# -*- Mode: perl; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- # # The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public # License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file # except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of # the License at http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/ # # Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS # IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or # implied. See the License for the specific language governing # rights and limitations under the License. # # The Original Code is the Bugzilla Bug Tracking System. # # The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Frédéric Buclin. # Portions created by Frédéric Buclin are Copyright (C) 2007 # Frédéric Buclin. All Rights Reserved. # # Contributor(s): Frédéric Buclin <LpSolit@gmail.com> use strict; package Bugzilla::Status; use base qw(Bugzilla::Object Exporter); @Bugzilla::Status::EXPORT = qw(BUG_STATE_OPEN is_open_state closed_bug_statuses); ################################ ##### Initialization ##### ################################ use constant DB_TABLE => 'bug_status'; use constant DB_COLUMNS => qw( id value sortkey isactive is_open ); use constant NAME_FIELD => 'value'; use constant LIST_ORDER => 'sortkey, value'; ############################### ##### Accessors #### ############################### sub name { return $_[0]->{'value'}; } sub sortkey { return $_[0]->{'sortkey'}; } sub is_active { return $_[0]->{'isactive'}; } sub is_open { return $_[0]->{'is_open'}; } ############################### ##### Methods #### ############################### sub BUG_STATE_OPEN { # XXX - We should cache this list. my $dbh = Bugzilla->dbh; return @{$dbh->selectcol_arrayref('SELECT value FROM bug_status WHERE is_open = 1')}; } # Tells you whether or not the argument is a valid "open" state. sub is_open_state { my ($state) = @_; return (grep($_ eq $state, BUG_STATE_OPEN) ? 1 : 0); } sub closed_bug_statuses { my @bug_statuses = Bugzilla::Status->get_all; @bug_statuses = grep { !$_->is_open } @bug_statuses; return @bug_statuses; } sub can_change_to { my $self = shift; my $dbh = Bugzilla->dbh; if (!ref($self) || !defined $self->{'can_change_to'}) { my ($cond, @args, $self_exists); if (ref($self)) { $cond = '= ?'; push(@args, $self->id); $self_exists = 1; } else { $cond = 'IS NULL'; # Let's do it so that the code below works in all cases. $self = {}; } my $new_status_ids = $dbh->selectcol_arrayref("SELECT new_status FROM status_workflow INNER JOIN bug_status ON id = new_status WHERE isactive = 1 AND old_status $cond", undef, @args); # Allow the bug status to remain unchanged. push(@$new_status_ids, $self->id) if $self_exists; $self->{'can_change_to'} = Bugzilla::Status->new_from_list($new_status_ids); } return $self->{'can_change_to'}; } sub allow_change_from { my ($self, $old_status, $product) = @_; # Always allow transitions from a status to itself. return 1 if ($old_status && $old_status->id == $self->id); if ($self->name eq 'UNCONFIRMED' && !$product->votes_to_confirm) { # UNCONFIRMED is an invalid status transition if votes_to_confirm is 0 # in this product. return 0; } my ($cond, $values) = $self->_status_condition($old_status); my ($transition_allowed) = Bugzilla->dbh->selectrow_array( "SELECT 1 FROM status_workflow WHERE $cond", undef, @$values); return $transition_allowed ? 1 : 0; } sub can_change_from { my $self = shift; my $dbh = Bugzilla->dbh; if (!defined $self->{'can_change_from'}) { my $old_status_ids = $dbh->selectcol_arrayref('SELECT old_status FROM status_workflow INNER JOIN bug_status ON id = old_status WHERE isactive = 1 AND new_status = ? AND old_status IS NOT NULL', undef, $self->id); # Allow the bug status to remain unchanged. push(@$old_status_ids, $self->id); $self->{'can_change_from'} = Bugzilla::Status->new_from_list($old_status_ids); } return $self->{'can_change_from'}; } sub comment_required_on_change_from { my ($self, $old_status) = @_; my ($cond, $values) = $self->_status_condition($old_status); my ($require_comment) = Bugzilla->dbh->selectrow_array( "SELECT require_comment FROM status_workflow WHERE $cond", undef, @$values); return $require_comment; } # Used as a helper for various functions that have to deal with old_status # sometimes being NULL and sometimes having a value. sub _status_condition { my ($self, $old_status) = @_; my @values; my $cond = 'old_status IS NULL'; # For newly-filed bugs if ($old_status) { $cond = 'old_status = ?'; push(@values, $old_status->id); } $cond .