path: root/phpBB/includes/search/fulltext_mysql.php
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'phpBB/includes/search/fulltext_mysql.php')
1 files changed, 101 insertions, 101 deletions
diff --git a/phpBB/includes/search/fulltext_mysql.php b/phpBB/includes/search/fulltext_mysql.php
index 20dcb74c0d..cf89ab1c24 100644
--- a/phpBB/includes/search/fulltext_mysql.php
+++ b/phpBB/includes/search/fulltext_mysql.php
@@ -22,17 +22,28 @@ if (!defined('IN_PHPBB'))
class phpbb_search_fulltext_mysql extends phpbb_search_base
- var $stats = array();
- var $word_length = array();
- var $split_words = array();
- var $search_query;
- var $common_words = array();
+ protected $stats = array();
+ protected $split_words = array();
+ protected $config;
+ protected $db;
+ protected $user;
+ public $word_length = array();
+ public $search_query;
+ public $common_words = array();
- public function __construct(&$error)
+ /**
+ * Constructor
+ * Creates a new phpbb_search_fulltext_mysql, which is used as a search backend.
+ *
+ * @param string|bool $error Any error that occurs is passed on through this reference variable otherwise false
+ */
+ public function __construct(&$error, $phpbb_root_path, $phpEx, $auth, $config, $db, $user)
- global $config;
+ $this->config = $config;
+ $this->db = $db;
+ $this->user = $user;
- $this->word_length = array('min' => $config['fulltext_mysql_min_word_len'], 'max' => $config['fulltext_mysql_max_word_len']);
+ $this->word_length = array('min' => $this->config['fulltext_mysql_min_word_len'], 'max' => $this->config['fulltext_mysql_max_word_len']);
$error = false;
@@ -49,19 +60,19 @@ class phpbb_search_fulltext_mysql extends phpbb_search_base
* Checks for correct MySQL version and stores min/max word length in the config
+ *
+ * @return string|bool Language key of the error/incompatiblity occured
- function init()
+ public function init()
- global $db, $user;
- if ($db->sql_layer != 'mysql4' && $db->sql_layer != 'mysqli')
+ if ($this->db->sql_layer != 'mysql4' && $this->db->sql_layer != 'mysqli')
+ return $this->user->lang['FULLTEXT_MYSQL_INCOMPATIBLE_DATABASE'];
- $result = $db->sql_query('SHOW TABLE STATUS LIKE \'' . POSTS_TABLE . '\'');
- $info = $db->sql_fetchrow($result);
- $db->sql_freeresult($result);
+ $result = $this->db->sql_query('SHOW TABLE STATUS LIKE \'' . POSTS_TABLE . '\'');
+ $info = $this->db->sql_fetchrow($result);
+ $this->db->sql_freeresult($result);
$engine = '';
if (isset($info['Engine']))
@@ -75,19 +86,19 @@ class phpbb_search_fulltext_mysql extends phpbb_search_base
if ($engine != 'MyISAM')
- return $user->lang['FULLTEXT_MYSQL_NOT_MYISAM'];
+ return $this->user->lang['FULLTEXT_MYSQL_NOT_MYISAM'];
LIKE \'ft\_%\'';
- $result = $db->sql_query($sql);
+ $result = $this->db->sql_query($sql);
$mysql_info = array();
- while ($row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result))
+ while ($row = $this->db->sql_fetchrow($result))
$mysql_info[$row['Variable_name']] = $row['Value'];
- $db->sql_freeresult($result);
+ $this->db->sql_freeresult($result);
set_config('fulltext_mysql_max_word_len', $mysql_info['ft_max_word_len']);
set_config('fulltext_mysql_min_word_len', $mysql_info['ft_min_word_len']);
@@ -103,10 +114,8 @@ class phpbb_search_fulltext_mysql extends phpbb_search_base
* @param string $terms is either 'all' or 'any'
* @return bool false if no valid keywords were found and otherwise true
- function split_keywords(&$keywords, $terms)
+ public function split_keywords(&$keywords, $terms)
- global $config, $user;
if ($terms == 'all')
$match = array('#\sand\s#iu', '#\sor\s#iu', '#\snot\s#iu', '#(^|\s)\+#', '#(^|\s)-#', '#(^|\s)\|#');
@@ -125,9 +134,9 @@ class phpbb_search_fulltext_mysql extends phpbb_search_base
$this->split_words = $matches[1];
// We limit the number of allowed keywords to minimize load on the database
- if ($config['max_num_search_keywords'] && sizeof($this->split_words) > $config['max_num_search_keywords'])
