',
- 'GENERAL_OPTIONS' => 'General options',
- 'GENERAL_SETTINGS' => 'General settings',
- 'GLOBAL_MASK' => 'Global permission mask',
- 'INSTALL' => 'Install',
- 'IP' => 'User IP',
- 'IP_HOSTNAME' => 'IP addresses or hostnames',
- 'LOGGED_IN_AS' => 'You are logged in as:',
- 'LOGIN_ADMIN' => 'To administer the board you must be an authenticated user.',
- 'LOGIN_ADMIN_CONFIRM' => 'To administer the board you must re-authenticate yourself.',
- 'LOGIN_ADMIN_SUCCESS' => 'You have successfully authenticated and will now be redirected to the Administration Control Panel.',
- 'LOOK_UP_FORUM' => 'Select a forum',
- 'LOOK_UP_FORUMS_EXPLAIN'=> 'You are able to select more than one forum.',
- 'LOGIN_REDIRECT' => 'You have been successfully logged in.',
- 'MANAGE' => 'Manage',
- 'MENU_TOGGLE' => 'Hide or display the side menu',
- 'MOVE_DOWN' => 'Move down',
- 'MOVE_UP' => 'Move up',
- 'NOTIFY' => 'Notification',
- 'NO_ADMIN' => 'You are not authorised to administrate this board.',
- 'NO_EMAILS_DEFINED' => 'No valid e-mail addresses found.',
- 'NO_PASSWORD_SUPPLIED' => 'You need to enter your password to access the Administration Control Panel.',
- 'OFF' => 'Off',
- 'ON' => 'On',
- 'PARSE_BBCODE' => 'Parse BBCode',
- 'PARSE_SMILIES' => 'Parse smilies',
- 'PARSE_URLS' => 'Parse links',
- 'PERMISSIONS_TRANSFERRED' => 'Permissions transferred',
- 'PERMISSIONS_TRANSFERRED_EXPLAIN' => 'You currently have the permissions from %1$s. You are able to browse the board with this user’s permissions, but not access the administration control panel since admin permissions were not transferred. You can <a href="%2$s"><strong>revert to your permission set</strong></a> at any time.',
- 'PIXEL' => 'px',
- 'PROCEED_TO_ACP' => '%sProceed to the ACP%s',
- 'REMIND' => 'Remind',
- 'RESYNC' => 'Resynchronise',
- 'RETURN_TO' => 'Return to…',
- 'SELECT_ANONYMOUS' => 'Select anonymous user',
- 'SELECT_OPTION' => 'Select option',
- 'SETTING_TOO_LOW' => 'The entered value for the setting “%1$s” is too low. The minimal allowed value is %2$d.',
- 'SETTING_TOO_BIG' => 'The entered value for the setting “%1$s” is too big. The maximal allowed value is %2$d.',
- 'SETTING_TOO_LONG' => 'The entered value for the setting “%1$s” is too long. The maximal allowed length is %2$d.',
- 'SETTING_TOO_SHORT' => 'The entered value for the setting “%1$s” is not long enough. The minimal allowed length is %2$d.',
- 'UCP' => 'User Control Panel',
- 'USERNAMES_EXPLAIN' => 'Place each username on a separate line.',
- 'USER_CONTROL_PANEL' => 'User Control Panel',
- 'WARNING' => 'Warning',
-// PHP info
-$lang = array_merge($lang, array(
- 'ACP_PHP_INFO_EXPLAIN' => 'This page lists information on the version of PHP installed on this server. It includes details of loaded modules, available variables and default settings. This information may be useful when diagnosing problems. Please be aware that some hosting companies will limit what information is displayed here for security reasons. You are advised to not give out any details on this page except when asked by <a href="http://www.phpbb.com/about/team/">official team members</a> on the support forums.',
- 'NO_PHPINFO_AVAILABLE' => 'Information about your PHP configuration is unable to be determined. Phpinfo() has been disabled for security reasons.',
-// Logs
-$lang = array_merge($lang, array(
- 'ACP_ADMIN_LOGS_EXPLAIN' => 'This lists all the actions carried out by board administrators. You can sort by username, date, IP or action. If you have appropriate permissions you can also clear individual operations or the log as a whole.',
- 'ACP_CRITICAL_LOGS_EXPLAIN' => 'This lists the actions carried out by the board itself. This log provides you with information you are able to use for solving specific problems, for example non-delivery of e-mails. You can sort by username, date, IP or action. If you have appropriate permissions you can also clear individual operations or the log as a whole.',
- 'ACP_MOD_LOGS_EXPLAIN' => 'This lists all actions done on forums, topics and posts as well as actions carried out on users by moderators, including banning. You can sort by username, date, IP or action. If you have appropriate permissions you can also clear individual operations or the log as a whole.',
- 'ACP_USERS_LOGS_EXPLAIN' => 'This lists all actions carried out by users or on users (reports, warnings and user notes).',
- 'ALL_ENTRIES' => 'All entries',
- 'DISPLAY_LOG' => 'Display entries from previous',
- 'NO_ENTRIES' => 'No log entries for this period.',
- 'SORT_IP' => 'IP address',
- 'SORT_DATE' => 'Date',
- 'SORT_ACTION' => 'Log action',
-// Index page
-$lang = array_merge($lang, array(
- 'ADMIN_INTRO' => 'Thank you for choosing phpBB as your board solution. This screen will give you a quick overview of all the various statistics of your board. The links on the left hand side of this screen allow you to control every aspect of your board experience. Each page will have instructions on how to use the tools.',
- 'ADMIN_LOG' => 'Logged administrator actions',
- 'ADMIN_LOG_INDEX_EXPLAIN' => 'This gives an overview of the last five actions carried out by board administrators. A full copy of the log can be viewed from the appropriate menu item or following the link below.',
- 'AVATAR_DIR_SIZE' => 'Avatar directory size',
- 'BOARD_STARTED' => 'Board started',
- 'BOARD_VERSION' => 'Board version',
- 'DATABASE_SERVER_INFO' => 'Database server',
- 'DATABASE_SIZE' => 'Database size',
- 'FILES_PER_DAY' => 'Attachments per day',
- 'FORUM_STATS' => 'Board statistics',
- 'GZIP_COMPRESSION' => 'GZip compression',
- 'NOT_AVAILABLE' => 'Not available',
- 'NUMBER_FILES' => 'Number of attachments',
- 'NUMBER_POSTS' => 'Number of posts',
- 'NUMBER_TOPICS' => 'Number of topics',
- 'NUMBER_USERS' => 'Number of users',
- 'NUMBER_ORPHAN' => 'Orphan attachments',
- 'POSTS_PER_DAY' => 'Posts per day',
- 'PURGE_CACHE' => 'Purge the cache',
- 'PURGE_CACHE_CONFIRM' => 'Are you sure you wish to purge the cache?',
- 'PURGE_CACHE_EXPLAIN' => 'Purge all cache related items, this includes any cached template files or queries.',
- 'RESET_DATE' => 'Reset board’s start date',
- 'RESET_DATE_CONFIRM' => 'Are you sure you wish to reset the board’s start date?',
- 'RESET_ONLINE' => 'Reset most users ever online',
- 'RESET_ONLINE_CONFIRM' => 'Are you sure you wish to reset the most users ever online counter?',
- 'RESYNC_POSTCOUNTS' => 'Resynchronise post counts',
- 'RESYNC_POSTCOUNTS_EXPLAIN' => 'Only existing posts will be taken into consideration. Pruned posts will not be counted.',
- 'RESYNC_POSTCOUNTS_CONFIRM' => 'Are you sure you wish to resynchronise post counts?',
- 'RESYNC_POST_MARKING' => 'Resynchronise dotted topics',
- 'RESYNC_POST_MARKING_CONFIRM' => 'Are you sure you wish to resynchronise dotted topics?',
- 'RESYNC_POST_MARKING_EXPLAIN' => 'First unmarks all topics and then correctly marks topics that have seen any activity during the past six months.',
- 'RESYNC_STATS' => 'Resynchronise statistics',
- 'RESYNC_STATS_CONFIRM' => 'Are you sure you wish to resynchronise statistics?',
- 'RESYNC_STATS_EXPLAIN' => 'Recalculates the total number of posts, topics, users and files.',
- 'RUN' => 'Run now',
- 'STATISTIC' => 'Statistic',
- 'STATISTIC_RESYNC_OPTIONS' => 'Resynchronise or reset statistics',
- 'TOPICS_PER_DAY' => 'Topics per day',
- 'UPLOAD_DIR_SIZE' => 'Size of posted attachments',
- 'USERS_PER_DAY' => 'Users per day',
- 'VALUE' => 'Value',
- 'VIEW_ADMIN_LOG' => 'View administrator log',
- 'VIEW_INACTIVE_USERS' => 'View inactive users',
- 'WELCOME_PHPBB' => 'Welcome to phpBB',
- 'WRITABLE_CONFIG' => 'Your config file (config.php) is currently world-writable. We strongly encourage you to change the permissions to 640 or at least to 644 (for example: <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chmod" rel="external">chmod</a> 640 config.php).',
-// Inactive Users
-$lang = array_merge($lang, array(
- 'INACTIVE_DATE' => 'Inactive date',
- 'INACTIVE_REASON' => 'Reason',
- 'INACTIVE_REASON_MANUAL' => 'Account deactivated by administrator',
- 'INACTIVE_REASON_PROFILE' => 'Profile details changed',
- 'INACTIVE_REASON_REGISTER' => 'Newly registered account',
- 'INACTIVE_REASON_REMIND' => 'Forced user account reactivation',
- 'INACTIVE_USERS' => 'Inactive users',
- 'INACTIVE_USERS_EXPLAIN' => 'This is a list of users who have registered but whose accounts are inactive. You can activate, delete or remind (by sending an e-mail) these users if you wish.',
- 'INACTIVE_USERS_EXPLAIN_INDEX' => 'This is a list of the last 10 registered users who have inactive accounts. A full list is available from the appropriate menu item or by following the link below from where you can activate, delete or remind (by sending an e-mail) these users if you wish.',
- 'NO_INACTIVE_USERS' => 'No inactive users',
- 'SORT_INACTIVE' => 'Inactive date',
- 'SORT_LAST_VISIT' => 'Last visit',
- 'SORT_REASON' => 'Reason',
- 'SORT_REG_DATE' => 'Registration date',
- 'USER_IS_INACTIVE' => 'User is inactive',
-// Log Entries
-$lang = array_merge($lang, array(
- 'LOG_ACL_ADD_USER_GLOBAL_U_' => '<strong>Added or edited users’ user permissions</strong><br />» %s',
- 'LOG_ACL_ADD_GROUP_GLOBAL_U_' => '<strong>Added or edited groups’ user permissions</strong><br />» %s',
- 'LOG_ACL_ADD_USER_GLOBAL_M_' => '<strong>Added or edited users’ global moderator permissions</strong><br />» %s',
- 'LOG_ACL_ADD_GROUP_GLOBAL_M_' => '<strong>Added or edited groups’ global moderator permissions</strong><br />» %s',
- 'LOG_ACL_ADD_USER_GLOBAL_A_' => '<strong>Added or edited users’ administrator permissions</strong><br />» %s',
- 'LOG_ACL_ADD_GROUP_GLOBAL_A_' => '<strong>Added or edited groups’ administrator permissions</strong><br />» %s',
- 'LOG_ACL_ADD_ADMIN_GLOBAL_A_' => '<strong>Added or edited Administrators</strong><br />» %s',
- 'LOG_ACL_ADD_MOD_GLOBAL_M_' => '<strong>Added or edited Global Moderators</strong><br />» %s',
- 'LOG_ACL_ADD_USER_LOCAL_F_' => '<strong>Added or edited users’ forum access</strong> from %1$s<br />» %2$s',
- 'LOG_ACL_ADD_USER_LOCAL_M_' => '<strong>Added or edited users’ forum moderator access</strong> from %1$s<br />» %2$s',
- 'LOG_ACL_ADD_GROUP_LOCAL_F_' => '<strong>Added or edited groups’ forum access</strong> from %1$s<br />» %2$s',
- 'LOG_ACL_ADD_GROUP_LOCAL_M_' => '<strong>Added or edited groups’ forum moderator access</strong> from %1$s<br />» %2$s',
- 'LOG_ACL_ADD_MOD_LOCAL_M_' => '<strong>Added or edited Moderators</strong> from %1$s<br />» %2$s',
- 'LOG_ACL_ADD_FORUM_LOCAL_F_' => '<strong>Added or edited forum permissions</strong> from %1$s<br />» %2$s',
- 'LOG_ACL_DEL_ADMIN_GLOBAL_A_' => '<strong>Removed Administrators</strong><br />» %s',
- 'LOG_ACL_DEL_MOD_GLOBAL_M_' => '<strong>Removed Global Moderators</strong><br />» %s',
- 'LOG_ACL_DEL_MOD_LOCAL_M_' => '<strong>Removed Moderators</strong> from %1$s<br />» %2$s',
- 'LOG_ACL_DEL_FORUM_LOCAL_F_' => '<strong>Removed User/Group forum permissions</strong> from %1$s<br />» %2$s',
- 'LOG_ACL_TRANSFER_PERMISSIONS' => '<strong>Permissions transferred from</strong><br />» %s',
- 'LOG_ACL_RESTORE_PERMISSIONS' => '<strong>Own permissions restored after using permissions from</strong><br />» %s',
- 'LOG_ADMIN_AUTH_FAIL' => '<strong>Failed administration login attempt</strong>',
- 'LOG_ADMIN_AUTH_SUCCESS' => '<strong>Successful administration login</strong>',
- 'LOG_ATTACHMENTS_DELETED' => '<strong>Removed user attachments</strong><br />» %s',
- 'LOG_ATTACH_EXT_ADD' => '<strong>Added or edited attachment extension</strong><br />» %s',
- 'LOG_ATTACH_EXT_DEL' => '<strong>Removed attachment extension</strong><br />» %s',
- 'LOG_ATTACH_EXT_UPDATE' => '<strong>Updated attachment extension</strong><br />» %s',
- 'LOG_ATTACH_EXTGROUP_ADD' => '<strong>Added extension group</strong><br />» %s',
- 'LOG_ATTACH_EXTGROUP_EDIT' => '<strong>Edited extension group</strong><br />» %s',
- 'LOG_ATTACH_EXTGROUP_DEL' => '<strong>Removed extension group</strong><br />» %s',
- 'LOG_ATTACH_FILEUPLOAD' => '<strong>Orphan File uploaded to Post</strong><br />» ID %1$d - %2$s',
- 'LOG_ATTACH_ORPHAN_DEL' => '<strong>Orphan Files deleted</strong><br />» %s',
- 'LOG_BAN_EXCLUDE_USER' => '<strong>Excluded user from ban</strong> for reason “<em>%1$s</em>”<br />» %2$s',
- 'LOG_BAN_EXCLUDE_IP' => '<strong>Excluded IP from ban</strong> for reason “<em>%1$s</em>”<br />» %2$s',
- 'LOG_BAN_EXCLUDE_EMAIL' => '<strong>Excluded e-mail from ban</strong> for reason “<em>%1$s</em>”<br />» %2$s',
- 'LOG_BAN_USER' => '<strong>Banned user</strong> for reason “<em>%1$s</em>”<br />» %2$s',
- 'LOG_BAN_IP' => '<strong>Banned IP</strong> for reason “<em>%1$s</em>”<br />» %2$s',
- 'LOG_BAN_EMAIL' => '<strong>Banned e-mail</strong> for reason “<em>%1$s</em>”<br />» %2$s',
- 'LOG_UNBAN_USER' => '<strong>Unbanned user</strong><br />» %s',
- 'LOG_UNBAN_IP' => '<strong>Unbanned IP</strong><br />» %s',
- 'LOG_UNBAN_EMAIL' => '<strong>Unbanned e-mail</strong><br />» %s',
- 'LOG_BBCODE_ADD' => '<strong>Added new BBCode</strong><br />» %s',
- 'LOG_BBCODE_EDIT' => '<strong>Edited BBCode</strong><br />» %s',
- 'LOG_BBCODE_DELETE' => '<strong>Deleted BBCode</strong><br />» %s',
- 'LOG_BOT_ADDED' => '<strong>New bot added</strong><br />» %s',
- 'LOG_BOT_DELETE' => '<strong>Deleted bot</strong><br />» %s',
- 'LOG_BOT_UPDATED' => '<strong>Existing bot updated</strong><br />» %s',
- 'LOG_CLEAR_ADMIN' => '<strong>Cleared admin log</strong>',
- 'LOG_CLEAR_CRITICAL' => '<strong>Cleared error log</strong>',
- 'LOG_CLEAR_MOD' => '<strong>Cleared moderator log</strong>',
- 'LOG_CLEAR_USER' => '<strong>Cleared user log</strong><br />» %s',
- 'LOG_CLEAR_USERS' => '<strong>Cleared user logs</strong>',
- 'LOG_CONFIG_ATTACH' => '<strong>Altered attachment settings</strong>',
- 'LOG_CONFIG_AUTH' => '<strong>Altered authentication settings</strong>',
- 'LOG_CONFIG_AVATAR' => '<strong>Altered avatar settings</strong>',
- 'LOG_CONFIG_COOKIE' => '<strong>Altered cookie settings</strong>',
- 'LOG_CONFIG_EMAIL' => '<strong>Altered e-mail settings</strong>',
- 'LOG_CONFIG_FEATURES' => '<strong>Altered board features</strong>',
- 'LOG_CONFIG_LOAD' => '<strong>Altered load settings</strong>',
- 'LOG_CONFIG_MESSAGE' => '<strong>Altered private message settings</strong>',
- 'LOG_CONFIG_POST' => '<strong>Altered post settings</strong>',
- 'LOG_CONFIG_REGISTRATION' => '<strong>Altered user registration settings</strong>',
- 'LOG_CONFIG_SEARCH' => '<strong>Altered search settings</strong>',
- 'LOG_CONFIG_SECURITY' => '<strong>Altered security settings</strong>',
- 'LOG_CONFIG_SERVER' => '<strong>Altered server settings</strong>',
- 'LOG_CONFIG_SETTINGS' => '<strong>Altered board settings</strong>',
- 'LOG_CONFIG_SIGNATURE' => '<strong>Altered signature settings</strong>',
- 'LOG_CONFIG_VISUAL' => '<strong>Altered visual confirmation settings</strong>',
- 'LOG_APPROVE_TOPIC' => '<strong>Approved topic</strong><br />» %s',
- 'LOG_BUMP_TOPIC' => '<strong>User bumped topic</strong><br />» %s',
- 'LOG_DELETE_POST' => '<strong>Deleted post</strong><br />» %s',
- 'LOG_DELETE_SHADOW_TOPIC' => '<strong>Deleted shadow topic</strong><br />» %s',
- 'LOG_DELETE_TOPIC' => '<strong>Deleted topic</strong><br />» %s',
- 'LOG_FORK' => '<strong>Copied topic</strong><br />» from %s',
- 'LOG_LOCK' => '<strong>Locked topic</strong><br />» %s',
- 'LOG_LOCK_POST' => '<strong>Locked post</strong><br />» %s',
- 'LOG_MERGE' => '<strong>Merged posts</strong> into topic<br />» %s',
- 'LOG_MOVE' => '<strong>Moved topic</strong><br />» from %1$s to %2$s',
- 'LOG_POST_APPROVED' => '<strong>Approved post</strong><br />» %s',
- 'LOG_POST_DISAPPROVED' => '<strong>Disapproved post “%1$s” with the following reason</strong><br />» %2$s',
- 'LOG_POST_EDITED' => '<strong>Edited post “%1$s” written by</strong><br />» %2$s',
- 'LOG_REPORT_CLOSED' => '<strong>Closed report</strong><br />» %s',
- 'LOG_REPORT_DELETED' => '<strong>Deleted report</strong><br />» %s',
- 'LOG_SPLIT_DESTINATION' => '<strong>Moved split posts</strong><br />» to %s',
- 'LOG_SPLIT_SOURCE' => '<strong>Split posts</strong><br />» from %s',
- 'LOG_TOPIC_APPROVED' => '<strong>Approved topic</strong><br />» %s',
- 'LOG_TOPIC_DISAPPROVED' => '<strong>Disapproved topic “%1$s” with the following reason</strong><br />%2$s',
- 'LOG_TOPIC_RESYNC' => '<strong>Resynchronised topic counters</strong><br />» %s',
- 'LOG_TOPIC_TYPE_CHANGED' => '<strong>Changed topic type</strong><br />» %s',
- 'LOG_UNLOCK' => '<strong>Unlocked topic</strong><br />» %s',
- 'LOG_UNLOCK_POST' => '<strong>Unlocked post</strong><br />» %s',
- 'LOG_DISALLOW_ADD' => '<strong>Added disallowed username</strong><br />» %s',
- 'LOG_DISALLOW_DELETE' => '<strong>Deleted disallowed username</strong>',
- 'LOG_DB_BACKUP' => '<strong>Database backup</strong>',
- 'LOG_DB_DELETE' => '<strong>Deleted database backup</strong>',
- 'LOG_DB_RESTORE' => '<strong>Restored database backup</strong>',
- 'LOG_DOWNLOAD_EXCLUDE_IP' => '<strong>Excluded IP/hostname from download list</strong><br />» %s',
- 'LOG_DOWNLOAD_IP' => '<strong>Added IP/hostname to download list</strong><br />» %s',
- 'LOG_DOWNLOAD_REMOVE_IP' => '<strong>Removed IP/hostname from download list</strong><br />» %s',
- 'LOG_ERROR_JABBER' => '<strong>Jabber error</strong><br />» %s',
- 'LOG_ERROR_EMAIL' => '<strong>E-mail error</strong><br />» %s',
- 'LOG_FORUM_ADD' => '<strong>Created new forum</strong><br />» %s',
- 'LOG_FORUM_DEL_FORUM' => '<strong>Deleted forum</strong><br />» %s',
- 'LOG_FORUM_DEL_FORUMS' => '<strong>Deleted forum and its subforums</strong><br />» %s',
- 'LOG_FORUM_DEL_MOVE_FORUMS' => '<strong>Deleted forum and moved subforums</strong> to %1$s<br />» %2$s',
- 'LOG_FORUM_DEL_MOVE_POSTS' => '<strong>Deleted forum and moved posts </strong> to %1$s<br />» %2$s',
- 'LOG_FORUM_DEL_MOVE_POSTS_FORUMS' => '<strong>Deleted forum and its subforums, moved posts</strong> to %1$s<br />» %2$s',
- 'LOG_FORUM_DEL_MOVE_POSTS_MOVE_FORUMS' => '<strong>Deleted forum, moved posts</strong> to %1$s <strong>and subforums</strong> to %2$s<br />» %3$s',
- 'LOG_FORUM_DEL_POSTS' => '<strong>Deleted forum and its posts</strong><br />» %s',
- 'LOG_FORUM_DEL_POSTS_FORUMS' => '<strong>Deleted forum, its posts and subforums</strong><br />» %s',
- 'LOG_FORUM_DEL_POSTS_MOVE_FORUMS' => '<strong>Deleted forum and its posts, moved subforums</strong> to %1$s<br />» %2$s',
- 'LOG_FORUM_EDIT' => '<strong>Edited forum details</strong><br />» %s',
- 'LOG_FORUM_MOVE_DOWN' => '<strong>Moved forum</strong> %1$s <strong>below</strong> %2$s',
- 'LOG_FORUM_MOVE_UP' => '<strong>Moved forum</strong> %1$s <strong>above</strong> %2$s',
