From 35cbb888d9fa1d74dc08963190ebc38d101dadeb Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Papoteur Date: Sun, 11 Jun 2023 15:40:32 +0200 Subject: Adding or refreshing mcc in sq --- mcc/9/sq/content/mcc-system.html | 195 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 195 insertions(+) create mode 100644 mcc/9/sq/content/mcc-system.html (limited to 'mcc/9/sq/content/mcc-system.html') diff --git a/mcc/9/sq/content/mcc-system.html b/mcc/9/sq/content/mcc-system.html new file mode 100644 index 00000000..abffe763 --- /dev/null +++ b/mcc/9/sq/content/mcc-system.html @@ -0,0 +1,195 @@ + + + + + Sistemighost


Në këtë ekran ju mund të zgjidhni në mes të disa sistemeve dhe mjeteve të +administrimit. Klikoni mbi një lidhje më poshtë për të mësuar më shumë.



Kjo vegël[26] ju mundëson të modifikoni +mënyrën në të cilën ju mund të njiheni si përdorues i makinës ose në rrjet.

Sipas paracaktimit, informacioni për vërtetimin tuaj ruhet në një skedar në +kompjuterin tuaj. Ndryshoni atë vetëm nëse administratori i rrjetit ju fton +të bëni një gjë të tillë dhe jepni informacion rreth kësaj.

Menaxho shërbimet e sistemit duke mundësuar ose gjymtuar ato


This page hasn't been written yet for lack of resources. If you think you +can write this help, please contact the Doc +team. Thanking you in advance.

You can start this tool from the command line, by typing drakxservices as root.

Menaxho, shto dhe hiq fontet. Importo fontet Windows(TM)


This tool[27] is present in the Mageia +Control Center under the System tab. It +allows you to manage the fonts available on the computer. The main screen +above shows:

  • the installed font names, styles and sizes.

  • a preview of the selected font.

  • disa butona shpjegohen këtu më vonë.

Get Windows Fonts:

Ky buton automatikisht shton fontet gjetur në ndarjen Windows. Ju duhet të +keni të instaluar Microsoft Windows.


Kjo ju lejon të specifikoni aplikacionet aso pajisjet (printerë kryesisht) +të aftë për të përdorur fonte.


This button is to remove installed fonts and possibly save some place. Be +careful when removing fonts because it may have serious consequences on the +documents that use them.


Allows you to add fonts from a third party (CD, internet, ...). The +supported formats are ttf, pfa, pfb, pcf, pfm and gsf. Click on the +Import button and then on Add, a file manager pops up where you can select the +fonts to install, click on Install when +done. They are installed in the folder /usr/share/fonts.

If the newly installed (or removed) fonts doesn't appear in the Drakfont +main screen, close and re open it to see the modifications.

Menaxho datën dhe kohën


This tool[28] is found under the tab System +in the Mageia Control Center labelled "Manage date and +time". In some desktop environments it is also available by a +right click / Adjust date and Time ... on the clock in the system tray.

It's a very simple tool.

On the upper left part, is the calendar. On +the screenshot above, the date is September (on the upper left), 2012 (on +the upper right), the 2nd (in blue) and it is a Sunday. Select the month +(or year) by clicking on the little arrows on each side of September (or +2012). Select the day by clicking on its number.

On the bottom left is the Network Time +Protocol synchronising, it is possible to have a clock always on +time by synchronising it with a server. Check Enable Network Time +Protocol and choose the closest server.

On the right part is the clock. It's +useless to set the clock if NTP is enabled. Three boxes display hours, +minutes and seconds (15, 28 and 22 on the screenshot). Use the little arrows +to set the clock to the correct time. The format can't be changed here, see +your desktop environment settings for that.

At least, on the bottom right, select your time zone by clicking on the +Change Time Zone button and choosing in the list the +nearest town.


Even if it isn't possible to choose a date or time format in this tool, they +will be displayed on your desktop in accordance with the localisation +settings.

Menaxho lokalizimin për sistemin tuaj


This tool[29] can be found in the System +section of the Mageia Control Center (MCC) labelled "Manage localization for +your system". It opens with a window in which you can choose your +language. The choice is adapted to languages selected during installation.

The Advanced button give access to activate +compatibility with old encoding (non UTF8).

The second window shows a list of countries according to the selected +language. The button Other Countries gives access to +countries not listed.

You have to restart your session after any modifications.

Metodë hyrëse

In the Other Countries screen you can also select an +input method (from the drop-down menu at the bottom of the list). Input +methods allow users to input multilingual characters (Chinese, Japanese, +Korean, etc).

