/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * JavaScript for webhelp search * updated by neodoc *---------------------------------------------------------------------------- This file is part of the webhelpsearch plugin for DocBook WebHelp Copyright (c) 2007-2008 NexWave Solutions All Rights Reserved. www.nexwave.biz Nadege Quaine http://kasunbg.blogspot.com/ Kasun Gajasinghe */ //string initialization var htmlfileList = "htmlFileList.js"; var htmlfileinfoList = "htmlFileInfoList.js"; var useCJKTokenizing = false; /* Cette fonction verifie la validite de la recherche entrre par l utilisateur */ function Verifie(ditaSearch_Form) { // Check browser compatibitily if (navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Konquerer") > -1) { alert(txt_browser_not_supported); return; } var expressionInput = document.ditaSearch_Form.textToSearch.value; //Set a cookie to store the searched keywords $.cookie('textToSearch', ""); if (expressionInput.length < 1) { // expression is invalid alert(txt_enter_at_least_1_char); // reactive la fenetre de search (utile car cadres) document.ditaSearch_Form.textToSearch.focus(); } else { // Effectuer la recherche Effectuer_recherche(expressionInput); // reactive la fenetre de search (utile car cadres) document.ditaSearch_Form.textToSearch.focus(); } } var stemQueryMap = new Array(); // A hashtable which maps stems to query words /* This function parses the search expression, loads the indices and displays the results*/ function Effectuer_recherche(expressionInput) { var expressionInputMem = expressionInput ; // â à ç ë é ê è ï î ô û ù expressionInput = expressionInput.replace( /â/g , 'a'); expressionInput = expressionInput.replace( /à/g , 'a'); expressionInput = expressionInput.replace( /ç/g , 'c'); expressionInput = expressionInput.replace( /ë/g , 'e'); expressionInput = expressionInput.replace( /é/g , 'e'); expressionInput = expressionInput.replace( /è/g , 'e'); expressionInput = expressionInput.replace( /ê/g , 'e'); expressionInput = expressionInput.replace( /ï/g , 'i'); expressionInput = expressionInput.replace( /î/g , 'i'); expressionInput = expressionInput.replace( /ô/g , 'o'); expressionInput = expressionInput.replace( /û/g , 'u'); expressionInput = expressionInput.replace( /ù/g , 'u'); /* Display a waiting message */ //DisplayWaitingMessage(); /*data initialisation*/ var searchFor = ""; // expression en lowercase et sans les caracte res speciaux //w = new Object(); // hashtable, key=word, value = list of the index of the html files scriptLetterTab = new Scriptfirstchar(); // Array containing the first letter of each word to look for var wordsList = new Array(); // Array with the words to look for var finalWordsList = new Array(); // Array with the words to look for after removing spaces var linkTab = new Array(); var fileAndWordList = new Array(); var txt_wordsnotfound = ""; /*nqu: expressionInput, la recherche est lower cased, plus remplacement des char speciaux*/ searchFor = expressionInput.toLowerCase().replace(/<\//g, "_st_").replace(/\$_/g, "_di_").replace(/\.|%2C|%3B|%21|%3A|@|\/|\*/g, " ").replace(/(%20)+/g, " ").replace(/_st_/g, "= 0; i--) { if (fileAndWordList[i] != undefined) { linkTab.push("

" + txt_results_for + " " + "" + fileAndWordList[i][0].motslisteDisplay + "" + "

"); linkTab.push(""); } } } var results = ""; if (linkTab.length > 0) { /*writeln ("

" + txt_results_for + " " + "" + cleanwordsList + "" + "

");*/ results = "

"; //write("