- 'LOG_FORUM_SYNC' => '<strong>Re-synchronised forum</strong><br />» %s',
- 'LOG_GROUP_CREATED' => '<strong>New usergroup created</strong><br />» %s',
- 'LOG_GROUP_DEFAULTS' => '<strong>Group “%1$s” made default for members</strong><br />» %2$s',
- 'LOG_GROUP_DELETE' => '<strong>Usergroup deleted</strong><br />» %s',
- 'LOG_GROUP_DEMOTED' => '<strong>Leaders demoted in usergroup</strong> %1$s<br />» %2$s',
- 'LOG_GROUP_PROMOTED' => '<strong>Members promoted to leader in usergroup</strong> %1$s<br />» %2$s',
- 'LOG_GROUP_REMOVE' => '<strong>Members removed from usergroup</strong> %1$s<br />» %2$s',
- 'LOG_GROUP_UPDATED' => '<strong>Usergroup details updated</strong><br />» %s',
- 'LOG_MODS_ADDED' => '<strong>Added new leaders to usergroup</strong> %1$s<br />» %2$s',
- 'LOG_USERS_APPROVED' => '<strong>Users approved in usergroup</strong> %1$s<br />» %2$s',
- 'LOG_USERS_ADDED' => '<strong>Added new members to usergroup</strong> %1$s<br />» %2$s',
- 'LOG_IMAGESET_ADD_DB' => '<strong>Added new imageset to database</strong><br />» %s',
- 'LOG_IMAGESET_ADD_FS' => '<strong>Add new imageset on filesystem</strong><br />» %s',
- 'LOG_IMAGESET_DELETE' => '<strong>Deleted imageset</strong><br />» %s',
- 'LOG_IMAGESET_EDIT_DETAILS' => '<strong>Edited imageset details</strong><br />» %s',
- 'LOG_IMAGESET_EDIT' => '<strong>Edited imageset</strong><br />» %s',
- 'LOG_IMAGESET_EXPORT' => '<strong>Exported imageset</strong><br />» %s',
- 'LOG_IMAGESET_LANG_MISSING' => '<strong>Imageset misses “%2$s” localisation</strong><br />» %1$s',
- 'LOG_IMAGESET_LANG_REFRESHED' => '<strong>Refreshed “%2$s” localisation of imageset</strong><br />» %1$s',
- 'LOG_IMAGESET_REFRESHED' => '<strong>Refreshed imageset</strong><br />» %s',
- 'LOG_INACTIVE_ACTIVATE' => '<strong>Activated inactive users</strong><br />» %s',
- 'LOG_INACTIVE_DELETE' => '<strong>Deleted inactive users</strong><br />» %s',
- 'LOG_INACTIVE_REMIND' => '<strong>Sent reminder e-mails to inactive users</strong><br />» %s',
- 'LOG_INSTALL_CONVERTED' => '<strong>Converted from %1$s to phpBB %2$s</strong>',
- 'LOG_INSTALL_INSTALLED' => '<strong>Installed phpBB %s</strong>',
- 'LOG_IP_BROWSER_FORWARDED_CHECK' => '<strong>Session IP/browser/X_FORWARDED_FOR check failed</strong><br />»User IP “<em>%1$s</em>” checked against session IP “<em>%2$s</em>”, user browser string “<em>%3$s</em>” checked against session browser string “<em>%4$s</em>” and user X_FORWARDED_FOR string “<em>%5$s</em>” checked against session X_FORWARDED_FOR string “<em>%6$s</em>”.',
- 'LOG_JAB_CHANGED' => '<strong>Jabber account changed</strong>',
- 'LOG_JAB_PASSCHG' => '<strong>Jabber password changed</strong>',
- 'LOG_JAB_REGISTER' => '<strong>Jabber account registered</strong>',
- 'LOG_JAB_SETTINGS_CHANGED' => '<strong>Jabber settings changed</strong>',
- 'LOG_LANGUAGE_PACK_DELETED' => '<strong>Deleted language pack</strong><br />» %s',
- 'LOG_LANGUAGE_PACK_INSTALLED' => '<strong>Installed language pack</strong><br />» %s',
- 'LOG_LANGUAGE_PACK_UPDATED' => '<strong>Updated language pack details</strong><br />» %s',
- 'LOG_LANGUAGE_FILE_REPLACED' => '<strong>Replaced language file</strong><br />» %s',
- 'LOG_LANGUAGE_FILE_SUBMITTED' => '<strong>Submitted language file and placed in store folder</strong><br />» %s',
- 'LOG_MASS_EMAIL' => '<strong>Sent mass e-mail</strong><br />» %s',
- 'LOG_MCP_CHANGE_POSTER' => '<strong>Changed poster in topic “%1$s”</strong><br />» from %2$s to %3$s',
- 'LOG_MODULE_DISABLE' => '<strong>Module disabled</strong><br />» %s',
- 'LOG_MODULE_ENABLE' => '<strong>Module enabled</strong><br />» %s',
- 'LOG_MODULE_MOVE_DOWN' => '<strong>Module moved down</strong><br />» %1$s below %2$s',
- 'LOG_MODULE_MOVE_UP' => '<strong>Module moved up</strong><br />» %1$s above %2$s',
- 'LOG_MODULE_REMOVED' => '<strong>Module removed</strong><br />» %s',
- 'LOG_MODULE_ADD' => '<strong>Module added</strong><br />» %s',
- 'LOG_MODULE_EDIT' => '<strong>Module edited</strong><br />» %s',
- 'LOG_A_ROLE_ADD' => '<strong>Admin role added</strong><br />» %s',
- 'LOG_A_ROLE_EDIT' => '<strong>Admin role edited</strong><br />» %s',
- 'LOG_A_ROLE_REMOVED' => '<strong>Admin role removed</strong><br />» %s',
- 'LOG_F_ROLE_ADD' => '<strong>Forum role added</strong><br />» %s',
- 'LOG_F_ROLE_EDIT' => '<strong>Forum role edited</strong><br />» %s',
- 'LOG_F_ROLE_REMOVED' => '<strong>Forum role removed</strong><br />» %s',
- 'LOG_M_ROLE_ADD' => '<strong>Moderator role added</strong><br />» %s',
- 'LOG_M_ROLE_EDIT' => '<strong>Moderator role edited</strong><br />» %s',
- 'LOG_M_ROLE_REMOVED' => '<strong>Moderator role removed</strong><br />» %s',
- 'LOG_U_ROLE_ADD' => '<strong>User role added</strong><br />» %s',
- 'LOG_U_ROLE_EDIT' => '<strong>User role edited</strong><br />» %s',
- 'LOG_U_ROLE_REMOVED' => '<strong>User role removed</strong><br />» %s',
- 'LOG_PROFILE_FIELD_ACTIVATE' => '<strong>Profile field activated</strong><br />» %s',
- 'LOG_PROFILE_FIELD_CREATE' => '<strong>Profile field added</strong><br />» %s',
- 'LOG_PROFILE_FIELD_DEACTIVATE' => '<strong>Profile field deactivated</strong><br />» %s',
- 'LOG_PROFILE_FIELD_EDIT' => '<strong>Profile field changed</strong><br />» %s',
- 'LOG_PROFILE_FIELD_REMOVED' => '<strong>Profile field removed</strong><br />» %s',
- 'LOG_PRUNE' => '<strong>Pruned forums</strong><br />» %s',
- 'LOG_AUTO_PRUNE' => '<strong>Auto-pruned forums</strong><br />» %s',
- 'LOG_PRUNE_USER_DEAC' => '<strong>Users deactivated</strong><br />» %s',
- 'LOG_PRUNE_USER_DEL_DEL' => '<strong>Users pruned and posts deleted</strong><br />» %s',
- 'LOG_PRUNE_USER_DEL_ANON' => '<strong>Users pruned and posts retained</strong><br />» %s',
- 'LOG_PURGE_CACHE' => '<strong>Purged cache</strong>',
- 'LOG_RANK_ADDED' => '<strong>Added new rank</strong><br />» %s',
- 'LOG_RANK_REMOVED' => '<strong>Removed rank</strong><br />» %s',
- 'LOG_RANK_UPDATED' => '<strong>Updated rank</strong><br />» %s',
- 'LOG_REASON_ADDED' => '<strong>Added report/denial reason</strong><br />» %s',
- 'LOG_REASON_REMOVED' => '<strong>Removed report/denial reason</strong><br />» %s',
- 'LOG_REASON_UPDATED' => '<strong>Updated report/denial reason</strong><br />» %s',
- 'LOG_REFERER_INVALID' => '<strong>Referer validation failed</strong><br />»Referer was “<em>%1$s</em>”. The request was rejected and the session killed.',
- 'LOG_RESET_DATE' => '<strong>Board start date reset</strong>',
- 'LOG_RESET_ONLINE' => '<strong>Most users online reset</strong>',
- 'LOG_RESYNC_POSTCOUNTS' => '<strong>User post counts resynchronised</strong>',
- 'LOG_RESYNC_POST_MARKING' => '<strong>Dotted topics resynchronised</strong>',
- 'LOG_RESYNC_STATS' => '<strong>Post, topic and user statistics resynchronised</strong>',
- 'LOG_SEARCH_INDEX_CREATED' => '<strong>Created search index for</strong><br />» %s',
- 'LOG_SEARCH_INDEX_REMOVED' => '<strong>Removed search index for</strong><br />» %s',
- 'LOG_STYLE_ADD' => '<strong>Added new style</strong><br />» %s',
- 'LOG_STYLE_DELETE' => '<strong>Deleted style</strong><br />» %s',
- 'LOG_STYLE_EDIT_DETAILS' => '<strong>Edited style</strong><br />» %s',
- 'LOG_STYLE_EXPORT' => '<strong>Exported style</strong><br />» %s',
- 'LOG_TEMPLATE_ADD_DB' => '<strong>Added new template set to database</strong><br />» %s',
- 'LOG_TEMPLATE_ADD_FS' => '<strong>Add new template set on filesystem</strong><br />» %s',
- 'LOG_TEMPLATE_CACHE_CLEARED' => '<strong>Deleted cached versions of template files in template set <em>%1$s</em></strong><br />» %2$s',
- 'LOG_TEMPLATE_DELETE' => '<strong>Deleted template set</strong><br />» %s',
- 'LOG_TEMPLATE_EDIT' => '<strong>Edited template set <em>%1$s</em></strong><br />» %2$s',
- 'LOG_TEMPLATE_EDIT_DETAILS' => '<strong>Edited template details</strong><br />» %s',
- 'LOG_TEMPLATE_EXPORT' => '<strong>Exported template set</strong><br />» %s',
- 'LOG_TEMPLATE_REFRESHED' => '<strong>Refreshed template set</strong><br />» %s',
- 'LOG_THEME_ADD_DB' => '<strong>Added new theme to database</strong><br />» %s',
- 'LOG_THEME_ADD_FS' => '<strong>Add new theme on filesystem</strong><br />» %s',
- 'LOG_THEME_DELETE' => '<strong>Theme deleted</strong><br />» %s',
- 'LOG_THEME_EDIT_DETAILS' => '<strong>Edited theme details</strong><br />» %s',
- 'LOG_THEME_EDIT' => '<strong>Edited theme <em>%1$s</em></strong>',
- 'LOG_THEME_EDIT_FILE' => '<strong>Edited theme <em>%1$s</em></strong><br />» Modified file <em>%2$s</em>',
- 'LOG_THEME_EXPORT' => '<strong>Exported theme</strong><br />» %s',
- 'LOG_THEME_REFRESHED' => '<strong>Refreshed theme</strong><br />» %s',
- 'LOG_UPDATE_DATABASE' => '<strong>Updated Database from version %1$s to version %2$s</strong>',
- 'LOG_UPDATE_PHPBB' => '<strong>Updated phpBB from version %1$s to version %2$s</strong>',
- 'LOG_USER_ACTIVE' => '<strong>User activated</strong><br />» %s',
- 'LOG_USER_BAN_USER' => '<strong>Banned User via user management</strong> for reason “<em>%1$s</em>”<br />» %2$s',
- 'LOG_USER_BAN_IP' => '<strong>Banned IP via user management</strong> for reason “<em>%1$s</em>”<br />» %2$s',
- 'LOG_USER_BAN_EMAIL' => '<strong>Banned e-mail via user management</strong> for reason “<em>%1$s</em>”<br />» %2$s',
- 'LOG_USER_DELETED' => '<strong>Deleted user</strong><br />» %s',
- 'LOG_USER_DEL_ATTACH' => '<strong>Removed all attachments made by the user</strong><br />» %s',
- 'LOG_USER_DEL_AVATAR' => '<strong>Removed user avatar</strong><br />» %s',
- 'LOG_USER_DEL_POSTS' => '<strong>Removed all posts made by the user</strong><br />» %s',
- 'LOG_USER_DEL_SIG' => '<strong>Removed user signature</strong><br />» %s',
- 'LOG_USER_INACTIVE' => '<strong>User deactivated</strong><br />» %s',
- 'LOG_USER_MOVE_POSTS' => '<strong>Moved user posts</strong><br />» posts by “%1$s” to forum “%2$s”',
- 'LOG_USER_NEW_PASSWORD' => '<strong>Changed user password</strong><br />» %s',
- 'LOG_USER_REACTIVATE' => '<strong>Forced user account reactivation</strong><br />» %s',
- 'LOG_USER_UPDATE_EMAIL' => '<strong>User “%1$s” changed e-mail</strong><br />» from “%2$s” to “%3$s”',
- 'LOG_USER_UPDATE_NAME' => '<strong>Changed username</strong><br />» from “%1$s” to “%2$s”',
- 'LOG_USER_USER_UPDATE' => '<strong>Updated user details</strong><br />» %s',
- 'LOG_USER_ACTIVE_USER' => '<strong>User account activated</strong>',
- 'LOG_USER_DEL_AVATAR_USER' => '<strong>User avatar removed</strong>',
- 'LOG_USER_DEL_SIG_USER' => '<strong>User signature removed</strong>',
- 'LOG_USER_FEEDBACK' => '<strong>Added user feedback</strong><br />» %s',
- 'LOG_USER_GENERAL' => '<strong>Entry added:</strong><br />» %s',
- 'LOG_USER_INACTIVE_USER' => '<strong>User account de-activated</strong>',
- 'LOG_USER_LOCK' => '<strong>User locked own topic</strong><br />» %s',
- 'LOG_USER_MOVE_POSTS_USER' => '<strong>Moved all posts to forum</strong>» %s',
- 'LOG_USER_REACTIVATE_USER' => '<strong>Forced user account reactivation</strong>',
- 'LOG_USER_UNLOCK' => '<strong>User unlocked own topic</strong><br />» %s',
- 'LOG_USER_WARNING' => '<strong>Added user warning</strong><br />» %s',
- 'LOG_USER_WARNING_BODY' => '<strong>The following warning was issued to this user</strong><br />» %s',
- 'LOG_USER_GROUP_CHANGE' => '<strong>User changed default group</strong><br />» %s',
- 'LOG_USER_GROUP_DEMOTE' => '<strong>User demoted as leaders from usergroup</strong><br />» %s',
- 'LOG_USER_GROUP_JOIN' => '<strong>User joined group</strong><br />» %s',
- 'LOG_USER_GROUP_JOIN_PENDING' => '<strong>User joined group and needs to be approved</strong><br />» %s',
- 'LOG_USER_GROUP_RESIGN' => '<strong>User resigned membership from group</strong><br />» %s',
- 'LOG_WORD_ADD' => '<strong>Added word censor</strong><br />» %s',
- 'LOG_WORD_DELETE' => '<strong>Deleted word censor</strong><br />» %s',
- 'LOG_WORD_EDIT' => '<strong>Edited word censor</strong><br />» %s',
-?> \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/phpBB/language/en/acp/database.php b/phpBB/language/en/acp/database.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 7100fcb1e3..0000000000
--- a/phpBB/language/en/acp/database.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,75 +0,0 @@
-* acp_database [English]
-* @package language
-* @version $Id$
-* @copyright (c) 2005 phpBB Group
-* @license http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php GNU Public License
-if (!defined('IN_PHPBB'))
- exit;
-if (empty($lang) || !is_array($lang))
- $lang = array();
-// All language files should use UTF-8 as their encoding and the files must not contain a BOM.
-// Placeholders can now contain order information, e.g. instead of
-// 'Page %s of %s' you can (and should) write 'Page %1$s of %2$s', this allows
-// translators to re-order the output of data while ensuring it remains correct
-// You do not need this where single placeholders are used, e.g. 'Message %d' is fine
-// equally where a string contains only two placeholders which are used to wrap text
-// in a url you again do not need to specify an order e.g., 'Click %sHERE%s' is fine
-// Database Backup/Restore
-$lang = array_merge($lang, array(
- 'ACP_BACKUP_EXPLAIN' => 'Here you can backup all your phpBB related data. You may store the resulting archive in your <samp>store/</samp> folder or download it directly. Depending on your server configuration you may be able to compress the file in a number of formats.',
- 'ACP_RESTORE_EXPLAIN' => 'This will perform a full restore of all phpBB tables from a saved file. If your server supports it you may use a gzip or bzip2 compressed text file and it will automatically be decompressed. <strong>WARNING</strong> This will overwrite any existing data. The restore may take a long time to process please do not move from this page till it is complete. Backups are stored in the <samp>store/</samp> folder and are assumed to be generated by phpBB’s backup functionality. Restoring backups that were not created by the built in system may or may not work.',
- 'BACKUP_DELETE' => 'The backup file has been deleted successfully.',
- 'BACKUP_INVALID' => 'The selected file to backup is invalid.',
- 'BACKUP_OPTIONS' => 'Backup options',
- 'BACKUP_SUCCESS' => 'The backup file has been created successfully.',
- 'BACKUP_TYPE' => 'Backup type',
- 'DATABASE' => 'Database utilities',
- 'DATA_ONLY' => 'Data only',
- 'DELETE_BACKUP' => 'Delete backup',
- 'DELETE_SELECTED_BACKUP' => 'Are you sure you want to delete the selected backup?',
- 'DESELECT_ALL' => 'Deselect all',
- 'DOWNLOAD_BACKUP' => 'Download backup',
- 'FILE_TYPE' => 'File type',
- 'FULL_BACKUP' => 'Full',
- 'RESTORE_FAILURE' => 'The backup file may be corrupt.',
- 'RESTORE_OPTIONS' => 'Restore options',
- 'RESTORE_SUCCESS' => 'The database has been successfully restored.<br /><br />Your board should be back to the state it was when the backup was made.',
- 'SELECT_ALL' => 'Select all',
- 'SELECT_FILE' => 'Select a file',
- 'START_BACKUP' => 'Start backup',
- 'START_RESTORE' => 'Start restore',
- 'STORE_AND_DOWNLOAD' => 'Store and download',
- 'STORE_LOCAL' => 'Store file locally',
- 'STRUCTURE_ONLY' => 'Structure only',
- 'TABLE_SELECT' => 'Table select',
- 'TABLE_SELECT_ERROR'=> 'You must select at least one table.',
-?> \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/phpBB/language/en/acp/email.php b/phpBB/language/en/acp/email.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 4427bfff01..0000000000
--- a/phpBB/language/en/acp/email.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,67 +0,0 @@
-* acp_email [English]
-* @package language
-* @version $Id$
-* @copyright (c) 2005 phpBB Group
-* @license http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php GNU Public License
-if (!defined('IN_PHPBB'))
- exit;
-if (empty($lang) || !is_array($lang))
- $lang = array();
-// All language files should use UTF-8 as their encoding and the files must not contain a BOM.
-// Placeholders can now contain order information, e.g. instead of
-// 'Page %s of %s' you can (and should) write 'Page %1$s of %2$s', this allows
-// translators to re-order the output of data while ensuring it remains correct
-// You do not need this where single placeholders are used, e.g. 'Message %d' is fine
-// equally where a string contains only two placeholders which are used to wrap text
-// in a url you again do not need to specify an order e.g., 'Click %sHERE%s' is fine
-// Email settings
-$lang = array_merge($lang, array(
- 'ACP_MASS_EMAIL_EXPLAIN' => 'Here you can e-mail a message to either all of your users or all users of a specific group <strong>having the option to receive mass e-mails enabled</strong>. To achieve this an e-mail will be sent out to the administrative e-mail address supplied, with a blind carbon copy sent to all recipients. The default setting is to only include 50 recipients in such an e-mail, for more recipients more e-mails will be sent. If you are emailing a large group of people please be patient after submitting and do not stop the page halfway through. It is normal for a mass emailing to take a long time, you will be notified when the script has completed.',
- 'ALL_USERS' => 'All users',
- 'COMPOSE' => 'Compose',
- 'EMAIL_SEND_ERROR' => 'There were one or more errors while sending the e-mail. Please check the %sError log%s for detailed error messages.',
- 'EMAIL_SENT' => 'This message has been sent.',
- 'EMAIL_SENT_QUEUE' => 'This message has been queued for sending.',
- 'LOG_SESSION' => 'Log mail session to critical log',
- 'SEND_IMMEDIATELY' => 'Send immediately',
- 'SEND_TO_GROUP' => 'Send to group',
- 'SEND_TO_USERS' => 'Send to users',
- 'SEND_TO_USERS_EXPLAIN' => 'Entering names here will override any group selected above. Enter each username on a new line.',
- 'MAIL_PRIORITY' => 'Mail priority',
- 'MASS_MESSAGE' => 'Your message',
- 'MASS_MESSAGE_EXPLAIN' => 'Please note that you may enter only plain text. All markup will be removed before sending.',
- 'NO_EMAIL_MESSAGE' => 'You must enter a message.',
- 'NO_EMAIL_SUBJECT' => 'You must specify a subject for your message.',
-?> \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/phpBB/language/en/acp/forums.php b/phpBB/language/en/acp/forums.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 52919f4f40..0000000000
--- a/phpBB/language/en/acp/forums.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,155 +0,0 @@
-* acp_forums [English]
-* @package language
-* @version $Id$
-* @copyright (c) 2005 phpBB Group
-* @license http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php GNU Public License
-if (!defined('IN_PHPBB'))
- exit;
-if (empty($lang) || !is_array($lang))
- $lang = array();
-// All language files should use UTF-8 as their encoding and the files must not contain a BOM.