= " AND new_status = ?"; push(@values, $self->id); return ($cond, \@values); } sub add_missing_bug_status_transitions { my $bug_status = shift || Bugzilla->params->{'duplicate_or_move_bug_status'}; my $dbh = Bugzilla->dbh; my $new_status = new Bugzilla::Status({name => $bug_status}); # Silently discard invalid bug statuses. $new_status || return; my $missing_statuses = $dbh->selectcol_arrayref('SELECT id FROM bug_status LEFT JOIN status_workflow ON old_status = id AND new_status = ? WHERE old_status IS NULL', undef, $new_status->id); my $sth = $dbh->prepare('INSERT INTO status_workflow (old_status, new_status) VALUES (?, ?)'); foreach my $old_status_id (@$missing_statuses) { next if ($old_status_id == $new_status->id); $sth->execute($old_status_id, $new_status->id); } } 1; __END__ =head1 NAME Bugzilla::Status - Bug status class. =head1 SYNOPSIS use Bugzilla::Status; my $bug_status = new Bugzilla::Status({name => 'ASSIGNED'}); my $bug_status = new Bugzilla::Status(4); my @closed_bug_statuses = closed_bug_statuses(); Bugzilla::Status::add_missing_bug_status_transitions($bug_status); =head1 DESCRIPTION Status.pm represents a bug status object. It is an implementation of L<Bugzilla::Object>, and thus provides all methods that L<Bugzilla::Object> provides. The methods that are specific to C<Bugzilla::Status> are listed below. =head1 METHODS =over =item C<closed_bug_statuses> Description: Returns a list of C<Bugzilla::Status> objects which can have a resolution associated with them ("closed" bug statuses). Params: none. Returns: A list of Bugzilla::Status objects. =item C<can_change_to> Description: Returns the list of active statuses a bug can be changed to given the current bug status. If this method is called as a class method, then it returns all bug statuses available on bug creation. Params: none. Returns: A list of Bugzilla::Status objects. =item C<can_change_from> Description: Returns the list of active statuses a bug can be changed from given the new bug status. If the bug status is available on bug creation, this method doesn't return this information. You have to call C<can_change_to> instead. Params: none. Returns: A list of Bugzilla::Status objects. =item C<allow_change_from> =over =item B<Description> Tells you whether or not a change to this status from another status is allowed. =item B<Params> =over =item C<$old_status> - The Bugzilla::Status you're changing from. =item C<$product> - A L<Bugzilla::Product> representing the product of the bug you're changing. Needed to check product-specific workflow issues (such as whether or not the C<UNCONFIRMED> status is enabled in this product). =back =item B<Returns> C<1> if you are allowed to change to this status from that status, or C<0> if you aren't allowed. Note that changing from a status to itself is always allowed. =back =item C<comment_required_on_change_from> =over =item B<Description> Checks if a comment is required to change to this status from another status, according to the current settings in the workflow. Note that this doesn't implement the checks enforced by the various C<commenton> parameters--those are checked by internal checks in L<Bugzilla::Bug>. =item B<Params> C<$old_status> - The status you're changing from. =item B<Returns> C<1> if a comment is required on this change, C<0> if not. =back =item C<add_missing_bug_status_transitions> Description: Insert all missing transitions to a given bug status. Params: $bug_status - The value (name) of a bug status. Returns: nothing. =back =cut