path: root/phpBB/install/install_update.php
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'phpBB/install/install_update.php')
1 files changed, 77 insertions, 128 deletions
diff --git a/phpBB/install/install_update.php b/phpBB/install/install_update.php
index 2f3ee1c55a..b7b358ab2f 100644
--- a/phpBB/install/install_update.php
+++ b/phpBB/install/install_update.php
@@ -2,9 +2,8 @@
* @package install
-* @version $Id$
* @copyright (c) 2006 phpBB Group
-* @license http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php GNU Public License
+* @license http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.php GNU General Public License v2
* @todo check for writable cache/store/files directory
@@ -40,7 +39,7 @@ if (!empty($setmodules))
'module_filename' => substr(basename(__FILE__), 0, -strlen($phpEx)-1),
'module_order' => 30,
'module_subs' => '',
- 'module_stages' => array('INTRO', 'VERSION_CHECK', 'UPDATE_DB', 'FILE_CHECK', 'UPDATE_FILES'),
+ 'module_stages' => array('INTRO', 'VERSION_CHECK', 'FILE_CHECK', 'UPDATE_FILES', 'UPDATE_DB'),
'module_reqs' => ''
@@ -72,6 +71,18 @@ class install_update extends module
function main($mode, $sub)
global $template, $phpEx, $phpbb_root_path, $user, $db, $config, $cache, $auth, $language;
+ global $request, $phpbb_admin_path, $phpbb_adm_relative_path, $phpbb_container;
+ // We must enable super globals, otherwise creating a new instance of the request class,
+ // using the new container with a dbal connection will fail with the following PHP Notice:
+ // Object of class phpbb_request_deactivated_super_global could not be converted to int
+ $request->enable_super_globals();
+ // Create a normal container now
+ $phpbb_container = phpbb_create_update_container($phpbb_root_path, $phpEx, $phpbb_root_path . 'install/update/new/config');
+ // Writes into global $cache
+ $cache = $phpbb_container->get('cache');
$this->tpl_name = 'install_update';
$this->page_title = 'UPDATE_INSTALLATION';
@@ -81,7 +92,6 @@ class install_update extends module
// Init DB
require($phpbb_root_path . 'config.' . $phpEx);
- require($phpbb_root_path . 'includes/db/' . $dbms . '.' . $phpEx);
require($phpbb_root_path . 'includes/constants.' . $phpEx);
// Special options for conflicts/modified files
@@ -90,7 +100,9 @@ class install_update extends module
define('MERGE_NEW_FILE', 3);
define('MERGE_MOD_FILE', 4);
- $db = new $sql_db();
+ $dbms = phpbb_convert_30_dbms_to_31($dbms);
+ $db = new $dbms();
// Connect to DB
$db->sql_connect($dbhost, $dbuser, $dbpasswd, $dbname, $dbport, false, false);
@@ -98,17 +110,10 @@ class install_update extends module
// We do not need this any longer, unset for safety purposes
- $config = array();
- $sql = 'SELECT config_name, config_value
- $result = $db->sql_query($sql);
- while ($row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result))
- {
- $config[$row['config_name']] = $row['config_value'];
- }
- $db->sql_freeresult($result);
+ // We need to fill the config to let internal functions correctly work
+ $config = new \phpbb\config\db($db, new \phpbb\cache\driver\null, CONFIG_TABLE);
+ set_config(null, null, null, $config);
+ set_config_count(null, null, null, $config);
// Force template recompile
$config['load_tplcompile'] = 1;
@@ -123,7 +128,7 @@ class install_update extends module
$config['default_lang'] = $language;
$user->data['user_lang'] = $language;
- $user->setup(array('common', 'acp/common', 'acp/board', 'install', 'posting'));
+ $user->add_lang(array('common', 'acp/common', 'acp/board', 'install', 'posting'));
// Reset the default_lang
$config['default_lang'] = $config_default_lang;
@@ -136,10 +141,9 @@ class install_update extends module
// Set custom template again. ;)
- $template->set_custom_template('../adm/style', 'admin');
- // still, the acp template is never stored in the database
- $user->theme['template_storedb'] = false;
+ $paths = array($phpbb_root_path . 'install/update/new/adm/style', $phpbb_admin_path . 'style');
+ $paths = array_filter($paths, 'is_dir');
+ $template->set_custom_style('adm', $paths);
'S_USER_LANG' => $user->lang['USER_LANG'],
@@ -219,12 +223,6 @@ class install_update extends module
if ($this->test_update === false)
- // Got the updater template itself updated? If so, we are able to directly use it - but only if all three files are present
- if (in_array('adm/style/install_update.html', $this->update_info['files']))
- {
- $this->tpl_name = '../../install/update/new/adm/style/install_update';
- }
// What about the language file? Got it updated?
