120 MB'den az, bant genişliğiniz DVD indirmek için çok düşükse veya DVD
+sürücüsü olmayan bir PC'niz varsa yada USB bellekten önyükleme
+yapamıyorsanız kullanışlıdır.
no more than that which is needed to (a) start the DrakX
+installer and (b) find DrakX-installer-stage2 and other
+packages that are needed to continue and complete the install.
Gerekli kaynak paketleri bir PC sabit diskinde, yerel bir sürücüde, yerel
+bir ağda veya Internet'te olabilir.
NetInstall medyasının iki versiyonu var:
netinstall.iso Özgür olmayan yazılım
+kullanmamayı tercih edenler için bu ISO sadece özgür yazılım içermektedir.
netinstall-nonfree.iso Bu ISO ayrıca ağ
+aygıtınız, disk denetleyiciniz vb. aygıtlarınız için gerekli olabilecek
+özgür olmayan sürücüleri içerir.
Aşama 1 Bu, Kurulum öncesi
+aşamadır. Kurulum için kullanılacak dosyaları içeren ortama erişmek için
+yöntem ve ayrıntıları sağlamanız gerekecektir. Yöntem bir sunucu içeriyorsa,
+ağ bağlantısı etkinleştirilecektir. Bu ağ, WEP veya WPA2 şifrelemeli bir
+WiFi bağlantısı olabilir (bununla birlikte lütfen klavye girişi ile ilgili
+aşağıdaki Uyarıya dikkat edin).
Aşama 2 Bu, kurulum dosyalarına bağlantı
+kurulduktan sonra otomatik olarak başlayacak olan gerçek Kurulum aşamasıdır.
1. aşama esnasında, Sabit Diskinize hiçbir şey yazılmayacağından,
+1. aşamanın herhangi bir noktasında kurulumdan çıkmak güvenlidir. Bunu
+basarak yapabilirsiniz.
Günlükleri okumak için
+Alt+F3 veya yükleyici
+ekranına dönmek için
+Alt+F1 kısayollarını
DVD veya LiveCD'den yüklemenin aksine, Ağ kurulumunun ilk bölümünde
+(1. Aşama) bir şeyler yazmanız
+istenecektir. Ancak bu aşama boyunca klavyeniz Amerikan
+klavye düzenine göre çalışacaktır. Adlar ve yollar gibi şeyleri
+girerken karışıklığı önlemek için lütfen bunu aklınızda bulundurun.
NetInstall medyasıyla önyükleme yaparken göreceğiniz Karşılama
+Ekranı, bir BIOS'ta mı yoksa UEFI sistemde mi başlatılacağınıza
+bağlıdır. Aşağıdaki iki ekran görüntüsüne bakın:
Şekil 1. BIOS Giriş Ekranı
Önyükleme sırasında, F2 tuşuna basarak gelişmiş yardımı
+okumayı ve F1 tuşuna basarak yükleyici ekranına dönmeyi
+seçebilirsiniz. Aksi takdirde, önyükleme varsayılan ayarlarla devam eder.
Şekil 2. UEFI Giriş Ekranı
Mageia Kurulumunu Başlat'ı vurgulamak için ok tuşlarını
+kullanın ve sonra Enter tuşuna basın.
Hem BIOS hem de UEFI sistemleri için, USB cihazlarının algılandığını
+belirten bir açılır bildirim göreceksiniz:
Kurulum yöntemi
Şimdi CDROM/HDD veya Sunucu (NFS, FTP veya HTTP) aracılığıyla bir yükleme
+yöntemi seçebilirsiniz.
Bu noktada üçüncü taraf modülleri yükleme seçeneğiniz de vardır.
Uygun yükleme yöntemi vurgulanana kadar ok tuşlarını kullanarak listeyi
+yukarı veya aşağı kaydırın.
Tamam vurgulanana kadar Tab tuşuna basın ve sonra
+Enter tuşuna basın.
Ağ Kurulumu için neyi seçeceğinizi bilmiyorsanız, FTP
+sunucusu'nu seçin.
Bir kurumsal ağda, FTP ve rsync engellenmiş olabilir, bu nedenle
+HTTP sunucusu kullanmak bu durumda iyi bir seçimdir.
Sunucu seçeneklerinden herhangi birini seçtikten sonra otomatik olarak
+Network Connection bölümüne geçersiniz.
Bir CDROM veya sabit diskten (veya USB bellekten) yüklemeyi seçerseniz,
+depolama aygıtları için tarama yapılır:
İlk önce ilgili sabit sürücüyü (veya USB belleği) seçin.
İlgili bölümün ardından
Ardından ISO’nun dizini veya dosya adını belirtin
Bunu açık bırakmak veya dizini kullanmak daha kolaydır, çünkü yükleyici size
+aşağıdaki resimlerin ikinci bölümünde görüldüğü gibi yukarı ve aşağı okları
+kullanarak seçiminizi yapabileceğiniz bir dizin ve dosya listesi sunar.
ISO'nun konumu için CDROM veya HDD'de bilgi verildiğinde, otomatik olarak
+ilerleyeceksiniz Stage 2 (gerçek
+kurulum aşaması).