-// Placeholders can now contain order information, e.g. instead of
-// 'Page %s of %s' you can (and should) write 'Page %1$s of %2$s', this allows
-// translators to re-order the output of data while ensuring it remains correct
-// You do not need this where single placeholders are used, e.g. 'Message %d' is fine
-// equally where a string contains only two placeholders which are used to wrap text
-// in a url you again do not need to specify an order e.g., 'Click %sHERE%s' is fine
-// Forum Admin
-$lang = array_merge($lang, array(
- 'AUTO_PRUNE_DAYS' => 'Auto-prune post age',
- 'AUTO_PRUNE_DAYS_EXPLAIN' => 'Number of days since last post after which topic is removed.',
- 'AUTO_PRUNE_FREQ' => 'Auto-prune frequency',
- 'AUTO_PRUNE_FREQ_EXPLAIN' => 'Time in days between pruning events.',
- 'AUTO_PRUNE_VIEWED' => 'Auto-prune post viewed age',
- 'AUTO_PRUNE_VIEWED_EXPLAIN' => 'Number of days since topic was viewed after which topic is removed.',
- 'COPY_PERMISSIONS' => 'Copy permissions from',
- 'COPY_PERMISSIONS_ADD_EXPLAIN' => 'Once created, the forum will have the same permissions as the one you select here. If no forum is selected the newly created forum will not be visible until permissions had been set.',
- 'COPY_PERMISSIONS_EDIT_EXPLAIN' => 'If you select to copy permissions, the forum will have the same permissions as the one you select here. This will overwrite any permissions you have previously set for this forum with the permissions of the forum you select here. If no forum is selected the current permissions will be kept.',
- 'CREATE_FORUM' => 'Create new forum',
- 'DECIDE_MOVE_DELETE_CONTENT' => 'Delete content or move to forum',
- 'DECIDE_MOVE_DELETE_SUBFORUMS' => 'Delete subforums or move to forum',
- 'DEFAULT_STYLE' => 'Default style',
- 'DELETE_ALL_POSTS' => 'Delete posts',
- 'DELETE_SUBFORUMS' => 'Delete subforums and posts',
- 'DISPLAY_ACTIVE_TOPICS' => 'Enable active topics',
- 'DISPLAY_ACTIVE_TOPICS_EXPLAIN' => 'If set to yes active topics in selected subforums will be displayed under this category.',
- 'EDIT_FORUM' => 'Edit forum',
- 'ENABLE_INDEXING' => 'Enable search indexing',
- 'ENABLE_INDEXING_EXPLAIN' => 'If set to yes posts made to this forum will be indexed for searching.',
- 'ENABLE_POST_REVIEW' => 'Enable post review',
- 'ENABLE_POST_REVIEW_EXPLAIN' => 'If set to yes users are able to review their post if new posts were made to the topic while users wrote theirs. This should be disabled for chat forums.',
- 'ENABLE_RECENT' => 'Display active topics',
- 'ENABLE_RECENT_EXPLAIN' => 'If set to yes topics made to this forum will be shown in the active topics list.',
- 'ENABLE_TOPIC_ICONS' => 'Enable topic icons',
- 'FORUM_ADMIN' => 'Forum administration',
- 'FORUM_ADMIN_EXPLAIN' => 'In phpBB3 there are no categories, everything is forum based. Each forum can have an unlimited number of sub-forums and you can determine whether each may be posted to or not (i.e. whether it acts like an old category). Here you can add, edit, delete, lock, unlock individual forums as well as set certain additional controls. If your posts and topics have got out of sync you can also resynchronise a forum. <strong>You need to copy or set appropriate permissions for newly created forums to have them displayed.</strong>',
- 'FORUM_AUTO_PRUNE' => 'Enable auto-pruning',
- 'FORUM_AUTO_PRUNE_EXPLAIN' => 'Prunes the forum of topics, set the frequency/age parameters below.',
- 'FORUM_CREATED' => 'Forum created successfully.',
- 'FORUM_DATA_NEGATIVE' => 'Pruning parameters cannot be negative.',
- 'FORUM_DESC_TOO_LONG' => 'The forum description is too long, it must be less than 4000 characters.',
- 'FORUM_DELETE' => 'Delete forum',
- 'FORUM_DELETE_EXPLAIN' => 'The form below will allow you to delete a forum. If the forum is postable you are able to decide where you want to put all topics (or forums) it contained.',
- 'FORUM_DELETED' => 'Forum successfully deleted.',
- 'FORUM_DESC' => 'Description',
- 'FORUM_DESC_EXPLAIN' => 'Any HTML markup entered here will be displayed as is.',
- 'FORUM_EDIT_EXPLAIN' => 'The form below will allow you to customise this forum. Please note that moderation and post count controls are set via forum permissions for each user or usergroup.',
- 'FORUM_IMAGE' => 'Forum image',
- 'FORUM_IMAGE_EXPLAIN' => 'Location, relative to the phpBB root directory, of an additional image to associate with this forum.',
- 'FORUM_IMAGE_NO_EXIST' => 'The specified forum image does not exist',
- 'FORUM_LINK_EXPLAIN' => 'Full URL (including the protocol, i.e.: <samp>http://</samp>) to the destination location that clicking this forum will take the user, e.g.: <samp>http://www.phpbb.com/</samp>.',
- 'FORUM_LINK_TRACK' => 'Track link redirects',
- 'FORUM_LINK_TRACK_EXPLAIN' => 'Records the number of times a forum link was clicked.',
- 'FORUM_NAME' => 'Forum name',
- 'FORUM_NAME_EMPTY' => 'You must enter a name for this forum.',
- 'FORUM_PARENT' => 'Parent forum',
- 'FORUM_PASSWORD' => 'Forum password',
- 'FORUM_PASSWORD_CONFIRM' => 'Confirm forum password',
- 'FORUM_PASSWORD_CONFIRM_EXPLAIN' => 'Only needs to be set if a forum password is entered.',
- 'FORUM_PASSWORD_EXPLAIN' => 'Defines a password for this forum, use the permission system in preference.',
- 'FORUM_PASSWORD_UNSET' => 'Remove forum password',
- 'FORUM_PASSWORD_UNSET_EXPLAIN' => 'Check here if you want to remove the forum password.',
- 'FORUM_PASSWORD_OLD' => 'The forum password is using an old encryption and should be changed.',
- 'FORUM_PASSWORD_MISMATCH' => 'The passwords you entered did not match.',
- 'FORUM_PRUNE_SETTINGS' => 'Forum prune settings',
- 'FORUM_RESYNCED' => 'Forum “%s” successfully resynced',
- 'FORUM_RULES_EXPLAIN' => 'Forum rules are displayed at any page within the given forum.',
- 'FORUM_RULES_LINK' => 'Link to forum rules',
- 'FORUM_RULES_LINK_EXPLAIN' => 'You are able to enter the URL of the page/post containing your forum rules here. This setting will override the forum rules text you specified.',
- 'FORUM_RULES_PREVIEW' => 'Forum rules preview',
- 'FORUM_RULES_TOO_LONG' => 'The forum rules must be less than 4000 characters.',
- 'FORUM_SETTINGS' => 'Forum settings',
- 'FORUM_STATUS' => 'Forum status',
- 'FORUM_STYLE' => 'Forum style',
- 'FORUM_TOPICS_PAGE' => 'Topics per page',
- 'FORUM_TOPICS_PAGE_EXPLAIN' => 'If non-zero this value will override the default topics per page setting.',
- 'FORUM_TYPE' => 'Forum type',
- 'FORUM_UPDATED' => 'Forum information updated successfully.',
- 'FORUM_WITH_SUBFORUMS_NOT_TO_LINK' => 'You want to change a postable forum having subforums to a link. Please move all subforums out of this forum before you proceed, because after changing to a link you are no longer able to see the subforums currently connected to this forum.',
- 'GENERAL_FORUM_SETTINGS' => 'General forum settings',
- 'LINK' => 'Link',
- 'LIST_INDEX' => 'List subforum in parent-forum’s legend',
- 'LIST_INDEX_EXPLAIN' => 'Displays this forum on the index and elsewhere as a link within the legend of its parent-forum if the parent-forum’s “List subforums in legend” option is enabled.',
- 'LIST_SUBFORUMS' => 'List subforums in legend',
- 'LIST_SUBFORUMS_EXPLAIN' => 'Displays this forum’s subforums on the index and elsewhere as a link within the legend if their “List subforum in parent-forum’s legend” option is enabled.',
- 'LOCKED' => 'Locked',
- 'MOVE_POSTS_NO_POSTABLE_FORUM' => 'The forum you selected for moving the posts to is not postable. Please select a postable forum.',
- 'MOVE_POSTS_TO' => 'Move posts to',
- 'MOVE_SUBFORUMS_TO' => 'Move subforums to',
- 'NO_DESTINATION_FORUM' => 'You have not specified a forum to move content to.',
- 'NO_FORUM_ACTION' => 'No action defined for what happens with the forum content.',
- 'NO_PARENT' => 'No parent',
- 'NO_PERMISSIONS' => 'Do not copy permissions',
- 'NO_PERMISSION_FORUM_ADD' => 'You do not have the necessary permissions to add forums.',
- 'NO_PERMISSION_FORUM_DELETE' => 'You do not have the necessary permissions to delete forums.',
- 'PARENT_IS_LINK_FORUM' => 'The parent you specified is a forum link. Link forums are not able to hold other forums, please specify a category or forum as the parent forum.',
- 'PARENT_NOT_EXIST' => 'Parent does not exist.',
- 'PRUNE_ANNOUNCEMENTS' => 'Prune announcements',
- 'PRUNE_STICKY' => 'Prune stickies',
- 'PRUNE_OLD_POLLS' => 'Prune old polls',
- 'PRUNE_OLD_POLLS_EXPLAIN' => 'Removes topics with polls not voted in for post age days.',
- 'REDIRECT_ACL' => 'Now you are able to %sset permissions%s for this forum.',
- 'SYNC_IN_PROGRESS' => 'Synchronizing forum',
- 'SYNC_IN_PROGRESS_EXPLAIN' => 'Currently resyncing topic range %1$d/%2$d.',
- 'TYPE_CAT' => 'Category',
- 'TYPE_FORUM' => 'Forum',
- 'TYPE_LINK' => 'Link',
- 'UNLOCKED' => 'Unlocked',
-?> \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/phpBB/language/en/acp/groups.php b/phpBB/language/en/acp/groups.php
deleted file mode 100644
index db6f334540..0000000000
--- a/phpBB/language/en/acp/groups.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,129 +0,0 @@
-* acp_groups [English]
-* @package language
-* @version $Id$
-* @copyright (c) 2005 phpBB Group
-* @license http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php GNU Public License
-if (!defined('IN_PHPBB'))
- exit;
-if (empty($lang) || !is_array($lang))
- $lang = array();
-// All language files should use UTF-8 as their encoding and the files must not contain a BOM.
-// Placeholders can now contain order information, e.g. instead of
-// 'Page %s of %s' you can (and should) write 'Page %1$s of %2$s', this allows
-// translators to re-order the output of data while ensuring it remains correct
-// You do not need this where single placeholders are used, e.g. 'Message %d' is fine
-// equally where a string contains only two placeholders which are used to wrap text
-// in a url you again do not need to specify an order e.g., 'Click %sHERE%s' is fine
-$lang = array_merge($lang, array(
- 'ACP_GROUPS_MANAGE_EXPLAIN' => 'From this panel you can administrate all your usergroups. You can delete, create and edit existing groups. Furthermore, you may choose group leaders, toggle open/hidden/closed group status and set the group name and description.',
- 'ADD_USERS' => 'Add users',
- 'ADD_USERS_EXPLAIN' => 'Here you can add new users to the group. You may select whether this group becomes the new default for the selected users. Additionally you can define them as group leaders. Please enter each username on a separate line.',
- 'COPY_PERMISSIONS' => 'Copy permissions from',
- 'COPY_PERMISSIONS_EXPLAIN' => 'Once created, the group will have the same permissions as the one you select here.',
- 'CREATE_GROUP' => 'Create new group',
- 'GROUPS_NO_MEMBERS' => 'This group has no members',
- 'GROUPS_NO_MODS' => 'No group leaders defined',
- 'GROUP_APPROVE' => 'Approve member',
- 'GROUP_APPROVED' => 'Approved members',
- 'GROUP_AVATAR' => 'Group avatar',
- 'GROUP_AVATAR_EXPLAIN' => 'This image will be displayed in the Group Control Panel.',
- 'GROUP_CLOSED' => 'Closed',
- 'GROUP_COLOR' => 'Group colour',
- 'GROUP_COLOR_EXPLAIN' => 'Defines the colour members’ usernames will appear in, leave blank for user default.',
- 'GROUP_CONFIRM_ADD_USER' => 'Are you sure that you want to add the user %1$s to the group?',
- 'GROUP_CONFIRM_ADD_USERS' => 'Are you sure that you want to add the users %1$s to the group?',
- 'GROUP_CREATED' => 'Group has been created successfully.',
- 'GROUP_DEFAULT' => 'Make group default for member',
- 'GROUP_DEFS_UPDATED' => 'Default group set for all selected members.',
- 'GROUP_DELETE' => 'Remove member from group',
- 'GROUP_DELETED' => 'Group deleted and user default groups set successfully.',
- 'GROUP_DEMOTE' => 'Demote group leader',
- 'GROUP_DESC' => 'Group description',
- 'GROUP_DETAILS' => 'Group details',
- 'GROUP_EDIT_EXPLAIN' => 'Here you can edit an existing group. You can change its name, description and type (open, closed, etc.). You can also set certain group wide options such as colouration, rank, etc. Changes made here override users’ current settings. Please note that group members can override group-avatar settings, unless you set appropriate user permissions.',
- 'GROUP_ERR_USERS_EXIST' => 'The specified users are already members of this group.',
- 'GROUP_FOUNDER_MANAGE' => 'Founder manage only',
- 'GROUP_FOUNDER_MANAGE_EXPLAIN' => 'Restrict management of this group to founders only. Users having group permissions are still able to see this group as well as this group’s members.',
- 'GROUP_HIDDEN' => 'Hidden',
- 'GROUP_LANG' => 'Group language',
- 'GROUP_LEAD' => 'Group leaders',
- 'GROUP_LEADERS_ADDED' => 'New leaders added to group successfully.',
- 'GROUP_LEGEND' => 'Display group in legend',
- 'GROUP_LIST' => 'Current members',
- 'GROUP_LIST_EXPLAIN' => 'This is a complete list of all the current users with membership of this group. You can delete members (except in certain special groups) or add new ones as you see fit.',
- 'GROUP_MEMBERS' => 'Group members',
- 'GROUP_MEMBERS_EXPLAIN' => 'This is a complete listing of all the members of this usergroup. It includes separate sections for leaders, pending and existing members. From here you can manage all aspects of who has membership of this group and what their role is. To remove a leader but keep them in the group use Demote rather than delete. Similarly use Promote to make an existing member a leader.',
- 'GROUP_MESSAGE_LIMIT' => 'Group private message limit per folder',
- 'GROUP_MESSAGE_LIMIT_EXPLAIN' => 'This setting overrides the per-user folder message limit. A value of 0 means the user default limit will be used.',
- 'GROUP_MODS_ADDED' => 'New group leaders added successfully.',
- 'GROUP_MODS_DEMOTED' => 'Group leaders demoted successfully.',
- 'GROUP_MODS_PROMOTED' => 'Group members promoted successfully.',
- 'GROUP_NAME' => 'Group name',
- 'GROUP_NAME_TAKEN' => 'The group name you entered is already in use, please select an alternative.',
- 'GROUP_OPEN' => 'Open',
- 'GROUP_PENDING' => 'Pending members',
- 'GROUP_MAX_RECIPIENTS' => 'Maximum number of allowed recipients per private message',
- 'GROUP_MAX_RECIPIENTS_EXPLAIN' => 'The maximum number of allowed recipients in a private message. If 0 is entered, the board-wide setting is used.',
- 'GROUP_PROMOTE' => 'Promote to group leader',
- 'GROUP_RANK' => 'Group rank',
- 'GROUP_RECEIVE_PM' => 'Group able to receive private messages',
- 'GROUP_RECEIVE_PM_EXPLAIN' => 'Please note that hidden groups are not able to be messaged, regardless of this setting.',
- 'GROUP_REQUEST' => 'Request',
- 'GROUP_SETTINGS_SAVE' => 'Group wide settings',
- 'GROUP_TYPE' => 'Group type',
- 'GROUP_TYPE_EXPLAIN' => 'This determines which users can join or view this group.',
- 'GROUP_UPDATED' => 'Group preferences updated successfully.',
- 'GROUP_USERS_ADDED' => 'New users added to group successfully.',
- 'GROUP_USERS_EXIST' => 'The selected users are already members.',
- 'GROUP_USERS_REMOVE' => 'Users removed from group and new defaults set successfully.',
- 'MAKE_DEFAULT_FOR_ALL' => 'Make default group for every member',
- 'MEMBERS' => 'Members',
- 'NO_GROUP' => 'No group specified.',
- 'NO_GROUPS_CREATED' => 'No groups created yet.',
- 'NO_PERMISSIONS' => 'Do not copy permissions',
- 'NO_USERS' => 'You haven’t entered any users.',
- 'NO_USERS_ADDED' => 'No users were added to the group.',
- 'NO_VALID_USERS' => 'You haven’t entered any users eligible for that action.',
- 'SPECIAL_GROUPS' => 'Pre-defined groups',
- 'SPECIAL_GROUPS_EXPLAIN' => 'Pre-defined groups are special groups, they cannot be deleted or directly modified. However you can still add users and alter basic settings.',
- 'TOTAL_MEMBERS' => 'Members',
- 'USERS_APPROVED' => 'Users approved successfully.',
- 'USER_DEFAULT' => 'User default',
- 'USER_DEF_GROUPS' => 'User defined groups',
- 'USER_DEF_GROUPS_EXPLAIN' => 'These are groups created by you or another admin on this board. You can manage memberships as well as edit group properties or even delete the group.',
- 'USER_GROUP_DEFAULT' => 'Set as default group',
- 'USER_GROUP_DEFAULT_EXPLAIN' => 'Saying yes here will set this group as the default group for the added users.',
- 'USER_GROUP_LEADER' => 'Set as group leader',
-?> \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/phpBB/language/en/acp/language.php b/phpBB/language/en/acp/language.php
deleted file mode 100644
index a10148942b..0000000000
--- a/phpBB/language/en/acp/language.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,102 +0,0 @@
-* acp_language [English]
-* @package language
-* @version $Id$
-* @copyright (c) 2005 phpBB Group
-* @license http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php GNU Public License
-if (!defined('IN_PHPBB'))
- exit;
-if (empty($lang) || !is_array($lang))
- $lang = array();
-// All language files should use UTF-8 as their encoding and the files must not contain a BOM.
-// Placeholders can now contain order information, e.g. instead of
-// 'Page %s of %s' you can (and should) write 'Page %1$s of %2$s', this allows
-// translators to re-order the output of data while ensuring it remains correct
-// You do not need this where single placeholders are used, e.g. 'Message %d' is fine
-// equally where a string contains only two placeholders which are used to wrap text
-// in a url you again do not need to specify an order e.g., 'Click %sHERE%s' is fine
-$lang = array_merge($lang, array(
- 'ACP_FILES' => 'Admin language files',
- 'ACP_LANGUAGE_PACKS_EXPLAIN' => 'Here you are able to install/remove language packs.',
- 'EMAIL_FILES' => 'E-mail templates',
- 'FILE_CONTENTS' => 'File contents',
- 'FILE_FROM_STORAGE' => 'File from storage folder',
- 'HELP_FILES' => 'Help files',
- 'INSTALLED_LANGUAGE_PACKS' => 'Installed language packs',
- 'INVALID_LANGUAGE_PACK' => 'The selected language pack seems to be not valid. Please verify the language pack and upload it again if necessary.',
- 'INVALID_UPLOAD_METHOD' => 'The selected upload method is not valid, please choose a different method.',
- 'LANGUAGE_DETAILS_UPDATED' => 'Language details successfully updated.',
- 'LANGUAGE_ENTRIES' => 'Language entries',
- 'LANGUAGE_ENTRIES_EXPLAIN' => 'Here you are able to change existing language pack entries or not already translated ones.<br /><strong>Note:</strong> Once you changed a language file, the changes will be stored within a separate folder for you to download. The changes will not be seen by your users until you replace the original language files at your webspace (by uploading them).',
- 'LANGUAGE_FILES' => 'Language files',
- 'LANGUAGE_KEY' => 'Language key',
- 'LANGUAGE_PACK_ALREADY_INSTALLED' => 'This language pack is already installed.',
- 'LANGUAGE_PACK_DELETED' => 'The language pack <strong>%s</strong> has been removed successfully. All users using this language have been reset to the boards default language.',
- 'LANGUAGE_PACK_DETAILS' => 'Language pack details',
- 'LANGUAGE_PACK_INSTALLED' => 'The language pack <strong>%s</strong> has been successfully installed.',
- 'LANGUAGE_PACK_LOCALNAME' => 'Local name',
- 'LANGUAGE_PACK_NOT_EXIST' => 'The selected language pack does not exist.',
- 'LANGUAGE_PACK_USED_BY' => 'Used by (including robots)',
- 'LANGUAGE_VARIABLE' => 'Language variable',
- 'LANG_AUTHOR' => 'Language pack author',
- 'LANG_ENGLISH_NAME' => 'English name',
- 'LANG_ISO_CODE' => 'ISO code',
- 'LANG_LOCAL_NAME' => 'Local name',
- 'MISSING_LANGUAGE_FILE' => 'Missing language file: <strong style="color:red">%s</strong>',
- 'MISSING_LANG_VARIABLES' => 'Missing language variables',
- 'MODS_FILES' => 'MODs language files',
- 'NO_FILE_SELECTED' => 'You haven’t specified a language file.',
- 'NO_LANG_ID' => 'You haven’t specified a language pack.',
- 'NO_REMOVE_DEFAULT_LANG' => 'You are not able to remove the default language pack.<br />If you want to remove this language pack, change your boards default language first.',
- 'NO_UNINSTALLED_LANGUAGE_PACKS' => 'No uninstalled language packs',
- 'REMOVE_FROM_STORAGE_FOLDER' => 'Remove from storage folder',
- 'SELECT_DOWNLOAD_FORMAT' => 'Select download format',
- 'SUBMIT_AND_DOWNLOAD' => 'Submit and download file',
- 'SUBMIT_AND_UPLOAD' => 'Submit and upload file',
- 'THOSE_MISSING_LANG_FILES' => 'The following language files are missing from the %s language folder',
- 'THOSE_MISSING_LANG_VARIABLES' => 'The following language variables are missing from the <strong>%s</strong> language pack',
- 'UNINSTALLED_LANGUAGE_PACKS' => 'Uninstalled language packs',
- 'UNABLE_TO_WRITE_FILE' => 'The file could not be written to %s.',
- 'UPLOAD_COMPLETED' => 'The upload was completed successfully.',
- 'UPLOAD_FAILED' => 'The upload failed for unknown reasons. You may need to replace the relevant file manually.',
- 'UPLOAD_METHOD' => 'Upload method',
- 'UPLOAD_SETTINGS' => 'Upload settings',
- 'WRONG_LANGUAGE_FILE' => 'Selected language file is invalid.',
-?> \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/phpBB/language/en/acp/modules.php b/phpBB/language/en/acp/modules.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 875b24a94b..0000000000
--- a/phpBB/language/en/acp/modules.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,84 +0,0 @@
-* acp_modules [English]
-* @package language
-* @version $Id$
-* @copyright (c) 2005 phpBB Group
-* @license http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php GNU Public License
-if (!defined('IN_PHPBB'))
- exit;
-if (empty($lang) || !is_array($lang))
- $lang = array();
-// All language files should use UTF-8 as their encoding and the files must not contain a BOM.
-// Placeholders can now contain order information, e.g. instead of
-// 'Page %s of %s' you can (and should) write 'Page %1$s of %2$s', this allows
-// translators to re-order the output of data while ensuring it remains correct
-// You do not need this where single placeholders are used, e.g. 'Message %d' is fine
-// equally where a string contains only two placeholders which are used to wrap text
-// in a url you again do not need to specify an order e.g., 'Click %sHERE%s' is fine
-$lang = array_merge($lang, array(
- 'ACP_MODULE_MANAGEMENT_EXPLAIN' => 'Here you are able to manage all kind of modules. Please note that the ACP has a three-level menu structure (Category -> Category -> Module) whereby the others having a two-level menu structure (Category -> Module) which must be kept. Please also be aware that you may lock out yourself if you disable or delete the modules responsible for the module management itself.',
- 'ADD_MODULE' => 'Add module',
- 'ADD_MODULE_CONFIRM' => 'Are you sure you want to add the selected module with the selected mode?',
- 'ADD_MODULE_TITLE' => 'Add module',
- 'CANNOT_REMOVE_MODULE' => 'Unable to remove module, it has assigned children. Please remove or move all children before performing this action.',
- 'CATEGORY' => 'Category',
- 'CHOOSE_MODE' => 'Choose module mode',
- 'CHOOSE_MODE_EXPLAIN' => 'Choose the modules mode being used.',
- 'CHOOSE_MODULE' => 'Choose module',
- 'CHOOSE_MODULE_EXPLAIN' => 'Choose the file being called by this module.',
- 'CREATE_MODULE' => 'Create new module',
- 'DEACTIVATED_MODULE' => 'Deactivated module',
- 'DELETE_MODULE' => 'Delete module',
- 'DELETE_MODULE_CONFIRM' => 'Are you sure you want to remove this module?',
- 'EDIT_MODULE' => 'Edit module',
- 'EDIT_MODULE_EXPLAIN' => 'Here you are able to enter module specific settings.',
- 'HIDDEN_MODULE' => 'Hidden module',
- 'MODULE' => 'Module',
- 'MODULE_ADDED' => 'Module successfully added.',
- 'MODULE_DELETED' => 'Module successfully removed.',
- 'MODULE_DISPLAYED' => 'Module displayed',
- 'MODULE_DISPLAYED_EXPLAIN' => 'If you do not wish to display this module, but want to use it, set this to no.',
- 'MODULE_EDITED' => 'Module successfully edited.',
- 'MODULE_ENABLED' => 'Module enabled',
- 'MODULE_LANGNAME' => 'Module language name',
- 'MODULE_LANGNAME_EXPLAIN' => 'Enter the displayed module name. Use language constant if name is served from language file.',
- 'MODULE_TYPE' => 'Module type',
- 'NO_CATEGORY_TO_MODULE' => 'Unable to turn category into module. Please remove/move all children before performing this action.',
- 'NO_MODULE' => 'No module found.',
- 'NO_MODULE_ID' => 'No module id specified.',
- 'NO_MODULE_LANGNAME' => 'No module language name specified.',
- 'NO_PARENT' => 'No Parent',
- 'PARENT' => 'Parent',
- 'PARENT_NO_EXIST' => 'Parent does not exist.',
- 'SELECT_MODULE' => 'Select a module',
-?> \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/phpBB/language/en/acp/permissions.php b/phpBB/language/en/acp/permissions.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 920643d927..0000000000
--- a/phpBB/language/en/acp/permissions.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,277 +0,0 @@
-* acp_permissions [English]
-* @package language
-* @version $Id$
-* @copyright (c) 2005 phpBB Group
-* @license http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php GNU Public License
-if (!defined('IN_PHPBB'))
- exit;
-if (empty($lang) || !is_array($lang))
- $lang = array();
-// All language files should use UTF-8 as their encoding and the files must not contain a BOM.
