<!DOCTYPE book PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.1.2//EN" [ <!-- Include macros --> <!ENTITY about SYSTEM "about.sgml"> <!ENTITY conventions SYSTEM "conventions.sgml"> <!ENTITY doc-index SYSTEM "index.sgml"> <!ENTITY faq SYSTEM "faq.sgml"> <!ENTITY gfdl SYSTEM "gfdl.sgml"> <!ENTITY glossary SYSTEM "glossary.sgml"> <!ENTITY installation SYSTEM "installation.sgml"> <!ENTITY administration SYSTEM "administration.sgml"> <!ENTITY using SYSTEM "using.sgml"> <!ENTITY integration SYSTEM "integration.sgml"> <!ENTITY future SYSTEM "future.sgml"> <!ENTITY index SYSTEM "index.sgml"> <!ENTITY database SYSTEM "database.sgml"> <!ENTITY patches SYSTEM "patches.sgml"> <!ENTITY variants SYSTEM "variants.sgml"> <!ENTITY introduction SYSTEM "introduction.sgml"> <!ENTITY revhistory SYSTEM "revhistory.sgml"> <!ENTITY bz "http://www.bugzilla.org/"> <!ENTITY bz-ver "2.16"> <!ENTITY bz-cvs-ver "2.17"> <!ENTITY bzg-date "April 2nd, 2002"> <!ENTITY bzg-ver "2.16"> <!ENTITY bzg-cvs-ver "2.17.0"> <!ENTITY bzg-auth "The Bugzilla Team"> <!ENTITY bzg-bugs "<ulink url='http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/enter_bug.cgi?product=Bugzilla&component=Documentation'>Bugzilla</ulink>"> <!ENTITY mysql "http://www.mysql.com/"> <!ENTITY perl-ver "5.6.1"> ]> <!-- Coding standards for this document * Other than the GFDL, please use the "section" tag instead of "sect1", "sect2", etc. * Use Entities to include files for new chapters in Bugzilla-Guide.sgml. * Try to use Entities for frequently-used passages of text as well. * Ensure all documents compile cleanly to HTML after modification. The warning, "DTDDECL catalog types not supported" is normal. * Try to index important terms wherever possible. * Use "glossterm" whenever you introduce a new term. * Follow coding standards at http://www.linuxdoc.org, and check out the KDE guidelines (they are nice, too) http://i18n.kde.org/doc/markup.html * All tags should be lowercase (needsfix) * Please use sensible spacing. The comments at the very end of each file define reasonable defaults for PSGML mode in EMACS. Double-indent tags, use double spacing whenever possible, and try to avoid clutter and feel free to waste space in the code to make it more readable. --> <book id="index"> <!-- Header --> <bookinfo> <title>The Bugzilla Guide</title> <authorgroup> <author> <firstname>Matthew</firstname> <othername>P.</othername> <surname>Barnson</surname> </author> <author> <firstname>The</firstname> <othername>Bugzilla</othername> <surname>Team</surname> </author> </authorgroup> <abstract> <para> This is the documentation for Bugzilla, the mozilla.org bug-tracking system. Bugzilla is an enterprise-class piece of software that powers issue-tracking for hundreds of organizations around the world, tracking millions of bugs. </para> <para> This documentation is maintained in DocBook 4.1.2 XML format. Changes are best submitted as plain text or SGML diffs, attached to a bug filed in <ulink url="http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/enter_bug.cgi?product=Bugzilla&component=Documentation">mozilla.org's Bugzilla</ulink>. </para> </abstract> <keywordset> <keyword>Bugzilla</keyword> <keyword>Guide</keyword> <keyword>installation</keyword> <keyword>FAQ</keyword> <keyword>administration</keyword> <keyword>integration</keyword> <keyword>MySQL</keyword> <keyword>Mozilla</keyword> <keyword>webtools</keyword> </keywordset> </bookinfo> <!-- About This Guide --> &about; <!-- Introduction --> &introduction; <!-- Using Bugzilla --> &using; <!-- Installing Bugzilla --> &installation; <!-- Administering Bugzilla --> &administration; <!-- Appendix: The Frequently Asked Questions --> &faq; <!-- Appendix: The Database Schema --> &database; <!-- Appendix: Custom Patches --> &patches; <!-- Appendix: Major Bugzilla Variants --> &variants; <!-- Glossary --> &glossary; <!-- Index --> &index; </book> <!-- Keep this comment at the end of the file Local variables: mode: sgml sgml-always-quote-attributes:t sgml-auto-insert-required-elements:t sgml-balanced-tag-edit:t sgml-exposed-tags:nil sgml-general-insert-case:lower sgml-indent-data:t sgml-indent-step:2 sgml-local-catalogs:nil sgml-local-ecat-files:nil sgml-minimize-attributes:nil sgml-namecase-general:t sgml-omittag:t sgml-parent-document:("Bugzilla-Guide.sgml" "book" "chapter") sgml-shorttag:t sgml-tag-region-if-active:t End: -->