Üçüncü Taraf Modüllerini Yükleyin
Üçüncü taraf modülleri yüklemek isterseniz, o zaman
+modülleri içeren dizinin yeri sorulacaktır:
Ağ Bağlantısı
Connection Device
Kurulum Yöntemi adımında sunucu seçeneklerinden
+herhangi birini seçtiyseniz, sizden bir ağ cihazı seçmeniz istenecektir:
Bağlantı Tipi
Şimdi ağ cihazının bir DHCP, Statik veya ADSL bağlantısı kullanıp
+kullanmayacağını seçmeniz gerekir:
Hangi seçeneğin uygun olduğundan emin değilseniz, muhtemelen varsayılan
+seçeneği (DHCP) kabul etmelisiniz.
Ana Bilgisayar/Etki Alanı Adları
Gerekirse, şimdi Ana Bilgisayar ve Etki Alanı adlarınızı girebilirsiniz:
Bunun ne anlama geldiğinden emin değilseniz, alanları boş bırakabilirsiniz,
+Tamam'ı vurgulayın ve devam etmek için
+Enter tuşuna basın. Ağ bağlantısı şimdi aktif olacak.
FTP veya HTTP kullanıyorsanız, otomatik olarak Mirrors bölümüne ilerleyeceksiniz.
NFS kullanıyorsanız, NFS sunucusu adı ve Mageia dağıtımını içeren dizini
+girmeniz istenecektir:
NFS detaylarını girdikten sonra, otomatik olarak Stage 2 ilerleyeceksiniz (gerçek kurulum
FTP veya HTTP kullanıyorsanız, şimdi kullanmak için bir yansı belirtmeniz
+gerekir. Bu manuel olarak veya listeden seçerek yapılabilir.
Hangi yansıyı seçerseniz seçin, seçtiğiniz yansı resmi Mageia yansıları
+tarafından kullanılan "mageia" (veya "Mageia") daki ağaç benzeri yapıyı
+kullanmalıdır. Bunun anlamı ../mageia/distrib/<version>/<arch>
Aşağıdaki Mageia dizini alanında (resmi bir yansı
+kullanılırken) doğru bir girdi şöyle olmalıdır:
Başka bir örnek (Mageia 6 x86_64 için) şu olabilir:
Diğer aynaların farklı bir yol yapısı olabilir ve aşağıdaki ekran
+görüntülerinde bu tür örnekler gösterilmektedir:
FTP sunucusu kullanıyorsanız:
HTTP sunucusu kullanıyorsanız:
Bu bilgiler sağlandıktan sonra, otomatik olarak Stage 2(gerçek kurulum aşaması) aşamasına
Listeden Seçin
Kurulumda çokça eksik bağımlılık hatası alıyorsanız bilgisayarınızı yeniden
+başlatın ve farklı bir yansı deneyin.
Bir FTP sunucusu seçtikten sonra gelen ekranda gerekiyorsa oturum açma adı
+ve parolasını girebilirsiniz.
Bu bilgiler sağlandıktan sonra, otomatik olarak Stage 2(gerçek kurulum aşaması) aşamasına
Mageia'yı Küçük Bir Önyükleme Görüntüsü Kullanarak Kurma
Bu el kitabındaki kurulum aracı ekranlarının tümünü hiç kimse
+görmeyecektir. Göreceğiniz ekranlar donanımınıza ve kurulum sırasındaki
+seçimlerinize bağlıdır.
Bu el kitabı, NeoDoc
+tarafından geliştirilen Calenco
+CMS yardımıyla hazırlanmıştır.
Gönüllüler tarafından boş zamanlarında yazılmıştır. Bu klavuzun
+geliştirilmesine yardımcı olmak istiyorsanız, lütfen Dokümantasyon
+Ekibi ile iletişime geçin.
Nothing has been written to your hard disk at this point. Therefore, if you
+decide not to proceed with the actual installation, then it is safe to
+reboot now: go to tty2 with Ctrl+Alt+F2
+and press Ctrl+Alt+Del (or Ctrl+Alt+F7 to come back if you
+change your mind).
Lütfen kullanacağınız dili seçiniz
Select your preferred language, by first expanding the list for your
+continent. Mageia will use this selection during the installation and for
+your installed system.
If it is likely that you (or others) will require several languages to be
+installed on your system, then you should use the Multiple
+languages option to add them now. It will be difficult to add
+extra language support after installation.
Even if you choose more than one language, you must first choose one as your
+preferred language from the main list of languages. It will also be marked
+as chosen in the Multiple languages screen.
If your keyboard language is not the same as your preferred language, then
+it is advisable to install the required language for your keyboard as well
Mageia uses UTF-8 (Unicode) support by default. This may be disabled in the
+Multiple languages screen if you know that it is
+inappropriate for your language. Disabling UTF-8 applies to all installed
You can change the language for your system post-installation in the
+Mageia Control Center → System → localization for your
Lisans ve Sürüm Notları
Lisans Sözleşmesi
Before installing Mageia, please read the license terms and conditions
These terms and conditions apply to the entire Mageia distribution and must
+be accepted before you can continue.