-// Placeholders can now contain order information, e.g. instead of
-// 'Page %s of %s' you can (and should) write 'Page %1$s of %2$s', this allows
-// translators to re-order the output of data while ensuring it remains correct
-// You do not need this where single placeholders are used, e.g. 'Message %d' is fine
-// equally where a string contains only two placeholders which are used to wrap text
-// in a url you again do not need to specify an order e.g., 'Click %sHERE%s' is fine
-$lang = array_merge($lang, array(
- <p>Permissions are highly granular and grouped into four major sections, which are:</p>
- <h2>Global Permissions</h2>
- <p>These are used to control access on a global level and apply to the entire bulletin board. They are further divided into Users’ Permissions, Groups’ Permissions, Administrators and Global Moderators.</p>
- <h2>Forum Based Permissions</h2>
- <p>These are used to control access on a per forum basis. They are further divided into Forum Permissions, Forum Moderators, Users’ Forum Permissions and Groups’ Forum Permissions.</p>
- <h2>Permission Roles</h2>
- <p>These are used to create different sets of permissions for the different permission types later being able to be assigned on a role-based basis. The default roles should cover the administration of bulletin boards large and small, though within each of the four divisions, you can add/edit/delete roles as you see fit.</p>
- <h2>Permission Masks</h2>
- <p>These are used to view the effective permissions assigned to Users, Moderators (Local and Global), Administrators or Forums.</p>
- <br />
- <p>For further information on setting up and managing permissions on your phpBB3 board, please see <a href="http://www.phpbb.com/support/documentation/3.0/quickstart/quick_permissions.html">Chapter 1.5 of our Quick Start Guide</a>.</p>
- ',
- 'ACL_NEVER' => 'Never',
- 'ACL_SET' => 'Setting permissions',
- 'ACL_SET_EXPLAIN' => 'Permissions are based on a simple <samp>YES</samp>/<samp>NO</samp> system. Setting an option to <samp>NEVER</samp> for a user or usergroup overrides any other value assigned to it. If you do not wish to assign a value for an option for this user or group select <samp>NO</samp>. If values are assigned for this option elsewhere they will be used in preference, else <samp>NEVER</samp> is assumed. All objects marked (with the checkbox in front of them) will copy the permission set you defined.',
- 'ACL_SETTING' => 'Setting',
- 'ACL_TYPE_A_' => 'Administrative permissions',
- 'ACL_TYPE_F_' => 'Forum permissions',
- 'ACL_TYPE_M_' => 'Moderative permissions',
- 'ACL_TYPE_U_' => 'User permissions',
- 'ACL_TYPE_GLOBAL_A_' => 'Administrative permissions',
- 'ACL_TYPE_GLOBAL_U_' => 'User permissions',
- 'ACL_TYPE_GLOBAL_M_' => 'Global Moderator permissions',
- 'ACL_TYPE_LOCAL_M_' => 'Forum Moderator permissions',
- 'ACL_TYPE_LOCAL_F_' => 'Forum permissions',
- 'ACL_NO' => 'No',
- 'ACL_VIEW' => 'Viewing permissions',
- 'ACL_VIEW_EXPLAIN' => 'Here you can see the effective permissions the user/group is having. A red square indicates that the user/group does not have the permission, a green square indicates that the user/group does have the permission.',
- 'ACL_YES' => 'Yes',
- 'ACP_ADMINISTRATORS_EXPLAIN' => 'Here you can assign administrator permissions to users or groups. All users with administrator permissions can view the administration control panel.',
- 'ACP_FORUM_MODERATORS_EXPLAIN' => 'Here you can assign users and groups as forum moderators. To assign users access to forums, to define global moderative permissions or administrators please use the appropriate page.',
- 'ACP_FORUM_PERMISSIONS_EXPLAIN' => 'Here you can alter which users and groups can access which forums. To assign moderators or define administrators please use the appropriate page.',
- 'ACP_GLOBAL_MODERATORS_EXPLAIN' => 'Here you can assign global moderator permissions to users or groups. These moderators are like ordinary moderators except they have access to every forum on your board.',
- 'ACP_GROUPS_FORUM_PERMISSIONS_EXPLAIN' => 'Here you can assign forum permissions to groups.',
- 'ACP_GROUPS_PERMISSIONS_EXPLAIN' => 'Here you can assign global permissions to groups - user permissions, global moderator permissions and administrator permissions. User permissions include capabilities such as the use of avatars, sending private messages, et cetera; global moderator permissions such as approving posts, manage topics, manage bans, et cetera and lastly administrator permissions such as altering permissions, define custom BBCodes, manage forums, et cetera. Individual users permissions should only be changed in rare occasions, the preferred method is putting users in groups and assigning the group’s permissions.',
- 'ACP_ADMIN_ROLES_EXPLAIN' => 'Here you are able to manage the roles for administrative permissions. Roles are effective permissions, if you change a role the items having this role assigned will change its permissions too.',
- 'ACP_FORUM_ROLES_EXPLAIN' => 'Here you are able to manage the roles for forum permissions. Roles are effective permissions, if you change a role the items having this role assigned will change its permissions too.',
- 'ACP_MOD_ROLES_EXPLAIN' => 'Here you are able to manage the roles for moderative permissions. Roles are effective permissions, if you change a role the items having this role assigned will change its permissions too.',
- 'ACP_USER_ROLES_EXPLAIN' => 'Here you are able to manage the roles for user permissions. Roles are effective permissions, if you change a role the items having this role assigned will change its permissions too.',
- 'ACP_USERS_FORUM_PERMISSIONS_EXPLAIN' => 'Here you can assign forum permissions to users.',
- 'ACP_USERS_PERMISSIONS_EXPLAIN' => 'Here you can assign global permissions to users - user permissions, global moderator permissions and administrator permissions. User permissions include capabilities such as the use of avatars, sending private messages, et cetera; global moderator permissions such as approving posts, manage topics, manage bans, et cetera and lastly administrator permissions such as altering permissions, define custom BBCodes, manage forums, et cetera. To alter these settings for large numbers of users the Group permissions system is the preferred method. User’s permissions should only be changed in rare occasions, the preferred method is putting users in groups and assigning the group’s permissions.',
- 'ACP_VIEW_ADMIN_PERMISSIONS_EXPLAIN' => 'Here you can view the effective administrative permissions assigned to the selected users/groups.',
- 'ACP_VIEW_GLOBAL_MOD_PERMISSIONS_EXPLAIN' => 'Here you can view the global moderative permissions assigned to the selected users/groups.',
- 'ACP_VIEW_FORUM_PERMISSIONS_EXPLAIN' => 'Here you can view the forum permissions assigned to the selected users/groups and forums.',
- 'ACP_VIEW_FORUM_MOD_PERMISSIONS_EXPLAIN' => 'Here you can view the forum moderator permissions assigned to the selected users/groups and forums.',
- 'ACP_VIEW_USER_PERMISSIONS_EXPLAIN' => 'Here you can view the effective user permissions assigned to the selected users/groups.',
- 'ADD_GROUPS' => 'Add groups',
- 'ADD_PERMISSIONS' => 'Add permissions',
- 'ADD_USERS' => 'Add users',
- 'ADVANCED_PERMISSIONS' => 'Advanced Permissions',
- 'ALL_GROUPS' => 'Select all groups',
- 'ALL_NEVER' => 'All <samp>NEVER</samp>',
- 'ALL_NO' => 'All <samp>NO</samp>',
- 'ALL_USERS' => 'Select all users',
- 'ALL_YES' => 'All <samp>YES</samp>',
- 'APPLY_ALL_PERMISSIONS' => 'Apply all permissions',
- 'APPLY_PERMISSIONS' => 'Apply permissions',
- 'APPLY_PERMISSIONS_EXPLAIN' => 'The permissions and role defined for this item will only be applied to this item and all checked items.',
- 'AUTH_UPDATED' => 'Permissions have been updated.',
- 'CREATE_ROLE' => 'Create role',
- 'CREATE_ROLE_FROM' => 'Use settings from…',
- 'CUSTOM' => 'Custom…',
- 'DEFAULT' => 'Default',
- 'DELETE_ROLE' => 'Delete role',
- 'DELETE_ROLE_CONFIRM' => 'Are you sure you want to remove this role? Items having this role assigned will <strong>not</strong> lose their permission settings.',
- 'DISPLAY_ROLE_ITEMS' => 'View items using this role',
- 'EDIT_PERMISSIONS' => 'Edit permissions',
- 'EDIT_ROLE' => 'Edit role',
- 'GROUPS_NOT_ASSIGNED' => 'No group assigned to this role',
- 'LOOK_UP_GROUP' => 'Look up usergroup',
- 'LOOK_UP_USER' => 'Look up user',
- 'MANAGE_GROUPS' => 'Manage groups',
- 'MANAGE_USERS' => 'Manage users',
- 'NO_AUTH_SETTING_FOUND' => 'Permission settings not defined.',
- 'NO_ROLE_ASSIGNED' => 'No role assigned…',
- 'NO_ROLE_ASSIGNED_EXPLAIN' => 'Setting to this role does not change permissions on the right. If you want to unset/remove all permissions you should use the “All <samp>NO</samp>” link.',
- 'NO_ROLE_AVAILABLE' => 'No role available',
- 'NO_ROLE_NAME_SPECIFIED' => 'Please give the role a name.',
- 'NO_ROLE_SELECTED' => 'Role could not be found.',
- 'NO_USER_GROUP_SELECTED' => 'You haven’t selected any user or group.',
- 'ONLY_FORUM_DEFINED' => 'You only defined forums in your selection. Please also select at least one user or one group.',
- 'PERMISSION_APPLIED_TO_ALL' => 'Permissions and role will also be applied to all checked objects',
- 'PLUS_SUBFORUMS' => '+Subforums',
- 'REMOVE_PERMISSIONS' => 'Remove permissions',
- 'REMOVE_ROLE' => 'Remove role',
- 'RESULTING_PERMISSION' => 'Resulting permission',
- 'ROLE' => 'Role',
- 'ROLE_ADD_SUCCESS' => 'Role successfully added.',
- 'ROLE_ASSIGNED_TO' => 'Users/Groups assigned to %s',
- 'ROLE_DELETED' => 'Role successfully removed.',
- 'ROLE_DESCRIPTION' => 'Role description',
- 'ROLE_ADMIN_FORUM' => 'Forum Admin',
- 'ROLE_ADMIN_FULL' => 'Full Admin',
- 'ROLE_ADMIN_STANDARD' => 'Standard Admin',
- 'ROLE_ADMIN_USERGROUP' => 'User and Groups Admin',
- 'ROLE_FORUM_BOT' => 'Bot Access',
- 'ROLE_FORUM_FULL' => 'Full Access',
- 'ROLE_FORUM_LIMITED' => 'Limited Access',
- 'ROLE_FORUM_LIMITED_POLLS' => 'Limited Access + Polls',
- 'ROLE_FORUM_NOACCESS' => 'No Access',
- 'ROLE_FORUM_ONQUEUE' => 'On Moderation Queue',
- 'ROLE_FORUM_POLLS' => 'Standard Access + Polls',
- 'ROLE_FORUM_READONLY' => 'Read Only Access',
- 'ROLE_FORUM_STANDARD' => 'Standard Access',
- 'ROLE_MOD_FULL' => 'Full Moderator',
- 'ROLE_MOD_QUEUE' => 'Queue Moderator',
- 'ROLE_MOD_SIMPLE' => 'Simple Moderator',
- 'ROLE_MOD_STANDARD' => 'Standard Moderator',
- 'ROLE_USER_FULL' => 'All Features',
- 'ROLE_USER_LIMITED' => 'Limited Features',
- 'ROLE_USER_NOAVATAR' => 'No Avatar',
- 'ROLE_USER_NOPM' => 'No Private Messages',
- 'ROLE_USER_STANDARD' => 'Standard Features',
- 'ROLE_DESCRIPTION_ADMIN_FORUM' => 'Can access the forum management and forum permission settings.',
- 'ROLE_DESCRIPTION_ADMIN_FULL' => 'Has access to all administrative functions of this board.<br />Not recommended.',
- 'ROLE_DESCRIPTION_ADMIN_STANDARD' => 'Has access to most administrative features but is not allowed to use server or system related tools.',
- 'ROLE_DESCRIPTION_ADMIN_USERGROUP' => 'Can manage groups and users: Able to change permissions, settings, manage bans, and manage ranks.',
- 'ROLE_DESCRIPTION_FORUM_BOT' => 'This role is recommended for bots and search spiders.',
- 'ROLE_DESCRIPTION_FORUM_FULL' => 'Can use all forum features, including posting of announcements and stickies. Can also ignore the flood limit.<br />Not recommended for normal users.',
- 'ROLE_DESCRIPTION_FORUM_LIMITED' => 'Can use some forum features, but cannot attach files or use post icons.',
- 'ROLE_DESCRIPTION_FORUM_LIMITED_POLLS' => 'As per Limited Access but can also create polls.',
- 'ROLE_DESCRIPTION_FORUM_NOACCESS' => 'Can neither see nor access the forum.',
- 'ROLE_DESCRIPTION_FORUM_ONQUEUE' => 'Can use most forum features including attachments, but posts and topics need to be approved by a moderator.',
- 'ROLE_DESCRIPTION_FORUM_POLLS' => 'Like Standard Access but can also create polls.',
- 'ROLE_DESCRIPTION_FORUM_READONLY' => 'Can read the forum, but cannot create new topics or reply to posts.',
- 'ROLE_DESCRIPTION_FORUM_STANDARD' => 'Can use most forum features including attachments and deleting own topics, but cannot lock own topics, and cannot create polls.',
- 'ROLE_DESCRIPTION_MOD_FULL' => 'Can use all moderating features, including banning.',
- 'ROLE_DESCRIPTION_MOD_QUEUE' => 'Can use the Moderation Queue to validate and edit posts, but nothing else.',
- 'ROLE_DESCRIPTION_MOD_SIMPLE' => 'Can only use basic topic actions. Cannot send warnings or use moderation queue.',
- 'ROLE_DESCRIPTION_MOD_STANDARD' => 'Can use most moderating tools, but cannot ban users or change the post author.',
- 'ROLE_DESCRIPTION_USER_FULL' => 'Can use all available forum features for users, including changing the user name or ignoring the flood limit.<br />Not recommended.',
- 'ROLE_DESCRIPTION_USER_LIMITED' => 'Can access some of the user features. Attachments, e-mails, or instant messages are not allowed.',
- 'ROLE_DESCRIPTION_USER_NOAVATAR' => 'Has a limited feature set and is not allowed to use the Avatar feature.',
- 'ROLE_DESCRIPTION_USER_NOPM' => 'Has a limited feature set, and is not allowed to use Private Messages.',
- 'ROLE_DESCRIPTION_USER_STANDARD' => 'Can access most but not all user features. Cannot change user name or ignore the flood limit, for instance.',
- 'ROLE_DESCRIPTION_EXPLAIN' => 'You are able to enter a short explanation of what the role is doing or for what it is meant for. The text you enter here will be displayed within the permissions screens too.',
- 'ROLE_DESCRIPTION_LONG' => 'The role description is too long, please limit it to 4000 characters.',
- 'ROLE_DETAILS' => 'Role details',
- 'ROLE_EDIT_SUCCESS' => 'Role successfully edited.',
- 'ROLE_NAME' => 'Role name',
- 'ROLE_NAME_ALREADY_EXIST' => 'A role named <strong>%s</strong> already exist for the specified permission type.',
- 'ROLE_NOT_ASSIGNED' => 'Role has not been assigned yet.',
- 'SELECTED_FORUM_NOT_EXIST' => 'The selected forum(s) do not exist.',
- 'SELECTED_GROUP_NOT_EXIST' => 'The selected group(s) do not exist.',
- 'SELECTED_USER_NOT_EXIST' => 'The selected user(s) do not exist.',
- 'SELECT_FORUM_SUBFORUM_EXPLAIN' => 'The forum you select here will include all subforums into the selection.',
- 'SELECT_ROLE' => 'Select role…',
- 'SELECT_TYPE' => 'Select type',
- 'SET_PERMISSIONS' => 'Set permissions',
- 'SET_ROLE_PERMISSIONS' => 'Set role permissions',
- 'SET_USERS_PERMISSIONS' => 'Set users permissions',
- 'SET_USERS_FORUM_PERMISSIONS' => 'Set users forum permissions',
- 'TRACE_DEFAULT' => 'By default every permission is <samp>NO</samp> (unset). So the permission can be overwritten by other settings.',
- 'TRACE_FOR' => 'Trace for',
- 'TRACE_GLOBAL_SETTING' => '%s (global)',
- 'TRACE_GROUP_NEVER_TOTAL_NEVER' => 'This group’s permission is set to <samp>NEVER</samp> like the total result so the old result is kept.',
- 'TRACE_GROUP_NEVER_TOTAL_NEVER_LOCAL' => 'This group’s permission for this forum is set to <samp>NEVER</samp> like the total result so the old result is kept.',
- 'TRACE_GROUP_NEVER_TOTAL_NO' => 'This group’s permission is set to <samp>NEVER</samp> which becomes the new total value because it wasn’t set yet (set to <samp>NO</samp>).',
- 'TRACE_GROUP_NEVER_TOTAL_NO_LOCAL' => 'This group’s permission for this forum is set to <samp>NEVER</samp> which becomes the new total value because it wasn’t set yet (set to <samp>NO</samp>).',
- 'TRACE_GROUP_NEVER_TOTAL_YES' => 'This group’s permission is set to <samp>NEVER</samp> which overwrites the total <samp>YES</samp> to a <samp>NEVER</samp> for this user.',
- 'TRACE_GROUP_NEVER_TOTAL_YES_LOCAL' => 'This group’s permission for this forum is set to <samp>NEVER</samp> which overwrites the total <samp>YES</samp> to a <samp>NEVER</samp> for this user.',
- 'TRACE_GROUP_NO' => 'The permission is <samp>NO</samp> for this group so the old total value is kept.',
- 'TRACE_GROUP_NO_LOCAL' => 'The permission is <samp>NO</samp> for this group within this forum so the old total value is kept.',
- 'TRACE_GROUP_YES_TOTAL_NEVER' => 'This group’s permission is set to <samp>YES</samp> but the total <samp>NEVER</samp> cannot be overwritten.',
- 'TRACE_GROUP_YES_TOTAL_NEVER_LOCAL' => 'This group’s permission for this forum is set to <samp>YES</samp> but the total <samp>NEVER</samp> cannot be overwritten.',
- 'TRACE_GROUP_YES_TOTAL_NO' => 'This group’s permission is set to <samp>YES</samp> which becomes the new total value because it wasn’t set yet (set to <samp>NO</samp>).',
- 'TRACE_GROUP_YES_TOTAL_NO_LOCAL' => 'This group’s permission for this forum is set to <samp>YES</samp> which becomes the new total value because it wasn’t set yet (set to <samp>NO</samp>).',
- 'TRACE_GROUP_YES_TOTAL_YES' => 'This group’s permission is set to <samp>YES</samp> and the total permission is already set to <samp>YES</samp>, so the total result is kept.',
- 'TRACE_GROUP_YES_TOTAL_YES_LOCAL' => 'This group’s permission for this forum is set to <samp>YES</samp> and the total permission is already set to <samp>YES</samp>, so the total result is kept.',
- 'TRACE_PERMISSION' => 'Trace permission - %s',
- 'TRACE_RESULT' => 'Trace result',
- 'TRACE_SETTING' => 'Trace setting',
- 'TRACE_USER_GLOBAL_YES_TOTAL_YES' => 'The forum independent user permission evaluates to <samp>YES</samp> but the total permission is already set to <samp>YES</samp>, so the total result is kept. %sTrace global permission%s',
- 'TRACE_USER_GLOBAL_YES_TOTAL_NEVER' => 'The forum independent user permission evaluates to <samp>YES</samp> which overwrites the current local result <samp>NEVER</samp>. %sTrace global permission%s',
- 'TRACE_USER_GLOBAL_NEVER_TOTAL_KEPT' => 'The forum independent user permission evaluates to <samp>NEVER</samp> which doesn’t influence the local permission. %sTrace global permission%s',
- 'TRACE_USER_FOUNDER' => 'The user has the founder type set, therefore admin permissions are set to <samp>YES</samp> by default.',
- 'TRACE_USER_KEPT' => 'The user’s permission is <samp>NO</samp> so the old total value is kept.',
- 'TRACE_USER_KEPT_LOCAL' => 'The user’s permission for this forum is <samp>NO</samp> so the old total value is kept.',
- 'TRACE_USER_NEVER_TOTAL_NEVER' => 'The user’s permission is set to <samp>NEVER</samp> and the total value is set to <samp>NEVER</samp>, so nothing is changed.',
- 'TRACE_USER_NEVER_TOTAL_NEVER_LOCAL' => 'The user’s permission for this forum is set to <samp>NEVER</samp> and the total value is set to <samp>NEVER</samp>, so nothing is changed.',
- 'TRACE_USER_NEVER_TOTAL_NO' => 'The user’s permission is set to <samp>NEVER</samp> which becomes the total value because it was set to NO.',
- 'TRACE_USER_NEVER_TOTAL_NO_LOCAL' => 'The user’s permission for this forum is set to <samp>NEVER</samp> which becomes the total value because it was set to NO.',
- 'TRACE_USER_NEVER_TOTAL_YES' => 'The user’s permission is set to <samp>NEVER</samp> and overwrites the previous <samp>YES</samp>.',
- 'TRACE_USER_NEVER_TOTAL_YES_LOCAL' => 'The user’s permission for this forum is set to <samp>NEVER</samp> and overwrites the previous <samp>YES</samp>.',
- 'TRACE_USER_NO_TOTAL_NO' => 'The user’s permission is <samp>NO</samp> and the total value was set to NO so it defaults to <samp>NEVER</samp>.',
- 'TRACE_USER_NO_TOTAL_NO_LOCAL' => 'The user’s permission for this forum is <samp>NO</samp> and the total value was set to NO so it defaults to <samp>NEVER</samp>.',
- 'TRACE_USER_YES_TOTAL_NEVER' => 'The user’s permission is set to <samp>YES</samp> but the total <samp>NEVER</samp> cannot be overwritten.',
- 'TRACE_USER_YES_TOTAL_NEVER_LOCAL' => 'The user’s permission for this forum is set to <samp>YES</samp> but the total <samp>NEVER</samp> cannot be overwritten.',
- 'TRACE_USER_YES_TOTAL_NO' => 'The user’s permission is set to <samp>YES</samp> which becomes the total value because it was set to <samp>NO</samp>.',
- 'TRACE_USER_YES_TOTAL_NO_LOCAL' => 'The user’s permission for this forum is set to <samp>YES</samp> which becomes the total value because it was set to <samp>NO</samp>.',
- 'TRACE_USER_YES_TOTAL_YES' => 'The user’s permission is set to <samp>YES</samp> and the total value is set to <samp>YES</samp>, so nothing is changed.',
- 'TRACE_USER_YES_TOTAL_YES_LOCAL' => 'The user’s permission for this forum is set to <samp>YES</samp> and the total value is set to <samp>YES</samp>, so nothing is changed.',
- 'TRACE_WHO' => 'Who',
- 'TRACE_TOTAL' => 'Total',
- 'USERS_NOT_ASSIGNED' => 'No user assigned to this role',
- 'USER_IS_MEMBER_OF_DEFAULT' => 'is a member of the following pre-defined groups',
- 'USER_IS_MEMBER_OF_CUSTOM' => 'is a member of the following user defined groups',
- 'VIEW_ASSIGNED_ITEMS' => 'View assigned items',
- 'VIEW_LOCAL_PERMS' => 'Local permissions',
- 'VIEW_GLOBAL_PERMS' => 'Global permissions',
- 'VIEW_PERMISSIONS' => 'View permissions',
- 'WRONG_PERMISSION_TYPE' => 'Wrong permission type selected.',
- 'WRONG_PERMISSION_SETTING_FORMAT' => 'The permission settings are in a wrong format, phpBB is not able to process them correctly.',
-?> \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/phpBB/language/en/acp/permissions_phpbb.php b/phpBB/language/en/acp/permissions_phpbb.php
deleted file mode 100644
index c8ccc0e56a..0000000000
--- a/phpBB/language/en/acp/permissions_phpbb.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,241 +0,0 @@
-* acp_permissions_phpbb (phpBB Permission Set) [English]
-* @package language
-* @version $Id$
-* @copyright (c) 2005 phpBB Group
-* @license http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php GNU Public License
-if (!defined('IN_PHPBB'))
- exit;
-if (empty($lang) || !is_array($lang))
- $lang = array();
-// All language files should use UTF-8 as their encoding and the files must not contain a BOM.
