<!-- <!DOCTYPE chapter PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook V4.1//EN"> -->
<chapter id="administration">
  <title>Administering Bugzilla</title>

  <section id="parameters">
    <title>Bugzilla Configuration</title>

    <para>Bugzilla is configured by changing various parameters, accessed
    from the "Edit parameters" link in the page footer. Here are
    some of the key parameters on that page. You should run down this
    list and set them appropriately after installing Bugzilla.</para>


        The maintainer parameter is the email address of the person 
        responsible for maintaining this
        Bugzilla installation. The address need not be that of a valid Bugzilla

        This parameter defines the fully qualified domain name and web 
        server path to your Bugzilla installation.</para>

        <para>For example, if your Bugzilla query page is
        set your <quote>urlbase</quote>
        to <filename>http://www.foo.com/bugzilla/</filename>.</para>

        This dictates whether or not to automatically create groups
        when new products are created.

        Bugzilla products can have a group associated with them, so that
        certain users can only see bugs in certain products. When this 
        parameter is set to <quote>on</quote>, this 
        causes the initial group controls on newly created products 
        to place all newly-created bugs in the group 
        having the same name as the product immediately.
        After a product is initially created, the group controls
        can be further adjusted without interference by 
        this mechanism.</para>

        You run into an interesting problem when Bugzilla reaches a
        high level of continuous activity. MySQL supports only table-level
        write locking. What this means is that if someone needs to make a
        change to a bug, they will lock the entire table until the operation
        is complete. Locking for write also blocks reads until the write is
        complete. Note that more recent versions of mysql support row level
        locking using different table types. These types are slower than the
        standard type, and Bugzilla does not yet take advantage of features
        such as transactions which would justify this speed decrease. The
        Bugzilla team are, however, happy to hear about any experiences with
        row level locking and Bugzilla</para>

        <para>The <quote>shadowdb</quote>
        parameter was designed to get around this limitation. While only a
        single user is allowed to write to a table at a time, reads can
        continue unimpeded on a read-only shadow copy of the database.
        Although your database size will double, a shadow database can cause
        an enormous performance improvement when implemented on extremely
        high-traffic Bugzilla databases.</para>
        As a guide, mozilla.org began needing 
        when they reached around 40,000 Bugzilla users with several hundred
        Bugzilla bug changes and comments per day.</para>

        <para>The value of the parameter defines the name of the 
        shadow bug database. You will need to set the host and port settings
        from the params page, and set up replication in your database server
        so that updates reach this readonly mirror. Consult your database
        documentation for more detail.</para>


        If you need to shut down Bugzilla to perform administration, enter
        some descriptive HTML here and anyone who tries to use Bugzilla will
        receive a page to that effect. Obviously, editparams.cgi will
        still be accessible so you can remove the HTML and re-enable Bugzilla.


        Every time a user creates an account, the text of
        this parameter (with substitutions) is sent to the new user along with
        their password message.</para>

        <para>Add any text you wish to the "passwordmail" parameter box. For
        instance, many people choose to use this box to give a quick training
        blurb about how to use Bugzilla at your site.</para>


	This option is an undocumented feature to allow moving bugs
	between separate Bugzilla installations.  You will need to understand
	the source code in order to use this feature.  Please consult
	<filename>movebugs.pl</filename> in your Bugzilla source tree for
	further documentation, such as it is.


        This allows you to define an email address for each component, in
        to that of the default owner, who will be sent carbon copies of
        incoming bugs.</para>
        This defines whether you wish to have a free-form, overwritable field
        associated with each bug. The advantage of the Status Whiteboard is
        that it can be deleted or modified with ease, and provides an
        easily-searchable field for indexing some bugs that have some trait
        in common.         

        Set this to the number of days you want to let bugs go
        in the NEW or REOPENED state before notifying people they have
        untouched new bugs. If you do not plan to use this feature, simply do
        not set up the whining cron job described in the installation
        instructions, or set this value to "0" (never whine).</para>

        All these
        fields allow you to dictate what changes can pass without comment,
        and which must have a comment from the person who changed them.
        Often, administrators will allow users to add themselves to the CC
        list, accept bugs, or change the Status Whiteboard without adding a
        comment as to their reasons for the change, yet require that most
        other changes come with an explanation.</para>

        <para>Set the "commenton" options according to your site policy. It
        is a wise idea to require comments when users resolve, reassign, or
        reopen bugs at the very least. 
          <para>It is generally far better to require a developer comment
          when resolving bugs than not. Few things are more annoying to bug
          database users than having a developer mark a bug "fixed" without
          any comment as to what the fix was (or even that it was truly


        Turning on this option allows users to ask to receive copies of 
        all a particular other user's bug email. This is, of
        course, subject to the groupset restrictions on the bug; if the 
        would not normally be allowed to view a bug, the watcher cannot get
        around the system by setting herself up to watch the bugs of someone
        with bugs outside her privileges. They would still only receive email
        updates for those bugs she could normally view.</para>        

  <section id="useradmin">
    <title>User Administration</title>

    <section id="defaultuser">
      <title>Creating the Default User</title>

      <para>When you first run checksetup.pl after installing Bugzilla, it
      will prompt you for the administrative username (email address) and
      password for this "super user". If for some reason you delete
      the "super user" account, re-running checksetup.pl will again prompt
      you for this username and password.</para>

        <para>If you wish to add more administrative users, add them to 
        the "admin" group and, optionally, add edit the tweakparams, editusers,
        creategroups, editcomponents, and editkeywords groups to add the
        entire admin group to those groups.

