[Mageia-discuss] Testers needed for siproxd.

Marja van Waes marja11 at xs4all.nl
Thu Sep 22 07:14:56 CEST 2011

Thanks for the information.

What I wanted to know too, is: can you use a tester who only tried Ekiga 
about 5 yrs ago, but gave up the SIP-accounts we had back then, because 
we could barely understand one another: it wasn't any better than 
listening to a far away AM radiostation after dusk with a thunderstorm 
ruining the signal.

Well, I guess a tester without sip-experience is better than no tester 
at all.

I'll do my best, I've already seen I can register for a free sip account 
on sip2sip.info

I'm short on time today, I think it'll be tomorrow that I test siproxd

Op 22-09-11 02:49, David W. Hodgins schreef:
> On Wed, 21 Sep 2011 05:48:48 -0400, Marja van Waes <marja11 at xs4all.nl> 
> wrote:
>> Do you have a FAQ about testing, or a How-to?
> You have to install siproxd on a host that has direct
> internet access, and provides access to other hosts
> on a lan, via another network intface.
> First, update the Core Testing repository with
> urpmi.update "Core Updates Testing (distrib5)"
> Then install siproxd
> urpmi --media "Core Updates Testing (distrib5)" siproxd
> Edit /etc/siproxd.conf.  You should only have to set
> if_inbound and, if_outbound, and possibly host_outbound.
> Then you have to configure the firewall, and possibly router,
> to forward the needed ports.
> I found some info at
> http://www.linuxfromscratch.org/hints/downloads/files/siproxd.txt
> and
> http://wiki.openwrt.org/doku.php?id=oldwiki:sipwithtransparentproxyandnokiae61howto 
> Then, to actually test it, use ekiga or any voip application on a
> system on the lan, with the sip outbound proxy set to the address
> of the system running siproxd.
> I tried to test it using a virtualbox guest, but ran into problems
> with the firewall settings, and ip address mangling.
> Thanks, Dave Hodgins

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