# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
# This Source Code Form is "Incompatible With Secondary Licenses", as
# defined by the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0.

package Bugzilla::WebService::Classification;

use 5.10.1;
use strict;

use base qw (Bugzilla::WebService);

use Bugzilla::Classification;
use Bugzilla::Error;
use Bugzilla::WebService::Util qw(filter validate params_to_objects);

use constant READ_ONLY => qw(

sub get {
    my ($self, $params) = validate(@_, 'names', 'ids');

    defined $params->{names} || defined $params->{ids}
        || ThrowCodeError('params_required', { function => 'Classification.get',
                                               params => ['names', 'ids'] });

    my $user = Bugzilla->user;

      || $user->in_group('editclassifications')
      || ThrowUserError('auth_classification_not_enabled');


    my @classification_objs = @{ params_to_objects($params, 'Bugzilla::Classification') };
    unless ($user->in_group('editclassifications')) {
        my %selectable_class = map { $_->id => 1 } @{$user->get_selectable_classifications};
        @classification_objs = grep { $selectable_class{$_->id} } @classification_objs;

    my @classifications = map { filter($params, $self->_classification_to_hash($_)) } @classification_objs;

    return { classifications => \@classifications };

sub _classification_to_hash {
    my ($self, $classification) = @_;

    my $user = Bugzilla->user;
    return unless (Bugzilla->params->{'useclassification'} || $user->in_group('editclassifications'));

    my $products = $user->in_group('editclassifications') ?
                     $classification->products : $user->get_selectable_products($classification->id);
    my %hash = (
        id          => $self->type('int',    $classification->id),
        name        => $self->type('string', $classification->name),
        description => $self->type('string', $classification->description),
        sort_key    => $self->type('int',    $classification->sortkey),
        products    => [ map { $self->_product_to_hash($_) } @$products ],

    return \%hash;

sub _product_to_hash {
    my ($self, $product) = @_;
    my %hash = (
       id          => $self->type('int', $product->id),
       name        => $self->type('string', $product->name),
       description => $self->type('string', $product->description),

   return \%hash;



=head1 NAME

Bugzilla::Webservice::Classification - The Classification API


This part of the Bugzilla API allows you to deal with the available Classifications. 
You will be able to get information about them as well as manipulate them.

=head1 METHODS

See L<Bugzilla::WebService> for a description of how parameters are passed,
and what B<STABLE>, B<UNSTABLE>, and B<EXPERIMENTAL> mean.

=head1 Classification Retrieval

=head2 get



=item B<Description>

Returns a hash containing information about a set of classifications.

=item B<Params>

In addition to the parameters below, this method also accepts the
standard L<include_fields|Bugzilla::WebService/include_fields> and
L<exclude_fields|Bugzilla::WebService/exclude_fields> arguments.

You could get classifications info by supplying their names and/or ids. 
So, this method accepts the following parameters:


=item C<ids>

An array of classification ids.

=item C<names>

An array of classification names.


=item B<Returns>    

A hash with the key C<classifications> and an array of hashes as the corresponding value.
Each element of the array represents a classification that the user is authorized to see 
and has the following keys:


=item C<id>

C<int> The id of the classification.

=item C<name>

C<string> The name of the classification.

=item C<description>

C<string> The description of the classificaion.

=item C<sort_key>

C<int> The value which determines the order the classification is sorted.

=item C<products>

An array of hashes. The array contains the products the user is authorized to
access within the classification. Each hash has the following keys:


=item C<name>

C<string> The name of the product.

=item C<id>

C<int> The id of the product.

=item C<description>

C<string> The description of the product.



=item B<Errors>


=item 900 (Classification not enabled)

Classification is not enabled on this installation.


=item B<History>


=item Added in Bugzilla B<4.4>.

