<HTML ><HEAD ><TITLE >The Bugzilla Guide</TITLE ><META NAME="GENERATOR" CONTENT="Modular DocBook HTML Stylesheet Version 1.76b+ "><LINK REL="NEXT" TITLE="About This Guide" HREF="about.html"><META NAME="KEYWORD" CONTENT="Bugzilla"><META NAME="KEYWORD" CONTENT="Guide"><META NAME="KEYWORD" CONTENT="installation"><META NAME="KEYWORD" CONTENT="FAQ"><META NAME="KEYWORD" CONTENT="administration"><META NAME="KEYWORD" CONTENT="integration"><META NAME="KEYWORD" CONTENT="MySQL"><META NAME="KEYWORD" CONTENT="Mozilla"><META NAME="KEYWORD" CONTENT="webtools"></HEAD ><BODY CLASS="book" BGCOLOR="#FFFFFF" TEXT="#000000" LINK="#0000FF" VLINK="#840084" ALINK="#0000FF" ><DIV CLASS="BOOK" ><A NAME="index" ></A ><DIV CLASS="TITLEPAGE" ><H1 CLASS="title" ><A NAME="AEN2" ></A >The Bugzilla Guide</H1 ><H3 CLASS="author" ><A NAME="AEN5" ></A >Matthew P. Barnson</H3 ><H3 CLASS="author" ><A NAME="AEN9" ></A >The Bugzilla Team</H3 ><DIV ><DIV CLASS="abstract" ><A NAME="AEN13" ></A ><P ></P ><P > This is the documentation for Bugzilla, the mozilla.org bug-tracking system. Bugzilla is an enterprise-class piece of software that powers issue-tracking for hundreds of organizations around the world, tracking millions of bugs. </P ><P > This documentation is maintained in DocBook 4.1.2 XML format. Changes are best submitted as plain text or SGML diffs, attached to a bug filed in <A HREF="http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/enter_bug.cgi?product=Bugzilla&component=Documentation" TARGET="_top" >mozilla.org's Bugzilla</A >. </P ><P ></P ></DIV ></DIV ><HR></DIV ><DIV CLASS="TOC" ><DL ><DT ><B >Table of Contents</B ></DT ><DT >1. <A HREF="about.html" >About This Guide</A ></DT ><DD ><DL ><DT >1.1. <A HREF="copyright.html" >Copyright Information</A ></DT ><DT >1.2. <A HREF="disclaimer.html" >Disclaimer</A ></DT ><DT >1.3. <A HREF="newversions.html" >New Versions</A ></DT ><DT >1.4. <A HREF="credits.html" >Credits</A ></DT ><DT >1.5. <A HREF="conventions.html" >Document Conventions</A ></DT ></DL ></DD ><DT >2. <A HREF="introduction.html" >Introduction</A ></DT ><DD ><DL ><DT >2.1. <A HREF="whatis.html" >What is Bugzilla?</A ></DT ><DT >2.2. <A HREF="why.html" >Why Should We Use Bugzilla?</A ></DT ></DL ></DD ><DT >3. <A HREF="using.html" >Using Bugzilla</A ></DT ><DD ><DL ><DT >3.1. <A HREF="how.html" >How do I use Bugzilla?</A ></DT ><DT >3.2. <A HREF="hintsandtips.html" >Hints and Tips</A ></DT ><DT >3.3. <A HREF="userpreferences.html" >User Preferences</A ></DT ></DL ></DD ><DT >4. <A HREF="installation.html" >Installation</A ></DT ><DD ><DL ><DT >4.1. <A HREF="stepbystep.html" >Step-by-step Install</A ></DT ><DT >4.2. <A HREF="extraconfig.html" >Optional Additional Configuration</A ></DT ><DT >4.3. <A HREF="win32.html" >Win32 Installation Notes</A ></DT ><DT >4.4. <A HREF="osx.html" >Mac OS X Installation Notes</A ></DT ><DT >4.5. <A HREF="troubleshooting.html" >Troubleshooting</A ></DT ></DL ></DD ><DT >5. <A