# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this # file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. # # This Source Code Form is "Incompatible With Secondary Licenses", as # defined by the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0. package Bugzilla::Extension::Mageia; use 5.16.0; use strict; use warnings; use parent qw(Bugzilla::Extension); use Bugzilla::Constants qw(EVT_CC REL_GLOBAL_WATCHER); use Bugzilla::Bug qw(LogActivityEntry); use Bugzilla::Field qw(get_field_id); use Bugzilla::User qw(); use Bugzilla::User::Setting qw(add_setting); use Bugzilla::Extension::Mageia::Util qw(compare_datetimes sync_ldap_groups_check); use Email::Address; # Let's match the Bugzilla version it's written for. our $VERSION = '5.0'; # sysadmin-bugs@ml.mageia.org user ID = 175. use constant SYSADMIN_USER_ID => 175; use constant MGA_SETTINGS => { mga_inline_history => { options => ['on', 'off'], default => 'on' }, }; sub bug_end_of_create_validators { my ($self, $args) = @_; # If a user enters 'validated_update' as keyword, # automatically CC sysadmin-bugs@ml.mageia.org. my $keywords = $args->{params}->{keywords}; if (grep { $_->name eq 'validated_update' } @$keywords) { my $cc_list = $args->{params}->{cc}; if (!grep { $_ == SYSADMIN_USER_ID } @$cc_list) { push(@$cc_list, SYSADMIN_USER_ID); } } } sub bug_end_of_update { my ($self, $args) = @_; my $bug = $args->{bug}; my $dbh = Bugzilla->dbh; my $user = Bugzilla->user; my $new_keywords_str; # Call exists to avoid autovivification of $args->{changes} if it does not exist. # Else $bug->update() always sees the bug as being edited. if (exists $args->{changes} && exists $args->{changes}->{keywords}) { $new_keywords_str = $args->{changes}->{keywords}->[1]; } # If a user enters 'validated_update' as keyword, automatically # CC sysadmin-bugs@ml.mageia.org. if ($new_keywords_str) { my @new_keywords = split(/[,\s]+/, $new_keywords_str); if (grep { $_ eq 'validated_update' } @new_keywords and !grep { $_->id == SYSADMIN_USER_ID } @{$bug->cc_users}) { # Safer to clear the cache and let Bugzilla regenerate them if needed. delete $bug->{cc_users}; delete $bug->{cc}; $dbh->do('INSERT INTO cc (bug_id, who) VALUES (?, ?)', undef, ($bug->id, SYSADMIN_USER_ID)); # We also have to update the bug history to reflect this change. my $changed_cc = $args->{changes}->{cc}; my $sysadmin_login = Bugzilla::User->new(SYSADMIN_USER_ID)->login; if ($changed_cc->[1]) { $changed_cc->[1] .= ", $sysadmin_login"; } else { $changed_cc->[1] = $sysadmin_login; } my $field_id = get_field_id('cc'); $dbh->do('DELETE FROM bugs_activity WHERE bug_id = ? AND bug_when = ? AND fieldid = ?', undef, ($bug->id, $args->{timestamp}, $field_id)); LogActivityEntry($bug->id, 'cc', $changed_cc->[0] // '', $changed_cc->[1], $user->id, $args->{timestamp}); } } } sub bug_format_comment { my ($self, $args) = @_; my $regexes = $args->{'regexes'}; # The Mageia DB was initially using SQL_ASCII as encoding (which means "no encoding"). # The move to UTF8 caused some characters to be badly decoded, which we fix here. # Convert "é" into "é". push(@$regexes, { match => qr/\xc3\xa9/, replace => "\xe9" }); } sub enter_bug_entrydefaultvars { my ($self, $vars) = @_; my $cgi = Bugzilla->cgi; # By default, users should get the guided form when reporting a new bug. # Pass &normal=1 to the URL to get the official bug form. my $format = $cgi->param('normal') ? '' : 'guided'; $cgi->param('format', $format); } sub install_before_final_checks { # A hook in Bugzilla::Install::SETTINGS() would be much cleaner. :( my %settings = %{MGA_SETTINGS()}; foreach my $setting (keys %settings) { add_setting($setting, $settings{$setting}->{options}, $settings{$setting}->{default}); } } sub mailer_before_send { my ($self, $args) = @_; my $email = $args->{email}; # Include the changer's name in the "From:" field. if (my $changer = $email->header('X-Bugzilla-Who')) { $changer = Bugzilla::User->new({ name => $changer }); return unless $changer; my $address = Email::Address->new($changer->name, $email->header('From')); $email->header_str_set('From' => $address->format); } } sub sanitycheck_check { my ($self, $args) = @_; &{$args->{status}}('ldap_check_group_membership'); sync_ldap_groups_check($args->{status}); } sub sanitycheck_repair { my ($self, $args) = @_; if (Bugzilla->cgi->param('sync_ldap_groups')) { &{$args->{status}}('ldap_repair_start'); sync_ldap_groups_check($args->{status}, 1); &{$args->{status}}('ldap_repair_end'); } } sub template_before_process { my ($self, $args) = @_; _inline_history($args) if $args->{file} eq 'bug/comments.html.tmpl'; } sub _inline_history { my $args = shift; my $user = Bugzilla->user; return if $user->setting('mga_inline_history') eq 'off'; # Only display the bug history in chronological order. return if $user->setting('comment_sort_order') ne 'oldest_to_newest'; my $bug = $args->{vars}->{bug}; my ($history) = $bug->get_activity(); # Filter private comments that the user is not allowed to see. my @comments = grep { !$_->is_private || $user->is_insider || $user->id == $_->author->id } @{ $bug->comments }; my %h_times = map { $_->{when} => $_ } @$history; my %c_times = map { $_->creation_ts => $_ } @comments; my @all_times = sort { compare_datetimes($a, $b) } (keys %c_times, keys %h_times); my $curr_comment; foreach my $time (@all_times) { if ($c_times{$time}) { $curr_comment = $c_times{$time}; $curr_comment->{inline_history} //= []; } if (my $activity = $h_times{$time}) { # If we have no visible comment to attach the activity to, then ignore it. # This can happen if the initial comment (comment 0) is private. next unless $curr_comment; $activity->{after} = compare_datetimes($time, $curr_comment->creation_ts); $activity->{who} = new Bugzilla::User({ name => $activity->{who}, cache => 1 }); push(@{ $curr_comment->{inline_history} }, $activity); } } } sub user_wants_mail { my ($self, $args) = @_; return unless $args->{relationship} == REL_GLOBAL_WATCHER; my $wants_mail = $args->{wants_mail}; my @events = @{ $args->{events} }; # Do not email global watchers if the single change is about the CC list. $$wants_mail = (scalar(@events) == 1 && $events[0] == EVT_CC) ? 0 : 1; } __PACKAGE__->NAME;