[Mageia-discuss] virtual terminal corrupt with multiple X sessions

blind Pete 0123peter at gmail.com
Tue Aug 21 10:20:54 CEST 2012

My system is a rather modified Mageia 1.  Vanilla kernel 3.5.2 (for 
my dvb tuner).  The latest nVidia driver, from nVidia, because I was 
afraid that the Mageia packaged versions would not like the vanilla 
kernel.  A new GT 610, which is way better than the five year old 
ATI that it replaced.  

Runlevels 1, 2, and 3 look good.  Ctl-Alt-Fn works fine.  Runlevel 5 
looks good, both X sessions look fine Ctl-Alt-F8 and Ctl-Alt-F9, 
except that the virtual terminals on Ctl-Alt-F1 etc. have the lower 
two thirds blanked out.  

Any ideas?  

blind Pete
Sig goes here...  

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