    <section id="manageusers">
      <title>Managing Other Users</title>

      <section id="createnewusers">
        <title>Creating new users</title>

        <para>Your users can create their own user accounts by clicking the
        "New Account" link at the bottom of each page (assuming they
        aren't logged in as someone else already.) However, should you
        desire to create user accounts ahead of time, here is how you do

            <para>After logging in, click the "Users" link at the footer of
            the query page, and then click "Add a new user".</para>

            <para>Fill out the form presented. This page is self-explanatory.
            When done, click "Submit".</para>

              <para>Adding a user this way will 

              send an email informing them of their username and password.
              While useful for creating dummy accounts (watchers which
              shuttle mail to another system, for instance, or email
              addresses which are a mailing list), in general it is
              preferable to log out and use the 
              <quote>New Account</quote>

              button to create users, as it will pre-populate all the
              required fields and also notify the user of her account name
              and password.</para>

      <section id="modifyusers">
        <title>Modifying Users</title>

        <para>To see a specific user, search for their login name
        in the box provided on the "Edit Users" page. To see all users, 
        leave the box blank.</para>

        <para>You can search in different ways the listbox to the right
        of the text entry box. You can match by 
        case-insensitive substring (the default),
        regular expression, or a 
        regular expression match, which finds every user name which does NOT
        match the regular expression. (Please see
        the <command>man regexp</command>
        manual page for details on regular expression syntax.)

        <para>Once you have found your user, you can change the following

            <emphasis>Login Name</emphasis>: 
            This is generally the user's full email address. However, if you
            have are using the emailsuffix Param, this may just be the user's
            login name. Note that users can now change their login names
            themselves (to any valid email address.)

            <emphasis>Real Name</emphasis>: The user's real name. Note that
            Bugzilla does not require this to create an account.</para>

            You can change the user's password here. Users can automatically
            request a new password, so you shouldn't need to do this often.
            If you want to disable an account, see Disable Text below.

            <emphasis>Disable Text</emphasis>: 
            If you type anything in this box, including just a space, the
            user is prevented from logging in, or making any changes to 
            bugs via the web interface. 
            The HTML you type in this box is presented to the user when
            they attempt to perform these actions, and should explain
            why the account was disabled.
              <para>Don't disable the administrator account!</para>

              <para>The user can still submit bugs via
              the e-mail gateway, if you set it up, even if the disabled text
              field is filled in. The e-mail gateway should 
              be enabled for secure installations of Bugzilla.</para>

            If you have created some groups, e.g. "securitysensitive", then
            checkboxes will appear here to allow you to add users to, or
            remove them from, these groups.

            This field is only used if you have enabled the "unconfirmed"
            status. If you enable this for a user,
            that user can then move bugs from "Unconfirmed" to a "Confirmed"
            status (e.g.: "New" status).</para>

            This option will allow a user to create and destroy groups in

            Unless a user has this bit set, they can only edit those bugs
            for which they are the assignee or the reporter. Even if this
            option is unchecked, users can still add comments to bugs.

            This flag allows a user to create new products and components,
            as well as modify and destroy those that have no bugs associated
            with them. If a product or component has bugs associated with it,
            those bugs must be moved to a different product or component
            before Bugzilla will allow them to be destroyed.

            If you use Bugzilla's keyword functionality, enabling this
            feature allows a user to create and destroy keywords. As always,
            the keywords for existing bugs containing the keyword the user
            wishes to destroy must be changed before Bugzilla will allow it
            to die.</para>

            This flag allows a user to do what you're doing right now: edit
            other users. This will allow those with the right to do so to
            remove administrator privileges from other users or grant them to
            themselves. Enable with care.</para>

            This flag allows a user to change Bugzilla's Params 
            (using <filename>editparams.cgi</filename>.)</para>

            This allows an administrator to specify the products in which 
            a user can see bugs. The user must still have the 
            "editbugs" privilege to edit bugs in these products.</para>

  <section id="programadmin">
    <title>Product, Component, Milestone, and Version Administration</title>

    <section id="products">

      <glossterm linkend="gloss-product" baseform="product">

      are the broadest category in Bugzilla, and tend to represent real-world
      shipping products. E.g. if your company makes computer games, 
      you should have one product per game, perhaps a "Common" product for 
      units of technology used in multiple games, and maybe a few special
       products (Website, Administration...)</para>

      <para>Many of Bugzilla's settings are configurable on a per-product
      basis. The number of "votes" available to users is set per-product, 
      as is the number of votes
      required to move a bug automatically from the UNCONFIRMED status to the
      NEW status.</para>

      <para>To create a new product:</para>

          <para>Select "products" from the footer</para>


          <para>Select the "Add" link in the bottom right</para>

          <para>Enter the name of the product and a description. The
          Description field may contain HTML.</para>

      <para>Don't worry about the "Closed for bug entry", "Maximum Votes
      per person", "Maximum votes a person can put on a single bug",
      "Number of votes a bug in this Product needs to automatically get out
      of the UNCOMFIRMED state", and "Version" options yet. We'll cover
      those in a few moments.