+ if ($this->config['max_num_search_keywords'] && sizeof($this->split_words) > $this->config['max_num_search_keywords'])
- trigger_error($user->lang('MAX_NUM_SEARCH_KEYWORDS_REFINE', $config['max_num_search_keywords'], sizeof($this->split_words)));
+ trigger_error($this->user->lang('MAX_NUM_SEARCH_KEYWORDS_REFINE', $this->config['max_num_search_keywords'], sizeof($this->split_words)));
// to allow phrase search, we need to concatenate quoted words
@@ -169,7 +178,7 @@ class phpbb_search_fulltext_mysql extends phpbb_search_base
// check word length
$clean_len = utf8_strlen(str_replace('*', '', $clean_word));
- if (($clean_len < $config['fulltext_mysql_min_word_len']) || ($clean_len > $config['fulltext_mysql_max_word_len']))
+ if (($clean_len < $this->config['fulltext_mysql_min_word_len']) || ($clean_len > $this->config['fulltext_mysql_max_word_len']))
$this->common_words[] = $word;
@@ -221,11 +230,10 @@ class phpbb_search_fulltext_mysql extends phpbb_search_base
* Turns text into an array of words
+ * @param string $text contains post text/subject
- function split_message($text)
+ public function split_message($text)
- global $config;
// Split words
$text = preg_replace('#([^\p{L}\p{N}\'*])#u', '$1$1', str_replace('\'\'', '\' \'', trim($text)));
$matches = array();
@@ -237,7 +245,7 @@ class phpbb_search_fulltext_mysql extends phpbb_search_base
for ($i = 0, $n = sizeof($text); $i < $n; $i++)
$text[$i] = trim($text[$i]);
- if (utf8_strlen($text[$i]) < $config['fulltext_mysql_min_word_len'] || utf8_strlen($text[$i]) > $config['fulltext_mysql_max_word_len'])
+ if (utf8_strlen($text[$i]) < $this->config['fulltext_mysql_min_word_len'] || utf8_strlen($text[$i]) > $this->config['fulltext_mysql_max_word_len'])
@@ -265,13 +273,9 @@ class phpbb_search_fulltext_mysql extends phpbb_search_base
* @param int $start indicates the first index of the page
* @param int $per_page number of ids each page is supposed to contain
* @return boolean|int total number of results
- *
- * @access public
- function keyword_search($type, $fields, $terms, $sort_by_sql, $sort_key, $sort_dir, $sort_days, $ex_fid_ary, $m_approve_fid_ary, $topic_id, $author_ary, $author_name, &$id_ary, $start, $per_page)
+ public function keyword_search($type, $fields, $terms, $sort_by_sql, $sort_key, $sort_dir, $sort_days, $ex_fid_ary, $m_approve_fid_ary, $topic_id, $author_ary, $author_name, &$id_ary, $start, $per_page)
- global $config, $db;
// No keywords? No posts.
if (!$this->search_query)
@@ -360,7 +364,7 @@ class phpbb_search_fulltext_mysql extends phpbb_search_base
- $m_approve_fid_sql = ' AND (p.post_approved = 1 OR ' . $db->sql_in_set('p.forum_id', $m_approve_fid_ary, true) . ')';
+ $m_approve_fid_sql = ' AND (p.post_approved = 1 OR ' . $this->db->sql_in_set('p.forum_id', $m_approve_fid_ary, true) . ')';
$sql_select = (!$result_count) ? 'SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS ' : '';
@@ -370,11 +374,11 @@ class phpbb_search_fulltext_mysql extends phpbb_search_base
if (sizeof($author_ary) && $author_name)
// first one matches post of registered users, second one guests and deleted users
- $sql_author = ' AND (' . $db->sql_in_set('p.poster_id', array_diff($author_ary, array(ANONYMOUS)), false, true) . ' OR p.post_username ' . $author_name . ')';
+ $sql_author = ' AND (' . $this->db->sql_in_set('p.poster_id', array_diff($author_ary, array(ANONYMOUS)), false, true) . ' OR p.post_username ' . $author_name . ')';
else if (sizeof($author_ary))
- $sql_author = ' AND ' . $db->sql_in_set('p.poster_id', $author_ary);
+ $sql_author = ' AND ' . $this->db->sql_in_set('p.poster_id', $author_ary);
@@ -384,7 +388,7 @@ class phpbb_search_fulltext_mysql extends phpbb_search_base
$sql_where_options = $sql_sort_join;
$sql_where_options .= ($topic_id) ? ' AND p.topic_id = ' . $topic_id : '';
