[%# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
  # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
  # file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
  # This Source Code Form is "Incompatible With Secondary Licenses", as
  # defined by the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0.

  #   field: a Bugzilla::Field object
  #   value: The value of the field for this bug.
  #   override_legal_values (optional): The list of legal values, for select fields.
  #   editable: Whether the field should be displayed as an editable
  #             <input> or as just the plain text of its value.
  #   allow_dont_change: display the --do_not_change-- option for select fields.
  #   value_span: A colspan for the table cell containing
  #               the field value.
  #   no_tds: boolean; if true, don't display the label <th> or the 
  #           wrapping <td> for the field.
  #   bug (optional): The current Bugzilla::Bug being displayed, or a hash 
  #                   with default field values being displayed on a page.

[% IF NOT no_tds %]
  [% field_hidden = 0 %]
  [% IF bug AND !field.is_visible_on_bug(bug) %]
    [% field_hidden = 1 %]
  [% END %]

  [% INCLUDE "bug/field-label.html.tmpl" hidden = field_hidden %]
  <td class="field_value [% ' bz_hidden_field' IF field_hidden %]"
      id="field_container_[% field.name FILTER html %]" 
      [% " colspan=\"$value_span\"" FILTER none IF value_span %]>
[% END %]
[% Hook.process('start_field_column') %]
[% IF editable %]
  [% SWITCH field.type %]
    [% CASE constants.FIELD_TYPE_FREETEXT %]
        <input id="[% field.name FILTER html %]" class="text_input"
               name="[% field.name FILTER html %]"
               value="[% value FILTER html %]" size="40"
               maxlength="[% constants.MAX_FREETEXT_LENGTH FILTER none %]"
               [% ' aria-required="true"' IF field.is_mandatory %]>
    [% CASE [constants.FIELD_TYPE_DATETIME, constants.FIELD_TYPE_DATE] %]
      [% size = (field.type == constants.FIELD_TYPE_DATE) ? 10 : 20 %]
      <input name="[% field.name FILTER html %]" size="[% size FILTER none %]"
             id="[% field.name FILTER html %]"
             value="[% value FILTER html %]"
             [% ' aria-required="true"' IF field.is_mandatory %]
      <button type="button" class="calendar_button"
              id="button_calendar_[% field.name FILTER html %]"
              onclick="showCalendar('[% field.name FILTER js %]')">

      <div id="con_calendar_[% field.name FILTER html %]"></div>

      <script type="text/javascript">
          [%+ PROCESS "global/calendar.js.tmpl" id = field.name %]
    [% CASE constants.FIELD_TYPE_BUG_ID %]
        <span id="[% field.name FILTER html %]_input_area">
          <input name="[% field.name FILTER html %]" id="[% field.name FILTER html %]"
                 value="[% value FILTER html %]" size="7"
                 [% ' aria-required="true"' IF field.is_mandatory %]>


        [% IF value %]  
          [% value FILTER bug_link(value, use_alias => 1) FILTER none %]
        [% END %]
        <span id="[% field.name FILTER html %]_edit_container" class="edit_me bz_default_hidden">
          (<a href="#" id="[% field.name FILTER html %]_edit_action">edit</a>)
        <script type="text/javascript">
        hideEditableField('[% field.name FILTER js %]_edit_container',
                          '[% field.name FILTER js %]_input_area',
                          '[% field.name FILTER js %]_edit_action',
                          '[% field.name FILTER js %]',
                          "[% value FILTER js %]");
              constants.FIELD_TYPE_MULTI_SELECT ] %]
        <input type="hidden" id="[% field.name FILTER html %]_dirty">
        <select id="[% field.name FILTER html %]" 
                name="[% field.name FILTER html %]" 
                [% IF field.type == constants.FIELD_TYPE_MULTI_SELECT %]
                    [% SET field_size = 5 %]
                    [% IF field.legal_values.size < 5 %]
                        [% SET field_size = field.legal_values.size %]
                    [% END %]
                    size="[% field_size FILTER html %]" multiple="multiple"
                    [% ' aria-required="true"' IF field.is_mandatory %]
                [% END %]
          [% IF allow_dont_change %]
            <option value="[% dontchange FILTER html %]"
                   [% ' selected="selected"' IF value == dontchange %]>
              [% dontchange FILTER html %]
          [% END %]
          [% IF override_legal_values %]
            [% legal_values = override_legal_values %]
          [% ELSE %]
            [% legal_values = field.legal_values %]
          [% END %]
          [% FOREACH legal_value = legal_values %]
            [% NEXT IF NOT legal_value.is_active AND NOT value.contains(legal_value.name).size %]
            <option value="[% legal_value.name FILTER html %]"
                    id="v[% legal_value.id FILTER html %]_
                        [%- field.name FILTER html %]"
              [%# We always show selected values, even if they should be
                # hidden %]
              [% IF value.contains(legal_value.name).size %]
              [% ELSIF bug AND !legal_value.is_visible_on_bug(bug) %]
                class="bz_hidden_option" disabled="disabled"
              [% END %]>
              [%- display_value(field.name, legal_value.name) FILTER html ~%]
          [% END %]
        [%# When you pass an empty multi-select in the web interface,
          # it doesn't appear at all in the CGI object. Instead of
          # forcing all users of process_bug to always specify every
          # multi-select, we have this field defined if the multi-select
          # field is defined, and then if this is passed but the multi-select
          # isn't, we know that the multi-select was emptied.
        [% IF field.type == constants.FIELD_TYPE_MULTI_SELECT %]
          <input type="hidden" name="defined_[% field.name FILTER html %]">
        [% END %]