if (in_array('language/' . $language . '/install.' . $phpEx, $this->update_info['files']))
@@ -252,7 +250,7 @@ class install_update extends module
$this->include_file('includes/diff/renderer.' . $phpEx);
// Make sure we stay at the file check if checking the files again
- if (!empty($_POST['check_again']))
+ if ($request->variable('check_again', false, false, \phpbb\request\request_interface::POST))
$sub = $this->p_master->sub = 'file_check';
@@ -277,15 +275,14 @@ class install_update extends module
$this->page_title = 'STAGE_VERSION_CHECK';
- 'S_UP_TO_DATE' => $up_to_date,
'S_VERSION_CHECK' => true,
- 'U_ACTION' => append_sid($this->p_master->module_url, "language=$language&mode=$mode&sub=file_check"),
- 'U_DB_UPDATE_ACTION' => append_sid($this->p_master->module_url, "language=$language&mode=$mode&sub=update_db"),
+ 'U_ACTION' => append_sid($this->p_master->module_url, "language=$language&mode=$mode&sub=file_check"),
+ 'S_UP_TO_DATE' => $up_to_date,
'LATEST_VERSION' => $this->latest_version,
- 'CURRENT_VERSION' => $this->current_version)
- );
+ 'CURRENT_VERSION' => $this->current_version,
+ ));
// Print out version the update package updates to
if ($this->latest_version != $this->update_info['version']['to'])
@@ -306,30 +303,6 @@ class install_update extends module
case 'update_db':
- // Make sure the database update is valid for the latest version
- $valid = false;
- $updates_to_version = '';
- if (file_exists($phpbb_root_path . 'install/database_update.' . $phpEx))
- {
- include_once($phpbb_root_path . 'install/database_update.' . $phpEx);
- if ($updates_to_version === $this->update_info['version']['to'])
- {
- $valid = true;
- }
- }
- // Should not happen at all
- if (!$valid)
- {
- trigger_error($user->lang['DATABASE_UPDATE_INFO_OLD'], E_USER_ERROR);
- }
- // Just a precaution
- $cache->purge();
// Redirect the user to the database update script with some explanations...
'S_DB_UPDATE' => true,
@@ -337,8 +310,14 @@ class install_update extends module
'U_DB_UPDATE' => append_sid($phpbb_root_path . 'install/database_update.' . $phpEx, 'type=1&language=' . $user->data['user_lang']),
'U_DB_UPDATE_ACTION' => append_sid($this->p_master->module_url, "language=$language&mode=$mode&sub=update_db"),
'U_ACTION' => append_sid($this->p_master->module_url, "language=$language&mode=$mode&sub=file_check"),
+ 'L_EVERYTHING_UP_TO_DATE' => $user->lang('EVERYTHING_UP_TO_DATE', append_sid("{$phpbb_root_path}ucp.$phpEx", 'mode=login'), append_sid("{$phpbb_root_path}ucp.$phpEx", 'mode=login&redirect=' . $phpbb_adm_relative_path . 'index.php%3Fi=send_statistics%26mode=send_statistics')),
+ // Do not display incompatible package note after successful update
+ if ($config['version'] == $this->update_info['version']['to'])
+ {
+ $template->assign_var('S_ERROR', false);
+ }
case 'file_check':
@@ -359,8 +338,8 @@ class install_update extends module
$action = request_var('action', '');
// We are directly within an update. To make sure our update list is correct we check its status.
