# -*- Mode: perl; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- # # The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public # License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file # except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of # the License at http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/ # # Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS # IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or # implied. See the License for the specific language governing # rights and limitations under the License. # # The Original Code is the Bugzilla Bug Tracking System. # # The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Netscape Communications # Corporation. Portions created by Netscape are # Copyright (C) 1998 Netscape Communications Corporation. All # Rights Reserved. # # Contributor(s): Terry Weissman <terry@mozilla.org> # Dawn Endico <endico@mozilla.org> # Dan Mosedale <dmose@mozilla.org> # Joe Robins <jmrobins@tgix.com> # Jake <jake@bugzilla.org> # J. Paul Reed <preed@sigkill.com> # Bradley Baetz <bbaetz@student.usyd.edu.au> # Christopher Aillon <christopher@aillon.com> # Shane H. W. Travis <travis@sedsystems.ca> # Max Kanat-Alexander <mkanat@bugzilla.org> # Marc Schumann <wurblzap@gmail.com> package Bugzilla::Constants; use strict; use base qw(Exporter); # For bz_locations use File::Basename; @Bugzilla::Constants::EXPORT = qw( BUGZILLA_VERSION bz_locations IS_NULL NOT_NULL CONTROLMAPNA CONTROLMAPSHOWN CONTROLMAPDEFAULT CONTROLMAPMANDATORY AUTH_OK AUTH_NODATA AUTH_ERROR AUTH_LOGINFAILED AUTH_DISABLED AUTH_NO_SUCH_USER USER_PASSWORD_MIN_LENGTH USER_PASSWORD_MAX_LENGTH LOGIN_OPTIONAL LOGIN_NORMAL LOGIN_REQUIRED LOGOUT_ALL LOGOUT_CURRENT LOGOUT_KEEP_CURRENT GRANT_DIRECT GRANT_REGEXP GROUP_MEMBERSHIP GROUP_BLESS GROUP_VISIBLE MAILTO_USER MAILTO_GROUP DEFAULT_COLUMN_LIST DEFAULT_QUERY_NAME QUERY_LIST LIST_OF_BUGS COMMENT_COLS CMT_NORMAL CMT_DUPE_OF CMT_HAS_DUPE CMT_POPULAR_VOTES CMT_MOVED_TO THROW_ERROR RELATIONSHIPS REL_ASSIGNEE REL_QA REL_REPORTER REL_CC REL_VOTER REL_GLOBAL_WATCHER REL_ANY POS_EVENTS EVT_OTHER EVT_ADDED_REMOVED EVT_COMMENT EVT_ATTACHMENT EVT_ATTACHMENT_DATA EVT_PROJ_MANAGEMENT EVT_OPENED_CLOSED EVT_KEYWORD EVT_CC EVT_DEPEND_BLOCK NEG_EVENTS EVT_UNCONFIRMED EVT_CHANGED_BY_ME GLOBAL_EVENTS EVT_FLAG_REQUESTED EVT_REQUESTED_FLAG FULLTEXT_BUGLIST_LIMIT ADMIN_GROUP_NAME PER_PRODUCT_PRIVILEGES SENDMAIL_EXE SENDMAIL_PATH FIELD_TYPE_UNKNOWN FIELD_TYPE_FREETEXT FIELD_TYPE_SINGLE_SELECT FIELD_TYPE_MULTI_SELECT FIELD_TYPE_TEXTAREA FIELD_TYPE_DATETIME USAGE_MODE_BROWSER USAGE_MODE_CMDLINE USAGE_MODE_WEBSERVICE USAGE_MODE_EMAIL ERROR_MODE_WEBPAGE ERROR_MODE_DIE ERROR_MODE_DIE_SOAP_FAULT INSTALLATION_MODE_INTERACTIVE INSTALLATION_MODE_NON_INTERACTIVE DB_MODULE ROOT_USER ON_WINDOWS MAX_TOKEN_AGE SAFE_PROTOCOLS MIN_SMALLINT MAX_SMALLINT MAX_LEN_QUERY_NAME MAX_MILESTONE_SIZE MAX_COMPONENT_SIZE MAX_FREETEXT_LENGTH ); @Bugzilla::Constants::EXPORT_OK = qw(contenttypes); # CONSTANTS # # Bugzilla version use constant BUGZILLA_VERSION => "3.1.3+"; # These are unique values that are unlikely to match a string or a number, # to be used in criteria for match() functions and other things. They start # and end with spaces because most Bugzilla stuff has trim() called on it, # so this is unlikely to match anything we get out of the DB. # # We can't use a reference, because Template Toolkit doesn't work with # them properly (constants.IS_NULL => {} just returns