Release Notes for Bugzilla version 3.0 and higher are available in HTML format, either on the website, or in your current installation, linked from the index page. links for release notes ------------------------------------ 3.0: *************************************** *** The Bugzilla 2.22 Release Notes *** *************************************** Table of Contents ***************** - Introduction - Important Updates In This Point Release - Minimum Requirements * Perl * For MySQL Users * For PostgreSQL Users * Required Perl Modules * Optional Perl Modules - What's New? * Complete PostgreSQL Support * Parameters In Sections * One Codebase, Multiple Databases * UTF-8 for New Installations * Admins Can Impersonate Users * Bug Import and Moving Improvements * Adding Individual Bugs to Saved Searches * Attach URLs * Optional "Strict Isolation" for Groups * "editcomponents" Change * "shutdownhtml" Change * Miscellaneous Improvements * All Changes - Deprecated Features - Outstanding Issues (<======================== IMPORTANT, PLEASE READ) - How to Upgrade From An Older Bugzilla * Steps for Upgrading - Code Changes Which May Affect Customizations * is Gone * Other Changes - Security Fixes In 2.22 Releases - Release Notes for Previous Versions Introduction ************ Bugzilla 2.22 is one of our most polished releases. We did a lot of small cleanups to make Bugzilla easier to use and more useful in many, many small ways, in addition to adding some major new features. This document contains the release notes for Bugzilla 2.22. In this document, recently added, changed, and removed features of Bugzilla are described. If you are upgrading from an older version, you will definitely want to read these release notes in detail, so that you have an idea of what has changed. If you are upgrading from a version before 2.20, also read the 2.20 release notes (lower in this file) and any previous release notes. If you are installing a new Bugzilla, you will still want to look over the release notes to see if there is any particularly important information that affects your installation. If you would like to contribute code to Bugzilla, read our Contributor's Guide at: Important Updates In This Point Release *************************************** This section describes bugs fixed in releases after the original 2.22 release. Version 2.22.2 -------------- + Make Bugzilla compatible with Template Toolkit 2.15 (bug 357374) + Make Bugzilla compatible with versions of MySQL higher than 5.0.25 (bug 321645) + Sanity Check can now only be run by people with the "admin" privilege. (bug 91761) Version 2.22.1 -------------- + When sending mail, Bugzilla could throw the error "Insecure dependency in exec while running with -T switch" (bug 340538). + Using the public webdot server (for dependency graphs) should work again (bug 351243). + The "I'm added to or removed from this capacity" email preference wasn't working for new bugs (bug 349852). + The original release of 2.22 incorrectly said it required Template-Toolkit version 2.08. In actual fact, Bugzilla requires version 2.10 (bug 351478). + votes.cgi would crash if your bug was the one confirming a bug (bug 351300). + now correctly reports if your Template::Plugin::GD module is missing. If missing, it could lead to charts and graphs not working (bug 345389). + The "Keyword" field on buglist.cgi was not sorted alphabetically, so it wasn't very useful for sorting (bug 342828). + Sendmail will no longer complain about there being a newline in the email address, when Bugzilla sends mail (bug 331365). + contrib/ would try to insert an invalid value into the database, unnecessarily (bug 335572). + Deleting a bug now correctly deletes its attachments from the database (bug 339667). Minimum Requirements ******************** Perl ---- Perl v5.6.1 (Non-Windows platforms) ActiveState Perl v5.8.1 (Windows only) Note that this is the last release of Bugzilla to support perl 5.6.x-- future versions will require perl 5.8. For MySQL Users --------------- MySQL v4.0.14 (changed from 2.20) perl module: DBD::mysql v2.9003 (changed from 2.18) For PostgreSQL Users -------------------- PostgreSQL 7.3.x perl module: DBD::Pg 1.31 (1.41 required for PostgreSQL 8+) WARNING: DBD::Pg 1.43 has a bug which causes to fail and corrupt the database. If you are using DBD::Pg 1.43, either downgrade to 1.41 or upgrade to 1.45 (1.42 and 1.44 seem broken somehow too). Note that this is the last release of Bugzilla to support PostgreSQL 7.x. Future versions will require PostgreSQL 8.0 and DBD::Pg 1.45. Required Perl Modules --------------------- AppConfig v1.52 CGI v2.93 Data::Dumper (any) Date::Format v2.21 DBI v1.38 File::Spec v0.84 File::Temp (any) Template Toolkit v2.10 (changed from 2.20) Text::Wrap v2001.0131 Mail::Mailer v1.67 (changed from 2.20) MIME::Base64 v3.01 (new in 2.22) MIME::Parser v5.406 (new in 2.22) Storable (any) Note: The SMTP support in Mail::Mailer 1.73 (the most recent version) is broken. The last known working version is 1.67. Optional Perl Modules --------------------- Chart::Base v1.0 GD v1.20 GD::Graph (any) GD::Text::Align (any) Net::LDAP (any) PatchReader v0.9.4 XML::Twig (any) (new in 2.22) Image::Magick (new in 2.22) What's New? *********** Complete PostgreSQL Support --------------------------- Bugzilla 2.20 contained experimental support for PostgreSQL. In Bugzilla 2.22, PostgreSQL support is fully complete and stable. Using PostgreSQL with Bugzilla should be as stable as using MySQL, and if you experience any problems they will be taken as seriously as if you were running MySQL. There are no known remaining major problems with Bugzilla on PostgreSQL. All features of Bugzilla have been tested and work. Parameters In Sections ---------------------- Long-time users of Bugzilla know that over time the parameter list has grown quite large. It has now been split into sections to make it easier to use. One Codebase, Multiple Databases -------------------------------- There is now limited support for having multiple projects use the same Bugzilla codebase, but all have separate databases. The different projects can have their own templates and their own bug database, but all use the same set of Bugzilla code in the same directory. To enable this, set an environment variable called PROJECT when calling the Bugzilla CGIs. Then for each project, you can have a localconfig.PROJECT (where "PROJECT" is the value of the PROJECT environment variable) file for the database parameters, and a template/en/PROJECT directory (where "PROJECT" is the value of the PROJECT environment variable) This feature isn't documented yet, but we hope to have documentation for it soon. UTF-8 For New Installations --------------------------- If this is the first time you're installing Bugzilla, it will now use UTF-8 encoding for all pages, automatically. It will also send emails in UTF-8. This eliminates most of the internationalization problems users have experienced, as one Bugzilla page may now contain any number of languages simultaneously. If you are upgrading and you want to use UTF-8, just turn on the "utf8" Parameter. However, realize that if you have non-UTF-8 data in your Bugzilla, it will appear unreadable. (If you just have ASCII in your database, you're safe to turn on the "utf8" parameter, definitely.) Admins Can Impersonate Users ---------------------------- User impersonation (think of the su/sudo command on Unix) allows you to view pages and perform actions as if you are logged in as someone else, without having to know their password. A user in the new "bz_sudoers" group has the option of "becoming" any user in Bugzilla. Once they "become" that user, they *are* that user for the rest of the session, until they decide to switch back to being themselves. However, they cannot "become" any user in the "bz_sudo_protect" group. This group includes everybody in the "admin" and "bz_sudoers" groups by default. Any time a user is impersonated, they will get an email notifying them who has impersonated them. Bug Import and Moving Improvements ---------------------------------- The XML Import script,, has been completely re-written. It now: * Correctly imports the "priority" field * Understands when the "Reporter" or "CC List" security boxes are unchecked on the bug. * Places bugs in the appropriate groups * Allows attachments to be imported * Is much more forgiving about small problems in the XML Adding Individual Bugs to Saved Searches ---------------------------------------- Users now have the option of adding an individual bug to any particular Saved Search. If you don't like having the entry box in your footer for this feature, you can disable it in your Preferences. Attach URLs ----------- Instead of attaching a file, you can now also attach a URL to a bug. This will show up just like an attachment on show_bug.cgi, but when you click on it, it will take you to the URL. To enable this, turn on the "allow_attach_url" parameter. Optional "Strict Isolation" for Groups -------------------------------------- If you turn on the "strict_isolation" parameter in Bugzilla, you will *not* be able to add any user to the CC field (or set them as an Assignee or QA Contact) unless that user could normally see the bug. That is, you will no longer be able to "accidentally" (or intentionally) give somebody access to a bug that they otherwise couldn't see. "editcomponents" Change ----------------------- Previously, all users who had "editcomponents" could see every Product, using the editcomponents.cgi script. Now, users with "editcomponents" can only see Products that they normally have access to. This restriction also affects editversions.cgi, editmilestones.cgi and editproducts.cgi. "shutdownhtml" Change --------------------- All of Bugzilla is now affected by the "shutdownhtml" parameter, including command-line scripts. is exempt. Many scripts (such as and will just exit silently when "shutdownhtml" is turned on. Miscellaneous Improvements -------------------------- - Added a frequently-requested user preference for whether or not to go to the next bug in your list after submitting changes to a bug. - The ability to do relative date searches (like "1d" for "1 day" or "1w" for "1 week") by hour now, in addition to days and other units of time. - "Alias" added to the New Bug form, for users with editbugs. - Users can now actually see the descriptions of flags that you enter in editflagtypes.cgi. The description will appear as a tooltip when a user places their mouse over the flag name on show_bug.cgi. - Bugzilla will optionally convert BMP attachments into PNGs for you. See the "convert_uncompressed_images" in the "Attachments" section of the Parameters. - You can now edit the Status Whiteboard when you are changing multiple bugs at once. - The way that groups work in the database has changed, and large-scale Bugzilla use with many concurrent users should be much faster, as a result. (Technical Details: The need for Bugzilla to "derive groups" has gone away pretty much entirely.) - Performance improvements on searching attachment information that's not the actual content of the attachment (such as searching the Attachment Description or the Attachment MIME Type) - You can now specify multiple email addresses, comma-separated, when setting the requestee of a flag, and it will set the flag once for each of those email addresses - "Bug Creation Time" is now searchable in the Boolean Charts. - When you mark a comment on a bug as private, the background color of the comment will change immediately. However, in order for Bugzilla to register that the comment is now private, you still have to "submit" the changes. - Emails sent from Bugzilla now have "X-Bugzilla-Keywords" and "X-Bugzilla-Severity" by default, containing the information from the related Bugzilla fields. - You can now change the assignee and QA contact on multiple bugs at once even when those bugs are in different products. - contrib/ allows you to merge two user accounts. This is particulary useful when a user opened several accounts and only one should be kept. It also lets you merge a deleted account with an existing one. All Changes ----------- If you'd like to see all the changes between Bugzilla 2.20 and Bugzilla 2.22, see: Deprecated Features ******************* - This is the last release of Bugzilla to support perl 5.6.x. All future versions of Bugzilla will require at least perl 5.8. This is the last release of Bugzilla to support PostgreSQL 7.x. Future releases using PostgreSQL will require PostgreSQL 8.0 and DBD::Pg 1.45. Outstanding Issues ****************** - bug 305836: PostgreSQL users: do not use DBD::Pg version 1.43 with Bugzilla. It has a bug which can corrupt the database. Version 1.41 is fine. Version 1.45 or higher is fine too. - (No Bug Number) VERY IMPORTANT: If you have customized the values in your Status/Resolution field, you must edit BEFORE YOU RUN IT. Find the line that starts like this: bug_status => ["UNCONFIRMED", That's where you set the values for the Status field. resolution => ["","FIXED", And that's where you set values for the Resolution field. Those are both near line 1826 in If you forget to do this, you will have to manually edit the "bug_status" and "resolution" tables in the database to contain the correct values. - bug 276230: The support for restricting access to