path: root/phpBB/includes/functions_content.php
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'phpBB/includes/functions_content.php')
1 files changed, 178 insertions, 38 deletions
diff --git a/phpBB/includes/functions_content.php b/phpBB/includes/functions_content.php
index 6213d2fd24..863450a4b2 100644
--- a/phpBB/includes/functions_content.php
+++ b/phpBB/includes/functions_content.php
@@ -2,9 +2,8 @@
* @package phpBB3
-* @version $Id$
* @copyright (c) 2005 phpBB Group
-* @license http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php GNU Public License
+* @license http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.php GNU General Public License v2
@@ -409,16 +408,34 @@ function strip_bbcode(&$text, $uid = '')
* For display of custom parsed text on user-facing pages
* Expects $text to be the value directly from the database (stored value)
-function generate_text_for_display($text, $uid, $bitfield, $flags)
+function generate_text_for_display($text, $uid, $bitfield, $flags, $censor_text = true)
static $bbcode;
+ global $phpbb_dispatcher;
if ($text === '')
return '';
- $text = censor_text($text);
+ /**
+ * Use this event to modify the text before it is parsed
+ *
+ * @event core.modify_text_for_display_before
+ * @var string text The text to parse
+ * @var string uid The BBCode UID
+ * @var string bitfield The BBCode Bitfield
+ * @var int flags The BBCode Flags
+ * @var bool censor_text Whether or not to apply word censors
+ * @since 3.1-A1
+ */
+ $vars = array('text', 'uid', 'bitfield', 'flags', 'censor_text');
+ extract($phpbb_dispatcher->trigger_event('core.modify_text_for_display_before', compact($vars)));
+ if ($censor_text)
+ {
+ $text = censor_text($text);
+ }
// Parse bbcode if bbcode uid stored and bbcode enabled
if ($uid && ($flags & OPTION_FLAG_BBCODE))
@@ -444,6 +461,19 @@ function generate_text_for_display($text, $uid, $bitfield, $flags)
$text = bbcode_nl2br($text);
$text = smiley_text($text, !($flags & OPTION_FLAG_SMILIES));
+ /**
+ * Use this event to modify the text after it is parsed
+ *
+ * @event core.modify_text_for_display_after
+ * @var string text The text to parse
+ * @var string uid The BBCode UID
+ * @var string bitfield The BBCode Bitfield
+ * @var int flags The BBCode Flags
+ * @since 3.1-A1
+ */
+ $vars = array('text', 'uid', 'bitfield', 'flags');
+ extract($phpbb_dispatcher->trigger_event('core.modify_text_for_display_after', compact($vars)));
return $text;
@@ -454,7 +484,23 @@ function generate_text_for_display($text, $uid, $bitfield, $flags)
function generate_text_for_storage(&$text, &$uid, &$bitfield, &$flags, $allow_bbcode = false, $allow_urls = false, $allow_smilies = false)
- global $phpbb_root_path, $phpEx;
+ global $phpbb_root_path, $phpEx, $phpbb_dispatcher;
+ /**
+ * Use this event to modify the text before it is prepared for storage
+ *
+ * @event core.modify_text_for_storage_before
+ * @var string text The text to parse
+ * @var string uid The BBCode UID
+ * @var string bitfield The BBCode Bitfield
+ * @var int flags The BBCode Flags
+ * @var bool allow_bbcode Whether or not to parse BBCode
+ * @var bool allow_urls Whether or not to parse URLs
+ * @var bool allow_smilies Whether or not to parse Smilies
+ * @since 3.1-A1
+ */
+ $vars = array('text', 'uid', 'bitfield', 'flags', 'allow_bbcode', 'allow_urls', 'allow_smilies');
+ extract($phpbb_dispatcher->trigger_event('core.modify_text_for_storage_before', compact($vars)));
$uid = $bitfield = '';
$flags = (($allow_bbcode) ? OPTION_FLAG_BBCODE : 0) + (($allow_smilies) ? OPTION_FLAG_SMILIES : 0) + (($allow_urls) ? OPTION_FLAG_LINKS : 0);
