# -*- Mode: perl; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- # # The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public # License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file # except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of # the License at http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/ # # Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS # IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or # implied. See the License for the specific language governing # rights and limitations under the License. # # The Original Code is the Bugzilla Bug Tracking System. # # The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Netscape Communications # Corporation. Portions created by Netscape are # Copyright (C) 1998 Netscape Communications Corporation. All # Rights Reserved. # # Contributor(s): Gervase Markham <gerv@gerv.net> # Terry Weissman <terry@mozilla.org> # Dan Mosedale <dmose@mozilla.org> # Stephan Niemz <st.n@gmx.net> # Andreas Franke <afranke@mathweb.org> # Myk Melez <myk@mozilla.org> # Michael Schindler <michael@compressconsult.com> use strict; # The caller MUST require CGI.pl and globals.pl before using this use vars qw($userid); package Bugzilla::Search; use Bugzilla::Config; use Bugzilla::Util; use Date::Format; use Date::Parse; # Create a new Search sub new { my $invocant = shift; my $class = ref($invocant) || $invocant; my $self = { @_ }; bless($self, $class); $self->init(); return $self; } sub init { my $self = shift; my $fieldsref = $self->{'fields'}; my $urlstr = $self->{'url'}; my $debug = 0; my @fields; my @supptables; my @wherepart; my @having = ("(cntuseringroups = cntbugingroups OR canseeanyway)"); @fields = @$fieldsref if $fieldsref; my %F; my %M; &::ParseUrlString($urlstr, \%F, \%M); my @specialchart; my @andlist; # First, deal with all the old hard-coded non-chart-based poop. if (lsearch($fieldsref, 'map_assigned_to.login_name') >= 0) { push @supptables, "profiles AS map_assigned_to"; push @wherepart, "bugs.assigned_to = map_assigned_to.userid"; } if (lsearch($fieldsref, 'map_reporter.login_name') >= 0) { push @supptables, "profiles AS map_reporter"; push @wherepart, "bugs.reporter = map_reporter.userid"; } if (lsearch($fieldsref, 'map_qa_contact.login_name') >= 0) { push @supptables, "LEFT JOIN profiles map_qa_contact ON bugs.qa_contact = map_qa_contact.userid"; } if (lsearch($fieldsref, 'map_products.name') >= 0) { push @supptables, "products AS map_products"; push @wherepart, "bugs.product_id = map_products.id"; } if (lsearch($fieldsref, 'map_components.name') >= 0) { push @supptables, "components AS map_components"; push @wherepart, "bugs.component_id = map_components.id"; } my $minvotes; if (defined $F{'votes'}) { my $c = trim($F{'votes'}); if ($c ne "") { if ($c !~ /^[0-9]*$/) { $::vars->{'value'} = $c; &::ThrowUserError("illegal_at_least_x_votes"); } push(@specialchart, ["votes", "greaterthan", $c - 1]); } } if ($M{'bug_id'}) { my $type = "anyexact"; if ($F{'bugidtype'} && $F{'bugidtype'} eq 'exclude') { $type = "nowords"; } push(@specialchart, ["bug_id", $type, join(',', @{$M{'bug_id'}})]); } my @legal_fields = ("product", "version", "rep_platform", "op_sys", "bug_status", "resolution", "priority", "bug_severity", "assigned_to", "reporter", "component", "target_milestone", "bug_group"); foreach my $field (keys %F) { if (lsearch(\@legal_fields, $field) != -1) { push(@specialchart, [$field, "anyexact", join(',', @{$M{$field}})]); } } if ($F{'product'}) { push(@supptables, "products products_"); push(@wherepart, "products_.id = bugs.product_id"); push(@specialchart, ["products_.name", "anyexact", join(',',@{$M{'product'}})]); } if ($F{'component'}) { push(@supptables, "components components_"); push(@wherepart, "components_.id = bugs.component_id"); push(@specialchart, ["components_.name", "anyexact", join(',',@{$M{'component'}})]); } if ($F{'keywords'}) { my $t = $F{'keywords_type'}; if (!$t || $t eq "or") { $t = "anywords"; } push(@specialchart, ["keywords", $t, $F{'keywords'}]); } if (lsearch($fieldsref, "(SUM(ldtime.work_time)*COUNT(DISTINCT ldtime.bug_when)/COUNT(bugs.bug_id)) AS actual_time") != -1) { push(@supptables, "longdescs AS ldtime"); push(@wherepart, "ldtime.bug_id = bugs.bug_id"); } foreach my $id ("1", "2") { if (!defined ($F{"email$id"})) { next; } my $email = trim($F{"email$id"}); if ($email eq "") { next; } my $type = $F{"emailtype$id"}; if ($type eq "exact") { $type = "anyexact"; foreach my $name (split(',', $email)) { $name = trim($name); if ($name) { &::DBNameToIdAndCheck($name); } } } my @clist; foreach my $field ("assigned_to", "reporter", "cc", "qa_contact") { if ($F{"email$field$id"}) { push(@clist, $field, $type, $email); } } if ($F{"emaillongdesc$id"}) { my $table = "longdescs_"; push(@supptables, "longdescs $table"); push(@wherepart, "$table.bug_id = bugs.bug_id"); my $ptable = "longdescnames_"; push(@supptables, "profiles $ptable"); push(@wherepart, "$table.who = $ptable.userid"); push(@clist, "$ptable.login_name", $type, $email); } if (@clist) { push(@specialchart, \@clist); } else { $::vars->{'email'} = $email; &::ThrowUserError("missing_email_type"); } } if (defined $F{'changedin'}) { my $c = trim($F{'changedin'}); if ($c ne "") { if ($c !~ /^[0-9]*$/) { $::vars->{'value'} = $c; &::ThrowUserError("illegal_changed_in_last_x_days"); } push(@specialchart, ["changedin", "lessthan", $c + 1]); } } my $ref = $M{'chfield'}; if (defined $ref) { my $which = lsearch($ref, "[Bug creation]"); if ($which >= 0) { splice(@$ref, $which, 1); push(@specialchart, ["creation_ts", "greaterthan", SqlifyDate($F{'chfieldfrom'})]); my $to = $F{'chfieldto'}; if (defined $to) { $to = trim($to); if ($to ne "" && $to !~ /^now$/i) { push(@specialchart, ["creation_ts", "lessthan", SqlifyDate($to)]); } } } } if (defined $ref && 0 < @$ref) { push(@supptables, "bugs_activity actcheck"); my @list; foreach my $f (@$ref) { push(@list, "\nactcheck.fieldid = " . &::GetFieldID($f)); } push(@wherepart, "actcheck.bug_id = bugs.bug_id"); push(@wherepart, "(" . join(' OR ', @list) . ")"); push(@wherepart, "actcheck.bug_when >= " . &::SqlQuote(SqlifyDate($F{'chfieldfrom'}))); my $to = $F{'chfieldto'}; if (defined $to) { $to = trim($to); if ($to ne "" && $to !~ /^now$/i) { push(@wherepart, "actcheck.bug_when <= " . &::SqlQuote(SqlifyDate($to))); } } my $value = $F{'chfieldvalue'}; if (defined $value) { $value = trim($value); if ($value ne "") { push(@wherepart, "actcheck.added = " . &::SqlQuote($value)) } } } foreach my $f ("short_desc", "long_desc", "bug_file_loc", "status_whiteboard") { if (defined $F{$f}) { my $s = trim($F{$f}); if ($s ne "") { my $n = $f; my $q = &::SqlQuote($s); my $type = $F{$f . "_type"}; push(@specialchart, [$f, $type, $s]); } } } my $chartid; # $type_id is used by the code that queries for attachment flags. my $type_id = 0; my $f; my $ff; my $t; my $q; my $v; my $term; my %funcsbykey; my @funcdefs = ( "^(assigned_to|reporter)," => sub { push(@supptables, "profiles AS map_$f"); push(@wherepart, "bugs.