[Mageia-i18n] Two more little files...

Catalin Florin RUSSEN cfrussen at yahoo.co.uk
Wed Jun 8 17:10:38 CEST 2011

Here's the Romanian translation:

'fr' => array(
'for-you' => 'Pentru voi',
'dl' => 'Descărcați', 
'next' => 'Și după?'
'notes' => 'Notele ediției'
Best regards,
Florin Catalin RUSSEN
Romanian Translation Team

>From: Oliver Burger <oliver.bgr at googlemail.com>
>To: List dedicated to internationalisation issues <mageia-i18n at mageia.org>
>Sent: Wednesday, 1 June 2011, 18:59
>Subject: [Mageia-i18n] Two more little files...
>Hi there!
>I have two more little files for you.
>I attach the first one to this mail. Most of the strings there are already translated, but a few have changed/are new.
>The other one is just a few words, I'll put into this mail.
>$_nt = array(
>'en' => array(
>'for-you' => 'For you',
>'dl' => 'Download',
>'next' => 'And next?',
>'notes' => 'Notes'
>'fr' => array(
>'for-you' => 'Pour vous',
>'dl' => 'Télécharger', 
>'next' => 'Et après&nbsp;?'
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