[Mageia-discuss] Join the Blog Team (translate, post, moderate, ...)

Damien Lallement mageia at damsweb.net
Wed Sep 29 19:05:17 CEST 2010

Hello boys and girls,

As you know, we are working on the localization of the Mageia Blog.
I'm looking for volunteers to join the Blog Team (BT).

What is the role of the Blog Team?
- Manage blogs ;
- Manage comments (moderate, validate...) ;
- Publish content (in coordination with the BT, the Communication Team 
and the other related teams) ;
- Translate content from the EN blog ;
- Spread the birth of the localized blogs ;
- Inform the project and needed people about important comments or 
remarks in the threads of a blog ;

I will soon publish a wiki entry about the rules of the BT and the 
process to follow for each tasks asked.

For the moment, the blogs are: de/ es/ fr/ it/ pt_br/ ru/ (and "en" by 
If you want to see a new language or locale, just answer on this thread 
to ask/propose a new one. Beware, if you ask for a new one, you will be 
in charge of it!

To summarize, we need translators and moderators for each blog.
So, let's go to apply. :-)
Damien Lallement

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