    <section id="components">

      <para>Components are subsections of a Product. E.g. the computer game 
      you are designing may have a "UI"
      component, an "API" component, a "Sound System" component, and a
      "Plugins" component, each overseen by a different programmer. It
      often makes sense to divide Components in Bugzilla according to the
      natural divisions of responsibility within your Product or
      Each component has a owner and (if you turned it on in the parameters),
      a QA Contact. The owner should be the primary person who fixes bugs in
      that component. The QA Contact should be the person who will ensure
      these bugs are completely fixed. The Owner, QA Contact, and Reporter
      will get email when new bugs are created in this Component and when
      these bugs change. Default Owner and Default QA Contact fields only
      dictate the 
      <emphasis>default assignments</emphasis>; 
      these can be changed on bug submission, or at any later point in
      a bug's life.</para>

      <para>To create a new Component:</para>

          <para>Select the "Edit components" link from the "Edit product"

          <para>Select the "Add" link in the bottom right.</para>

          <para>Fill out the "Component" field, a short "Description", 
          the "Initial Owner" and "Initial QA Contact" (if enabled.) 
          The Component and Description fields may contain HTML; 
          the "Initial Owner" field must be a login name
          already existing in the database. 

    <section id="versions">

      <para>Versions are the revisions of the product, such as "Flinders
      3.1", "Flinders 95", and "Flinders 2000". Version is not a multi-select
      field; the usual practice is to select the most recent version with
      the bug.

      <para>To create and edit Versions:</para>

          <para>From the "Edit product" screen, select "Edit Versions"</para>

          <para>You will notice that the product already has the default
          version "undefined". Click the "Add" link in the bottom right.</para>

          <para>Enter the name of the Version. This field takes text only. 
          Then click the "Add" button.</para>


    <section id="milestones">

      <para>Milestones are "targets" that you plan to get a bug fixed by. For
      example, you have a bug that you plan to fix for your 3.0 release, it
      would be assigned the milestone of 3.0.</para>

        <para>Milestone options will only appear for a Product if you turned
        on the "usetargetmilestone" Param in the "Edit Parameters" screen.

      <para>To create new Milestones, set Default Milestones, and set
      Milestone URL:</para>

          <para>Select "Edit milestones" from the "Edit product" page.</para>

          <para>Select "Add" in the bottom right corner.

          <para>Enter the name of the Milestone in the "Milestone" field. You
          can optionally set the "sortkey", which is a positive or negative
          number (-255 to 255) that defines where in the list this particular
          milestone appears. This is because milestones often do not 
          occur in alphanumeric order For example, "Future" might be
          after "Release 1.2". Select "Add".</para>

          <para>From the Edit product screen, you can enter the URL of a 
          page which gives information about your milestones and what
          they mean. </para>

          <para>If you want your milestone document to be restricted so
          that it can only be viewed by people in a particular Bugzilla
          group, the best way is to attach the document to a bug in that
          group, and make the URL the URL of that attachment.</para>
  <section id="voting">

    <para>Voting allows users to be given a pot of votes which they can allocate
    to bugs, to indicate that they'd like them fixed. 
    This allows developers to gauge
    user need for a particular enhancement or bugfix. By allowing bugs with
    a certain number of votes to automatically move from "UNCONFIRMED" to
    "NEW", users of the bug system can help high-priority bugs garner
    attention so they don't sit for a long time awaiting triage.</para>

    <para>To modify Voting settings:</para>

        <para>Navigate to the "Edit product" screen for the Product you
        wish to modify</para>

        <para><emphasis>Maximum Votes per person</emphasis>:
        Setting this field to "0" disables voting.</para>

        <para><emphasis>Maximum Votes a person can put on a single
         It should probably be some number lower than the
        "Maximum votes per person". Don't set this field to "0" if
        "Maximum votes per person" is non-zero; that doesn't make
        any sense.</para>

        <para><emphasis>Number of votes a bug in this product needs to
        automatically get out of the UNCONFIRMED state</emphasis>: 
        Setting this field to "0" disables the automatic move of
        bugs from UNCONFIRMED to NEW. 