an empty string instead # of the reference). use constant IS_NULL => ' __IS_NULL__ '; use constant NOT_NULL => ' __NOT_NULL__ '; # # ControlMap constants for group_control_map. # membercontol:othercontrol => meaning # Na:Na => Bugs in this product may not be restricted to this # group. # Shown:Na => Members of the group may restrict bugs # in this product to this group. # Shown:Shown => Members of the group may restrict bugs # in this product to this group. # Anyone who can enter bugs in this product may initially # restrict bugs in this product to this group. # Shown:Mandatory => Members of the group may restrict bugs # in this product to this group. # Non-members who can enter bug in this product # will be forced to restrict it. # Default:Na => Members of the group may restrict bugs in this # product to this group and do so by default. # Default:Default => Members of the group may restrict bugs in this # product to this group and do so by default and # nonmembers have this option on entry. # Default:Mandatory => Members of the group may restrict bugs in this # product to this group and do so by default. # Non-members who can enter bug in this product # will be forced to restrict it. # Mandatory:Mandatory => Bug will be forced into this group regardless. # All other combinations are illegal. use constant CONTROLMAPNA => 0; use constant CONTROLMAPSHOWN => 1; use constant CONTROLMAPDEFAULT => 2; use constant CONTROLMAPMANDATORY => 3; # See Bugzilla::Auth for docs on AUTH_*, LOGIN_* and LOGOUT_* use constant AUTH_OK => 0; use constant AUTH_NODATA => 1; use constant AUTH_ERROR => 2; use constant AUTH_LOGINFAILED => 3; use constant AUTH_DISABLED => 4; use constant AUTH_NO_SUCH_USER => 5; # The minimum and maximum lengths a password must have. use constant USER_PASSWORD_MIN_LENGTH => 3; use constant USER_PASSWORD_MAX_LENGTH => 16; use constant LOGIN_OPTIONAL => 0; use constant LOGIN_NORMAL => 1; use constant LOGIN_REQUIRED => 2; use constant LOGOUT_ALL => 0; use constant LOGOUT_CURRENT => 1; use constant LOGOUT_KEEP_CURRENT => 2; use constant contenttypes => { "html"=> "text/html" , "rdf" => "application/rdf+xml" , "atom"=> "application/atom+xml" , "xml" => "application/xml" , "js" => "application/x-javascript" , "csv" => "text/csv" , "png" => "image/png" , "ics" => "text/calendar" , }; use constant GRANT_DIRECT => 0; use constant GRANT_REGEXP => 2; use constant GROUP_MEMBERSHIP => 0; use constant GROUP_BLESS => 1; use constant GROUP_VISIBLE => 2; use constant MAILTO_USER => 0; use constant MAILTO_GROUP => 1; # The default list of columns for buglist.cgi use constant DEFAULT_COLUMN_LIST => ( "bug_severity", "priority", "op_sys","assigned_to", "bug_status", "resolution", "short_desc" ); # Used by query.cgi and buglist.cgi as the named-query name # for the default settings. use constant DEFAULT_QUERY_NAME => '(Default query)'; # The possible types for saved searches. use constant QUERY_LIST => 0; use constant LIST_OF_BUGS => 1; # The column length for displayed (and wrapped) bug comments. use constant COMMENT_COLS => 80; # The type of bug comments. use constant CMT_NORMAL => 0; use constant CMT_DUPE_OF => 1; use constant CMT_HAS_DUPE => 2; use constant CMT_POPULAR_VOTES => 3; use constant CMT_MOVED_TO => 4; # Determine whether a validation routine should return 0 or throw # an error when the validation fails. use constant THROW_ERROR => 1; use constant REL_ASSIGNEE => 0; use constant REL_QA => 1; use constant