<!-- <!DOCTYPE chapter PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.1.2//EN"> --> <!-- $Id: installation.xml,v 1.70 2008/04/04 06:47:00 bugreport%peshkin.net Exp $ --> <chapter id="installing-bugzilla"> <title>Installing Bugzilla</title> <section id="installation"> <title>Installation</title> <note> <para>If you just want to <emphasis>use</emphasis> Bugzilla, you do not need to install it. None of this chapter is relevant to you. Ask your Bugzilla administrator for the URL to access it over the web. </para> </note> <para>The Bugzilla server software is usually installed on Linux or Solaris. If you are installing on another OS, check <xref linkend="os-specific"/> before you start your installation to see if there are any special instructions. </para> <para> As an alternative to following these instructions, you may wish to try Arne Schirmacher's unofficial and unsupported <ulink url="http://www.softwaretesting.de/article/view/33/1/8/">Bugzilla Installer</ulink>, which installs Bugzilla and all its prerequisites on Linux or Solaris systems. </para> <para>This guide assumes that you have administrative access to the Bugzilla machine. It not possible to install and run Bugzilla itself without administrative access except in the very unlikely event that every single prerequisite is already installed. </para> <warning> <para>The installation process may make your machine insecure for short periods of time. Make sure there is a firewall between you and the Internet. </para> </warning> <para> You are strongly recommended to make a backup of your system before installing Bugzilla (and at regular intervals thereafter :-). </para> <para>In outline, the installation proceeds as follows: </para> <procedure> <step> <para><link linkend="install-perl">Install Perl</link> (&min-perl-ver; or above) </para> </step> <step> <para><link linkend="install-mysql">Install MySQL</link> (&min-mysql-ver; or above) </para> </step> <step> <para><link linkend="install-webserver">Install a Webserver</link> </para> </step> <step> <para><link linkend="install-bzfiles">Install Bugzilla</link> </para> </step> <step> <para><link linkend="install-perlmodules">Install Perl modules</link> </para> </step> <step> <para>Configure all of the above. </para> </step> </procedure> <section id="install-perl"> <title>Perl</title> <para>Installed Version Test: <filename>perl -v</filename></para> <para>Any machine that doesn't have Perl on it is a sad machine indeed. If you don't have it and your OS doesn't provide official packages, visit <ulink url="http://www.perl.com"/>. Although Bugzilla runs with Perl &min-perl-ver;, it's a good idea to be using the latest stable version. As of this writing, that is Perl &newest-perl-ver;.</para> </section> <section id="install-mysql"> <title>MySQL</title> <para>Installed Version Test: <filename>mysql -V</filename></para> <para> If you don't have it and your OS doesn't provide official packages, visit <ulink url="http://www.mysql.com"/>. You need MySQL version &min-mysql-ver; or higher. </para> <note> <para> Many of the binary versions of MySQL store their data files in <filename class="directory">/var</filename>. On some Unix systems, this is part of a smaller root partition, and may not have room for your bug database. To change the data directory, you have to build MySQL from source yourself, and set it as an option to <filename>configure</filename>.</para> </note> <para>If you install from something other than a packaging/installation system (such as .rpm, .dep, .exe, or .msi) make sure the MySQL server is started when the machine boots. </para> </section> <section id="install-webserver"> <title>Web Server</title> <para>Installed Version Test: view the default welcome page at http://<your-machine>/</para> <para>You have freedom of choice here, pretty much any web server that is capable of running <glossterm linkend="gloss-cgi">CGI</glossterm> scripts will work. However, we strongly recommend using the Apache web server (either 1.3.x or 2.x), and the installation instructions usually assume you are using it. If you have got Bugzilla working using another webserver, please share your experiences with us by filing a bug in &bzg-bugs;. </para> <para> If you don't have Apache and your OS doesn't provide official packages, visit <ulink url="http://httpd.apache.org/"/>. </para> </section> <section id="install-bzfiles"> <title>Bugzilla</title> <para> Download a Bugzilla tarball (or check it out from CVS) and place it in a suitable directory, accessible by the default web server user (probably <quote>apache</quote> or <quote>www</quote>). Good locations are either directly in the main web space for your web server or perhaps in <filename>/usr/local</filename> with a symbolic link from the web space. </para> <caution> <para>The default Bugzilla distribution is NOT designed to be placed in a <filename class="directory">cgi-bin</filename> directory. This includes any directory which is configured using the <option>ScriptAlias</option> directive of Apache. </para> </caution> <para>Once all the files are in a web accessible directory, make that directory writable by your webserver's user. This is a temporary step until you run the <filename>checksetup.pl</filename> script, which locks down your installation.</para> </section> <section id="install-perlmodules"> <title>Perl Modules</title> <para>Bugzilla's installation process is based on a script called <filename>checksetup.pl</filename>. The first thing it checks is whether you have appropriate versions of all the required Perl modules. The aim of this section is to pass this check. When it passes, <emphasis>do not run it again</emphasis>, but proceed to <xref linkend="configuration"/>. </para> <para> At this point, you need to <filename>su</filename> to root. You should remain as root until the end of the install. Then run: </para> <screen><prompt>bash#</prompt> ./checksetup.pl</screen> <!-- We really need a "module-check" switch for checksetup, which we can use here to make it really clear when they've got all the modules. --> <para> <filename>checksetup.pl</filename> will print out a list of the required and optional Perl modules, together with the versions (if any) installed on your machine. The list of required modules is reasonably long; however, you may already have several of them installed. </para> <para> There is a meta-module called Bundle::Bugzilla, which installs all the other modules with a single command. You should use this if you are running Perl 5.6.1 or above. </para> <para> The preferred way of installing Perl modules is via CPAN on Unix, or PPM on Windows (see <xref linkend="win32-perlmodules"/>). These instructions assume you are using CPAN; if for some reason you need to install the Perl modules manually, see <xref linkend="install-perlmodules-manual"/>. </para> <screen><prompt>bash#</prompt> perl -MCPAN -e 'install "<modulename>"'</screen> <para> If you using Bundle::Bugzilla, invoke the magic CPAN command on it. Otherwise, you need to work down the list of modules that <filename>checksetup.pl</filename> says are required, in the order given, invoking the command on each. </para> <tip> <para>Many people complain that Perl modules will not install for them. Most times, the error messages complain that they are missing a file in <quote>@INC</quote>. Virtually every time, this error is due to permissions being set too restrictively for you to compile Perl modules or not having the necessary Perl development libraries installed on your system. Consult your local UNIX systems administrator for help solving these permissions issues; if you <emphasis>are</emphasis> the local UNIX sysadmin, please consult the newsgroup/mailing list for further assistance or hire someone to help you out.