particular Categories of New Charts is not complete. You should treat the 'chartgroup' Param as the only access mechanism available. However, additionally, charts migrated from Old Charts will be restricted to the groups that are marked MANDATORY for the corresponding Product. There is currently no way to change this restriction, and the groupings will not be updated if the group configuration for the Product changes. - bug 37765: If you use the "sendmail" support of Bugzilla, and you use an MTA which is *not* Sendmail (such as Postfix, Exim, etc.) make sure the "sendmailnow" parameter is ON or Bugzilla will not send e-mail correctly. - bug 69621: If you rename or remove a keyword that is in use on bugs, you will need to rebuild the "keyword cache" by running sanitycheck.cgi and choosing the option to rebuild the cache when it asks. Otherwise keywords may not show up properly in search results. - (No Bug Number) If you have a lot of non-ASCII data in your Bugzilla (for example, if you use a translation of Bugzilla), don't enable the XS::Stash option when you install the Template Toolkit, or your Bugzilla installation may become slow. This problem is fixed in a not-yet-released version of the Template Toolkit (after 2.14). - Bug 99215: Flags are not protected by "mid-air collision" detection. Nor are any attachment changes. - Bug 89822: When changing multiple bugs at the same time, there is no "mid-air collision" protection. - bug 322955: The email interface ( in the contrib/ directory has not been maintained (as it has no maintainer), and does not work properly. We hope to have this fixed in our next major release of Bugzilla; however, any help or contributions in this area are very welcome. How to Upgrade From An Older Bugzilla ************************************* NOTE: Upgrading from a large installation (over 10,000 bugs) running 2.18 or before may take a significant amount of time. checksetup will try to let you know how long it will take, but expect downtime of an hour or more if you have many bugs, many attachments, or many users. Steps for Upgrading ------------------- 1) Read these entire Release Notes, particularly the "Outstanding Issues" and "Security Fixes" sections. 2) View the Sanity Check (sanitycheck.cgi) page on your installation before upgrading. Attempt to fix all warnings that the page produces before you go any further, or you may experience problems during your upgrade. 3) Make a backup of the Bugzilla database before you upgrade, perhaps by using mysqldump. THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT. If anything goes wrong during the upgrade, your installation can be corrupted beyond recovery. Having a backup keeps you safe. Example: mysqldump -u root -p bugs > bugs-db.sql 4) Replace the files in your installation with the new version of Bugzilla, or you can try to use CVS to upgrade. The website has instructions on how to do the actual installation. You can also use a brand-new Bugzilla directory, as long as you copy over the old data/ directory and the "localconfig" file to the new installation. 5) Run after you install the new version. 7) View the Sanity Check page again after you run 8) It is recommended that, if possible, you fix any problems you find immediately. Failure to do this may mean that Bugzilla will not work correctly. Be aware that if the sanity check page contains more errors after an upgrade, it doesn't necessarily mean there are more errors in your database, as additional tests are added to the sanity check over time, and it is possible that those errors weren't being checked for in the old version. 9) This version of Bugzilla contains improvements to the email that Bugzilla sends when a bug is changed. The template for that email is contained in the "newchangedmail" parameter. If you would like to take advantage of the email enhancements in this version of Bugzilla, reset that parameter to its default. (You can customize it after that again, if you want.) Code Changes Which May Affect Customizations ******************************************** is Gone -------------- The file, which used to contain many global functions, and which also contained initialization code for every CGI, is gone. The functions have been moved to various places and sometimes renamed. The initialization code that used to happen inside is now inside of All CGIs must "use Bugzilla" in one way or another. (Some CGIs "use Bugzilla" by doing "require".) Deriving Groups No Longer Happens --------------------------------- Bugzilla no longer needs to "derive groups" in advance. That is, previously Bugzilla used to flatten the group heirarchy into the user_group_map table. (That is, show that a user was in every group they were in, even if they were only in that group because they belonged to *another* group.) Now the table only contains groups that the user is in directly, and groups that they are in because of a regexp. Instead, The Bugzilla::User->group function determines the groups a user is in when called. We did this because the group derivation was causing a lot of complexity in the code, and also deriving the groups was a slow process that frequently had to happen inside of a database lock while sending mail or viewing a bug list. See for details. Other Changes ------------- - The script's functionality has been merged into process_bug.cgi. - $::template and $::vars are gone from Instead of $::template, use Bugzilla->template. Every script creates the $vars variable by itself instead of using a global $::vars variable. - $::userid is gone. Instead use Bugzilla->user->id. - QuickSearch is now in perl instead of in JavaScript. The code is in Bugzilla/Search/ This makes it much easier to customize, and it also fixes some long-standing issues that QuickSearch had. - Attachment data is now in the attach_data table. Other information about attachments is still in the "attachments" table. - Much like the 2.20 release, many functions have been removed from and They were moved elsewhere and renamed. Search RESOLVED bugs in for the old version of the function name, and that will usually show you the bug where we moved the function, allowing you to find out what the new name and location is. - This is the last release that contains the deprecated SendSQL, SqlQuote, FetchSqlData, MoreSqlData, and FetchOneColumn functions. Instead, you should use DBI functions. For a very brief example, see: Security Fixes in 2.22 Releases ******************************* A long-standing, well-known security issue is finally resolved in Bugzilla 2.22: Previously, the "Session ID" of each user could be easily guessed, given enough time. This could have allowed an attacker to take over a user's account, in certain circumstances. Now, the "Session ID" is totally random, resolving this issue. See bug 119524 in for details. If you are very concerned about the security of your Bugzilla installation, it would be a very good idea to run the following command on your database immediately after upgrading: TRUNCATE TABLE logincookies; This is actually safe to do at any time--it just forces a logout of every single user, even those with saved sessions. (It invalidates every login cookie Bugzilla has ever given out.) Version 2.22.2 -------------- A Cross-Site Scripting vulnerability is fixed in Bugzilla 2.22.2. You can read the details of the fix at: Version 2.22.1 -------------- The Bugzilla team fixed two Information Leaks and three Cross-Site Scripting vulnerabilities that existed in versions of Bugzilla prior to 2.22.1. We strongly recommend that you update any 2.22 installation to 2.22.1, to be protected from these vulnerabilities. In addition, we have made an enhancement to security in this version of Bugzilla. In previous versions, it was possible for malicious users to exploit administrators in certain ways. Although this has never happened (to our knowledge) in the real world, we thought it was important that we protect administrators from this sort of attack. You can see details on all the vulnerabilities and enhancements at: Release Notes For Previous Versions ************************************ *************************************** *** The Bugzilla 2.20 Release Notes *** *************************************** Table of Contents ***************** - Introduction - Important Updates in this Point Release * Version 2.20.1 * Version 2.20.2 - Minimum Requirements * Perl * For MySQL Users * For PostgreSQL Users * Required Perl Modules * Optional Perl Modules - What's New? * Experimental PostgreSQL Support * New User-Interface Color/Style * Higher-Level Categorization of Bugs (above "Product") * Regular Reports by Email of Complex Queries ("Whining") * "Environment Variable" Authentication Method * User-List Drop-Down Menus * Server-Side Comment Wrapping * UI for Editing Priority, OS, Platform, and Severity * Bugzilla Queries as RSS * Choice of E-Mail Sending Methods * "User Preferences" * "Large Attachment" Storage * "User Visibility" Controls * Miscellaneous Improvements * All Changes - Deprecated Features - Outstanding Issues (<======================== IMPORTANT, PLEASE READ) - How to Upgrade From An Older Bugzilla * Steps for Upgrading - Code Changes Which May Affect Customizations * The New Database-Compatibility Layer * If You Customize Your Database... * Many Functions Renamed * User Preferences * Other Changes - Security Fixes In 2.20 Releases - Release Notes for Previous Versions Introduction ************ This document contains the release notes for Bugzilla 2.20. In this document, recently added, changed, and removed features of Bugzilla are described. If you are upgrading from an older version, you will definitely want to read these release notes in detail, so that you have an idea of what has changed. If you are upgrading from a version before 2.18, also read the 2.18 release notes (lower in this file) and any previous release notes. If you are installing a new Bugzilla, you will still want to look over the release notes to see if there is any particularly important information that affects your installation. The 2.20 release has had about nine months of development since 2.18, but they were nearly the most active nine months in Bugzilla's history. We hope that users will appreciate our many external changes, and that Bugzilla administators will find that our internal changes make their lives easier. If you would like to contribute code to Bugzilla, read our Contributor's Guide at: Important Updates In This Point Release *************************************** Version 2.20.1 -------------- + Many PostgreSQL fixes, including fixing on Pg 8 (bug 301062) and fixing the --regenerate option of for all versions of Pg (bug 316971). However, users who want full PostgreSQL support are encouraged to use the 2.22 series, as certain PostgreSQL bugs were discovered that will not be fixed in 2.20 (their fixes were too complex). + In Bugzilla 2.20, the "administrator" user created by would not ever be sent email, because their email preferences were left blank. This has been fixed for 2.20.1. However, if you created this administrative user with Bugzilla 2.20, make sure to go back and enable their Email Preferences. (bug 317489) + The script mentioned in these release notes has now actually been checked-in to the 2.20 branch, and so it's included in this release. (bug 291776) + When there's only one Classification, you now won't be required to pick a Classification on bug entry. (bug 311489) + You can no longer add dependencies on bugs you can't see. (bug 141593) + The CC list is included in "New" bug emails, again. (bug 313661) + In the original 2.20, certain scripts were not correctly using the "shadow database," if it was specified. This has been fixed in 2.20.1. (bug 313695) + "Saved Searches" that were saved before Bugzilla 2.20, would throw an error if they contained "Days Since Bug Changed." as part of their criteria. This has been fixed in Bugzilla 2.20.1. (bug 302599) + You can now successfully delete a product even when Target Milestones are turned off. (bug 317025) + now correctly pre-compiles templates for languages other than English. (bug 304417) + The "All Closed" chart that is created by default in New Charts now actually represents all closed bugs, and not all bugs in the product. (bug 300473) + CSV bug lists with more than 1000 dates now work properly. (bug 257813) + Various bugs with upgrading from previous versions of Bugzilla have been fixed. (bug 307662, bug 311047, bug 310108) + Many, many other bug fixes. See for details on what was fixed between 2.20 and 2.20.1. Version 2.20.2 -------------- + Adding a new attachment and taking the bug at the same time does not create a referential integrity problem anymore if the bug was marked as a duplicate (bug 332705). + Some additional admin links have been added to the sidebar (bug 282613). + A new test has been added to our test suite, named 012throwables.t. It will now make sure that all tags used in ThrowUserError() and ThrowCodeError() are defined, and that there are no unused tags (bug 312042). + now works correctly on MySQL 4.0. MySQL 4.1 is not affected (bug 327348). + contrib/ allows you to merge two user accounts. This is especially useful when a user opened several accounts and only one should be kept (bug 188264). + The login form on index.cgi again works correctly on a