REL_REPORTER => 2; use constant REL_CC => 3; use constant REL_VOTER => 4; use constant REL_GLOBAL_WATCHER => 5; use constant RELATIONSHIPS => REL_ASSIGNEE, REL_QA, REL_REPORTER, REL_CC, REL_VOTER, REL_GLOBAL_WATCHER; # Used for global events like EVT_FLAG_REQUESTED use constant REL_ANY => 100; # There are two sorts of event - positive and negative. Positive events are # those for which the user says "I want mail if this happens." Negative events # are those for which the user says "I don't want mail if this happens." # # Exactly when each event fires is defined in wants_bug_mail() in User.pm; I'm # not commenting them here in case the comments and the code get out of sync. use constant EVT_OTHER => 0; use constant EVT_ADDED_REMOVED => 1; use constant EVT_COMMENT => 2; use constant EVT_ATTACHMENT => 3; use constant EVT_ATTACHMENT_DATA => 4; use constant EVT_PROJ_MANAGEMENT => 5; use constant EVT_OPENED_CLOSED => 6; use constant EVT_KEYWORD => 7; use constant EVT_CC => 8; use constant EVT_DEPEND_BLOCK => 9; use constant POS_EVENTS => EVT_OTHER, EVT_ADDED_REMOVED, EVT_COMMENT, EVT_ATTACHMENT, EVT_ATTACHMENT_DATA, EVT_PROJ_MANAGEMENT, EVT_OPENED_CLOSED, EVT_KEYWORD, EVT_CC, EVT_DEPEND_BLOCK; use constant EVT_UNCONFIRMED => 50; use constant EVT_CHANGED_BY_ME => 51; use constant NEG_EVENTS => EVT_UNCONFIRMED, EVT_CHANGED_BY_ME; # These are the "global" flags, which aren't tied to a particular relationship. # and so use REL_ANY. use constant EVT_FLAG_REQUESTED => 100; # Flag has been requested of me use constant EVT_REQUESTED_FLAG => 101; # I have requested a flag use constant GLOBAL_EVENTS => EVT_FLAG_REQUESTED, EVT_REQUESTED_FLAG; # Number of bugs to return in a buglist when performing # a fulltext search. use constant FULLTEXT_BUGLIST_LIMIT => 200; # Default administration group name. use constant ADMIN_GROUP_NAME => 'admin'; # Privileges which can be per-product. use constant PER_PRODUCT_PRIVILEGES => ('editcomponents', 'editbugs', 'canconfirm'); # Path to sendmail.exe (Windows only) use constant SENDMAIL_EXE => '/usr/lib/sendmail.exe'; # Paths to search for the sendmail binary (non-Windows) use constant SENDMAIL_PATH => '/usr/lib:/usr/sbin:/usr/ucblib'; # Field types. Match values in fielddefs.type column. These are purposely # not named after database column types, since Bugzilla fields comprise not # only storage but also logic. For example, we might add a "user" field type # whose values are stored in an integer column in the database but for which # we do more than we would do for a standard integer type (f.e. we might # display a user picker). use constant FIELD_TYPE_UNKNOWN => 0; use constant FIELD_TYPE_FREETEXT => 1; use constant FIELD_TYPE_SINGLE_SELECT => 2; use constant FIELD_TYPE_MULTI_SELECT => 3; use constant FIELD_TYPE_TEXTAREA => 4; use constant FIELD_TYPE_DATETIME => 5; # The maximum number of days a token will remain valid. use constant MAX_TOKEN_AGE => 3; # Protocols which are considered as safe. use constant SAFE_PROTOCOLS => ('afs', 'cid', 'ftp', 'gopher', 'http', 'https', 'irc', 'mid', 'news', 'nntp', 'prospero', 'telnet', 'view-source', 'wais'); # Usage modes. Default USAGE_MODE_BROWSER. Use with Bugzilla->usage_mode. use constant USAGE_MODE_BROWSER => 0; use constant USAGE_MODE_CMDLINE => 1; use constant USAGE_MODE_WEBSERVICE => 2; use constant USAGE_MODE_EMAIL => 3; # Error modes. Default set by Bugzilla->usage_mode (so ERROR_MODE_WEBPAGE # usually). Use with Bugzilla->error_mode. use constant