</para> </tip> <para> Here is a complete list of modules and their minimum versions. Some modules have special installation notes, which follow. </para> <para>Required Perl modules: <orderedlist> <listitem> <para> AppConfig (&min-appconfig-ver;) </para> </listitem> <listitem> <para> CGI (&min-cgi-ver;) </para> </listitem> <listitem> <para> Data::Dumper (&min-data-dumper-ver;) </para> </listitem> <listitem> <para> Date::Format (&min-date-format-ver;) </para> </listitem> <listitem> <para> DBI (&min-dbi-ver;) </para> </listitem> <listitem> <para> <link linkend="install-modules-dbd-mysql">DBD::mysql</link> (&min-dbd-mysql-ver;) </para> </listitem> <listitem> <para> File::Spec (&min-file-spec-ver;) </para> </listitem> <listitem> <para> File::Temp (&min-file-temp-ver;) </para> </listitem> <listitem> <para> <link linkend="install-modules-template">Template</link> (&min-template-ver;) </para> </listitem> <listitem> <para> Text::Wrap (&min-text-wrap-ver;) </para> </listitem> </orderedlist> Optional Perl modules: <orderedlist> <listitem> <para> <link linkend="install-modules-gd">GD</link> (&min-gd-ver;) for bug charting </para> </listitem> <listitem> <para> <link linkend="install-modules-chart-base">Chart::Base</link> (&min-chart-base-ver;) for bug charting </para> </listitem> <listitem> <para> <link linkend="install-modules-gd-graph">GD::Graph</link> (&min-gd-graph-ver;) for bug charting </para> </listitem> <listitem> <para> <link linkend="install-modules-gd-text-align">GD::Text::Align</link> (&min-gd-text-align-ver;) for bug charting </para> </listitem> <listitem> <para> <link linkend="install-modules-xml-parser">XML::Parser</link> (&min-xml-parser-ver;) for the XML interface </para> </listitem> <listitem> <para> <link linkend="install-modules-patchreader">PatchReader</link> (&min-patchreader-ver;) for pretty HTML view of patches </para> </listitem> <listitem> <para> <link linkend="install-modules-mime-parser">MIME::Parser</link> (&min-mime-parser-ver;) for the optional email interface </para> </listitem> </orderedlist> </para> <section id="install-modules-dbd-mysql"> <title>DBD::mysql</title> <para>The installation process will ask you a few questions about the desired compilation target and your MySQL installation. For most of the questions the provided default will be adequate, but when asked if your desired target is the MySQL or mSQL packages, you should select the MySQL-related ones. Later you will be asked if you wish to provide backwards compatibility with the older MySQL packages; you should answer YES to this question. The default is NO.</para> <para>A host of 'localhost' should be fine. A testing user of 'test', with a null password, should have sufficient access to run tests on the 'test' database which MySQL creates upon installation. </para> </section> <section id="install-modules-template"> <title>Template Toolkit (&min-template-ver;)</title> <para>When you install Template Toolkit, you'll get asked various questions about features to enable. The defaults are fine, except that it is recommended you use the high speed XS Stash of the Template Toolkit, in order to achieve best performance. </para> </section> <section id="install-modules-gd"> <title>GD (&min-gd-ver;)</title> <para>The GD module is only required if you want graphical reports. </para> <note> <para>The Perl GD module requires some other libraries that may or may not be installed on your system, including <classname>libpng</classname> and <classname>libgd</classname>. The full requirements are listed in the Perl GD module README. If compiling GD fails, it's probably because you're missing a required library.</para> </note> <tip> <para>The version of the GD module you need is very closely tied to the <classname>libgd</classname> version installed on your system. If you have a version 1.x of <classname>libgd</classname> the 2.x versions of the GD module won't work for you. </para> </tip> </section> <section id="install-modules-chart-base"> <title>Chart::Base (&min-chart-base-ver;)</title> <para>The Chart::Base module is only required if you want graphical reports. Note that earlier versions that 0.99c used GIFs, which are no longer supported by the latest versions of GD.</para> </section> <section id="install-modules-gd-graph"> <title>GD::Graph (&min-gd-graph-ver;)</title> <para>The GD::Graph module is only required if you want graphical reports. </para> </section> <section id="install-modules-gd-text-align"> <title>GD::Text::Align (&min-gd-text-align-ver;)</title> <para>The GD::Text::Align module is only required if you want graphical reports. </para> </section> <section id="install-modules-xml-parser"> <title>XML::Parser (&min-xml-parser-ver;)</title> <para>The XML::Parser module is only required if you want to import XML bugs using the <filename>importxml.pl</filename> script. This is required to use Bugzilla's "move bugs" feature; you may also want to use it for migrating from another bug database. XML::Parser requires that the <classname>expat</classname> library is already installed on your machine. </para> </section> <section id="install-modules-mime-parser"> <title>MIME::Parser (&min-mime-parser-ver;)</title> <para>The MIME::Parser module is only required if you want to use the email interface located in the <filename class="directory">contrib</filename> directory. </para> </section> <section id="install-modules-patchreader"> <title>PatchReader (&min-patchreader-ver;)</title> <para>The PatchReader module is only required if you want to use Patch Viewer, a Bugzilla feature to show code patches in your web browser in a more readable form. </para> </section> </section> </section> <section id="configuration"> <title>Configuration</title> <warning> <para>Poorly-configured MySQL and Bugzilla installations have given attackers full access to systems in the past. Please take the security parts of these guidelines seriously, even for Bugzilla machines hidden away behind your firewall.</para> </warning> <section id="localconfig"> <title>localconfig</title> <para> Once you run <filename>checksetup.pl</filename> with all the correct modules installed, it displays a message about, and write out a file called, <filename>localconfig</filename>. This file contains the default settings for a number of Bugzilla parameters. </para> <para>Load this file in your editor. The only value you <emphasis>need</emphasis> to change is $db_pass, the password for the user you will create for your database. Pick a strong password (for simplicity, it should not contain single quote characters) and put it here. </para> <para> The other options in the <filename>localconfig</filename> file are documented by their accompanying comments. If you have a slightly non-standard MySQL setup, you may wish to change one or more of the other "$db_*" parameters. </para> <para> You may also wish to change the names of the priorities, severities, operating systems and platforms for your installation. However, you can always change these after installation has finished; if you then re-run <filename>checksetup.pl</filename>, the changes will get picked up. </para> </section> <section id="mysql"> <title>MySQL</title> <section id="security-mysql"> <title>Security</title> <para>MySQL ships as insecure by default. It allows anybody to on the local machine full administrative capabilities without requiring a password; the special MySQL root account (note: this is <emphasis>not</emphasis> the same as the system root) also has no password. Also, many installations default to running <application>mysqld</application> as the system root. </para> <orderedlist> <listitem> <para>To disable the anonymous user account and set a password for the root user, execute the following. The root user password should be different to the bugs user password you set in <filename>localconfig</filename> in the previous section, and also different to the password for the system root account on your machine. </para> <screen> <prompt>bash$</prompt> mysql mysql <prompt>mysql></prompt> DELETE FROM user WHERE user = ''; <prompt>mysql></prompt> UPDATE user SET password = password('<replaceable>new_password</replaceable>') WHERE user = 'root'; <prompt>mysql></prompt> FLUSH PRIVILEGES;</screen> <para>From this point forward, to run the <filename>mysql</filename> command-line client, you will need to type <command>mysql -u root -p</command> and enter <replaceable>new_password</replaceable> when prompted. </para> </listitem> <listitem> <para>If you run MySQL on the same machine as your web server, you should disable remote access to MySQL by adding the following to your <filename>/etc/my.cnf</filename>: </para> <programlisting> [myslqd] # Prevent network access to MySQL. skip-networking</programlisting> </listitem> <listitem> <para>Consult the documentation that came with your system for information on making <application>mysqld</application> run as an unprivileged user. </para> </listitem> <listitem> <para>For added security, you could also run MySQL, or even all of Bugzilla in a chroot jail; however, instructions for doing that are beyond the scope of this document. </para> </listitem> </orderedlist> </section> <section id="install-setupdatabase"> <title>Allow large attachments</title> <para>You need to configure MySQL to accept large packets, if you want to have attachments larger than 64K. Add the text below to your <filename>/etc/my.cnf</filename>. There is also a parameter in Bugzilla for setting the maximum allowable attachment size, (default 1MB). Bugzilla will only accept attachments up to the lower of these two sizes. </para> <screen> [mysqld] # Allow packets up to 1M set-variable = max_allowed_packet=1M</screen> </section> <section> <title>Allow small words in full-text indexes</title> <para>By default, words must be at least four characters in length in order to be indexed by MySQL's full-text indexes. This causes a lot of Bugzilla specific words to be missed, including "cc", "ftp" and "uri".