$f = map_$f.userid"); $f = "map_$f.login_name"; }, "^qa_contact," => sub { push(@supptables, "LEFT JOIN profiles map_qa_contact ON bugs.qa_contact = map_qa_contact.userid"); $f = "map_$f.login_name"; }, "^cc," => sub { push(@supptables, "LEFT JOIN cc cc_$chartid ON bugs.bug_id = cc_$chartid.bug_id"); push(@supptables, "LEFT JOIN profiles map_cc_$chartid ON cc_$chartid.who = map_cc_$chartid.userid"); $f = "map_cc_$chartid.login_name"; }, "^long_?desc,changedby" => sub { my $table = "longdescs_$chartid"; push(@supptables, "longdescs $table"); push(@wherepart, "$table.bug_id = bugs.bug_id"); my $id = &::DBNameToIdAndCheck($v); $term = "$table.who = $id"; }, "^long_?desc,changedbefore" => sub { my $table = "longdescs_$chartid"; push(@supptables, "longdescs $table"); push(@wherepart, "$table.bug_id = bugs.bug_id"); $term = "$table.bug_when < " . &::SqlQuote(SqlifyDate($v)); }, "^long_?desc,changedafter" => sub { my $table = "longdescs_$chartid"; push(@supptables, "longdescs $table"); push(@wherepart, "$table.bug_id = bugs.bug_id"); $term = "$table.bug_when > " . &::SqlQuote(SqlifyDate($v)); }, "^long_?desc," => sub { my $table = "longdescs_$chartid"; push(@supptables, "longdescs $table"); if (Param("insidergroup") && !&::UserInGroup(Param("insidergroup"))) { push(@wherepart, "$table.isprivate < 1") ; } push(@wherepart, "$table.bug_id = bugs.bug_id"); $f = "$table.thetext"; }, "^work_time,changedby" => sub { my $table = "longdescs_$chartid"; push(@supptables, "longdescs $table"); push(@wherepart, "$table.bug_id = bugs.bug_id"); my $id = &::DBNameToIdAndCheck($v); $term = "(($table.who = $id"; $term .= ") AND ($table.work_time <> 0))"; }, "^work_time,changedbefore" => sub { my $table = "longdescs_$chartid"; push(@supptables, "longdescs $table"); push(@wherepart, "$table.bug_id = bugs.bug_id"); $term = "(($table.bug_when < " . &::SqlQuote(SqlifyDate($v)); $term .= ") AND ($table.work_time <> 0))"; }, "^work_time,changedafter" => sub { my $table = "longdescs_$chartid"; push(@supptables, "longdescs $table"); push(@wherepart, "$table.bug_id = bugs.bug_id"); $term = "(($table.bug_when > " . &::SqlQuote(SqlifyDate($v)); $term .= ") AND ($table.work_time <> 0))"; }, "^work_time," => sub { my $table = "longdescs_$chartid"; push(@supptables, "longdescs $table"); push(@wherepart, "$table.bug_id = bugs.bug_id"); $f = "$table.work_time"; }, "^percentage_complete," => sub { my $oper; if ($t eq "equals") { $oper = "="; } elsif ($t eq "greaterthan") { $oper = ">"; } elsif ($t eq "lessthan") { $oper = "<"; } elsif ($t eq "notequal") { $oper = "<>"; } elsif ($t eq "regexp") { $oper = "REGEXP"; } elsif ($t eq "notregexp") { $oper = "NOT REGEXP"; } else { $oper = "noop"; } if ($oper ne "noop") { my $table = "longdescs_$chartid"; push(@supptables, "longdescs $table"); push(@wherepart, "$table.bug_id = bugs.bug_id"); my $field = "(100*((SUM($table.work_time)*COUNT(DISTINCT $table.bug_when)/COUNT(bugs.bug_id))/((SUM($table.work_time)*COUNT(DISTINCT $table.bug_when)/COUNT(bugs.bug_id))+bugs.remaining_time))) AS percentage_complete_$table"; push(@fields, $field); push(@having, "percentage_complete_$table $oper " . &::SqlQuote($v)); } $term = "0=0"; }, "^bug_group,(?!changed)" => sub { push(@supptables, "LEFT JOIN bug_group_map bug_group_map_$chartid ON bugs.bug_id = bug_group_map_$chartid.bug_id"); push(@supptables, "LEFT JOIN groups groups_$chartid ON groups_$chartid.id = bug_group_map_$chartid.group_id"); $f = "groups_$chartid.name"; }, "^attachments\..