$sql_where_options .= ($join_topic) ? ' AND t.topic_id = p.topic_id' : '';
- $sql_where_options .= (sizeof($ex_fid_ary)) ? ' AND ' . $db->sql_in_set('p.forum_id', $ex_fid_ary, true) : '';
+ $sql_where_options .= (sizeof($ex_fid_ary)) ? ' AND ' . $this->db->sql_in_set('p.forum_id', $ex_fid_ary, true) : '';
$sql_where_options .= $m_approve_fid_sql;
$sql_where_options .= $sql_author;
$sql_where_options .= ($sort_days) ? ' AND p.post_time >= ' . (time() - ($sort_days * 86400)) : '';
@@ -392,16 +396,16 @@ class phpbb_search_fulltext_mysql extends phpbb_search_base
$sql = "SELECT $sql_select
FROM $sql_from$sql_sort_table" . POSTS_TABLE . " p
- WHERE MATCH ($sql_match) AGAINST ('" . $db->sql_escape(htmlspecialchars_decode($this->search_query)) . "' IN BOOLEAN MODE)
+ WHERE MATCH ($sql_match) AGAINST ('" . $this->db->sql_escape(htmlspecialchars_decode($this->search_query)) . "' IN BOOLEAN MODE)
ORDER BY $sql_sort";
- $result = $db->sql_query_limit($sql, $config['search_block_size'], $start);
+ $result = $this->db->sql_query_limit($sql, $this->config['search_block_size'], $start);
- while ($row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result))
+ while ($row = $this->db->sql_fetchrow($result))
$id_ary[] = (int) $row[$field];
- $db->sql_freeresult($result);
+ $this->db->sql_freeresult($result);
$id_ary = array_unique($id_ary);
@@ -414,9 +418,9 @@ class phpbb_search_fulltext_mysql extends phpbb_search_base
if (!$result_count)
$sql = 'SELECT FOUND_ROWS() as result_count';
- $result = $db->sql_query($sql);
- $result_count = (int) $db->sql_fetchfield('result_count');
- $db->sql_freeresult($result);
+ $result = $this->db->sql_query($sql);
+ $result_count = (int) $this->db->sql_fetchfield('result_count');
+ $this->db->sql_freeresult($result);
if (!$result_count)
@@ -449,13 +453,9 @@ class phpbb_search_fulltext_mysql extends phpbb_search_base
* @param int $start indicates the first index of the page
* @param int $per_page number of ids each page is supposed to contain
* @return boolean|int total number of results
- *
- * @access public
- function author_search($type, $firstpost_only, $sort_by_sql, $sort_key, $sort_dir, $sort_days, $ex_fid_ary, $m_approve_fid_ary, $topic_id, $author_ary, $author_name, &$id_ary, $start, $per_page)
+ public function author_search($type, $firstpost_only, $sort_by_sql, $sort_key, $sort_dir, $sort_days, $ex_fid_ary, $m_approve_fid_ary, $topic_id, $author_ary, $author_name, &$id_ary, $start, $per_page)
- global $config, $db;
// No author? No posts.
if (!sizeof($author_ary))
@@ -491,13 +491,13 @@ class phpbb_search_fulltext_mysql extends phpbb_search_base
if ($author_name)
// first one matches post of registered users, second one guests and deleted users
- $sql_author = '(' . $db->sql_in_set('p.poster_id', array_diff($author_ary, array(ANONYMOUS)), false, true) . ' OR p.post_username ' . $author_name . ')';
+ $sql_author = '(' . $this->db->sql_in_set('p.poster_id', array_diff($author_ary, array(ANONYMOUS)), false, true) . ' OR p.post_username ' . $author_name . ')';
- $sql_author = $db->sql_in_set('p.poster_id', $author_ary);
+ $sql_author = $this->db->sql_in_set('p.poster_id', $author_ary);
- $sql_fora = (sizeof($ex_fid_ary)) ? ' AND ' . $db->sql_in_set('p.forum_id', $ex_fid_ary, true) : '';
+ $sql_fora = (sizeof($ex_fid_ary)) ? ' AND ' . $this->db->sql_in_set('p.forum_id', $ex_fid_ary, true) : '';
$sql_topic_id = ($topic_id) ? ' AND p.topic_id = ' . (int) $topic_id : '';
$sql_time = ($sort_days) ? ' AND p.post_time >= ' . (time() - ($sort_days * 86400)) : '';
$sql_firstpost = ($firstpost_only) ? ' AND p.post_id = t.topic_first_post_id' : '';
@@ -533,7 +533,7 @@ class phpbb_search_fulltext_mysql extends phpbb_search_base
- $m_approve_fid_sql = ' AND (p.post_approved = 1 OR ' . $db->sql_in_set('p.forum_id', $m_approve_fid_ary, true) . ')';
+ $m_approve_fid_sql = ' AND (p.post_approved = 1 OR ' . $this->db->sql_in_set('p.forum_id', $m_approve_fid_ary, true) . ')';