</para> <para>MySQL can be configured to index those words by setting the ft_min_word_len param to the minimum size of the words to index. This can be done by modifying the <filename>/etc/my.cnf</filename> according to the example below:</para> <screen> [mysqld] # Allow small words in full-text indexes ft_min_word_len=2</screen> <para>Rebuilding the indexes can be done based on documentation found at <ulink url="http://www.mysql.com/doc/en/Fulltext_Fine-tuning.html"/>. </para> </section> <section> <title>Permit attachments table to grow beyond 4GB</title> <para>By default, MySQL will limit the size of a table to 4GB. This limit is present even if the underlying filesystem has no such limit or if you are using RAID. To set a higher limit, follow these instructions.</para> <para>Run the <filename>MySQL</filename> command-line client and enter:</para> <screen> <prompt>mysql></prompt> ALTER TABLE attachments AVG_ROW_LENGTH=1000000, MAX_ROWS=20000; </screen> <para>The above command will change the limit to 20GB. Mysql will have to make a temporary copy of your entire table to do this. Ideally, you should do this when your attachments table is still small.</para> </section> <section id="install-setupdatabase-adduser"> <title>Add a user to MySQL</title> <para>You need to add a new MySQL user for Bugzilla to use. (It's not safe to have Bugzilla use the MySQL root account.) The following instructions assume the defaults in <filename>localconfig</filename>; if you changed those, you need to modify the SQL command appropriately. You will need the <replaceable>$db_pass</replaceable> password you set in <filename>localconfig</filename> in <xref linkend="localconfig"/>. </para> <para>We use an SQL <command>GRANT</command> command to create a <quote>bugs</quote> user. This also restricts the <quote>bugs</quote> user to operations within a database called <quote>bugs</quote>, and only allows the account to connect from <quote>localhost</quote>. Modify it to reflect your setup if you will be connecting from another machine or as a different user.</para> <para>Run the <filename>mysql</filename> command-line client and enter:</para> <screen> <prompt>mysql></prompt> GRANT SELECT,INSERT,UPDATE,DELETE,INDEX,ALTER,CREATE, DROP,REFERENCES ON bugs.* TO bugs@localhost IDENTIFIED BY '<replaceable>$db_pass</replaceable>'; <prompt>mysql></prompt> FLUSH PRIVILEGES;</screen> <note> <para>If you are using MySQL 4, you need to add the <computeroutput>LOCK TABLES</computeroutput> and <computeroutput>CREATE TEMPORARY TABLES</computeroutput> permissions to the list. </para> </note> </section> </section> <section> <title>checksetup.pl</title> <para> Next, rerun <filename>checksetup.pl</filename>. It reconfirms that all the modules are present, and notices the altered localconfig file, which it assumes you have edited to your satisfaction. It compiles the UI templates, connects to the database using the 'bugs' user you created and the password you defined, and creates the 'bugs' database and the tables therein. </para> <para> After that, it asks for details of an administrator account. Bugzilla can have multiple administrators - you can create more later - but it needs one to start off with. Enter the email address of an administrator, his or her full name, and a suitable Bugzilla password. </para> <para> <filename>checksetup.pl</filename> will then finish. You may rerun <filename>checksetup.pl</filename> at any time if you wish. </para> </section> <section id="http"> <title>Web server</title> <para>Configure your web server according to the instructions in the appropriate section. The Bugzilla Team recommends Apache. </para> <section id="http-apache"> <title>Apache <productname>httpd</productname></title> <para>Load <filename>httpd.conf</filename> in your editor.</para> <para>Uncomment (or add) the following line. This configures Apache to run .cgi files outside the <filename class="directory">cgi-bin</filename> directory. </para> <programlisting> AddHandler cgi-script .cgi</programlisting> <para>Apache uses <computeroutput><Directory></computeroutput> directives to permit fine-grained permission setting. Add the following two lines to a <computeroutput><Directory></computeroutput> directive that applies either to the Bugzilla directory or one of its parents (e.g. the <computeroutput><Directory /var/www/html></computeroutput> directive). This allows Bugzilla's <filename>.htaccess</filename> files to override global permissions, and allows .cgi files to run in the Bugzilla directory. </para> <programlisting> Options +ExecCGI +FollowSymLinks AllowOverride Limit</programlisting> <para>Add <filename>index.cgi</filename> to the end of the <computeroutput>DirectoryIndex</computeroutput> line.</para> <para><filename>checksetup.pl</filename> can set tighter permissions on Bugzilla's files and directories if it knows what user the webserver runs as. Look for the <computeroutput>User</computeroutput> line in <filename>httpd.conf</filename>, and place that value in the <replaceable>$webservergroup</replaceable> variable in <filename>localconfig</filename>. Then rerun <filename>checksetup.pl</filename>. </para> </section> <section id="http-iis"> <title>Microsoft <productname>Internet Information Services</productname></title> <para>If you need, or for some reason even want, to use Microsoft's <productname>Internet Information Services</productname> or <productname>Personal Web Server</productname> you should be able to. You will need to configure them to know how to run CGI scripts. This is described in Microsoft Knowledge Base article <ulink url="http://support.microsoft.com/support/kb/articles/Q245/2/25.asp">Q245225</ulink> for <productname>Internet Information Services</productname> and <ulink url="http://support.microsoft.com/support/kb/articles/Q231/9/98.asp">Q231998</ulink> for <productname>Personal Web Server</productname>. </para> <para>Also, and this can't be stressed enough, make sure that files such as <filename>localconfig</filename> and your <filename class="directory">data</filename> directory are secured as described in <xref linkend="security-access"/>. </para> </section> <section id="http-aol"> <title>AOL Server</title> <para>Ben FrantzDale reported success using AOL Server with Bugzilla. He reported his experience and what appears below is based on that. </para> <para>AOL Server will have to be configured to run <glossterm linkend="gloss-cgi">CGI</glossterm> scripts, please consult the documentation that came with your server for more information on how to do this. </para> <para>Because AOL Server doesn't support <filename>.htaccess</filename> files, you'll have to create a <glossterm linkend="gloss-tcl">TCL</glossterm> script. You should create an <filename>aolserver/modules/tcl/filter.tcl</filename> file (the filename shouldn't matter) with the following contents (change <computeroutput>/bugzilla/</computeroutput> to the web-based path to your Bugzilla installation): </para> <programlisting> ns_register_filter preauth GET /bugzilla/localconfig filter_deny ns_register_filter preauth GET /bugzilla/localconfig~ filter_deny ns_register_filter preauth GET /bugzilla/\#localconfig\# filter_deny ns_register_filter preauth GET /bugzilla/*.pl filter_deny ns_register_filter preauth GET /bugzilla/syncshadowdb filter_deny ns_register_filter preauth GET /bugzilla/runtests.sh filter_deny ns_register_filter preauth GET /bugzilla/data/* filter_deny ns_register_filter preauth GET /bugzilla/template/* filter_deny proc filter_deny { why } { ns_log Notice "filter_deny" return "filter_return" } </programlisting> <warning> <para>This probably doesn't account for all possible editor backup files so you may wish to add some additional variations of <filename>localconfig</filename>. For more information, see <ulink url="http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=186383"> bug 186383</ulink> or <ulink url="http://online.securityfocus.com/bid/6501">Bugtraq ID 6501</ulink>. </para> </warning> <note> <para>If you are using webdot from research.att.com (the default configuration for the <option>webdotbase</option> paramater), you will need to allow access to <filename>data/webdot/*.dot</filename> for the reasearch.att.com machine. </para> <para>If