*," => sub { my $table = "attachments_$chartid"; push(@supptables, "attachments $table"); push(@wherepart, "bugs.bug_id = $table.bug_id"); $f =~ m/^attachments\.(.*)$/; my $field = $1; if ($t eq "changedby") { $v = &::DBNameToIdAndCheck($v); $q = &::SqlQuote($v); $field = "submitter_id"; $t = "equals"; } elsif ($t eq "changedbefore") { $v = SqlifyDate($v); $q = &::SqlQuote($v); $field = "creation_ts"; $t = "lessthan"; } elsif ($t eq "changedafter") { $v = SqlifyDate($v); $q = &::SqlQuote($v); $field = "creation_ts"; $t = "greaterthan"; } if ($field eq "ispatch" && $v ne "0" && $v ne "1") { &::ThrowUserError("illegal_attachment_is_patch"); } if ($field eq "isobsolete" && $v ne "0" && $v ne "1") { &::ThrowUserError("illegal_is_obsolete"); } $f = "$table.$field"; }, "^flagtypes.name," => sub { # Matches bugs by flag name/status. # Note that--for the purposes of querying--a flag comprises # its name plus its status (i.e. a flag named "review" # with a status of "+" can be found by searching for "review+"). # Don't do anything if this condition is about changes to flags, # as the generic change condition processors can handle those. return if ($t =~ m/^changed/); # Add the flags and flagtypes tables to the query. We do # a left join here so bugs without any flags still match # negative conditions (f.e. "flag isn't review+"). my $flags = "flags_$chartid"; push(@supptables, "LEFT JOIN flags $flags " . "ON bugs.bug_id = $flags.bug_id"); my $flagtypes = "flagtypes_$chartid"; push(@supptables, "LEFT JOIN flagtypes $flagtypes " . "ON $flags.type_id = $flagtypes.id"); # Generate the condition by running the operator-specific function. # Afterwards the condition resides in the global $term variable. $ff = "CONCAT($flagtypes.name, $flags.status)"; &{$funcsbykey{",$t"}}; # If this is a negative condition (f.e. flag isn't "review+"), # we only want bugs where all flags match the condition, not # those where any flag matches, which needs special magic. # Instead of adding the condition to the WHERE clause, we select # the number of flags matching the condition and the total number # of flags on each bug, then compare them in a HAVING clause. # If the numbers are the same, all flags match the condition, # so this bug should be included. if ($t =~ m/not/) { push(@fields, "SUM($ff IS NOT NULL) AS allflags_$chartid"); push(@fields, "SUM($term) AS matchingflags_$chartid"); push(@having, "allflags_$chartid = matchingflags_$chartid"); $term = "0=0"; } }, "^requesters.login_name," => sub { push(@supptables, "flags flags_$chartid"); push(@wherepart, "bugs.bug_id = flags_$chartid.bug_id"); push(@supptables, "profiles requesters_$chartid"); push(@wherepart, "flags_$chartid.requester_id = requesters_$chartid.userid"); $f = "requesters_$chartid.login_name"; }, "^setters.login_name," => sub { push(@supptables, "flags flags_$chartid"); push(@wherepart, "bugs.bug_id = flags_$chartid.bug_id"); push(@supptables, "profiles setters_$chartid"); push(@wherepart, "flags_$chartid.setter_id = setters_$chartid.userid"); $f = "setters_$chartid.login_name"; }, "^changedin," => sub { $f = "(to_days(now()) - to_days(bugs.delta_ts))"; }, "^component,(?!changed)" => sub { my $table = "components_$chartid"; push(@supptables, "components $table"); push(@wherepart, "bugs.component_id = $table.id"); $f = $ff = "$table.name"; }, "^product,(?!changed)" => sub { my $table = "products_$chartid"; push(@supptables, "products $table"); push(@wherepart, "bugs.product_id = $table.id"); $f = $ff = "$table.name"; }, "^keywords," => sub { &::GetVersionTable(); my @list; my $table = "keywords_$chartid"; foreach my $value (split(/[\s,]+/, $v)) { if ($value eq '') { next; } my $id = &::GetKeywordIdFromName($value); if ($id) { push(@list, "$table.keywordid = $id"); } else { $::vars->{'keyword'} = $v; &::ThrowUserError("unknown_keyword"); } } my $haveawordterm; if (@list) { $haveawordterm = "(" . join(' OR ', @list) . ")"; if ($t eq "anywords") { $term = $haveawordterm; } elsif ($t eq "allwords") { $ref = $funcsbykey{",$t"}; &$ref; if ($term && $haveawordterm) { $term = "(($term) AND $haveawordterm)"; } } } if ($term) { push(@supptables, "keywords $table"); push(@wherepart, "$table.bug_id = bugs.bug_id"); } }, "^dependson," => sub { my $table = "dependson_" . $chartid; push(@supptables, "dependencies $table"); $ff = "$table.$f"; $ref = $funcsbykey{",$t"}; &$ref; push(@wherepart, "$table.blocked = bugs.bug_id"); }, "^blocked," => sub { my $table = "blocked_" . $chartid; push(@supptables, "dependencies $table"); $ff = "$table.$f"; $ref = $funcsbykey{",$t"}; &$ref; push(@wherepart, "$table.dependson = bugs.bug_id"); }, ",equals" => sub { $term = "$ff = $q"; }, ",notequals" => sub { $term = "$ff != $q"; }, ",casesubstring" => sub { $term = "INSTR($ff, $q)"; }, ",(substring|substr)" => sub { $term = "INSTR(LOWER($ff), " . lc($q) . ")"; }, ",notsubstring" => sub { $term = "INSTR(LOWER($ff), " . lc($q) . ") = 0"; }, ",regexp" => sub { $term = "LOWER($ff) REGEXP $q"; }, ",notregexp" => sub { $term = "LOWER($ff) NOT REGEXP $q"; }, ",lessthan" => sub { $term = "$ff < $q"; }, ",greaterthan" => sub { $term = "$ff > $q"; }, ",anyexact" => sub { my @list; foreach my $w (split(/,/, $v)) { if ($w eq "---" && $f !~ /milestone/) { $w = ""; } push(@list, "$ff = " . &::SqlQuote($w)); } $term = join(" OR ", @list); }, ",anywordssubstr" => sub { $term = join(" OR ", @{GetByWordListSubstr($ff, $v)}); }, ",allwordssubstr" => sub { $term = join(" AND ", @{GetByWordListSubstr($ff, $v)}); }, ",nowordssubstr" => sub { my @list = @{GetByWordListSubstr($ff, $v)}; if (@list) { $term = "NOT (" . join(" OR ", @list) . ")"; } }, ",anywords" => sub { $term = join(" OR ", @{GetByWordList($ff, $v)}); }, ",allwords" => sub { $term = join(" AND ", @{GetByWordList($ff, $v)}); }, ",nowords" => sub { my @list = @{GetByWordList($ff, $v)}; if (@list) { $term = "NOT (" . join(" OR ", @list) . ")"; } }, ",changedbefore" => sub { my $table = "act_$chartid"; my $ftable = "fielddefs_$chartid"; push(@supptables, "bugs_activity $table"); push(@supptables, "fielddefs $ftable"); push(@wherepart, "$table.bug_id = bugs.bug_id"); push(@wherepart, "$table.fieldid = $ftable.fieldid"); $term = "($ftable.name = '$f' AND $table.bug_when < $q)"; }, ",changedafter" => sub { my $table = "act_$chartid"; my $ftable = "fielddefs_$chartid"; push(@supptables, "bugs_activity $table"); push(@supptables, "fielddefs $ftable"); push(@wherepart, "$table.bug_id = bugs.bug_id"); push(@wherepart, "$table.fieldid = $ftable.fieldid"); $term = "($ftable.name = '$f' AND $table.bug_when > $q)"; }, ",changedfrom" => sub { my $table = "act_$chartid"; my $ftable = "fielddefs_$chartid"; push(@supptables, "bugs_activity $table"); push(@supptables, "fielddefs $ftable"); push(@wherepart, "$table.bug_id = bugs.bug_id"); push(@wherepart, "$table.fieldid = $ftable.fieldid"); $term = "($ftable.name = '$f' AND $table.removed = $q)"; }, ",changedto" => sub { my $table = "act_$chartid"; my $ftable = "fielddefs_$chartid"; push(@supptables, "bugs_activity $table"); push(@supptables, "fielddefs $ftable"); push(@wherepart, "$table.bug_id = bugs.bug_id"); push(@wherepart, "$table.fieldid = $ftable.fieldid"); $term = "($ftable.name = '$f' AND $table.added = $q)"; }, ",changedby" => sub { my $table = "act_$chartid"; my $ftable = "fielddefs_$chartid"; push(@supptables, "bugs_activity $table"); push(@supptables, "fielddefs $ftable"); push(@wherepart, "$table.bug_id = bugs.bug_id"); push(@wherepart, "$table.fieldid = $ftable.fieldid"); my $id = &::DBNameToIdAndCheck($v); $term = "($ftable.name = '$f' AND $table.who = $id)"; }, ); my @funcnames; while (@funcdefs) { my $key = shift(@funcdefs); my $value = shift(@funcdefs); if ($key =~ /^[^,]*$/) { die "All defs in %funcs must have a comma in their name: $key"; } if (exists $funcsbykey{$key}) { die "Duplicate key in %funcs: $key"; } $funcsbykey{$key} = $value; push(@funcnames, $key); } # first we delete any sign of "Chart #-1" from the HTML form hash # since we want to guarantee the user didn't hide something here my @badcharts = grep /^(field|type|value)-1-/, (keys %F); foreach my $field (@badcharts) { delete $F{$field}; } # now we take our special chart and stuff it into the form hash my $chart = -1; my $row = 0; foreach my $ref (@specialchart) { my $col = 0; while (@$ref) { $F{"field$chart-$row-$col"} = shift(@$ref); $F{"type$chart-$row-$col"} = shift(@$ref); $F{"value$chart-$row-$col"} = shift(@$ref); if ($debug) { print qq{<p>$F{"field$chart-$row-$col"} | $F{"type$chart-$row-$col"} | $F{"value$chart-$row-$col"}*</p>\n}; } $col++; } $row++; } # A boolean chart is a way of representing the terms in a logical # expression. Bugzilla builds SQL queries depending on how you enter # terms into the boolean chart. Boolean charts are represented in # urls as tree-tuples of (chart id, row, column). The query form # (query.cgi) may contain an arbitrary number of boolean charts where # each chart represents a clause in a SQL query. # # The query form starts out with one boolean chart containing one # row and one column. Extra rows can be created by pressing the # AND button at the bottom of the chart. Extra columns are created # by pressing the OR button at the right end of the chart. Extra # charts are created by pressing "Add another boolean chart". # # Each chart consists of an artibrary number of rows and columns. # The terms within a row are ORed together. The expressions represented # by each row are ANDed together. The expressions represented by each # chart are ANDed together. # # ---------------------- # | col2 | col2 | col3 | # --------------|------|------| # | row1 | a1 | a2 | | # |------|------|------|------| => ((a1 OR a2) AND (b1 OR b2 OR b3) AND (c1)) # | row2 | b1 | b2 | b3 | # |------|------|------|------| # | row3 | c1 | | | # ----------------------------- # # -------- # | col2 | # --------------| # | row1 | d1 | => (d1) # --------------- # # Together, these two charts represent a SQL expression like this # SELECT blah FROM blah WHERE ( (a1 OR a2)AND(b1 OR b2 OR b3)AND(c1)) AND (d1) # # The terms within a single row of a boolean chart are all constraints # on a single piece of data. If you're looking for a bug that has two # different people cc'd on it, then you need to use two boolean charts. # This will find bugs with one CC mathing 'foo@blah.org' and and another # CC matching 'bar@blah.org'. # # -------------------------------------------------------------- # CC | equal to # foo@blah.org # -------------------------------------------------------------- # CC | equal to # bar@blah.org # # If you try to do this query by pressing the AND button in the # original boolean chart then what you'll get is an expression that # looks for a single CC where the login name is both "foo@blah.org", # and "bar@blah.org". This is impossible. # # -------------------------------------------------------------- # CC | equal to # foo@blah.org # AND # CC | equal to # bar@blah.org # -------------------------------------------------------------- # $chartid is the number of the current chart whose SQL we're contructing # $row is the current row of the current chart # names for table aliases are constructed using $chartid and $row # SELECT blah FROM $table "$table_$chartid_$row" WHERE .... # $f = field of table in bug db (e.g. bug_id, reporter, etc) # $ff = qualified field name (field name prefixed by table) # e.g. bugs_activity.bug_id # $t = type of query. e.g. "equal to", "changed after", case sensitive substr" # $v = value - value the user typed in to the form # $q = sanitized version of user input (SqlQuote($v)) # @supptables = Tables and/or table aliases used in query # %suppseen = A hash used to store all the tables in supptables to weed # out duplicates. # $suppstring = String which is pasted into query containing all table names # get a list of field names to verify the user-submitted chart fields against my %chartfields; &::SendSQL("SELECT name FROM fielddefs"); while (&::MoreSQLData()) { my ($name) = &::FetchSQLData(); $chartfields{$name} = 1; } $row = 0; for ($chart=-1 ; $chart < 0 || exists $F{"field$chart-0-0"} ; $chart++) { $chartid = $chart >= 0 ? $chart : ""; for ($row = 0 ; exists $F{"field$chart-$row-0"} ; $row++) { my @orlist; for (my $col = 0 ; exists $F{"field$chart-$row-$col"} ; $col++) { $f = $F{"field$chart-$row-$col"} || "noop"; $t = $F{"type$chart-$row-$col"} || "noop"; $v = $F{"value$chart-$row-$col"}; $v = "" if !defined $v; $v = trim($v); if ($f eq "noop" || $t eq "noop" || $v eq "") { next; } # chart -1 is generated by other code above, not from the user- # submitted form, so we'll blindly accept any values in chart -1 if ((!$chartfields{$f}) && ($chart != -1)) { ThrowCodeError("invalid_field_name", {field => $f}); } # This is either from the internal chart (in which case we # already know about it), or it was in %chartfields, so it is # a valid field name, which means that its ok. trick_taint($f); $q = &::SqlQuote($v); my $func; $term = undef; foreach my $key (@funcnames) { if ("$f,$t" =~ m/$key/) { my $ref = $funcsbykey{$key}; if ($debug) { print "<p>$key ($f , $t ) => "; } $ff = $f; if ($f !~ /\./) { $ff = "bugs.