        <para>Once you have adjusted the values to your preference, click

  <section id="groups">
    <title>Groups and Group Security</title>

    <para>Groups allow the administrator
    to isolate bugs or products that should only be seen by certain people.
    The association between products and groups is controlled from
    the product edit page under <quote>Edit Group Controls.</quote>

    If the makeproductgroups param is on, a new group will be automatically
    created for every new product.
    On the product edit page, there is a page to edit the 
    <quote>Group Controls</quote> 
    for a product and determine which groups are applicable, default, 
    and mandatory for each product as well as controlling entry 
    for each product and being able to set bugs in a product to be 
    totally read-only unless some group restrictions are met. 
    For each group, it is possible to specify if membership in that
    group is...
        required for bug entry, 
        Not applicable to this product(NA),
        a possible restriction for a member of the 
        group to place on a bug in this product(Shown),
        a default restriction for a member of the 
        group to place on a bug in this product(Default),
        or a mandatory restriction to be placed on bugs 
        in this product(Mandatory).
        Not applicable by non-members to this product(NA),
        a possible restriction for a non-member of the 
        group to place on a bug in this product(Shown),
        a default restriction for a non-member of the 
        group to place on a bug in this product(Default),
        or a mandatory restriction to be placed on bugs 
        in this product when entered by a non-member(Mandatory).
        required in order to make <emphasis>any</emphasis> change
        to bugs in this product <emphasis>including comments.</emphasis>
    <para>To create Groups:</para>

        <para>Select the <quote>groups</quote>
        link in the footer.</para>

        <para>Take a moment to understand the instructions on the <quote>Edit
        Groups</quote> screen, then select the <quote>Add Group</quote> link.</para>

        <para>Fill out the <quote>Group</quote>, <quote>Description</quote>, 
         and <quote>User RegExp</quote> fields. 
         <quote>User RegExp</quote> allows you to automatically
         place all users who fulfill the Regular Expression into the new group. 
         When you have finished, click <quote>Add</quote>.</para>
           <para>The User Regexp is a perl regexp and, if not anchored, will match 
           any part of an address.  So, if you do not want to grant access
           into 'mycompany.com' to 'badperson@mycompany.com.hacker.net', use 
           '@mycompany\.com$' as the regexp.</para>
        <para>After you add your new group, edit the new group.  On the
        edit page, you can specify other groups that should be included
        in this group and which groups should be permitted to add and delete
        users from this group.</para>

      Note that group permissions are such that you need to be a member
      of <emphasis>all</emphasis> the groups a bug is in, for whatever
      reason, to see that bug. Similarly, you must be a member 
      of <emphasis>all</emphasis> of the entry groups for a product 
      to add bugs to a product and you must be a member 
      of <emphasis>all</emphasis> of the canedit groups for a product
      in order to make <emphasis>any</emphasis> change to bugs in that

  <section id="security">
    <title>Bugzilla Security</title>

      <para>Poorly-configured MySQL and Bugzilla installations have
      given attackers full access to systems in the past. Please take these
      guidelines seriously, even for Bugzilla machines hidden away behind
      your firewall. 80% of all computer trespassers are insiders, not
      anonymous crackers.</para>

      <para>These instructions must, of necessity, be somewhat vague since
      Bugzilla runs on so many different platforms. If you have refinements
      of these directions, please submit a bug to &bzg-bugs;.

      <para>This is not meant to be a comprehensive list of every possible
      security issue regarding the tools mentioned in this section. There is
      no subsitute for reading the information written by the authors of any
      software running on your system.

    <section id="security-networking">
      <title>TCP/IP Ports</title>

      <!-- TODO: Make this make sense (TCP/IP) -->
      <para>TCP/IP defines 65,000 some ports for trafic. Of those, Bugzilla
      only needs 1... 2 if you need to use features that require e-mail such
      as bug moving or the e-mail interface from contrib. You should audit
      your server and make sure that you aren't listening on any ports you
      don't need to be. You may also wish to use some kind of firewall
      software to be sure that trafic can only be recieved on ports you

    <section id="security-mysql">

      <para>MySQL ships by default with many settings that should be changed.
      By defaults it allows anybody to connect from localhost without a
      password and have full administrative capabilities. It also defaults to
      not have a root password (this is <emphasis>not</emphasis> the same as
      the system root). Also, many installations default to running
      <application>mysqld</application> as the system root.

          <para>Consult the documentation that came with your system for
          information on making <application>mysqld</application> run as an
          unprivleged user.

          <para>You should also be sure to disable the anonymous user account
          and set a password for the root user. This is accomplished using the
          following commands:
<prompt>bash$</prompt> mysql mysql
<prompt>mysql&gt;</prompt> DELETE FROM user WHERE user = '';
<prompt>mysql&gt;</prompt> UPDATE user SET password = password('<replaceable>new_password</replaceable>') WHERE user = 'root';
<prompt>mysql&gt;</prompt> FLUSH PRIVILEGES;
          <para>From this point forward you will need to use
          <command>mysql -u root -p</command> and enter
          <replaceable>new_password</replaceable> when prompted when using the
          mysql client.

          <para>If you run MySQL on the same machine as your httpd server, you
          should consider disabling networking from within MySQL by adding
          the following to your <filename>/etc/my.conf</filename>:
# Prevent network access to MySQL.

          <para>You may also consider running MySQL, or even all of Bugzilla
          in a chroot jail; however, instructions for doing that are beyond
          the scope of this document.