you are using a local installation of <ulink url="http://www.graphviz.org">GraphViz</ulink>, you will need to allow everybody to access <filename>*.png</filename>, <filename>*.gif</filename>, <filename>*.jpg</filename>, and <filename>*.map</filename> in the <filename class="directory">data/webdot</filename> directory. </para> </note> </section> <section id="security-access"> <title>Web Server Access Controls</title> <para>Users of Apache can skip this section because Bugzilla ships with <filename>.htaccess</filename> files which restrict access in the manner required. Users of other webservers, read on. </para> <para>There are several files in the Bugzilla directory that should not be accessible from the web. You need to configure your webserver so they they aren't. Not doing this may reveal sensitive information such as database passwords. </para> <itemizedlist spacing="compact"> <listitem> <para>In the main Bugzilla directory, you should:</para> <itemizedlist spacing="compact"> <listitem> <para>Block: <simplelist type="inline"> <member><filename>*.pl</filename></member> <member><filename>*localconfig*</filename></member> <member><filename>runtests.sh</filename></member> </simplelist> </para> </listitem> <listitem> <para>But allow: <simplelist type="inline"> <member><filename>localconfig.js</filename></member> <member><filename>localconfig.rdf</filename></member> </simplelist> </para> </listitem> </itemizedlist> </listitem> <listitem> <para>In <filename class="directory">data</filename>:</para> <itemizedlist spacing="compact"> <listitem> <para>Block everything</para> </listitem> <listitem> <para>But allow: <simplelist type="inline"> <member><filename>duplicates.rdf</filename></member> </simplelist> </para> </listitem> </itemizedlist> </listitem> <listitem> <para>In <filename class="directory">data/webdot</filename>:</para> <itemizedlist spacing="compact"> <listitem> <para>If you use a remote webdot server:</para> <itemizedlist spacing="compact"> <listitem> <para>Block everything</para> </listitem> <listitem> <para>But allow <simplelist type="inline"> <member><filename>*.dot</filename></member> </simplelist> only for the remote webdot server</para> </listitem> </itemizedlist> </listitem> <listitem> <para>Otherwise, if you use a local GraphViz:</para> <itemizedlist spacing="compact"> <listitem> <para>Block everything</para> </listitem> <listitem> <para>But allow: <simplelist type="inline"> <member><filename>*.png</filename></member> <member><filename>*.gif</filename></member> <member><filename>*.jpg</filename></member> <member><filename>*.map</filename></member> </simplelist> </para> </listitem> </itemizedlist> </listitem> <listitem> <para>And if you don't use any dot:</para> <itemizedlist spacing="compact"> <listitem> <para>Block everything</para> </listitem> </itemizedlist> </listitem> </itemizedlist> </listitem> <listitem> <para>In <filename class="directory">Bugzilla</filename>:</para> <itemizedlist spacing="compact"> <listitem> <para>Block everything</para> </listitem> </itemizedlist> </listitem> <listitem> <para>In <filename class="directory">template</filename>:</para> <itemizedlist spacing="compact"> <listitem> <para>Block everything</para> </listitem> </itemizedlist> </listitem> </itemizedlist> <para>You should test to make sure that the files mentioned above are not accessible from the Internet, especially your <filename>localconfig</filename> file which contains your database password. To test, simply point your web browser at the file; for example, to test mozilla.org's installation, we'd try to access <ulink url="http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/localconfig"/>. You should get a <errorcode>403</errorcode> <errorname>Forbidden</errorname> error. </para> </section> </section> <section id="install-config-bugzilla"> <title>Bugzilla</title> <para> Your Bugzilla should now be working. Access <filename>http://<your-bugzilla-server>/</filename> - you should see the Bugzilla front page. If not, consult the Troubleshooting section, <xref linkend="troubleshooting"/>. </para> <para> Log in with the administrator account you defined in the last <filename>checksetup.pl</filename> run. You should go through the parameters on the Edit Parameters page (see link in the footer) and see if there are any you wish to change. They key parameters are documented in <xref linkend="parameters"/>; you should certainly alter <command>maintainer</command> and <command>urlbase</command>; you may also want to alter <command>cookiepath</command> or <command>requirelogin</command>. </para> <para> This would also be a good time to revisit the <filename>localconfig</filename> file and make sure that the names of the priorities, severities, platforms and operating systems are those you wish to use when you start creating bugs. Remember to rerun <filename>checksetup.pl</filename> if you change it. </para> <para> Bugzilla has several optional features which require extra configuration. You can read about those in <xref linkend="extraconfig"/>. </para> </section> </section> <section id="extraconfig"> <title>Optional Additional Configuration</title> <para> Bugzilla has a number of optional features. This section describes how to configure or enable them. </para> <section> <title>Bug Graphs</title> <para>If you have installed the necessary Perl modules you can start collecting statistics for the nifty Bugzilla graphs.</para> <screen><prompt>bash#</prompt> <command>crontab -e</command></screen> <para> This should bring up the crontab file in your editor. Add a cron entry like this to run <filename>collectstats.pl</filename> daily at 5 after midnight: </para> <programlisting>5 0 * * * cd <your-bugzilla-directory> ; ./collectstats.pl</programlisting> <para>After two days have passed you'll be able to view bug graphs from the Reports page.</para> </section> <section> <title>Dependency Charts</title> <para>As well as the text-based dependency trees, Bugzilla also supports a graphical view of dependency relationships, using a package called 'dot'. Exactly how this works is controlled by the 'webdotbase' parameter, which can have one of three values: </para> <para> <orderedlist> <listitem> <para> A complete file path to the command 'dot' (part of <ulink url="http://www.graphviz.org/">GraphViz</ulink>) will generate the graphs locally </para> </listitem> <listitem> <para> A URL prefix pointing to an installation of the webdot package will generate the graphs remotely </para> </listitem> <listitem> <para> A blank value will disable dependency graphing. </para> </listitem> </orderedlist> </para> <para>The easiest way to get this working is to install <ulink url="http://www.graphviz.org/">GraphViz</ulink>. If you do that, you need to <ulink url="http://httpd.apache.org/docs/mod/mod_imap.html">enable server-side image maps</ulink> in Apache. Alternatively, you could set up a webdot server, or use the AT&T public webdot server. This is the default for the webdotbase param, but it's often overloaded and slow. Note that AT&T's server won't work if Bugzilla is only accessible using HARTS. <emphasis>Editor's note: What the heck is HARTS? Google doesn't know... </emphasis> </para> </section> <section> <title>The Whining Cron</title> <para>What good are bugs if they're not annoying? To help make them more so you can set up Bugzilla's automatic whining system to complain at engineers which leave their bugs in the NEW or REOPENED state without triaging them. </para> <para> This can be done by adding the following command as a daily crontab entry, in the same manner as explained above for bug graphs. This example runs it at 12.55am. </para> <programlisting>55 0 * * * cd <your-bugzilla-directory> ; ./whineatnews.pl</programlisting> </section> <section id="patch-viewer"> <title>Patch Viewer</title> <para> Patch Viewer is the engine behind Bugzilla's graphical display of code patches. You can integrate this with copies of the <filename>cvs</filename>, <filename>lxr</filename> and <filename>bonsai</filename> tools if you have them, by giving the locations of your installation of these tools in <filename>editparams.cgi</filename>. </para> <para> Patch Viewer also optionally will use the <filename>cvs</filename>, <filename>diff</filename> and <filename>interdiff</filename> command-line utilities if they exist on the system. Interdiff can be obtained from <ulink url="http://cyberelk.net/tim/patchutils/"/>. If these programs are not in the system path, you can configure their locations in <filename>localconfig</filename>. </para> </section> <section id="bzldap"> <title>LDAP Authentication</title> <para>LDAP authentication is a