-// Placeholders can now contain order information, e.g. instead of
-// 'Page %s of %s' you can (and should) write 'Page %1$s of %2$s', this allows
-// translators to re-order the output of data while ensuring it remains correct
-// You do not need this where single placeholders are used, e.g. 'Message %d' is fine
-// equally where a string contains only two placeholders which are used to wrap text
-// in a url you again do not need to specify an order e.g., 'Click %sHERE%s' is fine
-* You are able to put your permission sets into a separate file too by
-* prefixing the new file with permissions_ and putting it into the acp
-* language folder.
-* An example of how the file could look like:
-* <code>
-* if (empty($lang) || !is_array($lang))
-* {
-* $lang = array();
-* }
-* // Adding new category
-* $lang['permission_cat']['bugs'] = 'Bugs';
-* // Adding new permission set
-* $lang['permission_type']['bug_'] = 'Bug Permissions';
-* // Adding the permissions
-* $lang = array_merge($lang, array(
-* 'acl_bug_view' => array('lang' => 'Can view bug reports', 'cat' => 'bugs'),
-* 'acl_bug_post' => array('lang' => 'Can post bugs', 'cat' => 'post'), // Using a phpBB category here
-* ));
-* </code>
-// Define categories and permission types
-$lang = array_merge($lang, array(
- 'permission_cat' => array(
- 'actions' => 'Actions',
- 'content' => 'Content',
- 'forums' => 'Forums',
- 'misc' => 'Misc',
- 'permissions' => 'Permissions',
- 'pm' => 'Private messages',
- 'polls' => 'Polls',
- 'post' => 'Post',
- 'post_actions' => 'Post actions',
- 'posting' => 'Posting',
- 'profile' => 'Profile',
- 'settings' => 'Settings',
- 'topic_actions' => 'Topic actions',
- 'user_group' => 'Users &amp; Groups',
- ),
- // With defining 'global' here we are able to specify what is printed out if the permission is within the global scope.
- 'permission_type' => array(
- 'u_' => 'User permissions',
- 'a_' => 'Admin permissions',
- 'm_' => 'Moderator permissions',
- 'f_' => 'Forum permissions',
- 'global' => array(
- 'm_' => 'Global moderator permissions',
- ),
- ),
-// User Permissions
-$lang = array_merge($lang, array(
- 'acl_u_viewprofile' => array('lang' => 'Can view profiles, memberlist and online list', 'cat' => 'profile'),
- 'acl_u_chgname' => array('lang' => 'Can change username', 'cat' => 'profile'),
- 'acl_u_chgpasswd' => array('lang' => 'Can change password', 'cat' => 'profile'),
- 'acl_u_chgemail' => array('lang' => 'Can change e-mail address', 'cat' => 'profile'),
- 'acl_u_chgavatar' => array('lang' => 'Can change avatar', 'cat' => 'profile'),
- 'acl_u_chggrp' => array('lang' => 'Can change default usergroup', 'cat' => 'profile'),
- 'acl_u_attach' => array('lang' => 'Can attach files', 'cat' => 'post'),
- 'acl_u_download' => array('lang' => 'Can download files', 'cat' => 'post'),
- 'acl_u_savedrafts' => array('lang' => 'Can save drafts', 'cat' => 'post'),
- 'acl_u_chgcensors' => array('lang' => 'Can disable word censors', 'cat' => 'post'),
- 'acl_u_sig' => array('lang' => 'Can use signature', 'cat' => 'post'),
- 'acl_u_sendpm' => array('lang' => 'Can send private messages', 'cat' => 'pm'),
- 'acl_u_masspm' => array('lang' => 'Can send messages to multiple users', 'cat' => 'pm'),
- 'acl_u_masspm_group'=> array('lang' => 'Can send messages to groups', 'cat' => 'pm'),
- 'acl_u_readpm' => array('lang' => 'Can read private messages', 'cat' => 'pm'),
- 'acl_u_pm_edit' => array('lang' => 'Can edit own private messages', 'cat' => 'pm'),
- 'acl_u_pm_delete' => array('lang' => 'Can remove private messages from own folder', 'cat' => 'pm'),
- 'acl_u_pm_forward' => array('lang' => 'Can forward private messages', 'cat' => 'pm'),
- 'acl_u_pm_emailpm' => array('lang' => 'Can e-mail private messages', 'cat' => 'pm'),
- 'acl_u_pm_printpm' => array('lang' => 'Can print private messages', 'cat' => 'pm'),
- 'acl_u_pm_attach' => array('lang' => 'Can attach files in private messages', 'cat' => 'pm'),
- 'acl_u_pm_download' => array('lang' => 'Can download files in private messages', 'cat' => 'pm'),
- 'acl_u_pm_bbcode' => array('lang' => 'Can post BBCode in private messages', 'cat' => 'pm'),
- 'acl_u_pm_smilies' => array('lang' => 'Can post smilies in private messages', 'cat' => 'pm'),
- 'acl_u_pm_img' => array('lang' => 'Can post images in private messages', 'cat' => 'pm'),
- 'acl_u_pm_flash' => array('lang' => 'Can post Flash in private messages', 'cat' => 'pm'),
- 'acl_u_sendemail' => array('lang' => 'Can send e-mails', 'cat' => 'misc'),
- 'acl_u_sendim' => array('lang' => 'Can send instant messages', 'cat' => 'misc'),
- 'acl_u_ignoreflood' => array('lang' => 'Can ignore flood limit', 'cat' => 'misc'),
- 'acl_u_hideonline' => array('lang' => 'Can hide online status', 'cat' => 'misc'),
- 'acl_u_viewonline' => array('lang' => 'Can view hidden online users', 'cat' => 'misc'),
- 'acl_u_search' => array('lang' => 'Can search board', 'cat' => 'misc'),
-// Forum Permissions
-$lang = array_merge($lang, array(
- 'acl_f_list' => array('lang' => 'Can see forum', 'cat' => 'post'),
- 'acl_f_read' => array('lang' => 'Can read forum', 'cat' => 'post'),
- 'acl_f_post' => array('lang' => 'Can start new topics', 'cat' => 'post'),
- 'acl_f_reply' => array('lang' => 'Can reply to topics', 'cat' => 'post'),
- 'acl_f_icons' => array('lang' => 'Can use topic/post icons', 'cat' => 'post'),
- 'acl_f_announce' => array('lang' => 'Can post announcements', 'cat' => 'post'),
- 'acl_f_sticky' => array('lang' => 'Can post stickies', 'cat' => 'post'),
- 'acl_f_poll' => array('lang' => 'Can create polls', 'cat' => 'polls'),
- 'acl_f_vote' => array('lang' => 'Can vote in polls', 'cat' => 'polls'),
- 'acl_f_votechg' => array('lang' => 'Can change existing vote', 'cat' => 'polls'),
- 'acl_f_attach' => array('lang' => 'Can attach files', 'cat' => 'content'),
- 'acl_f_download' => array('lang' => 'Can download files', 'cat' => 'content'),
- 'acl_f_sigs' => array('lang' => 'Can use signatures', 'cat' => 'content'),
- 'acl_f_bbcode' => array('lang' => 'Can post BBCode', 'cat' => 'content'),
- 'acl_f_smilies' => array('lang' => 'Can post smilies', 'cat' => 'content'),
- 'acl_f_img' => array('lang' => 'Can post images', 'cat' => 'content'),
- 'acl_f_flash' => array('lang' => 'Can post Flash', 'cat' => 'content'),
- 'acl_f_edit' => array('lang' => 'Can edit own posts', 'cat' => 'actions'),
- 'acl_f_delete' => array('lang' => 'Can delete own posts', 'cat' => 'actions'),
- 'acl_f_user_lock' => array('lang' => 'Can lock own topics', 'cat' => 'actions'),
- 'acl_f_bump' => array('lang' => 'Can bump topics', 'cat' => 'actions'),
- 'acl_f_report' => array('lang' => 'Can report posts', 'cat' => 'actions'),
- 'acl_f_subscribe' => array('lang' => 'Can subscribe forum', 'cat' => 'actions'),
- 'acl_f_print' => array('lang' => 'Can print topics', 'cat' => 'actions'),
- 'acl_f_email' => array('lang' => 'Can e-mail topics', 'cat' => 'actions'),
- 'acl_f_search' => array('lang' => 'Can search the forum', 'cat' => 'misc'),
- 'acl_f_ignoreflood' => array('lang' => 'Can ignore flood limit', 'cat' => 'misc'),
- 'acl_f_postcount' => array('lang' => 'Increment post counter<br /><em>Please note that this setting only affects new posts.</em>', 'cat' => 'misc'),
- 'acl_f_noapprove' => array('lang' => 'Can post without approval', 'cat' => 'misc'),
-// Moderator Permissions
-$lang = array_merge($lang, array(
- 'acl_m_edit' => array('lang' => 'Can edit posts', 'cat' => 'post_actions'),
- 'acl_m_delete' => array('lang' => 'Can delete posts', 'cat' => 'post_actions'),
- 'acl_m_approve' => array('lang' => 'Can approve posts', 'cat' => 'post_actions'),
- 'acl_m_report' => array('lang' => 'Can close and delete reports', 'cat' => 'post_actions'),
- 'acl_m_chgposter' => array('lang' => 'Can change post author', 'cat' => 'post_actions'),
- 'acl_m_move' => array('lang' => 'Can move topics', 'cat' => 'topic_actions'),
- 'acl_m_lock' => array('lang' => 'Can lock topics', 'cat' => 'topic_actions'),
- 'acl_m_split' => array('lang' => 'Can split topics', 'cat' => 'topic_actions'),
- 'acl_m_merge' => array('lang' => 'Can merge topics', 'cat' => 'topic_actions'),
- 'acl_m_info' => array('lang' => 'Can view post details', 'cat' => 'misc'),
- 'acl_m_warn' => array('lang' => 'Can issue warnings<br /><em>This setting is only assigned globally. It is not forum based.</em>', 'cat' => 'misc'), // This moderator setting is only global (and not local)
- 'acl_m_ban' => array('lang' => 'Can manage bans<br /><em>This setting is only assigned globally. It is not forum based.</em>', 'cat' => 'misc'), // This moderator setting is only global (and not local)
-// Admin Permissions
-$lang = array_merge($lang, array(
- 'acl_a_board' => array('lang' => 'Can alter board settings/check for updates', 'cat' => 'settings'),
- 'acl_a_server' => array('lang' => 'Can alter server/communication settings', 'cat' => 'settings'),
- 'acl_a_jabber' => array('lang' => 'Can alter Jabber settings', 'cat' => 'settings'),
- 'acl_a_phpinfo' => array('lang' => 'Can view php settings', 'cat' => 'settings'),
- 'acl_a_forum' => array('lang' => 'Can manage forums', 'cat' => 'forums'),
- 'acl_a_forumadd' => array('lang' => 'Can add new forums', 'cat' => 'forums'),
- 'acl_a_forumdel' => array('lang' => 'Can delete forums', 'cat' => 'forums'),
- 'acl_a_prune' => array('lang' => 'Can prune forums', 'cat' => 'forums'),
- 'acl_a_icons' => array('lang' => 'Can alter topic/post icons and smilies', 'cat' => 'posting'),
- 'acl_a_words' => array('lang' => 'Can alter word censors', 'cat' => 'posting'),
- 'acl_a_bbcode' => array('lang' => 'Can define BBCode tags', 'cat' => 'posting'),
- 'acl_a_attach' => array('lang' => 'Can alter attachment related settings', 'cat' => 'posting'),
- 'acl_a_user' => array('lang' => 'Can manage users<br /><em>This also includes seeing the users browser agent within the viewonline list.</em>', 'cat' => 'user_group'),
- 'acl_a_userdel' => array('lang' => 'Can delete/prune users', 'cat' => 'user_group'),
- 'acl_a_group' => array('lang' => 'Can manage groups', 'cat' => 'user_group'),
- 'acl_a_groupadd' => array('lang' => 'Can add new groups', 'cat' => 'user_group'),
- 'acl_a_groupdel' => array('lang' => 'Can delete groups', 'cat' => 'user_group'),
- 'acl_a_ranks' => array('lang' => 'Can manage ranks', 'cat' => 'user_group'),
- 'acl_a_profile' => array('lang' => 'Can manage custom profile fields', 'cat' => 'user_group'),
- 'acl_a_names' => array('lang' => 'Can manage disallowed names', 'cat' => 'user_group'),
- 'acl_a_ban' => array('lang' => 'Can manage bans', 'cat' => 'user_group'),
- 'acl_a_viewauth' => array('lang' => 'Can view permission masks', 'cat' => 'permissions'),
- 'acl_a_authgroups' => array('lang' => 'Can alter permissions for individual groups', 'cat' => 'permissions'),
- 'acl_a_authusers' => array('lang' => 'Can alter permissions for individual users', 'cat' => 'permissions'),
- 'acl_a_fauth' => array('lang' => 'Can alter forum permission class', 'cat' => 'permissions'),
- 'acl_a_mauth' => array('lang' => 'Can alter moderator permission class', 'cat' => 'permissions'),
- 'acl_a_aauth' => array('lang' => 'Can alter admin permission class', 'cat' => 'permissions'),
- 'acl_a_uauth' => array('lang' => 'Can alter user permission class', 'cat' => 'permissions'),
- 'acl_a_roles' => array('lang' => 'Can manage roles', 'cat' => 'permissions'),
- 'acl_a_switchperm' => array('lang' => 'Can use others permissions', 'cat' => 'permissions'),
- 'acl_a_styles' => array('lang' => 'Can manage styles', 'cat' => 'misc'),
- 'acl_a_viewlogs' => array('lang' => 'Can view logs', 'cat' => 'misc'),
- 'acl_a_clearlogs' => array('lang' => 'Can clear logs', 'cat' => 'misc'),
- 'acl_a_modules' => array('lang' => 'Can manage modules', 'cat' => 'misc'),
- 'acl_a_language' => array('lang' => 'Can manage language packs', 'cat' => 'misc'),
- 'acl_a_email' => array('lang' => 'Can send mass e-mail', 'cat' => 'misc'),
- 'acl_a_bots' => array('lang' => 'Can manage bots', 'cat' => 'misc'),
- 'acl_a_reasons' => array('lang' => 'Can manage report/denial reasons', 'cat' => 'misc'),
- 'acl_a_backup' => array('lang' => 'Can backup/restore database', 'cat' => 'misc'),
- 'acl_a_search' => array('lang' => 'Can manage search backends and settings', 'cat' => 'misc'),
-?> \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/phpBB/language/en/acp/posting.php b/phpBB/language/en/acp/posting.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 01453b85ef..0000000000
--- a/phpBB/language/en/acp/posting.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,273 +0,0 @@
-* acp_posting [English]
-* @package language
-* @version $Id$
-* @copyright (c) 2005 phpBB Group
-* @license http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php GNU Public License
-if (!defined('IN_PHPBB'))
- exit;
-if (empty($lang) || !is_array($lang))
- $lang = array();
-// All language files should use UTF-8 as their encoding and the files must not contain a BOM.