// If the cache was completely empty count the results
@@ -572,21 +572,21 @@ class phpbb_search_fulltext_mysql extends phpbb_search_base
// Only read one block of posts from the db and then cache it
- $result = $db->sql_query_limit($sql, $config['search_block_size'], $start);
+ $result = $this->db->sql_query_limit($sql, $this->config['search_block_size'], $start);
- while ($row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result))
+ while ($row = $this->db->sql_fetchrow($result))
$id_ary[] = (int) $row[$field];
- $db->sql_freeresult($result);
+ $this->db->sql_freeresult($result);
// retrieve the total result count if needed
if (!$result_count)
$sql = 'SELECT FOUND_ROWS() as result_count';
- $result = $db->sql_query($sql);
- $result_count = (int) $db->sql_fetchfield('result_count');
- $db->sql_freeresult($result);
+ $result = $this->db->sql_query($sql);
+ $result_count = (int) $this->db->sql_fetchfield('result_count');
+ $this->db->sql_freeresult($result);
if (!$result_count)
@@ -607,12 +607,15 @@ class phpbb_search_fulltext_mysql extends phpbb_search_base
* Destroys cached search results, that contained one of the new words in a post so the results won't be outdated.
- * @param string $mode contains the post mode: edit, post, reply, quote ...
+ * @param string $mode contains the post mode: edit, post, reply, quote ...
+ * @param int $post_id contains the post id of the post to index
+ * @param string $message contains the post text of the post
+ * @param string $subject contains the subject of the post to index
+ * @param int $poster_id contains the user id of the poster
+ * @param int $forum_id contains the forum id of parent forum of the post
- function index($mode, $post_id, &$message, &$subject, $poster_id, $forum_id)
+ public function index($mode, $post_id, &$message, &$subject, $poster_id, $forum_id)
- global $db;
// Split old and new post/subject to obtain array of words
$split_text = $this->split_message($message);
$split_title = ($subject) ? $this->split_message($subject) : array();
@@ -631,7 +634,7 @@ class phpbb_search_fulltext_mysql extends phpbb_search_base
* Destroy cached results, that might be outdated after deleting a post
- function index_remove($post_ids, $author_ids, $forum_ids)
+ public function index_remove($post_ids, $author_ids, $forum_ids)
$this->destroy_cache(array(), array_unique($author_ids));
@@ -639,10 +642,8 @@ class phpbb_search_fulltext_mysql extends phpbb_search_base
* Destroy old cache entries
- function tidy()
+ public function tidy()
- global $db, $config;
// destroy too old cached search results
@@ -651,11 +652,11 @@ class phpbb_search_fulltext_mysql extends phpbb_search_base
* Create fulltext index
+ *
+ * @return string|bool error string is returned incase of errors otherwise false
- function create_index($acp_module, $u_action)
+ public function create_index($acp_module, $u_action)
- global $db;
// Make sure we can actually use MySQL with fulltext indexes
if ($error = $this->init())
@@ -671,7 +672,7 @@ class phpbb_search_fulltext_mysql extends phpbb_search_base
if (!isset($this->stats['post_subject']))
- if ($db->sql_layer == 'mysqli' || version_compare($db->sql_server_info(true), '4.1.3', '>='))
+ if ($this->db->sql_layer == 'mysqli' || version_compare($this->db->sql_server_info(true), '4.1.3', '>='))
$alter[] = 'MODIFY post_subject varchar(255) COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci DEFAULT \'\' NOT NULL';
@@ -684,7 +685,7 @@ class phpbb_search_fulltext_mysql extends phpbb_search_base
if (!isset($this->stats['post_text']))
- if ($db->sql_layer == 'mysqli' || version_compare($db->sql_server_info(true), '4.1.3', '>='))
+ if ($this->db->sql_layer == 'mysqli' || version_compare($this->db->sql_server_info(true), '4.1.3', '>='))
$alter[] = 'MODIFY post_text mediumtext COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL';