    <section id="security-daemon">
      <title>Daemon Accounts</title>

      <para>Many daemons, such as Apache's httpd and MySQL's mysqld default to
      running as either <quote>root</quote> or <quote>nobody</quote>. Running
      as <quote>root</quote> introduces obvious security problems, but the
      problems introduced by running everything as <quote>nobody</quote> may
      not be so obvious. Basically, if you're running every daemon as
      <quote>nobody</quote> and one of them gets comprimised, they all get
      comprimised. For this reason it is recommended that you create a user
      account for each daemon.

        <para>You will need to set the <varname>webservergroup</varname> to
        the group you created for your webserver to run as in
        <filename>localconfig</filename>. This will allow
        <command>./checksetup.pl</command> to better adjust the file
        permissions on your Bugzilla install so as to not require making
        anything world-writable.


    <section id="security-access">
      <title>Web Server Access Controls</title>

      <para>There are many files that are placed in the Bugzilla directory
      area that should not be accessable from the web. Because of the way
      Bugzilla is currently layed out, the list of what should and should
      not be accessible is rather complicated. A new installation method
      is currently in the works which should solve this by allowing files
      that shouldn't be accessible from the web to be placed in directory
      outside the webroot. See
      <ulink url="http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=44659">bug
      44659</ulink> for more information.

      <itemizedlist spacing="compact">
          <para>In the main Bugzilla directory, you should:</para>
          <itemizedlist spacing="compact">
              <simplelist type="inline">
              <para>But allow:
              <simplelist type="inline">

          <para>In <filename class="directory">data</filename>:</para>
          <itemizedlist spacing="compact">
              <para>Block everything</para>
              <para>But allow:
              <simplelist type="inline">

          <para>In <filename class="directory">data/webdot</filename>:</para>
          <itemizedlist spacing="compact">
              <para>If you use a remote webdot server:</para>
              <itemizedlist spacing="compact">
                  <para>Block everything</para>
                  <para>But allow
                  <simplelist type="inline">
                  only for the remote webdot server</para>
              <para>Otherwise, if you use a local GraphViz:</para>
              <itemizedlist spacing="compact">
                  <para>Block everything</para>
                  <para>But allow:
                  <simplelist type="inline">
              <para>And if you don't use any dot:</para>
              <itemizedlist spacing="compact">
                  <para>Block everything</para>

          <para>In <filename class="directory">Bugzilla</filename>:</para>
          <itemizedlist spacing="compact">
              <para>Block everything</para>

          <para>In <filename class="directory">template</filename>:</para>
          <itemizedlist spacing="compact">
              <para>Block everything</para>

        <para>Bugzilla ships with the ability to generate
        <filename>.htaccess</filename> files instructing
        <glossterm linkend="gloss-apache">Apache</glossterm> which files
        should and should not be accessible. For more information, see
        <xref linkend="http-apache"/>.

      <para>You should test to make sure that the files mentioned above are
      not accessible from the Internet, especially your
      <filename>localconfig</filename> file which contains your database
      password. To test, simply point your web browser at the file; for
      example, to test mozilla.org's installation, we'd try to access
      <ulink url="http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/localconfig"/>. You should
      get a <errorcode>403</errorcode> <errorname>Forbidden</errorname>

        <para>Not following the instructions in this section, including
        testing, may result in sensitive information being globally

        <para>You should check <xref linkend="http"/> to see if instructions
        have been included for your web server. You should also compare those
        instructions with this list to make sure everything is properly
        accounted for.



  <section id="cust-templates">
    <title>Template Customization</title>
      One of the large changes for 2.16 was the templatization of the
      entire user-facing UI, using the 
      <ulink url="http://www.template-toolkit.org">Template Toolkit</ulink>.
      Administrators can now configure the look and feel of Bugzilla without
      having to edit Perl files or face the nightmare of massive merge
      conflicts when they upgrade to a newer version in the future.
      Templatization also makes localized versions of Bugzilla possible, 
      for the first time. In the future, a Bugzilla installation may
      have templates installed for multiple localizations, and select
      which ones to use based on the user's browser language setting.      
      <title>What to Edit</title>
        There are two different ways of editing of Bugzilla's templates,
        and which you use depends mainly on how you upgrade Bugzilla. The
        template directory structure is that there's a top level directory,
        <filename>template</filename>, which contains a directory for
        each installed localization. The default English templates are
        therefore in <filename>en</filename>. Underneath that, there
        is the <filename>default</filename> directory and optionally the 
        <filename>custom</filename> directory. The <filename>default</filename>
        directory contains all the templates shipped with Bugzilla, whereas
        the <filename>custom</filename> directory does not exist at first and
        must be created if you want to use it.

        The first method of making customizations is to directly edit the
        templates in <filename>template/en/default</filename>. This is
        probably the best method for small changes if you are going to use
        the CVS method of upgrading, because if you then execute a
        <command>cvs update</command>, any template fixes will get
        automagically merged into your modified versions.

        If you use this method, your installation will break if CVS conflicts

        The other method is to copy the templates into a mirrored directory
        structure under <filename>template/en/custom</filename>.  The templates
        in this directory automatically override those in default.  
        This is the technique you
        need to use if you use the overwriting method of upgrade, because
        otherwise your changes will be lost.  This method is also better if
        you are using the CVS method of upgrading and are going to make major
        changes, because it is guaranteed that the contents of this directory
        will not be touched during an upgrade, and you can then decide whether
        to continue using your own templates, or make the effort to merge your
        changes into the new versions by hand.