-// Placeholders can now contain order information, e.g. instead of
-// 'Page %s of %s' you can (and should) write 'Page %1$s of %2$s', this allows
-// translators to re-order the output of data while ensuring it remains correct
-// You do not need this where single placeholders are used, e.g. 'Message %d' is fine
-// equally where a string contains only two placeholders which are used to wrap text
-// in a url you again do not need to specify an order e.g., 'Click %sHERE%s' is fine
-// BBCodes
-// Note to translators: you can translate everything but what's between { and }
-$lang = array_merge($lang, array(
- 'ACP_BBCODES_EXPLAIN' => 'BBCode is a special implementation of HTML offering greater control over what and how something is displayed. From this page you can add, remove and edit custom BBCodes.',
- 'ADD_BBCODE' => 'Add a new BBCode',
- 'BBCODE_ADDED' => 'BBCode added successfully.',
- 'BBCODE_EDITED' => 'BBCode edited successfully.',
- 'BBCODE_NOT_EXIST' => 'The BBCode you selected does not exist.',
- 'BBCODE_HELPLINE' => 'Help line',
- 'BBCODE_HELPLINE_EXPLAIN' => 'This field contains the mouse over text of the BBCode.',
- 'BBCODE_HELPLINE_TEXT' => 'Help line text',
- 'BBCODE_HELPLINE_TOO_LONG' => 'The help line you entered is too long.',
- 'BBCODE_INVALID_TAG_NAME' => 'The BBCode tag name that you selected already exists.',
- 'BBCODE_INVALID' => 'Your BBCode is constructed in an invalid form.',
- 'BBCODE_OPEN_ENDED_TAG' => 'Your custom BBCode must contain both an opening and a closing tag.',
- 'BBCODE_TAG' => 'Tag',
- 'BBCODE_TAG_TOO_LONG' => 'The tag name you selected is too long.',
- 'BBCODE_TAG_DEF_TOO_LONG' => 'The tag definition that you have entered is too long, please shorten your tag definition.',
- 'BBCODE_USAGE' => 'BBCode usage',
- 'BBCODE_USAGE_EXAMPLE' => '[highlight={COLOR}]{TEXT}[/highlight]<br /><br />[font={SIMPLETEXT1}]{SIMPLETEXT2}[/font]',
- 'BBCODE_USAGE_EXPLAIN' => 'Here you define how to use the BBCode. Replace any variable input by the corresponding token (%ssee below%s).',
- 'EXAMPLE' => 'Example:',
- 'EXAMPLES' => 'Examples:',
- 'HTML_REPLACEMENT' => 'HTML replacement',
- 'HTML_REPLACEMENT_EXAMPLE' => '&lt;span style="background-color: {COLOR};"&gt;{TEXT}&lt;/span&gt;<br /><br />&lt;span style="font-family: {SIMPLETEXT1};"&gt;{SIMPLETEXT2}&lt;/span&gt;',
- 'HTML_REPLACEMENT_EXPLAIN' => 'Here you define the default HTML replacement. Do not forget to put back tokens you used above!',
- 'TOKEN' => 'Token',
- 'TOKENS' => 'Tokens',
- 'TOKENS_EXPLAIN' => 'Tokens are placeholders for user input. The input will be validated only if it matches the corresponding definition. If needed, you can number them by adding a number as the last character between the braces, e.g. {TEXT1}, {TEXT2}.<br /><br />Within the HTML replacement you can also use any language string present in your language/ directory like this: {L_<em>&lt;STRINGNAME&gt;</em>} where <em>&lt;STRINGNAME&gt;</em> is the name of the translated string you want to add. For example, {L_WROTE} will be displayed as &quot;wrote&quot; or its translation according to user’s locale.<br /><br /><strong>Please note that only tokens listed below are able to be used within custom BBCodes.</strong>',
- 'TOKEN_DEFINITION' => 'What can it be?',
- 'TOO_MANY_BBCODES' => 'You cannot create any more BBCodes. Please remove one or more BBCodes then try again.',
- 'tokens' => array(
- 'TEXT' => 'Any text, including foreign characters, numbers, etc… You should not use this token in HTML tags. Instead try to use IDENTIFIER or SIMPLETEXT.',
- 'SIMPLETEXT' => 'Characters from the latin alphabet (A-Z), numbers, spaces, commas, dots, minus, plus, hyphen and underscore',
- 'IDENTIFIER' => 'Characters from the latin alphabet (A-Z), numbers, hyphen and underscore',
- 'NUMBER' => 'Any series of digits',
- 'EMAIL' => 'A valid e-mail address',
- 'URL' => 'A valid URL using any protocol (http, ftp, etc… cannot be used for javascript exploits). If none is given, &quot;http://&quot; is prefixed to the string.',
- 'LOCAL_URL' => 'A local URL. The URL must be relative to the topic page and cannot contain a server name or protocol.',
- 'COLOR' => 'A HTML colour, can be either in the numeric form <samp>#FF1234</samp> or a <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/CSS21/syndata.html#value-def-color">CSS colour keyword</a> such as <samp>fuchsia</samp> or <samp>InactiveBorder</samp>'
- )
-// Smilies and topic icons
-$lang = array_merge($lang, array(
- 'ACP_ICONS_EXPLAIN' => 'From this page you can add, remove and edit the icons users may add to their topics or posts. These icons are generally displayed next to topic titles on the forum listing, or the post subjects in topic listings. You can also install and create new packages of icons.',
- 'ACP_SMILIES_EXPLAIN' => 'Smilies or emoticons are typically small, sometimes animated images used to convey an emotion or feeling. From this page you can add, remove and edit the emoticons users can use in their posts and private messages. You can also install and create new packages of smilies.',
- 'ADD_SMILIES' => 'Add multiple smilies',
- 'ADD_SMILEY_CODE' => 'Add additional smiley code',
- 'ADD_ICONS' => 'Add multiple icons',
- 'AFTER_ICONS' => 'After %s',
- 'AFTER_SMILIES' => 'After %s',
- 'CODE' => 'Code',
- 'CURRENT_ICONS' => 'Current icons',
- 'CURRENT_ICONS_EXPLAIN' => 'Choose what to do with the currently installed icons.',
- 'CURRENT_SMILIES' => 'Current smilies',
- 'CURRENT_SMILIES_EXPLAIN' => 'Choose what to do with the currently installed smilies.',
- 'DISPLAY_ON_POSTING' => 'Display on posting page',
- 'DISPLAY_POSTING' => 'On posting page',
- 'DISPLAY_POSTING_NO' => 'Not on posting page',
- 'EDIT_ICONS' => 'Edit icons',
- 'EDIT_SMILIES' => 'Edit smilies',
- 'EMOTION' => 'Emotion',
- 'EXPORT_ICONS' => 'Export and download icons.pak',
- 'EXPORT_ICONS_EXPLAIN' => '%sOn clicking this link, the configuration for your installed icons will be packaged into <samp>icons.pak</samp> which once downloaded can be used to create a <samp>.zip</samp> or <samp>.tgz</samp> file containing all of your icons plus this <samp>icons.pak</samp> configuration file%s.',
- 'EXPORT_SMILIES' => 'Export and download smilies.pak',
- 'EXPORT_SMILIES_EXPLAIN' => '%sOn clicking this link, the configuration for your installed smilies will be packaged into <samp>smilies.pak</samp> which once downloaded can be used to create a <samp>.zip</samp> or <samp>.tgz</samp> file containing all of your smilies plus this <samp>smilies.pak</samp> configuration file%s.',
- 'FIRST' => 'First',
- 'ICONS_ADD' => 'Add a new icon',
- 'ICONS_NONE_ADDED' => 'No icons were added.',
- 'ICONS_ONE_ADDED' => 'The icon has been added successfully.',
- 'ICONS_ADDED' => 'The icons have been added successfully.',
- 'ICONS_CONFIG' => 'Icon configuration',
- 'ICONS_DELETED' => 'The icon has been removed successfully.',
- 'ICONS_EDIT' => 'Edit icon',
- 'ICONS_ONE_EDITED' => 'The icon has been updated successfully.',
- 'ICONS_NONE_EDITED' => 'No icons were updated.',
- 'ICONS_EDITED' => 'The icons have been updated successfully.',
- 'ICONS_HEIGHT' => 'Icon height',
- 'ICONS_IMAGE' => 'Icon image',
- 'ICONS_IMPORTED' => 'The icons pack has been installed successfully.',
- 'ICONS_IMPORT_SUCCESS' => 'The icons pack was imported successfully.',
- 'ICONS_LOCATION' => 'Icon location',
- 'ICONS_NOT_DISPLAYED' => 'The following icons are not displayed on the posting page',
- 'ICONS_ORDER' => 'Icon order',
- 'ICONS_URL' => 'Icon image file',
- 'ICONS_WIDTH' => 'Icon width',
- 'IMPORT_ICONS' => 'Install icons package',
- 'IMPORT_SMILIES' => 'Install smilies package',
- 'KEEP_ALL' => 'Keep all',
- 'MASS_ADD_SMILIES' => 'Add multiple smilies',
- 'NO_ICONS_ADD' => 'There are no icons available for adding.',
- 'NO_ICONS_EDIT' => 'There are no icons available for modifying.',
- 'NO_ICONS_EXPORT' => 'You have no icons with which to create a package.',
- 'NO_ICONS_PAK' => 'No icon packages found.',
- 'NO_SMILIES_ADD' => 'There are no smilies available for adding.',
- 'NO_SMILIES_EDIT' => 'There are no smilies available for modifying.',
- 'NO_SMILIES_EXPORT' => 'You have no smilies with which to create a package.',
- 'NO_SMILIES_PAK' => 'No smiley packages found.',
- 'PAK_FILE_NOT_READABLE' => 'Could not read <samp>.pak</samp> file.',
- 'REPLACE_MATCHES' => 'Replace matches',
- 'SELECT_PACKAGE' => 'Select a package file',
- 'SMILIES_ADD' => 'Add a new smiley',
- 'SMILIES_NONE_ADDED' => 'No smilies were added.',
- 'SMILIES_ONE_ADDED' => 'The smiley has been added successfully.',
- 'SMILIES_ADDED' => 'The smilies have been added successfully.',
- 'SMILIES_CODE' => 'Smiley code',
- 'SMILIES_CONFIG' => 'Smiley configuration',
- 'SMILIES_DELETED' => 'The smiley has been removed successfully.',
- 'SMILIES_EDIT' => 'Edit smiley',
- 'SMILIE_NO_CODE' => 'The smilie “%s” was ignored, as there was no code entered.',
- 'SMILIE_NO_EMOTION' => 'The smilie “%s” was ignored, as there was no emotion entered.',
- 'SMILIES_NONE_EDITED' => 'No smilies were updated.',
- 'SMILIES_ONE_EDITED' => 'The smiley has been updated successfully.',
- 'SMILIES_EDITED' => 'The smilies have been updated successfully.',
- 'SMILIES_EMOTION' => 'Emotion',
- 'SMILIES_HEIGHT' => 'Smiley height',
- 'SMILIES_IMAGE' => 'Smiley image',
- 'SMILIES_IMPORTED' => 'The smilies pack has been installed successfully.',
- 'SMILIES_IMPORT_SUCCESS' => 'The smilies pack was imported successfully.',
- 'SMILIES_LOCATION' => 'Smiley location',
- 'SMILIES_NOT_DISPLAYED' => 'The following smilies are not displayed on the posting page',
- 'SMILIES_ORDER' => 'Smiley order',
- 'SMILIES_URL' => 'Smiley image file',
- 'SMILIES_WIDTH' => 'Smiley width',
- 'WRONG_PAK_TYPE' => 'The specified package does not contain the appropriate data.',
-// Word censors
-$lang = array_merge($lang, array(
- 'ACP_WORDS_EXPLAIN' => 'From this control panel you can add, edit, and remove words that will be automatically censored on your forums. People are still allowed to register with usernames containing these words. Wildcards (*) are accepted in the word field, e.g. *test* will match detestable, test* would match testing, *test would match detest.',
- 'ADD_WORD' => 'Add new word',
- 'EDIT_WORD' => 'Edit word censor',
- 'ENTER_WORD' => 'You must enter a word and its replacement.',
- 'NO_WORD' => 'No word selected for editing.',
- 'REPLACEMENT' => 'Replacement',
- 'UPDATE_WORD' => 'Update word censor',
- 'WORD' => 'Word',
- 'WORD_ADDED' => 'The word censor has been successfully added.',
- 'WORD_REMOVED' => 'The selected word censor has been successfully removed.',
- 'WORD_UPDATED' => 'The selected word censor has been successfully updated.',
-// Ranks
-$lang = array_merge($lang, array(
- 'ACP_RANKS_EXPLAIN' => 'Using this form you can add, edit, view and delete ranks. You can also create special ranks which can be applied to a user via the user management facility.',
- 'ADD_RANK' => 'Add new rank',
- 'MUST_SELECT_RANK' => 'You must select a rank.',
- 'NO_ASSIGNED_RANK' => 'No special rank assigned.',
- 'NO_RANK_TITLE' => 'You haven’t specified a title for the rank.',
- 'NO_UPDATE_RANKS' => 'The rank was successfully deleted. However user accounts using this rank were not updated. You will need to manually reset the rank on these accounts.',
- 'RANK_ADDED' => 'The rank was successfully added.',
- 'RANK_IMAGE' => 'Rank image',
- 'RANK_IMAGE_EXPLAIN' => 'Use this to define a small image associated with the rank. The path is relative to the root phpBB directory.',
- 'RANK_MINIMUM' => 'Minimum posts',
- 'RANK_REMOVED' => 'The rank was successfully deleted.',
- 'RANK_SPECIAL' => 'Set as special rank',
- 'RANK_TITLE' => 'Rank title',
- 'RANK_UPDATED' => 'The rank was successfully updated.',
-// Disallow Usernames
-$lang = array_merge($lang, array(
- 'ACP_DISALLOW_EXPLAIN' => 'Here you can control usernames which will not be allowed to be used. Disallowed usernames are allowed to contain a wildcard character of *. Please note that you will not be allowed to specify any username that has already been registered, you must first delete that name then disallow it.',
- 'ADD_DISALLOW_EXPLAIN' => 'You can disallow a username using the wildcard character * to match any character.',
- 'ADD_DISALLOW_TITLE' => 'Add a disallowed username',
- 'DELETE_DISALLOW_EXPLAIN' => 'You can remove a disallowed username by selecting the username from this list and clicking submit.',
- 'DELETE_DISALLOW_TITLE' => 'Remove a disallowed username',
- 'DISALLOWED_ALREADY' => 'The name you entered could not be disallowed. It either already exists in the list, exists in the word censor list, or a matching username is present.',
- 'DISALLOWED_DELETED' => 'The disallowed username has been successfully removed.',
- 'DISALLOW_SUCCESSFUL' => 'The disallowed username has been successfully added.',
- 'NO_DISALLOWED' => 'No disallowed usernames',
- 'NO_USERNAME_SPECIFIED' => 'You haven’t selected or entered a username to operate with.',
-// Reasons
-$lang = array_merge($lang, array(
- 'ACP_REASONS_EXPLAIN' => 'Here you can manage the reasons used in reports and denial messages when disapproving posts. There is one default reason (marked with a *) you are not able to remove, this reason is normally used for custom messages if no reason fits.',
- 'ADD_NEW_REASON' => 'Add new reason',
- 'AVAILABLE_TITLES' => 'Available localised reason titles',
- 'IS_NOT_TRANSLATED' => 'Reason has <strong>not</strong> been localised.',
- 'IS_NOT_TRANSLATED_EXPLAIN' => 'Reason has <strong>not</strong> been localised. If you want to provide the localised form, specify the correct key from the language files report reasons section.',
- 'IS_TRANSLATED' => 'Reason has been localised.',
- 'IS_TRANSLATED_EXPLAIN' => 'Reason has been localised. If the title you enter here is specified within the language files report reasons section, the localised form of the title and description will be used.',
- 'NO_REASON' => 'Reason could not be found.',
- 'NO_REASON_INFO' => 'You have to specify a title and a description for this reason.',
- 'NO_REMOVE_DEFAULT_REASON' => 'You are not able to remove the default reason “Other”.',
- 'REASON_ADD' => 'Add report/denial reason',
- 'REASON_ADDED' => 'Report/denial reason successfully added.',
- 'REASON_ALREADY_EXIST' => 'A reason with this title already exist, please enter another title for this reason.',
- 'REASON_DESCRIPTION' => 'Reason description',
- 'REASON_DESC_TRANSLATED' => 'Displayed reason description',
- 'REASON_EDIT' => 'Edit report/denial reason',
- 'REASON_EDIT_EXPLAIN' => 'Here you are able to add or edit a reason. If the reason is translated the localised version is used instead of the description entered here.',
- 'REASON_REMOVED' => 'Report/denial reason successfully removed.',
- 'REASON_TITLE' => 'Reason title',
- 'REASON_TITLE_TRANSLATED' => 'Displayed reason title',
- 'REASON_UPDATED' => 'Report/denial reason successfully updated.',
- 'USED_IN_REPORTS' => 'Used in reports',
-?> \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/phpBB/language/en/acp/profile.php b/phpBB/language/en/acp/profile.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 295571226e..0000000000
--- a/phpBB/language/en/acp/profile.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,154 +0,0 @@
-* acp_profile [English]
-* @package language
-* @version $Id$
-* @copyright (c) 2005 phpBB Group
-* @license http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php GNU Public License
-if (!defined('IN_PHPBB'))
- exit;
-if (empty($lang) || !is_array($lang))
- $lang = array();
-// All language files should use UTF-8 as their encoding and the files must not contain a BOM.
-// Placeholders can now contain order information, e.g. instead of
-// 'Page %s of %s' you can (and should) write 'Page %1$s of %2$s', this allows
-// translators to re-order the output of data while ensuring it remains correct
-// You do not need this where single placeholders are used, e.g. 'Message %d' is fine
-// equally where a string contains only two placeholders which are used to wrap text
-// in a url you again do not need to specify an order e.g., 'Click %sHERE%s' is fine
-// Custom profile fields
-$lang = array_merge($lang, array(
- 'ADDED_PROFILE_FIELD' => 'Successfully added custom profile field.',
- 'ALPHA_ONLY' => 'Alphanumeric only',
- 'ALPHA_SPACERS' => 'Alphanumeric and spacers',
- 'ALWAYS_TODAY' => 'Always the current date',
- 'BOOL_ENTRIES_EXPLAIN' => 'Enter your options now',
- 'BOOL_TYPE_EXPLAIN' => 'Define the type, either a checkbox or radio buttons. A checkbox will only be displayed if it is checked for a given user. In that case the <strong>second</strong> language option will be used. Radio buttons will display regardless of their value.',
- 'CHANGED_PROFILE_FIELD' => 'Successfully changed profile field.',
- 'CHARS_ANY' => 'Any character',
- 'CHECKBOX' => 'Checkbox',
- 'COLUMNS' => 'Columns',
- 'CP_LANG_DEFAULT_VALUE' => 'Default value',
- 'CP_LANG_EXPLAIN' => 'Field description',
- 'CP_LANG_EXPLAIN_EXPLAIN' => 'The explanation for this field presented to the user.',
- 'CP_LANG_NAME' => 'Field name/title presented to the user',
- 'CP_LANG_OPTIONS' => 'Options',
- 'CREATE_NEW_FIELD' => 'Create new field',
- 'CUSTOM_FIELDS_NOT_TRANSLATED' => 'At least one custom profile field has not yet been translated. Please enter the required information by clicking on the “Translate” link.',
- 'DEFAULT_ISO_LANGUAGE' => 'Default language [%s]',
- 'DEFAULT_LANGUAGE_NOT_FILLED' => 'The language entries for the default language are not filled for this profile field.',
- 'DEFAULT_VALUE' => 'Default value',
- 'DELETE_PROFILE_FIELD' => 'Remove profile field',
- 'DELETE_PROFILE_FIELD_CONFIRM' => 'Are you sure you want to delete this profile field?',
- 'DISPLAY_AT_PROFILE' => 'Display in user control panel',
- 'DISPLAY_AT_PROFILE_EXPLAIN' => 'The user is able to change this profile field within the user control panel.',
- 'DISPLAY_AT_REGISTER' => 'Display at registration screen',
- 'DISPLAY_AT_REGISTER_EXPLAIN' => 'If this option is enabled, the field will be displayed on registration and able to be changed within the user control panel.',
- 'DISPLAY_PROFILE_FIELD' => 'Publicly display profile field',
- 'DISPLAY_PROFILE_FIELD_EXPLAIN' => 'The profile field will be shown in all places allowed within the load settings. Setting this to “no” will hide the field from topic pages, profiles and the memberlist.',
- 'DROPDOWN_ENTRIES_EXPLAIN' => 'Enter your options now, every option in one line.',
- 'EDIT_DROPDOWN_LANG_EXPLAIN' => 'Please note that you are able to change your options text and also able to add new options to the end. It is not advised to add new options between existing options - this could result in wrong options assigned to your users. This can also happen if you remove options in-between. Removing options from the end result in users having assigned this item now reverting back to the default one.',
- 'EMPTY_FIELD_IDENT' => 'Empty field identification',
- 'EMPTY_USER_FIELD_NAME' => 'Please enter a field name/title',
- 'ENTRIES' => 'Entries',
- 'EVERYTHING_OK' => 'Everything OK',
- 'FIELD_BOOL' => 'Boolean (Yes/No)',
- 'FIELD_DATE' => 'Date',
- 'FIELD_DESCRIPTION' => 'Field description',
- 'FIELD_DESCRIPTION_EXPLAIN' => 'The explanation for this field presented to the user.',
- 'FIELD_DROPDOWN' => 'Dropdown box',
- 'FIELD_IDENT' => 'Field identification',
- 'FIELD_IDENT_ALREADY_EXIST' => 'The chosen field identification already exist. Please choose another name.',
- 'FIELD_IDENT_EXPLAIN' => 'The field identification is a name to identify the profile field within the database and the templates.',
- 'FIELD_INT' => 'Numbers',
- 'FIELD_LENGTH' => 'Length of input box',
- 'FIELD_NOT_FOUND' => 'Profile field not found.',
- 'FIELD_STRING' => 'Single text field',
- 'FIELD_TEXT' => 'Textarea',
- 'FIELD_TYPE' => 'Field type',
- 'FIELD_TYPE_EXPLAIN' => 'You are not able to change the field type later.',
- 'FIELD_VALIDATION' => 'Field validation',
- 'FIRST_OPTION' => 'First option',
- 'HIDE_PROFILE_FIELD' => 'Hide profile field',
- 'HIDE_PROFILE_FIELD_EXPLAIN' => 'Only administrators and moderators are able to see/fill out this profile field. If this option is enabled, the profile field will be only displayed in users’ profiles.',
- 'INVALID_CHARS_FIELD_IDENT' => 'Field identification can only contain lowercase a-z and _',
- 'INVALID_FIELD_IDENT_LEN' => 'Field identification can only be 17 characters long',
- 'ISO_LANGUAGE' => 'Language [%s]',
- 'LANG_SPECIFIC_OPTIONS' => 'Language specific options [<strong>%s</strong>]',
- 'MAX_FIELD_CHARS' => 'Maximum number of characters',
- 'MAX_FIELD_NUMBER' => 'Highest allowed number',
- 'MIN_FIELD_CHARS' => 'Minimum number of characters',
- 'MIN_FIELD_NUMBER' => 'Lowest allowed number',
- 'NO_FIELD_ENTRIES' => 'No entries defined',
- 'NO_FIELD_ID' => 'No field id specified.',
- 'NO_FIELD_TYPE' => 'No Field type specified.',
- 'NO_VALUE_OPTION' => 'Option equal to non entered value',
- 'NO_VALUE_OPTION_EXPLAIN' => 'Value for a non-entry. If the field is required, the user gets an error if he choose the option selected here.',
- 'NUMBERS_ONLY' => 'Only numbers (0-9)',
- 'PROFILE_BASIC_OPTIONS' => 'Basic options',
- 'PROFILE_FIELD_ACTIVATED' => 'Profile field successfully activated.',
- 'PROFILE_FIELD_DEACTIVATED' => 'Profile field successfully deactivated.',
- 'PROFILE_LANG_OPTIONS' => 'Language specific options',
- 'PROFILE_TYPE_OPTIONS' => 'Profile type specific options',
- 'RADIO_BUTTONS' => 'Radio buttons',
- 'REMOVED_PROFILE_FIELD' => 'Successfully removed profile field.',
- 'REQUIRED_FIELD' => 'Required field',
- 'REQUIRED_FIELD_EXPLAIN' => 'Force profile field to be filled out or specified by user. This will display the profile field at registration and within the user control panel.',
- 'ROWS' => 'Rows',
- 'SAVE' => 'Save',
- 'SECOND_OPTION' => 'Second option',
- 'STEP_1_EXPLAIN_CREATE' => 'Here you can enter the first basic parameters of your new profile field. This information is needed for the second step where you’ll be able to set remaining options and tweak your profile field further.',
- 'STEP_1_EXPLAIN_EDIT' => 'Here you can change the basic parameters of your profile field. The relevant options are re-calculated within the second step.',
- 'STEP_1_TITLE_CREATE' => 'Add profile field',
- 'STEP_1_TITLE_EDIT' => 'Edit profile field',
- 'STEP_2_EXPLAIN_CREATE' => 'Here you are able to define some common options you may want to adjust.',
- 'STEP_2_EXPLAIN_EDIT' => 'Here you are able to change some common options.<br /><strong>Please note that changes to profile fields will not affect existing profile fields entered by your users.</strong>',
- 'STEP_2_TITLE_CREATE' => 'Profile type specific options',
- 'STEP_2_TITLE_EDIT' => 'Profile type specific options',
- 'STEP_3_EXPLAIN_CREATE' => 'Since you have more than one board language installed, you have to fill out the remaining language items too. The profile field will work with the default language enabled, you are able to fill out the remaining language items later too.',
- 'STEP_3_EXPLAIN_EDIT' => 'Since you have more than one board language installed, you now can change or add the remaining language items too. The profile field will work with the default language enabled.',
- 'STEP_3_TITLE_CREATE' => 'Remaining language definitions',
- 'STEP_3_TITLE_EDIT' => 'Language definitions',
- 'STRING_DEFAULT_VALUE_EXPLAIN' => 'Enter a default phrase to be displayed, a default value. Leave empty if you want to show it empty at the first place.',
- 'TEXT_DEFAULT_VALUE_EXPLAIN' => 'Enter a default text to be displayed, a default value. Leave empty if you want to show it empty at the first place.',
- 'TRANSLATE' => 'Translate',
- 'USER_FIELD_NAME' => 'Field name/title presented to the user',
- 'VISIBILITY_OPTION' => 'Visibility option',
-?> \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/phpBB/language/en/acp/prune.php b/phpBB/language/en/acp/prune.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 31e14d62a1..0000000000
--- a/phpBB/language/en/acp/prune.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,91 +0,0 @@
-* acp_prune [English]
-* @package language
-* @version $Id$
-* @copyright (c) 2005 phpBB Group
-* @license http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php GNU Public License
-if (!defined('IN_PHPBB'))
- exit;
-if (empty($lang) || !is_array($lang))
- $lang = array();
-// All language files should use UTF-8 as their encoding and the files must not contain a BOM.
-// Placeholders can now contain order information, e.g. instead of
-// 'Page %s of %s' you can (and should) write 'Page %1$s of %2$s', this allows
-// translators to re-order the output of data while ensuring it remains correct
-// You do not need this where single placeholders are used, e.g. 'Message %d' is fine
-// equally where a string contains only two placeholders which are used to wrap text
-// in a url you again do not need to specify an order e.g., 'Click %sHERE%s' is fine
-// User pruning
-$lang = array_merge($lang, array(
- 'ACP_PRUNE_USERS_EXPLAIN' => 'Here you can delete (or deactivate) users from your board. This can be done in a variety of ways; by post count, last activity, etc. Each of these criteria can be combined, i.e. you can prune users last active before 2002-01-01 with fewer than 10 posts. Alternatively you can enter a list of users directly into the text box, any criteria entered will be ignored. Take care with this facility! Once a user is deleted there is no way back.',
- 'DEACTIVATE_DELETE' => 'Deactivate or delete',
- 'DEACTIVATE_DELETE_EXPLAIN' => 'Choose whether to deactivate users or delete them entirely, note there is no undo!',
- 'DELETE_USERS' => 'Delete',
- 'DELETE_USER_POSTS' => 'Delete pruned user posts',
- 'DELETE_USER_POSTS_EXPLAIN' => 'Removes posts made by deleted users, has no effect if users are deactivated.',
- 'JOINED_EXPLAIN' => 'Enter a date in <kbd>YYYY-MM-DD</kbd> format.',
- 'LAST_ACTIVE_EXPLAIN' => 'Enter a date in <kbd>YYYY-MM-DD</kbd> format.',
- 'PRUNE_USERS_LIST' => 'Users to be pruned',
- 'PRUNE_USERS_LIST_DELETE' => 'With the selected critera for pruning users the following accounts will be removed.',
- 'PRUNE_USERS_LIST_DEACTIVATE' => 'With the selected critera for pruning users the following accounts will be deactivated.',
- 'SELECT_USERS_EXPLAIN' => 'Enter specific usernames here, they will be used in preference to the criteria above.',
- 'USER_DEACTIVATE_SUCCESS' => 'The selected users have been deactivated successfully.',
- 'USER_DELETE_SUCCESS' => 'The selected users have been deleted successfully.',
- 'USER_PRUNE_FAILURE' => 'No users fit the selected criteria.',
- 'WRONG_ACTIVE_JOINED_DATE' => 'The date entered is wrong, it is expected in <kbd>YYYY-MM-DD</kbd> format.',
-// Forum Pruning
-$lang = array_merge($lang, array(
- 'ACP_PRUNE_FORUMS_EXPLAIN' => 'This will delete any topic which has not been posted to or viewed within the number of days you select. If you do not enter a number then all topics will be deleted. By default, it will not remove topics in which polls are still running nor will it remove stickies and announcements.',
- 'FORUM_PRUNE' => 'Forum prune',
- 'NO_PRUNE' => 'No forums pruned.',
- 'SELECTED_FORUM' => 'Selected forum',
- 'SELECTED_FORUMS' => 'Selected forums',
- 'POSTS_PRUNED' => 'Posts pruned',
- 'PRUNE_ANNOUNCEMENTS' => 'Prune announcements',
- 'PRUNE_FINISHED_POLLS' => 'Prune closed polls',
- 'PRUNE_FINISHED_POLLS_EXPLAIN' => 'Removes topics with polls which have ended.',
- 'PRUNE_FORUM_CONFIRM' => 'Are you sure you want to prune the selected forums with the settings specified? Once removed, there is no way to recover the pruned posts and topics.',
- 'PRUNE_NOT_POSTED' => 'Days since last posted',
- 'PRUNE_NOT_VIEWED' => 'Days since last viewed',
- 'PRUNE_OLD_POLLS' => 'Prune old polls',
- 'PRUNE_OLD_POLLS_EXPLAIN' => 'Removes topics with polls not voted in for post age days.',
- 'PRUNE_STICKY' => 'Prune stickies',
- 'PRUNE_SUCCESS' => 'Pruning of forums was successful.',
- 'TOPICS_PRUNED' => 'Topics pruned',
-?> \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/phpBB/language/en/acp/search.php b/phpBB/language/en/acp/search.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 11e6723c75..0000000000
--- a/phpBB/language/en/acp/search.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,103 +0,0 @@
-* acp_search [English]
-* @package language
-* @version $Id$
-* @copyright (c) 2005 phpBB Group
-* @license http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php GNU Public License
-if (!defined('IN_PHPBB'))
- exit;
-if (empty($lang) || !is_array($lang))
- $lang = array();
-// All language files should use UTF-8 as their encoding and the files must not contain a BOM.
