# -*- Mode: perl; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- # # The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public # License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file # except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of # the License at http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/ # # Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS # IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or # implied. See the License for the specific language governing # rights and limitations under the License. # # The Original Code is the Bugzilla Bug Tracking System. # # The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Netscape Communications # Corporation. Portions created by Netscape are # Copyright (C) 1998 Netscape Communications Corporation. All # Rights Reserved. # # Contributor(s): Bradley Baetz <bbaetz@acm.org> package Bugzilla::Auth; use strict; use Bugzilla::Config; use Bugzilla::Constants; # 'inherit' from the main loginmethod BEGIN { my $loginmethod = Param("loginmethod"); if ($loginmethod =~ /^([A-Za-z0-9_\.\-]+)$/) { $loginmethod = $1; } else { die "Badly-named loginmethod '$loginmethod'"; } require "Bugzilla/Auth/" . $loginmethod . ".pm"; our @ISA; push (@ISA, "Bugzilla::Auth::" . $loginmethod); } # PRIVATE # Returns the network address for a given ip sub get_netaddr { my $ipaddr = shift; # Check for a valid IPv4 addr which we know how to parse if (!$ipaddr || $ipaddr !~ /^\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}$/) { return undef; } my $addr = unpack("N", pack("CCCC", split(/\./, $ipaddr))); my $maskbits = Param('loginnetmask'); $addr >>= (32-$maskbits); $addr <<= (32-$maskbits); return join(".", unpack("CCCC", pack("N", $addr))); } 1; __END__ =head1 NAME Bugzilla::Auth - Authentication handling for Bugzilla users =head1 DESCRIPTION Handles authentication for Bugzilla users. Authentication from Bugzilla involves two sets of modules. One set is used to obtain the data (from CGI, email, etc), and the other set uses this data to authenticate against the datasource (the Bugzilla DB, LDAP, cookies, etc). The handlers for the various types of authentication (DB/LDAP/cookies/etc) provide the actual code for each specific method of authentication. The source modules (currently, only L<Bugzilla::Auth::CGI|Bugzilla::Auth::CGI> then use those methods to do the authentication. I<Bugzilla::Auth> itself inherits from the default authentication handler, identified by the I<loginmethod> param. =head1 METHODS C<Bugzilla::Auth> contains several helper methods to be used by authentication or login modules. =over 4 =item C<Bugzilla::Auth::get_netaddr($ipaddr)> Given an ip address, this returns the associated network address, using C<Param('loginnetmask')> at the netmask. This can be used to obtain data in order to restrict weak authentication methods (such as cookies) to only some addresses. =back =head1 AUTHENTICATION Authentication modules check a users's credentials (username, password, etc) to verify who the user is. =head2 METHODS =over 4 =item C<authenticate($username, $pass)> This method is passed a username and a password, and returns a list containing up to four return values, depending on the results of the authentication. The first return value is one of the status codes defined in L<Bugzilla::Constants|Bugzilla::Constants> and described below. The rest of the return values are status code-specific and are explained in the status code descriptions. =over 4 =item C<AUTH_OK> Authentication succeeded. The second variable is the userid of the new user. =item C<AUTH_NODATA> Insufficient login data was provided by the user. This may happen in several cases, such as cookie authentication when the cookie is not present. =item C<AUTH_ERROR> An error occurred when trying to use the login mechanism. The second return value may contain the Bugzilla userid, but will probably be C<undef>, signifiying that the userid is unknown. The third value is a tag describing the error used by the authentication error templates to print a description to the user. The optional fourth argument is a hashref of values used as part of the tag's error descriptions. This error template must have a name/location of I<account/auth/C<lc(authentication-type)>-error.html.tmpl>. =item C<AUTH_LOGINFAILED> An incorrect username or password was given. Note that for security reasons, both cases return the same error code. However, in the case of a valid username, the second argument may be the userid. The authentication mechanism may not always be able to discover the userid if the password is not known, so whether or not this argument is present is implementation specific. For security reasons, the presence or lack of a userid value should not be communicated to the user. The third argument is an optional tag from the authentication server describing the error. The tag can be used by a template to inform the user about the error. Similar to C<AUTH_ERROR>, an optional hashref may be present as a fourth argument, to be used by the tag to give more detailed information. =item C<AUTH_DISABLED> The user successfully logged in, but their account has been disabled. The second argument in the returned array is the userid, and the third is some text explaining why the account was disabled. This text would typically come from the C<disabledtext> field in the C<profiles> table. Note that this argument is a string, not a tag. =back =item C<can_edit> This determines if the user's account details can be modified. If this method returns a C<true> value, then accounts can be created and modified through the Bugzilla user interface. Forgotten passwords can also be retrieved through the L<Token interface|Bugzilla::Token>. =back =head1 LOGINS A login module can be used to try to log in a Bugzilla user in a particular way. For example, L<Bugzilla::Auth::CGI|Bugzilla::Auth::CGI> logs in users from CGI scripts, first by trying database authentication against the Bugzilla C<profiles> table, and then by trying cookies as a fallback. A login module consists of a single method, C<login>, which takes a C<$type> argument, using constants found in C<Bugzilla::Constants>. =over 4 =item C<LOGIN_OPTIONAL> A login is never required to access this data. Attempting to login is still useful, because this allows the page to be personalised. Note that an incorrect login will still trigger an error, even though the lack of a login will be OK. =item C<LOGIN_NORMAL> A login may or may not be required, depending on the setting of the I<requirelogin> parameter. =item C<LOGIN_REQUIRED> A login is always required to access this data. =back The login module uses various authentication modules to try to authenticate a user, and returns the userid on success, or C<undef> on failure. When a login is required, but data is not present, it is the job of the login module to prompt the user for this data. =head1 SEE ALSO L<Bugzilla::Auth::CGI>, L<Bugzilla::Auth::Cookie>, L<Bugzilla::Auth::DB>