        If you use this method, your installation may break if incompatible
        changes are made to the template interface.  If such changes are made
        they will be documented in the release notes, provided you are using a
        stable release of Bugzilla.  If you use using unstable code, you will
        need to deal with this one yourself, although if possible the changes
        will be mentioned before they occur in the deprecations section of the
        previous stable release's release notes.

          Don't directly edit the compiled templates in 
          <filename class="directory">data/template/*</filename> - your
          changes will be lost when Template Toolkit recompiles them.
      <title>How To Edit Templates</title>
        The syntax of the Template Toolkit language is beyond the scope of
        this guide. It's reasonably easy to pick up by looking at the current 
        templates; or, you can read the manual, available on the
        <ulink url="http://www.template-toolkit.org">Template Toolkit home
        page</ulink>. However, you should particularly remember (for security
        reasons) to always HTML filter things which come from the database or
        user input, to prevent cross-site scripting attacks.
        However, one thing you should take particular care about is the need
        to properly HTML filter data that has been passed into the template.
        This means that if the data can possibly contain special HTML characters
        such as &lt;, and the data was not intended to be HTML, they need to be
        converted to entity form, ie &amp;lt;.  You use the 'html' filter in the
        Template Toolkit to do this.  If you fail to do this, you may open up
        your installation to cross-site scripting attacks.

        Also note that Bugzilla adds a few filters of its own, that are not
        in standard Template Toolkit.  In particular, the 'url_quote' filter
        can convert characters that are illegal or have special meaning in URLs,
        such as &amp;, to the encoded form, ie %26.  This actually encodes most
        characters (but not the common ones such as letters and numbers and so
        on), including the HTML-special characters, so there's never a need to
        HTML filter afterwards.
        Editing templates is a good way of doing a "poor man's custom fields".
        For example, if you don't use the Status Whiteboard, but want to have
        a free-form text entry box for "Build Identifier", then you can just
        edit the templates to change the field labels. It's still be called
        status_whiteboard internally, but your users don't need to know that.
          If you are making template changes that you intend on submitting back
          for inclusion in standard Bugzilla, you should read the relevant
          sections of the 
          <ulink url="http://www.bugzilla.org/developerguide.html">Developers'
      <title>Template Formats</title>
        Some CGIs have the ability to use more than one template. For
        example, buglist.cgi can output bug lists as RDF or two
        different forms of HTML (complex and simple). (Try this out
        by appending <filename>&amp;format=simple</filename> to a buglist.cgi
        URL on your Bugzilla installation.) This
        mechanism, called template 'formats', is extensible.
        To see if a CGI supports multiple output formats, grep the
        CGI for "ValidateOutputFormat". If it's not present, adding
        multiple format support isn't too hard - see how it's done in
        other CGIs.
        To make a new format template for a CGI which supports this, 
        open a current template for
        that CGI and take note of the INTERFACE comment (if present.) This 
        comment defines what variables are passed into this template. If 
        there isn't one, I'm afraid you'll have to read the template and
        the code to find out what information you get. 
        Write your template in whatever markup or text style is appropriate.
        You now need to decide what content type you want your template
        served as. Open up the <filename>localconfig</filename> file and find the 
        variable. If your content type is not there, add it. Remember
        the three- or four-letter tag assigned to you content type. 
        This tag will be part of the template filename.
        Save the template as <filename>&lt;stubname&gt;-&lt;formatname&gt;.&lt;contenttypetag&gt;.tmpl</filename>. 
        Try out the template by calling the CGI as 
        <filename>&lt;cginame&gt;.cgi?format=&lt;formatname&gt;</filename> .
      <title>Particular Templates</title>
        There are a few templates you may be particularly interested in
        customizing for your installation.
        This is the Bugzilla front page.

        This defines the header that goes on all Bugzilla pages.
        The header includes the banner, which is what appears to users
        and is probably what you want to edit instead.  However the
        header also includes the HTML HEAD section, so you could for
        example add a stylesheet or META tag by editing the header.

        This contains the "banner", the part of the header that appears
        at the top of all Bugzilla pages.  The default banner is reasonably
        barren, so you'll probably want to customize this to give your
        installation a distinctive look and feel.  It is recommended you
        preserve the Bugzilla version number in some form so the version 
        you are running can be determined, and users know what docs to read.

        This defines the footer that goes on all Bugzilla pages.  Editing
        this is another way to quickly get a distinctive look and feel for
        your Bugzilla installation.

        This is a message that appears near the top of the bug reporting page.
        By modifying this, you can tell your users how they should report

        This is the page used if two people submit simultaneous changes to the
        same bug.  The second person to submit their changes will get this page
        to tell them what the first person did, and ask if they wish to
        overwrite those changes or go back and revisit the bug.  The default
        title and header on this page read "Mid-air collision detected!"  If
        you work in the aviation industry, or other environment where this
        might be found offensive (yes, we have true stories of this happening)
        you'll want to change this to something more appropriate for your
        <command>bug/create/create.html.tmpl</command> and
        You may wish to get bug submitters to give certain bits of structured
        information, each in a separate input widget, for which there is not a
        field in the database. The bug entry system has been designed in an
        extensible fashion to enable you to define arbitrary fields and widgets,
        and have their values appear formatted in the initial
        Description, rather than in database fields. An example of this
        is the mozilla.org 
        <ulink url="http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/enter_bug.cgi?format=guided">guided 
        bug submission form</ulink>.