@@ -483,6 +529,19 @@ function generate_text_for_storage(&$text, &$uid, &$bitfield, &$flags, $allow_bb
$bitfield = $message_parser->bbcode_bitfield;
+ /**
+ * Use this event to modify the text after it is prepared for storage
+ *
+ * @event core.modify_text_for_storage_after
+ * @var string text The text to parse
+ * @var string uid The BBCode UID
+ * @var string bitfield The BBCode Bitfield
+ * @var int flags The BBCode Flags
+ * @since 3.1-A1
+ */
+ $vars = array('text', 'uid', 'bitfield', 'flags');
+ extract($phpbb_dispatcher->trigger_event('core.modify_text_for_storage_after', compact($vars)));
@@ -492,10 +551,33 @@ function generate_text_for_storage(&$text, &$uid, &$bitfield, &$flags, $allow_bb
function generate_text_for_edit($text, $uid, $flags)
- global $phpbb_root_path, $phpEx;
+ global $phpbb_root_path, $phpEx, $phpbb_dispatcher;
+ /**
+ * Use this event to modify the text before it is decoded for editing
+ *
+ * @event core.modify_text_for_edit_before
+ * @var string text The text to parse
+ * @var string uid The BBCode UID
+ * @var int flags The BBCode Flags
+ * @since 3.1-A1
+ */
+ $vars = array('text', 'uid', 'flags');
+ extract($phpbb_dispatcher->trigger_event('core.modify_text_for_edit_before', compact($vars)));
decode_message($text, $uid);
+ /**
+ * Use this event to modify the text after it is decoded for editing
+ *
+ * @event core.modify_text_for_edit_after
+ * @var string text The text to parse
+ * @var int flags The BBCode Flags
+ * @since 3.1-A1
+ */
+ $vars = array('text', 'flags');
+ extract($phpbb_dispatcher->trigger_event('core.modify_text_for_edit_after', compact($vars)));
return array(
'allow_bbcode' => ($flags & OPTION_FLAG_BBCODE) ? 1 : 0,
'allow_smilies' => ($flags & OPTION_FLAG_SMILIES) ? 1 : 0,
@@ -645,37 +727,58 @@ function make_clickable($text, $server_url = false, $class = 'postlink')
$server_url = generate_board_url();
- static $magic_url_match;
- static $magic_url_replace;
static $static_class;
+ static $magic_url_match_args;
- if (!is_array($magic_url_match) || $static_class != $class)
+ if (!is_array($magic_url_match_args) || $static_class != $class)
$static_class = $class;
$class = ($static_class) ? ' class="' . $static_class . '"' : '';
$local_class = ($static_class) ? ' class="' . $static_class . '-local"' : '';
- $magic_url_match = $magic_url_replace = array();
- // Be sure to not let the matches cross over. ;)
+ $magic_url_match_args = array();
// relative urls for this board
- $magic_url_match[] = '#(^|[\n\t (>.])(' . preg_quote($server_url, '#') . ')/(' . get_preg_expression('relative_url_inline') . ')#ie';
- $magic_url_replace[] = "make_clickable_callback(MAGIC_URL_LOCAL, '\$1', '\$2', '\$3', '$local_class')";
+ $magic_url_match_args[] = array(
+ '#(^|[\n\t (>.])(' . preg_quote($server_url, '#') . ')/(' . get_preg_expression('relative_url_inline') . ')#i',
+ $local_class,
+ );
// matches a xxxx://aaaaa.bbb.cccc. ...
- $magic_url_match[] = '#(^|[\n\t (>.])(' . get_preg_expression('url_inline') . ')#ie';
- $magic_url_replace[] = "make_clickable_callback(MAGIC_URL_FULL, '\$1', '\$2', '', '$class')";
+ $magic_url_match_args[] = array(
+ '#(^|[\n\t (>.])(' . get_preg_expression('url_inline') . ')#i',
+ $class,
+ );
// matches a "www.xxxx.yyyy[/zzzz]" kinda lazy URL thing
- $magic_url_match[] = '#(^|[\n\t (>])(' . get_preg_expression('www_url_inline') . ')#ie';
- $magic_url_replace[] = "make_clickable_callback(MAGIC_URL_WWW, '\$1', '\$2', '', '$class')";
+ $magic_url_match_args[] = array(
+ '#(^|[\n\t (>])(' . get_preg_expression('www_url_inline') . ')#i',
+ $class,
+ );
// matches an email@domain type address at the start of a line, or after a space or after what might be a BBCode.