To proceed, simply select Accept and then click on
If you decide not to accept these conditions, then we thank you for your
+interest in Mageia. Clicking Quit will reboot your
Sürüm Notları
Important information about this particular Mageia release can be viewed by
+clicking on the Release Notes button.
DrakX will normally detect hard disks correctly. However, with some older
+SCSI controllers it may be unable to determine the correct drivers to use
+and subsequently fail to recognise the drive.
If your device is not recognised, you will need to manually tell DrakX which
+SCSI drive(s) you have. DrakX should then be able to configure the drive(s)
Kurulum veya Yükseltme
Use this option to perform a fresh installation of Mageia. This will format
+the root partition (/), but can
+preserve a pre-existing /home partition (a dedicated
+/home partition, rather than being incorporated within the root (/)
+partition itself).
Use this option to upgrade an existing installation of Mageia.
Only upgrading from a previous Mageia version that was still
+supported when this Installer's version was released, has been
+thoroughly tested. If you want to upgrade a Mageia version that has reached
+its “End Of Life” then it is better to do a
+“clean” install instead, while preserving your
+/home partition.
If you have discovered that you forgot to select an additional language, you
+can return from the Install or Upgrade screen to the
+language choice screen by pressing Ctrl+Alt+Home. Do NOT do this later in the install.
DrakX diliniz için uygun bir klavye seçer. Uygun bir klavye bulunamazsa ön
+tanımlı olan US klavye düzenini seçecektir.
Seçimin doğru olduğundan emin olun veya başka klavye düzeni
+seçin. Klavyenizin hangi düzene sahip olduğunu bilmiyorsanız sisteminiz ile
+birlikte gelen özelliklere bakın veya bilgisayar satıcınıza sorun. Klavye
+üzerinde düzenini gösteren bir etiket de bulunabilir. Ayrıca şuraya da
+bakabilirsiniz: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Keyboard_layout
If your keyboard isn't in the list shown, click on More
+to get a fuller list, and select your keyboard there.
After choosing a keyboard from the More dialogue,
+you'll return to the first keyboard choice dialogue and it will seem as
+though a keyboard from that screen was chosen. You can safely ignore this
+and continue the installation: the keyboard chosen from the full list will
+be applied.
If you choose a keyboard based on non-Latin characters, you will see an
+extra dialogue screen asking how you would prefer to switch between the
+Latin and non-Latin keyboard layouts
Suggested Partitioning
In this screen you can see the content of your hard drive(s) along with the
+DrakX partitioning proposals for where to install Mageia.
The actual options available from those shown below will vary according to
+the layout and content of your particular hard drive(s).
Main Options
Use Existing Partitions
Bu seçenek erişilebilir durumdaysa Linux uyumlu önceden mevcut olan disk
+bölümleri bulunmuştur ve yükleme için kullanılabilir.
Use Free Space
Sabit diskinizde kullanılmayan boş alan varsa, yeni Mageia kurulumunuz için
+bu seçenek o alanı kullanacaktır.
Use Free Space on a Windows Partition
If you have unused space on an existing Windows partition, the installer may
+offer to use it. This can be a useful way of making room for your new Mageia
+installation, but is a risky operation so you should make sure you have
+backed up all important files!
With this option, the installer displays the remaining Windows partition in
+light blue and the proposed Mageia partition in dark blue with their
+intended sizes just underneath. You have the option to modify these sizes by
+clicking and dragging the gap between both partitions. See the following
Erase and use Entire Disk
This option will allocate the entire drive for Mageia
This will erase ALL data on the selected hard drive. Take care! If you
+intend to use part of the disk for something else, or you already have data
+on the drive that you are not prepared to lose, then do not use this option.
Bu işlemin Windows bölümünün boyutunu azaltacağını unutmayın. Disk bölümü
+"temiz" olmalıdır; yani son kullanımında Windows düzgün şekilde kapatılmış
+olmalıdır. Bölümdeki tüm dosyaların kullanılacak alanın dışına taşındığına
+dair garanti sunmazsa da ayrıca mutlaka disk birleştirme
+yapılmalıdır. Kişisel dosyalarınızı yedeklemeniz önerilir.
Custom Disk Partitioning
Bu seçenek, sistemi sabit disklerinize kurarken size tam denetim sağlar..
If you are not using the Custom disk partitioning
+option, then the installer will allocate the available space according to
+the following rules:
If the total available space is less than 50 GB, then only one partition is
+created. This will be the / (root) partition.
If the total available space is greater than 50 GB, then three partitions
+are created
6/19 of the total available place is allocated to /
+with a maximum of 50 GB
1/19 is allocated to swap with a maximum of 4 GB
the rest (at least 12/19) is allocated to /home
This means that from 160 GB or greater available space, the installer will
+create three partitions:
50 GB for /
4 GB for swap
and the remainder for /home
If you are using a UEFI system, the ESP (EFI System Partition) will be
+automatically detected - or created if it does not exist yet - and mounted
+on /boot/EFI. The Custom disk
+partitioning option is the only one that allows to check it has
+been correctly done.