module for Bugzilla's plugin authentication architecture. </para> <para> The existing authentication scheme for Bugzilla uses email addresses as the primary user ID, and a password to authenticate that user. All places within Bugzilla where you need to deal with user ID (e.g assigning a bug) use the email address. The LDAP authentication builds on top of this scheme, rather than replacing it. The initial log in is done with a username and password for the LDAP directory. This then fetches the email address from LDAP and authenticates seamlessly in the standard Bugzilla authentication scheme using this email address. If an account for this address already exists in your Bugzilla system, it will log in to that account. If no account for that email address exists, one is created at the time of login. (In this case, Bugzilla will attempt to use the "displayName" or "cn" attribute to determine the user's full name.) After authentication, all other user-related tasks are still handled by email address, not LDAP username. You still assign bugs by email address, query on users by email address, etc. </para> <caution> <para>Because the Bugzilla account is not created until the first time a user logs in, a user who has not yet logged is unknown to Bugzilla. This means they cannot be used as an assignee or QA contact (default or otherwise), added to any cc list, or any other such operation. One possible workaround is the <filename>bugzilla_ldapsync.rb</filename> script in the <glossterm linkend="gloss-contrib"><filename class="directory">contrib</filename></glossterm> directory. Another possible solution is fixing <ulink url="http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=201069">bug 201069</ulink>. </para> </caution> <para>Parameters required to use LDAP Authentication:</para> <variablelist> <varlistentry id="param-loginmethod"> <term>loginmethod</term> <listitem> <para>This parameter should be set to <quote>LDAP</quote> <emphasis>only</emphasis> if you will be using an LDAP directory for authentication. If you set this param to <quote>LDAP</quote> but fail to set up the other parameters listed below you will not be able to log back in to Bugzilla one you log out. If this happens to you, you will need to manually edit <filename>data/params</filename> and set loginmethod to <quote>DB</quote>. </para> </listitem> </varlistentry> <varlistentry id="param-LDAPserver"> <term>LDAPserver</term> <listitem> <para>This parameter should be set to the name (and optionally the port) of your LDAP server. If no port is specified, it assumes the default LDAP port of 389. </para> <para>Ex. <quote>ldap.company.com</quote> or <quote>ldap.company.com:3268</quote> </para> </listitem> </varlistentry> <varlistentry id="param-LDAPbinddn"> <term>LDAPbinddn [Optional]</term> <listitem> <para>Some LDAP servers will not allow an anonymous bind to search the directory. If this is the case with your configuration you should set the LDAPbinddn parameter to the user account Bugzilla should use instead of the anonymous bind. </para> <para>Ex. <quote>cn=default,cn=user:password</quote></para> </listitem> </varlistentry> <varlistentry id="param-LDAPBaseDN"> <term>LDAPBaseDN</term> <listitem> <para>The LDAPBaseDN parameter should be set to the location in your LDAP tree that you would like to search for email addresses. Your uids should be unique under the DN specified here. </para> <para>Ex. <quote>ou=People,o=Company</quote></para> </listitem> </varlistentry> <varlistentry id="param-LDAPuidattribute"> <term>LDAPuidattribute</term> <listitem> <para>The LDAPuidattribute parameter should be set to the attribute which contains the unique UID of your users. The value retrieved from this attribute will be used when attempting to bind as the user to confirm their password. </para> <para>Ex. <quote>uid</quote></para> </listitem> </varlistentry> <varlistentry id="param-LDAPmailattribute"> <term>LDAPmailattribute</term> <listitem> <para>The LDAPmailattribute parameter should be the name of the attribute which contains the email address your users will enter into the Bugzilla login boxes. </para> <para>Ex. <quote>mail</quote></para> </listitem> </varlistentry> </variablelist> </section> <section id="content-type"> <title>Prevent users injecting malicious Javascript</title> <para>It is possible for a Bugzilla user to take advantage of character set encoding ambiguities to inject HTML into Bugzilla comments. This could include malicious scripts. Due to internationalization concerns, we are unable to incorporate by default the code changes suggested by <ulink url="http://www.cert.org/tech_tips/malicious_code_mitigation.html#3"> the CERT advisory</ulink> on this issue. If your installation is for an English speaking audience only, making the change below will prevent this problem. </para> <para>Simply locate the following line in <filename>Bugzilla/CGI.pm</filename>: <programlisting>$self->charset('');</programlisting> and change it to: <programlisting>$self->charset('ISO-8859-1');</programlisting> </para> </section> <section id="mod-throttle" xreflabel="Using mod_throttle to prevent Denial of Service attacks"> <title> <filename>mod_throttle</filename></title> <para>It is possible for a user, by mistake or on purpose, to access the database many times in a row which can result in very slow access speeds for other users. If your Bugzilla installation is experiencing this problem, you may install the Apache module <filename>mod_throttle</filename> which can limit connections by IP address. You may download this module at <ulink url="http://www.snert.com/Software/mod_throttle/"/>. Follow the instructions to install into your Apache install. <emphasis>This module only functions with the Apache web server!</emphasis> The command you need is <command>ThrottleClientIP</command>. See the <ulink url="http://www.snert.com/Software/mod_throttle/">documentation</ulink> for more information.</para> </section> <section id="security-networking"> <title>TCP/IP Ports</title> <para>A single-box Bugzilla only requires port 80, plus port 25 if you are using the optional email interface. You should firewall all other ports and/or disable services listening on them. </para> </section> <section id="security-daemon"> <title>Daemon Accounts</title> <para>Many daemons, such as Apache's httpd and MySQL's mysqld default to running as either <quote>root</quote> or <quote>nobody</quote>. Running as <quote>root</quote> introduces obvious security problems, but the problems introduced by running everything as <quote>nobody</quote> may not be so obvious. Basically, if you're running every daemon as <quote>nobody</quote> and one of them gets compromised, they all get compromised. For this reason it is recommended that you create a user account for each daemon. </para> </section> <section id="apache-addtype"> <title>Serving Alternate Formats with the right MIME type</title> <para> Some Bugzilla pages have alternate formats, other than just plain <acronym>HTML</acronym>. In particular, a few Bugzilla pages can output their contents as either <acronym>XUL</acronym> (a special Mozilla format, that looks like a program <acronym>GUI</acronym>) or <acronym>RDF</acronym> (a type of structured <acronym>XML</acronym> that can be read by various programs). </para> <para> In order for your users to see these pages correctly, Apache must send them with the right <acronym>MIME</acronym> type. To do this, add the following lines to your Apache configuration, either in the <computeroutput><VirtualHost></computeroutput> section for your Bugzilla, or in the <computeroutput><Directory></computeroutput> section for your Bugzilla: </para> <para> <screen>AddType application/vnd.mozilla.xul+xml .xul AddType text/xml .rdf</screen> </para> </section> </section> <section id="os-specific"> <title>OS-Specific Installation Notes</title> <para>Many aspects of the Bugzilla installation can be affected by the the operating system you choose to install it on. Sometimes it can be made easier and others more difficult. This section will attempt to help you understand both the difficulties of running on specific operating systems and the utilities available to make it easier. </para> <para>If you have anything to add or notes for an operating system not covered, please file a bug in &bzg-bugs;. </para> <section id="os-win32"> <title>Microsoft Windows</title> <para>Making Bugzilla work on Windows is still a painful processes. The Bugzilla Team is working to make it easier, but that goal is not considered a top priority. If you wish to run Bugzilla, we still recommend doing so on a Unix based system such as GNU/Linux. As of