$f"; } &$ref; if ($debug) { print "$f , $t , $term</p>"; } if ($term) { last; } } } if ($term) { push(@orlist, $term); } else { # This field and this type don't work together. $::vars->{'field'} = $F{"field$chart-$row-$col"}; $::vars->{'type'} = $F{"type$chart-$row-$col"}; &::ThrowCodeError("field_type_mismatch"); } } if (@orlist) { push(@andlist, "(" . join(" OR ", @orlist) . ")"); } } } my %suppseen = ("bugs" => 1); my $suppstring = "bugs"; foreach my $str (@supptables) { if (!$suppseen{$str}) { if ($str !~ /^(LEFT|INNER) JOIN/i) { $suppstring .= ","; } $suppstring .= " $str"; $suppseen{$str} = 1; } } # Make sure we create a legal SQL query. @andlist = ("1 = 1") if !@andlist; my $query = ("SELECT " . join(', ', @fields) . ", COUNT(DISTINCT ugmap.group_id) AS cntuseringroups, " . " COUNT(DISTINCT bgmap.group_id) AS cntbugingroups, " . " ((COUNT(DISTINCT ccmap.who) AND cclist_accessible) " . " OR ((bugs.reporter = $::userid) AND bugs.reporter_accessible) " . " OR bugs.assigned_to = $::userid ) AS canseeanyway " . " FROM $suppstring" . " LEFT JOIN bug_group_map AS bgmap " . " ON bgmap.bug_id = bugs.bug_id " . " LEFT JOIN user_group_map AS ugmap " . " ON bgmap.group_id = ugmap.group_id " . " AND ugmap.user_id = $::userid " . " AND ugmap.isbless = 0" . " LEFT JOIN cc AS ccmap " . " ON ccmap.who = $::userid AND ccmap.bug_id = bugs.bug_id " . " WHERE " . join(' AND ', (@wherepart, @andlist)) . " GROUP BY bugs.bug_id" . " HAVING " . join(" AND ", @having)); if ($debug) { print "<p><code>" . value_quote($query) . "</code></p>\n"; exit; } $self->{'sql'} = $query; } ############################################################################### # Helper functions for the init() method. ############################################################################### sub SqlifyDate { my ($str) = @_; $str = "" if !defined $str; if ($str =~ /^-?(\d+)([dDwWmMyY])$/) { # relative date my ($amount, $unit, $date) = ($1, lc $2, time); my ($sec, $min, $hour, $mday, $month, $year, $wday) = localtime($date); if ($unit eq 'w') { # convert weeks to days $amount = 7*$amount + $wday; $unit = 'd'; } if ($unit eq 'd') { $date -= $sec + 60*$min + 3600*$hour + 24*3600*$amount; return time2str("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", $date); } elsif ($unit eq 'y') { return sprintf("%4d-01-01 00:00:00", $year+1900-$amount); } elsif ($unit eq 'm') { $month -= $amount; while ($month<0) { $year--; $month += 12; } return sprintf("%4d-%02d-01 00:00:00", $year+1900, $month+1); } return undef; # should not happen due to regexp at top } my $date = str2time($str); if (!defined($date)) { $::vars->{'date'} = $str; ThrowUserError("illegal_date"); } return time2str("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", $date); } sub GetByWordList { my ($field, $strs) = (@_); my @list; foreach my $w (split(/[\s,]+/, $strs)) { my $word = $w; if ($word ne "") { $word =~ tr/A-Z/a-z/; $word = &::SqlQuote(quotemeta($word)); $word =~ s/^'//; $word =~ s/'$//; $word = '(^|[^a-z0-9])' . $word . '($|[^a-z0-9])'; push(@list, "lower($field) regexp '$word'"); } } return \@list; } # Support for "any/all/nowordssubstr" comparison type ("words as substrings") sub GetByWordListSubstr { my ($field, $strs) = (@_); my @list; foreach my $word (split(/[\s,]+/, $strs)) { if ($word ne "") { push(@list, "INSTR(LOWER($field), " . lc(&::SqlQuote($word)) . ")"); } } return \@list; } sub getSQL { my $self = shift; return $self->{'sql'}; } 1;