path: root/docs/en/xml/installation.xml
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Diffstat (limited to 'docs/en/xml/installation.xml')
1 files changed, 75 insertions, 51 deletions
diff --git a/docs/en/xml/installation.xml b/docs/en/xml/installation.xml
index 94ceb9d59..7d24a6291 100644
--- a/docs/en/xml/installation.xml
+++ b/docs/en/xml/installation.xml
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
<!-- <!DOCTYPE chapter PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.1.2//EN"> -->
-<!-- $Id: installation.xml,v 1.113 2008/04/04 06:47:43 jocuri%softhome.net Exp $ -->
+<!-- $Id: installation.xml,v 1.114 2008/04/04 06:47:44 jocuri%softhome.net Exp $ -->
<chapter id="installing-bugzilla">
<title>Installing Bugzilla</title>
@@ -1638,67 +1638,91 @@ C:\perl&gt; <command>ppm install &lt;module name&gt;</command>
<section id="os-macosx">
<title><productname>Mac OS X</productname></title>
- <para>Apple did not include the GD library with Mac OS X. Bugzilla
- needs this for bug graphs.</para>
+ <para>Making Bugzilla work on Mac OS X requires the following
+ adjustments.</para>
- <para>You can install it using a program called
- Fink, which is similar in nature to the CPAN installer, but installs
- common GNU utilities. Fink is available from
- <ulink url="http://sourceforge.net/projects/fink/"/>.</para>
+ <section id="macosx-sendmail">
+ <title>Sendmail</title>
- <para>Follow the instructions for setting up Fink. Once it's installed,
- you'll want to use it to install the <filename>gd2</filename> package.
- </para>
+ <para>In Mac OS X 10.3 and later,
+ <ulink url="http://www.postfix.org/">Postfix</ulink>
+ is used as the built-in email server. Postfix provides an executable
+ that mimics sendmail enough to fool Bugzilla, as long as Bugzilla can
+ find it.</para>
- <para>It will prompt you for a number of dependencies, type 'y' and hit
- enter to install all of the dependencies and then watch it work. You will
- then be able to use <glossterm linkend="gloss-cpan">CPAN</glossterm> to
- install the GD Perl module.
- </para>
+ <para>As of version 2.20, Bugzilla will be able to find the fake
+ sendmail executable without any assistance. However, you will have
+ to turn on the sendmailnow parameter before you do anything that would
+ result in email being sent. For more information, see the description
+ of the sendmailnow parameter in <xref linkend="parameters"/>.</para>
- <note>
- <para>To prevent creating conflicts with the software that Apple
- installs by default, Fink creates its own directory tree at
- <filename class="directory">/sw</filename> where it installs most of
- the software that it installs. This means your libraries and headers
- will be at <filename class="directory">/sw/lib</filename> and
- <filename class="directory">/sw/include</filename> instead of
- <filename class="directory">/usr/lib</filename> and
- <filename class="directory">/usr/include</filename>. When the
- Perl module config script asks where your <filename>libgd</filename>
- is, be sure to tell it
- <filename class="directory">/sw/lib</filename>.
+ </section>
+ <section id="macosx-libraries">
+ <title>Libraries &amp; Perl Modules on Mac OS X</title>
+ <para>Apple did not include the GD library with Mac OS X. Bugzilla
+ needs this for bug graphs.</para>
+ <para>You can install it using a program called
+ Fink, which is similar in nature to the CPAN installer, but installs
+ common GNU utilities. Fink is available from
+ <ulink url="http://sourceforge.net/projects/fink/"/>.</para>
+ <para>Follow the instructions for setting up Fink. Once it's installed,
+ you'll want to use it to install the <filename>gd2</filename> package.
- </note>
- <para>Also available via Fink is <filename>expat</filename>. After using
- fink to install the expat package you will be able to install
- XML::Parser using CPAN. There is one caveat. Unlike recent versions of
- the GD module, XML::Parser doesn't prompt for the location of the
- required libraries. When using CPAN, you will need to use the following
- command sequence:
- </para>
+ <para>It will prompt you for a number of dependencies, type 'y' and hit
+ enter to install all of the dependencies and then watch it work. You will
+ then be able to use <glossterm linkend="gloss-cpan">CPAN</glossterm> to
+ install the GD Perl module.
+ </para>
- <screen>
+ <note>
+ <para>To prevent creating conflicts with the software that Apple
+ installs by default, Fink creates its own directory tree at
+ <filename class="directory">/sw</filename> where it installs most of
+ the software that it installs. This means your libraries and headers
+ will be at <filename class="directory">/sw/lib</filename> and
+ <filename class="directory">/sw/include</filename> instead of
+ <filename class="directory">/usr/lib</filename> and
+ <filename class="directory">/usr/include</filename>. When the
+ Perl module config script asks where your <filename>libgd</filename>
+ is, be sure to tell it
+ <filename class="directory">/sw/lib</filename>.
+ </para>
+ </note>
+ <para>Also available via Fink is <filename>expat</filename>. After using
+ fink to install the expat package you will be able to install
+ XML::Parser using CPAN. There is one caveat. Unlike recent versions of
+ the GD module, XML::Parser doesn't prompt for the location of the
+ required libraries. When using CPAN, you will need to use the following
+ command sequence:
+ </para>
+ <screen>
# perl -MCPAN -e'look XML::Parser' <co id="macosx-look"/>
# perl Makefile.PL EXPATLIBPATH=/sw/lib EXPATINCPATH=/sw/include
# make; make test; make install <co id="macosx-make"/>
# exit <co id="macosx-exit"/>
- </screen>
- <calloutlist>
- <callout arearefs="macosx-look macosx-exit">
- <para>The look command will download the module and spawn a
- new shell with the extracted files as the current working directory.
- The exit command will return you to your original shell.
- </para>
- </callout>
- <callout arearefs="macosx-make">
- <para>You should watch the output from these make commands,
- especially <quote>make test</quote> as errors may prevent XML::Parser
- from functioning correctly with Bugzilla.
- </para>
- </callout>
- </calloutlist>
+ </screen>
+ <calloutlist>
+ <callout arearefs="macosx-look macosx-exit">
+ <para>The look command will download the module and spawn a
+ new shell with the extracted files as the current working directory.
+ The exit command will return you to your original shell.
+ </para>
+ </callout>
+ <callout arearefs="macosx-make">
+ <para>You should watch the output from these make commands,
+ especially <quote>make test</quote> as errors may prevent
+ XML::Parser from functioning correctly with Bugzilla.
+ </para>
+ </callout>
+ </calloutlist>
+ </section>
<section id="os-mandrake">