        To make this work, create a custom template for 
        <filename>enter_bug.cgi</filename> (the default template, on which you
        could base it, is <filename>create.html.tmpl</filename>),
        and either call it <filename>create.html.tmpl</filename> or use a format and
        call it <filename>create-&lt;formatname&gt;.html.tmpl</filename>.
        Put it in the <filename class="directory">custom/bug/create</filename>
        directory. In it, add widgets for each piece of information you'd like
        collected - such as a build number, or set of steps to reproduce.

        Then, create a template like 
        <filename>custom/bug/create/comment.txt.tmpl</filename>, also named
        after your format if you are using one, which
        references the form fields you have created. When a bug report is
        submitted, the initial comment attached to the bug report will be
        formatted according to the layout of this template.

        For example, if your enter_bug template had a field
        <programlisting>&lt;input type="text" name="buildid" size="30"&gt;</programlisting>
        and then your comment.txt.tmpl had
        <programlisting>BuildID: [% form.buildid %]</programlisting>
        <programlisting>BuildID: 20020303</programlisting>
        would appear in the initial checkin comment.

  <section id="cust-change-permissions">
    <title>Change Permission Customization</title>
        This feature should be considered experimental; the Bugzilla code you
        will be changing is not stable, and could change or move between 
        versions. Be aware that if you make modifications to it, you may have
        to re-make them or port them if Bugzilla changes internally between
      Companies often have rules about which employees, or classes of employees,
      are allowed to change certain things in the bug system. For example, 
      only the bug's designated QA Contact may be allowed to VERIFY the bug.
      Bugzilla has been
      designed to make it easy for you to write your own custom rules to define
      who is allowed to make what sorts of value transition.
      For maximum flexibility, customizing this means editing Bugzilla's Perl 
      code. This gives the administrator complete control over exactly who is
      allowed to do what. The relevant function is called 
      and is found in <filename>process_bug.cgi</filename> in your 
      Bugzilla directory. If you open that file and grep for 
      "sub CheckCanChangeField", you'll find it.
      This function has been carefully commented to allow you to see exactly
      how it works, and give you an idea of how to make changes to it. Certain
      marked sections should not be changed - these are the "plumbing" which
      makes the rest of the function work. In between those sections, you'll
      find snippets of code like:
      <programlisting>    # Allow the owner to change anything.
    if ($ownerid eq $whoid) {
        return 1;
      It's fairly obvious what this piece of code does.
      So, how does one go about changing this function? Well, simple changes
      can be made just be removing pieces - for example, if you wanted to 
      prevent any user adding a comment to a bug, just remove the lines marked
      "Allow anyone to change comments." And if you want the reporter to have
      no special rights on bugs they have filed, just remove the entire section
      which refers to him.
      More complex customizations are not much harder. Basically, you add
      a check in the right place in the function, i.e. after all the variables
      you are using have been set up. So, don't look at $ownerid before 
      $ownerid has been obtained from the database. You can either add a
      positive check, which returns 1 (allow) if certain conditions are true,
      or a negative check, which returns 0 (deny.) E.g.:
      <programlisting>    if ($field eq "qacontact") {
        if (UserInGroup("quality_assurance")) {
            return 1;
        else {
            return 0;
      This says that only users in the group "quality_assurance" can change
      the QA Contact field of a bug. Getting more weird:
      <programlisting>    if (($field eq "priority") &&
        ($vars->{'user'}{'login'} =~ /.*\@example\.com$/))
        if ($oldvalue eq "P1") {
            return 1;
        else {
            return 0;
      This says that if the user is trying to change the priority field,
      and their email address is @example.com, they can only do so if the
      old value of the field was "P1". Not very useful, but illustrative.
      For a list of possible field names, look in 
      <filename>data/versioncache</filename> for the list called 
      <filename>@::log_columns</filename>. If you need help writing custom
      rules for your organization, ask in the newsgroup.
  <section id="upgrading">
    <title>Upgrading to New Releases</title>

    <para>Upgrading Bugzilla is something we all want to do from time to time,
    be it to get new features or pick up the latest security fix. How easy
    it is to update depends on a few factors.

        <para>If the new version is a revision or a new point release</para>
        <para>How many, if any, local changes have been made</para>

    <para>There are also three different methods to upgrade your installation.

        <para>Using CVS (<xref linkend="upgrade-cvs"/>)</para>
        <para>Downloading a new tarball (<xref linkend="upgrade-tarball"/>)</para>
        <para>Applying the relevant patches (<xref linkend="upgrade-patches"/>)</para>

    <para>Which options are available to you may depend on how large a jump
    you are making and/or your network configuration.

