[Mageia-sysadm] Puppet Report for jonund.mageia.org

nicolas vigier boklm at mars-attacks.org
Mon Nov 8 11:05:09 CET 2010

On Mon, 08 Nov 2010, Olivier Blin wrote:

> Michael Scherer <misc at zarb.org> writes:
> > This one failed because the /home/buildbot/.iurt.cauldron.conf file
> > cannot be created, because /home/buildbot do not exist. 
> We should add the user in some ldap, and create the homedir
> automatically.
> How can we do that?

As this user is only used on build nodes, do we need to have it in ldap,
or a local user would be enough ? Maybe we can instead create this user
and homedir using puppet ?

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