[Mageia-discuss] Where did the security level option go in server installs
Richard Couture
rrc at LinuxCabal.org
Thu Oct 18 12:12:42 CEST 2012
As I stated in my original post,
> I double checked and it is there in a regular, non server install but
> not in the server install outlined above.
It did NOT scroll off the bottom of the screen.
I wouldn't know what to do with a graphical server install. The only
thing that I configure via graphics is MSEC because it has no curses
interface, and even there I prefer configuring it by hand with vi as I
configure everything else.
On 10/18/2012 04:29 AM, Juergen Harms wrote:
> On 10/17/2012 04:24 PM, Richard Couture wrote:
>> I noticed while installing in server mode in Mageia 2, having deselected
>> all options on the initial package selection screen and choosing
>> suggested packages on the server install package selection screen that;
> No reply so far - maybe that helps: I am not doing precisely like you,
> but something quite similar. I choose "Custom install" and then uncheck
> all checkbuttons, except KDE (having a desktop when I first boot makes
> things easier). I do no other manual package selection at install (I
> post-load packages with a script at my first boot - a similar script
> then also throws away the KDE stuff that automatically comes with the
> minimum install, but that I do not want - having a script that
> determines the packages to load allows to define precisely the packages
> I want to install in my server - or laptop, if it comes to that).
> With this procedure, I get the two security items at the end of the list
> in the "summary" screen, the "Security Level" item allowing to choose
> between security levels.
> So, security level selection has not gone away, but maybe is not offered
> under some specific conditions.
> Juergen
> PS (a wild guess): are the security items simply scrolled-off your
> summary screen? - the vertical scrollbars and their position are not
> strikingly visible in the various installation screens.
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