If you are using a Legacy (also known as BIOS) system with a GPT partitioned
+disk, you need to create a BIOS boot partition if it doesn't already
+exist. It should be about 1 MiB with no mount point. It can be created with
+the Installer, under Custom disk partitioning, like any
+other partition. Be sure to select “BIOS boot partition” for
+filesystem type.
Some newer drives are now using 4096 byte logical sectors, instead of the
+previous standard of 512. Due to lack of available hardware, the
+partitioning tool used in the installer has not been tested with such a
Some SSD devices now use an erase block size over 1 MB. If you have such a
+device we suggest that you partition the drive in advance, using an
+alternative partitioning tool like gparted, and to use the following
Align to = MiB
Free space preceding (MiB) = 2
Also make sure all partitions are created using an even number of megabytes.
Bağlama noktasını seçin
Here you see the Linux partitions that have been found on your computer. If
+you don't agree with the DrakX suggestions, you can change the mount points
To the left of the drop-down menus is a list of available partitions. For
+example: sda is a hard drive - and
+5 is a partition number, followed
+by the (capacity, mount point, filesystem type) of the
If you have several partitions, you can choose various different
+mount points from the drop down menu, such as
+/, /home and
+/var. You can even make your own mount points, for
+instance /video for a partition where you want to store
+your films, or perhaps /Data for all your data files.
For any partitions that you don't need to make use of, you can leave the
+mount point field blank.
If you make any changes here, ensure you still have a /
+(root) partition.
If you are not sure what to choose, click Previous to
+go back and then tick Custom disk partitioning, where
+you can click on a partition to see its type and size.
If you are sure the mount points are correct, click on
+Next, and choose whether you only want to format the
+partition suggested by DrakX, or more.
Biçimlendirilecek sabit diski onaylayın
Click on Previous if you are at all unsure about your
Click on Next to proceed if you are sure that it is OK
+to erase every partition, every operating system and all
+data that might be on that hard disk.
Custom Disk Partitioning with DiskDrake
Modify the layout of your disk(s) here. You can remove or create partitions,
+change the filesystem or size of a partition and even view their details
+before you start.
There is a tab at the top for every detected hard disk (or other storage
+device, like a USB key). In the screenshot above there are two available
+devices: sda and sdb.
For all other actions: click on the desired partition first. Then view it,
+or choose a filesystem and a mount point, resize it or wipe
+it. Expert mode provides more options such as to label
+(name) a partition, or to choose a partition type.
Continue until you have adjusted everything to your satisfaction, then click
+Done when you're ready.
Take care with the Clear all option, use it only if you
+are sure you want to wipe all partitions on the selected storage device.
If you wish to use encryption on your / partition you
+must ensure that you have a separate /boot
+partition. The encryption option for the /boot
+partition must NOT be set, otherwise your system will be unbootable.
If you are installing Mageia on a UEFI system, check that an ESP (EFI System
+Partition) is present and correctly mounted on
+/boot/EFI. See Figure 1 below.
If you are installing Mageia on a Legacy/GPT system, check that a BIOS boot
+partition is present and of the correct type. See Figure 2 below.
Şekil 3. EFI System Partition
Şekil 4. BIOS boot partition
Here you can choose which partition(s) you wish to format. Any data on
+partitions not marked for formatting will be preserved.
Usually, at least the partitions that DrakX selected need to be formatted.
Click on Advanced to choose the partitions you want to
+check for so-called bad blocks
If you're not sure you have made the right choice, you can click on
+Previous, again on Previous and
+then on Custom to get back to the main screen, where
+you can choose to view details of your partitions.
When you are confident about the selections, click on
+Next to continue.
Media Selection
Supplemental Installation Media
This screen shows you the list of already recognised repositories. You can
+add other sources for packages, like an optical-disc or a remote source.
+The source selection determines which packages will be available during the
+subsequent steps.
Ağ kaynakları için takip edilecek iki adım vardır:
Choosing and activating the network, if not already up.
Selecting a mirror or specifying a URL (very first entry). By selecting a
+mirror, you have access to the selection of all repositories managed by
+Mageia, like the Nonfree, the
+Tainted repositories and the
+Updates. With the URL, you can designate a specific
+repository or your own NFS installation.
If you are updating a 64-bit installation which may contain some 32-bit
+packages, it is advised to use this screen to add an online mirror by
+selecting one of the Network protocols here. The 64-bit DVD ISO only
+contains 64-bit and noarch packages, it will not be
+able to update the 32-bit packages. However, after adding an online mirror,
+the installer will find the needed 32-bit packages there.
Available Media
Burada mevcut depoların listesi vardır. Kurulum için kullandığınız veri
+kaynağına göre bütün depolar erişilebilir değildir. Depo seçimi, ilerleyen
+adımlarda hangi paketleri seçebileceğinizi belirler.
Core deposu devre dışı bırakılamaz; çünkü dağıtımın
+temel paketlerini içerir.
The Nonfree repository includes packages that are
+free-of-charge, i.e. Mageia may redistribute them, but they contain
+closed-source software (hence the name - Nonfree). For example this
+repository includes nVidia and AMD graphics card proprietary drivers,
+firmware for various WiFi cards, etc.