this writing, all members of the Bugzilla team and all known large installations run on Unix based systems. </para> <para>If after hearing all that, you have enough pain tolerance to attempt installing Bugzilla on Win32, here are some pointers. <![%bz-devel;[ Because this is a development version of the guide, these instructions are subject to change without notice. In fact, the Bugzilla Team hopes to have Bugzilla reasonably close to "out of the box" compatibility with Windows by the 2.18 release. ]]> </para> <section id="win32-perl"> <title>Win32 Perl</title> <para>Perl for Windows can be obtained from <ulink url="http://www.activestate.com/">ActiveState</ulink>. You should be able to find a compiled binary at <ulink url="http://aspn.activestate.com/ASPN/Downloads/ActivePerl/"/>. </para> </section> <section id="win32-perlmodules"> <title>Perl Modules on Win32</title> <para>Bugzilla on Windows requires the same perl modules found in <xref linkend="install-perlmodules"/>. The main difference is that windows uses <glossterm linkend="gloss-ppm">PPM</glossterm> instead of CPAN. </para> <programlisting> C:\perl> <command>ppm install <module name></command> </programlisting> <note> <para>The above syntax should work for all modules with the exception of Template Toolkit. The <ulink url="http://tt2.org/download.html#win32">Template Toolkit website</ulink> suggests using the instructions on <ulink url="http://openinteract.sourceforge.net/">OpenInteract's website</ulink>. </para> <para>The following commands will install the required packages missing from the ActivePerl default installation: </para> <programlisting> <command>ppm repository add oi http://openinteract.sourceforge.net/ppmpackages</command> <command>ppm install DBD-mysql</command> <command>ppm install Template-Toolkit</command> <command>ppm install TimeDate</command> </programlisting> </note> </section> <section id="win32-code-changes"> <title>Code changes required to run on win32</title> <para>As Bugzilla still doesn't run "out of the box" on Windows, code has to be modified. This section lists the required changes. </para> <section id="win32-code-checksetup"> <title>Changes to <filename>checksetup.pl</filename></title> <para>In <filename>checksetup.pl</filename>, the line reading:</para> <programlisting> my $mysql_binaries = `which mysql`; </programlisting> <para>to</para> <programlisting> my $mysql_binaries = "D:\\mysql\\bin\\mysql"; </programlisting> <para>And you'll also need to change:</para> <programlisting> my $webservergid = getgrnam($my_webservergroup) </programlisting> <para>to</para> <programlisting> my $webservergid = '8' </programlisting> </section> <section id="win32-code-bugmail"> <title>Changes to <filename>BugMail.pm</filename></title> <para>To make bug email work on Win32 (until <ulink url="http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=84876">bug 84876</ulink> lands), the simplest way is to have the Net::SMTP Perl module installed and change this:</para> <programlisting> open(SENDMAIL, "|/usr/lib/sendmail $sendmailparam -t -i") || die "Can't open sendmail"; print SENDMAIL trim($msg) . "\n"; close SENDMAIL; </programlisting> <para>to</para> <programlisting> use Net::SMTP; my $smtp_server = 'smtp.mycompany.com'; # change this # Use die on error, so that the mail will be in the 'unsent mails' and # can be sent from the sanity check page. my $smtp = Net::SMTP->new($smtp_server) || die 'Cannot connect to server \'$smtp_server\''; $smtp->mail('bugzilla-daemon@mycompany.com'); # change this $smtp->to($person); $smtp->data(); $smtp->datasend($msg); $smtp->dataend(); $smtp->quit; </programlisting> <para>Don't forget to change the name of your SMTP server and the domain of the sending email address (after the '@') in the above lines of code.</para> </section> </section> <section id="win32-http"> <title>Serving the web pages</title> <para>As is the case on Unix based systems, any web server should be able to handle Bugzilla; however, the Bugzilla Team still recommends Apache whenever asked. No matter what web server you choose, be sure to pay attention to the security notes in <xref linkend="security-access"/>. More information on configuring specific web servers can be found in <xref linkend="http"/>. </para> <note> <para>If using Apache on windows, you can set the <ulink url="http://httpd.apache.org/docs-2.0/mod/core.html#scriptinterpretersource">ScriptInterpreterSource</ulink> directive in your Apache config to avoid having to modify the first line of every script to contain your path to perl instead of <filename>/usr/bin/perl</filename>. </para> </note> </section> </section> <section id="os-macosx"> <title><productname>Mac OS X</productname></title> <para>Apple did not include the GD library with Mac OS X. Bugzilla needs this for bug graphs.</para> <para>You can install it using a program called Fink, which is similar in nature to the CPAN installer, but installs common GNU utilities. Fink is available from <ulink url="http://sourceforge.net/projects/fink/"/>.</para> <para>Follow the instructions for setting up Fink. Once it's installed, you'll want to use it to install the <filename>gd2</filename> package. </para> <para>It will prompt you for a number of dependencies, type 'y' and hit enter to install all of the dependencies and then watch it work. You will then be able to use <glossterm linkend="gloss-cpan">CPAN</glossterm> to install the GD Perl module. </para> <note> <para>To prevent creating conflicts with the software that Apple installs by default, Fink creates its own directory tree at <filename class="directory">/sw</filename> where it installs most of the software that it installs. This means your libraries and headers will be at <filename class="directory">/sw/lib</filename> and <filename class="directory">/sw/include</filename> instead of <filename class="directory">/usr/lib</filename> and <filename class="directory">/usr/include</filename>. When the Perl module config script asks where your <filename>libgd</filename> is, be sure to tell it <filename class="directory">/sw/lib</filename>. </para> </note> <para>Also available via Fink is <filename>expat</filename>. After using fink to install the expat package you will be able to install XML::Parser using CPAN. There is one caveat. Unlike recent versions of the GD module, XML::Parser doesn't prompt for the location of the required libraries. When using CPAN, you will need to use the following command sequence: </para> <screen> # perl -MCPAN -e'look XML::Parser' <co id="macosx-look"/> # perl Makefile.PL EXPATLIBPATH=/sw/lib EXPATINCPATH=/sw/include # make; make test; make install <co id="macosx-make"/> # exit <co id="macosx-exit"/> </screen> <calloutlist> <callout arearefs="macosx-look macosx-exit"> <para>The look command will download the module and spawn a new shell with the extracted files as the current working directory. The exit command will return you to your original shell. </para> </callout> <callout arearefs="macosx-make"> <para>You should watch the output from these make commands, especially <quote>make test</quote> as errors may prevent XML::Parser from functioning correctly with Bugzilla. </para> </callout> </calloutlist> </section> <section id="os-mandrake"> <title>Linux-Mandrake 8.0</title> <para>Linux-Mandrake 8.0 includes every required and optional library for Bugzilla. The easiest way to install them is by using the <command>urpmi</command> utility. If you follow these commands, you should have everything you need for Bugzilla, and <command>./checksetup.pl</command> should not complain about any missing libraries. You may already have some of these installed. </para> <screen> <prompt>bash#</prompt> <command>urpmi perl-mysql</command> <prompt>bash#</prompt> <command>urpmi perl-chart</command> <prompt>bash#</prompt> <command>urpmi perl-gd</command> <prompt>bash#</prompt> <command>urpmi perl-MailTools</command> <co id="test-mailtools"/> <prompt>bash#</prompt> <command>urpmi apache-modules</command> </screen> <calloutlist> <callout arearefs="test-mailtools"> <para>for Bugzilla email integration</para> </callout> </calloutlist> </section> </section> <section id="nonroot"> <title>UNIX (non-root) Installation Notes</title> <section> <title>Introduction</title> <para>If you are running a *NIX OS as non-root, either due to lack of access (web hosts, for example) or for security reasons, this will detail how to install Bugzilla on such a setup. It is recommended that you read through the <xref linkend="installation" /> first to get an idea on the installation steps required. (These notes will reference to steps in that guide.)