fresh installation (bug 328108). + Email preferences are now set correctly when creating a new user account using the ENV method (bug 327355). Minimum Requirements ******************** Perl ---- Perl v5.6.1 (changed from 2.18) (Non-Windows platforms) ActiveState Perl v5.8.1 (Windows only) For MySQL Users --------------- MySQL v3.23.41 (Note: 2.22 will require MySQL 4.x) perl module: DBD::mysql v2.9003 (changed from 2.18) For PostgreSQL Users (new in 2.20) -------------------- PostgreSQL 7.3.x (8.x has received less testing) perl module: DBD::Pg 1.31 (1.41 required for PostgreSQL 8+) Required Perl Modules --------------------- AppConfig v1.52 CGI v2.93 Data::Dumper (any) Date::Format v2.21 DBI v1.38 (changed from 2.18) File::Spec v0.84 (changed from 2.18) File::Temp (any) Template Toolkit v2.08 Text::Wrap v2001.0131 Mail::Mailer 1.65 (new in 2.20) Storable (any) (new in 2.20) Optional Perl Modules --------------------- Chart::Base v1.0 GD v1.20 GD::Graph (any) GD::Text::Align (any) Net::LDAP (any) PatchReader v0.9.4 XML::Parser (any) What's New? *********** Experimental PostgreSQL Support ------------------------------- In addition to MySQL, Bugzilla now also supports PostgreSQL. PostgreSQL support is still somewhat experimental. Although most major features of Bugzilla work on PostgreSQL in 2.20, there are probably still a few bugs that need to be worked out. PostgreSQL support in 2.20 is acceptable for smaller production environments that don't mind running into a bug or two now and then. New User-Interface Color/Style ------------------------------ You'll notice that Bugzilla looks a bit nicer, now! We've made a few color and style changes to update the overall "feel" of Bugzilla's User Inteface. We plan to do even more work on the UI for 2.22. Higher-Level Categorization of Bugs (above "Product") ----------------------------------------------------- Previous Bugzillas had "Products" that you could file bugs in, and "Components" for those products. Now, "Products" can be grouped into "Classifications." To enable this, a Bugzilla administrator can turn on the "useclassification" parameter, using editparams.cgi. Regular Reports by Email of Complex Queries ("Whining") ------------------------------------------------------- You can now tell Bugzilla to do a specific query (or set of queries) every X minutes/hours/days, and send you the results by email. This is great for keeping track on a daily basis of what's going on in your Bugzilla. "Environment Variable" Authentication Method -------------------------------------------- You can now tell Bugzilla to accept a certain value passed in from Apache as authentication for Bugzilla users. This means that Bugzilla now "supports" any type of authentication that Apache supports. To use this, set the "user_info_class" parameter to "ENV" and, at a minimum, set the "auth_env_email" parameter to the name of the Environment variable that passes the authenticated user (usually "REMOTE_USER"). If your webserver knows users' real names as well, also set the "auth_env_realname" parameter. If you are using a true single-signon system that assigns an identifier uniquely to an individual, even across changes of email address, then set "auth_env_id" to the name of that variable. User-List Drop-Down Menus ------------------------- Now, anywhere in Bugzilla where you previously had to type in an email address by hand, you have the choice of having Bugzilla instead display a drop-down menu of users to pick from. This feature is best for small installations with few users, because on large installations the list grows too large to be useful. To enable the feature, turn on the "usemenuforusers" parameter in editparams.cgi. Server-Side Comment Wrapping ---------------------------- In older Bugzillas, comments were wrapped to 80 characters by the user's web browser, and then stored in the database that way. This caused problems because some browsers did not wrap comments properly. Now, Bugzilla stores comments unwrapped and wraps them at display time, so all new comments should be properly wrapped. Also, when you upgrade, Bugzilla will look for old "mis-wrapped" comments and attempt to wrap them properly. Lines beginning with the ">" character are assumed to be quotes, and are *not* wrapped. UI for Editing Priority, OS, Platform, and Severity --------------------------------------------------- Bugzilla now has a User Interface for adding and removing values from the OS, Platform, Priority, and Severity fields. You can also rename values. Any user in the "editcomponents" group can click on the "Field Values" link in their page footer to edit these fields. Also, the default list of choices for OS and Platform for new installations is now much smaller. Old installations will keep the same list they have now. Bugzilla Queries as RSS ----------------------- You can now view a Bugzilla query as valid RSS 1.0. This means that you could add a particular query to your RSS aggregator, if you wanted, to keep track of changes in Bugzilla. To see a query as RSS, just click on the "RSS" link on the bottom of your query results. Your query must return at least 1 result in order for you to see the link. Choice of E-Mail Sending Methods -------------------------------- Bugzilla now uses perl's Mail::Mailer to send e-mail. This means that you have several choices of how Bugzilla can send email. By default, it still uses sendmail, but it can also use SMTP, qmail, or send all email to a file instead of out to users. A Bugzilla administrator can change which method is used by setting the "mail_delivery_method" parameter in editparams.cgi. "User Preferences" ------------------ Bugzilla users will now notice a section in their Preferences called "General Preferences." Administrators will notice a new link called "User Preferences." The Preferences system allows Bugzilla developers to specify arbitrary "user preferences" that change the behavior of certain parts of Bugzilla. Administrators can control whether or not users are allowed to use these preferences, and what the default settings are for a user who is not logged in. The first two preferences that we have implemented are: + "Show a quip at the top of each bug list" + "When viewing a bug, show comments in this order..." We plan to implement more preferences in the future. "Large Attachment" Storage -------------------------- Bugzilla can now store very large attachments on disk instead of in the database. These attachments can't be searched with Boolean Charts, but they also don't take up database space, and they can be deleted individually by the admin. When uploading an attachment, a user chooses if it's a "Big File." If so, it's stored on the disk instead of in the database. To enable this feature, set the "maxlocalattachmentsize" parameter to a non-zero value, in editparams.cgi. "User Visibility" Controls -------------------------- It is now possible to prevent users from encountering all other users when using user-matching or drop-down userlists. To enable this restriction, enable the "usevisibilitygroups" parameter. Once this is enabled, each group's permissions will include a new column for "visible." The members of any group for which the group being edited is visible will be able to user-match this groups's users or see them in dropdown lists. This does not control who a user can CC on a bug, only who they can see in the user-matching lists or drop-downs. Miscellaneous Improvements -------------------------- - Marking an attachment as obsolete will now cancel all pending flag requests for that attachment. That is, any flag that was set to "?" on that attachment will be cleared. - You can now see which users are "watching" you, on the email preferences page. - You can tell Bugzilla to mark certain comments in a different color by adding "&mark=1,2,3,5-7" to the end of the show_bug.cgi URL, where "1,2,3,5-7" means "highlight comment 1, comment 2, comment 3, and comments 5 through 7." - "QA Contact" now also appears on the New Bug page, if QA Contacts are enabled on your installation. - Bugzilla email now has the "In-Reply-To" header added to it, so if you use an email client that supports threads, you can view your Bugzilla email in threads. If you are upgrading to a new version of Bugzilla, and you want this support, please see the instructions at: - The email preferences system has been slightly updated. You will notice the changes on your Email Preferences page. - You can now negate individual "boolean charts" (in the "Advanced Searching" section at the bottom of the "Advanced Search" page). That is, you can add "NOT" to the front of them. - You can add the words %assignee%, %reporter%, %user% (yourself), or %qacontact% on the right-hand side of a Boolean Chart. For example, you could make a Boolean Chart which said "Reporter" "does not equal" "%assignee%". That would give you all bugs where the Reporter was not the same as the Assignee. - You can now search Boolean Charts by "commenter." - If you have a group with no name, it will be re-named to "group_#" where "#" is the numeric Bugzilla Group ID for that group. - If you are using time-tracking, you can now see a report of time spent on bugs using summarize_time.cgi. - If you are using time-tracking, bugzilla will now set "hours remaining" to "0" automatically if you RESOLVE a bug, whether you are in the time-tracking group or not. Deprecated Features ******************* - Bugzilla 2.20 is the last Bugzilla version to support MySQL 3.23.x. Starting with Bugzilla 2.22, Bugzilla will require MySQL 4.0.x. This will allow Bugzilla to take advantage of the advanced features of MySQL 4. Outstanding Issues ****************** - (No Bug Number) VERY IMPORTANT: If you have customized the values in your Status/Resolution field, you must edit BEFORE YOU RUN IT. Find the line that starts like this: bug_status => ["UNCONFIRMED", That's where you set the values for the Status field. resolution => ["","FIXED", And that's where you set values for the Resolution field. Those are both near line 1826 in If you forget to do this, you will have to manually edit the "bug_status" and "resolution" tables in the database to contain the correct values. - bug 37765: VERY IMPORTANT: If you use the "sendmail" support of Bugzilla, and you use an MTA which is *not* Sendmail (such as Postfix, Exim, etc.) you MUST turn on the "sendmailnow" parameter or Bugzilla will not send e-mail correctly. - (No Bug Number) If you close your web browser while the process_bug.cgi or post_bug.cgi screen is running, not all emails will be sent, and the next time that that bug is updated, there will be two updates. This is because of a behavior of Apache that is beyond our control. - bug 276230: The support for restricting access to particular Categories of New Charts is not complete. You should treat the 'chartgroup' Param as the only access mechanism available. However, additionally, charts migrated from Old Charts will be restricted to the groups that are marked MANDATORY for the corresponding Product. There is currently no way to change this restriction, and the groupings will not be updated if the group configuration for the Product changes. This will not be fixed in the 2.20 branch. - bug 69621: If you rename or remove a keyword that is in use on bugs, you will need to rebuild the "keyword cache" by running sanitycheck.cgi and choosing the option to rebuild the cache when it asks. Otherwise keywords may not show up properly in search results. - (No Bug Number) If you have a lot of non-ASCII data in your Bugzilla (for example, if you use a translation of Bugzilla), don't enable the XS::Stash option when you install the Template Toolkit, or your Bugzilla installation may become slow. This problem is fixed in a not-yet-released version of the Template Toolkit (after 2.14). - If at any time you upgraded from a version of Bugzilla between 2.17.4 - 2.17.7 to either 2.18rc3 or 2.19.1, you must manually fix your New Charts in order for them to work. See the following link for instructions on how to do this: If you are using 2.18rc3, but did not upgrade from version 2.17.4 or newer, then you don't need to do this. - (No Bug Number) If your DBI is really, really old, Bugzilla might fail with a strange error message when you try to run Try upgrading your DBI using: perl -MCPAN -e'install DBI' - Bug 126266: Bugzilla does not use UTF-8 to display pages. This means that if you enter non-ASCII characters into Bugzilla, they may display strangely, or Bugzilla may have other problems. For a workaround, see: This has been fixed in the 2.22 series. - Bug 99215: Flags are not protected by "mid-air collision" detection. Nor are any attachment changes. - Bug 89822: When changing multiple bugs at the same time, there is no "mid-air collision" protection. - Bug 285614: may be broken in many different ways. It has been fixed and completely re-written in the 2.22 series. - (No Bug Number) Note that the email interface ( in the contrib/ directory has not been maintained (as it has no maintainer), and so may not be working properly. Contributions are welcome, if anybody would like to work on it. Upgrading From An Older Bugzilla ************************************ NOTE: Running to upgrade a large installation (over 10,000 bugs) may take a significant amount of time. checksetup will try to let you know how long it will take, but expect downtime of an hour or more if you have many bugs, many attachments, or many users. Steps for Upgrading ------------------- 1) View the Sanity Check (sanitycheck.cgi) page on your installation before upgrading. Attempt to fix all warnings that the page produces before you go any further, or you may experience problems during your upgrade. 