-// Placeholders can now contain order information, e.g. instead of
-// 'Page %s of %s' you can (and should) write 'Page %1$s of %2$s', this allows
-// translators to re-order the output of data while ensuring it remains correct
-// You do not need this where single placeholders are used, e.g. 'Message %d' is fine
-// equally where a string contains only two placeholders which are used to wrap text
-// in a url you again do not need to specify an order e.g., 'Click %sHERE%s' is fine
-$lang = array_merge($lang, array(
- 'ACP_SEARCH_INDEX_EXPLAIN' => 'Here you can manage the search backend’s indexes. Since you normally use only one backend you should delete all indexes that you do not make use of. After altering some of the search settings (e.g. the number of minimum/maximum chars) it might be worth recreating the index so it reflects those changes.',
- 'ACP_SEARCH_SETTINGS_EXPLAIN' => 'Here you can define what search backend will be used for indexing posts and performing searches. You can set various options that can influence how much processing these actions require. Some of these settings are the same for all search engine backends.',
- 'COMMON_WORD_THRESHOLD' => 'Common word threshold',
- 'COMMON_WORD_THRESHOLD_EXPLAIN' => 'Words which are contained in a greater percentage of all posts will be regarded as common. Common words are ignored in search queries. Set to zero to disable. Only takes effect if there are more than 100 posts.',
- 'CONFIRM_SEARCH_BACKEND' => 'Are you sure you wish to switch to a different search backend? After changing the search backend you will have to create an index for the new search backend. If you don’t plan on switching back to the old search backend you can also delete the old backend’s index in order to free system resources.',
- 'CONTINUE_DELETING_INDEX' => 'Continue previous index removal process',
- 'CONTINUE_DELETING_INDEX_EXPLAIN' => 'An index removal process has been started. In order to access the search index page you will have to complete it or cancel it.',
- 'CONTINUE_INDEXING' => 'Continue previous indexing process',
- 'CONTINUE_INDEXING_EXPLAIN' => 'An indexing process has been started. In order to access the search index page you will have to complete it or cancel it.',
- 'CREATE_INDEX' => 'Create index',
- 'DELETE_INDEX' => 'Delete index',
- 'DELETING_INDEX_IN_PROGRESS' => 'Deleting the index in progress',
- 'DELETING_INDEX_IN_PROGRESS_EXPLAIN' => 'The search backend is currently cleaning its index. This can take a few minutes.',
- 'FULLTEXT_MYSQL_INCOMPATIBLE_VERSION' => 'The MySQL fulltext backend can only be used with MySQL4 and above.',
- 'FULLTEXT_MYSQL_NOT_MYISAM' => 'MySQL fulltext indexes can only be used with MyISAM tables.',
- 'FULLTEXT_MYSQL_TOTAL_POSTS' => 'Total number of indexed posts',
- 'GENERAL_SEARCH_SETTINGS' => 'General search settings',
- 'GO_TO_SEARCH_INDEX' => 'Go to search index page',
- 'INDEX_STATS' => 'Index statistics',
- 'INDEXING_IN_PROGRESS' => 'Indexing in progress',
- 'INDEXING_IN_PROGRESS_EXPLAIN' => 'The search backend is currently indexing all posts on the board. This can take from a few minutes to a few hours depending on your board’s size.',
- 'LIMIT_SEARCH_LOAD' => 'Search page system load limit',
- 'LIMIT_SEARCH_LOAD_EXPLAIN' => 'If the 1 minute system load exceeds this value the search page will go offline, 1.0 equals ~100% utilisation of one processor. This only functions on UNIX based servers.',
- 'MAX_SEARCH_CHARS' => 'Max characters indexed by search',
- 'MAX_SEARCH_CHARS_EXPLAIN' => 'Words with no more than this many characters will be indexed for searching.',
- 'MAX_NUM_SEARCH_KEYWORDS' => 'Maximum number of allowed keywords',
- 'MAX_NUM_SEARCH_KEYWORDS_EXPLAIN' => 'Maximum number of words the user is able to search for. A value of 0 allows an unlimited number of words.',
- 'MIN_SEARCH_CHARS' => 'Min characters indexed by search',
- 'MIN_SEARCH_CHARS_EXPLAIN' => 'Words with at least this many characters will be indexed for searching.',
- 'MIN_SEARCH_AUTHOR_CHARS' => 'Min author name characters',
- 'MIN_SEARCH_AUTHOR_CHARS_EXPLAIN' => 'Users have to enter at least this many characters of the name when performing a wildcard author search. If the author’s username is shorter than this number you can still search for the author’s posts by entering the complete username.',
- 'PROGRESS_BAR' => 'Progress bar',
- 'SEARCH_GUEST_INTERVAL' => 'Guest search flood interval',
- 'SEARCH_GUEST_INTERVAL_EXPLAIN' => 'Number of seconds guests must wait between searches. If one guest searches all others have to wait until the time interval passed.',
- 'SEARCH_INDEX_CREATE_REDIRECT' => 'All posts up to post id %1$d have now been indexed, of which %2$d posts were within this step.<br />The current rate of indexing is approximately %3$.1f posts per second.<br />Indexing in progress…',
- 'SEARCH_INDEX_DELETE_REDIRECT' => 'All posts up to post id %1$d have been removed from the search index.<br />Deleting in progress…',
- 'SEARCH_INDEX_CREATED' => 'Successfully indexed all posts in the board database.',
- 'SEARCH_INDEX_REMOVED' => 'Successfully deleted the search index for this backend.',
- 'SEARCH_INTERVAL' => 'User search flood interval',
- 'SEARCH_INTERVAL_EXPLAIN' => 'Number of seconds users must wait between searches. This interval is checked independently for each user.',
- 'SEARCH_STORE_RESULTS' => 'Search result cache length',
- 'SEARCH_STORE_RESULTS_EXPLAIN' => 'Cached search results will expire after this time, in seconds. Set to 0 if you want to disable search cache.',
- 'SEARCH_TYPE' => 'Search backend',
- 'SEARCH_TYPE_EXPLAIN' => 'phpBB allows you to choose the backend that is used for searching text in post contents. By default the search will use phpBB’s own fulltext search.',
- 'SWITCHED_SEARCH_BACKEND' => 'You switched the search backend. In order to use the new search backend you should make sure that there is an index for the backend you chose.',
- 'TOTAL_WORDS' => 'Total number of indexed words',
- 'TOTAL_MATCHES' => 'Total number of word to post relations indexed',
- 'YES_SEARCH' => 'Enable search facilities',
- 'YES_SEARCH_EXPLAIN' => 'Enables user facing search functionality including member search.',
- 'YES_SEARCH_UPDATE' => 'Enable fulltext updating',
- 'YES_SEARCH_UPDATE_EXPLAIN' => 'Updating of fulltext indexes when posting, overridden if search is disabled.',
-?> \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/phpBB/language/en/acp/styles.php b/phpBB/language/en/acp/styles.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 2d28b4fb2a..0000000000
--- a/phpBB/language/en/acp/styles.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,421 +0,0 @@
-* acp_styles [English]
-* @package language
-* @version $Id$
-* @copyright (c) 2005 phpBB Group
-* @license http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php GNU Public License
-if (!defined('IN_PHPBB'))
- exit;
-if (empty($lang) || !is_array($lang))
- $lang = array();
-// All language files should use UTF-8 as their encoding and the files must not contain a BOM.
-// Placeholders can now contain order information, e.g. instead of
-// 'Page %s of %s' you can (and should) write 'Page %1$s of %2$s', this allows
-// translators to re-order the output of data while ensuring it remains correct
-// You do not need this where single placeholders are used, e.g. 'Message %d' is fine
-// equally where a string contains only two placeholders which are used to wrap text
-// in a url you again do not need to specify an order e.g., 'Click %sHERE%s' is fine
-$lang = array_merge($lang, array(
- 'ACP_IMAGESETS_EXPLAIN' => 'Imagesets comprise all the button, forum, folder, etc. and other non-style specific images used by the board. Here you can edit, export or delete existing imagesets and import or activate new sets.',
- 'ACP_STYLES_EXPLAIN' => 'Here you can manage the available styles on your board. A style consists of a template, theme and imageset. You may alter existing styles, delete, deactivate, reactivate, create or import new ones. You can also see what a style will look like using the preview function. The current default style is noted by the presence of an asterisk (*). Also listed is the total user count for each style, note that overriding user styles will not be reflected here.',
- 'ACP_TEMPLATES_EXPLAIN' => 'A template set comprises all the markup used to generate the layout of your board. Here you can edit existing template sets, delete, export, import and preview sets. You can also modify the templating code used to generate BBCode.',
- 'ACP_THEMES_EXPLAIN' => 'From here you can create, install, edit, delete and export themes. A theme is the combination of colours and images that are applied to your templates to define the basic look of your board. The range of options open to you depends on the configuration of your server and phpBB installation, see the manual for further details. Please note that when creating new themes the use of an existing theme as a basis is optional.',
- 'ADD_IMAGESET' => 'Create imageset',
- 'ADD_IMAGESET_EXPLAIN' => 'Here you can create a new imageset. Depending on your server configuration and file permissions you may have additional options here. For example you may be able to base this imageset on an existing one. You may also be able to upload or import (from the store directory) a imageset archive. If you upload or import an archive the imageset name can be optionally taken from the archive name (to do this leave the imageset name blank).',
- 'ADD_STYLE' => 'Create style',
- 'ADD_STYLE_EXPLAIN' => 'Here you can create a new style. Depending on your server configuration and file permissions you may have additional options. For example you may be able to base this style on an existing one. You may also be able to upload or import (from the store directory) a style archive. If you upload or import an archive the style name will be determined automatically.',
- 'ADD_TEMPLATE' => 'Create template',
- 'ADD_TEMPLATE_EXPLAIN' => 'Here you can add a new template. Depending on your server configuration and file permissions you may have additional options here. For example you may be able to base this template set on an existing one. You may also be able to upload or import (from the store directory) a template archive. If you upload or import an archive the template name can be optionally taken from the archive name (to do this leave the template name blank).',
- 'ADD_THEME' => 'Create theme',
- 'ADD_THEME_EXPLAIN' => 'Here you can add a new theme. Depending on your server configuration and file permissions you may have additional options here. For example you may be able to base this theme on an existing one. You may also be able to upload or import (from the store directory) a theme archive. If you upload or import an archive the theme name can be optionally taken from the archive name (to do this leave the theme name blank).',
- 'ARCHIVE_FORMAT' => 'Archive file type',
- 'AUTOMATIC_EXPLAIN' => 'Leave blank to attempt automatic detection.',
- 'BACKGROUND' => 'Background',
- 'BACKGROUND_COLOUR' => 'Background colour',
- 'BACKGROUND_IMAGE' => 'Background image',
- 'BACKGROUND_REPEAT' => 'Background repeat',
- 'BOLD' => 'Bold',
- 'CACHE' => 'Cache',
- 'CACHE_CACHED' => 'Cached',
- 'CACHE_FILENAME' => 'Template file',
- 'CACHE_FILESIZE' => 'File size',
- 'CACHE_MODIFIED' => 'Modified',
- 'CONFIRM_IMAGESET_REFRESH' => 'Are you sure you wish to refresh all imageset data? The settings from the imageset configuration file will overwrite all modifications to the imageset which have been carried out with the imageset editor.',
- 'CONFIRM_TEMPLATE_CLEAR_CACHE' => 'Are you sure you wish to clear all cached versions of your template files?',
- 'CONFIRM_THEME_REFRESH' => 'Are you sure you wish to refresh the theme data stored in the database with the contents of the theme on the filesystem? This will overwrite all modifications which have been carried out with the theme editor while the theme was stored in the database.',
- 'COPYRIGHT' => 'Copyright',
- 'CREATE_IMAGESET' => 'Create new imageset',
- 'CREATE_STYLE' => 'Create new style',
- 'CREATE_TEMPLATE' => 'Create new template set',
- 'CREATE_THEME' => 'Create new theme',
- 'CURRENT_IMAGE' => 'Current image',
- 'DEACTIVATE_DEFAULT' => 'You cannot deactivate the default style.',
- 'DELETE_FROM_FS' => 'Delete from filesystem',
- 'DELETE_IMAGESET' => 'Delete imageset',
- 'DELETE_IMAGESET_EXPLAIN' => 'Here you can remove the selected imageset from the database. Additionally, if you have permission you can elect to remove the set from the filesystem. Please note that there is no undo capability. When the imageset is deleted it is gone for good. It is recommended that you first export your set for possible future use.',
- 'DELETE_STYLE' => 'Delete style',
- 'DELETE_STYLE_EXPLAIN' => 'Here you can remove the selected style. You cannot remove all the style elements from here. These must be deleted individually via their respective forms. Take care in deleting styles there is no undo facility.',
- 'DELETE_TEMPLATE' => 'Delete template',
- 'DELETE_TEMPLATE_EXPLAIN' => 'Here you can remove the selected template set from the database. Additionally, if you have permission you can elect to remove the set from the filesystem. Please note that there is no undo capability. When the templates are deleted they are gone for good. It is recommended that you first export your set for possible future use.',
- 'DELETE_THEME' => 'Delete theme',
- 'DELETE_THEME_EXPLAIN' => 'Here you can remove the selected theme from the database. Additionally, if you have permission you can elect to remove the theme from the filesystem. Please note that there is no undo capability. When the theme is deleted it is gone for good. It is recommended that you first export your theme for possible future use.',
- 'DETAILS' => 'Details',
- 'DIMENSIONS_EXPLAIN' => 'Selecting yes here will include width/height parameters.',
- 'EDIT_DETAILS_IMAGESET' => 'Edit imageset details',
- 'EDIT_DETAILS_IMAGESET_EXPLAIN' => 'Here you can edit certain imageset details such as its name.',
- 'EDIT_DETAILS_STYLE' => 'Edit style',
- 'EDIT_DETAILS_STYLE_EXPLAIN' => 'Using the form below you can modify this existing style. You may alter the combination of template, theme and imageset which define the style itself. You may also make the style the default one.',
- 'EDIT_DETAILS_TEMPLATE' => 'Edit template details',
- 'EDIT_DETAILS_TEMPLATE_EXPLAIN' => 'Here you can edit certain template details such as its name. You may also have the option to switch storage of the stylesheet from the filesystem to the database and vice versa. This option depends on your PHP configuration and whether your template set can be written to by the web server.',
- 'EDIT_DETAILS_THEME' => 'Edit theme details',
- 'EDIT_DETAILS_THEME_EXPLAIN' => 'Here you can edit certain theme details such as its name. You may also have the option to switch storage of the stylesheet from the filesystem to the database and vice versa. This option depends on your PHP configuration and whether your stylesheet can be written to by the web server.',
- 'EDIT_IMAGESET' => 'Edit imageset',
- 'EDIT_IMAGESET_EXPLAIN' => 'Here you can edit the individual images which define the imageset. You can also specify dimensions for the image. Dimensions are optional, specifying them can overcome certain rendering issues with some browsers. By not specifying them you reduce the size of the database record a little.',
- 'EDIT_TEMPLATE' => 'Edit template',
- 'EDIT_TEMPLATE_EXPLAIN' => 'Here you can edit your template set directly. Please remember that these edits are permanent and cannot be undone once submitted. If PHP can write to the template files in your styles directory any changes here will be written directly to those files. If PHP cannot write to those files they will be copied into the database and all changes will only be reflected there. Please take care when editing your template set, remember to close all replacement variable terms {XXXX} and conditional statements.',
- 'EDIT_THEME' => 'Edit theme',
- 'EDIT_THEME_EXPLAIN' => 'Here you can edit the selected theme, changing colours, images, etc.',
- 'EDIT_THEME_STORED_DB' => 'The stylesheet file was unwritable so the stylesheet is now stored in the database containing your modification.',
- 'EDIT_THEME_STORE_PARSED' => 'The theme requires that its stylesheet is parsed. This is only possible if it’s stored in the database.',
- 'EXPORT' => 'Export',
- 'FOREGROUND' => 'Foreground',
- 'FONT_COLOUR' => 'Font colour',
- 'FONT_FACE' => 'Font face',
- 'FONT_FACE_EXPLAIN' => 'You can specify multiple fonts separated by commas. If a user doesn’t have the first font installed the first other working font will be chosen.',
- 'FONT_SIZE' => 'Font size',
- 'GLOBAL_IMAGES' => 'Global',
- 'HIDE_CSS' => 'Hide raw CSS',
- 'IMAGE_WIDTH' => 'Image width',
- 'IMAGE_HEIGHT' => 'Image height',
- 'IMAGE' => 'Image',
- 'IMAGE_NAME' => 'Image name',
- 'IMAGE_PARAMETER' => 'Parameter',
- 'IMAGE_VALUE' => 'Value',
- 'IMAGESET_ADDED' => 'New imageset added on filesystem.',
- 'IMAGESET_ADDED_DB' => 'New imageset added to database.',
- 'IMAGESET_DELETED' => 'Imageset deleted successfully.',
- 'IMAGESET_DELETED_FS' => 'Imageset removed from database but some files may remain on the filesystem.',
- 'IMAGESET_DETAILS_UPDATED' => 'Imageset details successfully updated.',
- 'IMAGESET_ERR_ARCHIVE' => 'Please select an archive method.',
- 'IMAGESET_ERR_COPY_LONG' => 'The copyright can be no longer than 60 characters.',
- 'IMAGESET_ERR_NAME_CHARS' => 'The imageset name can only contain alphanumeric characters, -, +, _ and space.',
- 'IMAGESET_ERR_NAME_EXIST' => 'A imageset with that name already exists.',
- 'IMAGESET_ERR_NAME_LONG' => 'The imageset name can be no longer than 30 characters.',
- 'IMAGESET_ERR_NOT_IMAGESET' => 'The archive you specified does not contain a valid imageset.',
- 'IMAGESET_ERR_STYLE_NAME' => 'You must supply a name for this imageset.',
- 'IMAGESET_EXPORT' => 'Export imageset',
- 'IMAGESET_EXPORT_EXPLAIN' => 'Here you can export an imageset in the form of an archive. This archive will contain all the data necessary to install the set of images on another board. You may select whether to download the file directly or to place it in your store folder for download later or via FTP.',
- 'IMAGESET_EXPORTED' => 'Imageset exported successfully and stored in %s.',
- 'IMAGESET_NAME' => 'Imageset name',
- 'IMAGESET_REFRESHED' => 'Imageset refreshed successfully.',
- 'IMAGESET_UPDATED' => 'Imageset updated successfully.',
- 'ITALIC' => 'Italic',
- 'IMG_CAT_BUTTONS' => 'Localised buttons',
- 'IMG_CAT_CUSTOM' => 'Custom images',
- 'IMG_CAT_FOLDERS' => 'Topic icons',
- 'IMG_CAT_FORUMS' => 'Forum icons',
- 'IMG_CAT_ICONS' => 'General icons',
- 'IMG_CAT_LOGOS' => 'Logos',
- 'IMG_CAT_POLLS' => 'Polling images',
- 'IMG_CAT_UI' => 'General user interface elements',
- 'IMG_CAT_USER' => 'Additional images',
- 'IMG_SITE_LOGO' => 'Main logo',
- 'IMG_UPLOAD_BAR' => 'Upload progress bar',
- 'IMG_POLL_LEFT' => 'Poll left end',
- 'IMG_POLL_CENTER' => 'Poll centre',
- 'IMG_POLL_RIGHT' => 'Poll right end',
- 'IMG_ICON_FRIEND' => 'Add as friend',
- 'IMG_ICON_FOE' => 'Add as foe',
- 'IMG_FORUM_LINK' => 'Forum link',
- 'IMG_FORUM_READ' => 'Forum',
- 'IMG_FORUM_READ_LOCKED' => 'Forum locked',
- 'IMG_FORUM_READ_SUBFORUM' => 'Subforum',
- 'IMG_FORUM_UNREAD' => 'Forum new posts',
- 'IMG_FORUM_UNREAD_LOCKED' => 'Forum new posts locked',
- 'IMG_FORUM_UNREAD_SUBFORUM' => 'Subforum new posts',
- 'IMG_SUBFORUM_READ' => 'Legend subforum',
- 'IMG_SUBFORUM_UNREAD' => 'Legend subforum new posts',
- 'IMG_TOPIC_MOVED' => 'Topic moved',
- 'IMG_TOPIC_READ' => 'Topic',
- 'IMG_TOPIC_READ_MINE' => 'Topic posted to',
- 'IMG_TOPIC_READ_HOT' => 'Topic popular',
- 'IMG_TOPIC_READ_HOT_MINE' => 'Topic popular posted to',
- 'IMG_TOPIC_READ_LOCKED' => 'Topic locked',
- 'IMG_TOPIC_READ_LOCKED_MINE' => 'Topic locked posted to',
- 'IMG_TOPIC_UNREAD' => 'Topic new posts',
- 'IMG_TOPIC_UNREAD_MINE' => 'Topic posted to new',