The Tainted repository includes packages released under
+a free license. The main criteria for placing packages in this repository is
+that they may infringe patents and copyright laws in some countries,
+e.g. multimedia codecs needed to play various audio/video files; packages
+needed to play commercial video DVD's, etc.
Masaüstü Seçimi
Some choices made here will open other screens with related options.
After the selection step(s), you will see a slideshow during the
+installation of required packages. The slideshow can be disabled by pressing
+the Details button.
Choose whether you prefer to use the KDE Plasma or GNOME desktop
+environment. Both come with a full set of useful applications and tools.
Select Custom if you do not wish to use either (or,
+actually use both) of these, or if you want to modify the default software
+choices for these desktop environments. The LXDE desktop, for instance, is
+lighter than the previous two, sporting less eye candy and having fewer
+packages installed by default.
Paket Grubu Seçimi
Packages are arranged into common groups, to make choosing what you need on
+your system a lot easier. The groups are fairly self explanatory, however
+more information about the content of each is available in tool-tips which
+become visible as the mouse is hovered over them.
İş İstasyonu
Grafik Ortam
Individual Package Selection: you can use
+this option to manually add or remove packages
See Minimal Install for instructions on how to do a
+minimal install (without or with X & IceWM).
En Ufak Kurulum
Minimal Installation is intended for those with specific uses in mind for
+Mageia, such as a server or a specialised workstation. You will probably use
+this option combined with the Individual package
+selection option to fine-tune your installation. See Choose Packages Tree.
You can choose a Minimal Installation by de-selecting
+everything in the Package Group Selection screen, see
+Choose Package Groups.
If desired, you can additionally tick the Individual package
+selection option in the same screen.
If you choose this installation method, then the relevant screen (see
+screenshot below) will offer you a few useful extras to install, such as
+documentation and “X”.
If the With X option is selected, then IceWM (a
+lightweight desktop environment) will also be included.
The basic documentation is provided in the form of “man” and
+“info” pages. It contains the man pages from the Linux Documentation
+Project and the GNU
+coreutils info pages.
Paketleri Tek Tek Seçin
Here you can add or remove any extra packages to customize your
After having made your choice, you can click on the
+floppy icon at the bottom of the page to save your
+choice of packages (saving to a USB key works, too). You can then use this
+file to install the same packages on another system, by pressing the same
+button during install and choosing to load it.
User Management
Yönetici (kök) Parolasını Ayarlayın:
It is advisable for all Mageia installations to set a
+superuser (Administrator) password, usually called the
+root password in Linux. As you type a password into the
+top box a shield will change from red-to-yellow-to-green depending on the
+strength of the password. A green shield shows you are using a strong
+password. You need to repeat the same password in the box underneath, to
+check that the first entry was not mistyped.
All passwords are case-sensitive. It is best to use a mixture of letters
+(upper and lower case), numbers and other characters in a password.
Bir kullanıcı girin
Add a User here. A regular user has fewer privileges than the
+superuser (root), but enough to use the Internet, office
+applications or play games and anything else the average user might use a
+computer for.
Click on this button if you want to change the user's icon
Real Name
Insert the user's real name into this text box
Login Name
Enter the user login name or let DrakX use a version of the user's real
+name. The login name is case-sensitive.
Type in the user password. There is a shield at the end of the text box that
+indicates the strength of the password. (See also Not)
Password (again): Retype the user
+password. DrakX will check that you have not mistyped the password.
Any users added while installing Mageia, will have a home directory that is
+both read and write protected (umask=0027)
You can add any extra needed users in the Configuration -
+Summary step during the install. Choose User
Erişim izinleri kurulumdan sonra da değiştirilebilir.
User Management (advanced)
The Advanced option allows you to edit further settings
+for the user you are adding.
Shell: This drop-down list allows you to change the
+shell available to any user you added in the previous screen. Options are
+Bash, Dash and Sh
User ID: Here you can set the user ID for any user you
+added in the previous screen. If you are unsure what the purpose of this is,
+then leave it blank.
Group ID: This lets you set the group ID. Again, if
+unsure, leave it blank.
Graphical Configuration
Ekran Kartı ve Monitör Yapılandırma
No matter which graphical environment (also known as desktop environment)
+you chose for this install of Mageia, they are all based on a graphical user
+interface system called X Window System, or simply
+“X”. So in order for KDE Plasma, GNOME, LXDE or any other
+graphical environment to work well, the following “X” settings
+need to be correct.
Choose the appropriate settings manually if you think the details are
+incorrect, or if none are shown.
You can choose Plug 'n Play, if applicable, or choose your monitor from the
+Vendor or Generic lists. Choose
+Custom if you prefer to manually set the horizontal and
+vertical refresh rates of your monitor. See “Monitör Seçimi”.
The resolution and color depth of your monitor can be set here.
The test button does not always appear during install. If the option is
+there, and you test your settings, you should be asked to confirm that your
+settings are correct. If you answer Yes, the settings
+will be kept. If you don't see anything, you'll return to the configuration
+screen and be able to reconfigure everything until the test result is
+satisfactory. If the test option is not available, then make sure your
+settings are on the safe side.