ERROR_MODE_WEBPAGE => 0; use constant ERROR_MODE_DIE => 1; use constant ERROR_MODE_DIE_SOAP_FAULT => 2; # The various modes that checksetup.pl can run in. use constant INSTALLATION_MODE_INTERACTIVE => 0; use constant INSTALLATION_MODE_NON_INTERACTIVE => 1; # Data about what we require for different databases. use constant DB_MODULE => { 'mysql' => {db => 'Bugzilla::DB::Mysql', db_version => '4.1.2', dbd => { package => 'DBD-mysql', module => 'DBD::mysql', # Disallow development versions blacklist => ['_'], # For UTF-8 support version => '4.00', }, name => 'MySQL'}, 'pg' => {db => 'Bugzilla::DB::Pg', db_version => '8.00.0000', dbd => { package => 'DBD-Pg', module => 'DBD::Pg', version => '1.45', }, name => 'PostgreSQL'}, 'oracle'=> {db => 'Bugzilla::DB::Oracle', db_version => '10.01.0', dbd => { package => 'DBD-Oracle', module => 'DBD::Oracle', version => '1.19', }, name => 'Oracle'}, }; # The user who should be considered "root" when we're giving # instructions to Bugzilla administrators. use constant ROOT_USER => $^O =~ /MSWin32/i ? 'Administrator' : 'root'; # True if we're on Win32. use constant ON_WINDOWS => ($^O =~ /MSWin32/i); use constant MIN_SMALLINT => -32768; use constant MAX_SMALLINT => 32767; # The longest that a saved search name can be. use constant MAX_LEN_QUERY_NAME => 64; # The longest milestone name allowed. use constant MAX_MILESTONE_SIZE => 20; # The longest component name allowed. use constant MAX_COMPONENT_SIZE => 64; # Maximum length allowed for free text fields. use constant MAX_FREETEXT_LENGTH => 255; sub bz_locations { # We know that Bugzilla/Constants.pm must be in %INC at this point. # So the only question is, what's the name of the directory # above it? This is the most reliable way to get our current working # directory under both mod_cgi and mod_perl. We call dirname twice # to get the name of the directory above the "Bugzilla/" directory. # # Calling dirname twice like that won't work on VMS or AmigaOS # but I doubt anybody runs Bugzilla on those. # # On mod_cgi this will be a relative path. On mod_perl it will be an # absolute path. my $libpath = dirname(dirname($INC{'Bugzilla/Constants.pm'})); # We have to detaint $libpath, but we can't use Bugzilla::Util here. $libpath =~ /(.*)/; $libpath = $1; my ($project, $localconfig, $datadir); if ($ENV{'PROJECT'} && $ENV{'PROJECT'} =~ /^(\w+)$/) { $project = $1; $localconfig = "localconfig.$project"; $datadir = "data/$project"; } else { $localconfig = "localconfig"; $datadir = "data"; } # We have to return absolute paths for mod_perl. # That means that if you modify these paths, they must be absolute paths. return { 'libpath' => $libpath, 'ext_libpath' => "$libpath/lib", # If you put the libraries in a different location than the CGIs, # make sure this still points to the CGIs. 'cgi_path' => $libpath, 'templatedir' => "$libpath/template", 'project' => $project, 'localconfig' => "$libpath/$localconfig", 'datadir' => "$libpath/$datadir", 'attachdir' => "$libpath/$datadir/attachments", 'skinsdir' => "$libpath/skins", # $webdotdir must be in the web server's tree somewhere. Even if you use a # local dot, we output images to there. Also, if $webdotdir is # not relative to the bugzilla root directory, you'll need to # change showdependencygraph.cgi to set image_url to the correct # location. # The script should really generate these graphs directly... 'webdotdir' => "$libpath/$datadir/webdot", 'extensionsdir' => "$libpath/extensions", }; } 1;