- 'IMG_TOPIC_UNREAD_HOT' => 'Topic popular new posts',
- 'IMG_TOPIC_UNREAD_HOT_MINE' => 'Topic popular posted to new',
- 'IMG_TOPIC_UNREAD_LOCKED' => 'Topic locked new',
- 'IMG_TOPIC_UNREAD_LOCKED_MINE' => 'Topic locked posted to new',
- 'IMG_STICKY_READ' => 'Sticky topic',
- 'IMG_STICKY_READ_MINE' => 'Sticky topic posted to',
- 'IMG_STICKY_READ_LOCKED' => 'Sticky topic locked',
- 'IMG_STICKY_READ_LOCKED_MINE' => 'Sticky topic locked posted to',
- 'IMG_STICKY_UNREAD' => 'Sticky topic new posts',
- 'IMG_STICKY_UNREAD_MINE' => 'Sticky topic posted to new',
- 'IMG_STICKY_UNREAD_LOCKED' => 'Sticky topic locked new posts',
- 'IMG_STICKY_UNREAD_LOCKED_MINE' => 'Sticky topic locked posted to new',
- 'IMG_ANNOUNCE_READ' => 'Announcement',
- 'IMG_ANNOUNCE_READ_MINE' => 'Announcement posted to',
- 'IMG_ANNOUNCE_READ_LOCKED' => 'Announcement locked',
- 'IMG_ANNOUNCE_READ_LOCKED_MINE' => 'Announcement locked posted to',
- 'IMG_ANNOUNCE_UNREAD' => 'Announcement new posts',
- 'IMG_ANNOUNCE_UNREAD_MINE' => 'Announcement posted to new',
- 'IMG_ANNOUNCE_UNREAD_LOCKED' => 'Announcement locked new posts',
- 'IMG_ANNOUNCE_UNREAD_LOCKED_MINE' => 'Announcement locked posted to new',
- 'IMG_GLOBAL_READ' => 'Global',
- 'IMG_GLOBAL_READ_MINE' => 'Global posted to',
- 'IMG_GLOBAL_READ_LOCKED' => 'Global locked',
- 'IMG_GLOBAL_READ_LOCKED_MINE' => 'Global locked posted to',
- 'IMG_GLOBAL_UNREAD' => 'Global new posts',
- 'IMG_GLOBAL_UNREAD_MINE' => 'Global posted to new',
- 'IMG_GLOBAL_UNREAD_LOCKED' => 'Global locked new posts',
- 'IMG_GLOBAL_UNREAD_LOCKED_MINE' => 'Global locked posted to new',
- 'IMG_PM_READ' => 'Read private message',
- 'IMG_PM_UNREAD' => 'Unread private message',
- 'IMG_ICON_BACK_TOP' => 'Top',
- 'IMG_ICON_CONTACT_EMAIL' => 'Send e-mail',
- 'IMG_ICON_CONTACT_PM' => 'Send message',
- 'IMG_ICON_CONTACT_WWW' => 'Website',
- 'IMG_ICON_POST_DELETE' => 'Delete post',
- 'IMG_ICON_POST_EDIT' => 'Edit post',
- 'IMG_ICON_POST_INFO' => 'Show post details',
- 'IMG_ICON_POST_QUOTE' => 'Quote post',
- 'IMG_ICON_POST_REPORT' => 'Report post',
- 'IMG_ICON_POST_TARGET' => 'Minipost',
- 'IMG_ICON_POST_TARGET_UNREAD' => 'New minipost',
- 'IMG_ICON_TOPIC_ATTACH' => 'Attachment',
- 'IMG_ICON_TOPIC_LATEST' => 'Last post',
- 'IMG_ICON_TOPIC_NEWEST' => 'Last unread post',
- 'IMG_ICON_TOPIC_REPORTED' => 'Post reported',
- 'IMG_ICON_TOPIC_UNAPPROVED' => 'Post unapproved',
- 'IMG_ICON_USER_ONLINE' => 'User online',
- 'IMG_ICON_USER_OFFLINE' => 'User offline',
- 'IMG_ICON_USER_PROFILE' => 'Show profile',
- 'IMG_ICON_USER_SEARCH' => 'Search posts',
- 'IMG_ICON_USER_WARN' => 'Warn user',
- 'IMG_BUTTON_PM_FORWARD' => 'Forward private message',
- 'IMG_BUTTON_PM_NEW' => 'New private message',
- 'IMG_BUTTON_PM_REPLY' => 'Reply private message',
- 'IMG_BUTTON_TOPIC_LOCKED' => 'Topic locked',
- 'IMG_BUTTON_TOPIC_NEW' => 'New topic',
- 'IMG_BUTTON_TOPIC_REPLY' => 'Reply topic',
- 'IMG_USER_ICON1' => 'User defined image 1',
- 'IMG_USER_ICON2' => 'User defined image 2',
- 'IMG_USER_ICON3' => 'User defined image 3',
- 'IMG_USER_ICON4' => 'User defined image 4',
- 'IMG_USER_ICON5' => 'User defined image 5',
- 'IMG_USER_ICON6' => 'User defined image 6',
- 'IMG_USER_ICON7' => 'User defined image 7',
- 'IMG_USER_ICON8' => 'User defined image 8',
- 'IMG_USER_ICON9' => 'User defined image 9',
- 'IMG_USER_ICON10' => 'User defined image 10',
- 'INCLUDE_DIMENSIONS' => 'Include dimensions',
- 'INCLUDE_IMAGESET' => 'Include imageset',
- 'INCLUDE_TEMPLATE' => 'Include template',
- 'INCLUDE_THEME' => 'Include theme',
- 'INSTALL_IMAGESET' => 'Install imageset',
- 'INSTALL_IMAGESET_EXPLAIN' => 'Here you can install your selected imageset. You can edit certain details if you wish or use the installation defaults.',
- 'INSTALL_STYLE' => 'Install style',
- 'INSTALL_STYLE_EXPLAIN' => 'Here you can install a new style and if appropriate the corresponding style elements. If you already have the relevant style elements installed they will not be overwritten. Some styles require existing style elements to already be installed. If you try installing such a style and do not have the required elements you will be notified.',
- 'INSTALL_TEMPLATE' => 'Install Template',
- 'INSTALL_TEMPLATE_EXPLAIN' => 'Here you can install a new template set. Depending on your server configuration you may have a number of options here.',
- 'INSTALL_THEME' => 'Install theme',
- 'INSTALL_THEME_EXPLAIN' => 'Here you can install your selected theme. You can edit certain details if you wish or use the installation defaults.',
- 'INSTALLED_IMAGESET' => 'Installed imagesets',
- 'INSTALLED_STYLE' => 'Installed styles',
- 'INSTALLED_TEMPLATE' => 'Installed templates',
- 'INSTALLED_THEME' => 'Installed themes',
- 'LINE_SPACING' => 'Line spacing',
- 'LOCALISED_IMAGES' => 'Localised',
- 'NO_CLASS' => 'Cannot find class in stylesheet.',
- 'NO_IMAGESET' => 'Cannot find imageset on filesystem.',
- 'NO_IMAGE' => 'No image',
- 'NO_IMAGE_ERROR' => 'Cannot find image on filesystem.',
- 'NO_STYLE' => 'Cannot find style on filesystem.',
- 'NO_TEMPLATE' => 'Cannot find template on filesystem.',
- 'NO_THEME' => 'Cannot find theme on filesystem.',
- 'NO_UNINSTALLED_IMAGESET' => 'No uninstalled imagesets detected.',
- 'NO_UNINSTALLED_STYLE' => 'No uninstalled styles detected.',
- 'NO_UNINSTALLED_TEMPLATE' => 'No uninstalled templates detected.',
- 'NO_UNINSTALLED_THEME' => 'No uninstalled themes detected.',
- 'NO_UNIT' => 'None',
- 'ONLY_IMAGESET' => 'This is the only remaining imageset, you cannot delete it.',
- 'ONLY_STYLE' => 'This is the only remaining style, you cannot delete it.',
- 'ONLY_TEMPLATE' => 'This is the only remaining template set, you cannot delete it.',
- 'ONLY_THEME' => 'This is the only remaining theme, you cannot delete it.',
- 'OPTIONAL_BASIS' => 'Optional basis',
- 'REFRESH' => 'Refresh',
- 'REPEAT_NO' => 'None',
- 'REPEAT_X' => 'Only horizontally',
- 'REPEAT_Y' => 'Only vertically',
- 'REPEAT_ALL' => 'Both directions',
- 'REPLACE_IMAGESET' => 'Replace imageset with',
- 'REPLACE_IMAGESET_EXPLAIN' => 'This imageset will replace the one you are deleting in any styles that use it.',
- 'REPLACE_STYLE' => 'Replace style with',
- 'REPLACE_STYLE_EXPLAIN' => 'This style will replace the one being deleted for members that use it.',
- 'REPLACE_TEMPLATE' => 'Replace template with',
- 'REPLACE_TEMPLATE_EXPLAIN' => 'This template set will replace the one you are deleting in any styles that use it.',
- 'REPLACE_THEME' => 'Replace theme with',
- 'REPLACE_THEME_EXPLAIN' => 'This theme will replace the one you are deleting in any styles that use it.',
- 'REQUIRES_IMAGESET' => 'This style requires the %s imageset to be installed.',
- 'REQUIRES_TEMPLATE' => 'This style requires the %s template set to be installed.',
- 'REQUIRES_THEME' => 'This style requires the %s theme to be installed.',
- 'SELECT_IMAGE' => 'Select image',
- 'SELECT_TEMPLATE' => 'Select template file',
- 'SELECT_THEME' => 'Select theme file',
- 'SELECTED_IMAGE' => 'Selected image',
- 'SELECTED_IMAGESET' => 'Selected imageset',
- 'SELECTED_TEMPLATE' => 'Selected template',
- 'SELECTED_TEMPLATE_FILE' => 'Selected template file',
- 'SELECTED_THEME' => 'Selected theme',
- 'SELECTED_THEME_FILE' => 'Selected theme file',
- 'STORE_DATABASE' => 'Database',
- 'STORE_FILESYSTEM' => 'Filesystem',
- 'STYLE_ACTIVATE' => 'Activate',
- 'STYLE_ACTIVE' => 'Active',
- 'STYLE_ADDED' => 'Style added successfully.',
- 'STYLE_DEACTIVATE' => 'Deactivate',
- 'STYLE_DEFAULT' => 'Make default style',
- 'STYLE_DELETED' => 'Style deleted successfully.',
- 'STYLE_DETAILS_UPDATED' => 'Style edited successfully.',
- 'STYLE_ERR_ARCHIVE' => 'Please select an archive method.',
- 'STYLE_ERR_COPY_LONG' => 'The copyright can be no longer than 60 characters.',
- 'STYLE_ERR_MORE_ELEMENTS' => 'You must select at least one style element.',
- 'STYLE_ERR_NAME_CHARS' => 'The style name can only contain alphanumeric characters, -, +, _ and space.',
- 'STYLE_ERR_NAME_EXIST' => 'A style with that name already exists.',
- 'STYLE_ERR_NAME_LONG' => 'The style name can be no longer than 30 characters.',
- 'STYLE_ERR_NO_IDS' => 'You must select a template, theme and imageset for this style.',
- 'STYLE_ERR_NOT_STYLE' => 'The imported or uploaded file did not contain a valid style archive.',
- 'STYLE_ERR_STYLE_NAME' => 'You must supply a name for this style.',
- 'STYLE_EXPORT' => 'Export style',
- 'STYLE_EXPORT_EXPLAIN' => 'Here you can export a style in the form of an archive. A style does not need to contain all elements but it must contain at least one. For example if you have created a new theme and imageset for a commonly used template you could simply export the theme and imageset and omit the template. You may select whether to download the file directly or to place it in your store folder for download later or via FTP.',
- 'STYLE_EXPORTED' => 'Style exported successfully and stored in %s.',
- 'STYLE_IMAGESET' => 'Imageset',
- 'STYLE_NAME' => 'Style name',
- 'STYLE_TEMPLATE' => 'Template',
- 'STYLE_THEME' => 'Theme',
- 'STYLE_USED_BY' => 'Used by (including robots)',
- 'TEMPLATE_ADDED' => 'Template set added and stored on filesystem.',
- 'TEMPLATE_CACHE' => 'Template cache',
- 'TEMPLATE_CACHE_EXPLAIN' => 'By default phpBB caches the compiled version of its templates. This decreases the load on the server each time a page is viewed and thus may reduce the page generation time. Here you can view the cache status of each file and delete individual files or the entire cache.',
- 'TEMPLATE_CACHE_CLEARED' => 'Template cache cleared successfully.',
- 'TEMPLATE_CACHE_EMPTY' => 'There are no cached templates.',
- 'TEMPLATE_DELETED' => 'Template set deleted successfully.',
- 'TEMPLATE_DELETED_FS' => 'Template set removed from database but some files may remain on the filesystem.',
- 'TEMPLATE_DETAILS_UPDATED' => 'Template details successfully updated.',
- 'TEMPLATE_EDITOR' => 'Raw HTML template editor',
- 'TEMPLATE_EDITOR_HEIGHT' => 'Template editor height',
- 'TEMPLATE_ERR_ARCHIVE' => 'Please select an archive method.',
- 'TEMPLATE_ERR_CACHE_READ' => 'The cache directory used to store cached versions of template files could not be opened.',
- 'TEMPLATE_ERR_COPY_LONG' => 'The copyright can be no longer than 60 characters.',
- 'TEMPLATE_ERR_NAME_CHARS' => 'The template name can only contain alphanumeric characters, -, +, _ and space.',
- 'TEMPLATE_ERR_NAME_EXIST' => 'A template set with that name already exists.',
- 'TEMPLATE_ERR_NAME_LONG' => 'The template name can be no longer than 30 characters.',
- 'TEMPLATE_ERR_NOT_TEMPLATE' => 'The archive you specified does not contain a valid template set.',
- 'TEMPLATE_ERR_STYLE_NAME' => 'You must supply a name for this template.',
- 'TEMPLATE_EXPORT' => 'Export templates',
- 'TEMPLATE_EXPORT_EXPLAIN' => 'Here you can export a template set in the form of an archive. This archive will contain all the files necessary to install the templates on another board. You may select whether to download the file directly or to place it in your store folder for download later or via FTP.',
- 'TEMPLATE_EXPORTED' => 'Templates exported successfully and stored in %s.',
- 'TEMPLATE_FILE' => 'Template file',
- 'TEMPLATE_FILE_UPDATED' => 'Template file updated successfully.',
- 'TEMPLATE_LOCATION' => 'Store templates in',
- 'TEMPLATE_LOCATION_EXPLAIN' => 'Images are always stored on the filesystem.',
- 'TEMPLATE_NAME' => 'Template name',
- 'THEME_ADDED' => 'New theme added on filesystem.',
- 'THEME_ADDED_DB' => 'New theme added to database.',
- 'THEME_CLASS_ADDED' => 'Custom class added successfully.',
- 'THEME_DELETED' => 'Theme deleted successfully.',
- 'THEME_DELETED_FS' => 'Theme removed from database but files remain on the filesystem.',
- 'THEME_DETAILS_UPDATED' => 'Theme details successfully updated.',
- 'THEME_EDITOR' => 'Theme editor',
- 'THEME_EDITOR_HEIGHT' => 'Theme editor height',
- 'THEME_ERR_ARCHIVE' => 'Please select an archive method.',
- 'THEME_ERR_CLASS_CHARS' => 'Only alphanumeric characters plus ., :, -, _ and # are valid in class names.',
- 'THEME_ERR_COPY_LONG' => 'The copyright can be no longer than 60 characters.',
- 'THEME_ERR_NAME_CHARS' => 'The theme name can only contain alphanumeric characters, -, +, _ and space.',
- 'THEME_ERR_NAME_EXIST' => 'A theme with that name already exists.',
- 'THEME_ERR_NAME_LONG' => 'The theme name can be no longer than 30 characters.',
- 'THEME_ERR_NOT_THEME' => 'The archive you specified does not contain a valid theme.',
- 'THEME_ERR_REFRESH_FS' => 'This theme is stored on the filesystem so there is no need to refresh it.',
- 'THEME_ERR_STYLE_NAME' => 'You must supply a name for this theme.',
- 'THEME_FILE' => 'Theme file',
- 'THEME_EXPORT' => 'Export Theme',
- 'THEME_EXPORT_EXPLAIN' => 'Here you can export a theme in the form of an archive. This archive will contain all the data necessary to install the theme on another board. You may select whether to download the file directly or to place it in your store folder for download later or via FTP.',
- 'THEME_EXPORTED' => 'Theme exported successfully and stored in %s.',
- 'THEME_LOCATION' => 'Store stylesheet in',
- 'THEME_LOCATION_EXPLAIN' => 'Images are always stored on the filesystem.',
- 'THEME_NAME' => 'Theme name',
- 'THEME_REFRESHED' => 'Theme refreshed successfully.',
- 'THEME_UPDATED' => 'Theme updated successfully.',
- 'UNDERLINE' => 'Underline',
- 'UNINSTALLED_IMAGESET' => 'Uninstalled imagesets',
- 'UNINSTALLED_STYLE' => 'Uninstalled styles',
- 'UNINSTALLED_TEMPLATE' => 'Uninstalled templates',
- 'UNINSTALLED_THEME' => 'Uninstalled themes',
- 'UNSET' => 'Undefined',
-?> \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/phpBB/language/en/acp/users.php b/phpBB/language/en/acp/users.php
deleted file mode 100644
index dc28032483..0000000000
--- a/phpBB/language/en/acp/users.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,132 +0,0 @@
-* acp_users [English]
-* @package language
-* @version $Id$
-* @copyright (c) 2005 phpBB Group
-* @license http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php GNU Public License
-if (!defined('IN_PHPBB'))
- exit;
-if (empty($lang) || !is_array($lang))
- $lang = array();
-// All language files should use UTF-8 as their encoding and the files must not contain a BOM.
-// Placeholders can now contain order information, e.g. instead of
-// 'Page %s of %s' you can (and should) write 'Page %1$s of %2$s', this allows
-// translators to re-order the output of data while ensuring it remains correct
-// You do not need this where single placeholders are used, e.g. 'Message %d' is fine
-// equally where a string contains only two placeholders which are used to wrap text
-// in a url you again do not need to specify an order e.g., 'Click %sHERE%s' is fine
-$lang = array_merge($lang, array(
- 'ADMIN_SIG_PREVIEW' => 'Signature preview',
- 'AT_LEAST_ONE_FOUNDER' => 'You are not able to change this founder to a normal user. There needs to be at least one founder enabled for this board. If you want to change this users founder status, promote another user to be a founder first.',
- 'BAN_ALREADY_ENTERED' => 'The ban had been previously entered successfully. The ban list has not been updated.',
- 'BAN_SUCCESSFUL' => 'Ban entered successfully.',
- 'CANNOT_BAN_FOUNDER' => 'You are not allowed to ban founder accounts.',
- 'CANNOT_BAN_YOURSELF' => 'You are not allowed to ban yourself.',
- 'CANNOT_DEACTIVATE_BOT' => 'You are not allowed to deactivate bot accounts. Please deactivate the bot within the bots page instead.',
- 'CANNOT_DEACTIVATE_FOUNDER' => 'You are not allowed to deactivate founder accounts.',
- 'CANNOT_DEACTIVATE_YOURSELF' => 'You are not allowed to deactivate your own account.',
- 'CANNOT_FORCE_REACT_BOT' => 'You are not allowed to force reactivation on bot accounts. Please reactivate the bot within the bots page instead.',
- 'CANNOT_FORCE_REACT_FOUNDER' => 'You are not allowed to force reactivation on founder accounts.',
- 'CANNOT_FORCE_REACT_YOURSELF' => 'You are not allowed to force reactivation of your own account.',
- 'CANNOT_REMOVE_ANONYMOUS' => 'You are not able to remove the guest user account.',
- 'CANNOT_REMOVE_YOURSELF' => 'You are not allowed to remove your own user account.',
- 'CANNOT_SET_FOUNDER_IGNORED' => 'You are not able to promote ignored users to be founders.',
- 'CANNOT_SET_FOUNDER_INACTIVE' => 'You need to activate users before you promote them to founders, only activated users are able to be promoted.',
- 'CONFIRM_EMAIL_EXPLAIN' => 'You only need to specify this if you are changing the users e-mail address.',
- 'DELETE_POSTS' => 'Delete posts',
- 'DELETE_USER' => 'Delete user',
- 'DELETE_USER_EXPLAIN' => 'Please note that deleting a user is final, they cannot be recovered.',
- 'FORCE_REACTIVATION_SUCCESS' => 'Successfully forced reactivation.',
- 'FOUNDER' => 'Founder',
- 'FOUNDER_EXPLAIN' => 'Founders have all administrative permissions and can never be banned, deleted or altered by non-founder members.',
- 'GROUP_APPROVE' => 'Approve member',
- 'GROUP_DEFAULT' => 'Make group default for member',
- 'GROUP_DELETE' => 'Remove member from group',
- 'GROUP_DEMOTE' => 'Demote group leader',
- 'GROUP_PROMOTE' => 'Promote to group leader',
- 'IP_WHOIS_FOR' => 'IP whois for %s',
- 'LAST_ACTIVE' => 'Last active',
- 'MOVE_POSTS_EXPLAIN' => 'Please select the forum to which you wish to move all the posts this user has made.',
- 'NO_SPECIAL_RANK' => 'No special rank assigned',
- 'NOT_MANAGE_FOUNDER' => 'You tried to manage a user with founder status. Only founders are allowed to manage other founders.',
- 'QUICK_TOOLS' => 'Quick tools',
- 'REGISTERED' => 'Registered',
- 'REGISTERED_IP' => 'Registered from IP',
- 'RETAIN_POSTS' => 'Retain posts',
- 'SELECT_FORM' => 'Select form',
- 'SELECT_USER' => 'Select user',
- 'USER_ADMIN' => 'User administration',
- 'USER_ADMIN_ACTIVATE' => 'Activate account',
- 'USER_ADMIN_ACTIVATED' => 'User activated successfully.',
- 'USER_ADMIN_AVATAR_REMOVED' => 'Successfully removed avatar from user account.',
- 'USER_ADMIN_BAN_EMAIL' => 'Ban by e-mail',
- 'USER_ADMIN_BAN_EMAIL_REASON' => 'E-mail address banned via user management',
- 'USER_ADMIN_BAN_IP' => 'Ban by IP',
- 'USER_ADMIN_BAN_IP_REASON' => 'IP banned via user management',
- 'USER_ADMIN_BAN_NAME_REASON' => 'Username banned via user management',
- 'USER_ADMIN_BAN_USER' => 'Ban by username',
- 'USER_ADMIN_DEACTIVATE' => 'Deactivate account',
- 'USER_ADMIN_DEACTIVED' => 'User deactivated successfully.',
- 'USER_ADMIN_DEL_ATTACH' => 'Delete all attachments',
- 'USER_ADMIN_DEL_AVATAR' => 'Delete avatar',
- 'USER_ADMIN_DEL_POSTS' => 'Delete all posts',
- 'USER_ADMIN_DEL_SIG' => 'Delete signature',
- 'USER_ADMIN_EXPLAIN' => 'Here you can change your users information and certain specific options.',
- 'USER_ADMIN_FORCE' => 'Force reactivation',
- 'USER_ADMIN_MOVE_POSTS' => 'Move all posts',
- 'USER_ADMIN_SIG_REMOVED' => 'Successfully removed signature from user account.',
- 'USER_ATTACHMENTS_REMOVED' => 'Successfully removed all attachments made by this user.',
- 'USER_AVATAR_UPDATED' => 'Successfully updated user avatars details.',
- 'USER_CUSTOM_PROFILE_FIELDS' => 'Custom profile fields',
- 'USER_DELETED' => 'User deleted successfully.',
- 'USER_GROUP_ADD' => 'Add user to group',
- 'USER_GROUP_NORMAL' => 'User defined groups user is a member of',
- 'USER_GROUP_PENDING' => 'Groups user is in pending mode',
- 'USER_GROUP_SPECIAL' => 'Pre-defined groups user is a member of',
- 'USER_NO_ATTACHMENTS' => 'There are no attached files to display.',
- 'USER_OVERVIEW_UPDATED' => 'User details updated.',
- 'USER_POSTS_DELETED' => 'Successfully removed all posts made by this user.',
- 'USER_POSTS_MOVED' => 'Successfully moved users posts to target forum.',
- 'USER_PREFS_UPDATED' => 'User preferences updated.',
- 'USER_PROFILE' => 'User profile',
- 'USER_PROFILE_UPDATED' => 'User profile updated.',
- 'USER_RANK' => 'User rank',
- 'USER_RANK_UPDATED' => 'User rank updated.',
- 'USER_SIG_UPDATED' => 'User signature successfully updated.',
- 'USER_TOOLS' => 'Basic tools',
-?> \ No newline at end of file