2) Make a backup of the Bugzilla database before you upgrade, perhaps by using mysqldump. Example: mysqldump -u root -p --databases bugs > bugs.db.backup 3) Replace the files in your installation with the new version of Bugzilla, or you can try to use CVS to upgrade. The website has instructions on how to do the actual installation. 4) Make sure that you run after you install the new version. 5) View the Sanity Check page again after you run 6) It is recommended that, if possible, you fix any problems you find immediately. Failure to do this may mean that Bugzilla will not work correctly. Be aware that if the sanity check page contains more errors after an upgrade, it doesn't necessarily mean there are more errors in your database, as additional tests are added to the sanity check over time, and it is possible that those errors weren't being checked for in the old version. 7) If you want threading support on your Bugzilla email (see the "Miscellaneous Improvements" section above for a description), you need to follow the instructions at: Code Changes Which May Affect Customizations ******************************************** The New Database-Compatibility Layer ------------------------------------ For most customizations, this should have no effect. However, you should be aware that Bugzilla->dbh is now an instance of "Bugzilla::DB" instead of being a DBI object directly. In fact, it's actually a Bugzilla::DB::Mysql for MySQL users, and a Bugzilla::DB::Pg for PostgreSQL users. Anything called from $dbh (like $dbh->bz_last_key) that starts with "bz_" or "sql_" is a custom Bugzilla function. Anything *not* starting with those two prefixes is a normal DBI function. Methods whose names start with "sql_" generate a piece of a SQL statement. They generate the correct version of the statement for whichever database you are using. Methods whose names start with "bz_" do something directly. You can see more documentation about this at: If You Customize Your Database... --------------------------------- In order to support multiple databases, we had to do something sort of tricky. Bugzilla now stores what it *thinks* the current database schema is, in a table called bz_schema. This means that when checksetup changes the database, it updates the bz_schema table. When *you* update the database, without using checksetup to do it, the bz_schema table is *not* updated. So, if you're going to add/remove a new column/table to Bugzilla, or if you're going to change the definition of a column, try to do it by adding code to checksetup in the correct place. (It's one of the places where you find the word "--TABLE--".) You can see the documentation on the $dbh functions used to do this at: Many Functions Renamed ---------------------- We are reorganizing the Bugzilla code so that it can support mod_perl. As part of this, we are moving all functions out of and, and into modules in the Bugzilla/ directory. Sometimes when we moved them, we also renamed them. The new Bugzilla standard is to have functions_named_like_this, instead of FunctionsNamedLikeThis. So if you were using a FunctionNamedLikeThis that no longer works, try just using it as function_named_like_this. If that doesn't work, you may have to search for where we put it, and what we renamed it to. Most of the functions moved to logical places. If you really can't find it, search using the name of the old function. We usually moved one function per bug, so the new name will be somewhere in a bug report. User Preferences ---------------- Bugzilla now has a "User Preferences" system! These preferences are stored in the database, and specified by a Bugzilla developer. The Bugzilla developers actually call these "settings," but we called them "User Preferences" in the UI to make things clearer. You access a user's settings differently depending on if you are in a .cgi file or in a template file: CGI: Bugzilla->user->settings->{'setting_name'}->value Template: Bugzilla.user.settings.setting_name.value Where "setting_name" is the name of the setting. You can see the current setting names in the "setting" table in the database. Remember that sometimes you may want to check a user's settings when making a customization. To see how to add new settings, search for "add_setting" in Also see the template: template/en/default/global/setting-descs.none.tmpl. Other Changes ------------- - The $::unconfirmedstate variable has been replaced by the actual string "UNCONFIRMED" everywhere in Bugzilla code. - The %::FORM and %::MFORM variables are no longer used to access form data. Instead, use $cgi->param(). There are many examples of how to do this, all over the Bugzilla code. - SendSQL() and related calls are deprecated, and the various $dbh methods should be used instead, such as $dbh->prepare() and $dbh->execute(). Bugzilla->dbh is the $dbh handle to use. For more information on how to use the $dbh methods, see: - The $::userid variable will be going away. Use Bugzilla->user->id instead. - All global variables (any that start with $::, @::, or %::) will be entirely gone by Bugzilla 2.24. Security Fixes in 2.20 Releases ******************************* 2.20.1 ------ There were three security issues discovered after the release of Bugzilla 2.20 that we resolved for Bugzilla 2.20.1. One SQL Injection (from an administrator only), one Cross-Site Scripting vulnerability (that mostly affects only the user who can exploit it), and one minor, extremely specific information leak. To see details on the vulnerabilities that were fixed, see the Security Advisory at: Release Notes for Previous Versions *********************************** ***************************************** *** The Bugzilla 2.18.x Release Notes *** ***************************************** Table of Contents ***************** - Introduction - Important Updates In This Point Release * Version 2.18.1 * Version 2.18.2 - Requirements * Dependency Requirements - What's New? * Generic Reporting * Generic Charting * Request System * Enterprise Group Support * User Wildcard Matching * Support for "Insiders" * Time Tracking * Authentication module/LDAP improvements * Improved localization support * Patch Viewer * Comment Reply Links * Full-Text Search * Email Address Munging * Simple Search * Miscellaneous Improvements * All Changes - What's Changed? * Flag Names * New Saved Search User Interface * Rules for changing fields - Removed Features - Code Changes Which May Affect Customizations - Recommended Practice for the Upgrade * Note About Upgrading From MySQL With ISAM Tables * Steps for Upgrading - Outstanding Issues (<======================== IMPORTANT, PLEASE READ) - Security Fixes In 2.18 Releases - Detailed Version-To-Version Release Notes Introduction ************ This document contains the release notes for Bugzilla 2.18 and the bugfix releases after 2.18. In this document, recently added, changed, and removed features of Bugzilla are described. The 2.18 release is our current stable series, containing the results of over two years of hard and dedicated work by volunteers all over the world under the lead of Dave Miller. Important Updates In This Point Release *************************************** There are usually many other bug fixes than those listed below, but the below fixes are the ones that we thought System Administrators would like to specifically know about. To see a listing of all changes in this release, you can use the table available at: Version 2.18.1 -------------- + You can now enter a negative time for "Hours Worked" in the time-tracking area. (Bug 271276) + The customization required for Windows (as described in the Bugzilla Guide) now actually works. (Bug 280911) + Users who were using Bugzilla 2.8 can now successfully upgrade to 2.18.1 (they couldn't upgrade to 2.18). (Bug 283403) + Dependency mails are now properly sent during a mass-change of bugs. (Bug 178157) Version 2.18.2 -------------- + You can now create accounts with createaccount.cgi even when the "requirelogin" parameter is turned on. (Bug 294778) + Bugs that are in disabled groups may not show a padlock on the bug list, or may otherwise behave strangely. You can now fix this using sanitycheck.cgi. (Bug 277454) + If sendmail dies while you are marking a bug as a duplicate, the duplicates table will no longer become corrupted. (Bug 225042) Requirements ************ Dependency Requirements ----------------------- Minimum software requirements: MySQL v3.23.41 (changed from 2.16) Perl v5.6.0 (changed from 2.16) (Non-Windows platforms) ActiveState Perl v5.8.1 (Windows only) Required Perl modules: AppConfig v1.52 CGI v2.93 (new since 2.16) (changed from 2.17.7) Data::Dumper (any) Date::Format v2.21 (changed from 2.16) DBI v1.36 (changed from 2.16) (changed from 2.17.7) DBD::mysql v2.1010 (changed from 2.16) File::Spec v0.82 File::Temp (any) Template Toolkit v2.08 (changed from 2.16) Text::Wrap v2001.0131 Optional Perl modules: Chart::Base v1.0 (changed from 2.16) (changed from 2.17.7) GD v1.20 (changed from 2.16) GD::Graph (any) (new since 2.16) GD::Text::Align (any) (new since 2.16) Net::LDAP (any) (new since 2.16) PatchReader v0.9.4 (new since 2.16) (changed from 2.17.7) XML::Parser (any) What's New? *********** Generic Reporting ----------------- Bugzilla has a new mechanism for generating reports of the current state of the bug database. It has two related parts: a table-based view, and several graphical views. The table-based view allows you to specify an x, y and z (multiple tables of data) axis to plot, and then restrict the bugs plotted using the standard query form. You can view the resulting data as an HTML or CSV export (e.g.: for importing into a spreadsheet). There are also bar, line and pie charts, which are defined in a very similar way. These views may be more appropriate for particular data types, and are suitable for saving and then putting into presentations or web pages. Generic Charting ---------------- Bugzilla has a new mechanism for generating charts (graphs over time) of any arbitrary search. This is known as "New Charts." Legacy data from the previous charting mechanism ("Old Charts") is migrated into the "New Charts" when you upgrade. The Old Charts mechanism remains, but is deprecated and will be removed in a future version of Bugzilla. Individual users can see/create charts as long as they are a member of the group specified in the Param 'chartgroup'. Data can be collected for personal charts every seven days (or a longer period, as set by the user). Charts created by an administrator can be made public (visible to all). Data is collected for administrator charts every day (or a longer period, as set by the admin). The data is collected by the script, which an administrator will need to arrange to be run once every day (see the manual). Chart data can be plotted in a number of different ways, and different data sets can be plotted on the same graph for comparison. Please see the Known Bugs section for some important limitations relating to access controls on charts. Request System --------------- The Request System (RS) is a set of enhancements that adds powerful flag (superset of the old attachment status) features to the bugs. RS allows for four states: off, granted, denied, and (optionally) requested, where "granted" is the equivalent of "on". These additions mean it is no longer necessary to define a status to negate another status (e.g. "needs-work" to negate "has-review") because negation is built into each status via the status' "denied" state. Bug statuses: Previously only attachments could have these kinds of statuses. RS enables them for bugs as well. This feature can be used to request and grant/deny certain properties for a bug, such as inclusion for a specific milestone or approval for checkin. This way, Bugzilla supports the natural decision-making process in your organization. - Requests: Flags can now optionally be made requestable, which means users can ask other users to set them. When a user requests a flag, Bugzilla emails the requestee and adds the request to a browsable queue so both the requester and the requestee can keep track of its status. Once the requestee fulfills the request by setting the flag to either granted or denied, Bugzilla emails the requestee and removes the request from the queue. This feature supports workflow like the code review and milestone approval processes, whereby code is peer reviewed before being committed and patches get approved by product release managers for inclusion in specific product releases. - Product/component specificity: Previously flags were product-specific, and if you wanted the same flag for multiple products you had to define multiple flags with the same name. Flags are now product/component-specific, and a single flag can be enabled or disabled for multiple product/component combinations via inclusions and exclusions lists. Flags are enabled for all combinations on their inclusions list except those that