- $update_list = (!empty($_POST['check_again'])) ? false : $cache->get('_update_list');
- $modified = ($update_list !== false) ? @filemtime($cache->cache_dir . 'data_update_list.' . $phpEx) : 0;
+ $update_list = ($request->variable('check_again', false, false, \phpbb\request\request_interface::POST)) ? false : $cache->get('_update_list');
+ $modified = ($update_list !== false) ? @filemtime($cache->get_driver()->cache_dir . 'data_update_list.' . $phpEx) : 0;
// Make sure the list is up-to-date
if ($update_list !== false)
@@ -505,65 +484,29 @@ class install_update extends module
'S_FILE_CHECK' => true,
'S_ALL_UP_TO_DATE' => $all_up_to_date,
'S_VERSION_UP_TO_DATE' => $up_to_date,
+ 'S_UP_TO_DATE' => $up_to_date,
'U_ACTION' => append_sid($this->p_master->module_url, "language=$language&mode=$mode&sub=file_check"),
'U_UPDATE_ACTION' => append_sid($this->p_master->module_url, "language=$language&mode=$mode&sub=update_files"),
'U_DB_UPDATE_ACTION' => append_sid($this->p_master->module_url, "language=$language&mode=$mode&sub=update_db"),
- if ($all_up_to_date)
+ // Since some people try to update to RC releases, but phpBB.com tells them the last version is the version they currently run
+ // we are faced with the updater thinking the database schema is up-to-date; which it is, but should be updated none-the-less
+ // We now try to cope with this by triggering the update process
+ if (version_compare(str_replace('rc', 'RC', strtolower($this->current_version)), str_replace('rc', 'RC', strtolower($this->update_info['version']['to'])), '<'))
- // Add database update to log
- add_log('admin', 'LOG_UPDATE_PHPBB', $this->current_version, $this->update_to_version);
- // Refresh prosilver css data - this may cause some unhappy users, but
- $sql = 'SELECT *
- WHERE LOWER(theme_name) = 'prosilver'";
- $result = $db->sql_query($sql);
- $theme = $db->sql_fetchrow($result);
- $db->sql_freeresult($result);
- if ($theme)
- {
- $recache = (empty($theme['theme_data'])) ? true : false;
- $update_time = time();
- // We test for stylesheet.css because it is faster and most likely the only file changed on common themes
- if (!$recache && $theme['theme_mtime'] < @filemtime("{$phpbb_root_path}styles/" . $theme['theme_path'] . '/theme/stylesheet.css'))
- {
- $recache = true;
- $update_time = @filemtime("{$phpbb_root_path}styles/" . $theme['theme_path'] . '/theme/stylesheet.css');
- }
- else if (!$recache)
- {
- $last_change = $theme['theme_mtime'];
- $dir = @opendir("{$phpbb_root_path}styles/{$theme['theme_path']}/theme");
- if ($dir)
- {
- while (($entry = readdir($dir)) !== false)
- {
- if (substr(strrchr($entry, '.'), 1) == 'css' && $last_change < @filemtime("{$phpbb_root_path}styles/{$theme['theme_path']}/theme/{$entry}"))
- {
- $recache = true;
- break;
- }
- }
- closedir($dir);
- }
- }
+ $template->assign_vars(array(
+ 'S_UP_TO_DATE' => false,
+ ));
+ }
- if ($recache)
- {
- // Instead of re-caching here, we simply remove theme_data... HAR HAR HAR (think about a carribean pirate)
- $sql = 'UPDATE ' . STYLES_THEME_TABLE . " SET theme_data = ''
- WHERE theme_id = " . $theme['theme_id'];
- $db->sql_query($sql);
+ if ($all_up_to_date)
+ {
+ global $phpbb_container;
+ $phpbb_log = $phpbb_container->get('log');
- $cache->destroy('sql', STYLES_THEME_TABLE);
- $cache->destroy('sql', STYLES_TABLE);
- }
- }
+ // Add database update to log
+ $phpbb_log->add('admin', $user->data['user_id'], $user->ip, 'LOG_UPDATE_PHPBB', time(), array($this->current_version, $this->update_to_version));