Here you can choose to enable or disable various options.
There is a risk of damaging a monitor if you choose refresh rates that are
+outside the frequency range of that monitor. This applies to older CRT
+displays: modern monitors will reject an unsupported frequency and normally
+enter standby mode.
Bir X Sunucusu Seçme (Ekran Kartını Yapılandırma)
DrakX; ekran kartlarının karşılaştırmalı veritabanına sahip olup genellikle
+ekran kartınızı doğru olarak tanımlar.
Kurulum aracı ekran kartınızı doğru olarak algılayamamışsa ve kartınızın
+hangisi olduğunu biliyorsanız, kartınızı ağaçtan şuna göre seçebilirsiniz:
then the make of your card
and the model of card
If you cannot find your card in the vendor lists (because it's not yet in
+the database or it's an older card) you may find a suitable driver in the
+Xorg category, which provides more than 40 generic and
+open source video card drivers. If you still can't find a specific driver
+for your card there is the option of using the VESA driver which provides
+basic capabilities.
Be aware that if you select an incompatible driver you may only have access
+to the Command Line Interface
Some video card manufacturers provide proprietary drivers for Linux which
+may only be available in the Nonfree repository and in
+some cases only from the card manufacturers' websites. The
+Nonfree repository needs to be explicitly enabled to
+access them. If you didn't enable it previously, you should do this after
+your first reboot.
Monitör Seçimi
DrakX monitörlerin karşılaştırmalı veritabanına sahip olup genellikle
+monitörünüzü doğru olarak tanımlar.
Selecting a monitor with different characteristics
+could damage your monitor or video hardware. Please don't try something
+without knowing what you are doing. If in doubt you should
+consult your monitor documentation.
This option allows you to set two critical parameters: the vertical refresh
+rate and the horizontal sync rate. Vertical refresh determines how often the
+screen is refreshed and horizontal sync is the rate at which scan lines are
Monitörünüzün kapasitesinin ötesinde bir monitör türü ve ekran aralığı
+belirlememeniz ÇOK ÖNEMLİDİR: monitörünüze zarar
+verebilirsiniz. Kararsız kalırsanız, ortalama bir ayar seçin ve
+monitörünüzün kılavuzuna bakın.
Plug'n Play
This is the default option and automatically tries to determine the monitor
+type from the monitor database.
Kurulum aracı monitörünüzü doğru olarak algılayamamışsa ve monitörünüzün
+hangisi olduğunu biliyorsanız, monitörünüzü ağaçtan şuna göre
Monitor model
Selecting this group will list nearly 30 display configurations such as
+1024x768 @ 60Hz and includes flat-panel displays as used in laptops. This is
+often a good monitor selection group if you need to use the VESA card driver
+when your video hardware cannot be determined automatically. Once again it
+may be wise to be conservative in your selections.
Grub2 on Legacy MBR/GPT systems
GRUB2 (with or without graphical menu) will be used exclusively as the
+bootloader for a Legacy/MBR or Legacy/GPT system.
By default, a new bootloader will be written into either the MBR (Master
+Boot Record) of your first hard drive or in the BIOS boot partition.
Grub2-efi on UEFI systems
GRUB2-efi will be used exclusively as the bootloader for a UEFI system.
By default, a new bootloader (Grub2-efi) will be written into the ESP (EFI
+System Partition).
If there are already UEFI-based operating systems installed on your computer
+(Windows 8 for example), the Mageia installer will detect the existing ESP
+created by Windows and add grub2-efi to it. If no ESP exists, then one will
+be created. Although it is possible to have several ESPs, only one is
+required, whatever the number of operating systems you have.
Bootloader Setup
Önyükleyici ana seçenekleri
Bootloader to use
This feature is only available to Legacy MBR/BIOS systems. Users of UEFI
+systems will not see this option here.
Boot device
Don't change this unless you really know what you are doing
Delay before booting the default image
This text box lets you set a delay, in seconds, before the default operating
+system is started up.
This allows you to set a password for the bootloader. This means a username
+and password will be required when booting in order to select a booting
+entry or change settings. This is optional, and most people are not likely
+to have a need for it. The username is root and the
+password is the one chosen hereafter.
Choose a password for the bootloader (optional)
Password (again)
Retype the password and DrakX will check that it matches with the one set
Enable ACPI
ACPI (Advanced Configuration and Power Interface) is a standard for power
+management. It can save energy by stopping unused devices. Deselecting it
+could be useful if, for example, your computer does not support ACPI or if
+you think the ACPI implementation might cause some problems (for instance
+random reboots or system lockups).
Enable SMP
This option enables/disables symmetric multiprocessing for multi-core
Enable APIC
Enabling this gives the operating system access to the Advanced Programmable
+Interrupt Controller. APIC devices permit more complex priority models, and
+Advanced IRQ (Interrupt Request) management.
Enable Local APIC
Here you can set Local APIC, which manages all external interrupts for a
+specific processor in an SMP system
Bootloader Configuration
The operating system to be started up by default.
This option lets you pass information to the kernel or tell the kernel to
+give you more information as it boots.