appear on their exclusions list. Enterprise Group Support ------------------------ Bugzilla is no longer limited to 55 access control groups. Administrators can define an arbitrary number of access groups composed of individual users or other groups. The groups can be configured via the web interface to achieve a wide variety of access control policies. See the documentation section on 'Groups And Group Controls' for details. User Wildcard Matching ---------------------- Sites can now enable the use of wildcards and substrings in bug entry and editing forms. If the user enters an incomplete username, he'll get a list of users that matched the given username. Support for "Insiders" ---------------------- If the 'insidergroup' parameter is defined, a specific group of users can be designated insiders who can designate comments and attachments as private to other insiders. These comments and attachments will be invisible to other users who are not members of the insiders group even if the bugs to which they apply are visible. Other insiders will see the comments and attachments with a visual tinting indicating that they are private. Time Tracking ------------- Controls for tracking time spent fixing bugs are included in the bug form for members of the group specified by the 'timetrackinggroup' parameter. Any time comments are added to the bug, members of the time tracking group can add an amount of time they spent, and it's figured into the total and displayed at the top of the bug. Shown in the bug are your original estimate, the amount of time spent so far, the revised estimate of how much time is remaining, and your gain/loss on the original estimate. Authentication module/LDAP improvements --------------------------------------- Bugzilla's authentication mechanisms have been modularized, making pluggable authentication schemes for Bugzilla a reality. Both the existing database and LDAP systems were ported as part of modularization process. Additionally, the CGI portion of the backend was redesigned to allow for authentication from other sources, including (theoretically) email, which will help Bug 94850. As part of this conversion, LDAP logins now use Perl's standard Net::LDAP module, which has no external library dependencies. Improved localization support ----------------------------- Bugzilla administrators can now configure which languages are supported by their installations and automatically serve correct, localized content to users based on the HTTP 'Accept-Language' header sent from users' browsers. There are currently localized templates available for: Arabic, Belarusian, Chinese, French, German, Italian, Korean, Portuguese (Brazil) Spanish (Spain or Mexico) and Russian. These localized template packs are third-party contributions, may only be available for specific versions, and may not be supported in the future. ( Patch Viewer ------------ Viewing and reviewing patches in Bugzilla is often difficult due to lack of context, improper format and the inherent readability issues that raw patches present. Patch Viewer is an enhancement to Bugzilla designed to fix that by offering increased context, linking to sections, and integrating with Bonsai, LXR and CVS. Comment Reply Links ------------------- In Edit Bug, each bug comment now includes a convenient (reply) link that quotes the comment text into the textarea. This feature is only enabled in Javascript-capable browsers, but causes no inconvenience to other user agents. Full-Text Search ---------------- It is now possible to query the Bugzilla database using full-text searching, which spans comments and summaries, and which searches for substrings and stem variations of the search term. Basically, it's like using Google. Email Address Munging --------------------- The fact that raw email addresses are displayed in Bugzilla makes it trivial for bots that spamharvest to spider through Bugzilla, in particular, through Bugzilla's buglists. This change adds HTML obfuscation of email addresses as they appear in the Bugzilla web pages. Google-like Bug Search ---------------------- Bugzilla now includes a very simple, Google-like "Find a Specific Bug" page, in addition to its advanced search page. Miscellaneous Improvements -------------------------- - The "Assigned To" field on the new bug page is now prefilled with the default component owner. - A bug alias column is now available in the buglist page. - Lists of bugs containing errors in the sanity check page now have a "view as buglist" link in addition to the individual bug links. - Autolinkification Page - It's now possible to apply Bugzilla's comment hyperlinking algorithm to any text you like. This should be useful for status updates and other web pages which give lists of bugs. The bug links created include the subject, status and resolution of the bug as a tooltip. - There are more <link> tags on the links toolbar for navigating quickly between different areas. - Buglists are now available as comma-separated value files (CSV) and JavaScript (JS) as well as HTML and RDF. - Keywords and dependencies can now be entered during initial bug entry. - A CSS id signature unique to each Bugzilla installation is now added to the <body> tag on Bugzilla pages to allow custom end-user CSS to explicitly affect Bugzilla. - Perl's path has been changed to a normal /usr/bin/perl from the original legacy "bonsaitools" path specifier. - A new "always-require-login" parameter allows administrators to require a login before being able to view any page, except the front page. - A developer may add an attachment, and also reassign a bug to himself as part of that single action. - Bugzilla is now able to use the replication facilities provided by the MySQL database to handle updates from the main database to the secondaries. - Mail handling is now between 125% to 175% faster. - Guided Bug Entry: You can see a sample enter_bug.cgi template at enter_bug.cgi?format=guided that "guides" users through the process of filing a "good" bug. It needs to be modified before use in your organization. - There is now a "Give me some help" link on the Advanced Search page that will enable pop-up help for every field on the page. - The Bugzilla administrator can now forbid users from marking bugs RESOLVED when there are unresolved dependencies. All Changes ----------- To see a list of EVERY bug that was fixed between 2.16 and 2.18 (over 1000), see: What's Changed? *************** Flag names ---------- Prerelease versions of Bugzilla 2.17 and 2.18 inadvertantly allowed commas and spaces in the names of flags, which due to the way they're processed, caused lots of internal havoc if you named flags to have any commas or spaces in them. Having commas or spaces in the names can cause errors in the notification emails and in the bug activity log. The ability to create new flags with these characters has been removed. If you have any existing flags that you named that way, running checksetup will attempt to automatically rename them by replacing commas and spaces with underscores. New Saved Search User Interface ------------------------------- In previous Bugzilla versions, you could specify on the search page that you wanted to save a search and store it as a link in your footer. This option has now moved to the search results page (buglist.cgi), where you will see a "Remember search" button with a box next to it to enter the name of the search. You can manage your saved searches on the Preferences page. Rules for changing fields ------------------------- There have been some changes to the rules governing who can change which fields of a bug report. The rules for Bugzilla version 2.16 and 2.18, along with differences between them, are listed below. Bear in mind that there are other restrictions on bug manipulation besides the ones listed below. In particular, the groups system enforces restrictions on who can create, edit, or even see any given bug. Bugzilla 2.16 rules: - anyone can make a null change; - anyone can add a comment; - anyone in the editbugs group can make any change; - the reporter can make any change to the status; - anyone in the canconfirm group can change the status to any opened state (NEW, REOPENED, ASSIGNED). - anyone can change the status to any opened state if the everconfirmed flag is set; - the owner, QA contact, or reporter can make any change *except* changing the status to an opened state; - No other changes are permitted. [Note that these rules combine to allow the reporter to make any change to the bug.] Bugzilla 2.18 rules: - anyone can make a null change; - anyone can add a comment; - anyone in the editbugs group can make any change; - anyone in the canconfirm group can change the status from UNCONFIRMED to any opened state; - the owner or QA contact can make any change; - the reporter can make any change *except*: - changing the status from UNCONFIRMED to any opened state; or - changing the target milestone; or - changing the priority (unless the letsubmitterchoosepriority parameter is set). - No other changes are permitted. The effective differences in the rules: - In 2.16, the reporter could always change anything about a bug. In 2.18, the reporter can't: - confirm the bug unless he is in the canconfirm group; - change the target milestone; - change the priority (unless the 'letsubmitterchoosepriority' parameter is set; (unless he is also the owner, the QA contact, or in the editbugs group, in which case he can do all these things). - In 2.16, the owner or QA contact (if the 'useqacontact' parameter is set) can't change the bug status to an opened status unless they are also the reporter, or have editbugs or canconfirm, or the everconfirmed flag is set on the bug). In 2.18 the owner or QA contact can make any change to a bug. - In 2.16, a member of the canconfirm group can set the status to any opened status. In 2.18 this is only possible if the status was previously the unconfirmed status. - In 2.16, the status can be set to anything by anybody if the 'everconfirmed' flag is set. In 2.18, this authorization code does not pay any attention to the 'everconfirmed' flag. Removed Features **************** - Please note that Bugzilla no longer supports MySQL 3.22. The minimum required version is now 3.23.41. - The "shadow database" mechanism is no longer used. Instead, use MySQL's built-in replication feature. - If you have placed any comments in the localconfig file, they may be removed by Code Changes Which May Affect Customizations ******************************************** - A mechanism (called "Template Hooks") for third party extensions to plug into existing templates without having to patch or replace distributed templates has been added. More information on this can be found in the documentation. - Header output now uses, in a step towards enabling mod_perl compatibility. This change will affect users that had customized charsets in their CGI files: previously the charset had to be added everywhere that printed the Content-Type header; now it only needs changing in one spot, in Bugzilla/ - $::FORM{} and $::COOKIE{} are deprecated. Use the $cgi methods to access them. - $::userid is gone in favor of Bugzilla->user->id - ConnectToDatabase() is gone (it's done automatically when you initialize the Bugzilla object) - quietly_check_login() and confirm_login() are gone, use Bugzilla->login() with parameters for whether the login is required or not. - Use Bugzilla->user->login in place of $::COOKIE{Bugzilla_login} - You can tell if there's a user logged in or not by using Bugzilla->user rather than looking for $::userid==0. In new 2.18 code, use defined(Bugzilla->user) && (Bugzilla->user->id) In 2.20, this will become just (Bugzilla->user->id) In templates, always test [% IF %] rather than [% IF user %] - SendSQL() and related calls are deprecated, and the various $dbh methods should be used instead, such as $dbh->prepare() and $dbh->execute(). Bugzilla->dbh is the $dbh handle to use. Recommended Practice for the Upgrade ************************************ Note About Upgrading From MySQL With ISAM Tables ------------------------------------------------ As previously noted in the Dependency Requirements MySQL is now required to be at least version 3.23.41. This implies that all tables of type ISAM will be converted by the script to MyISAM. Steps for Upgrading ------------------- 1) View the Sanity Check (sanitycheck.cgi) page on your installation before upgrading. 2) As with any upgrade it is recommended that you make a backup of the Bugzilla database before you upgrade, perhaps by using mysqldump. Example: mysqldump -u root -p --databases bugs > bugs.db.backup 3) Replace the files in your installation, or you can try to use CVS to upgrade. The website has instructions on how to do the actual installation. 4) Make sure that you run after you install the new version. 