$db->sql_query('DELETE FROM ' . CONFIG_TABLE . " WHERE config_name = 'version_update_from'");
@@ -715,7 +658,7 @@ class install_update extends module
$cache->put('_diff_files', $file_list);
- if (!empty($_REQUEST['download']))
+ if ($request->variable('download', false))
$params[] = 'download=1';
@@ -830,7 +773,7 @@ class install_update extends module
$file_list['status'] = -1;
$cache->put('_diff_files', $file_list);
- if (!empty($_REQUEST['download']))
+ if ($request->variable('download', false))
$this->include_file('includes/functions_compress.' . $phpEx);
@@ -923,7 +866,14 @@ class install_update extends module
$test_connection = false;
if ($test_ftp_connection || $submit)
- $transfer = new $method(request_var('host', ''), request_var('username', ''), request_var('password', ''), request_var('root_path', ''), request_var('port', ''), request_var('timeout', ''));
+ $transfer = new $method(
+ request_var('host', ''),
+ request_var('username', ''),
+ htmlspecialchars_decode($request->untrimmed_variable('password', '')),
+ request_var('root_path', ''),
+ request_var('port', ''),
+ request_var('timeout', '')
+ );
$test_connection = $transfer->open_session();
// Make sure that the directory is correct by checking for the existence of common.php
@@ -964,7 +914,7 @@ class install_update extends module
'DATA' => $data,
'NAME' => $user->lang[strtoupper($method . '_' . $data)],
'EXPLAIN' => $user->lang[strtoupper($method . '_' . $data) . '_EXPLAIN'],
- 'DEFAULT' => (!empty($_REQUEST[$data])) ? request_var($data, '') : $default
+ 'DEFAULT' => $request->variable($data, (string) $default),
@@ -1009,7 +959,14 @@ class install_update extends module
- $transfer = new $method(request_var('host', ''), request_var('username', ''), request_var('password', ''), request_var('root_path', ''), request_var('port', ''), request_var('timeout', ''));
+ $transfer = new $method(
+ request_var('host', ''),
+ request_var('username', ''),
+ htmlspecialchars_decode($request->untrimmed_variable('password', '')),
+ request_var('root_path', ''),
+ request_var('port', ''),
+ request_var('timeout', '')
+ );
@@ -1124,16 +1081,10 @@ class install_update extends module
function show_diff(&$update_list)
- global $phpbb_root_path, $template, $user;
+ global $phpbb_root_path, $template, $user, $phpbb_adm_relative_path;
$this->tpl_name = 'install_update_diff';
- // Got the diff template itself updated? If so, we are able to directly use it
- if (in_array('adm/style/install_update_diff.html', $this->update_info['files']))
- {
- $this->tpl_name = '../../install/update/new/adm/style/install_update_diff';
- }
$this->page_title = 'VIEWING_FILE_DIFF';
$status = request_var('status', '');
@@ -1707,9 +1658,9 @@ class install_update extends module
$info['custom'] = array();
// Get custom installed styles...
- $sql = 'SELECT template_name, template_path
- WHERE LOWER(template_name) NOT IN ('subsilver2', 'prosilver')";
+ $sql = 'SELECT style_name, style_path
+ WHERE LOWER(style_name) NOT IN ('subsilver2', 'prosilver')";
$result = $db->sql_query($sql);
$templates = array();
@@ -1728,7 +1679,7 @@ class install_update extends module
foreach ($templates as $row)
- $info['custom'][$filename][] = str_replace('/prosilver/', '/' . $row['template_path'] . '/', $filename);
+ $info['custom'][$filename][] = str_replace('/prosilver/', '/' . $row['style_path'] . '/', $filename);
@@ -1798,5 +1749,3 @@ class install_update extends module
return $diff;
-?> \ No newline at end of file