</para> </section> <section> <title>MySQL</title> <para>You may have MySQL installed as root. If you're setting up an account with a web host, a MySQL account needs to be set up for you. From there, you can create the bugs account, or use the account given to you.</para> <warning> <para>You may have problems trying to set up <command>GRANT</command> permissions to the database. If you're using a web host, chances are that you have a separate database which is already locked down (or one big database with limited/no access to the other areas), but you may want to ask your system adminstrator what the security settings are set to, and/or run the <command>GRANT</command> command for you.</para> <para>Also, you will probably not be able to change the MySQL root user password (for obvious reasons), so skip that step.</para> </warning> <section> <title>Running MySQL as Non-Root</title> <section> <title>The Custom Configuration Method</title> <para>Create a file .my.cnf in your home directory (using /home/foo in this example) as follows....</para> <programlisting> [mysqld] datadir=/home/foo/mymysql socket=/home/foo/mymysql/thesock port=8081 [mysql] socket=/home/foo/mymysql/thesock port=8081 [mysql.server] user=mysql basedir=/var/lib [safe_mysqld] err-log=/home/foo/mymysql/the.log pid-file=/home/foo/mymysql/the.pid </programlisting> </section> <section> <title>The Custom Built Method</title> <para>You can install MySQL as a not-root, if you really need to. Build it with PREFIX set to <filename class="directory">/home/foo/mysql</filename>, or use pre-installed executables, specifying that you want to put all of the data files in <filename class="directory">/home/foo/mysql/data</filename>. If there is another MySQL server running on the system that you do not own, use the -P option to specify a TCP port that is not in use.</para> </section> <section> <title>Starting the Server</title> <para>After your mysqld program is built and any .my.cnf file is in place, you must initialize the databases (ONCE).</para> <screen> <prompt>bash$</prompt> <command>mysql_install_db</command> </screen> <para>Then start the daemon with</para> <screen> <prompt>bash$</prompt> <command>safe_mysql &</command> </screen> <para>After you start mysqld the first time, you then connect to it as "root" and <command>GRANT</command> permissions to other users. (Again, the MySQL root account has nothing to do with the *NIX root account.)</para> <note> <para>You will need to start the daemons yourself. You can either ask your system administrator to add them to system startup files, or add a crontab entry that runs a script to check on these daemons and restart them if needed.</para> </note> <warning> <para>Do NOT run daemons or other services on a server without first consulting your system administrator! Daemons use up system resources and running one may be in violation of your terms of service for any machine on which you are a user!</para> </warning> </section> </section> </section> <section> <title>Perl</title> <para>On the extremely rare chance that you don't have Perl on the machine, you will have to build the sources yourself. The following commands should get your system installed with your own personal version of Perl:</para> <screen> <prompt>bash$</prompt> <command>wget http://perl.com/CPAN/src/stable.tar.gz</command> <prompt>bash$</prompt> <command>tar zvxf stable.tar.gz</command> <prompt>bash$</prompt> <command>cd perl-5.8.1</command> (or whatever the version of Perl is called) <prompt>bash$</prompt> <command>sh Configure -de -Dprefix=/home/foo/perl</command> <prompt>bash$</prompt> <command>make && make test && make install</command> </screen> <para>Once you have Perl installed into a directory (probably in <filename class="directory">~/perl/bin</filename>), you'll have to change the locations on the scripts, which is detailed later on this page.</para> </section> <section> <title>Perl Modules</title> <para>Installing the Perl modules as a non-root user is probably the hardest part of the process. There are two different methods: a completely independant Perl with its own modules, or personal modules using the current (root installed) version of Perl. The independant method takes up quite a bit of disk space, but is less complex, while the mixed method only uses as much space as the modules themselves, but takes more work to setup.</para> <section> <title>The Independant Method</title> <para>The independant method requires that you install your own personal version of Perl, as detailed in the previous section. Once installed, you can start the CPAN shell with the following command:</para> <para> <screen> <prompt>bash$</prompt> <command>/home/foo/perl/bin/perl -MCPAN -e 'shell'</command> </screen> </para> <para>And then:</para> <para> <screen> <prompt>cpan></prompt> <command>install Bundle::Bugzilla</command> </screen> </para> <para>With this method, module installation will usually go a lot smoother, but if you have any hang-ups, you can consult the next section.</para> </section> <section> <title>The Mixed Method</title> <para>First, you'll need to configure CPAN to install modules in your home directory. The CPAN FAQ says the following on this issue:</para> <para> <programlisting> 5) I am not root, how can I install a module in a personal directory? You will most probably like something like this: o conf makepl_arg "LIB=~/myperl/lib \ INSTALLMAN1DIR=~/myperl/man/man1 \ INSTALLMAN3DIR=~/myperl/man/man3" install Sybase::Sybperl You can make this setting permanent like all "o conf" settings with "o conf commit". You will have to add ~/myperl/man to the MANPATH environment variable and also tell your Perl programs to look into ~/myperl/lib, e.g. by including use lib "$ENV{HOME}/myperl/lib"; or setting the PERL5LIB environment variable. Another thing you should bear in mind is that the UNINST parameter should never be set if you are not root.</programlisting> </para> <para>So, you will need to create a Perl directory in your home directory, as well as the <filename class="directory">lib</filename>, <filename class="directory">man</filename>, <filename class="directory">man/man1</filename>, and <filename class="directory">man/man3</filename> directories in that Perl directory. Set the MANPATH variable and PERL5LIB variable, so that the installation of the modules goes smoother. (Setting UNINST=0 in your "make install" options, on the CPAN first-time configuration, is also a good idea.)</para> <para>After that, go into the CPAN shell:</para> <para> <screen> <prompt>bash$</prompt> <command>perl -MCPAN -e 'shell'</command> </screen> </para> <para>From there, you will need to type in the above "o conf" command and commit the changes. Then you can run through the installation:</para> <para> <screen> <prompt>cpan></prompt> <command>install Bundle::Bugzilla</command> </screen> </para> <para>Most of the module installation process should go smoothly. However, you may have some problems with Template. When you first start, you will want to try to install Template with the XS Stash options on. If this doesn't work, it may spit out C compiler error messages and croak back to the CPAN shell prompt. So, redo the install, and turn it off. (In fact, say no to all of the Template questions.) It may also start failing on a few of the tests. If the total tests passed is a reasonable figure (90+%), force the install with the following command:</para> <para> <screen> <prompt>cpan></prompt> <command>force install Template</command> </screen> </para> <para>You may also want to install the other optional modules:</para> <screen> <prompt>cpan></prompt> <command>install GD</command> <prompt>cpan></prompt> <command>install Chart::Base</command> <prompt>cpan></prompt> <command>install MIME::Parser</command> </screen> </section> </section> <section> <title>HTTP Server</title> <para>Ideally, this also needs to be installed as root and run under a special webserver account. As long as the web server will allow the running of *.cgi files outside of a cgi-bin, and a way of denying web access to certain files (such as a .htaccess file), you should be good in this department.</para> <section> <title>Running Apache as Non-Root</title> <para>You can run Apache as a non-root user, but the port will need to be set to one above 1024. If you type <command>httpd -V</command>, you will get a list of the variables that your system copy of httpd uses. One of those, namely HTTPD_ROOT, tells you where that installation looks for its config information.</para> <para>From there, you can copy the config files to your own home directory to start editing. When you edit those and then use the -d option to override the HTTPD_ROOT compiled into the web server, you get control of your own customized web server.