5) View the Sanity Check page again after you run 6) It is recommended that, if possible, you fix any problems you find immediately. Failure to do this may mean that Bugzilla will not work correctly. Be aware that if the sanity check page contains more errors after an upgrade, it doesn't necessarily mean there are more errors in your database, as additional tests are added to the sanity check over time, and it is possible that those errors weren't being checked for in the old version. Outstanding Issues ****************** These are known problems with the release that we think you should know about. They each have a bug number for - If at any time you upgraded from a version of Bugzilla between 2.17.4 - 2.17.7 to either 2.18rc3 or 2.19.1, you must manually fix your New Charts in order for them to work. See the following link for instructions on how to do this: If you are using 2.18rc3, but did not upgrade from version 2.17.4 or newer, then you don't need to do this. - bug 37765: If you use an MTA other than sendmail (such as Postfix, Exim, etc.) you MUST turn on the "sendmailnow" parameter or Bugzilla will not send e-mail correctly. - bug 276230: The support for restricting access to particular Categories of New Charts is not complete. You should treat the 'chartgroup' Param as the only access mechanism available. However, additionally, charts migrated from Old Charts will be restricted to the groups that are marked MANDATORY for the corresponding Product. There is currently no way to change this restriction, and the groupings will not be updated if the group configuration for the Product changes. - bug 69621: If you rename or remove a keyword that is in use on bugs, you will need to rebuild the "keyword cache" by running sanitycheck.cgi and choosing the option to rebuild the cache when it asks. Otherwise keywords may not show up properly in search results. - (No Bug Number) If you have a lot of non-ASCII data in your Bugzilla (for example, if you use a translation of Bugzilla), don't enable the XS::Stash option when you install the Template Toolkit, or your Bugzilla installation may become slow. This problem is fixed in a not-yet-released version of the Template Toolkit (after 2.14). - bug 266579: Users may be able to circumvent not having "canconfirm" privileges in some circumstances. This is fixed starting with 2.19.3, but will not be fixed in any 2.18 release, as the changes required to fix it are quite large. - bug 99215: Attachment changes have no mid-air collision detection, unlike bug changes. - bug 57350: Searching using the "commenter is" option may be VERY slow. Note that searching for "field: comment, changed by:" is fast, though. - bug 151509: Using the boolean chart option "contains the string" with the "flag name" field or certain other fields will cause Bugzilla to emit an error. This is fixed in 2.20rc1, but will not be fixed in the 2.18 series. - bug 234159: Bugzilla may sometimes send multiple notices in one email. - bug 237107: If you search for attachment information using the Boolean Charts at the bottom of the Advanced Query page, bugs without attachments will not show up in the result list. Security Fixes In 2.18 Releases ******************************* Version 2.18 ------------ Summary: XSS in Internal Error messages in Bugzilla 2.16.7 and 2.18rc3 CVE Name: CAN-2004-1061 Reference: Details: It is possible to send a carefully crafted URL to Bugzilla designed to trigger an error message. The Internal Error message includes javascript code which displays the URL the user is visiting. The javascript code does not escape the URL before displaying it, allowing scripts contained in the URL to be executed by the browser. Many browsers do not allow unescaped URLs to be sent to a webserver (thus complying with RFC 2616 section 2.3.1 and RFC 2396 section 2.4.3), and are thus immune to this issue. Browsers which are known to be immune: Firefox 1.0, Mozilla 1.7.5, Camino 0.8.2, Netscape 7.2, Safari 1.2.4 Browsers known to be susceptible: Internet Explorer 6 SP2, Konqueror 3.2 Browsers not listed here have not been tested. Version 2.18.1 -------------- Two security issues were fixed in Bugzilla 2.18.1, neither of them critical. See for details. Version 2.18.2 -------------- Two security issues were fixed in Bugzilla 2.18.2. One of them is a major Information Leak/Unauthorized Bug Change. The other is a minor Information Leak. See for details. Detailed Version-To-Version Release Notes ***************************************** ********************************************************* *** USERS UPGRADING FROM ALL VERSIONS PRIOR TO 2.16.7 *** ********************************************************* *** Security fixes *** - It is possible to send a carefully crafted HTTP POST message to process_bug.cgi which will remove keywords from a bug even if you don't have permissions to edit all bug fields (the "editbugs" permission). Such changes are reported in "bug changed" email notifications, so they are easily detected and reversed if someone abuses it. Users are now prevented from making changes to keywords if they do not have editbugs privileges. (bug 252638) *** Bug fixes of note *** - Enforce a minimum of 10 minutes between attempts to reset a password, so we don't mailbomb the user if someone submits the form many times in a row. (bug 250897) - Put products in alphabetical order on the create attachment status page. (bug 251427) - Specify MyISAM as the table type when creating new tables. MySQL 4.1 and up default to InnoDB, which doesn't support some of the indexing methods that we use. (bug 263165) ********************************************************* *** USERS UPGRADING FROM ALL VERSIONS PRIOR TO 2.16.6 *** ********************************************************* *** Security fixes *** - If Bugzilla is configured to hide entire products from some users, both duplicates.cgi and the form for mass-editing a list of bugs in buglist.cgi can disclose the names of those hidden products to such users. (bugs 234825 and 234855) - Several administration CGIs echo invalid data back to the user without escaping it. (bug 235265) - A user with privileges to grant membership to any group (i.e. usually an administrator) can trick editusers.cgi into executing arbitrary SQL. (bug 244272) *** Bug fixes of note *** - Allow XML import to function when there are regexp metacharacters in product names (bug 237591) - Allow the contrib script to work with useqacontact (bug 239912) - Improve the error message used by when the MySQL requirements are not met (bug 240228) - Elimnate the warning in about the minimum sendmail version (bug 240060) - $webservergroup now defaults to group 'apache' in new installations (bug 224477) - Correct a situation where a bugmail message could be sent twice to a user being added to the CC list if the address was entered in a different case than the user registered with. (bug 117297) - Various documentation updates ********************************************************* *** USERS UPGRADING FROM ALL VERSIONS PRIOR TO 2.16.4 *** ********************************************************* *** Bug fixes of note *** - Fix a "used only once" warning that ocurred only in perl 5.00503 (bug 2321691) - When a user is creating a new account and enters an invalid email address, the error page sent the "Content-type" header twice, causing the second one to be visible at the top of the page. (bug 137121) - An HTML encoding issue which only affected Internet Explorer was corrected in the "Change several bugs at once" page. (bug 181106) - During initial setup, using invalid characters in the administrator password would present an error message stating your password was too long or too short instead of telling you it had invalid characters. (bug 166755) - When a user reset their own password via an emailed token, the new password in the first field would be accepted if the second password field was left blank. (bug 123077) - Reopening bugs from the "change several bugs at once" page now works. (bug 95430) - Fix a regression in xml.cgi caused by the previous bugfix for MySQL SUM() changes. The original fix didn't work properly either. (bug 225474) - No longer use server push with the "Safari" browser, which claims to use the Mozilla layout engine but doesn't. (bug 188712) - Creating a shadow database no longer fails with taint mode errors. (bug 227510) - If you change your cookiepath setting at some stage (because you have moved the directory Bugzilla resides on your webserver), users can have login cookies with the old cookiepath, and their browsers will send multiple logincookies. Bugzilla now uses the first rather than the last in order to get the most specific cookie which will be the correct one. (bug 121419) - Fixed a regression caused by the previous DBD::mysql fixes, that caused older versions of DBD::mysql to break due to not supporting the new DBI syntax. (bug 224815) - Bugzilla no longer sends out invalid dates for cookie expiry. This bug had no known user visible ramifications. (bug 228706) - Update the shadow database parameters description to tell the user about permissions requirements for creating a shadow database. (bug 227513) - Various documentation updates. ********************************************************* *** USERS UPGRADING FROM ALL VERSIONS PRIOR TO 2.16.3 *** ********************************************************* *** SECURITY ISSUES RESOLVED *** - A user with 'editproducts' privileges (i.e. usually an administrator) can select arbitrary SQL to be run by the nightly statistics cron job (, by giving a product a special name. (bug 214290) - A user with 'editkeywords' privileges (i.e. usually an administrator) can inject arbitrary SQL via the URL used to edit an existing keyword. (bug 219044) - When deleting products and the 'usebuggroups' parameter is on, the privilege which allows someone to add people to the group which is being deleted does not get removed, allowing people with that privilege to get that privilege for the next group that is created which reuses that group ID. Note that this only allows someone who had been granted privileges in the past to retain them. (bug 219690) - If you know the email address of someone who has voted on a secure bug, you can access the summary of that bug even if you do not have sufficient permissions to view the bug itself. (bug 209376) *** Bug fixes of note *** Perl 5.8.0 Compatibility fixes: - Two taint errors were fixed, one in process_bug.cgi, and another in post_bug.cgi. (bugs 220332 and 177828) MySQL 4.0 Compatibility fixes: - A cosmetic fix was applied to votes.cgi (if there were no votes, the "0" was not displayed) due to a change in semantics in SUM() in MySQL 4.0. (bug 217422) DBD::mysql > 2.1026 Compatibility fixes: - DBD::mysql versions after 2.1026 return the table list quoted, which broke the existing "table exists" check in, which caused the second and subsequent attempts to run to fail. (bug 212095) Miscellaneous bug fixes: - A Mozilla-specific reference was removed from one of the report templates. (bug 221626) - It was possible to enter a situation where you were unable to get to editparams.cgi to turn the shutdownhtml param back off after you turned it on when Apache was configured to run Bugzilla in suexec mode. (bug 213384) - The processmail rescanall task would not send e-mails about more than one bug to the same address. (bug 219508) - If Bugzilla hadn't been accessed in the last hour when the or cron jobs ran, the versioncache would get recreated with the file owner being the user the cron job was running as (usually not the webserver user), causing subsequent access to Bugzilla by the webserver to fail until the permissions were fixed. Now if versioncache isn't readable when accessing from the webserver, we pretend it doesn't exist and recreate it again. (bug 160422) - The 'sendmailnow' param is now on by default in new installations (this does not affect existing installations). (bug 146087) - The 008filter.t test would fail if you had multiple language packs installed. It now properly tests all of the installed language packs. (bug 203318) - A few minor documentation changes were committed. ********************************************************* *** USERS UPGRADING FROM ALL VERSIONS PRIOR TO 2.16.2 *** ********************************************************* *** SECURITY ISSUES RESOLVED *** - A cross site scripting (XSS) vulnerability was fixed in which bug summaries were not properly filtered when a user viewed a dependency graph allowing JavaScript to be embedded on that page. (bug 192661) - Several XSS vulnerabilities were fixed in which user input was not escaped when being displayed. A new test has been added to warn about unfiltered data in template files (t/008filter.t). (bug 192677) - An issue was fixed in which the QA contact was still treated as the QA contact even after the 'useqacontact' setting was turned off. This also allowed the QA contact to edit the security groups and view secured bugs that he/she was allowed to access prior to the 'useqacontact' setting being deactivated. (bug 194394) - Fixed a situation where an attacker (with local access to the webserver) could overwrite any file on the webserver to which the webserver user has write access by creating appropriately named symbolic links in the data and webdot directories (world-writable in many configurations). Bugzilla now uses File::Temp to create secure temporary files. File::Temp is part of the Perl distribution for Perl 5.6.1 and later, but if you're using an older version of Perl you'll need to install it with CPAN. (bug 197153) ** IMPORTANT CHANGES *** - New module requirement: File::Temp, as mentioned above. *** Bug fixes of note *** - An issue was fixed in which administrator rights could be removed from an administrator who deleted