Probe foreign OS
If you already have other operating systems installed, Mageia attempts to
+add them to your new Mageia boot menu. If you don't want this behaviour,
+then untick the Probe Foreign OS option.
Video mode
This sets the screen size and colour depth to be used by the boot menu. If
+you click the down-triangle you will be offered other size and colour depth
Do not touch ESP or MBR
Select this option if you don't want a bootable Mageia, but would rather
+chain-load it from another OS. You will get a warning that the bootloader is
+missing. Click Ok if you are sure you understand the
+implications, and wish to proceed.
Other Options
Mevcut bir önyükleyiciyi kullanmak
The exact procedure for adding Mageia to an existing bootloader is beyond
+the scope of this documentation. However in most cases it will involve
+running the relevant bootloader installation program, which should detect
+Mageia and automatically add an entry for it in the bootloader menu. See the
+documentation for the relevant operating system.
Installing Without a Bootloader
While you can opt to install Mageia without a bootloader (see section 2.1
+Advanced), this is not recommended unless you absolutely know what you are
+doing, as without some form of bootloader your operating system will be
+unable to start.
Önyükleme Menü Girdisi Ekleme veya Değiştirme
To do this you need to manually edit /boot/grub2/custom.cfg or use the
+software grub-customizer tool instead
+(available in the Mageia repositories).
DrakX presents a proposal for the configuration of your system depending on
+the choices you made and on the hardware detected. You can check the
+settings here and change them if you want by pressing
As a general rule, it is recommended that you accept the default settings
öntanımlı bir ayarla ilgili bilinen sorunları olması
öntanımlı ayar önceden denenmiş ve başarısız olması
some other factor mentioned in the detailed sections below is an issue
Sistem parametreleri
DrakX selects a timezone for you, depending on your preferred language. You
+can change it if needed. See also Configure Timezone
Country / Region
If the selected country is wrong, it is very important that you correct the
+setting. See Select Country
DrakX proposal for the bootloader setting
Do not change anything, unless you know how to configure GRUB2. For more
+information, see Bootloader
User management
You can add extra users here. They will each be allocated their own
+/home directories.
System services refer to those small programs which run in the background
+(daemons). This tool allows you to enable or disable certain processes.
You should check carefully before changing anything here - a mistake may
+prevent your computer from operating correctly. For more information, see
+Configure Services
Donanım parametreleri
Configure your keyboard layout according to your location, language and type
+of keyboard.
Yanlış klavye düzeni ile karşılaştınız ve değiştirmek istiyorsanız
+parolanızın da değişeceğini unutmayın.
Burada diğer işaretleme araçlarını, tabletleri, iztoplarını
+v.b. ayarlayabilirsiniz.
Sound card
The installer will use the default driver if one is available.
If there is no actual default driver for your sound card, there may be other
+possible alternative drivers available to choose from. If this is the case,
+but you think the installer has not made the most appropriate choice, you
+can click on Advanced to manually specify a driver.
You can configure your network here, but for network cards with non-free
+drivers it is better to do that after reboot, using the Mageia Control
+Center, if you have not yet enabled the Nonfree media
When you add a network card, do not forget to set your firewall to monitor
+that interface as well.
A Proxy Server acts as an intermediary between your computer and the wider
+Internet. This section allows you to configure your computer to utilize a
+proxy service.
You may need to consult your systems administrator to obtain the parameters
+you need to enter here.
Security Level
The Security level for your computer, in most cases the default setting
+(Standard) is adequate for general use. Select the option which best suits
+your usage.
The firewall allows you to manage which network connections are allowed on
+your computer. The safe and secure default is to allow ZERO inbound
+connections. This does not stop you connecting outbound and using your
+computer normally.
Please be aware that the Internet is a high risk network where there are
+continuous attempts to probe and attack systems. Even seemingly
+“safe” connections such as ICMP (for ping) have been used as
+covert data channels for exfiltrating data by malicious persons.
Bear in mind that allowing everything (no firewall) may
+be very risky.
Zaman Dilimini Yapılandırma
Choose your timezone by choosing your country, or a city close to you in the
+same timezone.
In the next screen you can choose to set your hardware clock to local time
+or to GMT, also known as UTC.
Bilgisayarınızda birden fazla işletim sistemi bulunuyorsa, tümünün yerel
+zamana veya tümünün UTC/GMT zamanına ayarlı olduğundan emin olun.
Ülke/Bölge seçin
Select your country or region. This is important for all kinds of settings,
+like the currency and wireless regulatory domain. Setting the wrong country
+can lead to being unable to use a Wireless network.
If your country isn't in the list, click the Other
+Countries option and choose your country / region there.
If your country is only in the Other Countries list,
+after clicking OK it may seem that a country from the
+main list was chosen. Despite this, DrakX will actually apply your choice.
Girdi yöntemi:
In the Other Countries screen you can also select an
+input method (at the bottom of the list). Input methods allow users to input
+multilingual characters (Chinese, Japanese, Korean, etc). IBus is the
+default input method, so users should not need to configure it
+manually. Other input methods (SCIM, GCIN, HIME, etc) also provide similar
+functions and can be installed if you added HTTP/FTP media before package
If you missed the input method setup during installation, you can access it
+post-install via Configure your Computer → System, or by running
+localedrake as root.