- $magic_url_match[] = '/(^|[\n\t (>])(' . get_preg_expression('email') . ')/ie';
- $magic_url_replace[] = "make_clickable_callback(MAGIC_URL_EMAIL, '\$1', '\$2', '', '')";
+ $magic_url_match_args[] = array(
+ '/(^|[\n\t (>])(' . get_preg_expression('email') . ')/i',
+ '',
+ );
- return preg_replace($magic_url_match, $magic_url_replace, $text);
+ foreach ($magic_url_match_args as $magic_args)
+ {
+ if (preg_match($magic_args[0], $text, $matches))
+ {
+ $text = preg_replace_callback($magic_args[0], function($matches) use ($magic_args)
+ {
+ return make_clickable_callback($magic_args[1], $matches[1], $matches[2], $matches[3], $magic_args[2]);
+ }, $text);
+ }
+ }
+ return $text;
@@ -731,7 +834,7 @@ function bbcode_nl2br($text)
function smiley_text($text, $force_option = false)
- global $config, $user, $phpbb_root_path;
+ global $config, $user, $phpbb_path_helper;
if ($force_option || !$config['allow_smilies'] || !$user->optionget('viewsmilies'))
@@ -739,8 +842,8 @@ function smiley_text($text, $force_option = false)
- $root_path = (defined('PHPBB_USE_BOARD_URL_PATH') && PHPBB_USE_BOARD_URL_PATH) ? generate_board_url() . '/' : $phpbb_root_path;
- return preg_replace('#<!\-\- s(.*?) \-\-><img src="\{SMILIES_PATH\}\/(.*?) \/><!\-\- s\1 \-\->#', '<img src="' . $root_path . $config['smilies_path'] . '/\2 />', $text);
+ $root_path = (defined('PHPBB_USE_BOARD_URL_PATH') && PHPBB_USE_BOARD_URL_PATH) ? generate_board_url() . '/' : $phpbb_path_helper->get_web_root_path();
+ return preg_replace('#<!\-\- s(.*?) \-\-><img src="\{SMILIES_PATH\}\/(.*?) \/><!\-\- s\1 \-\->#', '<img class="smilies" src="' . $root_path . $config['smilies_path'] . '/\2 />', $text);
@@ -938,12 +1041,12 @@ function parse_attachments($forum_id, &$message, &$attachments, &$update_count,
$download_link = append_sid("{$phpbb_root_path}download/file.$phpEx", 'id=' . $attachment['attach_id']);
+ $l_downloaded_viewed = 'VIEWED_COUNTS';
switch ($display_cat)
// Images
- $l_downloaded_viewed = 'VIEWED_COUNT';
$inline_link = append_sid("{$phpbb_root_path}download/file.$phpEx", 'id=' . $attachment['attach_id']);
$download_link .= '&amp;mode=view';
@@ -957,7 +1060,6 @@ function parse_attachments($forum_id, &$message, &$attachments, &$update_count,
// Images, but display Thumbnail
- $l_downloaded_viewed = 'VIEWED_COUNT';
$thumbnail_link = append_sid("{$phpbb_root_path}download/file.$phpEx", 'id=' . $attachment['attach_id'] . '&amp;t=1');
$download_link .= '&amp;mode=view';
@@ -971,7 +1073,6 @@ function parse_attachments($forum_id, &$message, &$attachments, &$update_count,
// Windows Media Streams
- $l_downloaded_viewed = 'VIEWED_COUNT';
// Giving the filename directly because within the wm object all variables are in local context making it impossible
// to validate against a valid session (all params can differ)
@@ -990,7 +1091,6 @@ function parse_attachments($forum_id, &$message, &$attachments, &$update_count,
// Real Media Streams
- $l_downloaded_viewed = 'VIEWED_COUNT';
$block_array += array(
'S_RM_FILE' => ($display_cat == ATTACHMENT_CATEGORY_RM) ? true : false,
@@ -1007,8 +1107,6 @@ function parse_attachments($forum_id, &$message, &$attachments, &$update_count,
list($width, $height) = @getimagesize($filename);
- $l_downloaded_viewed = 'VIEWED_COUNT';
$block_array += array(
'S_FLASH_FILE' => true,
'WIDTH' => $width,
@@ -1021,7 +1119,7 @@ function parse_attachments($forum_id, &$message, &$attachments, &$update_count,
- $l_downloaded_viewed = 'DOWNLOAD_COUNT';
+ $l_downloaded_viewed = 'DOWNLOAD_COUNTS';
$block_array += array(
'S_FILE' => true,
@@ -1029,11 +1127,14 @@ function parse_attachments($forum_id, &$message, &$attachments, &$update_count,
- $l_download_count = (!isset($attachment['download_count']) || $attachment['download_count'] == 0) ? $user->lang[$l_downloaded_viewed . '_NONE'] : (($attachment['download_count'] == 1) ? sprintf($user->lang[$l_downloaded_viewed], $attachment['download_count']) : sprintf($user->lang[$l_downloaded_viewed . 'S'], $attachment['download_count']));
+ if (!isset($attachment['download_count']))
+ {
+ $attachment['download_count'] = 0;
+ }
$block_array += array(
'U_DOWNLOAD_LINK' => $download_link,
- 'L_DOWNLOAD_COUNT' => $l_download_count
+ 'L_DOWNLOAD_COUNT' => $user->lang($l_downloaded_viewed, (int) $attachment['download_count']),
@@ -1106,8 +1207,8 @@ function extension_allowed($forum_id, $extension, &$extensions)
* @param string $string The text to truncate to the given length. String is specialchared.
