[Mageia-discuss] Building RPMs from commercial nVidia display driver

Len Lawrence tarazed25 at gmail.com
Thu Apr 19 00:10:12 CEST 2012

I know you are all very busy assembling and beta-testing Mageia 2, and 
many thanks to you all...

Mageia 1 is now running on my shiny new Alienware X51 using the VESA 
driver, not ideal for such a powerful beast and the 295.33 driver is 
recommended for the GTX 555 so I tried using the old Mandriva script to 
build the RPMs only to see it fall over:

[lcl at altair 295]$ sh nvidia-mdvbuild.sh NVIDIA-Linux-x86_64-295.33.run

Building a package of NVIDIA driver 295.33 for x86_64, this will take a 
few minutes... rpmbuild output follows:
error: parse error in expression
error: /tmp/nvidia-mdvbuild.V8lHwp/nvidia-current.spec:52: 
parseExpressionBoolean returns -1

Building package failed!

In the past, sudden failures of the script have been caused by changes 
in the format of the run file.  Does that look likely here?  


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