</para> <note> <para>You will need to start the daemons yourself. You can either ask your system administrator to add them to system startup files, or add a crontab entry that runs a script to check on these daemons and restart them if needed.</para> </note> <warning> <para>Do NOT run daemons or other services on a server without first consulting your system administrator! Daemons use up system resources and running one may be in violation of your terms of service for any machine on which you are a user!</para> </warning> </section> </section> <section> <title>Bugzilla</title> <para>Since you probably can't set up a symbolic link to <filename>/usr/bonsaitools/bin/perl</filename> as a non-root user, you will need to hack the scripts to point to the right Perl:</para> <para> <programlisting>perl -pi -e 's@#\!/usr/bonsaitools/bin/perl@#\!/usr/bin/perl@' *cgi *pl Bug.pm processmail syncshadowdb</programlisting> Change <filename>/usr/bin/perl</filename> to match the location of Perl on your machine. If you had to install Perl as non-root, this would be the location in your home directory. </para> <note> <para>Version 2.17+ of Bugzilla now already has the scripts pointing to <filename>/usr/bin/perl</filename>.</para> </note> <para>Of course, the scripts will not work if they don't know the location of your newly install Perl modules, so you will have to hack the scripts to look for those, too:</para> <para> <programlisting>perl -pi -e 's@use strict\;@use strict\; use lib \"/home/foo/perl/lib\"\;@' *cgi *pl Bug.pm processmail syncshadowdb</programlisting> Change <filename class="directory">/home/foo/perl/lib</filename> to your personal Perl library directory. You can probably skip this step if you are using the independant method of Perl module installation. </para> <para>When you run <command>./checksetup.pl</command> to create the <filename>localconfig</filename> file, it will list the Perl modules it finds. If one is missing, go back and double-check the module installation from the CPAN shell, then delete the <filename>localconfig</filename> file and try again.</para> <warning> <para>The one option in <filename>localconfig</filename> you might have problems with is the web server group. If you can't successfully browse to the <filename>index.cgi</filename> (like a Forbidden error), you may have to relax your permissions, and blank out the web server group. Of course, this may pose as a security risk. Having a properly jailed shell and/or limited access to shell accounts may lessen the security risk, but use at your own risk.</para> </warning> </section> </section> <section id="troubleshooting"> <title>Troubleshooting</title> <para>This section gives solutions to common Bugzilla installation problems. If none of the section headings seems to match your problem, read the general advice. </para> <section id="general-advice"> <title>General Advice</title> <para> If you can't get <filename>checksetup.pl</filename> to run to completion, it normally explains what's wrong and how to fix it. If you can't work it out, or if it's being uncommunicative, post the errors in the <ulink url="news://news.mozilla.org/netscape.public.mozilla.webtools">netscape.public.mozilla.webtools</ulink> newsgroup. </para> <para> If you have made it all the way through <xref linkend="installation"/> (Installation) and <xref linkend="configuration"/> (Configuration) but accessing the Bugzilla URL doesn't work, the first thing to do is to check your webserver error log. For Apache, this is often located at <filename>/etc/logs/httpd/error_log</filename>. The error messages you see may be self-explanatory enough to enable you to diagnose and fix the problem. If not, see below for some commonly-encountered errors. If that doesn't help, post the errors to the newsgroup. </para> </section> <section> <title>I installed a Perl module, but <filename>checksetup.pl</filename> claims it's not installed!</title> <para> You have two versions of Perl on your machine. You are installing modules into one, and Bugzilla is using the other. Rerun the CPAN commands (or manual compile) using the full path to Perl from the top of <filename>checksetup.pl</filename>. This will make sure you are installing the modules in the right place. </para> </section> <section> <title>Bundle::Bugzilla makes me upgrade to Perl 5.6.1</title> <para> Try executing <command>perl -MCPAN -e 'install CPAN'</command> and then continuing. </para> <para> Certain older versions of the CPAN toolset were somewhat naive about how to upgrade Perl modules. When a couple of modules got rolled into the core Perl distribution for 5.6.1, CPAN thought that the best way to get those modules up to date was to haul down the Perl distribution itself and build it. Needless to say, this has caused headaches for just about everybody. Upgrading to a newer version of CPAN with the commandline above should fix things. </para> </section> <section> <title>DBD::Sponge::db prepare failed</title> <para> The following error message may appear due to a bug in DBD::mysql (over which the Bugzilla team have no control): </para> <programlisting><![CDATA[ DBD::Sponge::db prepare failed: Cannot determine NUM_OF_FIELDS at D:/Perl/site/lib/DBD/mysql.pm line 248. SV = NULL(0x0) at 0x20fc444 REFCNT = 1 FLAGS = (PADBUSY,PADMY) ]]></programlisting> <para> To fix this, go to <filename><path-to-perl>/lib/DBD/sponge.pm</filename> in your Perl installation and replace </para> <programlisting><![CDATA[ my $numFields; if ($attribs->{'NUM_OF_FIELDS'}) { $numFields = $attribs->{'NUM_OF_FIELDS'}; } elsif ($attribs->{'NAME'}) { $numFields = @{$attribs->{NAME}}; ]]></programlisting> <para> by </para> <programlisting><![CDATA[ my $numFields; if ($attribs->{'NUM_OF_FIELDS'}) { $numFields = $attribs->{'NUM_OF_FIELDS'}; } elsif ($attribs->{'NAMES'}) { $numFields = @{$attribs->{NAMES}}; ]]></programlisting> <para> (note the S added to NAME.) </para> </section> <section id="paranoid-security"> <title>cannot chdir(/var/spool/mqueue)</title> <para>If you are installing Bugzilla on SuSE Linux, or some other distributions with <quote>paranoid</quote> security options, it is possible that the checksetup.pl script may fail with the error: <programlisting><![CDATA[cannot chdir(/var/spool/mqueue): Permission denied ]]></programlisting> </para> <para> This is because your <filename>/var/spool/mqueue</filename> directory has a mode of <quote>drwx------</quote>. Type <command>chmod 755 <filename>/var/spool/mqueue</filename> </command> as root to fix this problem. </para> </section> <section id="trouble-filetemp"> <title>Your vendor has not defined Fcntl macro O_NOINHERIT</title> <para>This is caused by a bug in the version of <productname>File::Temp</productname> that is distributed with perl 5.6.0. Many minor variations of this error have been reported: </para> <programlisting>Your vendor has not defined Fcntl macro O_NOINHERIT, used at /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.6.0/File/Temp.pm line 208. Your vendor has not defined Fcntl macro O_EXLOCK, used at /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.6.0/File/Temp.pm line 210. Your vendor has not defined Fcntl macro O_TEMPORARY, used at /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.6.0/File/Temp.pm line 233.</programlisting> <para>Numerous people have reported that upgrading to version 5.6.1 or higher solved the problem for them. A less involved fix is to apply the following patch, which is also available as a <ulink url="../xml/filetemp.patch">patch file</ulink>. </para> <programlisting><![CDATA[--- File/Temp.pm.orig Thu Feb 6 16:26:00 2003 +++ File/Temp.pm Thu Feb 6 16:26:23 2003 @@ -205,6 +205,7 @@ # eg CGI::Carp local $SIG{__DIE__} = sub {}; local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub {}; + local *CORE::GLOBAL::die = sub {}; $bit = &$func(); 1; }; @@ -226,6 +227,7 @@ # eg CGI::Carp local $SIG{__DIE__} = sub {}; local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub {}; + local *CORE::GLOBAL::die = sub {}; $bit = &$func(); 1; };]]></programlisting> </section> </section> </chapter> <!-- Keep this comment at the end of the file Local variables: mode: sgml sgml-always-quote-attributes:t sgml-auto-insert-required-elements:t sgml-balanced-tag-edit:t sgml-exposed-tags:nil sgml-general-insert-case:lower sgml-indent-data:t sgml-indent-step:2 sgml-local-catalogs:nil sgml-local-ecat-files:nil sgml-minimize-attributes:nil sgml-namecase-general:t sgml-omittag:t sgml-parent-document:("Bugzilla-Guide.xml" "book" "chapter") sgml-shorttag:t sgml-tag-region-if-active:t End: -->