Hizmetleri Yapılandırma
Here you can choose which services should start when you boot your system.
Click on a triangle to expand a group to all the relevant services. The
+settings DrakX chose are usually good.
Bir hizmeti vurgularsanız, o hizmet hakkındaki bilgi alttaki kutuda
Ne yaptığınızı çok ama çok iyi bir şekilde biliyorsanız burada bir şeyleri
Fare seçin
Farenizin cevap verme şeklinden mutlu değilseniz, farklı bir tanesini burada
Usually, Universal → Any PS/2 and
+USB mice is a good choice.
Select Universal → Force
+evdev to configure the buttons that do not work
+on a mouse with six or more buttons.
Ses Yapılandırması
This screen shows the details of the sound card driver chosen for you by the
+installer, and this driver should work without problems.
However, if you encounter any issues post-install, then run
+draksound or start this tool via Mageia Control Center → Hardware → Sound Configuration. Then, in the
+draksound or Sound Configuration
+screen, click on Troubleshooting to find useful advice
+about how to solve the problem.
If there is no actual default driver for your sound card, there may be other
+possible alternative drivers available to choose from. If this is the case,
+but you think the installer has not made the most appropriate choice, you
+can click on Advanced to manually specify a driver.
Güvenlik Seviyesi
Please choose the desired security level
Standard is the default, and recommended setting for
+the average user.
Secure will create a highly protected system - for
+instance if the system is to be used as a public server.
Security Administrator
This item allows you to configure an email address to which the system will
+send security alert messages when it detects situations
+which require notification to a system administrator.
A good, and easy-to-implement, choice is to enter <user>@localhost -
+where <user> is the login name of the user to receive these messages.
The system sends such messages as Unix Mailspool
+messages, not as "ordinary" SMTP mail: this user must therefore
+be configured for receiving such mail!
It will always be possible to adjust your security settings post-install in
+the Security section of the Mageia Control Center.
Güvenlik duvarı
This section allows you to configure some simple firewall rules: they
+determine which type of message from the Internet will be accepted by the
+target system. This, in turn, allows the corresponding services on the
+system to be accessible from the Internet.
In the default setting (no button is checked), no service of the system is
+accessible from the network. The Everything (no
+firewall) option enables access to all services of the machine -
+an option that does not make much sense in the context of the installer
+since it would create a totally unprotected system. Its veritable use is in
+the context of the Mageia Control Center (which uses the same GUI layout)
+for temporarily disabling the entire set of firewall rules for testing and
+debugging purposes.
All other options are more or less self-explanatory. As an example, you will
+enable the CUPS server if you want printers on your machine to be accessible
+from the network.
The Advanced option opens a window where you can enable
+a series of services by typing a list of “couples” (blank
- <port-numarası>, RFC-433'de
+tanımlandığı gibi etkinleştirmek istediğiniz hizmete ilişkin port değeridir
+(mesela RSYNC hizmeti için 873);
- <protocol>, TCP veya
+UDP - hizmet tarafından kullanılan internet
Mesela, RSYNC hizmetine erişimi etkinleştirmek için girilecek değer
+873/tcp olur.
Hizmetin her iki protokolü de kullandığı durumlarda, aynı port için iki
+ayrı girdi oluşturmanız gerekir.
Since this version of Mageia was released, some packages will have been
+updated or improved.
Select Yes if you wish to download and install them
Select No if you don't want to do this now, or if you
+aren't connected to the Internet
Press Next to continue
You have finished installing and configuring Mageia and it is now safe to
+remove the installation medium and reboot your computer.
After rebooting, you can use the bootloader screen to choose which operating
+system to start (if there are more than one on your computer).
Önyükleyici ayarlarını yapmadıysanız, Mageia kurulumunuz kendiliğinden
+seçilecek ve başlatılacaktır.
Tadını çıkarın!
Visit www.mageia.org/en/
+if you have any questions or want to contribute to Mageia
Mageia' yı Kaldırma
If Mageia didn't convince you or you can't install it correctly - in short
+you want get rid of it - that is your right and Mageia also gives you the
+possibility to uninstall. This is not true for every operating system.
After backing up your data, reboot your Mageia installation DVD and select
+Rescue system, then Restore Windows boot
+loader. At the next boot, you will only have Windows, with no
+option to choose your Mageia operating system.
In Windows, to recover the space used by Mageia partitions: click on
+Start → Control
+Panel → Administrative Tools → Computer Management → Storage → Disk
+Management. You will recognise a Mageia
+partition because they are labeled Unknown, and also by
+their size and place on the disk. Right-click on each of these partitions
+and select Delete to free up the space.
If you are using Windows XP, you can create a new partition and format it
+(FAT32 or NTFS). It will then get a partition letter.
If you have Vista or 7, you have one more possibility, you can extend the
+existing partition that is at the left of the freed space. There are other
+partitioning tools that can be used, such as gparted, available for both Windows and Linux. As
+always, when changing partitions, be very careful to back up anything
+important to you.