For Asian and African locales, IBus will be set as default input method so +users should not need to configure it manually.

Other input methods (SCIM, GCIN, HIME, etc.) also provide similar functions +and can, if not available from the drop-down menu, be installed in another +part of the Mageia Control Center. See seksioni i quajtur “Software Management (Install and Remove Software)”.

Shiko dhe kërko shënimet e sistemit


This tool[30] is found in the Mageia +Control Center System tab, labelled "View and search system +logs".

To do a search in the logs

First, enter the key string you want to look for in the Matching field and/or the key string you want to +do not wish to see amongst the answers in the field +but not matching. Then select the file(s) +to search in the Choose file field. Optionally, it is +possible to limit the search to only one day. Select it in the Calendar, using the little arrows on each side of the +month and year, and check "Show only for the selected +day". At last, click on the search button +to see the results in the window called Content of the +file. It is possible to save the results in the .txt format by +clicking on the Save button.


The Mageia Tools Logs houses the logs from the Mageia +configuration tools such as the Mageia Control Center tools. These logs are +updated each time a configuration is modified.

To configure a mail alert

Mail alert automatically checks the system load and +the services every hour and if necessary sends an e-mail to the configured +address.

To configure this tool, click on the Mail +Alert button and then, in the next screen, on the +Configure the mail alert system drop down button. Here, all the +running services are displayed and you can choose which ones you want to +look watch. (See screenshot above).

The following services can be watched :

  • Shërbimi Webmin

  • Server i letrave Postfix

  • Server FTP

  • Apache World Wide Web Server

  • Server SSH

  • Server Samba

  • Shërbime Xinetd

  • BIND Domain Name Resolve

In the next screen, select the Load value you consider +unacceptable. The load represents the demand to a process, a high load slows +the system down and a very high load may indicate that a process has gone +out of control. The default value is 3. We recommend setting the load value +to 3 times the number of processors.

In the last screen, enter the Email address of the +person to be warned and the Email server to use (local +or on the Internet).

Hap panel komandimi si administrator


This tool[31] gives you access to a console +which is directly opened as root. We do not think that you need more +information about that.

Përdoruesit dhe grupet


Ky mjet[32] gjendet nën System tabelë në Qendrën e Kontrollit Mageia emërtuar +"Menaxho përdoruesit në sistem"

The tool allows an administrator to manage the users and the groups, this +means to add or delete a user or group and to modify user and group settings +(ID, shell, ...)

When userdrake is opened, all the users existing on the system are listed in +the Users tab, and all the groups in the +Groups tab. Both tabs operate the same way.

1 Shto Përdorues

Ky buton hap një dritare të re me të gjitha fushat e treguara bosh:

The field Full Name is intended for the +entry of a family name and first name, but it is possible to write anything +or nothing as well!

Hyrja është e vetmja fushë e kërkuar.

Setting a Password is highly +recommended. There is a little shield on the right, if it is red, the +password is weak, too short or is too similar to the login name. You should +use figures, lower and upper case characters, punctuation marks, etc. The +shield will turn orange and then green as the password strength improves.

Konfirmo Fjalëkalimin fushë është atje për +të siguruar që ju të fusni atë që ju keni qëllim për.

Login Shell is a drop down list that allows +you to change the shell used by the user you are adding, the options are +Bash, Dash and Sh.

Create a private group for the user, if +checked will automatically create a group with the same name and the new +user as the only member (this may be edited).

Opsionet e tjera duhen të jenë të qarta. Ky përdorues i ri është krijuar +menjëherë pasi ju klikoni mbi OK.

2 Shto Grup

Ju duhet vetëm të shkruani emrin e ri të grupit, dhe nëse kërkohet, ID +specifike grupi.

3 Redakto (një përdorues i zgjedhur)

User Data: Allows you to modify all the data given +for the user at creation (the ID can't be changed).

Info llogari:

The first option is for setting an expiration date for the account. +Connection is impossible after this date. This is useful for temporary +accounts.

The second option is to lock the account, connection is impossible as long +as the account is locked.

Është gjithashtu e mundur për të ndryshuar ikonën.

Info Fjalëkalimi: Ju lejon të vendosni një +datë skadimi për fjalëkalim, ky detyron përdoruesin të ndryshoj fjalëkalimin +e tij në mënyrë periodike.

Grup: Këtu ju mund të zgjidhni grupet që +përdoruesi është anëtar i.