a product while the 'usebuggroups' setting is activated. (bug 157704) - Fixed an issue in which would fail the test suite when running under perl 5.8.0 with the optional XML::Parse module. (bug 172331) - There was previously a bug in in which the following warning would be given under certain conditions: "Character in "c" format wrapped at" This is now fixed. In some cases the warning was filling up web server log files. (bug 194125) - Fixed a bug in which long component names (in excess of 50 characters) would be accepted when creating the component but would cause problems when trying to use that component on a bug because it would get truncated. It is now no longer possible to create components with names in excess of 50 characters. (bug 197180) - Fixed a bug in in which permissions were not being fixed on the 'data/comments' file, the quip file. (bug 160279) ***************************************************************** *** USERS UPGRADING FROM 2.16.1 OR EARLIER, 2.14.4 OR EARLIER *** ***************************************************************** *** SECURITY ISSUES RESOLVED *** - Fixed a cross site scriptability issue in quips. This is only a problem if quips with HTML could have been inserted into your quips files. Bugzilla has not allowed this since 2.12. (bug 179329) - will now attempt to prevent access to "editor backups" of localconfig. (bug 186383) - no longer makes data/mining (which contains graphing information) world writeable. (bug 183188) *********************************************** *** USERS UPGRADING FROM 2.16.0 OR EARLIER *** *********************************************** *** SECURITY ISSUES RESOLVED *** - Apostrophes were not properly handled in email addresses. This was a regression introduced in 2.16. It is not known whether this was exploitable. (bug 165221) See also next major section. *** Bug fixes of note *** - The VERSION cookie which allowed the previously entered version of a product to be remembered was not correctly set. It was only set as a session cookie, and under some circumstances could interfere with other cookies (such as the login information) send at the same time. (bug 160227) - would fail if the versioncache needed to be updated. (bug 164464) - Bug changes going through intermediate pages would munge fields with multiple fields, such as CCs. (bug 161203) - On failure in template->new, Bugzilla will now die rather than futilely attempt to use an error template. (bug 166023) - Fixed a problem where checksetup had problems converting old installations that didn't have a duplicates table. (bug 151619) - Fixed a problem that caused taint errors when viewing or editing user preferences with Perl 5.005 and Template 2.08. (bug 160710) See also next section. ****************************************************** *** USERS UPGRADING FROM 2.16.0, 2.14.3 OR EARLIER *** ****************************************************** *** SECURITY ISSUES RESOLVED *** - When a new product is added to an installation with 47 groups or more and "usebuggroups" is enabled, the new group will be assigned a groupset bit using Perl math that is not exact beyond 2^48. This results in the new group being defined with a "bit" that has several bits set. As users are given access to the new group, those users will also gain access to spurious lower group privileges. Also, group bits were not always reused when groups were deleted. (bug 167485) - The email interface had another insecure single parameter system call. This could potentially allow arbitrary shell commands to be run. This file is not supported at this time, but as long as we knew about the problem, we couldn't overlook it. (bug 163024) *** Bug fixes of note *** - The email interface was broken. This was a 2.14.3 regression. This file is not supported at this time, but as long as we knew about the problem, we couldn't overlook it. (bug 160631) *********************************************** *** USERS UPGRADING FROM 2.14.5 OR EARLIER *** *********************************************** *** SECURITY ISSUES RESOLVED *** - The bug reporter could set the priority even when 'letsubmitterchoosepriority' was off. (bug 63018) - Most CGIs are now templatised. This helps to make it easier to remember to HTML filter values and easier to spot when they are not, preventing cross site scripting attacks. (bug 86168) - Most CGIs now run in taint mode. This helps to prevent failure to validate errors. (bug 108982) *** IMPORTANT CHANGES *** - 2.16 introduces "templatisation", a new feature that allows administrators to easily customise the HTML output (the "look and feel") of Bugzilla without altering Perl code. Bugzilla uses the "Template Toolkit" for this. Please see the "Template Customisation" section of the Bugzilla Guide for more details. Administrators who ran the 2.15 development version and customised templates should check the templates are still valid, as file names and file paths have changed. Most output is now templatised. This process will be complete next milestone. For speed, compiled templates are cached on disk. If you modify the templates, the toolkit will normally detect the changes, and recompile the changed templates. Adding new directories anywhere inside the template directory may cause permission errors if you don't have a webservergroup specified in localconfig. If you see these, rerun as root. If you do not have root access, or cannot get someone who does to do this for you, you can rename the data/template directory to data/template.old (or any other name Bugzilla doesn't use). Then rerun to regenerate the compiled templates. (bug 86168, 97832) - Administrators can now configure maximum attachment sizes. These should remain below the maximum size for your MySQL server, or you will get obscure MySQL errors if you attach a bigger attachment. To find out the current size attachment that MySQL can accept, type the command 'mysqladmin variables' and find out the value of the 'max_allowed_packet' varible in bytes. To change the maximum size that MySQL can accept you can alter this variable in your 'my.cnf' file. (bug 91664) - Perl 5.004 is no longer supported because the Template Toolkit requires 5.005. (bug 97721) - New module requirements: Text::Wrap, Template [requires AppConfig], File::Spec. (bugs 97784, 84338, 103778) - The index page is now a CGI instead of an HTML page. You should remove any existing index.html file and make sure your web server allows index.cgi to be the default page in a directory. If you are not able to do that you can instead set index_html in the 'localconfig' file to 1 and will create a redirect page for you. (bug 80183) - It is now recommended that administrators run "processmail rescanall" after upgrading to 2.16 or beyond. This will send out notification emails for changes that were made but not emailed, due to Bugzilla bugs. All known causes of this have been fixed in this version (bug 104589 and 99519). It is also recommended that this be run nightly to avoid lengthy delays in future if this problem reoccurs. (bug 106377) - In parallel with templatisation, a lot of changes have been made to the HTML output of the Bugzilla CGIs. This could break code that attempts to parse such code. For example, this breaks mozbot. (no bug number) - The "HTML template" parameters (headerhtml, bodyhtml, footerhtml, errorhtml, bannerhtml, blurbhtml, mostfreqhtml, entryheaderhtml) have now been moved to Template Toolkit templates. If you have modified these parameters you will need to make corresponding changes to the corresponding templates. Your old parameter values will be moved to a file called old-params.txt by The old parameters correspond to files in template/en/default as follows: headerhtml: global/header.html.tmpl footerhtml: global/footer.html.tmpl bannerhtml: global/banner.html.tmpl blurbhtml: global/banner.html.tmpl mostfreqhtml: reports/duplicates*.html.tmpl entryheaderhtml: bug/create/user-message.html.tmpl (bug 140437) *** Other changes of note *** - The query page has been redesigned for better user friendliness. (bug 98707) - Users can now change their email account. (bug 23067) - "Dependent Bug Changed" notification emails now contain the dependent bug's summary and URL. (bug 28736, 113383) - Bugs with severity "critical", "blocker", and "enhancement" are visually differentiated on bug lists for browsers with sufficient CSS support. (bug 28884) - Bugzilla now has a sidebar for the Mozilla browser. (bug 37339) - A link to just created attachments now appears in notification email. (bug 66651) - Comments now have numbers and can be referenced with autohyperlinkifying similar to bugs. (bug 71840) - The attachment system has been rewritten, supporting new "attachment statuses" (like keywords, but for attachments), the ability to obsolete attachments, edit attachment MIME type, and edit whether the attachment is a patch. (bugs 84338, 75176) - syncshadowdb now supports a configurable temp file location, and properly shuts down Bugzilla while running. (bug 75840) - Dependency tree now lets you exclude resolved bugs and bugs below a specified depth. (bugs 83058) - The "strictvaluechecks" parameter has gone away. These checks are now always done. (bug 119715) - The midair collision page now shows all changes since the bug page was loaded, not just the last one. (bug 108312) - Added support for making dependency graphs with 'dot', which is better at creating complex graphs than 'webdot'. (bug 120537) *** Bug fixes of note *** - Bugzilla scripts are now usually not terminated when the browser window they are running in is closed. This caused hard to reproduce bugs. (bug 104589) - On browsers that "reflow" the page, large component / milestone / version fields were extremely slow to reflow when you altered the product field. (bug 96534) - The selection in the component / milestone / version fields is no longer lost when you change the selection in the product field or use the back/forward buttons in your browser to return to the page. (bug 97966) - You could not reverse dependencies in one step. (bug 82143) - Mass reassignment of non-open bugs will no longer reopen them. (bug 30731) - Attempting to bulk change no bugs will now give a user-friendly error message. (bug 90333) - If you make a change to a bug where you only add yourself to CC, email notifications are now properly sent out for MySQL 3.23. (bug 99519) - Bug entry now properly validates the data it has been sent. (bug 107743) - Midair collision checks will now properly work in all situations where dependencies have changed. (bug 73502) - Browsers can no longer corrupt the params file if they use the "wrong" end-of-line markers. (bug 92500) - The MySQL port defined in localconfig is now properly honoured. (bug 98368) - Apostrophes in component/milestone/version names no longer cause a problem on the query page. (bug 30689/42810) - File attachment comments will now wrap. (bug 52060) - Saved queries are no longer mangled if you need to log in again, for example if you had cookies off. (bug 38835) - Bug counts (on reports.cgi) were very slow if you had to count a lot of bugs. (bug 63249) - 2.14 introduced options to let people see a bug when their name is on it but who aren't in the groups the bug is restricted to. These only allowed the people to view the bugs directly, and not see them on buglists and receive email about them. (bugs 95024, 97469) - A new 'cookiepath' parameter on editparams.cgi allows multiple Bugzilla installations to exist on one host without problems. (bug 19910) - now respects the 'sendmailnow' parameter. (bug 52782) - The query page came up even when Bugzilla was shut down. (bug 121747) - Quicksearch gave a weird error message when Bugzilla was shut down. (bug 121741) - Operating system detection fixes. (bugs 92763, 135666) - QA contacts now receive emails when a new bug is created and their only email preference was being added or removed from QA. (bug 143091) *********************************************** *** USERS UPGRADING FROM 2.14.4 OR EARLIER *** *********************************************** See section above about users upgrading from 2.16.1 or earlier, 2.14.4 or earlier. *********************************************** *** USERS UPGRADING FROM 2.14.3 OR EARLIER *** *********************************************** See section above about users upgrading from 2.16.0 or earlier. *********************************************** *** USERS UPGRADING FROM 2.14.2 OR EARLIER *** *********************************************** *** SECURITY ISSUES RESOLVED *** - Basic maintenance on contrib/ and contrib/ which also fixes a possible security hole with a misuse of a system() call. These files are not supported at this time, but as long as we knew about the problem, we couldn't overlook it. (bug 154008) *** Bug fixes of note *** - The fix for bug 130821 in 2.14.2 broke being able to sort bug lists on more than one field. buglist.cgi now allows you to sort on more than one field again. (bug 152138) *********************************************** *** USERS UPGRADING FROM 2.14.1 OR EARLIER *** *********************************************** *** SECURITY ISSUES RESOLVED *** - queryhelp.cgi no longer shows confidential products to people it shouldn't. (bug 126801) - It was possible for a user to bypass the IP check by setting up a fake reverse DNS, if the Bugzilla