    <para>Revisions are normally released to fix security vulnerabilities
    and are distinguished by an increase in the third number. For example,
    when 2.16.2 was released, it was a revision to 2.16.1.

    <para>Point releases are normally released when the Bugzilla team feels
    that there has been a significant amount of progress made between the
    last point release and the current time. These are often proceeded by a
    stabilization period and release candidates, however the use of 
    development versions or release candidates is beyond the scope of this
    document. Point releases can be distinguished by an increase in the
    second number, or minor version. For example, 2.16.2 is a newer point
    release than 2.14.5.

    <para>The examples in this section are written as if you were updating
    to version 2.16.2.  The procedures are the same regardless if you are
    updating to a new point release or a new revision.  However, the chance
    of running into trouble increases when upgrading to a new point release,
    escpecially if you've made local changes.

    <para>These examples also assume that your Bugzilla installation is at
    <filename>/var/www/html/bugzilla</filename>. If that is not the case,
    simply substitute the proper paths where appropriate.

    <example id="upgrade-cvs">
      <title>Upgrading using CVS</title>

      <para>Every release of Bugzilla, whether it is a revision or a point
      release, is tagged in CVS.  Also, every tarball we have distributed
      since version 2.12 has been primed for using CVS. This does, however,
      require that you are able to access cvs-mirror.mozilla.org on port

          <para>If you can do this, updating using CVS is probably the most
          painless method, especially if you have a lot of local changes.

bash$ <command>cd /var/www/html/bugzilla</command>
bash$ <command>cvs login</command>
Logging in to :pserver:anonymous@cvs-mirror.mozilla.org:2401/cvsroot
CVS password: <command>anonymous</command>
bash$ <command>cvs -q update -r BUGZILLA-2_16_2 -dP</command>
P checksetup.pl
P collectstats.pl
P globals.pl
P docs/rel_notes.txt
P template/en/default/list/quips.html.tmpl

          <para>If a line in the output from <command>cvs update</command>
          begins with a <computeroutput>C</computeroutput> that represents a
          file with local changes that CVS was unable to properly merge. You
          need to resolve these conflicts manually before Bugzilla (or at
          least the portion using that file) will be usable.

          <para>You also need to run <command>./checksetup.pl</command>
          before your Bugzilla upgrade will be complete.

    <example id="upgrade-tarball">
      <title>Upgrading using the tarball</title>

      <para>If you are unable or unwilling to use CVS, another option that's
      always available is to download the latest tarball. This is the most
      difficult option to use, especially if you have local changes.

bash$ <command>cd /var/www/html</command>
bash$ <command>wget ftp://ftp.mozilla.org/pub/webtools/bugzilla-2.16.2.tar.gz</command>
<emphasis>Output omitted</emphasis>
bash$ <command>tar xzvf bugzilla-2.16.2.tar.gz</command>
<emphasis>Output truncated</emphasis>
bash$ <command>cd bugzilla-2.16.2</command>
bash$ <command>cp ../bugzilla/localconfig* .</command>
bash$ <command>cp -r ../bugzilla/data .</command>
bash$ <command>cd ..</command>
bash$ <command>mv bugzilla bugzilla.old</command>
bash$ <command>mv bugzilla-2.16.2 bugzilla</command>
bash$ <command>cd bugzilla</command>
bash$ <command>./checksetup.pl</command>
<emphasis>Output omitted</emphasis>

          <para>The <command>cp</command> commands both end with periods which
          is a very important detail, it tells the shell that the destination
          directory is the current working directory. Also, the period at the
          beginning of the <command>./checksetup.pl</command> is important and
          can not be omitted.

          <para>You will now have to reapply any changes you have made to your
          local installation manually.

    <example id="upgrade-patches">
      <title>Upgrading using patches</title>

      <para>The Bugzilla team will normally make a patch file available for
      revisions to go from the most recent revision to the new one. You could
      also read the release notes and grab the patches attached to the
      mentioned bug, but it is safer to use the released patch file as
      sometimes patches get changed before they get checked in (for minor
      spelling fixes and the like). It is also theorectically possible to
      scour the fixed bug list and pick and choose which patches to apply
      from a point release, but this is not recommended either as what you'll
      end up with is a hodge podge Bugzilla that isn't really any version.
      This would also make it more difficult to upgrade in the future.

bash$ <command>cd /var/www/html/bugzilla</command>
bash$ <command>wget ftp://ftp.mozilla.org/pub/webtools/bugzilla-2.16.1-to-2.16.2.diff.gz</command>
<emphasis>Output omitted</emphasis>
bash$ <command>gunzip bugzilla-2.16.1-to-2.16.2.diff.gz</command>
bash$ <command>patch -p1 &lt; bugzilla-2.16.1-to-2.16.2.diff</command>
patching file checksetup.pl
patching file collectstats.pl
patching file globals.pl

          <para>If you do this, beware that this doesn't change the entires in
          your <filename id="dir">CVS</filename> directory so it may make
          updates using CVS (<xref linkend="upgrade-cvs"/>) more difficult in the


  <!-- Integrating Bugzilla with Third-Party Tools -->


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