        <script type="text/javascript">
          initHidingOptionsForIE('[% field.name FILTER js %]');
          [%+ INCLUDE "bug/field-events.js.tmpl"
                      field = field, product = bug.product_obj %]

     [% CASE constants.FIELD_TYPE_TEXTAREA %]
       <div id="[% field.name FILTER html %]_edit_container" class="bz_default_hidden">
             (<a href="#" id="[% field.name FILTER html %]_edit_action">edit</a>)
         [% IF value %]
           <pre class="field_textarea_readonly">[% value FILTER html %]</pre>
         [% END %]
       <div id="[% field.name FILTER html %]_input">
         [% INCLUDE global/textarea.html.tmpl
            id = field.name name = field.name minrows = 4 maxrows = 8
            cols = 60 defaultcontent = value mandatory = field.is_mandatory %]
       <script type="text/javascript">
         hideEditableField('[% field.name FILTER js %]_edit_container',
                           '[% field.name FILTER js %]_input',
                           '[% field.name FILTER js %]_edit_action',
                           '[% field.name FILTER js %]',
                           '[% value FILTER js %]',
     [% CASE constants.FIELD_TYPE_BUG_URLS %]
       [% '<ul class="bug_urls">' IF value.size %]
       [% FOREACH bug_url = value %]
           [% PROCESS bug_url_link bug_url = bug_url %]
           <label><input type="checkbox" value="[% bug_url.name FILTER html %]"
                         name="remove_[% field.name FILTER html %]">
       [% END %]
       [% '</ul>' IF value.size %]

       [% IF Param('use_see_also') %]
         <span id="container_showhide_[% field.name FILTER html %]"
           (<a href="#" id="showhide_[% field.name FILTER html %]">add</a>)
         <div id="container_[% field.name FILTER html %]">
           <label for="[% field.name FILTER html %]">
             <strong>Add [% terms.Bug %] URLs:</strong>
           <input type="text" id="[% field.name FILTER html %]" size="40"
                  class="text_input" name="[% field.name FILTER html %]">
         <script type="text/javascript">
             setupEditLink('[% field.name FILTER js %]');
       [% END %]
     [% CASE constants.FIELD_TYPE_KEYWORDS %]
       <div id="[% field.name FILTER html %]_container">
         <input type="text" id="[% field.name FILTER html %]" size="40"
                class="text_input" name="[% field.name FILTER html %]"
                value="[% value FILTER html %]">
         <div id="[% field.name FILTER html %]_autocomplete"></div>
       <script type="text/javascript" defer="defer">
         if (typeof YAHOO.bugzilla.field_array === "undefined")
           YAHOO.bugzilla.field_array = [];
         YAHOO.bugzilla.field_array["[% field.name FILTER js %]"] = [
           [%- FOREACH val = possible_values %]
             [%-# %]"[% val FILTER js %]"
             [%- "," IF NOT loop.last %][% END %]];
         YAHOO.bugzilla.fieldAutocomplete.init('[% field.name FILTER js %]',
                                               '[% field.name FILTER js %]_autocomplete');
  [% END %]
[% ELSE %]
  [% SWITCH field.type %]
    [% CASE constants.FIELD_TYPE_TEXTAREA %]
      <div class="uneditable_textarea">[% value FILTER html %]</div>
    [% CASE constants.FIELD_TYPE_BUG_ID %]
      [% IF value %]  
          [% value FILTER bug_link(value, use_alias => 1) FILTER none %]
      [% END %]
              constants.FIELD_TYPE_MULTI_SELECT ] %]
      [% FOREACH val = value %]
        [% display_value(field.name, val) FILTER html %]
        [% ', ' UNLESS loop.last() %]
      [% END %]
    [% CASE constants.FIELD_TYPE_BUG_URLS %]
      [% '<ul class="bug_urls">' IF value.size %]
        [% FOREACH bug_url = value %]
            [% PROCESS bug_url_link bug_url = bug_url %]
        [% END %]
      [% '</ul>' IF value.size %]
    [% CASE %]
      [% value.join(', ') FILTER html %]
  [% END %]
[% END %]
[% Hook.process('end_field_column') %]
[% '</td>' IF NOT no_tds %]

[%# for reverse relationships, we show this pseudo-field after the main field %]
[% IF bug.id && field.is_relationship %]
    [% extra_field_item = {} %]
    [% extra_field_item.header = field.reverse_desc _ ":" FILTER html %]
    [% extra_field_item.data = BLOCK %]
        [% FOREACH depbug = bug.related_bugs(field) %]
            [% depbug.id FILTER bug_link(depbug, use_alias => 1) FILTER none %][% " " %]
        [% END %]
    [% END %]
[% ELSE %]
    [% extra_field_item = '' %]
[% END %]

[% BLOCK bug_url_link %]
  [% IF bug_url.isa('Bugzilla::BugUrl::Bugzilla::Local') %]
    [% bug_url.target_bug_id FILTER bug_link(bug_url.target_bug_id, use_alias => 1) FILTER none %]
  [% ELSE %]
    <a href="[% bug_url.name FILTER html %]">
      [% bug_url.name FILTER html %]</a>
  [% END %]
[% END %]