HREF="administration.html" >Administering Bugzilla</A ></DT ><DD ><DL ><DT >5.1. <A HREF="parameters.html" >Bugzilla Configuration</A ></DT ><DT >5.2. <A HREF="useradmin.html" >User Administration</A ></DT ><DT >5.3. <A HREF="programadmin.html" >Product, Component, Milestone, and Version Administration</A ></DT ><DT >5.4. <A HREF="voting.html" >Voting</A ></DT ><DT >5.5. <A HREF="groups.html" >Groups and Group Security</A ></DT ><DT >5.6. <A HREF="security.html" >Bugzilla Security</A ></DT ><DT >5.7. <A HREF="cust-templates.html" >Template Customization</A ></DT ><DT >5.8. <A HREF="cust-change-permissions.html" >Change Permission Customization</A ></DT ><DT >5.9. <A HREF="upgrading.html" >Upgrading to New Releases</A ></DT ><DT >5.10. <A HREF="integration.html" >Integrating Bugzilla with Third-Party Tools</A ></DT ></DL ></DD ><DT >A. <A HREF="faq.html" >The Bugzilla FAQ</A ></DT ><DT >B. <A HREF="database.html" >The Bugzilla Database</A ></DT ><DD ><DL ><DT >B.1. <A HREF="dbmodify.html" >Modifying Your Running System</A ></DT ><DT >B.2. <A HREF="dbdoc.html" >MySQL Bugzilla Database Introduction</A ></DT ></DL ></DD ><DT >C. <A HREF="patches.html" >Useful Patches and Utilities for Bugzilla</A ></DT ><DD ><DL ><DT >C.1. <A HREF="rewrite.html" >Apache <TT CLASS="filename" >mod_rewrite</TT > magic</A ></DT ><DT >C.2. <A HREF="cmdline.html" >Command-line Bugzilla Queries</A ></DT ></DL ></DD ><DT >D. <A HREF="variants.html" >Bugzilla Variants and Competitors</A ></DT ><DD ><DL ><DT >D.1. <A HREF="rhbugzilla.html" >Red Hat Bugzilla</A ></DT ><DT >D.2. <A HREF="variant-fenris.html" >Loki Bugzilla (Fenris)</A ></DT ><DT >D.3. <A HREF="variant-issuezilla.html" >Issuezilla</A ></DT ><DT >D.4. <A HREF="variant-scarab.html" >Scarab</A ></DT ><DT >D.5. <A HREF="variant-perforce.html" >Perforce SCM</A ></DT ><DT >D.6. <A HREF="variant-sourceforge.html" >SourceForge</A ></DT ></DL ></DD ><DT ><A HREF="glossary.html" >Glossary</A ></DT ></DL ></DIV ><DIV CLASS="LOT" ><DL CLASS="LOT" ><DT ><B >List of Examples</B ></DT ><DT >4-1. <A HREF="win32.html#AEN1035" >Installing ActivePerl ppd Modules on Microsoft Windows</A ></DT ><DT >4-2. <A HREF="win32.html#AEN1048" >Installing OpenInteract ppd Modules manually on Microsoft Windows</A ></DT ><DT >4-3. <A HREF="win32.html#AEN1214" >Removing encrypt() for Windows NT Bugzilla version 2.12 or earlier</A ></DT ></DL ></DIV ></DIV ><DIV CLASS="NAVFOOTER" ><HR ALIGN="LEFT" WIDTH="100%"><TABLE SUMMARY="Footer navigation table" WIDTH="100%" BORDER="0" CELLPADDING="0" CELLSPACING="0" ><TR ><TD WIDTH="33%" ALIGN="left" VALIGN="top" > </TD ><TD WIDTH="34%" ALIGN="center" VALIGN="top" > </TD ><TD WIDTH="33%" ALIGN="right" VALIGN="top" ><A HREF="about.html" ACCESSKEY="N" >Next</A ></TD ></TR ><TR ><TD WIDTH="33%" ALIGN="left" VALIGN="top" > </TD ><TD WIDTH="34%" ALIGN="center" VALIGN="top" > </TD ><TD WIDTH="33%" ALIGN="right" VALIGN="top" >About This Guide</TD ></TR ></TABLE ></DIV ></BODY ></HTML >