Nëse jeni duke modifikuar një llogari përdoruesi të lidhur, modifikimet nuk +do të jenë në fuqi deri në hyrje të tij/saj të ardhshëm.

4 Redakto (me një grup të zgjedhur)

Group Data: Allows you to modify the group +name.

Përdoruesit e grupit: Këtu ju mund të +zgjidhni përdoruesit të cilët janë anëtarë të grupit

5 Fshi

Select a user or a group and click on Delete to remove it. For a user, a window appears to +ask if home directory and mailbox must also be deleted. If a private group +has been created for the user, it will be deleted as well.


Është e mundur për të fshirë një grup që nuk është bosh.

6 Rifresko

The User database can be changed outside of Userdrake. Click on this icon to +refresh the display.

7 Llogaria Vizitor

guest is a special account. It is intended +to give somebody temporary access to the system with total security. Login +is xguest, there is no password, and it is impossible to make modifications +to the system from this account. The personal directories are deleted at the +end of the session. This account is enabled by default, to disable it, click +in the menu on Actions -> Uninstall guest account.

Importo Windows(TM) dokumente dhe konfigurime


This tool[33] is found under the System tab in the Mageia Control Center labeled +Import Windows(TM) documents and settings

Mjeti i lejon një administratori të importoj dokumentet e përdoruesit dhe +parametrat nga një Windows® 2000, +Windows® XP ose Windows® Vista™ +instalimit në të njëjtin kompjuter si instalimit Mageia.


Please note that all the changes will be applied by transfugdrake +immediately after pressing Next.

Pas fillimit transfugdrake ju do të shihni faqen e parë magjistar me një +shpjegim për mjet dhe opsionet e importit.

As soon as you read and understand the instructions, press the +Next button. This should run a detection of +Windows® installation.

When the detection step is complete you will see a page which allows you to +choose accounts in Windows® and +Mageia for the import procedure. It is possible to choose other user account +than yours own.


Please take into account that due to migrate-assistant (the backend of +transfugdrake) limitations Windows® +user account names with special symbols can be displayed incorrectly.


Migration may take some time depending on the size of the document folders.


Some Windows® applications +(especially drivers) may create user accounts for different purposes. For +example, NVidia drivers in Windows®are updated using +UpdatusUser. Please do not use such accounts for the +import purposes.

When you finished with the accounts selection press +Next button. The next page is used to select a method +to import documents:

Transfugdrake is designed to import Windows® data from My +Documents, My Music and My +Pictures folders. It is possible to skip import by selecting the +appropriate item in this window.

When you finished with the document import method choosing press +Next button. The next page is used to select a method +to import bookmarks:

Transfugdrake can import Internet Explorer and +Mozilla Firefox bookmarks into the bookmarks of Mageia +Mozilla Firefox instance.

Choose the preferred import option and press the Next +button.

The next page allows you to import desktop background:

Choose the preferred option and press the Next +button.

The last page of wizard shows some congratulation message. Just press the +Finish button.



This tool[34] is available in MCC's +System tab, in the Administration +tools section.

When you start this tool in MCC for the first time, you will see a message +about installing draksnapshot. Click on Install to +proceed. Draksnapshot and some other packages it needs will be installed.

Click again on Snapshots, you will see the +Settings screen. Tick Enable +Backups and, if you want to backup the whole system, +Backup the whole system.

If you only want to backup part of your directories, then choose +Advanced. You will see a little pop-up screen. Use the +Add and Remove buttons next to +the Backup list to include or exclude directories and +files from the backup. Use the same buttons next to the +Exclude list to remove subdirectories and/or files from +the chosen directories, that should not be +included in the backup. Click on Close when you are +done.

Now give the path to Where to backup, or choose the +Browse button to select the correct path. Any mounted +USB-key or external HD can be found in /run/media/your_user_name/. +

Click on Apply to make the snapshot.

[26] Ju mund të filloni këtë vegël nga command line, duke shtypur drakfauth si root.

[27] Ju mund të filloni këtë vegël nga command line, duke shtypur drakfont si root.

[28] You can start this tool from the command line, by typing drakclock as root.

[29] You can also start this tool from the command line, by typing localedrake as root. +

[30] You can start this tool from the command line, by typing logdrake as root.

[31] You can start this tool from the command line, by typing drakconsole as root.

[32] You can start this tool from the command line, by typing userdrake as root.

[33] You can start this tool from the command line, by typing transfugdrake as root.

[34] You can start this tool from the command line, by typing draksnapshot-config as root.

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