@@ -702,21 +703,21 @@ class phpbb_search_fulltext_mysql extends phpbb_search_base
if (sizeof($alter))
- $db->sql_query('ALTER TABLE ' . POSTS_TABLE . ' ' . implode(', ', $alter));
+ $this->db->sql_query('ALTER TABLE ' . POSTS_TABLE . ' ' . implode(', ', $alter));
+ $this->db->sql_query('TRUNCATE TABLE ' . SEARCH_RESULTS_TABLE);
return false;
* Drop fulltext index
+ *
+ * @return string|bool error string is returned incase of errors otherwise false
- function delete_index($acp_module, $u_action)
+ public function delete_index($acp_module, $u_action)
- global $db;
// Make sure we can actually use MySQL with fulltext indexes
if ($error = $this->init())
@@ -747,10 +748,10 @@ class phpbb_search_fulltext_mysql extends phpbb_search_base
if (sizeof($alter))
- $db->sql_query('ALTER TABLE ' . POSTS_TABLE . ' ' . implode(', ', $alter));
+ $this->db->sql_query('ALTER TABLE ' . POSTS_TABLE . ' ' . implode(', ', $alter));
+ $this->db->sql_query('TRUNCATE TABLE ' . SEARCH_RESULTS_TABLE);
return false;
@@ -758,7 +759,7 @@ class phpbb_search_fulltext_mysql extends phpbb_search_base
* Returns true if both FULLTEXT indexes exist
- function index_created()
+ public function index_created()
if (empty($this->stats))
@@ -771,25 +772,24 @@ class phpbb_search_fulltext_mysql extends phpbb_search_base
* Returns an associative array containing information about the indexes
- function index_stats()
+ public function index_stats()
- global $user;
if (empty($this->stats))
return array(
- $user->lang['FULLTEXT_MYSQL_TOTAL_POSTS'] => ($this->index_created()) ? $this->stats['total_posts'] : 0,
+ $this->user->lang['FULLTEXT_MYSQL_TOTAL_POSTS'] => ($this->index_created()) ? $this->stats['total_posts'] : 0,
- function get_stats()
+ /**
+ * Computes the stats and store them in the $this->stats associative array
+ */
+ protected function get_stats()
- global $db;
- if (strpos($db->sql_layer, 'mysql') === false)
+ if (strpos($this->db->sql_layer, 'mysql') === false)
$this->stats = array();
@@ -797,9 +797,9 @@ class phpbb_search_fulltext_mysql extends phpbb_search_base
$sql = 'SHOW INDEX
- $result = $db->sql_query($sql);
+ $result = $this->db->sql_query($sql);
- while ($row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result))
+ while ($row = $this->db->sql_fetchrow($result))
// deal with older MySQL versions which didn't use Index_type
$index_type = (isset($row['Index_type'])) ? $row['Index_type'] : $row['Comment'];
@@ -820,26 +820,26 @@ class phpbb_search_fulltext_mysql extends phpbb_search_base
- $db->sql_freeresult($result);
+ $this->db->sql_freeresult($result);
- $this->stats['total_posts'] = empty($this->stats) ? 0 : $db->get_estimated_row_count(POSTS_TABLE);
+ $this->stats['total_posts'] = empty($this->stats) ? 0 : $this->db->get_estimated_row_count(POSTS_TABLE);
* Display a note, that UTF-8 support is not available with certain versions of PHP
+ *
+ * @return associative array containing template and config variables
- function acp()
+ public function acp()
- global $user, $config;
$tpl = '
- <dt><label>' . $user->lang['MIN_SEARCH_CHARS'] . ':</label><br /><span>' . $user->lang['FULLTEXT_MYSQL_MIN_SEARCH_CHARS_EXPLAIN'] . '</span></dt>
- <dd>' . $config['fulltext_mysql_min_word_len'] . '</dd>
+ <dt><label>' . $this->user->lang['MIN_SEARCH_CHARS'] . ':</label><br /><span>' . $this->user->lang['FULLTEXT_MYSQL_MIN_SEARCH_CHARS_EXPLAIN'] . '</span></dt>
+ <dd>' . $this->config['fulltext_mysql_min_word_len'] . '</dd>
- <dt><label>' . $user->lang['MAX_SEARCH_CHARS'] . ':</label><br /><span>' . $user->lang['FULLTEXT_MYSQL_MAX_SEARCH_CHARS_EXPLAIN'] . '</span></dt>
- <dd>' . $config['fulltext_mysql_max_word_len'] . '</dd>
+ <dt><label>' . $this->user->lang['MAX_SEARCH_CHARS'] . ':</label><br /><span>' . $this->user->lang['FULLTEXT_MYSQL_MAX_SEARCH_CHARS_EXPLAIN'] . '</span></dt>
+ <dd>' . $this->config['fulltext_mysql_max_word_len'] . '</dd>