* @param int $max_length Maximum length of string (multibyte character count as 1 char / Html entity count as 1 char)
* @param int $max_store_length Maximum character length of string (multibyte character count as 1 char / Html entity count as entity chars).
-* @param bool $allow_reply Allow Re: in front of string
-* NOTE: This parameter can cause undesired behavior (returning strings longer than $max_store_length) and is deprecated.
+* @param bool $allow_reply Allow Re: in front of string
+* NOTE: This parameter can cause undesired behavior (returning strings longer than $max_store_length) and is deprecated.
* @param string $append String to be appended
function truncate_string($string, $max_length = 60, $max_store_length = 255, $allow_reply = false, $append = '')
@@ -1178,6 +1279,7 @@ function truncate_string($string, $max_length = 60, $max_store_length = 255, $al
function get_username_string($mode, $user_id, $username, $username_colour = '', $guest_username = false, $custom_profile_url = false)
static $_profile_cache;
+ global $phpbb_dispatcher;
// We cache some common variables we need within this function
if (empty($_profile_cache))
@@ -1255,10 +1357,50 @@ function get_username_string($mode, $user_id, $username, $username_colour = '',
if (($mode == 'full' && !$profile_url) || $mode == 'no_profile')
- return str_replace(array('{USERNAME_COLOUR}', '{USERNAME}'), array($username_colour, $username), (!$username_colour) ? $_profile_cache['tpl_noprofile'] : $_profile_cache['tpl_noprofile_colour']);
+ $username_string = str_replace(array('{USERNAME_COLOUR}', '{USERNAME}'), array($username_colour, $username), (!$username_colour) ? $_profile_cache['tpl_noprofile'] : $_profile_cache['tpl_noprofile_colour']);
+ else
+ {
+ $username_string = str_replace(array('{PROFILE_URL}', '{USERNAME_COLOUR}', '{USERNAME}'), array($profile_url, $username_colour, $username), (!$username_colour) ? $_profile_cache['tpl_profile'] : $_profile_cache['tpl_profile_colour']);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Use this event to change the output of get_username_string()
+ *
+ * @event core.modify_username_string
+ * @var string mode profile|username|colour|full|no_profile
+ * @var int user_id String or array of additional url
+ * parameters
+ * @var string username The user's username
+ * @var string username_colour The user's colour
+ * @var string guest_username Optional parameter to specify the
+ * guest username.
+ * @var string custom_profile_url Optional parameter to specify a
+ * profile url.
+ * @var string username_string The string that has been generated
+ * @var array _profile_cache Array of original return templates
+ * @since 3.1-A1
+ */
+ $vars = array('mode', 'user_id', 'username', 'username_colour', 'guest_username', 'custom_profile_url', 'username_string', '_profile_cache');
+ extract($phpbb_dispatcher->trigger_event('core.modify_username_string', compact($vars)));
- return str_replace(array('{PROFILE_URL}', '{USERNAME_COLOUR}', '{USERNAME}'), array($profile_url, $username_colour, $username), (!$username_colour) ? $_profile_cache['tpl_profile'] : $_profile_cache['tpl_profile_colour']);
+ return $username_string;
+ * Add an option to the quick-mod tools.
+ *
+ * @param string $option The language key for the value of the option.
+ * @param string $lang_string The language string to use.
+ */
+function phpbb_add_quickmod_option($option, $lang_string)
+ global $template, $user;
+ $lang_string = $user->lang($lang_string);
+ $template->assign_block_vars('quickmod', array(
+ 'VALUE' => $option,
+ 'TITLE' => $lang_string,
+ ));
@@ -1354,5 +1496,3 @@ class bitfield
$this->data = $this->data | $bitfield->get_blob();
-?> \ No newline at end of file