[Mageia-discuss] New install - black screen after reboot - Acer eMachine e525

Thomas Backlund tmb at mageia.org
Wed May 30 14:30:37 CEST 2012

30.05.2012 15:20, Renaud (Ron) Olgiati skrev:
> The solution:
> When installing Mageia (1 or 2) on an Acer eMachine e525, and you end up with
> a black screen:
> Reboot with the install DVD, and go for "Update Mageia n"
> When the install reaches the post-install config step:
> Go to Bootloader =>  Configure =>  Next
> You are now shown the various entries of the Grub menu and can modify them one
> by one; just do that, adding acpi_osi=Linux to all the Mageia lines.

File a bug agains kernel and attach the output of dmidecode, and we can 
make kernel switch to it automatically.

> If you know your machine has this problem, you can do all this as part of the
> original Mageia install process, saves time  ;-3)
> Be aware that for reasons unclear, the Fn keys for more or less backlight are
> inverted: Fn + ^ for less light, Fb + v for more.
> Cheers,
> Ron.


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