web server was configured to do reverse DNS lookups. Apache is not configured as such by default. This is not a complete exploit, as the user's login cookie would also need to be divulged for this to be a problem. (bug 129466) - In some situations the data directory became world writeable. (bug 134575) - Any user with access to editusers.cgi could delete a user regardless of whether 'allowuserdeletion' is on. (bug 141557) - Real names were not HTML filtered, causing possible cross site scripting attacks. (bug 146447, 147486) - Mass change would set the groupset of every bug to be the groupset of the first bug. (bug 107718) - Some browsers (eg NetPositive) interacted with Bugzilla badly and could have various form problems, including removing group restrictions on bugs. (bug 148674) - It was possible for random confidential information to be divulged, if the shadow database was in use and became corrupted. (bug 92263) - The bug list sort order is now stricter about the SQL it will accept, ensuring you use correct column name syntax. Before this, there were some syntax checks, so it is not known whether this problem was exploitable. (bug 130821) ******************************************** *** USERS UPGRADING FROM 2.14 OR EARLIER *** ******************************************** The 2.14.1 release fixes several security issues that became known to us after the Bugzilla 2.14 release. *** SECURITY ISSUES RESOLVED *** - If LDAP Authentication was being used, Bugzilla would allow you to log in as anyone if you left the password blank. (bug 54901) - It was possible to add comments or file a bug as someone else by editing the HTML on the appropriate submission page before submitting the form. User identity is checked now, and the form values suggesting the user are now ignored. (bug 108385, 108516) - The Product popup menu on the show_bug form listed all products, even if the user didn't have access to all of them. It now only shows products the user has access to (and the product the bug is in, if the user is viewing it because of some other override). (bug 102141) - If a user had any blessgroupset privileges (the ability to change only specific privileges for other users), it was possible to change your own groupset (privileges) by altering the page HTML before submitting on editusers.cgi. (bug 108821) - An untrusted variable was echoed back to user in the HTML output if there was a login error while editing votes. (bug 98146) - buglist.cgi had an undocumented parameter that allowed you to pass arbitrary SQL for the "WHERE" part of a query. This has been disabled. (bug 108812) - It was possible for a user to send arbitrary SQL by inserting single quotes in the "mybugslink" field in the user preferences. (bug 108822) - buglist.cgi was not validating that the field names being passed from the "boolean chart" query form were valid field names, thus allowing arbitrary SQL to be inserted if you edited the HTML by hand before submitting the form. (bug 109679) - long_list.cgi was not validating that the bug ID parameter was actually a number, allowing arbitrary SQL to be inserted if you edited the HTML by hand. (bug 109690) ******************************************** *** USERS UPGRADING FROM 2.12 OR EARLIER *** ******************************************** *** SECURITY ISSUES RESOLVED *** - Multiple instances of unauthorised access to confidential bugs has been fixed. (bug 39524, 39526, 39527, 39531, 39533, 70189, 82781) - Multiple instances of untrusted parameters not being checked/escaped was fixed. These included definite security holes. (bug 38854, 38855, 38859, 39536, 87701, 95235) - After logging in passwords no longer appear in the URL. (bug 15980) - Procedures to prevent unauthorised access to confidential files are now simpler. In particular the shadow directory no longer exists and the data/comments file no longer needs to be directly accessible, so the entire data directory can be blocked. However, no changes are required here if you have a properly secured 2.12 installation as no new files must be protected. (bug 71552, 73191) - If they do not already exist, will attempt to write Apache .htaccess files by default, to prevent unauthorised access to confidential files. You can turn this off in the localconfig file. (bug 76154) - Sanity check can now only be run by people in the 'editbugs' group. Although it would be better to have a separate group, this is not possible until the limitation on the number of groups allowed has been removed. (bug 54556) - The password is no longer stored in plaintext form. It will be eradicated next time you run A user must now change their password via a password change request that gets validated at their e-mail account, rather than have it mailed to them. (bug 74032) - When you are using product groups and you move a bug between products (single or mass change), the bug will no longer be restricted to the old product's group (if it was) and will be restricted to the new product's group. (bug 66235) - There are now options on a bug to choose whether the reporter, and CCs can access a bug even if they aren't in groups the bug it is restricted to. (bug 39816) - You can no longer mark a bug as a duplicate of a bug you can't see, and if you mark a bug a duplicate of a bug the reporter cannot see you will be given options as to what to do regarding adding the reporter of the resolved bug to the CC of the open bug. (bug 96085) *** IMPORTANT CHANGES *** - Bugzilla 2.14 no longer supports old email tech. Upon upgrading, all users will be moved over to new email tech. This should speed up upgrading for installations with a large number of bugs. (bug 71552) - There is new functionality for people to see why they are receiving notification mails. Previously, some people filtered old email tech notifications depending on whether they were in the To or the CC header, in order to get a limited way of determining why they were receiving the notification for filtering purposes. Existing installations will need to make changes to support this feature. The receive reasons can be added to the notifications as a header and/or in the body. To add these you will need to modify your newchangedmail parameter on editparams.cgi, either by resetting it or appropriately modifying it. The header value is specified by %reasonsheader% and the body by %reasonsbody%. For example, the new default parameter is: -------------------------------------------------- From: bugzilla-daemon To: %to% Subject: [Bug %bugid%] %neworchanged%%summary% X-Bugzilla-Reason: %reasonsheader% %urlbase%show_bug.cgi?id=%bugid% %diffs% %reasonsbody% -------------------------------------------------- (bug 26194) - Very long fields (especially multi-valued fields like keywords, CCs, dependencies) on bug activity and notifications previously could get truncated, resulting in useless notifications and data loss on bug activity. Now the multi-valued fields only show changes, and very big changes are split into multiple lines. Where data loss has already occurred on bug activity, it is indicated using question marks. (bug 55161, 92266) - Previously, when a product's voting preferences changed all votes were removed from all the bugs in the product. Also, when a bug was moved to another product, all of its votes were removed. This no longer occurs. Instead, if the action would leave one or more bugs with greater than the maximum number of votes per person per bug, the number of votes will be reduced to the maximum. The person will still be notified of this as before. If the action would leave a user with more votes in a product than is allowed, the limit will be breached so as to not lose votes. However the user will not be able to update their votes except to fix this situation. No further action is taken in this version to make sure that the user does this. (bug 28882, 92593) *** Other changes of note *** - Groups can now be marked inactive, so you can't add a new restriction on that group to a bug, while leaving bugs that were previously restricted on that group alone. (bug 75482) - backdoor.cgi has been removed from the installation. It was old code that was Netscape-specific and its name was scaring people. (bug 87983) - You can now add or remove from CC on the bulk change page. (bug 12819) - New users created by administrators are now automatically inserted into groups according to the group's regular expression. Administrators must edit the user in a second step to override these choices. Previously the administrator specified these explicitly which could lead to incorrect settings. (bug 45164) - The userregexp of system groups can now be edited without resorting to direct database access. (bug 65290) *** Bug fixes of note *** - The bug list page was sometimes bringing up a not logged in footer when the user was logged in and the installation was using a shadow database. (bug 47914) - You can now view the bug summary in your browser title for a group-restricted bug if you have proper permissions. (bug 71767) - Quick search for search terms did not work in IE5. This has been worked around. (bug 77699) - Quick search for search terms crashed NN4.76/4.77 for Unix. This has been worked around. (bug 83619) - Queries on bugs you have commented on using the "added comment" feature should be a lot faster and not time out on large installations due to the addition of an index. (bug 57350) - You can now alter group settings on bulk change for groups that aren't on for all bugs or off for all bugs. (bug 84714) - New bug notifications now include the CC and QA fields. (bug 28458) - Bugzilla is now more Windows friendly, although it is still not an official platform. (bug 88179, 29064) - Passwords are now encrypted using Perl's encrypt function. This makes Bugzilla more portable to more operating systems. (bug 77473) - Bugzilla didn't properly shut down when told to - some queries could still be sent to the database. (bug 95082) ******************************************** *** USERS UPGRADING FROM 2.10 OR EARLIER *** ******************************************** *** SECURITY ISSUES RESOLVED *** - Some security holes have been fixed where shell escape characters could be passed to Bugzilla, allowing remote users to execute system commands on the web server. *** IMPORTANT CHANGES *** - There is now a facility for users to choose the sort of notifications they wish to receive. This facility will probably be improved in future versions. (bug 17464) - "Changed" will no longer appear on the subject line of change notification emails. Because of this, you should change the subject line in your 'changedmail' and 'newchangedmail' params on editparams.cgi. The subject line needs to be changed from Subject: [Bug %bugid%] %neworchanged% - %summary% to: Subject: [Bug %bugid%] %neworchanged%%summary% or whatever is appropriate for the subject you are using on your system. Note the removal of the " - " in the middle. (bug 29820) *** Other changes of note *** - Bug titles now appear in the page title, and will hence display in the user's browser's bookmarks and history. (bug 22041) - Edit groups functionality (editgroups.cgi). (bug 25010) - Support for moving bugs to other Bugzilla databases. (bug 36133) - Bugzilla now can generate a frequently reported bugs list based on what duplicates you receive. (bug 25693) - When installing Bugzilla fresh, the administrator account is now created in (bug 17773) - Stored queries now show their name above the bug list, which helps the user when they have multiple bug lists in multiple browser windows. It also appears in the page title, and will hence display in the user's browser's bookmarks and history. (bug 52228) - All states and resolutions can now be collected for charting. (bug 6682) - A new search-engine-like "quick search" feature appears on the front page to try and making searching easier. (bug 69793) - Querying on dependencies now works in the advanced query section of the query page. (bug 30823) - When a bug is marked as a duplicate, the reporter of the resolved bug is automatically added to the CC list of the open bug. (bug 28676) *** Bug fixes of note *** - Notification emails will now always be sent to QA contacts. Previously they wouldn't if you were using new email tech. (bug 30826) - When marking a bug as a duplicate, the duplicate stamp marked on the open bug will no longer be written too early (such as on mid-air collisions). (bug 7873) - Various bug fixes were made to the initial assignee and QA of a component. It is no longer possible to enter an invalid address. They will also now properly update when a user's email address is changed. Sanity check will now check these. (bug 66876) - Administrators can no longer create an email accounts that do not match the global email regular expression parameter. Previously this could occur and would cause sanity check errors. (bug 32971) - The resolution field can no longer become empty when the bug is resolved. This occurred because of midair collisions. (bug 49306) ******************************************* *** USERS UPGRADING FROM 2.8 OR EARLIER *** ******************************************* Release notes were not compiled for versions of Bugzilla before 2.12. The file 'UPGRADING-pre-2.8' contains instructions you may need to perform in addition to running '' if you are running a pre 2.8 version.