[Mageia-discuss] Board dissolution proposal

Marja van Waes marja11 at xs4all.nl
Tue Mar 13 07:14:40 CET 2012

On 12/03/12 22:49, Michael Scherer wrote:
> Hi,
> given the fact that we basically never use the board for anything
> ( there was no meeting in 1 year, almost no mail, ie, everything was
> done by council ), and given the fact that basically, we do not even
> respect our own procedure (ie what the use for me to keep track of who
> is member of the association if we vote on irc without checking quorum
> or anything ),

The busier people are, the more likely they are to forget things or 
overlook things that should not be forgotten, even if they have thought 
about them shortly before.

Sorry for my part in forgetting and overlooking things :(

Can't de voting(s) you are referring too be reverted and then redone the 
proper way?

>   I would suggest that we massively simplify the whole
> organisation by removing the board altogether.
> Ie, we just keep the council, and that's all.
> We did nothing of what we said we would, no one seems to bother enough
> or to understand the difference between board and council, or is
> motivated to keep them separate. So that's no use to keep it.

It is very, very, frustrating when things don't get done, especially 
when you work really, really hard.

> As a side note, whatever will result of this discussion and due to the
> meeting of council tonight, I would like to immediately resign from my
> position of secretary, my position on board and on council as packager
> representative.

You've done tremendous good jobs so far, I can't think of anyone who 
could replace you.

If for health reasons you must stop immediately, then of course stop and 
make sure you recover :)

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