# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this # file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. # # This Source Code Form is "Incompatible With Secondary Licenses", as # defined by the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0. package Bugzilla::WebService::Classification; use 5.10.1; use strict; use base qw (Bugzilla::WebService); use Bugzilla::Classification; use Bugzilla::Error; use Bugzilla::WebService::Util qw(filter validate params_to_objects); use constant READ_ONLY => qw( get ); sub get { my ($self, $params) = validate(@_, 'names', 'ids'); defined $params->{names} || defined $params->{ids} || ThrowCodeError('params_required', { function => 'Classification.get', params => ['names', 'ids'] }); my $user = Bugzilla->user; Bugzilla->params->{'useclassification'} || $user->in_group('editclassifications') || ThrowUserError('auth_classification_not_enabled'); Bugzilla->switch_to_shadow_db; my @classification_objs = @{ params_to_objects($params, 'Bugzilla::Classification') }; unless ($user->in_group('editclassifications')) { my %selectable_class = map { $_->id => 1 } @{$user->get_selectable_classifications}; @classification_objs = grep { $selectable_class{$_->id} } @classification_objs; } my @classifications = map { filter($params, $self->_classification_to_hash($_)) } @classification_objs; return { classifications => \@classifications }; } sub _classification_to_hash { my ($self, $classification) = @_; my $user = Bugzilla->user; return unless (Bugzilla->params->{'useclassification'} || $user->in_group('editclassifications')); my $products = $user->in_group('editclassifications') ? $classification->products : $user->get_selectable_products($classification->id); my %hash = ( id => $self->type('int', $classification->id), name => $self->type('string', $classification->name), description => $self->type('string', $classification->description), sort_key => $self->type('int', $classification->sortkey), products => [ map { $self->_product_to_hash($_) } @$products ], ); return \%hash; } sub _product_to_hash { my ($self, $product) = @_; my %hash = ( id => $self->type('int', $product->id), name => $self->type('string', $product->name), description => $self->type('string', $product->description), ); return \%hash; } 1; __END__ =head1 NAME Bugzilla::Webservice::Classification - The Classification API =head1 DESCRIPTION This part of the Bugzilla API allows you to deal with the available Classifications. You will be able to get information about them as well as manipulate them. =head1 METHODS See L<Bugzilla::WebService> for a description of how parameters are passed, and what B<STABLE>, B<UNSTABLE>, and B<EXPERIMENTAL> mean. =head1 Classification Retrieval =head2 get B<EXPERIMENTAL> =over =item B<Description> Returns a hash containing information about a set of classifications. =item B<Params> In addition to the parameters below, this method also accepts the standard L<include_fields|Bugzilla::WebService/include_fields> and L<exclude_fields|Bugzilla::WebService/exclude_fields> arguments. You could get classifications info by supplying their names and/or ids. So, this method accepts the following parameters: =over =item C<ids> An array of classification ids. =item C<names> An array of classification names. =back =item B<Returns> A hash with the key C<classifications> and an array of hashes as the corresponding value. Each element of the array represents a classification that the user is authorized to see and has the following keys: =over =item C<id> C<int> The id of the classification. =item C<name> C<string> The name of the classification. =item C<description> C<string> The description of the classificaion. =item C<sort_key> C<int> The value which determines the order the classification is sorted. =item C<products> An array of hashes. The array contains the products the user is authorized to access within the classification. Each hash has the following keys: =over =item C<name> C<string> The name of the product. =item C<id> C<int> The id of the product. =item C<description> C<string> The description of the product. =back =back =item B<Errors> =over =item 900 (Classification not enabled) Classification is not enabled on this installation. =back =item B<History> =over =item Added in Bugzilla B<4.4>. =back =back